Farthest Frontier - FULL CROP FARMING GUIDE!

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today we're going to take a look at farming in farthest frontier if you'd like to see more videos on farthest frontier please do consider liking and subscribing it really is greatly appreciated also i did a beginner's guide recently on my channel as well as a few hours of streaming a playthrough of this game but let's get into today's video which is a crop farming guys before we get into these crop farms right here i want to talk to you about a type of farming you can do straight away once you get into a game and that revolves around these things right here these are blueberry bushes if we click on the blueberry bush and then click this button right here we can actually choose to move the bush to wherever we want it to be so moving these two into your town center means you can be very efficient in collecting blueberries in the early game which will give you a good early game food source before you start to build fields and we're going to come on to how you do that in just a second i recommend that you build one of these things right here this is a compost yard and you want to make sure that you have a market that is collecting a good monthly income shown up here before you build the compost yard so our market collects 14 gold right now and the compost yard costs us four gold every single month so that's why you want to make sure you've built the market first so that it's not losing your gold each month now the reason we want to build the complex yard is it takes a long time for all the compost to be collected and decomposed into fertilizer so the sooner we get that going the better and it'll also make your citizens a bit happier by improving their cleanliness this is because the compost yard takes the human waste out of the nearby houses and then collects it to be composted then while the compost is collecting you can start looking at building your fields before you build your fields you want to choose the best possible location and to scout this you can press f by doing that i've brought up this fertility overlay and it shows me where the best areas are in green so the greener a layer is the higher the fertility of the soil and the better the crops will grow if you want a detailed view on how fertile the soil is you can open up the build menu go to food production and then click on the farm button right here now when i hover my cursor over any particular area it gives me an exact percentage of the fertility in that area it can be worth bringing up the fertility overlay very early into your town development to make sure that you're not building any buildings on very fertile soil that will then have to be moved to accommodate your farms if i zoom into my farms here you'll see that i have a fence going around the outside of them this fence is important as it will protect wild animals like this guy right here from going in and ruining your crops to build a fence go into the build menu go down to walls and roads and you select the simple fence right here you also need to make sure to put in gates like this so that your workers can get in and out of the farm areas the gate is also in the build area under walls and roads and it is this one right here this will of course cost you a fair bit of wood so it's something that's going to be a bit of an ongoing project when you've recently started your town when we want to build a field we go into the food production area and select a crop field then you just left click and you drag and drop to build the area of the size that you want it to be there are certain minimum and maximum areas that you cannot go past the minimum area for a field is a 5x5 and the maximum area for a field is a 12 by 12. bear in mind if you're going to build fence you need to leave a one wide radius around the outside so for example if you're doing a 5x5 standalone field and you wanted to fence it off the fence would have to be in a 7x7 area or you can do what i've done here and build a big fenced area and then put your farms inside it to be more efficient with your fence building it's worth mentioning that the field can be expanded later on so if you want to start with just a small field to get it built quickly and support your small initial population you can expand it later as your town grows field expansions also work on the largest possible field i've got an example here to show you this is a 12 by 12 field the maximum size we can initially build however when i select it you'll see the outlined area here in yellow incidentally when i open up the crop field this gui comes right here and if you want to move that you can just drag and drop over here and this works for all guise in the game so it's something worth bearing in mind so once this was initially the biggest field it could be at a 12 by 12 we could then expand it and we got this extra little bit here and we could continue to expand that further if we wanted to now fields of course require workers and the minimum number of workers for a field is two with a maximum being seven however you'll see here because we expanded this field we've actually got eight potential workers shown up here that we could add to this field so as you make an expansion the number of workers you can allocate gets automatically expanded for you it is a choice how many workers you allocate you can use these up and down arrows to select how many workers you want of course more workers will produce better results than fewer workers but it is an opportunity cost at the other things these laborers could be doing so once your field is built you can go ahead and click on it to open up this gui right here this provides you with a few different statistics like the fertility the weed level and the rockiness of the field as well as the current soil mixture and we'll come on to how we can change that to best suit our crops in a moment and once you start planting you also get this estimated yield right here in order to add crops or work to be done on the field to improve its fertility or wheat level we just click this area right here now there's a lot to say on this and farming is a bit of a system you have to get used to the reason being is it's important that you do this task right here getting the field hoed and this task right here to get the field more fertile so i currently have these seven farms right here we've got three here three here and then one over here if i press f to open the fertility these six are built in a reasonably fertile area whereas number seven is built in a very unfertile area as a bit of a test to see how it compares so what i've done is i've taken a picture of this and got all the statistics and let's put that on screen now so you can see here each field is numbered and i've listed the fertility percentage weed percentage and rocks percentage as well as the number of workers field three purposely has one fuel worker to see how that's going to go and field six purposely has one extra worker to see how that will go if we come back into the game now what i'm going to do is on each field i'm going to click to add crops but i'm going to add this down here so this is a farm maintenance work i'm going to add two of these in the reason i'm adding two is that's the maximum amount we can do here before it goes to the off season when work cannot be done on the farms so every one of these farms is now going to have two workers added into it and what i'm going to do is progress through this year until all the farm work has been done and then make a new table of statistics to compare the sort of before and after of the improvements that are made just by doing this farm work that way you guys be able to see the difference the farm work makes on each field and the importance of doing it it'll also just be an interesting test to see how the fertile and unfertile fields compare and how the difference in numbers of workers compares so with all that set up i'm gonna hit play and put the speed up to three times and let's see how this goes if i click on one of these fields you'll see that the work has now been done and that's the case for all seven of the fields here so now if we look at the fertility the weeds and the rock rate after the work has been done we can see there are clear improvements to the weed and the rocks so farm work will not improve the fertility i'm going to talk about how we improve the fertility in a second but it does have a significant improvement on the rocks and the weeds which is still very important to the crop growth and the overall harvest as you can see in all cases weeds were down 55 and interestingly it didn't matter if we had only one worker or if we had three workers or two workers it was the same amount also there's been a massive reduction in all of the rock so you can see here the importance of doing the farm work and also roughly how much of improvement you can expect for when you do this farm work now back in our game here we're coming to the end of the season which you can see at the top of the screen here as you get to the late autumn and then you start approaching winter or if you click on one of the farms then you can see here that the timeline is approaching the winter now during the winter period no work will be done on the farms but what we can do is start planning ahead for the next couple of years ahead now if we click to add crops you've got all these different statistics of the different crops right here so as you can see on screen now what i've done is compiled into one image all of the different crops that you can plant in this game so you can go ahead and pause here and take a screenshot if you wish or revisit this when you need to but then you can see a clear comparison of all the different crops on one screen which i find is kind of useful now of course every crop will have its advantages and its disadvantages so it's important that you plan correctly for the stage of the game that you're at the time of the year that you're in and also the resources that you need early game one of the biggest things you're going to be wanting to do is to get as much food production out of these as you possibly can as such it's important to note that things like this wheat right here will not actually give you any food the wheat will have to be further processed and we're not able to do that early on in the game so it shouldn't be grown this is also true with flax as that's not something that's grown to be eaten it is grown to be used in the textile industry buckwheat also is not a food that can be eaten and neither are the clovers however the clovers are an excellent way of improving the fertility you can see there under the impacts fertility you get plus five out of a possible plus five improvement to fertility so this next part is going to be something that you're going to need to think about on your own a little bit but i am going to give you some tips as to how you can get the most for your specific town now depending on the number of fields you have and the population you might be able to set a couple of fields that you don't actually need to be growing crops at this stage if that is the case and you have some excess fields what i recommend you do is go to year two and plant in some of the clovers clovers have an excellent frost and heat tolerance so can be grown pretty much any time through the year as such what i recommend if you're doing a field like this is to put one at the very start of the year and one at the very end of the year the reason for this is it's a good idea to spread out your harvest so that your farm workers are not trying to harvest resources all at the same time across different farms on the game guide which i will link in the description it does say that if you spread out your harvest then farmers will help nearby farms and you won't have to rely on just the farmers in one area to do all the farming this will greatly increase your yield so of my six fields i'm going to select this field here to just improve the fertility and i'm going to do the same with this field here as well and we'll do a little before and after of the fertility of those two fields incidentally if you add a crop to a farm and then change your mind you can simply left click here and then click this button right here to remove it of course we do need to get ourselves some food going though so the best early game food to look to plan in my opinion are going to be peas and beans if we open up the crop menu i can explain why that is starting with the beans right here you'll see that they have an excellent heat tolerance so they can be harvested during the summer that makes them a good crop to put in first here because we can set the harvest to this midpoint right here this also will not interfere with the time of year that we're harvesting these clovers so again we've spread that out nicely the other excellent thing about beans is they will actually improve the soil fertility so by planting these we don't just get the beans but we're improving the fertility for future harvests beans also can be stored longer than other crops meaning that they will not spoil as easily in your storage and you'll have more food to last you throughout the year the next thing i like to plant are the peas and peas have an excellent frost tolerance this means that they can be planted a bit later in the year as we get towards these colder months and still be harvested without there being any issues again peas will also increase the fertility of the soil so we're getting ready for future harvest by planting these on top of giving ourselves a food source so with all this in place we can now speed through the next few years here and i'll put that on three times speed and at the end of that i'll come back and evaluate the results with you guys to see what impact all of this has had so you'll know the best things to do for your farming now before growing your crops i'm going to show you something you can do to increase the yield and this is something that i forgot to do before growing them in the tutorial if you click on a field and you click on a crop it'll show you down here the soil mixture for beans and then if we click here the soil mixture for peas now what you want to do is change this saw mixture so right now we're getting no bonus at all but if we add a bit of sand in here then we can get a 10 bonus you'll notice that adding more sand is not going to give us any extra 10 is the maximum that we can get as such you want to make sure you add the minimum amount of sand to get that 10 bonus without going over it and you want to make sure you click through and do this for all of your crops just a small and easy thing that you can do to improve the yield that you're going to get do bear in mind that like i say when we talk about numbers and things for my output of farms i did forget to do this before doing that but i wanted to mention it here so that you guys know to do it before you start to farm your crops one thing worth mentioning as we're talking about farming is crop disease when you get diseased crops this will obviously reduce the yield you get from them and once a crop is diseased this disease cannot be cured a disease crop in one farm can spread to crops of the same kind in other nearby farms as such it's a good idea to not plant two farms of the same thing right next to each other but rather to spread that out so for example if i wanted to harvest wheat in this farm right here and incidentally wheat is very prone to disease then i wouldn't build any wheat in any of these three farms that are nearby i'd come to one of these ones over here if i wanted a second wheat field so on screen right now you can see the table here of the before and after comparisons for the fertility along with the crops that we planted and how much farm work we had on the field during the season so if i take field number one as an example you can see here that it improved its facility by two from 63 to 65 and what we had planted were beans and also peas no farm work was done and as such the weed level and the rockiness of course increased on the farm so that's not a good thing but we did get a yield of food and we did slightly increase the fertility number two four and seven both had two lots of clovers if we click over here where it says add clover it's supposed to add five to the fertility however because we did it twice i was expecting we get an increase of ten fertility per each field from the chart though you can see that what we actually got was about a five percent increase for each of the fields and for field number seven only a four percent increase now as you can see here we are at the end of the farming season so i don't think the fertility is going to increase it's not just like it was taking a time to update it seems you can only add five fertility per season at the moment again this is early release and could be a bug but just mentioning how things are in the game right now now let's have a look at some overall harvest numbers so if i open up field number one you'll see that we harvested 320 beans and we harvested 288 ps so this was the field where we grew the beans and then we grew the peas and that's all we did now if we look at field number five we harvested 439 of the peas that being said if your goal is to get a lot of food which early game it probably is you're better off doing the beans and peas as overall you are going to get a lot more food in the long run you absolutely want to make sure you're keeping your fertility as high as possible and your weeds and rocks as low as possible to maximize the farms but initially it seems doing the beans and then the peas to get the most possible food is probably the way you're going to want to go we can also take a look here at field number six where we managed to harvest 564 of the beans for this we only did one lot of farm work first so this was actually a pretty good harvest and if we go back to field number one it's a comparable number to the total number of crops we got from field one without doing the work however this one will have the added benefit of being a slightly lower weed level and rockiness as you can see farming in farthest frontier is relatively complex and something you will have to play around with a bit to meet your individual needs for however your terrain is and however your town is developing now you'll also notice on this gui that the previous seasons that we've put here for work will repeat so when you find something that works quite well in terms of producing a lot of food but also increasing the fertility and keeping the weeds and rocks down you can just keep repeating the process so hopefully this has helped you out a little bit with your farming in farthest frontier and if it has and you'd like to see more videos like this please do consider liking and subscribing for more it truly is greatly appreciated but for now i just want to say thank you so much for watching and i look forward to seeing you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Kysen
Views: 78,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farthest frontier, farthest frontier farming, farthest frontier tutorial, farthest frontier tips, farthest frontier quick tips, farthest frontier help, farthest frontier food, farthest frontier farms, farthest frontier farm, farthest frontier crops, kysen, farthest frontier guide, farming guide, farthest frontier beginner guide, farthest frontier game, farthest frontier tricks, new city builder, tips and tricks, farm guide, farming, crops
Id: zdaM-Wc9Z5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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