PT 1. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan details stories of his relationship with Malcolm X

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it's way in the morning only for shade 45 to 10 10 15 and 20th anniversary of the Million Man March they haven't told me you know and in you know I remember 20 years ago I was fighting to come to DC and be a part of that that Million Man March I remember the ten year anniversary as well you know one of the things always admired about you you know even to this day one of the things from your past that a lot of people that that's attached to Minister Louis Farrakhan's legacy is your relationship and you spoke about him earlier with brother Malcolm you know and a lot of folks I've been acts folks today what would you have me ask him if you had a chance to talk and the majority of people asks about your relationship with the brother Malcolm and what's happened since people don't really know what happened since his death and your relationship with this family they don't see the Mike Wallace interview you know they didn't they didn't know about you meeting with Betty Shabazz can you clarify what's your course you know well first them but the Malcolm was my mentor I've never met a more disciplined man I was very fortunate to have him as my teacher he was the greatest helper of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad I would have given my life to protect his life because of my deep love for Elijah Muhammad and his being his top student unfortunately there would come a time when he would break ranks with the nation and break ranks with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad over an aspect of mr. Muhammad's personal life when before that happened if you remember when John Kennedy was murdered I don't know whether you know this but Elijah Muhammad instructed all his ministers not to say anything about the assassination of President Kennedy but the Malcolm was speaking at the Manhattan Center and he got through the lecture perfectly but he had a question and answer period and a man from the New York Times asked him a question concerning President Kennedy and he made a statement that was true it was a case of the chickens coming home to roost however he disobeyed the direction of the teacher the next day the newspapers said Malcolm rejoices in words over the assassination of Kennedy now we have many believers in prisons all over America under white Catholic God's persecution began because they loved Kennedy Malcolm was exposing Kennedy not telling lies telling truth but that violation of the instructions of his teacher caused the teacher to silence him during that period of silence I was invited to New York to speak on a particular Sunday as other ministers were coming in and Malcolm came and met me and took me to his home on 23 1197 Street and during the dinner Betty brought the dinner in Malcolm began to tell me about my teachers personal life and after he finished he said now brother I could get these sisters on the telephone and tricked them and make them tell you that what I'm telling you is true I said no brother you don't have to do that when he took me back to the airport he said to me brother now I don't want you to tell anybody what I've told you I said no I'm not going to tell anybody but the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and I saw his shoulder jumped I went back to Boston I couldn't sleep because sometimes when you learn information that you didn't know that has a tendency to shake your faith some yeah it keeps you up I could not sleep that night and five o'clock the next morning is that's our time for prayer brother Malcolm called me he said brother Lewis I want you to delay the letter that you were going to write to give me a chance to write a letter to explain what I said and why I said brother it's gonna take me some time to get my head together to write such a letter so if you can get your letter off in that time fine I do not want to be put in between two powerful men he said well there's only one powerful man I said I'm aware of that but I'm also aware that your relationship with me and mine with you and him would be troubled Malcolm Rudy's letter and mine came after his letter and he was summoned to Arizona to answer his teacher now that was a very difficult period in the nation's life because most of you have girlfriends that you don't legitimize them as wives not I'm not talking to you personally but most men have women on the side but they don't accept the responsibility of procreation Elijah Muhammad married these women they produced for him children now what you don't know and you're going to have to face it women are outnumbering men today from 7 to 11 to 1 and women today lose as a commodity because they're there's more than the demand the demand is on the man because he's less she's more in terms of numbers so women are played but one day we're going to have to think over what polygamy is it's not the best solution but when prophet muhammad peace be upon him went to war many men lost their lives and left their wives as and their children sometimes as often so the Quran permitted the Muslim male to have up to four wives under that circumstance Elijah Muhammad taught us against fornication and adultery so naturally if he is taking wives all of us that follow him that had girlfriends before we met him it might trigger us to go back into fornication and adultery I defended Elijah Muhammad I did not defend Malcolm I was angry with him because Elijah Muhammad took brother Malcolm from prison a brilliant man potentially but doing criminal things and when Elijah Muhammad when he became a follower of Elijah Muhammad and came out of prison I know the n-double-a-cp wouldn't use him nor would the Urban League because Malcolm only had an eighth grade education but after Elijah Muhammad taught him that man became a giant so it would seem to me that regardless to what you felt about your teacher why would you try to destroy a movement that gave you life because your teacher disciplined you and that's where we fell out yeah but those actions question his faith all right yes okay and naturally then when your faith is shaken when you do what you think you should do but most of the people don't know that Malcolm tried to get back into the nation before he was assassinated really so why would he come back if your faith was broken why would you come back it's because he realized the nation made malcolm and malcolm helped to make the nation and one year two years outside of the nation he was wandering not quite sure where he wanted to go he was a black nationalist and then he became an orthodox Muslim we fell out and I can't take that back because he taught me how to defend my teacher and I went to him and showed him what I knew and found in the Quran about the domestic life of my teacher and Malcolm said to me I already know that brother you can't handle that I'll handle that fine but he mishandled it and he made the teacher to look bad when he could have defended the teacher just by using the knowledge of the Quran so unfortunately it led to a back and forth like a husband and wife break apart the children are watching a drama and sometimes the drama gets so tense that one parent will attack another parent to get the children on their side and vice versa that's the decision that I had to make over a man that inspired my Islamic life and the teacher of my Islamic life I could not follow brother Malcolm I had to follow the teacher who taught us both time and circumstances now brought my brother to an assassination there's a hell of a climate you can't leave the FBI out of this you can't leave the US government out of this they plotted to divide Malcolm from his teacher and create the circumstances that led to his assassination and in the Freedom of Information Act you can find all of this that the government was involved in Malcolm went to Egypt and was poisoned in Egypt we were not there when he went to France and France wouldn't let him in he took the the money of the Gaul with that had the Gauls picture on it and threw it on the ground he knew that the Gaul did not want him assassinated on French soil we're not over there it's bigger than the Nation of Islam we had differences yes and some from the nation were charged with killing him and did 26 years to life and they were innocent the one that was guilty did the time and then he came out and he named all those who were involved in that action with himself these are records that you can get there they're in the court with counselor and and others now I want to say this in closing this you know Betty of course and I we were at odds but then the FBI came to my door and told me that we're going to announce somebody was trying is trying to assassinate you Farrakhan and we're going to make the announcement at 11 o'clock or something when the announcement came out they said it was Kabila Shabazz who had paid some little white boy a little bit of money and he was to assassinate Louis Farrakhan now these a thing you can get it's it's public record yeah I didn't let the FBI put that mess over on me and on us we had a press conference and I took the side of Kabila and Betty that they were set up to create a problem between the nationalist community and the Nation of Islam so Betty and I then stood together and at the Apollo Theater we raised money to help Kabila out of that situation and finally the government dropped the case and now they're not going to tell you what Farrakhan did to start to bridge that gap that night at the Apollo Theater I use the term brother Malcolm and Betty said I hope that you will continue to see him as brother Malcolm something like that and when you hear me talk mention his name I say brother Malcolm time heals wounds there are some wounds that time won't heal but I know that time will heal this wound because now there's Kobe loved is a Yasha they're the twins that's a beautiful family and you think about Malik Shabazz or Malcolm Shabazz the only male member that represents Malcolm X killed in Mexico the FBI arrested that brother because he was going to Iran to a conference the government has never I stopped trying to harm both the nation and the Shabazz family so today I don't say that we're friends but I do say that we're better than we were 20 years ago and I want to say to all of you who think that Farrakhan did something to murder Malcolm or was a part of it don't you know that as much as this enemy hates me that if they had any evidence that I was a part of a conspiracy to murder brother Malcolm I wouldn't be here with this brother now I'd be in some prison cell and they wouldn't have to be afraid of the truth coming out of my mouth because they would have silenced me behind prison bars so you know I have nothing to do with that and I would hope that you would be intelligent enough to know that the enemy is still working today Louis Farrakhan is the voice that Malcolm was do you think they don't want me silenced well soon it'll be my turn because they're trying to find some way to arrest me or have some silly person think that they should kill me and that's out there too you receive death threats well if I did I don't know it in saying that the government dropped the case before the Apollo yes they did that's what made the apollo so strong but i mentioned that it was after the Apollo no I didn't say that they stopped it after the Apollo they stopped it period that's all it's a matter of fact well why did the government back out if they thought they had something why didn't they continue see when because we didn't play into the plot and that's why they lost so I'm saying this to you brother um it's a question that I don't mind answering oh you know but no matter what mistake I believe Malcolm made he died that I might live because he made a mistake that I learned from when I split with Wallace D Mohammed you never heard me say one negative word about that man because they were the institution I was just an individual but Allah has made me an institution now so in the end I'll be the winner I don't care what the government says I'm the winner now and I'll be the winner in the end and you know what I called him brother Malcolm because even though he's dead he's bringing more people to Islam in death than some of these living ones cannot do and the thing that has made Malcolm is not an accident did you ever read the eleven daily newspapers after brother Malcolm was assassinated not only know did you know that every paper in New York rejoiced at the murder of brother Malcolm go back and look they've tried to make a movie on brother Malcolm and members of the Jewish community would not finance it or let it come out did you know that brother Malcolm was by the ADL the number one anti-semite when he was killed did you know that not to know that did you know that that's what I am now to them do they love me I'm asking you a question why don't they love me because I exposed them Malcolm expose them as the architects of all the civil rights organizations they were behind them giving them money and you know what the theme was non economic liberalism that none of these organizations core snake n-double-a-cp could involve themselves in economic development because economic development would take money out of the hands of the Jewish people that funded civil rights then you gotta look deep at what's going on today don't be no surface people but we are the winners sway in the morning only from shade 45 you
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Keywords: sway, sways universe, sway in the morning, heather b, dj wonder, tracy g, interview, news, music, film, hip-hop, rap, shade45, siriusxm, i shoot nyc, ishootnyc, honorable, Louis Farrakhan (Politician), malcolm x, civil rights, leader, 5 fingers of death, sway in the morning freestyle, tyler the creator freestyle, childish gambino freestyle, tory lanez freestyle, lil dicky freestyle, logic freestyle, damian lillard rap, megan thee stallion, riff raff freestyle, shia labeouf freestyle
Id: h6xY0Xla5ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2015
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