FARTHEST FRONTIER! New Punishing Survival City Builder! - Ep.1

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hello everyone darren here and welcome to the spotlight series for farthest frontier a brand new city builder releasing into early access on august 9th or this frontier is a banished like city builder meaning you're not only working to grow your population but also protect them as the seasons go by you'll have to manage resources for harsh winters droughts during summer you're going to contend with disease famine blight on your crops and raids from bandits or larger groups i've played about 10 hours so far so i'm got a pretty firm grasp of the early game i will be explaining mechanics as i go so this is going to be a beginner friendly series and i'll be playing on the normal difficulty now i've called this a spotlight series as it's just going to be a few episodes long every day but if it's something that you want to see more of just leave a comment drop a like maybe share it with a friend and if the videos do well i'll be able to continue them all right without any further delay let's begin so just before we actually get started i thought it was worth showing off the different difficulties that the game has on offer if you don't want to deal with any of the survival mechanics you can actually play pacifist mode and just deal with the building maybe learn the game that way if you feel like a little it's a little daunting to get to grips with and then maybe if you want to later on toggle that off and give yourself a challenge but of course there is hostile forces healthcare adversity starting wildlife starting resources that kind of thing we're just going straight down the middle with trailblazer because the advanced settings is why we can kind of fine-tune it a little bit more alright let's begin alright ladies and gentlemen here we are the founding of swords we finished scouting the surrounding area surveyed the land your villagers have explored and choose a promising site to construct your town center it's important to choose a location that's near the resources you'll need to build a successful settlement things like clay iron ore and potential food sources alrighty so here at the beginning of the game time is sort of at a standstill so to speak you're given time to kind of have a look around the initial area and actually it unlocks a lot of the fog of war for you much more so than you'd otherwise have after you place down your town center which is the building that's in my little hand right here so we've got 12 villages sort of milling about we have different map overlays that we can actually check which is going to really influence where we want to set this place up i'm actually just after seeing we have a lake right here with good fertility and a couple of fish which is actually really good there's also willow you would not believe how long it took me to find that when i was first streaming it must have been six or seven hours and there was just none so that's amazing to see it straight away what else do we have got another patch of super dense fertility over here and clay and more willow i got so unlucky the first time it was unbelievable we've got green vegetables around here berry bushes and the like there's actually some wolves and stuff though so there's three clay deposits here looking good now there's other overlays as well we have desirability which is where people can live this one's not so important this one very important and this one for water also very important so we have a sort of a swamp here which i've never seen before so that's gonna have good water for wells to be built and things like that there's some more off in the distance almost looks like old farmland there as well more willow as well i can't believe it um so what about around by here what's a cross whoa we've got a mountain actually oh it's huge oh nice there's iron right in front of me a big thick vein of iron going through the mountain and more here as well oh my oh and two wolf dens though good to be able to spot that all right i've got a lot of info from this so basically well we've kind of got a confluence of things right we have a lake another lake we've got good fertility more good fertility and then the the mines and stuff below us so i reckon setting up somewhere here in the woods would be perfect we can get cracking on knocking down all this wood and getting our wood production up and running early so let's just start right here let's go now the reason i wanted to start in a forest is basically because they just immediately are hacking away at the wood and once they get everything they can they'll actually then start building so they're clearing the site for the town center first we've got a housing shortage and firewood is low it's worth mentioning that the ui is scaled up 150 just to hopefully make it for easier viewing and i'll talk through the ui in just a sec so let's just quickly tell them to harvest a little bit more than what they've currently got in range so everything highlighted in white is what they're currently planning on cutting down so i'm just going to turn off bushes and berries and say we want to also cut down stuff over there and then we also want to cut down stuff over here in fact the one on the right is probably a bit more of a priority now the reason i'm choosing that is because if you remember this is where all the fertile stuff is so i'll probably have a lot of houses out this way and maybe the industry can be a bit further down towards the lake over there there was more fertility further out maybe more houses could be over there we could have a kind of a split throughout the town so let's have a look at our people now that they have their jobs so we have deming his occupation as the laborers chopping trees he's 25 he's loving life he's got clothes shoes clothes hide coats which actually protect against slightly anyway getting rabies bear attacks wolf attacks that kind of thing it's like a little bit of protection he's got tools and he's carrying a bunch of food on him right now and of course we also have our storage cart and at the beginning of the game this is the only storage we have everything we have our people is stored up in here our food our vegetables our weapons and now our raw materials now when we get the town center built it's going to then unlock various other things that we can start to build the first of which we want to get down is a stockyard which is going to allow us to have well first of all it's going to unlock basically all the other loads of other buildings to use but it's also going to allow us to store up our own raw materials outside of the cart and then we can move the cart somewhere else so what else let's check let's go through the ui and get everyone up on the same page while we're hacking away at the trees down here so the top left we have villagers are sick and villagers are bedridden so it's sort of like our health category then we've got our population that's going to be broken down by elderly adult um adolescent child and infant so right now we've just got adults and adolescents so we're totally fine nine people are fit to work eight percent of them are educated and then in our villager happiness screen there's actually more than just happiness in here we have the work rate the immigration rate people coming to your town as adults the birth rate obviously children growing up and stuff like that combat effectiveness and then a bunch of other things like how happy are they everyone's very unhappy right now we've then got our food stores super important metric that we'll be keeping a close eye on all the time by the way we've just started actually building the town center now this is really important because it's done by month so we have nine months of food which basically is going to carry us to almost winter so we'll have to start getting some food soon we're against the clock the timeline is moving and everything is broken down by month so this is our full year year one moderate temperature light breeze our town center is built there she is we're cracking away at the trees all around it as well so i saw we've also got a shoulder fish down here so maybe let's get started with that as a food source just here in the beginning so resources a basic well and a firewood splitter and then we want to go food yeah hunting foraging and then fishing all right so fishing we'll put the fishery just somewhere out here we can move its um radius so we can choose where it goes a bit later or like where it actually gets its fish from so it's going to be 10 on that i'm going to make that actually just pause the construction of that one the next thing we want to get down is that stock warehouse thing because that's going to open up so many more buildings first so we'll start building that roughly about here just rotate it around a little bit and then we're going to need a firewood splitter asap if you hit winter without firewood basically everybody dies so that's going to be our next thing so inside resources let's go to a firewood splitter now the firewood splitter is actually going to cause a little bit of desirability debuff so i'm going to try and put all my industry on this side of the town and people will be like oh i don't want to live next to the firewood splitter because apparently it's awful but they will want to live over here where we'll put nice things for them like a school a pub all those kind of things there's actually deer over here and all this good stuff so they'll love life over there so yeah let's just pop it down right along here should we make it look kind of nice ah we just slam it in right next to it i think it'd be fine all right so they have their jobs on what to do so just carrying on with the theme of looking at the ui we have then our regular resources right oh sorry i meant to say food is really important but it spoils very very easily in this game compared to other games anyways even similar games to do with survival and stuff and you can mitigate that spoilage by building underground cellars by getting barrels and a few other things that can like smoking the meat and smoking whatever and that way you can extend the shelf life but not really that much you'll never really at least i've never seen storing up beyond a year and a half worth of food it just seems to spoil anything longer than that and look we just saw now we've got nine food in public storage three months of food are going to be lost due to just it being spoiled just out and about because its temperature is too high so we'll have to get working on building that underground thing but we need stone for that so we're just focusing all up on wood first getting our shelter up and running getting the firewood up and running and that way hopefully everyone will be safe so let's put down our houses so housing we've got a shelter a quickly constructed home that provides basic shelter from the elements but will only protect events against the coldest temperatures once supplied with firewood so i'm just going to put them right across here we can move these houses later for actually a pretty low cost so one two and then just this one can go sideways i know the trees are blocking a lot of the visibility right now but it's imperative that we cut them down and get them out of the way so this is the stockyard this is our storage cart we can actually move this and i'll probably do that soon we might move it down in a moment to the fish actually yeah let's just do that now we'll move it down to the fish so when they start building down here they'll just pull from that really quickly that should make life a little easier otherwise they're just going to get things from here now when the fishing is it's super slow by the way when the fishing thing is built they're going to um what's it called set up their actual professions for fishing so someone isn't going to be oh yeah i didn't even talk about that we've got professions so basically this is a job-based city builder much like a game like banister many of the games maybe frost punks something like that although it's a lot more granular than say frostblank for instance we have you assign people who's what their job is going to be we've got 11 people on labor and we've got one person on building it's actually just shifted right now so now we've just built the firewood splitter so there it is it's down we've got someone working away already who is it it's sartorius what a beastly name 35 years young prime of his life as well and he's gonna be um oh we got an impending heat wave well that's good right except not for the food anyway he's going to be splitting wood and then we're going to get people to move it around and deliver to the houses so long story short inside professions laborer is your standard job if you don't assign anyone a job they're a laborer and most of the laborers time is spent moving things around you can also assign builders but they'll only become builders if there's something to build if there's nothing to build they revert to being laborers that's why there's a zero now because there's nothing being built at the moment there hey there's a predator what do we have we've got a wolf everyone's ganging up on him though it's no problem he's down who is it that took the damage by the way it's heldron an awesome name as well all right so right now they're clearing the area before they can build their houses um but i want them to do that i knew it would take a while it's a little risky but it allows us to kind of hit two birds of one stone get a bunch of logs don't have to move them very far just build right where you are i'm so happy about that trees do grow back by the way obviously not on the sites that you've already built but the surrounding area should grow back if we don't completely um destroy it and build over it so he's working away so the the rate is pretty straightforward one log becomes 15 firewood which is pretty good and then when we build our houses we can see how much firewood is stored up in each house and if they're going to be okay so when we actually start creating new buildings then the options for different jobs will open up so a fisherman is in the food category we can't just assign these now you have to build a building first and then someone's going to be assigned it and they'll be assigned based on what they need for the role so sometimes they need to be educated sometimes it's better if they have tools that kind of thing uh i think starting off we kind of have tools and stuff like that so let's just start speeding up time now let everyone get cracking on all this stuff they're leaving the logs there which is good i actually don't want them carrying it back over to the storage anyway because it's they're just going to be building houses here so once they've just chopped all of this away they should just pile it all up right here and we've got firewood now which will just get automatically delivered over so while they're doing that let's lay out our next few buildings we know that we're going to want a road that comes down and maybe out towards the uh fishing so it's nice the roads in the game have this sort of natural curvature to them which can be a bit of a double-edged sword sometimes it can be really nice other times it's really frustrating because you actually can't build two things next two roads right on top of each other you have to um space them out and that's because of the the fact that they can curve using splines so someone's out there building that right now there's actually deer out here as well there's loads of food around us that's other things we need to get building so we need food production we need a hunter cabin that's going to create a huntsman we need a forager shack so a gatherer and then we'll have our fishing track for the fisherman possible woman fishing person thank you and then crop field obviously for growing different crops this game has a fairly in-depth farming system compared to most games like this all right our houses are being set up looking good our little shacks are shelters so we've got three houses and we can see what's inside them so a quickly constructed home that provides basic shelter et cetera center so then in order to upgrade this and make it into a homestead we need a town center to be built uh to level two we then need a well nearby and location desirability bonus needs to be thirty percent so that's what desert desirability can be quite important we need two types of food and herbs to be delivered to these places too so we built near the water the groundwater that is because it's quite important so inside of is it just resources yes inside of resources we have the basic well and it actually adds desirability nearby houses that it's built on so if we hover over it we're at 89 percent there we've got about 80 percent there 83 84 84 is pretty good [Music] is there any more in the in here tree cover actually helps it i reckon just keep it right around here it's pretty close to the houses although do they get the effect you can actually see they do get the effect because they get the highlight so even all the way over here it counts as being close to that well so you want to focus on making sure it's good so 85 i reckon there's pretty good the houses are in cover let's go so it's going to require five stone stones pretty easy to come by there's some right here so we'll just harvest that manually hopefully someone just goes out and grabs that immediately the last bit of trees are being cut down here uh in fact we get oh more people wish to join your settlement uh amass a four month supply of food and six houses so we just need four and then six houses to be built and then we can get more people coming in through immigration so i held shift and dragged over that just to say we don't want to harvest that anymore we'll leave that the way it is and then we'll go with berries i want people to harvest those berries if that's if that's possible there we go and you can actually depending on the type of berry move them closer to the gatherer hud i think regular berry bushes do that like this blueberry bushes hawthorne and stuff doesn't move and it can only be harvested at a certain time of year which is why most of these icons are gray it's like oh it has to wait until the right time of year so right now willow which i struggled so badly to get could be harvested right now and that's because it's it also depends on the temperature i believe too if it kind of kind of um grew properly so yeah they're starting to lack water they want to clean the water source that's why we're going to build that well over there it's already gotten this wood it just needs five stone and we've told these people to pick this up so yeah that should get delivered in no time so we can tell them to continue building the fishing now construction enabled and we have our cart down here so they should just someone should just walk down here take some of the wood out of here and just dump it right in there you require additional housing to support a larger population that's fine we'll be fine so we've got lots of firewood we can take this guy off the job now sartorius he did a great job chopped a lot of logs they'll tell tales about how much of a strong man he was and how he did all that for our early community uh let's just build this sideways going across another road heading out that way and then we'll probably build this all the way out here because we did see that it was all fertile there's lots of berries and greens and stuff out this way so we'll have that road go all the way out there so at least we should survive this winter we've got enough food to survive the winter and we have the firewood and we have the shelter so i think we're fine if you didn't get that firewood they will just go home really cold and wait it out and die and believe me i've seen it i've lived it uh we have our fishery up now so who's doing it it's deming deming's our fisher fisherman and he's got a hot coat so yeah should be a really good amount of fish around here we can move this radius just to make sure that hey the shoal of fish is gone by the way damn i didn't know they go away but either way we could just go here 230 percent that seems really high oh it seems like it is there but it we don't actually see it for some reason because it's definitely giving me the 100 productivity bonus so yeah we'll just leave it there anyway doing its thing i'm sure it'll reappear maybe at a different time of year and there he is look at him oh there it is it just appeared what a beast he's carrying 24 fish what a beast all right cool now one of the cool things in this game is when you click buildings after a year has passed it'll actually tell us how much items are produced in the last year and then other things like really interesting actually i have the ui by the way scaled so i have to collapse these categories but we can see the state breakdown so how often was this building working 66 of the time it's been working how much time is spent transferring goods uh how much time was it just idle were people not here you know and the basic needs that were delivered here for the people who are working and explain that a little bit later it's a bit more advanced but you can build houses that store food for far away places where people work so they don't keep going home to get their food so yeah so that building is working pretty well it'll probably get better it hasn't been a full year yet so we'll see what it kind of does year over year all right looking good that next road is done boom so what we want now is let's just let time play a little bit what we want now is going to be all that food production we want to get a hunter cabin start hunting some of that deer that's lying around don't need to go much further than that i don't think and then we'll get a gatherer's hut to forge your shack opposite it then we can have a food storage building out here if they wanted build those two things we're flying ahead things are good swords is thriving although it is almost winter but i'm sure it'd be fine houses looking lovely now i think did i leave a gap between those actually didn't well i'll probably move these a bit later once we start um cutting down even more trees we're going to need so much wood so we'll just always have little harvest things here and we need more stone and things like that too so just tell them to cut down all of this stuff and over time they'll kind of get that and obviously this as well all right great food is that four months so one two three so until early spring but obviously we're going to be getting fish and things like that in between so it does show that the lake freezes over um but i don't think it actually um prevents you getting fish it might reduce the amount of fish so this is going to create two more jobs and then what we can do is start expanding those houses out and hopefully attract more people people are happy though now they're ecstatic in fact everyone's super super happy despite food being low but no one's out of food oh by the way that's like your food in the food stores that doesn't count what's in their houses so they're storing up food themselves this says like 28 out of 32. that's fine this obviously is based on months how much months of food do we have for all the people this is just per household so it's a bit different and then they're storing up their waste which we'll have to get rid of later as well all right good looking good um so yeah so these houses being here actually pretty much fine but we want to build a bit of a gap between them now going forward and that way we can lay out little gardens and add some desirability things in here so we'll put one there maybe put another one just up here i'll let them get to work okay good no problem so far the greens are not ready to be harvested anymore it's winter so food is going to be a little bit struggled but then once we hit that spring we'll get out there and we'll start harvesting all this good stuff so basically with the forager shack when we retarget it if you look down in the center here we can see what's available to be gathered i don't think it shows you what's available to you gathered per season it just means overall so i don't think there's anything available for for us right now we've built it a bit late but we'll just select it somewhere out here so that they'll get you know some of these greens and vegetables and stuff later uh we can turn this off then because you're not gonna be working it anyway so just say you're okay but hunting there is stuff around us um so what they're gonna get is carcasses and boar carcasses and stuff and that's gonna make tallow and skins and meat and stuff for us to use so let's just redirect it to somewhere where we can actually see stuff so there's actually they can put down traps as well there's deer there's lots of deer apparently out here just over that icon so we'll just tell him to go all the way out there i know it's but it's on the road so it shouldn't be too bad and he has a bow and arrow so you should do it so it's sartorius there he is again man if chopping wood wasn't enough for him now he's out of here hunting deer seeking a weapon so he's getting it out of the um storage cart that we have and then he's going to go back to the shack and start looking for some deer and stuff which is kind of annoying actually because then he has to come back here anyway oh actually there's deer right there so let's just shorten that distance and say look just go there doesn't seem like it's as much but they are highlighted i'm sure it'll be fine get to work and meanwhile everyone else is gathering up stuff for storage so speaking of storage there's other storage buildings we can build this one is only going to store kind of construction material we want to now store regular items and such and and stuff like that put another one out there and that's going to be our storehouse a large storage structure used to store all items so having two of those across the town is pretty good um the more stone we get we can build that root cellar and keep our food from spoiling for a little bit longer at least it's not gonna be that good but it'll help a little bit requires 20 stone though so we need a lot more stone we can actually see our hunter out there hunting as well so there's tons of stone up here actually a big cluster 84. tell someone to go harvest it i'm sure we'll get something from it and maybe to speed them along we could send up the cart up that way the cart will just load up it's very manual doing that but it does help early game at least eventually you can get carts that will automate and go around the town themselves to get things when they need to and kind of work on logistics and bring stuff to people when they need it so everyone has big coats by the way so they're totally fine um going out at winter that's not a problem it's not like frost point where they literally cannot go outside it's more just like as long as they got firewood they go home they seek shelter when they're cold so yeah he had the cold trait there for a second he seeks shelter comes home gets warm and then he'll go back out so he's totally fine we've got a month of food and a month of food is gonna spoil so we really need to get cracking in uh spring for both fish and of course getting that deer and then also foraging so let's just put something back on this now air walt and then we'll get that root cellar so our food doesn't spoil as easy and then obviously a smokehouse as well let's smoke some of that meat all right we survived our first winter pretty good i'm speeding through just because i want to get to more and more interesting and more you know buildings and more mechanics and things like that so hopefully people don't mind um okay so our storehouse is up and running what else do we need now let's just check so housing is done amenities and services a graveyard we'll never need that you hear me never a saw pit so we can start refining the logs into planks that'll be good we've got that lit um lake well set up already a tannery to produce new coats and stuff yeah so let's get the saw pit again keep it around this direction this is where our storage of wood and stuff is so yeah i don't know let's just slam it in next to the fire hood or whatever it's called the um firewood splitter we'll put a road down just connecting up to that totally fine there now we'll just filter this road up maybe a bit more nicely this way i don't know if we can rotate it the way i want though i want to kind of curve around like that it looks like the gap might be too long yeah oh well just do this does that work that's good enough trying to make it look somewhat organic i could keep it as a completely strict grid but you know it might look a little bit better if we have little turns in the road every now and then like this one kind of looks good although it's not done yet and uh is this being loaded up with stone it is hey we've got enough stone now so let's build that food storage so food production actually it's in storage there we go the root cellar so we'll just throw that right across maybe somewhere central to the town right across from the town centre near enough to the other storage things that we have they store food in here oh yeah we're not working on firewood right now but that's okay so to get this we'll bring this down this way so we don't have to go too far to deliver the stones although there's already some here and they'll stop harvesting the stone over there a building is on fire are you kidding me straight away so what's going to happen here is people will run over to the well i think it was just an unlucky um lightning strike but yeah everyone you just see all these little people are just running out to the well they're gonna gather the water and run back over so if we click one of them putting out the fire signed it's an absolute massive priority we just don't want it spreading now i did build it with a bit of a gap so it might not spread too badly we'll see it's already down to half they just basically run into it and then just like throw their buckets around and then it should go away it should go away there we go okay good it didn't spread at least so what's your problem building is no food we'll get food don't worry so um the gathering hut we're gathering the vegetables so yeah we've way more people gathering food and meat and stuff so i'm not too worried about it let's just close this down we don't need to see that items produced in the last year so we did get 100 meat that's good so i think we'll have enough for we've only got 12 people they'll be fine and they built those other houses now so we've got room for people to move in so once we get to we've got six houses once we actually get our uh what's it called food storage for four months then people will move in so let's just extend this up as well and then we can build gardens and stuff in between these houses now i'm not sure what the deal is with uh repairing a house i think it just repairs itself over time or maybe a builder will come and like add materials or something to it i've actually i've had fires before but i've never seen like how they literally repair it i assume it's just based on free builders got four people building right now five people are laborers another predator has been sighted oh absolutely nailed by sartorius didn't even get to see it do anything there we go we got three months of food although it does say three months are going to spoil which is a bit of an alarming thing for wood left to be put down to get this built our root cellar that should buy us a couple of months on the storage of food at least all right let's just speed up a bit more yeah a lot of deer out here i don't know why they're all highlighted for me but i'm not complaining i guess because i had clicked it all right good so to upgrade our town center to tier two um basically we're gonna have to get to the point where we've got 30 people and 40 wood planks and 25 stone and eight houses built now we are also building our saw pit builds build site so they're gonna start converting these logs into not only now firewood but also into planks and then we can build more complicated and interesting buildings with that and then all the time we should just be harvesting all of these trees and stuff around us as it all needs to go and build our first little estates but yeah now that it's springtime i'm not too worried we're already up to seven i do worry the fact that it says months of food lost to spoilage over the next 12 months so it's over the next year okay that's not too bad but they'll be consuming some of it we've got seven months of food so they're not gonna lose seven months this year it should just stay even two new villagers emigrated nice all right we're getting people in excellent so we're up to 14. all right boom we've done it i've survived the early game the super super early game all right let's just quickly i'll just slow time back down a bit and look through the menus of what else we could get building we can build our market now the market adds desirability so yeah i kind of want to move some of these houses then and just get working here a bit more so just speed time up i needed to space them out a bit more but i was in a bit of a hurry for getting rid of trees so we can go relocate building location and just pop it a little bit further with a little bit of a gap between them this one as well this might actually heal the building when we tell them to move it thinking about it and just space these out the reason i'm spacing it out is for desirability and then we can get the market and stuff and also just to build not entirely grid like all the time because it can look a bit nicer that way so is this all harvesting stuff it is okay well that's pretty much it you know we've done everything we can um it's now just a matter of everyone working their jobs efficiently getting their stuff delivered back home getting vegetables and stuff the root cellar is now built so inside of here we could actually tell them not to store things in the storehouse in terms of food i don't think they would anyway uh where is it over there right yeah so there's fish in here so for instance i could toggle that off now something i don't know if it's just because the early access or if i'm not understanding it right you toggle that off and no one gets a job to remove it they just don't store anymore so food in future like fish and such should go into here there's already 30 in there and then what we could also do is build a smokehouse so let's see if we can get that going now so food production forager shack fishing shack crop field and a smokehouse now this hurts desirability so we'll stick it again somewhere around here right next to the root cellar that'll be an important one to make our food last even longer and then these houses have already uh moved a bit with the gap between them so we want to get a market down now a market is going to give us gold but also increased desirability and it requires 30 planks in order to build so we've already been getting our sawmill up and running and who do we have working in there two people held ron and tomen working in there right now there's lots of wood just lying around the place predator sided let's just check where it is oh it's down by the fishing run yes yeah coward it's okay as we get to the town other people will deal with it i guess two or three people together should be able to take it what we need to find is our hunter where is he so click um he's butchering meat i'm gonna tell him to come out and deal with this wolf oh my god other people are fighting it right now you're nearly dead geez who do you think you are you can't be dealing with things like this who is that oh my god you're on one percent health survive survive i'm there oh there's you're running towards the deer that's just a target for the oh my god don't do that no i'm so sorry that's because i did tell her to run there sorry she stopped to turn around 26 years young a mayor our first death not worth it at all oh well um we'll have to build a cemetery and get that sorted so yeah where do you want to put a cemetery maybe um damn i'm really annoyed about that i've fought bears with people before it's been fine i just i just didn't think i i don't know what i was thinking should have just kept running told her to keep running it would have been fine she ran towards the deer like a fool all right we're down to 13. hey we're still one up from where we began um so we need to find a place to put the cemetery then and we can actually decided size i guess there's no big deal having it out here let's just do a small one don't know if you can move them later i hope you can what a tragedy year two not a very graceful way to go either jeez okay uh right anyways um we must move on let's put down the market let's put down a market either side of this area here 30 planks which you've got now just about and then it needs more stone so i guess we'll tell them to harvest this again all right the speed of time nice he's absolutely nailing those deer we got lucky with a lot of deer around us and we just hear all of this wood being chopped down people working away so the salt mill compared to the firewood it's totally different right it's not one to fifteen it's one to two bring out you're dead dead villagers left out to rot will attract vermin and disease designate an area to be used as a graveyard to bury the dead and keep villages happy and healthy there we go we're working on it right now folk i like to think he's building this to bury his wife although there's another person with him is there no there isn't others janja he's 20 she's 24 is her best friend is she gonna get picked up and dragged out there yeah and there we go our first little uh gravesite and that's let that be the only one hey let's have that be the only one all right we've got a load of wood actually which is really good tons of resources at least so feeling good about that i'm just feeling a bit bad that i let the wolf in but hey we'll build a perimeter around this place eventually her death won't be in vain all right we'll speed up i don't know if there's really any other buildings we need we just need now to attract more people to do that we need more desirability here we need the things like the market and then more and more people want to live in these little areas uh let's just check this is the water and that's the fertility so we're totally fine to keep building here for a while not in the way of anything and we told them to clear all of this so it's just gonna be a matter of waiting for them to get that done we got three people building right now probably finishing off the roads i would imagine and also that market this road still is um hasn't been finished yet she's just dropping or he's just dropping the fish right there i don't know what the deal is with that firewood is low you kidding me let's get more people on the firewood again janja's in there splitting logs our well is full up as well which is good and it just needs six more planks so where is actually our um there it is our cart we'll move that up to this area let's just put a an order in to gather tons of stone up here because there's so much of it and we'll just tell the um cart to kind of move up here maybe between these two areas and it should load up with a bunch of stuff that we can use and then the goal is going to be the track so our birth rate is super high our so immigration rate 100 birth rate 96 so we're d and everyone's super happy nobody cares that amar died really nobody cares okay so just get over it it's done what's done is done so now we're just really relying on more people to come in and move in and build a bunch more houses so that we've got lots of room to hold lots of people and then get our first farms up and running we're probably gonna build out there then we can get clay and work on moving to tier two ah this is quite important to mention so the market we didn't read about it a new sorry a building where household goods are stocked by a grocer and distributed to houses saving time for working villagers markets also generate tax revenue and increase the desirability of the surrounding houses so people around here are like loving life that they have a market nearby and then we have a grocer named siglund who's basically has a little cart that he goes around and delivers things to people's houses so we saw earlier that people need food and they need firewood and stuff he's basically going to go out and get all the things that they need um and he actually just dropped something over there so i don't know if he's the one that delivers stuff like ammunition because that was out of his range and he went up there it might have been food maybe he just brought the food directly i'm not too sure but normally to replenish things like that you rely on wagons i think or the person working the building goes and gets it himself yeah he says he's seeking weapons right now so he's gonna head out to the cart he's just after picking up 20 yeah 20 more arrows and he's going to head back i'm sure then to continue he's he's hunting even though he's way out of his own sartorius is an absolute beast three new villagers have just emigrated and a new villager has been born we're up to 17 we got one senior 12 adults three adolescents and one infant so basically we have 16 fit to work awesome so they're going to be moving in and we can see who's living where four people in there four four three three three is it that all our houses i guess four eight twelve sixteen twenty yes it is all right let's just do another couple of houses around this way and we'll probably have a school up there somewhere soon and a pub so leaving a gap of three might be a decent idea building is being attacked so it actually says uh obstructed by building oh the market's there so i couldn't see it um yeah let's leave a gap of three again here turn this sideways trying to make it look kind of interesting uh so building the attack the root cellar has been damaged in a recent attack oh my god by a bear okay the next predator is attacked we got to figure this one out where's sartorius is he out there battling it like an absolute beast i'm trying to click him why can't this work it is sartorious oh my god he's actually fighting it off what a hero other people are running away dude that'd be a good kill if we could get it i think it'll probably get away though hey don't give up you can get that you can take that out i'm gonna tell him to go and get it [Laughter] it's only like two shots away from dying but if it just keeps running obviously it might not be worth it okay you win this round bear all right he can go back and do his thing retailer a bit damaged yeah they basically they'll try to rob your food stores um that's why we need walls and stuff we're just not ready for that just quite yet almost there though so our second winter i think we're faring all right obviously the one death not good but you know other than that oh by the way so the reason sartorius is able to even fight i mean he actually normally wouldn't be able to take a bear on his own a hunter on its own at least before i needed two typically to take them down but he's equipped with weapons that's why he's capable of doing it other people aren't and you can't tell them to take weapons so they just you know they they flee when they see something like that themselves if you had guards posted nearby then maybe all right looking good stuck in the smokehouse with meat so we're storing up a decent amount of food now we've got nine months of food and only one of them is gonna spoil so that's great village attacked by predator again oh my god it's back don't give up you can do this oh yes the killing blow at the end awesome good job all right he'll go and get that body later what's he doing now gathering the carcass there's a car yeah there's a carcass lying out here actually probably something else okay and i'm a bit confused about fish just being dropped and just left in the middle of the place but there you go how's this doing cool so barrels uh help with uh spoilage reduction but in order to build them you need to advance like tier three essentially now we've gotten 32 wood planks and we've gotten we don't we're nowhere near having 30 population so we just need some more extra houses so we've got a house chosen to be built there and obviously target to keep um harvesting all these resources around us so things are pretty good if it wasn't for that one death i'd say this is almost like a perfect start if it wasn't for the thing making it not perfect at all it'd be perfect but it's perfect in terms of we've got really good stuff around us and nothing major has gone wrong yeah i wonder about the repairing building situation not too sure okay well i'm kind of just waiting on resources to get kind of chopped down we're up to 72 wood and 48 in the cart which we could bring somewhere next time we want to build something so let's have a look through our buildings and see what's next then what can we start planning ahead with uh the farm actually farms take all my days so long and we wanted to be built on really fertile territory like over there so maybe we could extend the road even further out that way oh look we've just got a troop of villagers coming in to join us this must be the ones that came from the event one two three four five six seven there's only this happens really rarely most of the time it's like one or two this is probably the guys guys and girls from the event so yeah they're gonna need all these houses to be finished they're gonna move in straight away new villager immigrated you're number three firewood is low we are working on firewood aren't we i think it's only low because we've just built new houses that haven't been stocked yet there we go incoming travelers seven people have arrived absolutely accept them no problem the more the merrier all right we're up to 25. remember we need 30 to hit tier 2. now they're super unhappy but don't worry just move in find a house find a mate get to work start harvesting we've got plenty of food plenty of food and it's spring i'm feeling pretty confident so this is the second season so really what we want to start working on now is exploring out here and uh building a farm because it takes like a year to get started so more people wish to join yet again a bustling market would help generate gold well we have one we've got 21 gold already i'm way ahead of you market stock houses yep done that already yearly tax has been collected seven new oh my god oh yeah that was just that same event okay because i thought it was on top of that that would have been a little bit much all right good so with that gold what we can do now is increase the desirability around here not that we really need to right now but we can so a garden trail is 15 gold five stone five planks and it's like a three by one so you can fit it between buildings at the front of them whatever and you can just see that desirability going up and down based on where they are so we want a nice thick garden somewhere here and if we left a bit more space maybe we could have even more these are going to need to be grown up to level 60. so bigger space between them the better but a pub and stuff like that will also raise it um you can get pretty big gardens later so every little helps we'll leave it just for a while i want to stockpile some gold and we've got the other resources want to stockpile it for more important things first like the farm and whatever else but then we'll increase the desirability when we're ready to level up and i assume when we level up we get more taxes from those houses i think that's one of the benefits of having a homestead uh but we're not done so we might as well just add in a few extra houses and just start growing a bit quicker now the desirability gets a bit worse over there so let's build houses around the market that's the well the well is right in front of us let's go like there another predator has been sighted excuse me oh my god it's a wolf we've seen a mid-jump sartorius our village defender where are you all right they'll just automatically run from that wolf sartorius is on the way there he is look at it what a beast as well what a hero oh someone else thinks they're a hero who is it ah this selection is so annoying sometimes when they're on the road can i not just click who's on the road just whoever you are just run this way oh my god keep going as well we've learned from last time satorius is firing the bow it's intense kill him yes take it down live oh my god it's janja the best friend she thought it's the same wolf or it's part of the same pack i'll take it out avenge my sister almost died what are you on three percent health don't be a hero sartorius is the man for the job okay and she's like oh my hero and now they're going to move in together satori should live here next to janja she's like oh the wolf i don't know where it came from i thought you know after anya or whatever her name was amara and he's like listen you know i carry the bow in this town i carry the sword it was no problem she was like oh you were so brave he's like i wasn't brave just doing my job just doing my job now she's straight in there splitting logs again that's not a euphemism all right dropping extra houses in that's probably as many houses i want for a while and that's lots of space around these will slam pub in there somewhere as well but that's definitely big room for expansion for quite a while so i think we'll leave it there you know the we're gonna be we've just built that road out this way this road still i don't know why still has not been finished i'll tell them to prioritize that now i guess they need to oh it's probably because they can't finish because i told them to stop harvesting this all right so we'll do that we're gonna then work in the next episode of building a big farm out here and look at all the farm mechanics because they're quite interesting at how you can do crop rotation and set up different crops and get diseases and stuff like that but not bad everything's good we lost one r.i.p to amara she's there in the grave hopefully like i said the only one or everyone else will just be of natural causes so far though everyone's super happy we have loads of resources in the bank it's just a matter of getting people down to brass tacks getting them working and then as we expand will be about logistics of getting things to where they need to go quickly all right thank you very much for watching remember if you want to see more from this game just please do leave a comment saying what you like about it or what you'd like to see or give me advice whatever it might be uh also leaving a like really appreciate really helps and subscribe i never really ask people to but it really does help so please do subscribe i would enjoy it very much all right thank you very much for watching i'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the channel directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty badges and emotes to use in the comments you'll also get exclusive access to my discord where there's dedicated channels for each series i'm doing and it's a great place just to meet others and make some friends
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 63,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farthest frontier, farthest frontier game, farthest frontier trailer, farthest frontier gameplay, farthest frontier guide, farthest frontier city builder, new city builder, banished, new banished game, new city builder banished, new banished builder, falling frontier, new builder game, farthest frontier how to
Id: iMNeETbQ61k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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