Saving the Clearwater County from Absolute Catastrophe & Building Realistic Solar Farms

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foreign [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] nothing ever goes without off without a hitch so welcome back to city planner plays where we are building Clearwater County and you know it wouldn't be a stream with me involved if there wasn't some sort of mistake in the very beginning so hopefully the audio is good hopefully everything looks crisp I think we're in a good place and I see that there are 1198 of you out there holy cow oh actually wait wait I think I'm looking at the wrong thing let me see 834 of you out there so thank you all so much for being here I'm just uh seeing where you are all from and I see from all over the world so thank you planner Pete for asking that question if you haven't dropped where you're from today why don't you drop that into the chat and I'll take a look well I explain what we're going to be doing today because we've got a couple of interesting things that we're gonna need to take care of so here's the main issue with the video today so I I released the video or I I recorded the video and I began to edit it and I realized that my audio was completely messed up after about 45 minutes into the the two hour long recording so I'd have to redo the audio um that might not have been a big deal if it weren't for the reason that we're paused right now which is if you come through here you can see that we're having a death wave and I didn't catch it holy cow got some got some uh let's let's see where everyone's from let's see let's see Santa Monica Netherlands Baltimore Michigan Canada Palm Springs London Florida Norway Belarus Jamaica UK Portugal Portugal Germany Belgium Madison Michael Moore thank you for being here Wisconsin Illinois Sweden Michigan that uh Sheboygan Indiana Liverpool India Germany Indianapolis New Brunswick Waukesha Milwaukee wisconsinites representing it here today hopefully you guys are getting to know too I want to thank you all so much for being here I know that it's a Saturday you gotta you have a ton of things that you could be doing and you're here with me and uh you're with the community and I really appreciate that and I I I I I I see that exies in here too hey exy thank you so much for being here uh and Ryan thank you so much for the Super Chat one thing you're going to notice is I wanted this to feel more like a video experience so I've taken some of the uh chat overlays and I've tried to simplify them and make them just a little less intrusive so that if you're watching this on replay right now it uh it won't feel quite as bad and if you're watching it here with me live it's not is in your face as it was last time so hopefully hopefully that works the other thing I want to point out is that we're going to be listening to only master plan music through this I just want to show you guys the the music that I'm putting together uh and I'm going to slowly be transitioning more of the music on the channel to this I've been commissioning songs for a while now and I have I'm at a point now where I've got a 150 of them ready to go so I'm slowly releasing them and I'm uh excited to share them with you and hopefully I will give you the opportunity to use them in the future as well so a couple of quick things Artie so much for uh for being a member for seven months uh we urge you to know how excited here with the new roads I I am very excited with the new about the New Roads truthfully though I think I'm more excited about some of the content creator packs which is kind of where I normally land the content creator packs really change the game for me and while Alicia thank you for becoming an associate planner um so we're gonna need to deal with this death wave today and then we're gonna build our solar farm right about here and I'll be honest I I really like the solar farm that I built in the video and uh we're gonna try to recreate it I think I think that we can I think that we can do that uh Zhao asks how much it costs I'm guessing for the songs a lot more than I should have met I've been uh I've been I've been I want to make sure that whatever I'm paying is fair and if I think that if the artists are undershooting themselves I generally will give them more anyway so is it gonna be on YouTube music I I I'm working on that we'll we'll have to see uh cue gone can't stay just got back from Ireland lots of great pedestrian areas had to uh and had to stop and have a punt in your honor in Galloway at the Key Bar thank you so much that is awesome uh thank you so much for the support and uh you know I'm glad you could stop by and say hello so yes solar farm we've got some interesting assets but we've got to take care of our death wave first thank you so much Jeffrey for becoming an associate planner so let's start with that so I think the most appropriate place to start is actually let's look at our city statistics and you can see that in our last episode we maxed out our population at 76 000 and then we started a precipitous Decline and that's because I didn't notice that we are having problems with our death care so if we come and we take a look at this let's see where where our issues are wow almost 300 deceased citizens in our community and it looks like everyone's dead at our University so that's that's a concern it makes me wonder we've been really reliant on cemeteries and these could be filling up truthfully no it's they're not news either that is bizarre this could also be kind of a remnant of one of the mods that we have we have a mod that's Auto emptying these so that's supposed to help maintain these um then the other concern that it could be is that if we look there are portions of the community that I just don't think we really have death care coverage in so really in our new near our University we don't have coverage there if we look over here in Johnson Creek we don't really have coverage there Otter Lake we don't have coverage there so that means that all of these hearses are traveling even further than they normally would be so what ultimately caused me to pull the video was Ashland and it's already a problem here but you can see that all of these buildings are abandoning in Ashland and this this is deathcare if we look it's all death care oh low land value okay uh not enough workers not enough workers no one collected dead people so that is that's the one I'm worried about not enough people collecting dead people so we are going to pop on through and we don't have any cryopreservatories in here I think that they're kind of a silly asset but I think it's even sillier that we have are normal crematoriums I'm missing they're right there and you know if we take a look at our patient capacity 105 I think that having that extra overhead that we have here 120 and the extra vehicles that these provide um it's it just makes it worthwhile so we're going to work some of those into the build this is really kind of a maintenance and housekeeping sort of thing so I'm going to add likely somewhere in the in the realm of five or six of these cryo preservatories throughout the build so we're going to start over here and I don't want to take out buildings that are already that are that are fine if I can avoid it we can work these sorts of uses into neighborhoods and I don't want to put it on the Main Street that doesn't make a ton of sense to me that said it looks like most of the housing is okay so maybe we will take out a building or two so we'll start here and I'm going to take out a house there and we'll say that this was a Redevelopment opportunity everyone loves that because everyone's dead and they need everyone has a dead body next door and they need it picked up Hawk thank you for becoming an associate planner I appreciate that and jam and Spanky thank you also for becoming an associate planner uh let's see XI CP is too realistic to use move it oh you are way off base there oh there's gonna be move it heavy I'm gonna be using Movement Like It's my job so it's gonna be good now let's pull this up so we know where we have existing death care we have what is this this is Healthcare it's a deathcare oh yeah we have the custom Cemetery over by Saint Mary's Church so we had this crematorium too and maybe this is actually what we should be incorporating throughout the area let's let's let's compare our different death care assets and then once we get a couple of these we're going to run it and I will hop into chat so right here 10 hearses this has eight storage 250 storage 120. yeah this is a very ugly asset very utilitarian but I I think I think it makes some sense so we're gonna roll with this one so I'm going to add one of these basically in every Community because we don't have enough ah utara thank you for becoming an associate planner so over here again I hate putting these on the main drag which you know maybe isn't the most suitable location for it so we are going to sneak these over kind of off in our city services actually this is a good location for we have our Cemetery over here and we've got trees poking through so we'll go through and add it right here I'm going to turn off uh tree Anarchy holy cow we've got a lot of associate planners here now uh Tamara thank you so much for becoming an associate planner and Sam as well thank you uh and King of Pain asks how I'm doing today I am okay I've I've actually just got done with a a rather traumatic experience I had to get flu shots with uh my kids and oh boy [Music] uh I got to demonstrate the flu shot myself so that was fine and then my youngest one in there and she generally is pretty good about flu shots uh but my oldest started freaking out so then my youngest started freaking out and then uh you know just kind of spirals from there So eventually what bailed us out was separating them I took my oldest and I put her outside of the room and then we uh we ended up you know getting our flu shots oh we're carved into Hillside we have to we're gonna make it we're gonna we're gonna forgive ourselves for a bit of imperfection here we're responding to game mechanics we're okay um so yeah we ended up my youngest getting there getting her shot the oldest did not I scheduled an appointment for after the stream and we're I'm a glutton for punishment we're gonna give it another go and we're gonna see if it works so uh did I get a lolly no they had Starbucks though so I you know hot cocoa Infinity hate shots you know I hate shots too I think everyone hates shots I told I told her that uh if if you meet someone who likes shots they're generally pretty weird so um I think it's it's totally totally reasonable to not like it but definitely something you gotta do um so it's uh it's we're gonna give it another go and we're gonna see what happens um so I don't have zoning right here which maybe is something that I could resolve right here I'm going to force the zoning and see if that fixes it and I have I have my Anarchy on so I should be able to just upgrade it now we're good and now if I move it I don't know why it's doing that but we'll uh we'll give something else a try We'll add in [Music] we'll add in one of our our roads over here and it would be better anyway to to get this use on its own Road and knock that down a little bit yeah and it's happy now that'll hold out alt and spin this around Ctrl H to the road do the same thing here there we go so yeah feeling good about that uh dragas says the only shots that they like are whiskey hopefully it's a good wussy [Laughter] uh I think every time I get a shot or blood draw yes yeah that that and that's the thing it's it's definitely I I don't want to traumatize her so I'm trying my best to to Not freak out we were there a while we were there for 45 minutes uh so yeah it was uh it was a it was an experience uh let's see oh holy cow I'm getting all I miss if I'm missing these I apologize uh gandarian thank you so much for becoming an associate planner Walt thank you so much and I missed a Super Chat it just disappeared on me uh Corey thank you so much for becoming an associate planner and there is a super chat from heavy arms uh the game Studio should pay you a commission your videos are why I upgraded my PC and bought all the DLC for this game thank you so much you know I'm I'm just happy that I had the opportunity to share these videos truthfully I think that it's it's uh it's a real privilege to be able to do this uh it you know and if any any Creator who's not looking at it that way oh remove the Cliffside trees good point uh you know they're not looking at it right because this is a it's something that is is a is a kind of a dream to be able to do this uh let's see needles are fine but blood draw makes me fanned yeah Adam G thank you so much for the Super Chat Clearwater County and Nicolette Bay both need a Culver's and a Fleet Farm so we've got a Culver's many Culvers in Clearwater County I can't find a Fleet Farm asset I've been looking for a Fleet Farm or a farm and fleet uh my favorite part of your videos are all the wisconsin-ness yes you can't you can you can't take the Wisconsin that's out of it it's never gonna happen that's uh that's just who I am so let's see I lost okay we're gonna grab this and I want to add two more of these we're gonna add one in Johnson Creek and it's gonna be in the in the nicest place of all we're gonna sneak it in our industrial area oh does this industrial crematorium no we can't do that we'll put it over here so this one we are gonna need to add water pipes to because I'm 100 positive we don't have water pipes power will jump and that's fine Alex Hill thank you so much for the Super Chat uh happy that I caught a stream but I do have a question would Van Buren ever get a Metro or simply be too small of a city for that uh that would never be useful efficient it would be useful it would be way too expensive for a city this size I think it all depends on how long we play this build you know I had a very when I started Clearwater County I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to accomplish in this build and we haven't done it yet there's something very specific it's going to make people a little bummed I think um but then we'll redeem ourselves then we'll redeem ourselves I don't wanna I might give a huge shout out to the moderators thank you so much for going through I I struggled to keep up with the chat um and I I definitely appreciate the moderation help uh cities by Diana thank you so much for being here Clearwater county is so realistic uh from the air that I feel like I'm in an airplane flying over the Midwest thank you thank you yeah it's this has been an absolute uh dream of a build to to work on I've really enjoyed it I mean really this comes down to the map I mean if you don't have a good map you're not going to have inspiration and eggsy really just knocked it out of the park with this one this is a beautiful map I know that it's actually Italy but but it is flexible enough that we can uh take some Liberties there so uh absolutely amazing let's see Fox man design just stopping by to say hi hi I'll watch the stream a bit later as you're sickish I'll get well get well I I definitely I feel you there and uh I have been sick the last few weeks and I'm finally feeling better so I hope you I hope you're feeling good soon too uh Derek thank you so much for the Super Chat this maybe maybe a strange comment question uh and you may be unfamiliar but has anyone ever pointed out you sound like get bonga I've heard that I don't know who that is so I'll have to I'll have to find a video and and understand that reference a little better all right and this area might look familiar to you guys because we actually built over here and the last one we added this water pump so I think that what we're going to do is we are going to add a cryo preservatory over here to fit into the character of this area a little bit more we're gonna absolutely be incredibly realistic and just scoot some of these over there we go uh wait Clearwater county is in Italy too yes Clearwater county is Italy so uh if you look at the original list there's a link to xz's um original map and yeah it's Italy it's Italy all right I am nervous uh we are gonna resume this and see what happens and then I'm gonna go through the chat a little bit so here we are resuming this we're gonna speed this up and I'm gonna throw on the death care and we're gonna jump up to 300 let's just see what happens let's see what happens uh comrade Kenny ask what happens what happened to city planner explains so that's a good question so I've had a lot going on uh in my professional life recently and then without the editor it's really my my YouTube time has been a lot of it's been editing so I think many of the many of the folks in the disc who are the most active people and they've noticed that I just have not had time to be in the Discord and that's mostly because I'm editing a lot now um so any any any day that I'm doing YouTube stuff I'm editing and it's been an interesting experience because I actually really really like it so I'm I'm writing more scripts I'm scripting out the content a bit more and I'm trying to use editing to tell my story and that is something that I wasn't able to do when I had an editor and you know I've thought about bringing an editor back in but here's the thing so the first editor I had was absolutely awesome we clicked fairly quickly and things worked out really well I missed LaSalle he's awesome uh he ended up leaving the company that he was working for and I was editing through a company so it didn't it didn't quite work out the second editor I had we clicked right away but for reasons of basically uh you know content delivery on time we had to part ways and then the most recent editor uh they just they ended up calling it a day because they felt like they they weren't able to edit the content there are other things that I want to do with them though and I think that next year is going to be that time so with that in mind I've thought about bringing down an editor but it's really a lot of work to do that and I'm kind of just kind of just at a point where I want to take a break from uh number one being a boss which is something I'd never done before this and I want to take back some of that creative control and I I think that that's what separates I've just got to notice that my favorite content creators edit their videos and they are a little bit more personal with it and uh I want my videos to feel like that so all of that said that means that I don't have a ton of time for city planner explains right now I'm hoping that I have more time in the future though it's it's still on my radar and there are many topics that I I have explored and there's even a group in the Discord that was helping me with some scripts and I've been really regretful that I haven't been able to do with more with that and speaking of that group planner duck thank you so much for the support that is a really generous Super Chat thanks for the stream and for helping to create the community well thank you for being a really prominent part of the community and the continued support it really means a lot to me and uh and I really appreciate all of your patience with me as I take on more of the editing because I certainly have been responding to comments slower part of that is I'm only responding to comments when I'm taking the feedback and doing something with it I think that initially when I was when I was creating I would just heart every single comment that I read to show you that I would read the comments I'm reading the comments as they're coming in now but when I'm Harding the comments it's it's really when I'm actually doing something with them so I'm I'm taking street names and things like that so uh I don't finish and thank you so much for the the the Super Chat it means a lot and I appreciate the support and Summit thank you so much for becoming an associate planner uh let's see I can Dragon I think that's what it is asks How would the US House Senate change your job as a planner uh so the U.S House and Senate does have an impact in my job as a planner because of federal grants so anytime there's a change different parties have different priorities in terms of the kinds of grants that they become that become available so uh most recently a ton of rail and Transit infrastructure became available when the Democrats were in power in a mixed Congress I would expect most of that to dry up but infrastructure money generally to be available if we hadn't had so much injected already there's so much money out there for transportation that I just don't see a need for more for a little while so um yeah that that's that's probably the main thing is that the federal money that's available changes the grants that are available change and that means that we have different price we get different things available to us as as planners uh thick Phoenix asked if I speak Spanish I I speak very poorly right I took I took three years of Spanish and if you if you wanted me to speak in Spanish right now I couldn't do it I it's one of my big regrets uh Joshua hole thank you so much for becoming associate planner and Hayden thank you so much for becoming associate planner as well and holy cow lots and lots of deletions in the comments please please please please please keep it clean and keep it friendly alright so it looks like our crematoriums are kind of helping I'm a little concerned though I want to speed this up so we're going to go into play it and we're currently at point eight percent game speed I'm going to turn this up to three and so we've got 200 down here and three here we are cranking and we're gonna see what happens because I want to see the population kind of stabilize and I'm not seeing it just I mean we had 300 deceased folks in the community and that's dropped down a little bit so we're in a slightly better spot uh I should add more churches in Van Buren yes I at churches and it's funny the new Financial uh DLC I was planning on on actually adding a bunch of financial assets to this bill but now I'm sitting on my hands and waiting um Lacey asked what all the bell sounds were for those were because we were close to the tram line that's one of the reasons I actually backed up Joseph Powers thank you so much for the Super Chat I don't play uh City skylines but I just find your content soothing and therapeutic thanks and keep up creating thank you so much I really appreciate that that that uh the support means a lot to me and I I don't think you all realize just how much that support means to a Creator um we do I mean we're people and uh it it's really impactful to receive that positive feedback and encouragement it's it's really helpful so thank you all right I I do think I'm gonna I'm gonna go on the limb and say that I think that things are going to be okay to say but I think that things are going to be okay so we are going to start on our build and I'm nervous but I'm counting there's 1510 of you out there if you start to see the population drop below 6400 or 64 000 I want you guys to spam the chat with whatever your favorite emoji is just Spam it all the way up and down because it will get my attention it's even if I'm building so I'm gonna keep an eye on the chat and we will uh start building this thing so I brought in a few really interesting assets for this build and I'm excited to share those with you I'll show you those first and then we're going to take a look at some inspiration for the build because I think that's helpful so if we go into our electricity menu we've brought in these solar panel arrays so there are a number of solar panel assets out there these are just the ones that from my perspective from a power standpoint make the most sense so I used a solar panel in Clearwater in Clearwater County in a Bluffside Crossing that was dramatically overpowered we had this little tiny solar farm that provided power for half of the entire city this is going to be we're gonna need a lot of these so I've done the math and I'll show you how I've done the math actually so we want to get rid of all of our coal power plants we've got one right here and it says that it's currently generating 228 megawatts of power and we got another one over here doing the exact same thing and then if we look over here we have our hydropower plant doing 240 as well so that would seem like the Baseline Blanche thank you so much for the Super Chat I appreciate that uh it would seem like the Baseline but here's the thing I actually boosted the I've been I've been slowly creeping up on the budget here so we're gonna bring this down play with some fire and let's check out where we're at now so right now we've got to look at a couple of things when we are considering our electric uh our electricity consumption so right now we're at 5 45 our overhead is 7 40. and it's about 80 degrees outside which means that we're not using any electric heat so when it gets cold which I'm going to switch the build to Winter as soon as I have a significant amount of snow on the ground which will probably be this week uh we are going to go into winter that means that we're going to need a lot more in terms of our uh in terms of our electric overhead so now we can take a look back at these coal power plants and see what they need and what they're producing and it's a little under 200. so we know that at a minimum to maintain what we're having we need to have 400 megawatts worth of uh electricity so I'm going to do a little bit of math here and I'm a planner not an engineer so I stink at it and I can't do it in my head so I'm going to pull up the calculator and let's see if we have 400 and our 5x8 power plant right here produces 16. we would need 25 of these to replace our coal power plants so that's something to keep in mind we also have some battery backup some battery storage don't think that I don't think that we're going to skimp there uh these aren't functional so there is a mod that allows your solar panels to turn off at night I couldn't find functional batteries to make that work so we are going to just use these as kind of props they produce a little bit of power but I could worry about that all that much but we know that at a minimum we need 25. so there's something else to know about this asset that's kind of interesting and I think this is why it's a four-star asset and not a five-star asset if you look at this we have five by ones and they produce two to three megawatts of power so if we were to use eight of these now we're producing 24 megawatts which is more than the five by eight so it's actually advantageous to you to use the five by ones if they weren't so finicky to work with so Al Demetrius thank you so much for the uh for the Super Chat thank you so much uh TC is cyclic code I'm sorry to hear that I hope that you better it's not that certainly stinks uh and it's it's it's that it's it feels like this is gonna be that time of year for for that um anyway so here that's that's something to consider you might want to to use it and there will be certain cases where it makes sense to use the five by ones so let's pop into some inspiration after I show you this particular asset we're gonna go into the workshop real quick and I'll show you these assets so if you want to pick them up you can as well so we'll look at my subscribed items and these right here are the assets that we're using today so this is from Ben's Workshop it's called solar panel array pack and this will give you all of these so feel free to check those out I will eventually link this as a pinned comment in here uh the batteries I'll link those as well these are not from the same Creator that's why they function a little bit differently uh Baby Jones thank you so much for the Super Chat I love that you're tweaking with your power and City skylines while I'm pulling OT doing high voltage planning that's awesome uh enjoy keeping uh enjoy keeping your videos on in the background while I'm at work keep doing what you're doing thank you so much thank you for the kind words thank you for the Super Chat and uh good luck with your planning and Loki thank you so much for becoming an associate planner all right so I'm giving stuff away you're seeing some other things other assets that I've subscribed to as well all right so for inspiration I don't know anything I'm not like baby I don't know uh Power planning so that's not something that I've been exposed to so we should look locally I always encourage looking locally and understanding what's around you so here we are in Madison and we have a couple of things that we can look at so first of all it's not by our capital the one that I want to use for inspiration the solar farm it's right by my favorite Jet Room restaurant so right past Dane County municipal airport we have this brand new solar farm it's still under construction it's one of I think three that are under construction right now in my general area and there's a couple of things to notice about this first of all the transportation infrastructure is pretty Spartan so you'll see that first of all we have Highway 51 right here a U.S Highway and to get to the solar farm you have to be going Southbound and then you can pull in there's not even a cross connection here which is pretty wild and then we come in here and I wonder if we can get into street view or if it's so oh we can okay so you can see that there's a gate in here and one small road but it's PR it's very there's not a lot going on so I want to keep this in mind as we're building we're not completely shielding this thing and hiding it from the world that's not the goal here the goal is to keep people out so we want to make sure that folks aren't able to to run around and break solar panels and things like that and we want to have minimal access to these at a minimum so it looks like there is a paved road that goes through and runs around the back here and what I find really interesting is it looks like it's a one truck wide uh path going in between these it's not even all that big and then right here are the battery backup Solutions and for the most part there's a lot of symmetry through here and all of the panels are facing in the same direction there's no randomly rotated panels things of that nature so I think these are all lessons that we can use as we go to create our uh our particular a solar farm so with all of that in mind with our Assets in tow here we are back in Clearwater County before we get building I want to look one more time we're not really improving and we've dropped below shoot ah it kills me it just will not end all right we're gonna need to do more I obviously didn't do enough so I want to get to the solar farm but we're gonna we're gonna do a little bit more here first all right going back to the cryo preservatory idea and you can see that there's not a lot of deathcare over here yes this has the 60 I'm seeing I'm seeing it I'm seeing it so we're gonna need to do something all the Death all of the death um let's focus on where we don't have good coverage and maybe we'll just add in as much as I think that this asset's silly and underpowered we will add in some of our normal crematoriums and I'm going to replace just buildings that have buildings that have uh had abandonment issues so I'm looking and it's funny there aren't that many yet so I'm gonna go back and what I said we'll Place one here yeah and you all would love that because again dead bodies all over the place next up so we've got enough here I think we have nothing over in Bradford so we will definitely add one here we've got bodies truthfully I think in Bradford what may would make the most sense would be a cemetery near the church so as silly as this will be adding a cemetery when we know that they can sometimes have issues We'll add that back here foreign a bit back here uh then we'll come back in and let's just we're just gonna keep going this is it's worse to have bodies piling up than anything else so oh and look at this we don't really have all that much for death care up here so this is probably another spot so we're likely siphoning some of our death care from across the region up here so that is not a good thing Logan thank you so much for the Super Chat just found your channel not too long ago I'm a UPS driver in Florida love the chill videos keep up the good work thank you so much my wife is actually in Florida right now she's uh uh it's basically Southern Florida doing that doing a tour with some friends so uh I'm looking forward to seeing all of her pictures all right so let's go ahead and add in crematorium here maybe just add one that's a terrible location on the main drag but I would I could see it I could see it happening if we do that then we need to have a side street we can't just load onto this so I think we are going to add in a crematorium over here foreign just a portion of this road here and then node controller control n and try to fix this nonsense there we go and we will get this deathcare added there we go so that should be a help there got a weird node thing happening here so we'll get rid of that very good and I'll move this into a better location all right has that has that fulfilled the need at all are we doing any better 245 2 45. Just Gonna Keep spamming it oh oh oh oh look at this look at this our population is going up that is a positive sign that means that we're starting to resolve this I want to do a little bit more just for good measure and then we can move on from there we didn't do anything over here in Shorewood so we will add in additional death care over here we'll just go with our normal crematorium we'll look for something that has abandoned or actually I think that you can make a case to put it over here although there's no way to turn around it's a problem with this area is that it's just a it's a line so if you needed to turn around you're either whipping a U-turn which you can't do in the game so back here this would be a spot that would be a suitable location not very desirable not many other uses could could facilitate this but good access throughout the entire region and uh even to the highway so we will take that all right I'm missing a ton of Super Chat so and uh and and messages so I apologize Jackie thank you so much for becoming associate planner triangular thank you so much for the Super Chat Webberville solar farm is a pretty neat visit for an engineering class that took us near Austin Texas in weberville who could have guessed it I'll have to check that one out uh and then Eileen Jamal says I may have missed it but why uh oh I didn't I didn't get to the heating part yes yeah so I will go back to the to the heating part so that is that is where we're gonna figure out our overhead and our maximum number of panels that we need so and we're dropping our population again that is frustrating I think we're gonna leave it I at least their demand looks strong so I came over at the end of the last at the end of my recording and all of Van Buren was dead and that was my that's my concern like at that at that point that I wasn't really interested in that I went I had I went through and I used move it and I just I highlighted I went to buildings and I highlighted a huge swath of these things and I reset them without realizing that as you reset these buildings every single Sim that lives in there goes away so I dropped the population so with these I'm I'm curious yeah uh Sherry makes a good point check child and elder care that could be helpful um I've placed a lot of these buildings are they are they going to fill back in or do I have to reset these buildings to get them to work right again so I can go back through here and just reset these and now everyone's happy things are things are looking good folks will start moving back in but if I just leave these and they're abandoned and I've placed them manually using Rico will they will they come back curious so if you know the answer please drop in the comments Ramon thank you so much the trains yes they are the trains uh not enough props at the unemployment yeah the unemployment is crazy right now because everyone's dead we we've lost at this point 12 000 population so that is why unemployment is as bad as it is so I'll reset a couple of these um these are obviously very impactful buildings if we take a look I mean this right here has 10 households so when you have multiple these abandoned that's where the population disappears too so hopefully that's helpful we'll have to see it know if they are historical and I think many of these are historic No Maybe not maybe not I guess some of these are the growables some are not historical though some are so that's good to know so I think that what we'll have to do hopefully we're gonna we're gonna reset our Target we'll do 62 000. if we cross 62 000 we'll come back over here um so yeah it looks like Jason Gatewood says we have to reset the historical buildings yeah we'll have to let's think about that uh Commander Fox asked about a NASCAR track I don't know I don't know I'll think of that so that that's something that um you know if you want a really good build for that I would highly recommend you check out few candy she put together an absolutely excellent race track very very creative and very nice build uh Steve asked if I'm using realistic population I am and that's part of the problem so is rebounding so we're gonna just tend that everything's fine and we're going to start deleting a bunch of roads over here so we need to clear the pallet so to speak so I'm going to get rid of all of these roads because we don't want people driving around our solar farm and I don't know that all of this is going to be in the solar farm for now but in the future it will very likely be a part of it now I chose this location very purposefully and that is because of its proximity to the landfill one thing that you'll see now is that some old landfills that have been capped are becoming solar Farms they're a little bit higher up there's generally no trees around it so you have the ability to uh to to take that use and do something a little bit better with it uh realistic population has always broken in my cities uh so that is one thing that we want to consider here so we need to think about our overhead we talked about the overhead for power and I talked about what we have right now so we would need 400 to maintain and we could shut off our coal power plants but what would this look like in the winter so if we go into our theme mixer and we go into weather we're gonna do something we're gonna set our daily minimum and maximum temperature and for just a moment we're gonna slow this down even we're going to set our temperatures really low now I believe that this is in Celsius which I don't I don't understand that's the American of me and I I wish that I did we're gonna we're gonna set this down I know that 15 negative 15 is very cold so in Fahrenheit that would be probably below zero as well it's not something that we see a lot but we see it every now and then now what we're going to see here is that our electricity availability is going to spike and I want to know just how bad it's gonna be because we're going to want to have more electricity than we would need on our coldest day of the year and in fact let's just get really extreme with it we'll see on our absolute worst day ever what it would be like so look at the temperature just plummeting holy cow now we're looking at negative we're going below zero in Fahrenheit so in Celsius I mean we're going to negative 50. people are people are struggling now so we're looking at this and we're at about a thousand I think negative 20 is about as cold as I could ever imagine it being so we'll take this back and I believe it was well you can reset it 15 and 30 and now the temperature is going to just scream back up to the top and everyone's leaving this entire County because it is it has the craziest weather ever it's worse than Denver so let's see I got a couple of super chats thank you so much Muhammad for the super chat if you use Rico it will be historical even though it will not be shown because it will not have normal area because of move it okay so I will need to reset all those manually so we will do that at the very end and then tray Trey Lane thank you so much for the Super Chat all right so we're going to use move it a ton for this build so that's why I said that move it's gonna be so important to us because these assets first of all we have a thousand let's figure out how many we would need if we use the five by Eights so if we're going for a thousand we know that we have 250 generated divided by 16 we need 50 of these things that's absolutely wild and I guess it was negative 45 in Minnesota last year I believe that yeah this is a cold snap just a little one we're currently experiencing a cold snap but nothing like this all right so let's place our first asset and the first one you can do whatever you want with it so we're gonna face this if we were to get really specific we would turn off daylight and try to cite where the sun's coming I did do that and the sun comes up this way so I think this is probably fine if we Face the solar panels like this I don't know I'm not uh you know I have solar panels on my house I talk to the professionals and I understood almost nothing of what they were saying so that's one of those things that uh I will take their word for it uh Lord Kurtz thank you so much for becoming associate planner there's one really important thing we need to do here now where these Road guidelines are going to screw us up if we don't get rid of them we want to focus on one set of Road guidelines and that is it so I'm gonna go through here and disable zoning on these roads that we're not using so the way that we're gonna do that is I've gone into the zoning adjuster gone to disable zoning and we're going to upgrade these to not have zoning and I'll just use picker to come through and grab all of the roads just go through and get rid of the zoning here and oh whoa whoa whoa whoa that's the wrong row this is a this is a state highway so we don't want to do that here and then the last road is going to be right here and then we want to make sure that we turn this right back on so now we're back to normal we'll send a just a regular old dirt road through here maybe this big road let's see which one looks better foreign I've got a whole bunch of stuff I want to get rid of zoning adjuster won't go away that's all right all right so we'll send this up here and now you see that we are having issues again I wanna I want this to be at a perfect 90. so I'm going to come over here it looks like this road is slightly off skew which is you know gonna be a bit of an issue so I know a couple of things just from playing with this asset so it's about nine units away so let's grab this we're gonna have that fence We're Gonna Wanna back this up just a little bit so this is about where I want to have the road behind this to go and now I'm gonna meet up here and get rid of this so we were just using this road here to get a nice 90. and now we have this new road which is going to be the road that we're using to place all of our assets and all the rest of these assets are going to be used with a place placed using move it so I'm going to hit M pop in here and we're going to go to toggle snapping so this is the whole reason why I've cared about all of the craziness with getting this perfectly lined up getting this road perfectly 90'd because if we toggle snapping now I have guidelines I'm snapping to the grid here and that's really useful I don't love the way that this is lining up here and I'm not sure that there's a lot that I can do to make it better short of just maybe maybe we just add a paved Road it's not so bad yeah we'll just do that so in to move it Ctrl C here and we're going to start just adding a few of these I think we're gonna go about three across and then we'll leave a space for access and then we'll go three across again now I'm gonna turn on Contours because we can't use these on the hillside and I'll show you why in just a moment but now that we have these [Music] you can just start adding these pretty generously through here and with move it we can get even more we have even more power we can just start grabbing a whole bunch of these and then Ctrl C here we are again and you'll see that this is no longer on the same grid which means that we need to get our roads back there so we're going to pull these back and now come back and to move it Ctrl C and there we go perfectly lined up look at all of that power that we have now that's I'm I'm very curious to see where we're at but we're gonna we're gonna hold off for just a moment I'm gonna place a few more of these we're gonna go basically all the way back and recreate the thumbnail because I did all the math at one point it worked out Jordan Collins thank you so much for the support I'm very happy to see you build a solar farm the little environmentalist in me is very happy also I'm in Ohio where we got our first significant snow can't wait for Clear Water to get some it's coming up it's coming up thank you so much for the support I appreciate that all right and we're going to stop going north for just a little while and we'll start heading this way and for a couple of these we can certainly add in these assets no problem but this is about as far as we can go and here's why these do not terraform look at how they they it's pretty bad so when we look at these we're gonna need to do something different this would be fine if we were going to tear us this whole thing out so if we were to Terrace this completely fine but the Tara set we would really need to cut into this Hillside so our better solution is to use our five by ones and the upshot of this is that we get a little bit more power generation from this as well because if we take a look at this we're generating 16. and it's funny there's this Sunshine intensity I don't think it actually changes ever so I don't it's it's kind of funny that it's even there I'm gonna send this road up here and this is mainly for our guidelines and then we're going to send this over we're going to give more access roads in between these because of the Hill we're going to place this first one and then immediately use move it to be able to to line this up appropriately and now you can see that I can very easily copy this and start pasting these in and eventually these will be looking pretty bad we'll lose our tracking but we're not there yet holy cow it let me get away with that whole row of these so these look a ton better but they can look even better and when you're on steeper slopes it can be really challenging so I'm just gonna move it and held down M and I'm holding down the shift button to select all of these and now I'm gonna set these to the terrain height which I don't really even like what that did so I will Undo It Ctrl Ctrl Z we're gonna run a few more of these up here so let's just go ahead and do this and the the easiest way to do this is likely going to be to grab picker and make these one by fives are are only selectable building and now I can just select these and the nice thing is it's not even selecting the the five by Eights so I can just copy this and pull it right up we're going to give that separation because mainly because of terraforming concerns and then we'll just pull these right up the side here and let's turn off our Contours to see how this looks not bad not bad I am going to have a pull so this is one of the fun things about live streaming this is I had a question in the video about what we should do underneath here and I'm going to ask that in a poll in a moment um thank you so much I dream an HSV for the Super Chat uh CPP what's your favorite level of mods I feel like vanilla without move it Rico and node controller with stifle creativity uh my favorite level is uh Nicole Bay uh truthfully I I like assets but there's a lot of broken ones out there and I don't think that I am excellent at always sifting those out I'm getting better at it and I'm trying my best but to get to the basically to get to where I'm at with with my my mods lists it's taken a lot of trial and error and a lot of you know a lot of struggle and there's something nice about just being hopping into a game and having some constraints I mean I think constraints are what what art is made of you know so because of that it's I I like it I think it's I think it's the the right approach for me anyway all right so we've added in this road back here and it's messed up a bunch of our solar panels we can remove it we can just pop some of these up get them out from underneath the ground and it'll look just fine and then we're gonna go through and so the mods question is a great one because here the network multi-tool being able to slope this is going to be incredibly valuable move it is just I don't know how if if you have City skylines on a computer and you have the Steam Workshop and you're not using movement I don't know what you're doing you know uh it's it's fun to do that in like Verde Beach where really Verde beach is kind of a it's kind of a bit of a test to myself it's a reason why I'm I think it's made me a lot better at the game but I that is not how I would normally I wouldn't oh I wouldn't say that that's my preferred way of playing I would Verde Beach plus move it would probably that would be another one where I'd be pretty pretty satisfied with that so if I had to pick a few maybe it would be move it node controller and the network multi-tool and I could be happy as a clam I could be done there that could be that could be it for me um hey thank you so much for the Super Chat hey fellas a little howdy from Texas quick thing make sure all your panels are facing south especially with how far north Clearwater county is it's a good point let's see it's facing south west so maybe in an Ideal World it'd be facing this way oh that stinks that's a good point well we're gonna roll it this way and we're gonna pretend that the sun is going in a different direction uh sapita says that they play Closer to Nikolai Bay as well and Aliens leaving well thank you for swinging by at wow 1 30 in the morning for you so thank you so much for for joining us here all right so obviously there's some some odd stuff here there's a lot that we could do to try to improve this part of it you know it's just setting it to the level in place one thing I want to try though is we're to come through here and slope this road and then we will try see what is going on uh then we will try to set the slope based on the height and you see that we've got some some differences in elevation there seems like that could be really helpful I also wonder if it would have been helpful to actually have some Service Roads through here if that would have improved things for us oh shoot that was not what I wanted to do oh shoot so that's the one thing about that tool if you make a mistake like that you can undo it even with undo it installed so I'm gonna need to fix these roads now so let's close our unified UI and get back to just our segments and I'm going to have to set these back to the terrain height which is apparently changed now so we're out of luck there what's going on what is going on [Music] it's not having it it's not having it I will modify something so I wonder if I just do one if that will do the trick there we go and now I can probably go back and slope through here now that was that was unfortunate so let's come back through and get that fixed and then we will continue with what I think is gonna fix this area there we go uh let's see David thank you so much for the Super Chat keep up the great work and fun builds enjoy it greatly I appreciate that they again with the gifted memberships thank you so much thank you so much 10 gifted memberships if you are not a member I would highly recommend you enable the ability to become a member with gifted memberships uh because you can't get them unless you have that enabled and I would love to tell you how to do it and I cannot recall it's one of those things I think it's fairly evident but I can't see it in my view so as a result I just I never I never actually know how to do that so if anyone knows drop it in the comment drop it in the chat am I using 81 tiles yes I've been using 81 tiles too not the first one so that is that that's that's a good point there with the new base game update that's coming out next week the one thing that could slow down Clearwater county is the update I don't know if uh that's gonna have an impact on oh that was that was not good I don't know if that's gonna have an impact on uh mods working or not uh but that could lead us to be in Verde Beach and Nicolette Bay for a while nicolay Bay I think is going to be completely fine in terms of mods and things of that nature so we'll have to see all right we're gonna play with this a little bit I'm getting obviously these work a lot better on a non-sloped area but we're going to make it work we're gonna force it we're gonna bend it to our will and I'm uh I'm done playing around now no more nice city planner here we go we'll just send some of these down and if the stilts are high the stilts are high it's it's it'll be fine there we go and I think we're gonna live with this now the pull question that we're gonna have is about what's going to go underneath here so there are two options we could keep this grassy now if you recall back to the solar farm that I showed you nearby where I live there uh there is a it's grassy underneath there and there are actually a couple of solar farms in my area that uh are over the top of crop Fields so it's pretty interesting we're not going to do that I think that that uh those are private generally and we're definitely public here um but we could put gravel underneath here to make it look like there's dirt underneath there so I'm going to add a poll question about that and we will see how you guys all feel about it and I always forget how to do this we'll start a poll okay grass or gravel grass or gravel Charlie thank you so much for becoming associate planner and Jan thank you as well before you answer do not answer this just yet I'm going to add I'm going to show you what this could look like so if it were gravel this is an example of what it could look like so now answer the question and what you see actually the one thing that this does really well is it hides the terrain issues that we were having so that is one of the one of the benefits we could certainly clean this up I wonder here's some of the most extreme stuff wow it does an excellent job of hiding that so that is a way to kind of make this look a little bit better so positive Penny thank you so much for the Super Chat do you have a tutorial on how you switch mods between games and different assets mods if not it'll be super helpful uh it's actually very very simple I have multiple windows accounts and I have created at this point I have four different steam accounts that are linked to my main one and different windows sign-ins and when you do that I just have to sign into the other windows account and um everything loads up as it should be the one thing that's a little weird is that uh when you actually load in It'll ask you to confirm all the agreements again so it ends up being a kind of a little bit of a hassle you gotta confirm the agreements shut down and then load back in but compared to the the the absolute nightmare when I started of enabling and disabling mods and I know that you could use uh some uh there's a there's a load mod order mod that allows you to actually create lists and subscribe and unsubscribe to me that's just too much hassle and when I'm switching between builds as frequently as I am just having the different Windows accounts makes a ton more sense so let's see we've got 1709 people in here right now and only 462 votes so I want I want I want to get this a little bit higher I'm not going to I'm not gonna make a decision on this until I see look closer to half at a minimum of of of uh the folks voting through here so let's see let's see how many votes we can get for this if we can get to let's get to 800 that'd be that'd be good get to 800 then we will make a decision in the meantime I am going to check out the chat again love your content man you're the best city skylines Creator I Inspire to make my cities after yours thank you so much tasty boy gaming that means a lot to me um I I'm just trying to do my own thing whoa gravel has taken over um yeah I I it's it's interesting uh I've actually I've gone back I used to watch a ton of City skylines content I still watch a lot but I've actually started watching less because I don't want to be I want to keep make sure that whatever I'm doing is just was that is whatever I'm doing basically I don't wanna I don't wanna inadvertently get inspired by someone else's build and and and replicate it so I've been trying my best to watch other sorts of creators it's been weird for me it's been really weird but uh so it's definitely been interesting I do watch a lot of smaller creators though so basically anyone who's bigger I haven't been watching so hopefully they're doing well uh let's see gravel paths oh gravel paths would be interesting through here too we could do that um so we're at 7 31 the letter half but I think it's pretty clear that people like gravel here so we're gonna go for it we're gonna end the poll and I appreciate all of your participation and I'm truthfully pretty pleased with the result I think that this is gonna look really nice through here and we could do a we can do a nice job so I will just add this through here we're gonna be really careful on the outside and as I say that I just go right over the side and what I want to do now is we're going to fill in these areas I think we're gonna go all the way back over here and then we'll check out how much power we're actually producing and then we're gonna add in our battery backup and fence this area in and that'll really kind of complete this and make this a finished area so in the meantime let's see I never see solar farm with grass it's kind of weird to me yeah I think it's all what grows in the area I mean it it's in my area I mean we have so much water uh that it doesn't take much to grow grass here so it's it's Prairie you know so um in an area with Prairie that said Clearwater county is actually much further north than where I am right now so it's really a forested area that's been one of the interesting things that I thought about more and more I don't know how many farms there would would be this far north and there's some for certain but I think that things like this would be a good use to some of that rural land as well um let's see I love democracy says Lord cursed yes it's it certainly makes for an interesting build in my opinion uh grass I'm sorry scooty that that the people have spoken and they they have chosen the gravel and truthfully I don't think it's a bad choice I I like it I like it uh Jessica thank you so much for becoming associate planner uh gravel is the right call let's see gravel with nature reserve paths in between solar Banks gives lights on the past that oh I like that that is a great idea we're gonna do that we'll add in some pads I was going to add some around the outside so that's why here where I'm kind of spilling over a little bit I'm not overly concerned about that but we will add those in between as well to get those lights and truthfully I don't even know maybe it's not that I wonder if we can add in lights to our normal gravel paths because that would be my absolute preference so we're gonna give that a go let's let's see we we have come through here let's look at our lights oh my goodness it just takes it away the option is gone interesting so no we cannot add lights to this one thing that we could do I wonder so I have this I could set our normal pavement path to gravel do we have lights through here now that that could do the trick we'll set this to night and see if that works it does not maybe part of that is that we're missing lights here and I wonder maybe an industry light ooh I like that I like that a lot I'm gonna need to remember to convert this back but for back here oh that is that is perfect so let's turn off our road guidelines we have our grid on and our angle that's good enough we'll send this all the way around oh that is great great idea guys I really really like this this is something different from the video I recorded and I think this is an excellent change so the reason why I want to go with this is when we place our battery our batteries it's going to uh have a little gravel pad around it so I think this is going to look really good uh let's see use dirt roads please oh wow I am I'm uh what version of network network skins am I using ah I do not know we can check it out Danny thank you so Philip Denny thank you so much for the uh for the Super Chat always checked newly added and that lights at night oh yes absolutely it's it's the only way to do things and that's one of the reasons I really like this play it mod all right Network uh where is it where am I missing I'm missing it I am not seeing it it's one of those things where it's it should be right in order where is it um well whatever I have it's the most recent version I know that some folks will back up their mods I probably should but I'm I'm foolish like that I do not back at my mods generally and I am going with whatever is in the workshop and that because of that I am very reluctant to use some of the experimental mods that are out there so there are folks who are who will swear by them until it's out of beta with the exception of the 81 tiles mod you won't catch me using it for the most part okay we gotta get rid of this panel right here it's in the way so we will send our path in here we'll have to undo some of our gravel look at that that ball that looks really good really really good let's see cranky Kyle thank you so much for becoming an associate planner um we're gonna send this back I want this to go all the way to the road here we're gonna have two axises right now this is a cul-de-sac probably not a huge deal If This Were a small uh teeny tiny solar farm but this thing is massive and the amount of power that we're generating here is going to be astronomical so I do not want this to be a cul-de-sac imagine if there were a fire holy cow this is interesting oh it's clipping to the road a little bit that is interesting so we're gonna come through single I think I can clean this up yeah there we go and this is really finicky stuff not something you have to do but if you just want that little bit of extra whatever this is a way to accomplish it and then we'll come through and get some nice fine details through there all right let's copy the rest of these and look at Contours again and we're not going to go up the hill so this will be a little asymmetrical and that's completely fine we'll grab these again Ctrl C send this right back and then back and move it select a couple more of these Ctrl C again and there we go there we go that is going to do the trick and we're gonna send our road back here it will connect right here and actually we'll send the road right here and we'll delete it and clean it up that should do the trick for us oh yeah that that I'm really I'm really liking that all right so now we have a general outline for our solar farm we've just got to finish up the rest of our pads and then we're going to add in our battery packs and fencing as soon as I'm done adding in this gravel though I want to Focus just a bit on our actual production and we're gonna see what this has done add this through let's see Miss the spot right middle middle corner right middle corner I'll take a look I'm not quite sure what I missed uh let's see comrade Kenny have you tried workers uh workers and resources I have um so I have a couple of reasons why I haven't played it on the channel the main one is I just I'm not that good at it the second one is I've spoken with Lee Hawkins who said that it's just absolutely dominates his time from time to time uh Civ is already that game for me if you ever see that I'm playing Civ uh I'm probably down a rabbit hole I shouldn't be down so I'm afraid that it could become that for me so maybe in the future I wouldn't ever say no to it uh the other thing is I mean it's just really complicated and I'm not sure um necessarily how how many people would want to watch it so down the line I wouldn't I wouldn't rule it out but for the time being it's probably not something I'll be playing in the channel anytime soon I do want to play a couple of other games on here though I've been giving keys to a couple and maybe I should just leave it to a poll in the community tab because you know I get these keys and I never know what to do with them so I end up just having a whole bunch of games in my steam library that I just don't even start because I don't have time so um one of them is the flood lands I just received a key for that and that could be a fun one to play um let me think uh Founders Frontier I mean I definitely got a key to that as well timberborn I wanted to bring back timberborn and with the new update all of my all of my cities broke so I'd have to start over so I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with timberborn I do want to do something though I've heard that the the version 2 update is really really good so I want to play and I haven't I haven't even played personally since then miles thank you so much for the Super Chat thank you for City skylines videos and sharing your passion with the world well thank you for being here to watch them with me uh sieve please yeah I would yeah SIV my fear is that if I play Civ on this channel this channel is going to become a sift Channel because that gets so sucked in uh that said the way to resolve that is for me to play Civ six and since I don't really like it I would probably get bored with it quickly and move right back to City skylines [Laughter] uh I would like to play a little bit more though do I like Anna I've never played Anno uh I have a I have Manor Lords I haven't played it yet bring back timberborn all right how about this I will uh around the holidays I'm gonna have a little bit of extra time to do some things and I will I will promise to in the community tab leave a poll so keep an eye out for it the poll will ask about a mini series uh for a different game and I will see what you guys actually want just what what you guys want to see me play and that could be Tropico it could be Civ um civ5 oh the clarification um it's sip five is yeah uh that's that's my favorite version um I will ask what you guys want Williams says add in tall grass so I think that that's what the maybe around the outside we'll add in some tall grass around the fence uh for the time being I'm I'm digging this let's check out our power production oh oh no hold on hold on we're gonna steal one of these and we're gonna add this right here you see me going through I'm going through my my uh my old build thinking about what I did so we have this here mainly for the power connection to our main power grid I know this isn't necessary but it makes me feel good and uh because of that we're gonna do it cranky Kyle thank you so much for the Super Chat hey Phil I've been watching Clearwater County's videos since episode one and I've loved every bit of it I have a suggestion since it's almost winter add some D.O.T Public Works facilities around the map and off the highways and in the in the in the industrial plazas that is a great point we are going to need to winterize the map so we will absolutely take advantage of that idea at that point in time heavy arms says wait wait wait you play sieve please do some sieve I love sieve which ones do you like do you use mods please do some I don't just play Civ I actually tested Civ six or six Civ five and Civ Rev um and I played a colonization I mean I was in the testing team for that as well um the very best job I've ever had it was not a being a planner it was testing Civ I I I love planning but getting paid to go in to take two and Test games like that with a bunch of your buddies and having beer Fridays every now and then they've been they brought in a a tub of beer and they would just set it down uh next to all of our cubes and it's it's you just maxing it out trying to break the game while you're planning and having fun and I got to play some of those games at the very end when they were just in great shape and to be able to just sit and play oh man it's it's I mean I didn't make any money ten dollars an hour as a contracted employee and I was living in Los Angeles and granted this is years ago but that was still terrible then I was I was in poverty basically but I got to play games all day and that made it worthwhile and I was going to planning school so you know it it uh it all worked out all right holy cow we've got some energy production now one thousand eight hundred and twenty one megawatts we have plenty of overhead we can decommission our power plants now so we're going to turn these off I'm not deleting these for a very specific reason this is another question that I asked in the video that is not ever going to be released and that is with these power plants we could go into Rico and repurpose them as a commercial building or something like that uh was that something that you'd like to see and if so what kind of what kind of building should it be I think for the time being it could be a general industrial building right right here over here I think we have more flexibility this is a highly visible location and it could be really interesting to see this redeveloped into something else so uh Ilene I apologize if I pronounced it incorrectly make a second channel for Civ oh boy [Laughter] I don't I don't know if I should make it make a second Channel I've done that and I put one video on it let's see I'd love to see me take you'd like to see me take on rimworld I've never played rimworld I probably should probably should uh settlement survival is a decent game but it's extremely micromanagy uh and a PC resource hog my PC is pretty powerful I'm probably fine there uh but yeah that that micromanagement aspect of it can be fun on a stream I don't know if it's super fun making videos and uh that's the other thing I'm always thinking about when I'm when I'm releasing content I want to make sure that it's gonna be something that you actually want to see so you can watch me just tweak things back and forth and be totally bored I don't want to do that uh let's see keep the power plants uh says Jessica Germany is all left because of the decommissioned in a bunch of coal plants now they can't get power due to shortages nice fail sake that's a good point that's a good point uh have I watched The Weird Al movie I have not I have not what is the most recent I've just been watching TV um you know House of the Dragon I I watched that the next thing I'm gonna watch is probably the final season of the crown I'm really bummed that Westworld season five was canceled I know like one of four people that watched it but I thought it was great um but I I'm really more of a TV guy than a than a movie guy uh but much to the sugar in my wife I think that she would love it if I were more into movies let's see Asher fills a civilization planner now surviving Mars I have surviving Mars I've never played it uh let's see Ash to the B says I think most Industries turn into office that would be that's a that's a good point it could be offices dwarf fortresses is better than rimworld never played that uh make the coal plants biofuel plants so that's one thing that I can't do thank you for the Super Chat by the way I can't convert so I wanted to initially make these into warehouses and we'll just we'll take a mini detour so if we go into our Ricoh settings and we add a local version it gives you the ability to change the settings here so you can change the service and it's easy to turn it into an industrial building or an office or a commercial building an extractor building for an industry or just a dummy building which basically turns it into a prop and then you can add service blocks into it I guess that's one way to get around all of that uh you could say none and then you can have a sub maybe not uh oh right in the UI category maybe that is one way that you can do it I think I think this is really the main thing though and I can't you can't you can't turn it into a different type of uh City service so it can't be a warehouse either which is kind of disappointing so I'm gonna remove this local for now that'll be something we do down the line uh Wyoming Cowboy I work in finance for a small town thank you so much for the past few episodes showing us how the more uh intricate Utility Systems are that in the game how much more intricate they are than in the game thank you uh yeah honestly this is one of those things that I I don't know a ton about and it's it's fun to research things and figure them out so I'm glad that you've enjoyed this Exploration with me I know that the videos um so as a Creator on the back end we see how well people like the videos and with the editing that's one of the things I've been able to monitor is how are people responding to the new uh editing that I've been doing the new storytelling and it's funny with the newer videos every single video ends up being the best video I've released in the last 10 which is really flattering and I'd say it's a great honor until I release the utility videos which were the worst videos I put on in a long time but I don't really mind it because I will be honest and say that these have been some of the most fun videos that I've put out in a while for me personally so sometimes I'm doing things because I just really am excited to try them out myself be a lot of fun and no regrets it's been a blast so we're gonna come through here and I'm just adding these at the end of each of these rows um ashra thank you so much for the Super Chat good luck I appreciate that thank you uh and I'm seeing I'm a fantastic editor I don't you know it's funny I appreciate that comment because a year and a half ago I didn't know how to use Final Cut I've been teaching myself I feel very confident in my ability to use Final Cut now um next year I'd like to learn how to use motion more that that would be a goal of mine is to is to become an excellent motion user and then add some of those Graphics in I've also picked up an iPad uh Pro and I used that for one video to highlight some overlays and I wasn't pleased with how it turned out so I haven't done it since but that is something that I'm going to be bringing back eventually we're going to be certainly I'd like to be able to I want to be able to demonstrate what I'm gonna do before I do it so that I can show you the plan because I'm coming up with plans and sometimes I'm illustrating it on paper sometimes I'm just thinking about it in my head um but it's not just me showing up and playing for a while I used to do that but that's not the way I do it anymore hey thank you so much 11 months I appreciate that uh the coal power plant would be a great nightclub Rave that's actually a really good idea I like that oh and we've got some spam thank you so much for the spam we're gonna try to get go away go away I wonder if I just report that there we go I I could be a moderator too a little bit uh DZ asked if I had if I use the apple pencil yeah I did I used the apple pencil for that so uh when you saw the writing it was actually my handwriting so uh the iPad Pro is it's really it's really an amazing tool um and I as much as I love planning and video games my my other passion is technology and being able to use some of this yeah it's awesome it's awesome uh have I ever tried skillshare uh I I have I have a skillshare membership I have used it for a variety of things uh and one of those things is actually that video that I that I created I use the skillshare course to learn how to use procreate to put that graphic together um very rudimentary in in my abilities right now but as time allows I agree I've got some really cool ideas and I really want to do it really want to do it uh Walt says the utility videos are your favorite I appreciate that I appreciate that yes and Men says get out of here spam yes please we don't need that spam uh so on these ones that are terrorists there's not a great place for the battery backup so instead of adding them up and down each row we're just gonna have some larger batteries off to the side and these are nice assets so we'll just place a couple of these right in a row I don't know if that's reasonable but it feels good to me so we'll go with it drop these down just a bit I don't finish any tea thank you so much for becoming an associate planner I really appreciate that and then we'll need some more larger battery backups over here as well just maybe one for this facility and we'll add that we'll add that right here there we go feeling good about that the one thing I know about these smaller battery backups is that they sometimes float so we're just going to do a little bit of a visual inspection to see if we've got any floating assets you know what we're looking we're looking good feeling good and so this asset the solar panels I just love this such an amazing looking asset even when you zoom out the load is great this is an asset that I think could be in the game if if uh if Paradox and colossal order really wanted it it's that it's that good it's that good uh let's see dude bro homeboy thank you so much for the Super Chat I love your channel it brings back memories of my time in Wisconsin ice fishing in the up Summerfest Lambo and Spotted Cow especially I I appreciate that and thank you for the support yeah I mean that's that's uh that's that's Wisconsin to a t right there I actually had an ice fishing ice fishing class in high school which I think tells you a little bit about how far up north I lived it was a winter winter gym class and uh you know it is it's very cold up north uh you have to make you have to really take advantage of the winter weather because you're stuck with it for a long time it's amazing how much nicer the weather is in southern Wisconsin truthfully uh yeah it's very shiny very shiny batches in here and I see LaShawn Jefferson too make it looks strange when grown men are scared of shots and needles very weird I you know I for me I don't say that I'm afraid of needles but I certainly don't like it and to try to demonstrate to my kids that it's not that bad I looked right at it today I like that didn't like that one bit didn't no never doing that again and we got home and I actually said that that was the uh least fun shot experience I think I've ever had because I had to look at it so we're not gonna do that again uh utilities are something that so many games treat like an afterthought but seeing you use Minor's assets to make thought out facilities is fantastic thank you so much silver thank you for the support and yeah it's been a lot of fun doing this and so just a quick demonstration of why this is is valuable so if we were to look at the solar power plant size so this would produce 160 megawatts now granted this is producing 10 times that but it's just this just looks so much better so much better all right we need to we need to fence this area off we've got two entryways in now and we're gonna do something about that and I it's funny I found an uh a vanilla prop that I wish I would have used for some of the other utility buildings and in fact I think we're going to at some point and that is this chain link fence gate gotta take our brush size down to one but uh to me this just makes a ton of sense and look at this it's it doesn't like what's going on I've got to turn on my tree and prop is that I thought that was just oh it's tree and prop Anarchy okay so now we can place this over the road here and we'll do the exact same thing over here and Aiden Aiden cook thank you so much for the support you just got your new CPP mug and I enjoy uh enjoy my afternoon coffee while watching the stream thank you so much for Clearwater County and Nicolet Bay great Inspirations for my city thank you so much thank you so much for the support with the mug thank you for this support thank you for being here I really appreciate it I actually I have a cup of coffee right now it's almost done I thought about using my city planner plays mug which is available in the store if you have any interest you don't have to don't don't feel like you have to support at all being here is good enough but I ended up going with my Pawnee Indiana mug instead from Parks and Rec I love it it's the biggest mug I have and for a stream being able to just come through and grab the biggest cup of coffee I can it it's it's absolutely awesome Ken thank you so much for the Super Chat I just found your channel and I enjoy it I enjoy that you're here and I appreciate it you thank you so much uh 36 year old man just listening to you talk about uh looking at at it while you got a shot made me want to pass I yeah I'm 36 so I I feel the exact same way all right let's go ahead I'm gonna get some chain link fences in here and we have a network version of this fence that I believe we've used a little bit but I'm gonna stick with just this eight meter fence we've got the eight meter and the 16. it's terrain conforming and it's a vanilla asset and if you have the prop line tool another ad another mod that I would definitely include is one of the most essential you can come through and it looks like this that looks terrible but watch this we can fix that we click on this show and hide panel option and I believe first of all it's it has the wrong asset selected so that would be a problem if you have this option selected the chain the the fence just slides along and it looks a ton better so that's what we're gonna do the spacing is perfect we're just gonna follow along and the nice thing about this is chain link fences are very inexpensive so if this needs to change okay okay okay before before they're expensive inexpensive relative to other fences so uh I think if you're gonna add these it's totally fine you could always take it down later and replace them Anthony thank you so much for the Super Chat I appreciate the support we're gonna just continue to add this down now this is going to be the tricky part getting these to line up nicely and then through here I think I think we're gonna just send this down now we'll follow this I don't love the way that this looks so we'll go just a little ways down and then I'm just gonna eyeball this sometimes that's the best you can do and we'll send this down here and go around looking good let's see Jade thank you so much for being here I'm I'm glad that you're enjoying the stream and I'm glad that you're here as well uh but flowism love your content keep up the great work thank you so much for the support and thank you for the kind words means a ton to me uh and I I know I say that a lot but it really does um I I do look at a lot of the comments even the comments I'm not replying to obviously in a stream it's a little bit harder I'm trying my best uh when I see those comments it does it does mean a lot so here we are oh oh I don't love what I've done here so we're gonna pull this back a little ways and send this right in here meet up and looking good we'll clean this up a little bit move it for this last one and we'll have to actually hold out alt for this because I have the clipping on but there we go Robert McAllister thank you so much I love coming to these live streams and love the interconnected stories between your city's missed seeing the city I know the update caused some issues yeah and the other thing is with these utility episodes it's just been a lot of uh a lot of learning for me and I've wanted to make sure that I'm getting it right so uh when that's one of the reasons it's nice to have the other builds as well so I I already know what I'm doing in Nicolet Bay for like the next 10 episodes and I don't really need to research anything for this build I'm at a point where I'm researching a ton and you know even the next Verde Beach because of the size of the city sometimes I feel like I need to do a little bit of research and really give it some thought experiment a lot so that's the fun part of having a new city is you're kind of in that in that uh early honeymoon stage with the city oh yeah feeling good about this the one thing I'm not feeling good about is I think we need to get some trees around here I don't have a brush set up still for this so the only brush I have is the Ashland brush I think this is the last episode last playthrough where this is not winter so I'm not gonna build that brush right now we're just gonna steal some Forest here copy this make sure Anarchy is off and place this around here and then afterwards we're gonna clean this up so we'll add in some nice forests and I'll just try to alternate before between my clicking oh let's get Anarchy off and just send this through here and then at the end what we're gonna do is back the trees up a little bit so that they are not casting Shadows I think we need to check that out and make sure that we're not having some unintended consequences consequences there okay nice dense forest through there I like that I like that so now we're gonna go into our forestry brush simply so that we can back this out and I want to change the time of day and not monitor it we don't want that so let's look at our shadows and see where they're casting so right here you can see that we've got to eliminate some of the trees along here no Shadows no shadows and I appreciate you guys being here for this kind of thing uh so I was in the Discord late last night and one of the comments was that that I that I that I received from someone is that I should start using procedural objects I'm afraid that I'd become a basket case with it that would become I I ended up doing so much in procedural objects that it wouldn't be fun for anybody myself included how about the next city is European Asian we'll see we'll see one of the things that there are some builders that are able to just easily switch Styles and build a city that they're not familiar with if I were to do anything it would probably be something that I've seen and I haven't been all that many places in Europe and no place in Asia although I would like to get to both um so if I were to do that it would likely be one of the slowest series I've ever put together and I would want to I'd probably take less feedback which I also don't love doing and um yeah so we'll see I I'm not ruling it out but I definitely think it's easier to to build what you're familiar with uh do I support solar yes I have solar panels in my house so I absolutely support solar I think it's a hey if you have the ability to create clean energy you should here we're getting rid of more of those trees and it's funny I added all these in but we're going to end up clearing half of them out that should be good enough though so now we have for the most part very few Shadows casting and let's check this out at night I did miss a couple of paths through here so we're gonna add those in as well here we go and I'm gonna turn this to be the lightest it can be with the lights on which is probably about right here and then I'll send these through all right and while I'm doing this hey guys so tired I've been splitting wood since 9am oh my goodness I don't know what time it is for you right now elevators of New England oh New England it's an hour later than me uh so I used to split wood so my grandpa lived out in the middle of nowhere and I would split with him and my dad we had a we had a wood burning stove at our house and I would split wood growing up and oh that is back-breaking work this for doing it so we could certainly add some lights through here I might do that off off camera might think about I don't know maybe I should just do it now uh well I'll leave it in a poll let's see a heavy arms thank you so much for the support again and what about doing a more science fiction or fantasy Focus build sometime usually so much focused on realism that one I probably won't if I'm being completely honest with you I think that I would struggle with that um so it's part of its thing in my Lane knowing what I'm good at maybe though I wouldn't I wouldn't rule out instead of fantasy I wouldn't rule out sayings of a futuristic Utopia that is something I probably will take on in the future something that's a little bit more idealistic um yeah Richard asks how much uh U.S planning is different from you UK and European planning I was funny I was talking with someone in the comments about this and I when I was creating the the UK video I thought it would be really easy to find a land use plan but I could just overlay on top of the uh on top of the the build area so Etsy made the map absolutely stunning thought I could just overlay that and I actually could not plantar duck five gifted memberships thank you so much I really appreciate that and remember if you want to have an opportunity to get that make sure that you have gifted memberships gifts enabled oh and I see that I see we've got a couple of familiar faces in there I see thick Phoenix and batch both got them awesome awesome and so what I'll take a little bit of a detour uh if you just got a gifted membership I post videos early on on a Vimeo and there is a link in the community tab to this month's folder definitely check it out there's nothing in there right now uh but there will be things coming up very soon so definitely check it out there's also a link to all of my save files every last one of my save files is in a Google Drive and you're able to load them up and check them out I put them in there as soon as I'm done recording so uh definitely something I like to do planner duck again holy cow thank you again for the gifted memberships uh Nick tall thank you so much for the Super Chat one of the past segments between one-fifth is short oh good good catch thank you so much thank you so much for catching that and I wonder if we could just run some of these along the side here yeah that might do the trick too instead of getting all crazy worrying about adding in lights I'll just come along the side here with Anarchy on and maybe do a little bit a little something like that in a couple of locations that'll do the trick I think that'll be fine and at least this way we're keeping the same light spacing it's not the cleanest way of handling it but I think it'll be fo it'll be okay let's see planter duck is the goat I agree I agree uh let's all if you just got if you just got access to all of the new stickers please give planter duck a real MVP and uh give them uh give them your favorite emoji if you don't have access to these so let's let's drop a couple of these in here DJ Evo thank you so much for becoming associate planner I appreciate that and uh this is the one time let's let's drop a whole bunch of emojis in chat let's do it I'm joining you here we go [Laughter] uh let's see have I tried the ride transport assets I have not uh but I did catch that's one of Memphis videos that I did watch and uh they they look very nice they look very nice let's see holy cow there we go oh the duck that is perfect duck the American flag all right [Laughter] uh I've got to add some more so first of all there are a couple of you that have already maxed out the maximum sticker levels uh that I have available I'm gonna be adding more stickers and I'm gonna be adding on additional uh levels for membership as well so I think that'll be a fun thing to do and I saw cities by Diana thank you so much for the Super Chat thoughts on the new DLCs great build as always uh I am super excited about the skyscrapers uh content creator pack uh that's the thing so Verde Beach how do you build a unique Verde Beach you just you just can't not right now you have the same couple of skyscrapers the couple of Art Deco skyscrapers the transport tower all those things but but now if you're on a console or if you are playing a vanilla build on the PC let's say you have the Epic store version of the game and you decide to pick up this content creator pack wow like you have some variety there you get some new uh sorry that's seeing all these coming through is just cracking me up uh now you can actually create a unique Skyline so I'm really excited about that let's see yes duck is a legend what do you what what's uh what are you guys looking forward to the most drop in the chat which of the new content creator packs or DLCs you're looking forward to the most and I'm gonna take a little drink of coffee ice cold [Laughter] yeah Korea will be neat too so I I think that uh in Verde Beach we've built uh there's a Buddhist temple and a kind of a little it's kind of a non-specific Asian district and I want to make that it's we use some of the uh the the Japanese content creator pack assets and I think that being able to create a true K Town is going to be really cool and um we're gonna have that opportunity which is super cool uh there are there's one DLC that's been announced and that was uh it's kind of I think it's a mini Financial districts DLC and then uh there's a bunch of content creator packs that were announced new radio stations and um I mean the content creator packs I just I love them they're they're absolutely I mean the the fact that that's something that Paradox is open to is awesome foreign Fox thank you for becoming associate planner let's see Mulligan asks if we can get a planter duck and they Street I think that we can do that where which which Community should we should we add them into which Community uh what do I think about the financial districts I'm really excited about the financial districts I'm dubious on the mechanic we'll have to see how it works um but uh I think my main thought is I'm I'm hoping it's not like the like the mechanic that comes with concerts where it's kind of surface level um we'll have to we'll have to see we'll have to see uh let's see the African content creator pack that comes up next year yeah I'm I I think it's amazing that these these new content creator packs are focused on specific parts of the world if I weren't living in the U.S and everything didn't look familiar to me in these games I think it'd be really a huge boner uh uh and the ability to have that with some of these new content creator packs and localized builds I think is amazing let's see I should do some Canadian builds love you from Canada thank you so much I mean this is this is pretty close to Canada so it was Nicolet Bay uh there is and I'm trying to think of his name there was a creator that I used to watch I don't know if he's still making videos um Urban architect Maybe very detailed Canadian builds and let me see if I can find a link to the channel and I saw a request for street level views why don't we come through here we'll go by our reflecting pool and we'll come in and I'm going to get rid of the sound effects for now just so that you guys don't go crazy so if you're wondering why you're not hearing the sound of the trams that's why uh I'm gonna look for urban architect's Channel and if I can find it I will drop a link hopefully they don't blast some sound uh uh Urban attacked these skylines and I'm on a different computer for this part and you know I'm not even finding it so I'll have to look but if I find that I'll drop it in I have to leave a pin comment and I will I will definitely drop it in here and if we are friends on Discord too that'd be the other place I wonder let me see I'm going to search my Discord friend list and see if I can find his channel by finding him now even we even spoken in a long time and it's funny when that when when the channel really started to take off I was featuring some smaller channels to shout them out and this is one that I wanted to and I never got around to it and I really should have and I found him and his Discord server is now looks like it's gone and I don't see his channel bummer so being 12. is his handle on Discord if we if you are here by some Stroke of Luck you should drop your channel name the urban architect is an awesome day you stop posting videos yes yeah he was very good so that's yeah I don't yeah I guess I I can't find a link to his channel but uh if I can I loved the vibes and yeah it was just a lot of fun I'm trying with that so I'm searching and you know what I'm coming up with I'm coming up with my channel and cities by Diana oh that's as as uh and also gash is stranger which I all great channels um but not the one I'm looking for right now anyway we'll we'll come back over here uh is that a load of abandoned buildings it is so we're gonna have to reset all of these and I think that that's one of the last things I want to do is kind of just go through here while we're chatting and and reset these if if anyone did he retire so I've no I believe he was a college student so he could just be I mean that's kind of like Prez uh I know Perez was in college and I've been curious because he kind of disappeared too my guess is just you know college is hard I can't imagine being a content creator in college it's it's tough for me as an adult with a job and kids but I have the ability to kind of carve out time and I know what's happening with my with my schedule in college things were just kind of a mess all the time so and I'm I'm a procrastinator which is one of the reasons if you've ever wondered why I schedule out my videos and I make it very specific the reason why I do that is simply because I'm a procrastinator and if I don't do that I will not ever release a video again so uh let's see I've missed a few super chats and let's see uh Matt thank you so much for becoming an associate planner and Corey thank you for becoming an associate planner oh Sean has the urban Architects link I don't see it I don't see it if flux trance is great absolutely talented uh do I know samber I do not I do not know samber so it's funny our channels only had a brief overlap in terms of his activity so oh there we go there's gaseous stranger um so yeah I I I I I watched his videos back in the day um I mean I used to watch Biff his videos often and I you know think you know so I I just think of it this way I'm just like you guys so I used to watch content and then one day I decided I'd give it a shot making it and not even because I wanted to be a content creator just because I wanted to learn how to edit videos so um but being a content creator is awesome I love it and I'm gonna keep doing it for as long as you guys will keep watching where did Flex trance go I don't know there was I think one of the last videos addressed it a little bit and it might just be kind of a burnout thing um samber I have no idea there either it could be it could be a burnout thing though and that's I mean that's that's a very real thing like as a content creator oh we've got some got some things we're just gonna reset that nothing to see here friends we're good we're good um let's see trees the buildings left of the capital trees through the buildings left to the Capitol let's see let's make this daytime so I can see what you guys are talking about I know that some of these buildings actually have trees growing in them and on them so that might be what you're thinking of right here that's actually part of the asset it's kind of neat uh you know green roof interesting concept so uh let's see if you candy yeah definitely check out a few candy she's good uh Imperial Jedi is great uh and Lee yeah I my favorite City skylines content creator is Lee Hawkins I don't I think that that's pretty I mean I think everyone knows that zardus is good too and another guy who's not too far from me zarus and I we we live so close we could meet up for coffee in probably an hour um hour and a half but let's be realistic Christopher thank you so much for the Super Chat have you considered doing underground pedestrian pads rather than the ugly spinning over Highway Bridges in Verde Beach in Clearwater County not so much mainly because I just I don't think they're super realistic um a lot of times with those I've mentioned this in a couple of videos um they're very uh they can be very uncomfortable for certain users of those paths so they're they're you know they're ugly and they can be ugly but I in my area anyway we have them all over the place um some of them are just completely over engineered some of them are fine uh this asset has been driving me crazy we're gonna need to add some new parking lots soon this one breaks randomly and then the other asset that I have for parking lots down here is actually from Grand Theft Auto which is absolutely ridiculous uh banana man thank you so much for adding those links so yeah Lee I don't know that he's released the video in a little while but even his back catalog more money less traffic just some of the best tutorial videos and he has a really insightful way of of um addressing different topics in the game relating it back to the real world and I just think that he's a gifted Storyteller uh in the way that he presents things so uh yumble absolutely gamble is one of my favorites too I uh the thing I like about yumble is when he's presenting something he could present literally anything and make it interesting and very clear and his the way that he is able to do that and keep it engaging at the same time there are certain creators that you know I think you look up to and as a as a content creator and if there are any that I look up to it's uh lee Hawkins obviously is one of them and yumble's another one his the clarity of his videos the the laid-back nature it just resonates with me it just it's very very clear and uh the thing I like about both of them is that they're just unapologetically themselves and that is something that uh is is you know it's it's it's really that's what I gravitate towards in creators creators that are just doing their own thing uh weedy waffle underrated City cities YouTuber I agree I agree gash is stranger too I mean I mentioned that uh overcharged egg obviously is wonderful um this things he's doing in uh ilos are absolutely amazing uh German City skylines guy are you talking about imperator imperator is absolutely a genius an artist in the game uh then just hilarious love it um 2.20 that 2.20 is another one of my favorites uh I his builds are absolutely aesthetic absolutely amazing one of my favorites obviously I mean everyone loves bifa um so don't need to don't need to go there but the thing about 2.20 is as someone who is now editing a lot of videos I can just see the amount of effort and detail that he he puts into his videos and his creativity and the fact that he's just creating things that matter to him I really like that you know when he came out with sunset City and he just he was just very very real about it he said this I'm this is good this is inspired by Grand Theft Auto because I like it I like that I like that a lot uh Frank thank you so much for the Super Chat I'm a Dutch living in Chicago and I often catch myself asking why do Americans build things the way they do you answer some of those questions making it tolerable for me to live here thank you thank you so much and I think you're gonna like I've got some things to say about Chicago and I'm going to be talking about it in future videos it's gonna be a lot of fun it's gonna be a lot of fun uh let's see favorite YouTubers CPP Biff a few candy yes thank you thank you uh you sent me an urban architect link and Discord okay thank you so much let me see there it is there it is all right I'm going to drop this in here so Urban architect the last video on the channel is from a year ago but it straight up says City skylines Canada and the builds are awesome good music selections uh talented time lapser just just very very good so uh Frederick not many of these Critters I don't watch uh Zach daily games I have no idea who that is I'll have to look uh gotta say I love the special episode leaded I did too and you know I wanted to add that to the Verde Beach playlist it won't let me I don't know why and it's really frustrating to me so I'll have to I still have to find a way to get a reference over between the two it blocks me from doing it uh I should do reviews of real cities and explain the why they're built the way they are I that's more of a city planner explains sort of deal if I do that um you know that's been the other thing too there are a lot of urbanist channels and if I create a dedicated urban planning Channel I want there to be a reason for it to exist um I want there to be something different about the channel and I want to just rehash the things that are already out there that already been said by someone else and present them in a slightly different way even if it's in my voice and it's a little bit different I want to make sure that whatever I'm doing is unique and so that's been another reason why I've been reluctant to do more with that channel is I need to find what differentiates it you know for some people it's it's excellent editing you see it a lot with these channels that that have uh a heavy focus on maps is that they're just really good at editing um oh my bit rate is lower than it recommended hopefully it's not too bad for you guys um I don't I don't want to I don't want to be a channel that is is producing sub sub par quality content that's that's my main thing all right I think I've reset most of these oh actually old Van Buren we haven't reset there so we'll go through here and reset this and see if we've got any issues here we do so we're we're totally fixing the city right now and hopefully holy cow [Music] I'm gonna fix these and then I want to look at our death care again to see if we finally resolved that our population if you've been checking has been going up so I feel like we've made some progress there okay 90 dead people in buildings it's silly as it sounds that's manageable so we've only got 90 dead bodies in random buildings throughout the county that's a heck of a lot better than hundreds so we've got some trees and buildings too so dead bodies and trees that's what we do here I'm gonna reset the rest of these as well and let's see 9 p.m in England good time skip it is good and City wall City Walk is good as well uh I I also I really liked um gosh what is his name I'm trying to think he did all of the geometric builds I can't think of his name right now but uh he's absolutely awesome oh kibbits is awesome I love kibbits uh and the reason why I mean same thing with real civil engineer I I I've spoken with real civil engineering Discord just uh just a really nice guy uh kibbetts is unapologetically who he is too you just you know what you're gonna get and it's gonna be something that's gonna be funny and lighthearted and you know what I just need that sometimes I just need that commercial demand is down causing abandonment commercial demand this is actually the highest it's been a long time which is kind of crazy uh let's see of course yeah yeah good too Target that's who I was thinking of yes I really really like Target um but another creator that you know for whatever reason isn't isn't creating right now and that's totally fine uh strikoster is awesome loved it we'll see us yes we'll see us is an amazing Creator and you know will not be here right now because it's Will's birthday so if we could drop in uh either go to Will's most recent video after done with this and drop him a like or drop a birthday cake in here but that actually in the comments not in the chat but in the comments if you could drop in happy birthday will I think they'll be awesome uh what video card setup are you rocking to run these extensively modded cities I have a 3080 TI and oh boy if I told you what I'm doing for Ram right now you might get you might lose your mind so I feel like you're sleeplessness I'm sorry uh so I have a build for my kids I'm gonna be setting up a dual PC setup so they can play Minecraft together on a PC using all the mods so it just looks a lot better and uh I stole because it's not set up yet I stole the ram out of one of the machines and I wonder if I can just quickly show this so let's see I have a ridiculous amount of ram right now I will tell you it has not made the performance Improvement that I would have hoped it would have so yeah I stole the ram out of the out of the other computer and threw it in here just as a test to see what would happen it's it's fine so I have the 3080 3080x 3D processor it's great um obviously a stupid amount of RAM and we're not even we're not even using most of it so honestly 64 is plenty enough I just wanted to see the the real test they want to do is I'm currently using a page file so I'm going to disable the page file and play and see what that does to my load speeds it's not really doing much right now um this is taking me I'm gonna say six ish minutes to load into right now which is pretty pretty slow compared to how it's been and I think the primary reason well it's actually improved a little bit I got rid of render it um and render it was causing all sorts of problems in this build Anna Nicolet Bay lots of flickering I'm trying to figure out the Nicolet Bay dark crazy shadowing thing that is has been an issue it's a problem with the yeah dude I need a I need a 40 90. I I don't need my computer to light on fire when they figure that out then maybe uh you have 256 gigabytes of RAM holy cow on your server at work wow uh yeah my page file is on an SSD it's an m.2 so it's not I mean it's it's very fast uh does this run crisis slowly [Music] uh six minutes takes hours for you yeah if that's the thing is if I were using more mods it would probably take even longer thing is I think it's like one or two assets that is crossing the Slowdown and I want to know what that is so it I tried this does every city skylines uh Community have 64 gigs of RAM now the prices are falling on on on a ddr4 so yeah I think a lot of people are when they if they can it's the most impactful thing that you can do for City skylines uh it just improves your load speeds a bit I try softer Shadows mod and Nikolay Bay I'll have to do that I'll have to do that there's a lot of compatibility issues is the game on an SSD yeah my MDOT twos yeah uh the 4090 runs pretty cool and serps electricity maybe that would cool my room down then because my like my PC just gets ridiculous and I have a little tiny wooden office it's like a sauna it looks like a sauna when you walk in and it feels like one right now so uh it's pretty crazy wow hour and a half to load into the game uh what are my favorite games outside of City skylines uh NBA 2K is one of my favorite games uh I really love Sim I've mentioned that Tropico I like simulators so basically any simulator that you throw my way banished I love that um any simulators you throw them away I love uh my favorite game though is probably stardew Valley probably stardew Valley fill up with two L's you see you see Philip he's he's here he's definitely here probably riding a bike [Laughter] office tour uh one of these days if you take a look I had a so to keep the ads interesting I I know ads are frustrating sometimes and I see I see that people are like I don't like that you do these ads uh one of the reasons I do the ads are in terms of a rep from a revenue standpoint it's just pretty crazy how much more you make than by having ads and videos and then you get to control the ads that are on your content but to keep it Lively I try to show a little bit of something that is interesting and one of the most recent ones I did show my office so it's uh it's in there it's in there in my bedroom I've burned up two video cards before Oh Riley I do not want to do that I do not want to do that uh please play sardu maybe so I've been actually playing a four player stardew Valley game with my entire family it's one of the things that we do to kind of wind down uh Dylan says no episode today this is the episode no episode today we've actually accomplished everything that I've done I wanted to do in the episode so at this point it's kind of just hanging out as a recap for anyone who just hopped in here we built this lovely solar farm I should probably save this because uh that would be smart um Madea thank you so much I thank you for the great content by the way wondering what are your thoughts on realistic population just want to start a new city and can't decide if I want to use it so I think it's great uh realistic population is what I've used in this build you're gonna need to build a lot of residential uh but it's definitely it's definitely it changes the way you build and look at that abandonment all over here once again and I believe that most of these are likely commercial so we're gonna need to convert some of this commercial to residential that's gonna be our solution here uh farming Civ 22 maybe yes the raycon ad is the one I showed my office in so yeah yep and uh yeah so that that's that's certainly a thing and the weird thing about being a Creator too is um like I I feel bad when I Clump all the all the uh reset all buildings and Ashland no I have not done that that's a good point why don't we reset the buildings over here and I'll do that while I'm talking about the so yeah the the with the with the ads I feel bad about it because I know I know that they they're they could be frustrating and I I know even with Patron I someone posted at one point like kind of feels like you're double dipping if you post Patron content and then put an ad in there that's really about rendering and upload speeds um I try to make it a little less double dippy seeming what I what I've been doing is if I put in a sponsorship into a video I will try not to have ads through there what frustrates me is when I'm watching a YouTube video and someone has a sponsorship segment and then I skip it and I get an ad immediately after or I watch it and I get an ad immediately after it's like that's two ads in a row and then I'll get you know two from YouTube on I'm done with it and that's the quickest way for me to want to leave a video so I've been trying to to balance that a little bit so hopefully I'm not doing too too many if I am just let me know and it's funny as I say the word ads on the back end YouTube says now's a great time to insert an ad I haven't done that I don't plan on doing that in a live stream uh mark thank you so much for the support I appreciate that and then thank you so much again for the support do I use XMP uh because I so I do have XMP set for this that said when I added the extra 64 uh gigs of RAM I might not have set the profile and that could be why it's tuning it down so that's a good point I should I should check my XMP profiles because that that could be a problem I didn't even think about that good point good point uh can I use Rico to repurpose the commercial buildings I can I am curious if I do that if it would I need to learn more about that before I before I do that the main thing I don't want to change all the buildings so if I repurpose it I just want to make sure I'm not doing too much uh and and changing all the buildings Richard says also YouTube premiums so I don't get the random Youtube ads yes uh YouTube premium is awesome I don't have it anymore I used to um and YouTube music you know it's it's absolutely awesome in terms of supporting creators YouTube is actually very Progressive about it they give pretty good splits for that so it's it's very very nice uh for creators too so from that from that end uh do I ever plan on doing a face reveal maybe someday I said if I get to a million subscribers I think about it that's either you set the bar really far away and then maybe you'll never reach it we'll have to see we'll have to see uh but that would be it for the time being my main concern is uh my job you know I don't want any conflicts between my job and uh YouTube and the way to prevent that has been to have that little bit of a barrier uh so premium at 12 a month is too expensive yeah I forgot that it increased in price um I guess look at it this way it's a better deal than Twitter all of that stuff going on at Twitter um first of all I've just never really been a Twitter guy I don't I mean I'm I have it and I think I even automatically posted um on here when I when I went live maybe I did I don't know uh but I just I've never really liked it and seeing all the stuff going on there right now it's just wild and the thought that someone would pay eight dollars a month for Twitter I just I don't get it to me that sounds I just first of all The Proposal is Shadow Banning people so basically if if you don't have Twitter blue now and you have a channel so I I've city planner plays YT someone else could go in there and make city planner plays get the blue check and then outrank me and search that is really frustrating so that is what Twitter is doing right now I don't understand the line of thinking there I get it being monetized from ads stinks if you want to make the Free Speech platform or anything and everything goes the reason why there are restrictions on on speech on some of those is not so much that the platforms care because I don't think that they do I think what it really comes down to is that they want advertisers and if advertisers are what is getting getting keeping the business running having advertise your friendly content and not allowing hate speech especially all this I mean I will just be honest as an African-American all of the uh racist stuff that's been posted on there recently is just kind of pretty appalling so uh seeing all of that um and then thinking I want to pay eight dollars a month so that we can have more of that like no thank you hard pass so uh Twitter like I don't like Facebook uh but Twitter is rapidly becoming the next Facebook in my opinion uh in terms of my utilization of it Elan combined combined for CPP now yeah I mean I I get what they're doing like you don't want to be holding to anybody I mean it's uh I I it is a little I will be honest what I'm saying is a little bit hypocritical a little bit because I'm running sponsorship spots on my videos and the reason I'm doing that is I get control over my content I get to do what I want then but it's not a platform Eli's coming for me now I hope so [Laughter] that Elon gets more credit than he deserves that's that's that's my hot take I don't think that he's necessarily the genius that some people make him out to be I think some of it's luck uh YouTube isn't much better but the best but the best of the worst well maybe I I like YouTube for the repository it is of information um and the plethora of viewpoints that you can see on there so I I yeah for me YouTube is like the one so and then I'm super biased I'm not gonna lie uh YouTube for me is the best of the social media companies uh let's see it's overrated I agree I agree uh what's the best face reveal you remember I don't know Wilson on Home Improvement and that's that's a pretty good one face uh Twitter you think it's a good thing in a long front long run Bay that Twitter needs to give up the ad base model yeah I so that is a good point I mean that that's that's kind of the the deal that we've all made on the internet that that kind of stinks uh as all these platforms are quote unquote free we are the product you know because we are the ones being marketed to that's the goal um that said I don't know how you do it I don't know how you do it I mean YouTube is probably the best platform for it because you're producing a tangible product of video and you can watch that video ad free if you pay for it and people still don't want to do it you know like the the number of people with YouTube premium is just fractional I'm a YouTube creator with a fairly large uh you know viewer base and I don't have YouTube premium I probably should I don't know why I don't I mean because I have to justify it to my wife so yeah I I don't know I don't know uh I don't know how you do it and I don't know how you do it with Twitter because I just I don't see I don't see it making sense to pay for it like it's just it's been a bluntly so uh how do I make my UI on the bottom look like that I just got the game Sorry so this there are a couple of different mods and I'll just take a couple of questions I think that we've got most of everything reset and our population is going up so a couple of these this is the better rode toolbar is the the I believe that is the the one that I'm using right now which separates this out there is another one as well that I have in here yet another toolbar I can't remember which one does which uh but the combination of the two of those is how this looks like this maybe this will this will do it I'll click on this doesn't say so this allows you to do a lot though you can come and expand the number of rows you have here the number of columns shrink it up I have everything a lot bigger than I think I would personally prefer the reason for that is just a lot of people are watching these on phones and can't see what I'm doing if I have it set to 4K uh why pay for YouTube when Adblock exists um I mean you could certainly do that yeah I I think that that's it takes away the incentive for for folks to make content if you block all the ads and you know for some people I mean I think that's especially the stuff that has the really high production quality that's really expensive I it's the reason why I don't use an ad blocker so YouTube's paid with the ads Google sells through Gmail and workspace yeah uh if you pay ten dollars for one network and ten dollars for another yeah that so that Riley makes a good point and that is uh initially streaming and and everything we we had just a couple of options and it was you know 10 bucks for Netflix no big deal and then it's 10 bucks for Netflix and then 10 bucks for Hulu and then 10 bucks for uh Disney plus and then 10 bucks for for YouTube then 10 bucks for Spotify on and on at 15 bucks for HBO and then Hulu packages ESPN with it and now has a live version now it's 80 bucks a month and all of a sudden it's cable again and that's that's not what we wanted that's not what we wanted um so I I hope that I hope that things kind of go back to where they were I think all these new streaming services just frustrating super frustrating [Music] um any thoughts and really we're gonna I'm I think we're gonna end this in about 10 minutes but I want to take some questions from you uh the first question though I have I have a question for you guys I'm gonna go street level somewhere drop in the comments where you want me to go street level and in the meantime I'm gonna take a look at our death Care One More Time 100 folks dead population still growing and is there a working 25 81 tiles mod at the moment yeah 81 tiles too beta is working so I definitely would go there if that's what you're looking at uh that is oh do I not have 81 tiles 2 in here oh my goodness oh no no it is 81 tiles to 0.9.4 that is the one that I'm using this is the one that allows you to get rid of all of the water and electric lines if you want heating all of that you don't need any of it so definitely check that one out and let's see check the floating restaurant it has no connection so trash and bodies are accumulated there oh I will definitely do that and we'll yes great point we'll move the spawn point that should fix it hopefully a lot to keep an eye on that one but yeah moving the spawn point should fix it thank you so much Mario for the support and for pointing that out all right downtown Ashland Fairchild better fix that traffic how bad is the traffic 72 it's not very good I guess oh look at everyone's mad that I reset this now it's really loud all right we're gonna have to spend some time at Ashland soon I think that first of all I don't love uh I don't love the amount of density here we could we could do a little bit here uh planner duck any thoughts on a buff side Crossing revamp or fix episode I have thought about that um I am I'm a little I'm not sure what I should be what I should be doing not truthfully so I thought about that I took a day off work not that long ago actually uh with the intention to make some City tips videos and I I did not name those streets I will get the I will get to those mall again um so I went there with the intention of doing uh with the with the intention of creating a City tips video and I struggled to get any of the builds that were submitted running it was absolutely miserable so um after that it's kind of made me wonder well you know how I mean how long would it take me to get Bluffside Crossing run again um we'll have to we'll have to see uh let's see oh I apologize hit the microphone any thoughts on a beach DLC I would love that I wish that we had that just one beach asset that I can place kind of like the old SimCity four one would be amazing uh here we've got a duck Road and we're gonna make this one they Highway and this one goes quite a ways and that's in the area that we've been working today so I like that I like that uh let's see first CPP video you watch is mini motorways that is something I've been meaning to do so I actually um I wanna I wanna I've been thinking about making another mini motorways mini series soon especially with a new update the other game I thought about that I really I the reason I never made the video is because it gets super sucked into it is uh trying to think of the name of it let's see fly Corp so flycorp is an absolute blast it is the kind of game it's not very complicated and I played definitely more than eight minutes but I played it on my city Planet plays account um I just get so sucked in they way like that there we go um so yeah that that is a that is a game I thought about do I have a Lee Avenue I don't believe that I do I don't believe that I do why don't we have we'll take home street which goes all the way oh a power connection obviously not needed let's reset this and then I'll add I will I think we're going to take this and make this leeway early highway or something along that line there we go actually we'll make this Hawkins Hawkins Street okay Mario thank you so much uh keep up the good work you're one of my favorite creators I really appreciate that thank you so much thank you for the support all right so I am going to place this down in Ashland we're going to place this right on the main drag and from here maybe let's see we need a little bit more action than that right here this will be a good spot and we'll see Philip that's how we know we're in a we're in a good place here I will I will answer some questions have I played frostbunk I have not I do have it any chance of another Timber born I so I mentioned this earlier I am going to place a community poll asking about a secondary game for a miniseries uh in December I'm just gonna have a lot more time um I have a lot going on at work through mid-December that has really been making uh making it more difficult for me to juggle everything so with that in mind after that is done I should have a lot more uh time available to take care of whatever I want with the YouTube channel that'll mean I'm on Discord more and everything so um let's see next oh so I'm sorry I think I lost track of what I was trying to say is yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna place that Community Tab and I'll ask that question uh what game should I play uh let's see CPP Sims 4 now that it's free it's Sims 4 free oh yeah it is it is I already I think I had access to it through Game Pass um I don't think you want me to pretend to be an architect you're gonna see some real ugly houses [Laughter] uh when if Civ 7 releases yeah I would I hope it's more like civ5 if it is I understand that there's more of a city planning aspect to Civ 6 but I would still like sip five recreated um have I ever been to Italy I flew into Italy to get to Greece so I went to I can't remember what airport that is um Leonardo is it Leonardo da Vinci Da Vinci I don't know so I got to see it from from the sky beautiful really nice Airport uh and the food so I flew on Alitalia when it still existed and that was the absolute best flight I've ever been on uh I got a free glass of wine the dinner I had was amazing the uh all of the staff was was just wonderful I was really really bummed to hear that uh that they shut down Philip again there he is uh thanks for streaming I'm an aspiring planner and this channel is an inspiration thank you thank you uh civ5 goaded I agree I agree uh have I played humankind I have not but I do I believe that's on Game Pass too and I do have I do have Game Pass uh rce rce is awesome if if when you finish here if you're not gonna watch a video on this channel I would say go check out rce if you haven't ever been to Greece yeah I spent time in Athens and then I took a ferry to Santorini and I spent a few days there and then they had what is kind of like a from my understanding it's kind of the the Greek version of a hurricane coming right at Santorini so they canceled my Ferry and I I left so my wife and I we leave our little hotel room which is this beautiful hotel that opened up and you can see the volcano so we've got our bags and we're just standing on the side of the road and it's fine and uh they're like yeah I'm sorry like we don't have any rooms now so um you've got to find a way off the island um everyone's gonna be booked up so luckily we went through probably what I was probably the sketchiest website ever for a vacation is called Great Value vacations I wouldn't think much of it it's just kind of this random website and the deals were just out of this world we paid two thousand dollars per person round trip uh and some of those State and none of them none of the meals were included well there's one one like romantic dinner in Santorini um but they ended up arranging a flight for us to get off the island and then uh a bus ticket to get back to our hotel in Athens and I felt so bad because we were at the airport and there were other folks there that were just trapped they wanted to get on a flight but the Great Value vacations actually they they it was a they did a solid and uh they came through we we had this specific lady that we were speaking to which is really the kind of the neat part about it you don't think that if you're gonna be online and uh you know booking online at some nondescript travel website that you're gonna get a real person to interact with but I got a real person to interact with they got us a flight out of there got back to Athens got to walk around I think Athens is probably the safest I've ever felt in a big city at night lots of graffiti which I think was kind of unfortunate but um in terms of a city just the very vibrant at night um uh Greece is an amazing country I I could I could absolutely see myself living there for a couple years I see Biff is in here hi biffa uh let's see I missed the Super Chat from Mario thank you so much for the support I really appreciate that um and bifa you're coming in right at the end we're about to we're I'm gonna answer a few more questions and uh we uh we've had a it's been an interesting day [Laughter] uh yes lots of ambulances this is the main drag in the city so this is the arterial most of the traffic in the city is gonna come through here this is also another reason why I don't think traffic in Ashland will ever be great between this and the Walmart at Great Value Walmart Great Value vacation is is very similar I I felt like it Athens is gorgeous at night so there was a there was a one of the nights where my wife and I went to this bar with the best view of the Acropolis I I understand you can see the Acropolis everywhere in Athens but open air bar just having a glass of wine sitting and looking out at the Acropolis you know room temperature outside dry air uh just unbeatable just unbeatable uh opinions of Southern European cities Iberia and thank you so much for the support I don't think they get enough attention in City skylines I think they're great I think they're great um you know any any historic European cities you just there's something special about them you know and maybe that's just there's a bit of Wonder for me as an American where you know most cities that I'm exposed to haven't been around for more than a couple hundred years and as a result they are very planned and controlled um it it feels nice to have that human touch that you see in in Europe and in southern Europe in particular too and the the preservation of the historic's structures there absolutely absolutely Wild um the Milan Bay Collegiate ever get named I don't no I don't believe so can knock thank you so much for the support let's where am I I'm lost it's like I didn't build this uh you know Clearwater County Institute is that we were talking about yeah Athens says Athens yeah so two things I'm very surprised at it yes I normally record at night and I am hopped up on coffee right now so that helps um Athens is very reasonable prices I completely agree uh so definitely definitely cool uh 420 000 Subs I remember when the channel at twenty thousand yeah I know I I still Marvel at that it's kind of wild to me and I because of that I feel like I need to keep increasing the quality of the videos to justify that sub count uh I think about the very first video that I got first one wasn't great the second one was awful so all the little Arts High School little Arts High School ah over here high capacity High School so tell me the name I will give this one to you Canuck my voice brings you comfort I appreciate that thank you so much all right I I it's funny my wife told me that uh she thought I had a voice for this and I didn't I never really thought about it um but when we when we first met we would uh we would talk on the phone and she would pass out every single time but maybe that the number of comments that I've seen that have said uh that people listen to my videos and fall asleep that's kind of funny uh let's see there we go there we go there we go I think we got it in there for you thank you so much Canuck for both the support and for reminding me so that's the thing when I move around I end up uh move around different build types I sometimes forget these things I'm trying to do a better job of that I think I've been doing a much better job recently uh follow a bus I do we have follow a tram that be okay the buses I think that Mo I guess uh we have the regional buses so let's see we'll follow a regional Bus which one should we follow so we've got our numbers are all off we've got one three four five six seven so this should be number two foreign should we follow I think that's how we will end this planner duck is out thank you so much planner doc thank you so much okay tram or bus um let's see what kind of music do we listen to I listen to everything uh my favorite artist is Thundercat I think that um just speaks to me so like the the year-end review for Spotify last year wasn't even close like I just listened to Thundercat all day so [Music] um but yeah I listened a little bit of everything Belmont flyer I haven't I haven't seen many other suggestions so we might just do that one blue seven Otter Lake oh and I didn't even God so number two it didn't say it I always forget to hit enter oh it's too long that's why okay cool uh two all right we're just gonna do this one we'll follow this one and I guess it would be very helpful to not be in that view let's see we'll pause it and pop in here here we go uh follow three through Ashland all right well uh Thundercat is one of three bases that sound good taking a solo I agree Thundercat has a lot of range too I mean being in Suicidal Tendencies it's the never magic it's like he was like a teenage like a young teenager at the time it's kind of wild um so yeah a Thundercat just speaks to me um I also uh growing up like Weezer was one of my favorite bands um I actually saw Weezer in 2019 that came to Madison excellent concert um I like Daft Punk a lot that's that's one of the reasons why in all the tours in Nicolet Bay I've been playing a lot of that a lot of music that I've been playing because it reminds me of Daft Punk and I'm still mourning the loss of Daft Punk uh I like Pharrell I like Tyler the Creator I like um I like a lot of rap I like a lot of uh I like a lot of indie rock I like some country as like older Country um a little everything little everything we just ran over those kids busted a child yeah you know uh we have priorities here apparently uh Weezer's dope I agree I really enjoyed the the music that Weezer's coming out with during the like the middle of the pandemic I thought it was actually pretty good Rivers is very very talented foreign do I like justice yeah Justice is good [Music] I haven't listened to Justice much since I was in LA I'm being completely upfront with you uh Death Grips don't know who they are let's see thoughts in the conspiracy theories that Rivers was actually Kurt Cobain that's funny I've never heard that one that is a that is an interesting one now I'm gonna go down the rabbit hole I'm gonna get off here and Diana's gonna send me down the the rabbit hole so thank you for that uh Clearwater County needs more embi's I feel like I feel like Van Buren has just been ymbis and even here we've gone and added a ton of density uh Chevy Ram or Ford pretty agnostic to that so I've had a I had a Chevy I've had a Ford I've never had a actually I learned so I that a ram ram was Dodge at one point I I learned how to drive on a Dodge Caravan so um but I drove for years uh in my youth I drove a Mustang and I was super proud of my Mustang I thought it was super fun um so I guess Ford uh but I also had a Chevy Cavalier for a while never I'm not a truck guy never had a truck uh Kurt faked his own death because he wanted to do popular music [Laughter] uh but I've never never been a fan my wife likes likes him but not me uh Fleet Foxes I haven't really listened to that much uh the city's beautiful makes me want to send 57 meters my crappy city for being so crappy no no do not destroy your city uh improve it uh and I I think if there's anything I'm trying to demonstrate with what I'm doing um with my content is that you can just keep iterating your cities you don't have to start over um and I know it's probably killing my channel from from that standpoint if I were creating more cities uh more frequently in finishing projects it'd probably be better for the growth of the channel um but I I personally I start cities and I just like get stuck in them forever and I revisit them and I think it's that's the way that I like to play uh let's see didn't take me for a Mustang driver I am no longer a Mustang driver but I was big into it I grew up in a small town where everyone like driving was a rite of passage and I was the one Nutter that got his license late uh mainly because I didn't go through driver's ed and pay for it because I didn't have any money so um uh when I finally got to drive I had so I have at a Cutlass Calais and Oldsmobile Cutlass Cali as my first car and it broke down in the first week I had it and I traded that in uh for a Ford Escort which was absolutely miserable and uh and then eventually what did I get a Plymouth Sundance yeah like like just like weird little cars um and after having all these weird little cars I just wanted something that made me feel like I was driving powerful but really powerful vehicle and it was just a V6 Mustang a 2000 it was white and uh totally should have never bought in it just stupid car to have in Wisconsin I ended up moving out to California fine car for California until gas hit five dollars a gallon and all of these experiences that Mustang actually might be part of the reason I'm an urban planner because when gas hit five dollars a gallon back in 2000 uh 2008 and I was driving around that Mustang around La getting 21 22 miles a gallon geez I'll tell you I I could feel my bank account getting closer and closer to zero as I was sitting in the car idling and yeah it's just it was terrible it was terrible So eventually I exchanged that in for a Hyundai and uh yeah now I got a Kia so there you go so [Music] um yeah that that that's that that's the the cycle of life I suppose uh let's see I'm gonna take one more question Cutlass Sierra was your first guy that's awesome uh I think I'm gonna take one more question and then where's this bus going that's not the question it's coming it's I think it's going this one's going to the high school and then it's gonna turn back around and go to the church in Shorewood uh let's see Pontiac Sunfire never gave you a liquor so I feel like we had the same car so I had a 2004 uh Chevy Cavalier for a while or is it 2000 maybe no not 98 98 and I'll tell you what I had no problems with that the problem I have with that car is that I couldn't escape the deer fast enough and the only time I've ever hit a deer I smoked the deer going 60 miles per hour on a little State Highway and I don't think I I think I shook for like a day like the deer bounced right off and was still alive at least as far as I could tell my car was not alive it was in a it was in rough shape and I had a cousin who was really handy with cars I you might not realize this maybe you do I'm not good with uh with with cars so uh I I looked at it and I was like you know I can see if I could do a couple of things he took it straightened it out made it look good as new and drove it around um but I I got rid of it I gave it to him for like a couple hundred bucks I was happy to get anything and did not have to tow it uh but yeah totally totally wrecked the car uh is the first car driven or the first car purchased uh I I've purchased all my cars so that was one of my other realizations is that that first car um not the first one the second car I was existing to pay for that car so I got a job I worked at McDonald's and I used to I played basketball and I had to stop playing basketball because I had to work at McDonald's so I could afford my car payment my insurance and my gas so I had to quit my hobby my athletic endeavor so I could go work at McDonald's so I could afford the car that I had so I could drive to McDonald's so like it was the dumbest thing like to have a car so I could drive to work so I could be at work to pay for the car like like come on like that so that was kind of an eye-opening thing for me as well uh let's see silver thank you so much for the support you oh that's is I think I saw that one why did that one come back up well I still appreciate the support silver uh so and then Walt ye thank you so much for the support most liberal arts colleges are private so it's a bit strange a private college is named after a county would you consider a name change yeah I would I think that was actually the default name that was generated so yeah I would definitely consider a new name for the college uh how old was I when I graduated from planning school I was 24. I was 24. so I had a not that I didn't have a straight line that's funny a Lambo just pulling out of here uh I had a didn't have a straight line between grad school and undergrad and even in undergrad I was just I I took time off I I I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do um I think I mentioned this before but I was a graphic design major and then it was a sociology major and then I was a dropout because I couldn't I I couldn't focus on anything because I couldn't find what I actually wanted to do and um the time off is how I made my way to La oh oh we're gonna no no no don't do it don't do it oh there we go uh yeah so I ended up um making my way out to LA and that's how I found planning but I I it was really kind of a not a straight line at all so it took me a little bit longer than it should have uh the the one Saving Grace with grad school is I actually was a planning major in undergrad so that took a bunch of time off in grad school and to finish getting my planning degree they actually allowed me to take some civil engineer coursework so I learned all about the highway capacity manual so I could talk to engineers and tell them that I don't like it so [Music] um anyway I think that I am going to call it and uh get out of this little hot office but I really appreciate you guys joining me here today I appreciate all the support and uh I'm glad that you're here with me I didn't have a video but uh I I sometimes I think these streams are even more fun than the videos itself so um I really appreciate that I appreciate every single super chat if I missed you I apologize and uh again thank you so much for being here with me today we have to end this the right way and there's only one appropriate way to end this so I haven't had my headphones on for a while let me toss this on and I've been playing master plan music the entire time but we have to we have to get some cats walking gone so let's get that going let's see and the other thing we gotta do is we gotta end this the right way so let's grab Our Song and I'm gonna find this it's gonna take me just a second all right cats foreign oh here we go here we go all right thank you so much for joining me everyone uh if you liked this stream please consider hitting the like button I I would really appreciate it it helps increase the reach of these and I know that for a stream it can be challenging uh and I would appreciate if you uh if you aren't subscribed consider doing so it's uh it's free it's easy to do and uh it helps the channel a lot as well so maybe it doesn't maybe it's just more of a a clout thing but uh I like it so uh here we go I want to add this here 20 and then we will pause this set this to three change the time on pause and here we go thank you so much for joining me everyone take care bye-bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 294,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines
Id: ut8x7IFAZI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 0sec (10620 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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