Family Vacation In A Lamborghini

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[Music] good morning you guys welcome back to daily driven exotics my name is Damon fryer for your new look we are supposed to be doing a family ski trip starting today and unfortunately the start to 2018 by the way ever bit of a chest cold so I sound a little funny at times my apologies to start the 2018 like I was saying has been a bit of a rocky start yesterday I was dealing with an engine management code Fault in my Lamborghini it was going into limp mode I went to film some of that and I went to turn the car on and magically it was gone I don't even know how that happens but today no word of a lie the Range Rover is now having issues it has rough idle its losing power under low and this just started last night as we were coming back from dinner I didn't throw it in the vlog because I didn't think it was a big deal and it's a big deal it's not running right so now I got to go and trade this bad boy in for the only rental vehicle in all of Victoria with snow tires cuz we're going on a ski trip up a mountain and we can't have a vehicle that doesn't have full-on snow tires because it would be illegal to drive it up the mountain let's take this thing down the Land Rover hold my friends down there they're squeezing the truck in or the SUV sorry that'll that'll get trigger some people it's not a truck I know [Music] what's up my friend are you the head of the things running like yeah that's what touch yeah sir Happy New Year afternoon YouTube good to see ya get diffusal just recently like the last couple of days - it mentioned it yeah and then I course drive it and I'm like I don't notice anything yeah she's all checked in jumping in a cab heading over to the car rental place can't wait to show you guys what I go have a great day good to go guys got a new vehicle don't see what it is it's right here Subaru Forester you guys you ready for this this is go paddle shifters yeah look at this it's got paddles Oh team you got like the right up left down I feel right at home it's almost like I'm in the Lamborghini got a couple of quick things to note about the Forester this is not going to be a car review one you sit really high in it so it kind of feels like you're driving a bus because you're hovering over the steering wheel number two you're gonna bit of a fishbowl because even though the rear windows are tinted they're not tinted all that much and I feel like everyone can see me and the windows are very large like the size of the side window it doesn't feel sporty at all which I don't think it's intended to you but it's going to get us up a mountain it's got snow tires we're happy we're not stranded it's an interesting vehicle life he's going to be driving it I'm bringing the Huracan obviously see what she has to say about it need a hand with any of that stuff here this thing oh that was the Forester what do you think you know first thoughts if it's small hinge hey be nice look at our neighbor and I'm only saying that because a Range Rover I think we're you know douchey coffee accomplished we have some ground coffee for the coffee maker in the cabin food vlog this is the double smoked bacon egg sandwich from Starbucks good wife you in the Forester waiting for oliver Paul he just showed up in the AMG we're about to bounce he's got gas we're hitting the road [Music] Paul lease should we erase him now that yes what it takes quick pit stop at Costco for Ollie so you can pick up all the food he needs for the kids and we're gonna wait for Tasha to come with it my two oldest daughters and then I think Dave and some of the other guys are coming a little later like how gently put it in there Costco's mayhem guys ready for the mountain we're having a Costco family reunion back to the stopping holy we're getting a pretty full cart that's yeah I did I threw it on the egg stroke yay he's kind of here that's all the baking you're getting okay are you joking whatever speaking that is I don't know that's enough we got three days [Music] we survived Costco oh yeah hey your your pack we'll put the rest over here Presley you got all the groceries dude whoa really skills what's that man can I take picture oh go for it my pleasure I've seen you in the Internet oh thanks bro get it get it yeah my pleasure man any time have a great day we rule it turn on the Forester oh yeah they got the fruit in there [Music] right now [Music] what'd I do good [Music] I got your dad is apparently our parking passes okay cool throw it in the windshield er what's that we've got a guy here with like a quad that has tracks on it and then he pulls a big bin that's a sled and he'll just haul all your stuff in one shot to your cabin for you that's the way to go this is handy [Music] dude high five this place is sick let's get hot tomorrow I got some drone shots sorry I wasn't helping yeah yeah I get the shot we left cash everywhere to do though my wife I'll be divorced by the end of this trip hold on how you doing my bad my bad cinematographer she's not buying the cinematographer gig I'll make it baby I'm making a movie though yeah we got to go do Randall's now Oliver is smart said there won't be a line so we're going to do the rentals for the kids come with me Mia I'd be a bit of heat still me engine we're here let's go get you outfitted with some rental stuff goodnight scheme yet just completed registration step one we're completing step to boot bidding how'd the boot fitting go it's up girls step three ski and snowboard Tech fitting that means helmets for these crazy girls you got to protect that noggin yes how's yours Kyla we got bring it over here did you get me following on video almost done let's go back dinner start I'm starving Randall's done Wow huge shout out to the women for getting the dinner ready while we were out messing around with rentals look at this we got lasagnas we got ribs corn amazing got salad yeah I Greek salad and Caesar salad all right guys we're gonna have dinner this is the mayhem of all of our families like the full meal deal I hope you can handle it cuz the next couple of days are gonna be nuts smash that subscribe button throw me a thumbs up we'll see you guys soon peace [Music] shut out to the out pro squad we got a few options now while you're here definitely smash the subscribe button over to your lap and turn on the notification bell so you know when we drop our latest upload check out our merchandise on our store at daily driven exotics com go and browse the other videos in the archived playlist or just click on the next suggested video right here and yes keep watching my pretty face
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 471,443
Rating: 4.9435139 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Mount Washington, Vancouver Island, Strathcona Park, Lamborghini in Snow, Supercar in Snow, Supercharger, Superchared Lamborghini, Huracan, Huracan Performante, Skiing, Snowboarding, Adventure, VF Engineering Supercharger, Protective Film Solutions, Vorsteiner Novara Lamborghini, Continental Tires, GMG Racing, Hill Climb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2018
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