Farrakhan and Don Lemon of CNN (Interview)

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thank you again for doing this thank you for having weather the video thank you very much let's start what I was gonna start from the beginning but how are you feeling considering I'm feeling great really great I'm thankful to Almighty God for the operation and the quality of life that it has given me since the operation so I'm feeling a hundred percent better than I was feeling before the operation and I'm looking forward to getting stronger and better each passing day by the grace of God well before the operation I was in very bad shape as you may have heard I had seed implantation for prostate cancer we started with 40 seeds and it seemed to do the job and then the cancer came back so they put a hundred and eighty more which is two hundred and twenty radiated seeds and I went on a world tour right afterwards but over time the seeds burned into the rectum burned into the arethe urethra and there was a communication a fistula a hole that communicated the colon with the urethra and so we had an operation in 2000 that was to patch the fistula and unfortunately in four months we tested and it held for a while and then it broke and then urine was coming from the anal Channel and so since that time it's been seven years now I've had a problem with urine coming from the wrong place and finally I I wanted a colonoscopy to make sure that my colon was okay and they found an ulcer in the area of the rectum and as long as urine was passing it it would never heal which meant that I would have to have another operation and then it got so deep that what was to come from the colon was coming from the penis and what was to come from the penis was coming through the anal Channel and so I was in constant constant pain and I was dying and it got so bad some of my naturopath physicians told me they did they didn't want me to take the operation because it was horrific because it was a complete pelvic exoneration where everything in the pelvis would be taken out and my medical doctor said if I didn't take the operation I would surely die so I was like the Bible says halting between two opinions so I went to pray and I said to God I said father I am your servant and whatever I want you to force me in the direction that you want me to go that's in harmony with your will and within 10 hours I went to the bathroom to push out some of this far and matter from the penis and a stitch in the side came and blood began rushing from the anus and I lost about four units of blood arrest no no no not in the bathroom I lost maybe a unit or half a unit in the bathroom but on the way to the hospital and then in the hospital I was vomiting but nothing was coming up and pushing out blood at the same time so they had to put the bed in Trendelenburg which is the hair down in the the foot up so that the remaining blood could be in the cavities and in the brain and in the so I could remain alive so they put me in the ICU and and then I went into what they call a fibrillation where the heartbeat began to beat at a hundred and forty to 180 beats per minute and then my daughter became as the nurse became very concerned and they called the family around me and that didn't stop for thirteen hours and then when they stabilized me at last then they sent me to Northwestern University Hospital from Saint Anthony's Hospital in Michigan City and that's where I remained for five weeks and then I came out four weeks after the operation and then had the the speech six weeks after the operation I'm sitting here at my mouth as a gay because we knew that you were safe but no one knew the details that you're telling now and I'm flabbergasted because even though you know it has been rumors and people were saying oh he's close to death we still didn't know how sick you were and I didn't either I my doctors told me that if I didn't get the operation I was melting down losing weight constantly and in tremendous pain but they told me I would die and and I didn't want the operation but God forced it on me and I'm so grateful that he did did you ever say during this why me God oh I know sir oh no never because there's no one who comes to God on an easy road if he tried Jesus and Mohammed and Moses and the prophets the way he tried them and they were his most honored servants then Who am I that I should not suffer some misfortune even though I am a servant of God that's how you test the fiber of the servants faith so when Jesus went to the cross he never broke his faith with God he knew that God would deliver him and I somehow never thought that it was time for me to die although that I did I can't say I didn't think it but I didn't believe that it was my time though I thought it that was my next question did you think that you were gonna die did you reconcile yourself to the fact that maybe well you always a conscious when you get to be 73 in a few months I'll be 74 by the grace of God you're always concerned about your mortality so I was trying to set things in place inside the nation in case I passed away but I never deeply thought that I was going to die I believed that God was going to deliver me when you say set things in place inside the nation like what who let's talk about you look who's your predecessor who's gonna take over the nation and lead it once you're not the leader and god forbid that you're gone well I'm not the leader now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is the leader and I am functioning every day on the guidance and the inspiration that he gave me one of the things that Elijah Muhammad told me when his teacher master fahrrad Muhammad was leaving he pressed in his hand a piece of paper and when his teacher left he looked at the paper and it was the 23rd psalm the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want if God becomes your Shepherd you don't need a leader you already have one so when we sit at the table a council the head of the table was is and will be the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and all I'm concerned about is whoever sits in the seat are you infused with the ideas of Mohammed and will you carry out those ideas but I don't have a successor quote-unquote picked I'll leave that to God and I think I'll be around a little while so I'll have time to look at everybody quite well are you looking for a predecessor is that an active search of yours I think any person in leadership is always concerned about what will be after him the Quran which is the book of Scripture of the Muslims asked the question were you present when death visited Jacob of course you weren't present I wasn't present but God was present so he revealed the the context of Jacob's death and he called his sons to his bedside and he asked them what will you serve after me and the son said we will serve the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob once he knew that they were going to follow in his path he closed his eyes for his eternal sleep I need to know that this is not the fiefdom of a charismatic brother who knows that he will pass away I need to know that those around me are infused with the love of Mohammed the love of his idea the love of the Quran and want to see the growth and development of the nation beyond where the minister leaves it and I believe I have a group like that around me okay oh no I can't call the name because I'm not locked in on any one name that's why I put a council together you know the Mormons you have never probably interviewed the leader of the Mormons no nobody knows who he is and they may know his name but he's a part of a group that carry out the principles of the founder of the Mormon Church I'm hoping that these will carry out the principle that Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan thought so you won't need any charismatic individual the group that is leading infused with those principles wrapping their lives around those principles will lead the nation in the proper direction some speculate it's gonna be your son I can't say that because this is not a father-son thing it could be but I won't say that because a son maybe your son of the blood doesn't have to be your son of the Spirit and that's why in the Muslim world the father gives something to the son but not in this world in our world in our world it could be a son but it doesn't have to be a son unfortunate that I have a son infused with the spirit of his father and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad but the Honorable Elijah Muhammad also has a son that's assisting me that's not only his physical blood but also born of his father's spirit and he is assisting you because there was a rest but no more room oh no this is another son this is and they of course there's differences between the Imam and myself but we get along we're brothers you spoke of unity with between Christians between Muslims did you also mean the Imam as well oh of course of course he sent greetings to the convention that we may be to communities but we are under one God that is my brother we grew up together we have differences of opinion but those differences of opinion by the grace of God will never cause us to do to each other what we see Shia and suddenly doing to each other in Iraq do you ever see the two groups together yes yes of course what is one nation yes yes it's only a matter of time as we are all growing we're all in school we're all evolving and as we evolve we start doing this we used to be two parallel lines but you know there's such a thing as a monorail the two parallel lines will come together eventually all right what kind of getting ahead of ourselves but since we're since we're going on this path you have any regrets with that when it comes to what happened after the death of Elijah Muhammad the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and how the two groups separated do you have any regrets when it comes to that or anything well it's always painful when groups that were one split after the death of a great leader or the passing of a great leader but people have to follow the drummer that they hear and I've always heard Elijah Muhammad as the drummer that I wanted to dance to his beat and if the other beat was not the beat of Elijah then I couldn't continue in that chorus or in that line so as I left he mom watered the deen muhammad I never wanted to be in opposition to the point where we fight one another but I'm in love with the father and I believe in the correctness of the father's vision and so I decided to try to rebuild the work of the father because I didn't believe that a man so great should be written out of history you talk about walking to the beat of your own drummer and hearing your own music your musician yes you gave it up yes to join the nation yes the Bible puts it like this Jesus speaking If any man would be my disciple he must first deny himself pick up his cross and follow me Peter was fishing and when he met Jesus Jesus told him leave your net alone come follow me and I'll make you a Fisher of men I was a musician I drew people but I drew people from the spirit of entertainment with the beauty of my song or my dance or my violin but now I have a chance to draw people to the beauty of a word that doesn't entertain but transforms human life and that's so much greater to me than music but now God has given me back my music as my life comes near to a close so I'm working on an album now that hopefully will be released the end of this year and that's what I hear so you're playing violin yes I'm playing violin are you singing I can't dance on the album my days of doing that are over what do you think I'm singing a song that that reflects the course of men's lives and it comes from the movie Troy but it really is a take-off on the life of the master when Jesus was about to go he gave His disciples two things that they should use in remembrance of him one was the bread and one was the wine and when prophet Muhammad left he gave his followers two things that they should look at in remembrance of him and in doing so they would never deviate from his path one was the Quran and the other was the way he lived the book well this song from Troy is called remember me and I wanted people to think of their brother and you always think of persons more when they're gone I always thought that Luther would be with us and Luther's gone when I hear his name you know chills come over I want to hear more of luth James Brown is is gone Bradley is gone and you know the person you love the person but you don't think of the person every day and then all of a sudden you hear they're gone well Jesus knew he was going Muhammad knew he was going but he wanted the followers to remember him so that song I hope to sing what is it can you sing know what does it call remember me yes well I don't have to find that do you know the lyrics yes the lyrics I remember I will always be there as long as you keep me in in your remembrance for I am that bright star that and in words gives you light but it fades into the Rising Sun and as long as you can remember the works that I've done then I will never die that's not perfectly quoting the words but that's the sentiment and that really is about Jesus because he's called the bright and morning star and as long as we remember the great ones the sacrifices that they make then they live even though their flesh is rotting in a grave but minister you know what I don't have to put you in that category as well for someone who people would want to remember you have to think of yourself that way and the impact you've had on that not only the country but the world well I would hope that I have done something in life to serve God and to serve my people and to serve humanity that would be remembered and if it pleases God when my death puts a period to my Testament then the historians if I'm worthy will come and gather the bits and pieces of my life and assign me my place in history if I deserve one you really don't get your reward while you live most of our great ones they died they had audiences that loved them but it was after their death that history corrected the wickedness of those who feared them and hated them and gave them a beautiful place in black history and in world history so here's your chance there are a lot of people who have a lot of opinions about you not all positive and I'm sure some of them who that some of the opinions and some of what you've heard probably hurts you deeply here's your chance to correct it what do you think people say that you're an anti-semite I've never been an anti-semite from the depth of my heart I know that I've never hated the Jewish people and for me to hate a Jewish person because of their faith tradition would make me less than Muslim less than a righteous person and would make me a bigot and a wicked person but I am critical of Jewish behavior in relationship to black people or in relationship to the Palestinians I'm critical of America's behavior and I'm critical of my own people's behavior but it doesn't mean I'm anti-american or anti black or anti-semitic but the Jewish people are so very sensitive after the Holocaust and it seems as though anyone that criticizes from a well-meaning perspective not out of hate but out of hope to seek change in behavior change in strategy change in relationship Jimmy Carter is no anti-semite he wrote a book hoping to contribute to the dialogue in America concerning the suffering of the Palestinian people yet he was called an anti-semite and that is wrong and that is what produces more and more dislike of those voices in the Jewish community who cry wolf every time somebody says something that's critical do you can you understand the words or why they might sting some people the words that you say about about Jewish people that have been I have never said words about the Jewish religion or about the Jewish people that I can't defend with truth that's why dialogue is so important I have been waiting for a dialogue for 20 I think maybe 25 years now from 1980 for 22 years from whom from the Jewish people I've sat with rabbis they visited me in my home I visited with them in their homes but the things that they ask of me are not things that I can do you want me to apologize but you don't want to face me in a dialogue and show me where I'm wrong I'm not a proud man if you show me where I'm wrong I'll go before the world where I made a statement and not only apologize but I will seek your forgiveness in a repentant spirit that's better than what America has done that's better than what Jewish people have done in their part in the horror of the transatlantic slave trade we've never gotten an apology we've never gotten an apology from the United States government nobody wants to apologize to black people and repent of the action and do something in Atonement and when the government even tries something like affirmative action it gets such a backlash from the white community oh you're favoring them but you've set a whole people at naught now what do you want to do to make up for the wrong of 400 years of injustice that have less left us in a savage state and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that a Savage is a person that has lost the knowledge of self and is living the life of a beast and when you look in the black community and you look at the black on black crime you look at the hatred exhibited by black people for their own people something that never existed even in the coolest days of slavery something has been done to us that must be repaired and that's the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and that's my work it's a work of repair and the Jewish people can be such a great help in that effort if they would remember yes you had a part in our degradation why not have a part in our uplift why not work together with those who want to repair the damage it's so much better if we work together are you sure you're sick your voice is ringing in this room and it's vibrating so I don't think you're ill well that's my bet has your passion I can feel your passion it's coming off of you so what would you what would you have people do you said dialog you feel that you have been misunderstood is that am i hearing you correctly absolutely you know there are those who have a vested interest in coloring me this way they raise money off of me this is a vile anti-semite he's anti white he's anti-american he's anti gay but when you come in my presence when they come in my presence you can't feel any spirit of hatred emanating from my heart but my words my words of Correction my words of rebuke my words of exhortation my words of condemnation of a nation that has done us wrong that doesn't mean I don't love the country in which I was born but I want to see change change for the better of America change for the better for my people do you ever think though you know what I could have said that a different way maybe I didn't say that in a way that people would understand it okay yes yes of course I could have said it in a much better way but when you I came to national and international public attention I was in a battle people were calling me the new black Hitler I have never pulled a plucked one hair from the eyebrow of a Jewish person I trade with Jewish stores right now I if I can't find something that is halal I go to the kosher store to buy the food so please if I were anti-semitic if I hated the Jewish people I would organize boycotts against their businesses you wouldn't see a Muslim putting a swastika on a Jewish synagogue because a Koran forbids us and even advises us if we see someone doing that to a church or a synagogue or a cloister that we should stop them from doing such I didn't plan at all to get to even bring this up but since we're talking about it then I wanted this to drag on but you can you again you say you could have said it you could have said things better but times were different it was a different time exactly you know I don't know whether you're married but if you're not if you have a lady friend sometimes you might get in an argument and in the heat of the argument you're speaking the truth that you believe but the passion that comes in the heat of argument can sometimes distort the beauty of what you're trying to say to get that person to change some behavior that is ill affecting you so here I am now 22 years later I'm not locked in the heat of somebody calling me an anti-semite a black Hitler and then members of the Jewish community when I spoke in Los Angeles when I spoke in New York marching around Madison Square Garden who do you want Farrakhan how do you want him dead how should I respond to that well I'm a warrior you can bring that out of me right now if you go the wrong way with me I'm still a warrior I'm a warrior for truth and I'm a warrior for justice but I'm not as passionate because the climate now is not the same as it was in 83 and 84 when Jesse Jackson threatened the status quo in terms of the Palestinian Jewish relationship within the black community when he wanted to be President how might you say that this if you had to reset it you know there's a saying in the Bible and that the real June is not the Jew with a circumcised male instrument the real Jew is a person with a heart that is circumcised and if you look at the male instrument and cut away the flesh you can wash it easily disease doesn't set up in it so it was advised in the Jewish law and in the Muslim law at the male child should be circumcised well what about the circumcision of the heart if the heart is diseased with hatred if the heart is diseased with bigotry if the hottest disease with racism even a pure word coming through a hot like that will get contaminated by the bitterness of the moment my words were contaminated by the bitterness of that moment of hostility while I was defending myself against charges that were false then and a false now but now you meet me in a state of peace a man that just came back from death's door so as that and Jewish people prayed for me rabbis prayed for me so how then could I come out of an experience like that with Hindus pre-buddhist pray Jews pray Muslims pray Christians the prayer warriors in the church went to work to see that God would bring me back they fasted they prayed how could I come out of an experience like that and not feel a commitment to those who prayed for me so the message of Jesus though nationalistic in its inception became Universal in its application the same with the Prophet it's the same with Louis Farrakhan I started specifically with black people and that is my focus but there is no way coming out of the experience that I have just come through that my message should be anything but a universal message that touches black brown red yellow and white people of all religious faiths all ethnicities all racial identities with truth coming from a heart of love mercy and compassion is there anything you're sorry for when it comes to that holy the only thing I'm sorry for is the way it was taken and the way it was abused and no matter how often I defended my statement and corrected the bill today 22 years later Farrakhan all these nicely or but he's the man that called Hitler green and they don't say what I actually said he called Judaism a gutter religion they don't say what I actually said and no matter how I try to correct it they keep on saying the same old thing it's a lie that keeps building and building because I don't have control of the media they do and so you make Farrakhan a bad fella but I'm coming out of jail I actually read the entire quote of what you said and I think what you referred to was Hitler's army and the way he pulled Germany up and not you said you said what he did to the Jews was awful it was wicked and I said don't compare me with your wicked killers I've been over the Nation of Islam now for 30 years you don't have any record of the minister beating somebody having his brothers that love him go out and hurt somebody black white or in between that's not our way and I would hope that that can be corrected and any Jewish person listening to this I to sit with you to dialogue with you and if you can show me where I'm wrong you don't have to ask me to apologize I'll apologize right then and go before the world and beg your forgiveness Wow so let's talk about your speech I saw your speech and I said this man is not sick he has not been sick he's been fooling all of us excuse me for laughing you know I thought about that the other day I said people who look at me and listen to me they say that man was freaking us out because so many people thought that I was gonna die and my best friend who is my wife she looked at the blood rushing out of me then she too thought for a minute maybe I wouldn't make it I was truly at death's door but the doctors who were like God's angels in the way they did me and the staff of the doctors and the nurses and the certified nurses assistants they were all like God's angels the way they cared for me at Northwestern University at Saint Anthony's Hospital in Michigan City I could not have asked for better care and of course my daughter who was with me 24/7 but my doctor said minister I've watched you for four weeks since the operation they said your operation was so complex the only operation more difficult is a liver transplant I don't know what it takes to do a liver transplant the doctor said I've been looking at you for four weeks and I would never say that the operation was a success even though for all practical purposes it was a great success but there are always glitches and as a doctor I'm looking for the glitches did he have an infection of fever what is there bleeding that we would have to go back in he said but I've watched you for four weeks and I don't use this language but your recovery is nothing short of miraculous and so when people look at me and say I wonder was he faking well what's he really ill yes I really really was but to all who are ill never break your faith with God by whatever name you call him because in the final analysis he's the master of life and death and if it's not my time if he doesn't want to bring me in and he wants me to continue to work then he brought me back and some are very happy and unfortunately some may be a little disappointed that they didn't have a funeral to attend but tell them be patient do you think is this a something now some people are gonna say that you are concerned about legacy now and this is is this a softer side of the Minister Farrakhan no because no I don't concern myself with legacy at all that's vanity and when people are so concerned about how history will view them they do things to enhance a legacy I don't think like that but I am an evolving human being I can't remain the same nothing in life remains the same once a thing becomes stagnant and there is no change going forward then there's change going backward and this is what's wrong with the educational system in America it is not evolving to keep pace with the evolving mind of the children and so the methodology and the psychology is of no value but are we seeing a softer that you don't think we're seeing a softer minister afternoon out of this or is it just a more evolved or a different person because you know I am a more evolved individual but you're seeing a side of me that was always there but as I said earlier you caught me media caught me in a time of conflict nobody goes into a conflict mild-mannered Clark Kent had to change his suit into Superman before he went into conflict the minister had to change his mild-mannered way because he's a warrior I'm trying to defend myself I didn't have anybody to defend me so I tried to defend myself all right in your speech you talked about the war in Iran yes and you talked about the president you say he should be in peace oh definitely the president lied to the American people what is a higher crime I wouldn't call that a misdemeanor that's just a high crime he lied to the American people and he knew he was lying they twisted intelligence to make intelligence better policy they had already formed they deceived the Congress so that the Congress would vote to give him the power to go to war that's a high crime and our babies black and brown in an Asian and poor white I'm dying because of a lie that this man told and the whole world now that was a friend of America after 9/11 has now turned on America and even America's friends in Europe are displeased with President Bush and the imperialist policy of the neoconservatives and so I say there's a window of opportunity for America now but we cannot stand two more years of this man this man will throw America deep into Armageddon if he's allowed his way and the Democrat seems so weak and cowardly to confront this thing the whole world is watching what do you think should happen I think if you cannot impeach him and of course to impeach him and to leave Cheney is to leave his boss or one of those who is then part of the architect of the policy for a new American Century of the project for a new American Century which is the neoconservative policy of an imperialist America an America that if we think you're an enemy we don't have to wait until you make an aggressive move we strike you first this is madness do you not want up the words in your mouth because I know it's controversy but is this comparative to any point in history what they have done can you compare this to any other action that any country has taken against another country well you know this democracy is modeled after Rome but when Rome became an imperial power they had to choose between being an imperial tyrant or a republic and a democracy and when you had these wicked kind of rulers Caligula and others like that then Rome became tyrannical then you need greater and greater military power to enforce your democracy what America is doing is bringing democracy at the point of a gun and at the point of a gun she wants to make another country democratic but we're losing democracy at home this is a sickness and I'm sorry we need a regime change in America I said the whole kit and kaboodle excuse that expression I don't know where I got that one from but Bush needs to go Cheney needs to go Condoleezza Rice needs to go that whole administration needs to go and the Democrats have a chance to obey the directive of the people that voted in November for change and they are weak in doing it and they'll pay a price in 2008 why do you say all again because we're at the door of it I mean we're in it now Armageddon as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us begins with truth clashing with falsely that's what's creating the division the masses of the people are beginning to rise and the only thing that makes the masses rise is the presence of truth and that's why Jesus was hated not because he just brought a new kingdom he was hated because the poor heard him gladly the poor hear Farrakhan and when the poor listened to Farrakhan whether they're poor white up or black it will produce a change in the way they think our government is wrong and it needs to change and if it will not change then we need to get rid of it and put in a government that will guarantee the American people life liberty and the pursuit of happiness guaranteed by the Constitution you're talking about Democrats one of which is running for president who lives in your very neighborhood what do you think of him I like him very much I'm not saying that I'm gonna vote for him but I like him because he's fresh he doesn't come with a lot of the baggage that those in politics that have been in politics and been corrupted almost or not almost corrupted by it sold out to the moneyed interests sold out to the multinational corporations sold out to the international bankers so when you look at Bush you think you're looking at the president is another pie behind them when you look at Blair you think you're looking at that the Prime Minister you there's another power behind him when you look at Merkel in Germany you think you're looking at the head of state but there's another power behind these people and the powers that are dog in the whole world of the international bankers that finance both sides of a conflict do you think that Barack Obama is the answer to George Bush no I think he's capable of being an answer but the powers that contend with presidents I'll go back to President Jimmy Carter when he was a governor running for the presidency he saw UFOs and he said when he became president he was going to open the file which is secret held by the government when he got in office we didn't hear any more from him people say things when they're running because they don't know the powers that really control the house that they're going to live in and that's why Barack Obama is clean he's he's fresh but the powers are eating at him right now the powers that want to control him at him right now and how can he get to be President unless he raises a hundred million dollars and who of the poor people have a hundred million dollars to give him and who will provide him with the money so he can contend with mrs. Clinton and her big bank or Giuliani and McCain and they're growing Bank so the people that bankroll you they're the ones that ultimately call the tune I'm saying that no matter who sits in the White House if you don't uproot the structure that corrupts them you still don't have a president you have a figurehead and frankly that's why I say America needs a regime and just like you have to go into the floor when there's pipes underneath it that break and bus you've got to up route what's under the government of the United States of America or the American people will never have what the Constitution guarantees do you think Barack Obama can do that no absolutely not he's a good person and he's looking at this thing with the beautiful heart the beautiful eye of a beautiful person he doesn't he knows some of the ugliness of politics cuz he's been in it long enough but the real wickedness of the face of politics you're looking right into the face of Satan himself and Satan doesn't intend to be uprooted by an upstart from Chicago or miss Clinton from New York Satan is the boss this is his world and he can only be uprooted by the one that is anointed with power to uproot Satan and that is the macd order Christ that comes into the world who can do it who can uproot that I just said but you don't none of these these are victims of satanic influence religion is controlled by Satan that's why religion is ineffective the divisions in the Muslim world that satanic Muslim killing Muslim Muslim bombing another mosque of a Muslim if they did that's an Islamic we've become so insane because of injustice and we strap a bomb on ourselves and go kill another human being that didn't bother you this is madness and that's why the macd or the christ must come into the world to clean up religion because the church's garment is dirty and it needs washing the bridegroom is coming and the bride has dirtied a comment with adultery because she's gotten in bed with the world so if that happens through a person just as Jesus walked through is there a person you think that's on this earth now or that will come who can do that who can uproot the evil that's why we say that Allah came in the person of Master fahrrad Muhammad because we believe that this human being is clothed in the power of the eternal God to set up the kingdom of God on earth and there's no one here now than you see has quality he's here he's around that's why the world is in the shape that is it that's why you see the clashing because his aim is to sit down every tyrant and he's called in the Quran manikyam Madine his master of the law of requital master of the Day of Judgment master of the day of religion he's a human but he's in the world to do a job and the job is being done the house is being divided the house is being set up on one side not black and white but on one side wrong and one side right which side do we want to be on Bush is wrong he must get right the government is wrong it must get right and we in the black community the black community is living wrong and it must get right we have to choose today between two signs one of life and one of death and if we make the wrong choice we get the right answer is there someone which is death I'm sorry to apologize so what is there someone alive or someone we know of who you'd like to see in the White House would you like to see Barack Obama in the White House you know of course I would but what I'm looking at is a reality put him in the White House in these troubled times he has a good understanding of Islam he has a good understanding of Christianity he has a growing understanding of politics he's so universal in the way he grew with a black absentee father and a white present mother who nurtured him and gave him the best of Education in madrasahs or schools in Indonesia but if you watch the way he went back to his absentee father's home and respected his paternal grandmother and all of his relations on that side and the way Africa responded to this son of Africa well he can't just say I'm the son of Africa he's the son of a woman from Kansas he's got to respect her who nurtured him he grew up in schools in Asia what better person to put in the White House because black and white at each other but here's a man from Chicago who got the white vote in southern Illinois that's no lightweight thing that he did he's a black man today that can gather the youth young White's young blacks young Hispanics young Asians he's a beautiful human being and I wish the best for him but I know the powers that are already tugging at the brother and I know if he ever gets to the White House he'll understand it better by and by I knew you were gonna say that so is there anything have you spoken down yes cuz I know you guys did the million-man movement not not not recently right but I have spoken with him yes you did the million-man movement with I think in 95 not 9 9 95 and o5 together III don't know that Barack Obama was president let's talk about the Million Man March in 1995 because I remember watching that and helicopters covering it is that one is that one thing you look at as one of your most successful moments or do you look fondly on that or is it something that's sort of because that was of course an impact on America of course I look fondly at it the motivation for it was black men and the horrible image that was being portrayed by Hollywood of black men we had the picture colors we had the picture the menace to society we had these movies New Jack city and others that went all the way around the world but it showed black men in a low kind of life where we are dragging America down that's the image that it projected so that if America decided to move on black men and in the black community the violence was getting so terrific that even politicians and mothers were calling for the National God to come into the community if the slaughter of black men took place in that time period the whole world would not have cried out because they're only killing a useless population that is dragging the country down since then it's gotten even worse since the Million Man March because now not only is the black man degraded but the type of videos that we put out with a black woman with a credit card using her hind parts as a strike for a credit card and we don't feel any shame for portraying our mother our sister our auntie our grandmother in that kind of light and then use the B word to describe any woman is an insult whether it's done by a white person or a black person no female who is made in the image and likeness of God should be called after the female side of a dog but we have been low from what God made us into what the world has made us so the language reflects that now and though and the things that we're doing to each other in the community reflect our hatred of self and each other I want to get back to that point and talk to you about it but do you think after the Million Man March did you hope that there would be some sort of change do you look at that as something that didn't happen a possible failure from the Million Man no no no a lot of change came from the Million Man March but there were those who feel threatened I asked for a million nearly two million men showed up well the standing army of the United States of America is only two and a half million so when you look at Farrakhan making a call of two million men and it affected not only black men but black women far beyond the the ripple effect of the Million Man March this man affected homes not only in America but around the earth we can't let that happen so because I am a Muslim and 85% of those that came to the March were Christians it was decided among certain elements of the Christian community that a Muslim should never have that kind of power to call Christians and Christians respond so they took to the airwaves and they started referring to me in many places as the Antichrist so when I went around I heard this doors that were open to me before the Million Man March closed because all of a sudden I became a threat so there are forces that don't want to see the black man rise and the black man free and the black woman uplifted from a degraded State because they are those who make merchandise of us in the terrible condition that we're in at present there was official estimates had said it was only 500,000 and you said it's 2 million they were unofficial that passed themselves off as official to limit the crowd to limit the effectiveness of the man that called it to make it seem as though it was not what it was because if it was what it was then you have to look at the man that God used to bring a crowd like that no other black man or white man for that matter has been able to do anything like that so who is Farrakhan people have to question the magnetism of a man who magnetized him he didn't magnetized himself who made him that attracted to black men that's what made me dangerous to those powers that be the Satanic mind that governs this world but I'm on Satan's trail by the grace of God he can't do to me what he's done to others he won't do to me what he's done to others that's small-time stuff today what do you say what about the language and the way we're betrayed and or we betray women in the videos what about the n-word using the word I'm very grateful to Reverend Jesse Jackson for taking the misstep of a well-known comedian to sit us down at a common table and say that that word is unacceptable we use it all the time when I was very sick Reverend Jackson came to the farm where I was and we did an hour and a half on the n-word and I said to Reverend Jackson and I say it now publicly we can't just charge the rapper with that I know great pastors who used that language in their private conversations so we who are in leadership must take the oath that we will not use that degrading term to apply it to our brothers and sisters that's how bad the language has changed from the 60s when we were more conscious of our blackness we never used the n-word we called each other brother and sister even though we may not have treated each other so much like a brother or sister how are you brother how are you sister but today yo know what's up with you dawg are you a dog and that's an endearing term to a human to be classified as a dog then no wonder you called a woman the B word if you are the dog then you are the son of a B word Oh God some are saying it's taking the word back the N word we're taking the word back and we're using it the way we want and we're gonna make it a term of India and you're so stupid to take a word that means your degradation and try to claim that you're using it for some uplifting purpose if you used it for an uplifting purpose well as the murder rates so high in the black community why are the funeral parlors filled with black men who called each other in no no no no no no no you if you changed the language you change the pattern of a man's thought so if I call you brother I soon will wanna recognize your flesh of my flesh blood of my blood bone of my bone so if I hurt my brother I'm hurting myself but if you're in a gang you don't see the other gang members your brother he didn't he's not wearing the right color not showing the right sign so kill him so you're saying taking back that word that hogwash you know you can try to put a pretty face on a gargoyle but it is what it is the word is a degrading term and we who use it use it in a degrading manner it's not a love term because if it were love the black community would not what it is suffering from black-on-black violence black-on-black crime and those of us who understand wanna see black-on-black love and Jesus didn't say love in your end as you love yourself he said love your brother as you love yourself so or your neighbor so you need to change the language that our people are using or we need to change it there was a song James Brown lets it say it loud I'm black and I'm proud there's no end word in that song and it was much more powerful than any song I know what that word in it now James Brown great great great icon may God be pleased with him he came along at a time of black consciousness when you had leaders now from the civil rights movement from the Black Power movement from the nationalist perspective and from the religious community developing a black theology and black was a term of real endearment and we began to call each other black James Brown as a cultural icon showed the way for artists because the only way a good idea can have real traction is when a cultural icon takes the idea and transforms it into music and art and theater and books and whatnot so James Brown took the word black and put a beat to it and said I'm black and I'm proud but people were dancing to the beat but he was driving the theme home I'm black and I'm proud and what he did for us as a people he took the word that was so negatively thought of in the 20s and the 30s in the forties in the early 50s but now in the 60s the seventies James Brown made it popular to say I'm black and I'm proud and that's a tremendous contribution we need another James Brown to use culture to give a better idea to our people and we need leaders to stand up in this time period and be like the leaders were in the 60s the 70s and the early 80s let's talk about your legacy now and yeah I know you think it's vanity but just for a moment can you be vain while we're sitting here how would you like people to remember you as a person first of all and foremost they love God I adore him I am enamored to live in the majesty of his creation I love the Word of God and I love the people of God I would like to be remembered as a person that was dutiful to God in his service of the most abject and fallen of human beings my black brothers and sisters I would like to be remembered as a man that was consistent nobody could buy and nobody could boss except God and His Christ I refuse to bow down to man no matter how much power you think you have I've told my adversaries as long as I'm with God and I stand on truth ultimately I will be the winner living or dead I would like people to know me better not just as the quote/unquote fire and brimstone man because that's the way I'm presented by media I recently recorded with Denise Williams an arrangement by a great artist Jerry Peters under the direction of Charles V of my violin instructor and conductor and arranger the song is from Danny Boy but the Christians say he looked beyond my faults and he saw my need that's the way I lived my life I look beyond the faults of our people I see their need and I tried to touch it with the word that would inspire them to rise up and fulfill their needs when Denis heard me play my violin she said oh this is the underbelly of Farrakhan I didn't understand the term at first but she talked about a dog and the outside seems so you know strong and whatnot but when you rub the underbelly you see the react so much differently this is the softer side of the animal so she was saying oh this is a side of the Minister that the world needs to see and so I'm making an album and believe it or not on that album he's represented the whole human family black and brown that's Hispanic Asian white Muslim Christian Jews Buddhists they surround Farrakhan I want to say with my music what maybe I haven't been able to say with words but I'm getting there the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us that the Word of God well he he suggested to me that if you talk harshly to white people about the historical injustice they feel upset and they dismissed themselves from your presence but if you play music the person that loves your music he'll stay with you to the midnight hour and when the nightclub closes if you have an after set a jam session you come because he's attracted by the power of music so I said I wonder if I could take the word of God and make it sound in the air of a Caucasian as music and I tried it out at the University of Illinois the black students invited me I went I didn't have a quote unquote black message I had a universal message I didn't have any violin this was the violin and then I tried it out in the University of Kansas 500 black students in a 2500 seat auditorium 2,000 whites and when I came in the state troopers had to lead me in because some of the students were outside cheering me he killed Malcolm he did this he's no good he's anti-semitic and blah blah blah when I went in and approached the stage the 500 black students stood up and cheered me when I finished the whole three thousand stood and cheered and when I walked out the door that they were cheering me coming in they were cheering me going out the value of this television is it can make me ugly by the way they photographed me or it can make me Pleasant just with a camera the editors because you know I've given you so much the editors can cut it in such a way to make the minister look ugly because you can make Jesus look bad with a 30-second sound bite and I've gone in churches and taken words that Jesus said and said imagine hearing this on the nightly news jesus said you can't be my disciple unless you hate you they hate your father hate your sister your brother yeah even your own life you're not worthy of me Jesus to hate teacher was in Chicago tonight Jesus said think not that I come to bring peace nay a sword I come to set the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law this son-in-law against the father-in-law day of a man's house or will be his own end this is a very divisive man this guy Jesus then the man is a berserker he goes in the temple and he beats up the people that were in the temple he drives him out six o'clock news Jesus that violent one came into the temple with a stick and drove out people that were just doing business you can make anybody look back with a 30-second sound the fight what I'm trying to say don't do that to your brother kind of treat me nice and you know what if you really listen to my words and listen to my heart and give this piece what it deserves the world will open its doors and I can come in and I can help America you can't talk to ahmed in a job but i can that man is not unreasonable you can talk to him america but you can't bully a man that believes in god so when you tell him all options are on the table so what you throw you don't know what you're gonna get back you called Iraq a slam dunk but you missed the basket and you lost the ball oh I told you he's not sick he's the one doing all the talking notice I'm not asking any questions so let's talk about this cuz you brought it up I wasn't going to how do you respond to people who say that you had something to do with Malcolm X's death oh brother I loved Malcolm I loved him so much that I would have given my life for him because I saw him as the greatest helper of the man that I love most which is the Honorable mohamad so when the time came that brother Malcolm felt he had to leave the nation and he left and then criticized the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and castigated him in as an immoral man I felt it my duty to defend my leader and teacher as did most of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's ministers and that's why I said I was a party to the creation of the atmosphere that led to his assassination and the FBI was involved but they just sat back and watched it play out a party with words I'm sorry you were a party by the words that you spoke yes are the words that I wrote but when they quoted me they never quoted me fully they quoted the part that would make the minister look like he was a party to the murder of Malcolm you're a young man but at the time of brother Malcolm's assassination there were 11 daily newspapers in New York City none of them were sad over Malcolm's assassination and Farrakhan never was mentioned for 20 years as any having anything to do with the assassination of brother Malcolm the FBI was there they know who was involved the two brothers that said they weren't there and they weren't there were charged with it and they took all kind of lie detector testing showed that they were that they were innocent but here's Farrakhan now I start rising in the eighties Malcolm dies or is assassinated in the 60s up until that time Farrakhan is not mentioned at all but the moment that I started to rise and thousands of people began to come out to hear what I had to say there was no so-called Negro leader on the scene that the media could use against me because my root is deep in the hood if you pardon that expression so they had to raise my brother from the grave and then say that I had something to do with Malcolm's murder don't I was never charged I was never brought to any court you could set up a grand jury now because there is no such thing as a statue of limitations on murder you can't bring nothing to prove that Farrakhan had anything to do with the assassination of brother Malcolm but you put it out in the media why because you already labeled me anti-semitic anti-white anti-gay anti-american now all you have to do is to reach deep into the hood because now you've made him a Malcolm an icon but Malcolm was the number one anti-semite when he passed from this earth according to the ADL now all of a sudden the media that is controlled by members of the Jewish community and that's not a Kanade that's a fact they bring my brother up from the grave and make him an icon in the world to use him against a living Farrakhan in hopes that a young gangbanger in love with brother Malcolm would take a gun and murder Farrakhan okay I had nothing to do with his murder I'm just letting you see the context of these things I have a few more I want to ask you about so I'm gonna say nothing to do with Malcolm X's death no absolutely not gonna say I'm gonna bring up something I just want you to if you can expound on it shortly your childhood what was that like growing up in the Bronx growing up in New York and then moving to Boston well I didn't stay in New York that long when I was two my mother went back to Bermuda and so I passed my third birthday in Bermuda and my fourth birthday was in Boston Massachusetts and that's where I grew up what I want to know though is how did that are you a different person now than you were is there a different you know you there's still the same person no if you go back to Boston and meet my teachers in school or my friends they'll tell you this is the same person just more mature more evolved many people were seeing things in me that I didn't see in myself as a child so no I'm not a changed person in that sense I'm just evolved into what God had already birthed me into the world to be you said you loved God absolute of God what about your family your beautiful wife is sitting here without a question because my wife and my children were sacrificed for this word and if there's anything in life that I regret it is the lack of balance when I became so committed to the struggle of black people I went away from my family and my family knew that I was always preaching some words somewhere and I was not the father that I could have been maybe that I should have been do you regret that of course I do but my wife was the mother the teacher the guy the friend that too for me in my absence and made my children to know that daddy wasn't out cavorting daddy was teaching daddy was doing this so my children even though they felt something of missing their father they loved me so much that today you look at my children there are many children one person that met my family said you know Minister there are many children that love their parents but they're not loyal to their parents and what I found in your family is not only loved but a great sense of loyalty I hope so I can't judge myself better than he can judge me I hope that he would be proud of me and what I've attempted to do in his name and I would like to hear the words that are written in the scripture well done thou good and faithful servant as thou has been faithful over little I'll make you ruler over much enter thou into thy joy thank you so much for your questions they thank you CNN thank you
Channel: mosque46av
Views: 674,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farrakhan, New Orleans, Don Lemon, Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan
Id: 6-z9jF6pKMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 56sec (5096 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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