Famous Gen Z transgender poster child Milo 'detransitions'

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uh wakademia that's the Wacky World of Academia so much wackiness going on uh James is re-education to California high school students was suspended what did they do yeah well they walked into a classroom and they we don't know exactly what they said because that was redacted we're not allowed to know exactly but they said I think the wrong pronoun to a transgendered student for that they were suspended I think for five days and made to go through re-education where they learned that biology is not what they're taught in Biology class it's something else entirely wrong um we've also got um white people left left out of literary literacy lessons they're going to be running extra sessions uh to for those students who need it but apparently white kids no matter how poor they are no matter how disadvantaged and how much they're struggling well no they're they're white privilege excludes them from such things as you know extra literacy uh classes it is us appalling and you know we never talk about that we never talk about the poor white kids whose outcomes are terrible who's you know are less likely to go University less likely to graduate less likely to find decent well-paying jobs but there's no programs for them because well it's not it's my privilege particularly the white boys the other thing in that is the implicit racism to suggest it's only blacks who need literacy help of course yeah now the Queensland liberal conference yesterday put there was a motion one which amused me was to make Rita the ABC more patriotic good luck with that one good luck maybe just fired a lot of them and start again um yeah interesting wording uh there was another one which caught my eye which was to I think I don't have the specific wording of it but basically uh to ban this gender uh surgery for young people for teenagers and so on now this is really important I'm going to tell you this clip now I'm going to play you two clips this is of a uh girl her name was Milo she featured in a documentary uh seven or eight years ago where the mother will play you this bit first where the mother is boasting about how young the young girl Milo is going to become a boy so have a listen when you see um the kid named Milo um that's me that was me um before any medical stuff happened to me first thing that I I think I said was so do you want a penis and he was like no so that was my first thought you know I've learned in in the past months that it's not that you know it has nothing to do with that so she goes on to tell do the whole kind of gender transitioning thing that we hear about all the time and it's how you feel inside and here you know poor Milo is scared to be a woman and scared to be a girl Etc all of this stuff now we find out here's Milo now uh some seven or eight years later it's heartbreaking I I think I regret medically transitioning to male I've been on testosterone in doing testosterone injections for about seven and a half years um I started when I was 14 in 2015. I also got Top surgery which is double mastectomy with um kind of like male appearance chest reconstruction when I was 16. Milo then goes on to explain how she believes she has autism and should have been diagnosed with autism she finds out that she she says that I'm stuck looking like a man and sounding like a man I completely regret everything that was done she blames herself well I'm sorry it's not your fault seriously beautiful little girl just horrific and this is what parents School teachers doctors so many of you you are barbaric the way these kids are being treated in my opinion I think in the opinion of any right thinking person you only have to listen to Milo and many other D transitioners who will tell you the hell they live with and that the fact that this gender affirming care as we call it the fact that you call it care double mastectomies testosterone irreversible treatments that can leave these confused kids sterile for Life lifelong medical consequences double mastectomy even if she's not sterile and she can have a child she will never be able yeah and it's not enough and to undergo to begin that process at 14. I mean it's just it's terrific
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 632,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6330847847112, fb, msn, opinion, outsiders, yt
Id: sSbWk-B_jKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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