AR56 Daily Farming Route for Artifacts, Monsters, Crystal Ores - Genshin Impact

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what's going on guys asian guy here alongside my cat jojo hello say hi jojo oh look at her face wait she's just chilling do you see something okay well she she was just chilling there but welcome to the video guys that is not the right intro i normally do what's going on guys asian guy here and today i will be bringing you my daily route and my daily routine on gentian impact this is something a lot of people have requested from me but i just keep forgetting to do because i'm so drilled in with this daily routine that i want to get it done and dusted every single day so in this video what you can expect is for me to first of all show you guys what every player should be doing and then i'll be doing my artifact route and i'll also be doing my mining route as well as any other bonus resources or elite mobs that i like to clear out on the way as well and while i'm doing so it's a perfect opportunity sorry for hitting the mic that's a perfect opportunity or even a perfect excuse for me to cover a range of different topics that i wanted to talk to you guys about and as you guys know i had a previous video where i was literally just running around doing nothing and pretty much talking and rambling and all of that good stuff a lot of people seem to enjoy that so i thought this is i can make a bit more of a structured way of rambling on while doing something that's useful to you guys in the background so the very first thing that every player should be doing guys and still to this day i get comments on previous videos saying oh i didn't know you could do this is to do your daily expeditions you can technically do these more than once a day depending on the time frame that you set but i always set mine for 20 hours because i'm not that sweaty i'm sweaty guys i'm a sweaty gamer but i'm not that sweaty remember there are four options guys i repeat there's four hours eight hours 12 hours and 20 hours you should always always always do 20 hours it is the most efficient one so that is my recommendation unless you are for some reason able to stay up 24 hours or you are staying up 24 hours and you're able to time it to perfection then maybe you can do the four hour and 20 hours but for most people i would recommend just going with the 20 hours and of course it does help if you have characters like ka ching chong yun which will reduce the time spent to down to 15 hours bennett and also official almost forgot her name there bennett and also official are great for this as well something else you should be doing well i will not say this applies to everyone because a lot of people who will never ever pull for weapons in their time playing game shin will not have a need for any of these mystic enhancement ores but for content creators or whales that have a lot of four star weapons or four five star weapons then obviously you want to be doing your daily crystals you can do six sets of five you can do 30 of these every single day for the mystic enhancement or with these crystal chunks and i will be showing you guys where i go to farm crystal chunks every single day as well so if you do need weapon exp as you can see i need a lot of them i have a bunch of spears that i literally never use for level 80 spears but for the sake of content creation and also to showcase to you guys comparisons of side by side comparisons i do need to level up a lot of weapons still so black sword i need to take this up another refinement or rather instead of refinement ascension we've got prototype archaic we've got the serpent spine all these weapons etc etc take up a lot of crystals i have 823 right now but this is barely enough for one five-star weapon or two four-star weapons so there's there's a lot i need to do the next thing that you want to be doing is of course making sure you claim your battle pass and all that good stuff claim all and the mining guys even though i didn't do any mining there the expedition rewards do count towards this battle pass here as well so first things first let us go ahead and go to dragon spine i guess i'll save dragon spine for last because not everyone has dragon spine unlocked yet we will start the artifact run here out salter ray so let's begin okay so for this artifact run i'm actually going to change my party up having double animo or razer or chao in your party will decrease your stamina consumption quite significantly so we are going to go with that and i'm going to go with this you know what i'm going to go with venti in case i need an archer but we're going to go with this setup here and this should be a okay this will give me a little bit of cool down reduction and movement speed bonus as well as stamina consumption reduction as well that is a mouthful but some of these spots guys there are ones that respawn every 24 hours there are some that respawn every 12 hours and there is going to be one place where you should absolutely go to every single day and let me show you guys that one first so we're going to start off here over here minlin teleport in leeway if you go to this domain here this is one of the best domains to fund and the bless oblige and the blessed bleach domain and you go to the teleporter just south east of it this is where the main chunk of the 12-hour respawns will begin so when you go to this teleporter you want to look to the north you want to face north and you just want to glide over here and you will find a bandit camp over here and here there is a fair amount of decent artifacts you can pick up on the way which is going to be very very nice this respawns every 12 hours i'm going to put my shield on i'm not even going to bother killing these people because just a waste of time for me at this point because i've done this daily route so much i've killed them so many times and i don't really need their materials anytime soon we're just going to leave that as it is for now as well so there's nothing spawned up there yet there should be more artifacts down here beautiful and there are eggs up here as well if you need the eggs too which i want sweet flower i will take that need to use a short character because zhang li is too tall to actually fit in these and let's now teleport down here so down this coastline is where we want to go next now during all of this guys what i personally like to do is i like to have streamers in the background gentian impact content creators either a podcast or a stream a live stream if you go over to you'll find a lot of genji impact streamers are live there i will leave in the description a whole ton of links guys to streamers that i personally think deserve a little bit more recognition you've got the likes of ok code and mr snyder or mr x slice who i'm sure you guys all have heard of they are very very big streamers in genshin they are also comfort streamers for me i consider both of them my friends so when i i personally like listening to my friends talking while i'm doing this kind of stuff in the background but there's more than just mr slice and also okay code so if you are looking for more comfort streamers or people to listen to in the background while you're doing your daily artifact farming or you're doing your mining routes or anything daily on genjin then here is a big list in the description down below of a lot more smaller content creators who i think are very much under appreciated right now so there's gonna be a fat list down there guys so we've got more artifacts over here you can come here and kill this guy if you want to although i don't really recommend it he doesn't really drop much but he you know he he dies really quickly now sometimes he might have a random event spawning here and in this instance random events will give you mystic enhancement or if you're lucky it will give you some maura and on top of that it will give you friendship exp so a lot of people have been asking me how do i have my friendship exp so already like my shower is almost level seven i finished car news one already is because i do these you can do a random events ten times maximum per day and obviously you know they give you a nice little bit of extra friendship exp so you should be able to see it here after i kill this dude right here yes my zhongli does hit hard i know but as you can see 1.8 k more companionship exp times 2 times 10 and times to find enhancement or so that's a nice little bonus you can pick up the carrots over here as well not necessary at all and then if you want fish as well and you want lotus head there's fish here as well so very nice to go on the way but this is the one that you should be doing every single day guys every single day right here it's like this little cabin in here break the boxes there's a radish in there there's a lizard in here as well and this is this one resets every 12 hours guys this is a literal gold mine of one star two star artifacts there's a chest here as well if you want you can also put a portable teleporter in here as well but i don't really recommend it's a little bit expensive if you're not try hard farming every day for the materials but that is the little cabin i will show you guys on the map where it is wang xu in you've got it in big bold writing just to the west of that slightly northwest of that this star mark here this is where you want to come for the daily one which will reset multiple times a day when i say multiply me twice a day because it's every 12 hours so there are instances where you are going to be able to pick those up twice in a day which is going to be very very nice and then if you come down here you've got some more over here you've got wheat and stuff as well wheat is very useful to have for dishes if you want food guys and you you are lacking on food for example if i showed you my food stock i have a lot of very good healing food we've got sweet madam there over 300 got over 400 of these monster hash browns and we've also got i believe the other one is mushroom pizza maybe it's all the way down here i've got 60 of this adapters i can make more of those mushroom pizza am i blind guys i think i'm going blind the old age oh there it is mushroom pizza 94. so we've got a lot of different food that will heal us as well that we can put on the z key right now my z key i have the camera as which is gives me an instant photo but i can also use the nre which will allow me to spam the z key to heal up my characters if i needed to heal up my characters as you can see there on the bottom right now i have the z key active to get the z key you need to be around level 30 adventure rank 30 guys i believe and then from that you also want to be doing the monstat reputation the weekly reputation everyone should be doing that because it gives you over a hundred thousand more really really quickly as well per week so it's something everyone should be doing i like to run across here pick up the sunset here if you want to kill the signs you can do so if you want to get the the fire flowers as well you can do so the boars as well you can kill them as well and then we want to come across to this next pathway over here so this is where that 12 hour respawn was and then you want to come across this very long pathway and there's going to be a lot more artifacts over here which you will see glistening right here so yes here's the first one and it's also worth killing elite mobs guys this is one of the reasons you should be leveling up your world level is the drops for these elite mobs will actually get significantly better so if i do this i do this and i kill this guy hopefully boom he will drop an artifact he did not but it's worth killing these people anyway because you want to have their goodies so i don't know when i took this much damage 16k but i can just heal up instantly with the z key you saw that that was a very very big heel and i believe there's around five artifacts or five little areas here so yeah we take that as well and as you can see zomling is too tall so i have to switch let's stop stop i have to switch now so up here if you come up here there are going to be some more elite mobs you've got this dude over here and then you've got this dude over here so we're going to do this i'm going to stand next to him i'm going to put this down as well give ourselves that bonus damage and then we're going to switch to shout as well so when we switch to xiao he should start be able to plunge like this boom boom boom boom boom boom dead leyline leaves and uh everyone's dead already okay so did we get anything of value not really not really to be honest but you know all of this stuff will help for weapon ascension in the future and then we're going to teleport away so that is the coastline area done there is another artifact spawn here but it's a little bit tedious to get to so i personally cannot be bothered to do it so we've done salter a normally what i do is i go from solitary and then i go up here and then i go up here but we took a little bit of a detour here today guys because what i wanted to do will show you the coastline this is the most important part to go to but i normally go from solitary to stone gate now the next thing that i wanted to talk about very very what's the word contrasting to comfort streamers that i like to listen to in the background is youtuber drama guys now if you follow me on twitter you would have seen that you know i had a i had a very interesting notification uh this person left a very aggressive comment on my youtube channel on the last video where i was rambling on and on and it was i i think after he fully watched the video he realized oh this is quite distasteful to leave this comment and he removed it little did he know i actually ended up seeing the comment and it turns out this person has hated me since the zhong li drama times which is quite funny to to know that i have been on his mind that long and he's been watching my channel for that long so hello to you mr yoda shout out to you but youtuber drama guys as i said in my previous rambling video where i was apparently i thought i was the highest level in eu turns out i'm not i'm probably in the top 10 but i'm definitely not the first person to hear ar 56 although i think if i'd use my my fragile resin and if i had used up my because i haven't done my i haven't done my i haven't even done the gun you quest yet guys ordained sleeve i think maybe i could have been in the first place and i also have fragile resin as well that i haven't used up 23. but yeah i think you know i mentioned in that video i know a lot of people don't like me guys and i've also seen like in response that that tweet was just meant to be a funny tweet guys i just found it very very humorous but i saw a lot of people were very passionate in defending me or siding with me i really appreciate it guys but please do not worry because let me tell you guys all right i am born from one of the most toxic communities of all time and it was called the fifa community in fact under that tweet guys one of my friends from the fifa community was bantering with me bates in 87 and we got a long way back i come from the fifa community that is by far alongside the call of duty community the most toxic community you can ever have in any kind of content creation wait what zhong li wait zhongli behave yourself anyway that's very unsightly of you zomlie anyway i have very thick skin guys i've come from that community a very long time ago when i was very very young and it's extremely toxic so what that person wrote on my channel was very very tame in comparison to the kind of stuff i used to get in fifa community which was a straight up racism and also like death threats and stuff like that now i have received that of course in the genji impact community but my audience now my reach is significantly larger so i expect that kind of stuff now what i want to make sure is very clear is what i'm saying here is that i personally do have thick skin but not everyone has thick skin clearly that guy does not have thick skin because what i said about saying you know xyz youtubers are trash if they didn't test the ceiling of zhong li blah blah blah blah really personally hit a nerve with him so you have to be careful with your choice of words now obviously i wasn't and i was very very blunt with how i described youtubers in that long ago only drama before he got buffed i called a lot of youtubers trash and i just generalized a lot of people who one didn't even try spiral abyss two didn't take genre to max capacity and they were doing comparisons of like a level 60 zhong li to other level 60 characters and i was just like like why is this nonsense and then i said these youtubers are pretty much hot garbage now as you guys have come to learn i just use very strong language i am british for so for some people something come from australia guys i'm not this is not an australian accent but a lot of people have learned the hard way that you know i am very blunt and i'm also okay with accepting whether it's hate or criticism my way in very blunt forms as well so don't worry about that you please do not feel like an obligation to defend me and especially don't go after other content creators as well just because if they disagree with me or they don't like me i have a very strong understanding that i can't make everyone happy and as much as i would like to it's a very naive wish to think that i have the ability or that anyone one day could make everybody happy so that is just my real realistic take on it so next up we have mount aldsang i'm going to drop down from there now the other thing tying into that moving on from the zhong li x drama we have the new zongli drama i wouldn't really call it drama but it's the zhongli buffs guys now with the zhongli bus i personally do think that he is by far now the strongest overall character in the game for exploring he's the best mining character he's the diamond pickaxe of genshin impact minecraft reference that i do play minecraft and he is now the one of the best supports if not the best support like he can literally work in every single team he gives you a shield and his shield also reduces or rather increases by reducing the resistances of enemies by 20 all of their resistances by 20 he essentially buffs the damage of every single one of your characters now and this the reason why it's so good and the reason why it's so stupid that i feel a lot of people really slept on is this is active at level one you can have a level one zhong li and you can have this buff on you obviously it's not practical because that shield will disappear instantly if you take a single hit if you're really good at dodging then yes you can have a level one genry and essentially have that 20 reduction on your enemies which is insane it's actually ridiculous but obviously as i have been saying for a long time even before zhongli's shield got buffed to be 150 increased resistance to all forms of damage and it was mainly geo damage that he had his shield at level 90 because he had such high base hp you should take him to level 90 because the scaling on his hp is insane he had a fat shield now he has a fat shield that gives you damage buff that does damage as well and puts up a pillar as well which i just think is stupid and i don't think you will find many people who disagree at the very least that zhong li is a top three character and most likely those people think the top three characters are a mix of shao not sorry not shou sorry zhong li ganu and venti and maybe maybe shall but i would say comfortably the three best characters in the game that don't require you to have god tier weapons or god tier artifacts are those three like you can sap on a free-to-play crescent bow on ganyu you can have very mediocre artifacts on her and you don't even need reactions so you don't need other really strong support characters and she does a lot of damage sorry i came to dream cast here as well guys so there's one here and one here dragon cast and we're gonna run down this pathway but ganyu is a low investment character that does not need reactions that does an insane amount of damage and also the very annoying thunder diva for electro debuff that drains your ultimate is not something that will affect gun you because as you guys know her damage mainly comes from her elemental skill and also her charge shot and specifically her charge shot so it doesn't really matter what your cooldowns are whether you have longer cooldowns from the hydro debuff or you have really really difficult you have difficulty charging up your ultimate none of that matters to gun you and obviously venti and zhong lee they're both are cons i don't necessarily think they needed to be that strong just because they're archons i don't really follow that line of logic but with zhang lee and venti both of them and coming to tianji valley next both of them require you can literally put no artifacts on them and both of their ultimates are very useful crowd control both of them have really really good kits in them but in this instance i would say john lee is far more universally reliable now and he requires even less investment than before to be super super useful if you want him to do damage you can make him do damage if you want him to be a full-on support tank you can let him do that as well there's an electro assistant mage up there you know what let's go kill her as well and i just think he's ridiculous now so i think his buffs are way too strong he is the definition of opie and it is what i was worried was going to happen which was the issue of power creep because now there's a lot of people who are sad they didn't pull for zhong li now they're going to end up spending for zhang li and because they have the fear of missing out what this is now created is a chain of fear of missing out which is very very dangerous and the other thing is that the way the content is going guys if you have seen the new floor 12 or spiral abyss that is indirectly a venti and also a gene nerf because you can't really pick up these enemies there's maybe one floor on the new floor 12 where you can use venti and gene although i wouldn't say it's that effective and it's it's kind of an indirect nerf to them because the harder content we've received if we take a look at it we've got the electro hyperstasis event or not electro the hypostasis event venti was virtually useless on that event and that was challenging content that was hard end game content if you chose it to be that way and then on top of that we also had the new spiral abyss which again venti and jean both of them not the most useful gene obviously has a healer is fantastic and for that little bit of crowd control if you know how to use jeans crowd control against really large enemies that's great but obviously venti's one is a little bit more tricky and of course you know the alt is just going to fly past the big enemies whereas only it's perfect for genre because both of these enemies or all the enemies on all the flaws are going to approach you they will all approach you you know like if you want to have the jojo reference you know so there's that and when they do approach you and they try and jump on you you just ultimate them and then they're frozen they're crowd controlled and then you put your shield on and you're reducing their stats so zhong li now is essentially the one character in the game that i would say is a must-have character objectively speaking if you want to be a meta slave and you want to be someone who has the most efficient characters and the most efficient builds zomli in my opinion is by far number one now and only rivaled and i do think he is still head and shoulders above them by ganyu and venti and i think venti's usefulness is slowly going to go down and down as we have more boss enemies that are going to be larger that are going to be unaffected by ventis ultima so that's going to be something to keep in mind now the other thing that will tie into that is shout now shower has insane aoe damage especially paired up with zhong if you're able to freeze enemies in place and they're both standing next to you then xiao is your go-to he has unrivaled aoe damage when he does his plunge attack and it hits a lot of people by the way guys over here by these umbrellas outside of wang shui and di hua marsh if you go through all these umbrellas slimes will spawn and if you kill all of these slimes there should be all one of each element i think yeah if you kill all of these slimes a chest will spawn so make sure to do that as well so there is a chest over here do keep that one in mind as well you need to make sure you get all the slime so right we're coming to the end of the artifact run how long have we spent 25 minutes monkey s that's quite long we're not fully done yet either so i don't well i mean you can collect all of this stuff as well but it's mostly garbage iron chunks cabbage disgusting i don't like vegetables guys i don't like vegetables i really like fried chicken like kfc that's why my icon is also kfc as well but yes jean-luc buffs power creep and what a lot of people you know what i feared the most was the power cream and i think i'm very comfortable in saying this we have got just that so we had the zomli buffs and with the zombie buffs we got ganyu we got xiao both of these characters without using elemental reactions are able to hit obscene numbers and you don't really need to have like an overpowered spear on them you don't need or overpowered weapon on them you don't need to have the most overpowered build on them either and they are comfortably able to hit really really high damage numbers with no elemental reactions and i would say that is pretty much power creep because before what you needed two units to do you can use or you can do with one unit and i do think that is a little bit teeny tiny bit too strong do i think who town will be just as strong yes i've taken a look at her kit guys her numbers are pretty huge and you want to build a lot of hp on her so her numbers are very very pog and i think that is all of the stuff we've done this we've done soul terrain we've done this we have done stone gate chinker village we've come over here we've done this one we've done this one and we've done this one tianji valley and we've done dreamcast which leaves us with dragon spine if you haven't unlocked these ones i definitely recommend you go and unlock them so the first one is going to be in star glow cavern this one will also have a chest for you and it will also have a challenge if you have not actually unlocked this little room that i'm about to show you so you teleport here you always face the horizon and then you turn around you come down this big hole okay that's not what i mean i mean that is what i meant to say but guys let's behave alright let's not be immature okay i'm immature so if you got it you got it but all right behave yourselves so there are artifacts in here hopefully there's greens yes two greens beautiful another green yeah oh three greens today not bad there will be a chest over here as well and then when you destroy the barrier here by doing another quest around here there's actually a challenge over here as well so make sure to go do that it's a cheeky hidden one so always make sure to take a look at all your nooks and crannies as well hopefully i'll that that that phrasing that phrase correctly and yeah so i think we are in a very very you know if we compare the likes of someone like kaching and chichi to someone like you know garnier and also xiao in how much damage they can do i don't think you know i would say it's comfortably you can say that kuching and chichi are definitely underneath the power balance of what is xiao and zhong li and also ganyu in terms of being a support in terms of being a dps so i do believe that trend is going to continue i don't know who's coming after who town but i think hutao is also going to be very strong i expect her to put out similar numbers to [Music] without having elemental reactions and the bonus that she will have is that she can use melt she can use vaporize and it's the same thing with ghania which is why i got you so strong is even without the reactions they can still do insane damage with the reactions they can do even more insane damage and the drawback with kaching is that she doesn't have melt or vaporize which is the sad thing and once you've done this by the way guys you come back here you come to wagner you speak to him you go to any tips on finding aura monster you do need to be a relatively high adventure rank and i think you need to have started reputation in monsta it's unlike this i believe it's adventuring 25 where you unlock this environmental mark for you crystals on your map that you can go and check out we're going to do that in the leeway miner as well the leeward blacksmith as well so let's go ahead and do that and yeah the next topic i want to talk about is the predatory nature of gacha games now this is something i think i have to reiterate every now and then over and over again because obviously not everyone's going to see my initial message but we've gotcha games this is the first gacha game for a lot of people and again empathy is something that i feel like the world is unfortunately lacking a lot and i would see say you know a lot of people who fall into this gotcha trap and they don't have self-control instead of getting you know words of wisdom or words of support from their fellow gotcha players you have veteran gotcha players just slandering them saying haha you didn't notice this or what's wrong with you have more self-control and you just literally have them bashing on them instead of really taking a step back and realizing oh this person it might be their very first type of game or it might even be their first rpg or like rpg fantasy game or you know like an isekai game it's not really a sekai but you know this kind of game mixed in with gacha so i think it's one very important to understand who the person is and you need to be able to phrase your words very carefully in you know when trying to help them understand why gacha is such a dangerous thing so obviously when you see content creators like myself go absolutely ham or you see people donating to streamers or you see people spending a lot of money on these gotcha games there is a good chance guys these people have disposable income these people have a job and they're able to sustain this kind of lifestyle like if you think about it you might think oh spending on a game is crazy but then you have people out there who will spend thousands of thousands of pounds on jewelry or thousands of thousands of dollars on luxury food or luxury clothing and shoes etc all this stuff essentially what this is is just spending on your hobby and a lot of people are able to for example me guys as you guys know i wear this jumper all the time and the reason is because i don't have that many jumpers guys i don't spend a lot of money on clothes i don't spend a lot of money on like luxury food i don't spend a lot of money on all these other kind of luxury things that you would see other people have definitely not jewelry my wife doesn't spend on jewelry either we like to spend it on stuff like games and our hobbies so when you do have that disposable income guys please understand that maybe you know there are adults out there who might be different to your parents who might be different to the adults you've seen before who might have like a car or something i don't have a car i live in london i don't really need to drive public transport it's pretty much more efficient than driving in london it's cheaper as well i don't have stuff like petrol cost and all of this kind of expensive stuff as well and then car insurance on top of that there's all this kind of stuff that people forget about and they're like whoa how can they have all of that and then spend this absurd amount of money as well and then of course you have people out there who are definitely wealthier than us that can afford that kind of lifestyle as well so guys you gotta keep in mind if you are still for example living with your parents if you don't have a job if you're still in school you know that it's normal it's normal to be shocked by like whoa how can these people spend this much money but when you get to adulthood and you see someone maybe spend like a hundred pounds or 200 pounds on gentian impact or 200 when you have a job it might not be that much to that person in terms of disposable income because maybe they're not spending on something else maybe they have a lot of money saved up for their hobby and don't compare yourselves to these kind of people that is the number one way to fall into the trap and this is especially for f2p players or welkin moon players or battle pass players is that if you end up comparing yourself to someone that is super sweaty a super you know heavy spending on the game you gotta understand one what is their financial condition for me i'm able to do this because of the youtube channel before because of the the revenue generated from my content because of people who are kind enough and generous enough to support my channel through monetary means is because of them i can spend this much and bring you this content and at the moment for me it's self-sustaining if i didn't have this channel guys there is no way in hell that i would be spending thousands of dollars on this game but for me it is a business expense now it is i have the privilege of saying it is a business expense for other people they don't necessarily have this privilege i don't want people to look at my content and be like oh i want to be at that stage so i got to spend this much money especially if they don't have the financial means to do so so understanding that is going to be very very important now these crystals have not respawned but we've got one here at stormberry point and we've got one here at stormberry mountains as well so these two also give you lots of white iron and some crystal chunks bright crown canyon will also have it as well but i don't have the big crystal here so it's not worth going here and there are storm terror lair ones which might spawn in when wagner speaks to you but unfortunately they're not here today there's one over here as well and then this one this one never marks up on the map or sometimes it will but this one almost always spawns every single day and i call this one the dragon spy one so if you ever hear me say it on stream this is the dragon spine location it's actually this domain valley of remembrance so if you come to the valley of remembrance and you climb up here some people like to run around i personally just like to climb up here and then you run here if you drop down there's a little crevice here that you can drop down and then boom yeah we've got some crystals here as well and then sometimes you can kill that mr child as well if you want to hear these you know there's a chance he might drop an artifact so that's something you might want to keep in mind he's aggro to me here you have made a fatal error here let me break this crystal i'm gonna wait for him to come in here first before we destroy him he has made a fatal mistake we are going to switch up here and then boom and then boom boom boom that did no damage oh he's gone and unfortunately no cheeky artifact so that is monsta's mining done we've done that one we've done that one we've done this one we've done this one we've done this one we have not done this one because it hasn't spawned today we haven't done that one it hasn't spawned this one hasn't spawned this one hasn't spawned and all of these locations will spawn every three days some of these will spawn every single day when you speak to wagner so this one also this pickaxe here guys from wolvendom you have the wolven one here and you have the one here you can climb up here you can come over here and this one might not be marked on your map but this one almost always these two here will respawn almost every single day so keep that one in mind let's head on over to well the ones i wanted to show you unfortunately have not spawned because today i have the qingyuan peak spawn now this is a very annoying spawn this one's very annoying to farm but i'm going to show you anywhere where i normally go mount tianheng is the place i normally check out but going back to the topic i was talking about that is the predatory nature of gacha you should never ever ever guys whether you have friends whether your parents are playing and they're flexing on you just understand it's a single player game you know with multiplayer aspects there is no pvp there is no need to feel the need to compete with other people now i know there are youtubers out there that encourage this kind of behavior where you have to be super efficient or hyper efficient and you're not adequate if you're not playing their way if you're not playing the hyper efficient way that you're you're playing it wrong please ignore that kind of behavior because it's very very toxic you're gonna put yourself in a position where you're like oh why can't i hit these numbers why can't i do x y z and it's just going to become rather than having fun with a game it's just going to become a chore and it's just going to become a grind that you don't enjoy and it's just a very toxic mentality that i do not think people should embrace of course if you want to hit bigger damage numbers that's fine but if you're going super try hard and you're sweating it out and you're stressing over not having the efficient build or the efficient play style then that is a huge huge help because the one thing and i say this all the time that maps and equations that always miss out which is the most important part of the equation is the player itself the player skill the player enjoyment the players play style none of this will ever you can never quantify this with maths so please keep that in mind at the end of the day guys it's a game and if you're not having fun you're you know why are you playing why are you playing if you're not having fun it's just not worth your time it's not worth your effort you could be doing something way more enjoyable or way more productive with that time instead so i also like to come here kill the mitsub and then you've also got the ninja over here mr assassin's creed i'm gonna put this down i'm gonna zoom zoom zoom apparently i don't have the damage to zoom zoom zoom so let's just use a meteor to kill him instead and goodbye he dropped no purples today how unfortunate we got two crystals here as well sometimes there's some magical crystal chunks that will spawn here as well there's a white iron chunk here as well that i like to break i do go for the white iron chunks as well if you run all the way down here you'll also find one of the abyss majors one of these little punks that i personally don't like he's gonna freeze me isn't he he's gonna freeze me yeah he's gonna freeze me you know what whatever freeze me do it you little punk do it oh wait no he's a hydra one it's not him that's gonna freeze me it's someone else let's use the meteorite let's use yup i'm frozen as expected let's plunge down and break your shield boom boom boom let's plunge down on this guy boom goodbye let's punch down on this guy boom goodbye and they're both dead right did we get any purples i don't see any purples i don't see any purples oh how unfortunate how unfortunate but we do get some more materials that we need if you come over here you will be able to find more elite mobs as well if we climb up here can we find yes two of them two big boys right here boom boom might as well use his her ultimate his monk s her ultimate and do i kill them did they both dodge wow wow okay then okay then okay then i see how it is i see how it is ah all right do we get an artifact drop no still no artifact drop guys what a shame what a what a dang shame okay let's move on we got lingju pass here lingju pass has a chance of spawning darwin as well if we can get him here that would be awesome darwin are you here no darwin is not here unfortunate and there's two violet grass you can pick up here and there's crystals down there which it looks like i've already mined but just for the sake of showing you guys i will go down here so sometimes you have the unusual hilly child spawning up here on this rock here darwin the crystals are gone there are normally crystals next to this geo slime so unfortunately i have farmed those ones already hello again guys i just realized i forgot the most important place for my daily my daily route and that that is guiding stone forest so i completely forgot to show you guys this guy in stone forest is the one that i do the most it has four ruin guards which are very very easy to kill and on top of that it will normally have crystals although today it does not seem like we have any crystals so no crystals here for guy in stone forest we have some over here this has a lot of elite mobs around here as well very very easy to kill and also drops are quite nice we also get the geo crystal flies as well we got two there there should be another one down here yeah right here come it boom and then we have three elite mobs here which is going to be very very very nice let's do this boom let's zoom zoom zoom do we get ultimate back yes we do and then this is xiao c6 boom boom boom boom again boom boom boom boom and then one more time boom okay lots of purples not bad do you get any artifacts so that's the main question no artifacts again normally when i found this in my wife's world i get tons of artifacts but unfortunately today does not seem to be that case right after you clear those people out i head on over here there's an electro system mage and up here there's going to be three more abyss majors that's what they're called abyss majors right so we've got that and then boom boom boom and then one two three four five we should be able to eliminate this person relatively quickly one two three four and then bye bye any drops any purples any purple oh that's a lot okay no artifacts again today is not the day guys right and then if you come up here there's two more geocrystal flies so i'm gonna switch the shower here because sometimes i miss getting these oh my god no i miss i always miss one guys i always miss one that's so annoying right well normally if you don't bottle it you should be able to get some geocrystal flies there for your condensed resin and then up here there should be some more if you want to go for them you can go for them i'll just go for one of them i have i have enough geocrystal fights i take them from my wife's word as well right and up here are the three abyss mages which i'm gonna petrify all together boom and then we're gonna go with xiao plunge in between all three of them swirl them up break their shields and then one two three four and they're all dead nice no artifacts again no artifacts no artifacts you hate to see it well we got the kills that's what's important there's a core lapito here might as well take that and then we're gonna fly over here now as you can see there's one teeny tiny crystal over here now normally every single day magic crystals will spawn here and over there as well and on that island as well but it does not seem that's the case today you can also pick up conch shells if you need them for anyone for example tartalia uses them there should be crabs around here lots of crabs for your high attack percent food or your high damage boosting food there's several crabs around this area there's a crystal there there's another crab there should be a crab around here yet there's another crab around here and then you've also got the fire flower two more crabs here so that's seven crabs in total every single day coming here and then you've got two crystals here i like to stand here was wrong need to break both of them one on this side and then one on this side as well again if you have the magic crystals there'll be more of those two and then if we move along here we will also have more conch shells and there should be another crab over here and there will be magic crystals around this corner as well but these crystals i broke yesterday so here there's normally a crystal here there's normally a crystal here and there's crystals all across this island and there's a little geovision there as well and then you have conch shells here as well star conscious not conch shells star conscious do count as the u.s specialty now normally these ruined guards should be sat down so i don't know why one of them is awake but we can begin we'll start with this we'll start with this and then a lot of people will die here but it's okay if you believe anything is possible so this is an example of what i wanted to show earlier guys when enemies come towards you like venti's all is literally going to that's not venti salt venti's old is literally going to offer me nothing here but because all these enemies are now grouped together it's easy aoe for me and then if i switch to xiao boom boom boom i could just plunge up and down up and down it's going to kill all of them eventually and it's just as easy as that really but that is paid to win we got some purples right what do we get what is our hole here purples oh yes there we go a double artifact drop finally guys traveling doctors pocket watch and berserkers timepiece that's some nice artifact exp so i like to come here kill those people and i think that is everything that i wanted to cover as well so there's a lot of stuff to explore in gentian impact if you have the time to do so this is another flower for example if you want to kill this one feel free to do so and then kaboom and that guys is everything covered now i don't know where abouts in the video i'm going to put this so i'm not going to do my outro but in case you want to end the video here thank you very much for watching have a wonderful wonderful day and bye bye bye yes i just forgot to do this part and this is one of the most important parts to do every day so i'm going to swap this in in a random part of the video so yeah see you in the next part of the video which is myself in the past bye-bye and then i have these two pickaxes down here as well although i think i farmed both of these and there's abyss majors that can be found here as well so if you want to farm with this majors this is a very nice place to go through and it looks like the crystals are in there according to ninjuan's passive you can see on my mini map the crystals are highlighted but yeah that is the other topic i wanted to talk about guys when it comes to the predatory nature of gacha games so self-control is something not everyone has especially if you're young and especially if the person that is you know falling prey to this is very very young and if if it's their first gacha game and they don't have experience to to kind of understand what is going to happen with gacha games then please be you know give give those people words of wisdom instead of flaming those people because there's a good chance these people are young these people have never played a gacha game before and it's it's dangerous right gotcha oh that's our first purple gacha games are dangerous it's it's a form of gambling which is exposed to children and teenagers adults all forms and you know these kind of banners these kind of buffs this kind of power creeping is the number one way to give people the fear of missing out fomo fomo if you've heard of that before that's what fomo is fear of missing out and that's how people get sucked into spending so please keep that in mind if you do want to spend guys the best way to spend your money on this game is by far the battle pass the battle pass is really good value for money and of course the welkin moon so those two things is what i would consider someone as a low spender and i think that's absolutely fine you know if you consider the cost per day it's actually really really low so i think both of those are fine obviously if you're free to play that's better as well so you know free to play is the ultimate winner did i just drown wait what's going on nah guys i meant that listen i meant that you see i missed the crystal flies okay so i meant to do that because i wanted to get that crystal flight you see see guys see i meant to do that okay i meant to do that haters will say it was not calculated but it was calculated i'm just ahead of my you know i'm just ahead of my time okay please stop let me break your shield please let me break your shield please boom nice bye-bye purple ah no purple unfortunate so there is crystal ore here as well but unfortunately it's not respawn i think it will respawn tomorrow because why iron respawns every two days crystals every three days and there's another white iron chunk there as well there's also core lapis in here i don't farm called lapis anymore because i don't need it but cor lapis is in here as well so if you want to call lapis there's some over there and there's one up there as well so this is the cave with another abyss mage we've got danu ruins here let me show you where this one is this location is a little bit harder to find so daniel ruins yep it's not respawning but you want to turn north and then you want to go north westish in this direction here so in this area you come through here and then you should glide over here and then just under here there is a little cabin there will be a chest here as well if you've never been here before there'll be a bunch of archers here there's a bunch of slimes down here and naturally or naturally rather occasionally in here there'll be a whole ton of crystals there'll be a ton of crystals in here you climb up this ladder when you're done with the crystals and the signs and then you come over here there will be a violet grass over here when you fly over here there's a chest inside of there as well and there will be core lapis here and there'll be a bunch of crystals here as well so that's something you'll want to pick up and what i like to do here guys is i like to kill the ruin guards over here this is the elite mob route that i like to do because it's uh it gives me a lot of artifacts if i'm lucky it gives me a lot of maura i wouldn't say a lot of moro but it gives me a fair chunk of maura and when i kill these this will also refund me my ultimate pretty comfortably as well there we go nice and then when you go up these steps i need all of these guys for maura the chance of getting an artifact and of course i need them materials for weapon enhancement as well weapon ascension wake up hello good morning good morning rise and shine arise and shine how much ultimate damage can we do here 100k very nice very very nice boom boom boom chaos core purple and this is why you should level up your world level guys if you need purple materials the higher your world level the better chance you have of dropping them as well so that's something worth keeping in mind as well so do keep that i'm just repeating myself over and over again do keep that one in mind but yeah that is why you should have sent your world level guys if you want to farm elite mobs then you should absolutely absolutely have all of this leveled up all right boom boom boom boom boom 100k again very nice boom boom ah only greens i'm not making a good showcase here guys of why you should have sent your word level other than the few purples we've had it's not looking pretty hopefully we can get an artifact from you here please please no unfortunate all right one last one down here one last one a lot of elite mobs in this area we'll open this one up we'll do this we'll do this and we'll finish it off with the meteor no no we did not get any artifacts guys what a shame what an absolute shame well those are the main mining spots so we've got mount tianheng we've got these two down here we've got this one down here we've got lingju pass we've got danu ruins two over here which i just showed you guys there's one over here as well we'll go to that one i'll show you guys where that one is as well this one has not respawned in though oh maybe it has nink juan saying there's crystals here or there's ore here right so you jump down this and then there's a little crevice over here that you can jump down into with the geo slimes and there will be crystals down here oh i think what's reese oh yeah there they are oh they actually respawn okay well the the crystals or some of them have respawned there's more than this if you get the magical crystals there'll be loads that spawn in no nick one no no no i want you to break the crystal thank you and then there will also be another one over here and another one over here so we'll do that and then we'll go ahead and break this one over here as well boom no no no okay no i hate the targeting system in this game guys i mean there is no targeting system let's be real so there's that one over here the other one at danyu ruins and then you've got quaiju slope slash lukwan pool if you teleport over here there's two over here but i don't even do this one anymore because just the pain in the butt so i just do this one this one almost always respawns on a daily for the magical crystals so that's something else to keep in mind there's a lot of stuff guys that i'm telling you guys to keep in mind today hopefully i haven't sent you guys all to sleep yet there's a very good chance i've done that but this is just something i wanted to show you guys it will keep yourself occupied for a very long time in the day if you're very bored and you're playing gentian impact you want more stuff to do this with this you know will take up around one hour of your day if you're doing the mining and you're doing the artifact runs so you know it's a good way to kill time oh the crystals have respawned very nice we got some over here magical crystals do respawn here as well let's teleport away and last but not least actually that may have been all of them you've got mount altang and also chinca village now these ones don't typically have magical crystals they do spawn in periodically but man outside if you want white iron there's loads of white iron on mount outsang but i don't think a lot of people really care for white iron these days you can get it so easily everywhere i get these two and that's pretty much all i take and then i drop down here and there should be some crystals maybe ah yes they are look at that guys look at that magical crystals as well so this one is a whole whole whole cave full of them absolutely gorgeous absolutely gorgeous now you're gonna have to deal with these two big boys as well hey we've got a purple there that's solid let's use a zhongli ultimate here okay we're going to start plunging on you that sounds very essential boom and he's gone do we get an artifact from you does not look promising no we don't but yeah if you guys were ever curious why i have so many materials it's because i do all of this stuff every single day and it's it's time consuming but i enjoy it i enjoy this very you know it's a very casual grind if you have for example you have something on in the background you're listening to something whether it be a podcast or again a streamer once again link's in the description it's it's very very soothing and very very therapeutic if i i hope i pronounce that right guys i think i have but it's very calming so doing all of this and especially while i'm commentating as well right now i'm having a lot of fun even though you might think oh he's so boring right now well if i'm so boring guys why are you still here 50 minutes into the video well i'm just messing guys but for me i i really like just talking and i'm sure you guys know because i ramble on so much but i love talking and i feel like i'm talking to someone even though i'm literally talking to no one right now i know when i go up and upload this video there will be people out there who are listening who are just happy on in the background who might not even watch the video and just want to hear me talking and i appreciate you guys all the same i do that a lot for a lot a lot of other content creators i just like hearing them talk doesn't even matter what they're talking about like it's just going in one end out the other ear and it's just soothing you know it's just having that presence there is a very comforting thing so that's why i call the the streamers in my description right now the comfort streamers so what zomli what are you doing you are the the god of rock how can you not climb rock when you are the god of rock okay so chinka village is another one there's normally crystals over here and there's more crystals over there with all the bamboo stuff there there is also a chest there so that's something you will want to dig up as well you have this yeah oh my god please don't you dare drown okay so on this spot here there will be a dig spot it will be a hidden chest and there'll be a bunch of crystals here as well in chincker village this teleport down here and you come up over here last but not least we have our magical crystals all of them are marked on the map guys but realistically speaking because these are marked on the map and these don't spawn every single day i don't think i really need to show you what these guys are so but i'll still do it because there's still one thing i want to talk about and disclose is something people have been asking me non-stop over and over and over again am i really 52 years old guys first things first when you're speaking to an old person guys we are very sensitive about our age okay now you're lucky that i have very thick skin because i don't personally care people ask about my age but i would like to make sure you guys have the the very basic manners of you know if you're talking to someone you think is relatively old they're most likely going to be sensitive about their age your boy was born on the 22nd of november 1968. i am 52 years old i appreciate the people who don't think i'm 52 years old and who think i look younger than that thank you very much whether you mean that compliment or not i will take it as a compliment thank you so much but yes i am 52 years old guys i have a wife i have a beautiful daughter josephine joyster and i wear one set of clothing every single day i don't think it gets much more 52 years old than that and uh let's go over to the other natural crystals there is one small crystal chunk over here but i really don't think it's worth coming around just to get that one you know what we're sweaty all right we're a sweaty 52 year old gamer so that's what we're going with but guys i think we're gonna wrap it up there i hope that video has been helpful for you guys there's a lot of stuff i talked about i rambled again apologies guys i was just you know i i guess this is kind of a stress reliever for me because i enjoy talking to you guys i enjoy making videos and this is the most free kind of video i have like where i personally feel free to do whatever i want to do i can talk about whatever i want while just chilling in the background you know very very chill vibes and i really appreciate the people who watch this kind of stuff as this this punk over here dodge you know what i'm not gonna bother wasting time with you you only give me six okay 600 more guys i'm i'm asian okay every little bit counts every little bit counts six hundred more could be make or break for me in the future guys boom and he has a chance of dropping artifacts which he didn't but 600 more there you go yeah on that note guys thank you so much for watching the video i apologize for the number of times that i swallowed my saliva when you talk for this long guys when you talk this much you generate a lot of saliva and i know it's something i want to stop doing and i need to i need to do more and i know it means i'm a bit dehydrated when i'm constantly creating saliva but yes i will see you guys in the next video thank you so so much for watching and hey i'm alive after yesterday's video guys i'm still alive thank you so so much for watching and i hope you enjoyed that video i hope that was helpful for you guys and have a wonderful wonderful day bye bye you
Channel: AsianGuyStream
Views: 404,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact primogems, genshin impact tutorial, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact tips, genshin daily, genshin impact daily, farming route, genshin farming, genshin ar55, genshin ar56, genshin impact adventure rank, genshin impact zhongli, genshin zhongli, genshin impact xiao, genshin xiao, xiao build, xiao constellation, zhongli constellation, zhongli build, genshin spawns, artifact spawns, crystal farming, crystal spawns
Id: n7GakXhu-cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 31sec (3691 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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