Amazing 5 Color Rice!! 🌾 THAI VEGETARIAN FOOD at Meena (มีนา มีข้าว) | Chiang Mai, Thailand

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Chiang Mai Thailand and today we're gonna check out a restaurant it's called Minah rice based cuisine and as the name suggests the restaurant is based upon rice and not just any rice but really focusing on colored whole grain rice so we're gonna order some food we're gonna eat some rice for sure and just you know walk around give you a tour and I'm excited this is a beautiful place we just arrived let's go inside looks like you can choose from two different entrances from the parking lot back there either the jungle entrance through the bamboo forest or the rice paddy or field entrance along the bamboo a bamboo bridge I love the relaxing feel already I think we should order right now and then I'll because they're closed in the afternoon right well they closed at 5:00 we're here kind of in the middle of the afternoon yeah let's let's go let's sit down let's order fast and then after that maybe we can walk around the entire restaurant is Lanna northern Thai style wooden houses [Applause] amazing entrance you don't wanna spend a night here I need you all night with my day yeah I think this is okay because big menu selection the main menu at ease and drinks menu and the cafe menu it's an absolutely gorgeous location and right at the for another menu you can see the one of their famous dishes as its rice based cuisine is the rice itself have five different colors of rice that you can order on one single portion they have an entire page of vegetarian dishes that you can order so we ordered some different dishes to share and got the five colored rice and then also something called on the menu could drink is the rice berry herbal drink which she said is no sugar it's just rice berry I've never had a rice berry herbal drink that sounds delicious and very refreshing and then yeah ordered a couple of dishes dude what a spot it's almost like a it's like a miniature Museum but yeah it is you can touch everything and you can eat a lot of it now as we wait for the food to be cooked let's go take a little walk around here [Music] let's just do a little loop around the around the pond [Music] so natural I love the bamboo surrounding the sound of the water just the lushness and also really the restoration of the architecture [Music] back to the table and the rice berry juice has arrived there's a rice berry ice cube in here it's you can see the rice and they've topped it with some parsley and a butterfly Pete well that is incredible it almost tastes like a black tea but rice berry almost it does almost have a fruity berry taste the curry this one is actually enough to curry of that soup dumb SAP yeah I'm sabka Wow this presentation the plating the blooming of vegetables fresh vegetables and the rice the rice is the most beautiful thing the five colored rice like a Japanese rice ball formation triangle formation and they even put a few of them and I believe in English they're called London Crandon or Bengali currants on top is I got to start with just the rice I'm gonna try to get all all colors on one bite that one is the brown rice or the red rice the butterfly pea rice the rice berry safflower and jasmine there we go all five so fragrant so individual I can really taste the rice berry in there almost does have a blueberry ish taste to it fine here's called mum one how I'm a now oh and in English it's it's like I think it's called either Bengal current or and also Qatar Honka or something cut on yeah there G it's a superfood actually extremely well actually pleasantly sour pleasantly sour and a little bit chalky presentation is just huge and above and beyond take for instance the just a stir fried vegetable just get a close-up look it's a vegetable called Ching nos northern Thai vegetable I love garnishing is that you can eat and they've taken it to the next level stir-fried with it just looks plain and wonderful and fresh yeah goodness it's just like salty to perfection you're so green it it has the taste and texture of spinach I think it's just the vegetable itself that speaks so strongly on its own it's so fresh it's so nutty and bitter and green amazing but so refreshing oh yeah it's so simple they're so good this one is a quick link which is a southern Thai dish of a dry curry made with this one it's made with tofu but also it looks like there might be mushrooms in here too or is it all it actually looks like mushrooms more than tofu I think it's mostly mushrooms you can see a lot of the kaffir lime leaves sliced up fine in there and you can see all of the curry paste just caked up onto every piece and one of the typical characteristic characteristics of southern Thai food is that it always comes with a variety of fresh vegetables raw vegetables to cleanse your palate because of the strong curry paste encased and so they've taken it to a very artistic level here a very stylistic artistic style it's not tofu at all it's all mushroom I think they're king oyster mushrooms the really like roundish mushrooms long and round King oyster mm-hmm now actually one of my favorite mushrooms the bouncy texture of it get without being slimy at all mmm that curry paste you really taste the lemongrass ooh yeah yeah how is that dude the duck sure is awesome and the little crunch of the kaffir lime leaves - yeah and the lemongrass yeah that is outstanding superb you remember you know what leaf this is he I forget actually spectacular yeah could they be rice sprouts you doing no maybe not right we're young rice no we're into the flower I don't know what I've got oh oh [Music] oh dude you gotta try that it tastes like it tastes like ginger and soap it burns your tongue out there same time dude that is incredible that is big on flavor unbelievable flavor it's like us and cinnamon cinnamon - oh yeah the flavors just keep rolling ginger soap and cinnamon when you taste an herb or a plant or a vegetable that you've never tasted before in just a flavor explosion that's stringent it's a little bit stringent oh it's just that is a remarkable flavor this one is dumb SAP which is a sour soup there's lots of lemongrass and galangal in here and then just loaded with vegetables again mushrooms pumpkin you can see the galangal there's chilies and there's basil and this could be winter mud they've got a side of lime here which I will just immediately squeeze in because the sour the better and then dish out [Applause] this looks vibrant me oh my god I just want to try that soup first hmm it's so incredibly herbal it's just a spiciness coming from both chili and galangal there's a bit of spice in it but I like how they served us a whole extra bit of pic mode which is dried chili which you can just generously sprinkle in yourself yes oh yeah there we go big gun spice kind of soup you could eat literally every day it's so helpful got it is medicinal with the the lemongrass with a go long gone yes with that extra chili in there the chunks of tofu [Music] amazing young sometimes when the food is overly pretty the food takes a couple steps down in flavor and deliciousness they have made dishes a little pretty but at the same time the food is incredibly tasty you know that is pull flavors out there and the soup to little fulfillment and extra chilies on the side they put some oatmeal on top of the lob that's awesome yeah I know some of the difference had oats yeah and there should also be called career which is toasted sticky rice powder shallots chili lime juice lob with tofu and then a mix of herbs sawtooth coriander coriander and stick some of a lob yeah when I got the butter complete people our Rizzo oh and I am I just noticing behind this bouquet the bouquets of vegetables she gave us more and because I asked for extra spicy they added oh I will and that's the kind of trouble you want yes mm that was a great move Wow I like how it's just crumbly and has texture to it and has a personality to it then there's dry chili in there you taste the sourness of the lime juice and the cow cool maybe or the the oats which are kind of thickening it so good back to the vegetable and in between bites of vegetable if you feel inspired you can chase that with a half a Mingo garnished and now we are gonna sit here and finish the rest of this amazing food definitely what makes this place is the atmosphere - the atmosphere is stunning Ravager want to try some of these red leaves mm-hmm and if I work yes I think it's amarant but I'm not 100% sure [Music] very neutral tasting kind of like raw spinach I think probably if I had to choose one dish it would be this quickly with the King oyster mushrooms the flavor is incredible the balance the herbs [Music] I love parsley at the end of our meal fresh fruit there's passion fruit there's mango there's grapes there's papaya there's mangosteen and there is a lotus pod which you eat the little like little bugs what are they seeds the lotus seeds you undersea its again and then you got to peel the seeds ah there you guys do you want that seed the lotus seed on the inside there which is almost the size of a peanut like about the size of a peanut and to me they're kind of milky but really crisp greatest natural pudding in a cup the juiciness and the crunch of the huge mmm that was a nice touch that fruit at the end do everything perfectly ripe sweet sour natural our total bill came to 670 baht and I think the owner gave us a 10% discount thank you very much for that I think that's a great value Micah had a shrimp the shrimp dish the fried shrimp but apart from that we had the plant-based dishes before and the portion sizes are big yeah the fruit and even the garnishing alone could be a meal at this restaurant the garnishing alone so what did you think of the food you're right the garnish was bigger than most side salads I've ever heard but I really did not expect the food would be that good that that is an amazing meal I'm so satisfied and I would definitely bring my parents here I would definitely take my friends out yeah when they visit Jim my totally perfect yeah my parents would love that place yeah yeah and one last thing and this is the final little petal it's like the petal of the flower well we after we asked her what it is Dokka which is the flowers of galangal or the shoots of galangal that's why it's gingery that's why it's potent I'm in love with it staff are incredibly friendly food delicious again the atmosphere is spectacular and again I I'm impressed how good the entire experience the entire overall experience was really a fantastic time here delicious food great place to hang out great place says Joel and I were saying to come with friends to come with family so highly recommended when you're in Chiang Mai and I want to see a big thank you for watching this video please remember to subscribe I'm gonna be publishing more videos eventually focusing on eating vegetables and fruits and delicious spices we're going big on spice I want to say a big thank you for watching and hope you're having a fantastic day see you on the next video
Channel: Big On Spice - Mark Wiens
Views: 493,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thai food, Thai vegan food, Thai vegetarian food, vegan Thai food, vegan food, vegan food videos, plant based food, plant based Thai food, Mark Wiens, Chiang Mai, Thailand, best restaurants Chiang Mai, Meena Rice Based Cuisine, Michelin guide Thailand, มีนา มีข้าว, Thai food videos, food videos, food vlog, travel videos, travel vlog, best Thai food, Thai rice, vegan vlog, vegan videos, vegetarian videos, plant based videos, vegan travel, vegetarian travel
Id: 9xzGg-zqulI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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