Rally in Support of Minister Louis Farrakhan

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- number one welcome each and every one of you there are Christians there are Muslims so is black and white and brown all gathered together in the sanctuary as God would have it to be I welcome you you are at home here I welcome the Peace of the Christian Church assalamu alaikum love to everybody here especially love to my brother and my friend Minister Louis Farrakhan you are welcome home [Applause] [Music] Thank You father Pfleger in the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful we thank Almighty God for His many blessings we thank him for his many gifts his goodness his mercy we thank him for his prophets and messengers we thank him for Abraham and Moses we thank him for Jesus we thank him for Muhammad and I thank him for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan we are deeply humbled and profoundly grateful to father Michael Pfleger for opening up the doors of st. Sabina Church a friend for life the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam when justice Paul father Pfleger always answers father Pfleger has all chosen low unpopular and in the face of vehement criticism an opposition he has chosen to be on the right side of history [Applause] closing Minister Farah Khan's account hit the news knowing that his brother is innocent of their charges he called his brother to express his outrage father Pfleger saw this as another step in effort to silence and censor those who would dare speak the truth to power he saw this as an infringement on the people's right to free speech so he invited the minister and the Nation of Islam that if we wanted to make a response the minister could do so from his church and here we are [Music] by standing on the side of truth justice and what is right father Pfleger is being attacked but we remind father Pfleger that this is the time of God the time of truth the time of justice and righteousness and no weapon formed against the righteous and if God be for you then who can be against you and what God has brought together in these two brothers each and every one of you who have come out tonight to show your support we thank all of our artists and celebrities activists politicians professionals to the common man and woman for your posts on social media in support of your and my brother Minister Farrakhan thank you smooth dog [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Russell Simmons attorney Benjamin [Applause] so many countless others express their outrage tonight we want the enemy to know that Farrakhan is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you support Minister Louis Park on what you at this time back in the day we used the protests with you know the plaque cards and picket signs that's the word I was looking for ticket signs well today where's my picket sign it's the cell phone that's how you pick it in protests today in the modern age so we want everyone at all that are watching on the social media platforms joining us live on analyze org we want you to text nine nine zero zero zero to register your support nine nine zero zero zero to register your support for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and we will keep you updated on our ongoing campaign defending Farrakhan on all of your social media platforms right now we want you to share we want you to repost this live stream from st. Sabina Church and on your social media platforms we want you to put in we are hashtag we are Farrakhan can we do that let me see your picket signs everybody got to pick a size let's see all right all right all right brothers and sisters whew reminds the most wicked thing that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook Facebook did and what the media has done is to falsely label and call Minister Farrakhan dangerous we asked you how is the Minister dangerous is he dangerous because he's loved by his own people and admired and respected by millions around the world by calling the minister dangerous and a hater you want him to be hated by those who love respect and admire him and for us to distance ourselves from him which one of his works do you stone him for is the minister dangerous because he imparts knowledge and tells the truth how dangerous Minister Farrakhan has wisdom and impart knowledge to the masses who have been lied to by the government and Mis educated by the system is this what makes him dangerous in your eyes ask who are with him is he dangerous to us that's why we are here tonight because we have benefited from his teachings and the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his Minister Farrakhan dangerous because he teaches us to love and respect self is it dangerous to put men and women in respect and honor of each other and to rear their children properly is it dangerous to tell men and women not to drink not to smoke not to use dope to clean up our lives make our communities a decent and safe place to live he teaches us to pool our resources and to do something for ourselves establish an independent education to teach our children the knowledge of self so that they will stop the fighting and the killing of one another Minister Farrakhan gathers thousands every year and there has never been any incident no crime committee nothing but no one is another human being we left the National Mall as we found it the head sergeant of the police Capitol Police told me personally that he had never had a gathering on that mall where there was no trash to be picked up the trash was put in the trash cans and at the conclusion of the Million Man March the lists of the ministers good noble and honorable work goes on and on over 64 years the truth of the matter is you are the real clear and present danger to the suffering masses you like [Music] [Applause] the people of Flint Farrakhan did not lie to the American people weapons of mass destruction [Applause] [Music] Farah Khan is not depriving our young people on the street of that essential knowledge that would stop the violence and the killing Farah Khan did not come up with the predatory lending practices that caused millions of Americans to [Applause] poisoning the food [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] prophets and messengers to destroy messenger beloved Jesus was hated and called dangerous Jesus was lied on he was falsely charged spoken ridiculed in what they may be Jesus without a cause and Jesus said to them who seem to kill a man who has only told you the truth you seek the killer Manson who has only told the truth in the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan but we say as I conclude Oh Satan you stilled you stoned and killed the process of God but God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to give us two and that's why it's to stand up with the treats that we know repost it share it and let the truth reign because the day of falsehood and wickedness is Farrakhan nine nine zero zero zero on your cell phones key post testing which picket signs but this is our day let us welcome back our host our friend our pastor father Michael Pfleger thank you my brother mr. Ishmael thank you for your love for your truth for your commitment brother than a muhammad my friend my brother love you sir welcome mother Khadija much love sister the first lady is in the house a week ago Facebook chose to ban Minister Louis Farrakhan from Facebook and Instagram this is the same Facebook that has been live-streaming shootings attempted rapes white supremists racial name-calling and countless other violent and racist it is dangerous to me when we begin to stop the free speech and seek to silent prophetic voices there are many who say they do not like Minister Farrakhan because all they have heard is various sound bites perhaps that is why Facebook wanted to ban him to keep people from hearing his whole talk his entire message and the truth that he seeks to teach us but I do not know of another man in America who can fill arenas around this country often times with many of them if not a majority of them not Muslim but simply want to love the Minister and hear his teachings I don't know of another person a group or religion in this country that has done a better job in raising up strong clean non-pilot black men and saving life across this country then Minister Louis Farrakhan nation of islam Minister Farrakhan has been a bull voice against the injustice done against black people in this country and his boys deserves and need to be heard this past week I have been cursed at received an overwhelming amount of heat calls emails fateful Facebook postings it is interesting to me that those who accuse him of have been so hateful week all the hypocrisy I have had a fundraiser for our employment Resource Center canceled financial support withdrawn be called an inn lover a wigger and a traitor to white people there is a sign that hangs in this sanctuary that says discipleship core are you willing my sisters and brothers iman's rabbis prophetic preachers civil rights leaders and icons have stood in this pulpit to speak to us to challenge us to call us to live we say we profess there has been our history and that will be our future as long as I and the pastor of this church the plate the faith community must be a place where we can gather to expose lies and deception and speak truth and justice I pray that one day we will create a day where we will build a table that is long enough for all of us to sin that every race every face every age and every class we're together we can wrestle with the truth until the truth prevails and we'd leave it and not just preach it and when we build the Beloved Community that dr. King spoke oh let me be clear the hate the spread and the attacks will not ever intimidate me or compromise me from seeking to bear witness to the Christ that I have given my life to serve we don't commit till his truth his justice and his love until the day that I die when facebook banned Minister Farrakhan I reached out to tell him first that I love him I believe when hate raises its head love OTO raise its head second that he is my brother I apologized to him for the attack that he feels because I know how strong he is but he is also a human being and so I also told him that I have been and always will be a defender of free speech as I believe we must all continue to defend then I would open my doors to invite him if he wished to come and respond to this unjust band and his right and all my right to the First Amendment to be given protection to free speech in this country he accepted and tonight I am honored to bring to you a friend and yes a brother a fighter for justice equality and freedom one who is uncompromising so - with his life - straighten the crooked just move the rock to live all the mountains and the peel in the bellies one who is sought to live as Jesus called us to live and care for the love the least of these no matter the cost no matter the second yes my friend leader please welcome with me minister Lewis [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful I bear witness to him who originated the heavens and the earth who is the originator of all life and his greatest desire is to rid the earth of unbelief and hatred a lying and deceit and make the human family human again [Music] the mind and spirit of the Beast of Revelations the mark of the beast is in her hands and the mark of the beast is in our forehead we are not thinking like the divine creator created us to think in our best selves we have degenerated into something that is subhuman and the actions that are going on throughout our planet among all the peoples of our planet says that Satan has nearly conquered the whole of humanity I think a lot for all the prophets who suffered to bring truth in a world that seems to love falsehood I think Allah for Moses and Abraham I thank him for Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon these worthy servants of God I thank him for each and every one of you who would like to see yourselves in your divine garments how could the son be a creature of the Creator and it is not divine how could the least of his creatures not be divine because each of his creatures reflected the Creator how could you and I and we and us who are made in His image and after his likeness be so far removed [Music] from the divinity of our nature some of us are even so afraid to admit that the human being can be divine this not just for people of high status and standing the least human being is greater than the Sun [Applause] I'm gonna say it again [Music] the least human being is greater than the Sun the Sun can only do what God created to do every creature that we study contained in it is the treasure of what God's purpose was for its creation he's not a mindless creator and we would have to be mindful to feed on the wisdom in the least of his creation this is why the psalmist says ye are all God's children of the Most High God [Applause] I often wondered as a student of my wonderful teacher the Honorable Elijah Muhammad I often wondered why we could speak such noble words and live a life so far removed from the noble words that we speak I looked at the Constitution of the United States of America supposedly composed by the founding fathers many of them of this great nation we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men created by God what beautiful words but the same creators of that word they were inspired by the God of justice but they could not make those words bond that we all should enjoy life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and to that end governments are formed with the consent of the governed in here we are today some of us could not come out tonight because they did not wish to be censured by those who presently have power to censure but that power is gradually being taken from you and I am so grateful to God that he made me an instrument to bring that end of your wicked system of injustice oh wait a minute Farrakhan how dare you say that you are the one God has sitting and if you study your script [Applause] and study my work you'll find it is not another challenges like Farrakhan [Applause] know those that you think of wise [Applause] [Music] the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God [Applause] the founding fathers couldn't make those words live they were slaveholders they were misogynists [Applause] all these wonderful rights could not be given to white women much less black men and women Native American men and women Chinese or Japanese human beings Jesus wanted to produce a special community his words are difficult to live if you have a racist mentality his words are difficult to live if your heart is darkened with hatred envy and jealousy the story of Cain and Abel is a very beautiful story for us to reflect on because that happened in the genesis of a new people on our planet and we are now living thank you in the genesis of a new beginning a new beginning God created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh they say and after doing all this great work he he looked around and he saw that there was no man to cultivate the earth the most noble profession is that of a farmer many of you shun farming especially black people who were working from can't see morning to can't see night on mass's plantation so one day Cain and Abel from the dysfunctional family of Adam and Eve [Music] started a world that we are the recipients of it a dysfunctional world our government is becoming sicker everyday parts of government judicial branch legislative branch and a judicial branch I'm sorry executive branch I don't know what would make me some things that kid and wrinkles maybe God wants us to forget it [Applause] [Music] they had an offering that they were to give to God and came being a farmer he went to work in the field and he offered to God the fruit of the ground but his younger brother he he offered him the fruit of a sheep from the womb of a sheep a lamb [Music] a lamb a lamb so when God saw Cain's offering he took it it didn't mean he didn't love Cain but somehow God was moved by lamb and he took that lamb to his bosom Cain was very upset as most of us get upset when we think our offering should always be better then the next person because in our imagination we did what God wanted because I'm a farmer [Music] Cain was so upset and God spoke to him and in our upset we need God to speak to us so God said Cain why is your countenance fallen why are you angry the Facebook do something why's your countenance fallen why are you angry and God said to Cain Cain sin lieth at the door if Kane were not so angry that he would say to God God I gave you such a beautiful gift I sweat I went and I planted and I nurtured what I planted and look at how beautiful it is why is that more acceptable to you then this [Music] didn't do the work the male sheep did the work and now you accept his offering over mine see if you only have wisdom to properly answer God's question why are you angry why is your countenance fallen sin lieth at the door God could have easily said to Cain Cain I love you I love the sweat of your brow that produced this fruit from the ground but I was looking down the wheel of time and I saw a lamb coming that would take away the sins and if you if you could see what I see because you don't have a comprehensive knowledge of things so I have to show you what I see that you can't see but if you had faith and asked me a question I couldn't counsel you but instead you hated your brother because in reality you hate me Envy is a disease of the heart that will not allow you to see properly so you think you're envious of the person that has what you think you deserve but your hatred is for God for allowing somebody to have what you think is your possession and what happens to us is we lose sight on our own gift because you're blinded by your envy of the gift that your sister has your brother has so the only thing that can cure that kind of envy which led to hatred and the Koran says soon bye-bye it became easy for came to slay his brother and that's why Jesus gave two Commandments while Moses gave ten and those two Commandments that Jesus made no pun intended trumped [Music] would be thought was a well played card you know Jesus said I give you this day two Commandments and if we focused on those two Commandments we can walk through what's happening with Facebook Instagram and Twitter and the history that is shown toward me if you could dig into those two Commandments you can overcome the disease of envy that keeps us divided against each other jesus said the first commandment is that you love God with [Applause] when you put all in front of it as why some religious denominations can't pledge allegiance to a symbol of a nation because I've already given my all to him that helped you get a nation [Applause] now I'd like to get to the core of our problem and I must say Minister Ishmael you if I needed a lawyer for my defense boy [Music] God gave me a lawyer and father flake I must say without apology he is my brother only women a minister I thank you stretching things no I'm trying to stretch you [Music] [Applause] the first lesson that we learned coming into the classroom of God he starts us off with actual facts and the problem with many of us we start talking before we know what we're talking about we're not interested in facts we're not interested in truth so we go off of assumptions and emotions and [Music] who is the original man Elijah Muhammad taught the original man is the Asiatic black man listen the maker the owner the cream of the planet of the universe that's who you are and that's who you were before the transatlantic slave trade brought us to America and turned us upside down and inside out what is the population of the original nation in the wilderness of North America and all over the planet Earth at the time that that question was asked of us the answer was 17 million with the two billion Indians making a total of 19 million in the wilderness of North America four billion four hundred million over the planet Earth why did our teacher put that in as an actual fact for us to think about we are so narrow in our thought processes I have to say found the plague it has now grown all of that stuff and so his father it's not racism to say that the black man is the mother and father of all human beings no matter what science you think you know you can't prove different if white people were the first on our planet we could never be because it's a genetical mathematical impossibility for two white people to produce what you see in South Sudan it's not hey not racism it's just a fact [Applause] so when man was being made in the image of God it was a new man on our planet being made in the image of the original [Music] we are the original man but what has ruled us for the last six thousand years is mankind [Applause] made after the order of the original man we're not better than you in this sense [Music] if Hussein boat was on the track with a lot of other speedsters he's not being arrogant if he says I think I can beat you all he didn't had to think it he proved it we are the first in the light of the Sun the lands that we owned are the richest lands an envy from the new man on our planet use your knowledge your wisdom of tricks and lies to create division among us and rule us until the coming of God this is where I wanted to go tonight I won't be long I usually say that and a few hours later listen family to my Christian family here the Bible teaches you as by one man sin entered into the world death came also because of sin so all men have sinned and it's the time now for the rise of the people there are the original people of our doesn't mean white people have to go someplace [Music] it just means now is our time [Applause] [Music] I mean you have to be honest with yourself and look at how you ruled you did not rule grant us freedom you wanted to take God's place so you had us call you massa [Applause] and if we rebelled against you you read us nearly to death or you would kill us because God is supposed to be obeyed but now we are waking up and we're not thrown now to obey you and foolishness in the book of Thessalonians it says that day what day the day of judgement when everybody has to reap what they have sown if you don't like the fruit that you're getting look deeply into what you have [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you wake up justice justice does not sleep it's the recording angel of your deeds if you can be caught with a good lawyer who's also maybe a good liar [Music] [Applause] you can get off but not with God not in his season [Music] so to the white people who think I'm a hater and by the way and by the way you don't know me [Applause] you've never had a conversation with me [Music] somebody made you pay me but after you got a plane it with me the hay began to be diminished and then you began and after you began listening your hay began to turn to love will you Christian family answer me this see how easy it is for you today to mention the name of Jesus but when he walked this earth he was hated without a cause [Applause] I'm a hated man today you can't even have a picture with me and some of these that you me see you smiling with me we'd help him win in Illinois and after black caucus he was now a senator and we shook hands and he had big beautiful smile on his pretty face and somebody had that picture but they say Lord if they see him smiling with feras all right we'll never have him as a president so somebody had to whisk them to hide the picture I don't mind saying it was one of our brothers see we knew how who you are toward me so you make me the little must test for any black person who wants to rise in white America you want a job you want to work downtown you want to be this you want to be that they are the doorkeepers so you can't say you like Africa you can't say I heard you the teachin my eyes came open he's saving my life you can't say that because you lose something the enemy is so hateful of me father flag has been a friend to me for nearly 40 years I've spoken at Saint Sabina several times at his invitation I've never said this publicly before but I'm gonna say it tonight father Pfleger brought Cardinal George to have dinner with me in my home [Music] we spent an evening together we weren't playing checkers we were talking as men of God my protocol director sister Claudette marie mohammed said cardinal may we take a picture memorializing this visit he said yes she took the picture in the next morning I said please call the Cardinal who gave us permission to take the picture but I wanted to be sure that he would not mind our exposing the picture so she called the Cardinal he said him on second thought it wouldn't be wise a great man daily the son the first daily that was a Chicago man he visited us I met with him on the fifth floor city hall no fix is better and he said to me for hon these are some very powerful people I don't know why you always seem to be getting into trouble with them [Music] that picture of Cardinal George has never seen the light of day because I told him I would not violate my word that I gave him how many of us that love you know notoriety [Music] how many of us who had a picture of you and Cardinal George smiling together would keep your word I did because I live by my word for those in the media [Music] who are angry because the father Pfleger invited me to say Sabina what do you think about the cardinal and I having dinner together almost feel some bees tonight [Applause] so I understand he had a meeting today with the Monsignor well that's nice I had a meeting with the company not the present one but even Cardinal George's predecessor yes I met with him in his home or his office downtown we don't talk about these things because they know what they're gonna suffer my god that kind of hatred is almost no it's not almost it is insanity look at your brother [Music] Saturday on God willing I'll be 86 years old I have never been arrested [Applause] no drunken driving I just drive a little faster what have I done did you would hate me now I'm gonna close with this point my wonderful lawyer Minister teacher companion he took on the idea of dangerous brother you did such a fine job but I have to confess this is the place they do confession father Pfleger I'm in the right place this is the place that you do confessions and really dangerous now look at this I'm not dangerous on my own [Applause] Jah the Lord of the Worlds made me dangerous to see his world I wanna show you something in him outta here because it's time to break the fast [Applause] that day what day judgment cannot come unless there is a falling away first [Applause] and the man of sin be revealed the Sun [Music] [Applause] all the reverence all the emails all the high muckety-mucks God didn't call you to do this you can have a church on every corner but don't fight say see his one against all the prophets of God [Applause] while the Prophet was alive and with his community they were together but when death came to the prophet of that time and now Jews are divided because of Satan's intervention Christians you have so many denominations you don't even know how to come few verses of Bible starts a church and if you've got a voice like my past over here bastard tl [Music] that only adds Vestas a real teacher but some can sing but they don't know how to preach they don't bother with si si the man of sin to be revealed [Applause] God gave it to me to make manifest the man's sin that is what the whole world in British [Music] now look at this [Applause] [Music] God's coming is after the working of Satan many of us don't even know we're followers of Satan thinking that we are the followers of Jesus Christ [Applause] discipleship will cost [Applause] are you willing to mainly right Jesus says they hated him so if you really listen to be good a disciple of Christ why they evil speaking of you who really are we [Music] God called you to preach you go downtown get a license is that [Applause] you can't stand up on God's calling you gotta go and get approval from somebody in downtown don't believe in Jesus but is giving out licenses they're angry with me because I exposed via hatred of Jesus it has been written in the Babylonian Talmud that Jesus is in hell boiling in excrement now when they tell you I teach hey you better find some testicles if you don't have any Walmart's as it just a little levity it's going to take courage to ask a question did you say that Jesus should be boiled in a sermon then come back with this question see in this church don't you say fully married mother of god pray for us now and it our prese holy mother married yes sir churches would not allow his own mother to come if the mother of Jesus came in this would you if she was able to bring would you tell her she can't come up here see that Talmudic thought that has invaded the church it was a time when priests could marry in a poll decided no we're not gonna marry but call me Father [Music] [Music] see it's time that all this has to be cleaned up having sex with little boys [Applause] he's in the town taking little girls three years old under and putting their finger in her private part is alright and they call mother Mary a prostitute [Music] the mother of the greatest life to ever come to earth the life of the Messiah who is a prostitute according to the Talmud do the research they hate me because it's written I didn't realize I was gonna fulfill it [Music] it is really God's coming is after the working of Satan God will consume with the spirit of his mouth on the brightness of his coming right [Music] it's this they feel I just know the truth and I'm here to separate the good Jews Jews yes yes yes this is just the beginning banning me from a social platform I used that platform with respect those who follow me those who speak evil of us [Applause] so I am dangerous not to you unless you feel the father flavours invitation to me may her st. Sabina [Music] you don't have the power to hurt Saints of mine if you don't give him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that is with me so you met me tonight social media you met me tonight I plead with the rules let the truth be taught because this is the only thing that will make America not great again [Music] make America truly great [Applause] [Music] to tell the truth that God has revealed to his seven the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that he taught me [Music] [Applause] we can save America from her destructive fall I'm not a misogynist and homophobe don't be angry with me if I stand up on God's Word [Applause] my brothers and sisters who have been exposed to the great deception taking the word God is love and I love my brother in fact we just when I came up here [Music] this is not queer this is straight-up love so tonight [Applause] I'm not gonna ask you to let them put you in jail but they call Facebook jail [Applause] we have a teaching about the maker of the white race his followers were put in jail yes I wonder is it Facebook jail it was another one till all the jails got filled up [Applause] and that's when the president said I think I better go and start a dialogue with for her car because this false mess to give you civil rights and take it back you owe us and I'm here in my God's permission to tell all of you what justice looks like it's not a white woman TV show in a nice car nice home I got all that into they robbed nobody [Applause] I love you I love you because God loves you and wants to free you from the grip of Satan that we made righteous world father [Applause] thank you for listening you
Channel: CAN TV
Views: 686,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tPbs0jbjDyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 38sec (5378 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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