'Operation Underground Railroad': 6,000 Trafficking Victims Rescued, True Story Hits Big Screen

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Tim Ballard is a former federal agent on a mission to end human trafficking around the world his operation Underground Railroad has helped to rescue 6 000 survivors and arrest more than five thousand perpetrators Jim Caviezel stars and sound of Freedom the new movie about Tim Ballard's real life Ephraim Graham sat down with Ballard for a closer look at the true story behind the movie we intentionally go to the darkest corners of the Earth where there is no hope and find these kids cameras capture some of Tim Ballard's real life missions to rescue children from sex trafficking and now there's an even bigger light shining in the Darkness it is the fastest growing International crime Network that the world has ever seen has already passed the illegal arm straight and soon it's gonna pass the drug trade because you can sell a bag of cocaine one time 55 to 10 times a day God's children are not enough for sale the sound of Freedom starring Jim Caviezel [Music] portrays you in the film your thoughts seeing him on screen as you for the first time well we're first it's it's really bizarre first of all so much but Jim is a special case because um I never thought this movie was going to be made because from concept to screen I think I read five percent make it to the big screen like a few years into their Endeavor I remember they showed up in I believe it was December of 2017 and they said hey we're going to film this summer and you we need to pick someone to play you which I never let my mind go to that place because that's a strange question right out of the gate I knew who I wanted so I want well if this is a real question the answer is Jim Caviezel and I was so adamant and I said to them look at I don't like Hollywood I don't trust Hollywood I don't know these actors I know Jim cavuso loves Jesus and and that's the only real requirement I have it was like four days they asked him they skipped his agents right to him and he he had a really personal experience himself with human trafficking and I we didn't know about it he jumped right in and you know he's one of my best friends today you know we're super close and talking all the time and because he cares deeply how long you been doing this whole years now how many pedophiles you got 288 how many kids you found take me back I guess to that period of your life what was going through your heart as this is all unfolding there's a strange time uh during that really decade of working in the government because we were discovering things and sometimes I felt I was discovering things alone um because nobody was talking about human trafficking and I would tell people these stories of the things I was coming across and no one believed me you know and and um the most frustrating part for me was you know in the US government early 2000s we were focused on the end user stuff yeah the the child exploitation material hitting someone's computer but you keep asking the question where are the kids where are the kids where are the kids Jim caviezo says the line of the movie that so represents how I felt where when it's like you know this job tears you to pieces and I need a chance to put those pieces back together this job interior to pieces this is my one chest because he's back together when God tells you what to do come on hesitate and really it was it was my wife who because I could have been convinced that my own family is more important than someone else's which is not true but I could have been convinced that I can't afford to quit my job and ultimately it came down to the to a conversation I had with my wife on this in the second week of December of 2013 I was I was being even though I had many very very powerful very powerful spiritual experiences both of us that we had to do this we had to quit we had to pursue this these operations and I was so scared because I just come across these stats you know and one of them was five percent of non-profits don't make it through the first year less than three percent make it through the second year and you compare that to a federal job which is secure for your life yeah and I was freaking out and and my wife had to remind me and she did it in a very powerful way and she grabbed me by the collars and she said I will not let you jeopardize my salvation she said by not doing this and it was just like we're Homeland Security you know we can't go off rescuing Honduran kids in Colombia which means she'll disappear for good imagine walking into a room right now singing empty bed what we do you quit your job and you go and rescue those kids when she said that that's what I really put into perspective you're right why are we here in this earth like we're not here just to have fun or just live a life of ease and luxury or something like and she she followed up that that little warning statement with and if we end up living in tents because we have to sell our house I don't care because I'm more worried about my meeting with my maker and so that was my wife's You Know lesson to me and I was like you're right you're right you're right so I leaned on her until I figured out my own faith and and then we jumped in hey [Music] Ballard's operation Underground Railroad organization has rescued at least six thousand children from modern day slavery [Music] he and his wife have even adopted two of them growing their family of seven to a family of nine God prospered Us in the end and and uh as dark as the world got I I recognize for the first time being outside the government that there's a little light too that comes and from Graham CBN News Orlando Florida thank you Ephraim well there is the heroic Family behind this film film Tim obviously is a hero but his wife equally of note for the support she gave him to carry out God's unique special dangerous calling for his life and the impact they've had around the world rescuing children unbelievable I have seen this film and it is a phenomenal action thriller but beyond that of course is to inform us of what's going on and it can be gut-wrenching to watch but it's worth it it's worth it to participate and understand what's going on and understand God's love for these innocent children who are taken sound of Freedom opens in theaters Monday you can find out where to get tickets in your area at cbnews.com and Jim Caviezel the star of sound of Freedom joined me last Wednesday on the 700 Club and he talked about the powerful impact that playing the role of Tim Ballard has made on his life to watch his inner interview just go to cbn.com and I highly urge you to see this film it is special
Channel: CBN News
Views: 1,976,267
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Keywords: 6330363009112, cbnnews, cbnnewsyoutube, federal agent, human trafficking, jim caviezel, news, newsblockclip, operation underground railroad, sound of freedom, tim ballard, cbn, cbn news, christian news, christian tv, christian stories, faith, faith news, faith stories, inspirational stories, news today, today's headlines, quick news, quickstart podcast, us news, international news, operation underground railroad rescue, our rescue, child trafficking, human trafficking story
Id: a5HjhN4G0wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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