Fast food playgrounds

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hello I'm just here to let you guys know that this video is sponsored by Bloc Party airhorns what is block party block party is a live drawing show starring Emily Emmie reach you Adam something else whitey James the odd ones out and me Ellie mation and it is emceed by Pat Graciosa who is the voice of life noggin there's a coyote Ian look at the coyote oh my god do you see it's on the alienation here coming to you live from a street in Burbank we found a corn on the cob and a ziplock bag we also found I've had it crossing the street like a person what I'm out here risking my life for block party so please show up it's happening November 5th and Los Angeles California at the teragrams barn please come all ages are welcome to come please come this drawing show depends on your live participation your drawing ideas your suggestions we even need you on stage at some point so please come I think the Coyotes gone great if this one goes well we might come to a city near you maybe someplace that doesn't have coyotes walking it up King Street am i right here yeah that'd be great so check the link in the description to get a ticket before they're all sold out or before I get eaten by a coyote whichever comes first not to flex but my mom works nights and my dad didn't cook much so we ate out a lot and you know what that means I had my fourth birthday party at McDonald's and I've been on a lot of fast food playgrounds the first one I ever went to was at Good Old MacDonald it was fairly small simple and outdoor I remember my brother and I would take turns role-playing that scene in the Lion King where scar kills Mufasa Elissa sister long live the king [Music] it got old pretty quick but a couple years later a new McDonald's was built not too far away and it had a bigger better newer outdoor playground so to make sure my dad would take us there we would specify we wanted to go to the new McDonald's as opposed to the old McDonald's this one was a ton of fun to play on but one hurdle we didn't really expect was the weather I remember going one night and the slide was still wet from when it rained earlier in the day my dad was really sympathetic though like oh man I don't want you guys to get mud on your clothes better stay inside and I remember thinking yeah I don't want to get mud on my clothes but why would he take us out tonight when he knew that it rained today so he knew the playground would be unplayed ground able hmm oh no bit of a small-town mystery anyway a little while after that a new restaurant opened up in the area and it was called chick-fil-a this was before we knew they donated to anti organizations so we don't go there anymore on Tuesday nights the chick-fil-a hosted kids night this enticed my dad because not only was the food now cheaper and a little bit healthier than McDonald's it also hosts some kind of arts and crafts thing too and lucky for my brother and I they also had a playground an indoor playground but unfortunately for me I was hitting an early growth spurt and for the one and only time in my life I was technically too tall for something the joke is I never grow any taller after that I still had fun most the time but I get nervous crawling through the overhangs and going down the slide and so this was the last fast-food playground that I played on what that's it's but how could you forget the holy grail of fast food and indoor childhood fun Charles entertainment cheese well that's because my parents took one look at that place and told me it's closed forever and since I was three and an idiot I said oh man that's a long time that is until my friend Jessica had her birthday party there and I finally had a taste of that sweet suspiciously shaped cheese pizza and then I think I peed in the ball pit mommy what are gonna chucky cheese no sweetie it's closed remember nuh-uh Jessica had her birthday party there in the end we still never went to Chuck E Cheese as a family because we couldn't afford buying all those tokens so maybe they did have the best indoor playground experience but I wouldn't know all I remember is peeing in the ball pit but if I'm being honest the top tier god-tier fast-food playgrounds will forever be Burger King's the one I always went to growing up was so big the playground literally took up half the restaurant you could see it from the highway and guess what it was indoor and guess what else you can eat in the playground you are encouraged there are tables this place was an absolute mousetrap for anyone with a child and I was that filthy rat in the ball pit I still remember the layout you entered by climbing up these big blue Dorito triangle things then you go through an entire maze of tubes and then there's a bunch of slides to race down and there's a secret slide to race down and it was all suspended above the tables hi dad do you know how many times I got my sorry butt stuck up there because some big kid told me that swingy section would break if I crossed it so many times Oh what was that Oh breaking news my mom just told me that I got stuck up there one time and my dad had to climb up and quote fetch me out of there so thank you Dad anyway thank you for watching my videos let me know what your favorite fast food playground was and as always stay safe he's like wasting valuable [Laughter]
Channel: illymation
Views: 4,941,163
Rating: 4.9281635 out of 5
Keywords: illymation, illymations, illyanimation, illystrations, block party, fast food playgrounds, animated storytime, animated videos, animation storytime, childhood stories, storytime animation, mcdonalds, burger king, chickfila, fast food
Id: kWZ638CguY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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