Excessive heat, severe storms possible today

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Good morning, weather first Meteorologist Gary Frank here with an update. I want to continue to keep you posted on the excessive heat. This is obviously something we've been talking about at gret length for the last few days, but we do have something that we going to look at to give us some relief and it's in the form of a front that's going to move thro, but also some rain will cool us. Right now as you look behind me, we've got plenty of cloud covern some cases from this morning sts and some of you got out of that. But you know we're still dealing with the excessive heat warnings and also heat advisory. This has to do with the urban a, little hotter in general and it adds, it drives up the heat index because we have humidity in pla. So this is the last day for this right now. Temperatures though are in the mid 80s. We've warmed up pretty quickly 89 degrees at 10:00 o'clock. Once again it warms up so quick. We have more sunshine and West southwest breeze at 11 miles an hour, but it's pretty humid. It feels like 95 already. So those are two things that are going to be an issue today. I do want to update you on our severe weather risk. You'll notice on the other sidef the state it is a little bit greater. That's because there is an active severe thunderstorm. Morning. And as that drifts further off to the southeast, we'll see our better opportunity for gusty wind and large hail. This is the afternoon, but this has been increased for the most part to some areas that are already warming up. Now we did already see some nice rain in Farmington, Mount Vernon with a severe thunderstorm warning earlier this morning. But now we're going to continueo look at the other side of the se right now in areas in northern Platte County, Atchison and areas in Saint Joee starting to deal with some prety good thunderstorms here this morning. And that's what we're going to track here the next several hou. Like I mentioned, a weather alert day for several. Reasons one, it's hot. It's extremely hot and severe threat this afternoon. Large hail, gusty wind. It will feel like it's almost 10 degrees already and it's 10:00. O'clock, right? This is going to be an issue over the next several hours, but I think the storms hold off until about two or three o'cloc. As storms continue to develop, we'll expect, you know, for the most part areas that start to at least blossom. When it comes to severe thunderstorms, there will be a few of them her. Not everybody's going to get rain today, but there will be a few thunderstorms that are on the stronger to even severe side. It wouldn't be surprised to see part of our area included in a severe thunderstorm. Much later on today, once we head into the overnight hours, I think this is over and we're headed for the upper 90s. Like I mentioned right around feeling like there it's 110 this aftern. I think more rounds of rain are headed our way the next few days temperatures 99 today, 91 tomor, scattered showers and thundersts in the morning and then a few chances for rain over the next few days, specifically by Tuesday and Wednesday as we have temps back in the mis with our best chance of storms ahead.
Channel: KSDK News
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Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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