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how are you yeah likewise hey I got an idea to get us out of the house my daughters are here both of them pilot-to-pilot on her new learner's license here's what I'm thinking remember how we let me out for a drive in the McLaren what if you brought the McLaren down and I taught Tyler how to drive I'll get you to take me out in the Ferrari she's a little more advanced and I teach Tyler literally how to drive a car because she's only driven four times ever Oh what up you guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics so I have a fun surprise as you just heard for my daughter's Mia got to learn how to drive in the McLaren now we're gonna teach Tyla Mia had what was called a new driver's license which meant she had already had her learner's for an entire year then went past the test the road test and got her new driver's license that's when we let her drive the McLaren Kyla is 16 she turns 16 this December and that is when you can go and get your learner's license and you have to hold that like I said for a year so she's only driven four times in total ever and today her fifth time is going to be in a supercar then we're gonna let Mia drive the f12 which she's never done that car has close to 800 horsepower they have no idea soon as Dave shows up we'll break the surprise to them okay girls come upstairs dad has a surprise for you I actually have a surprise for you and you and I have a surprise for you later I'll get you a bag of chips how many times you've driven four times right what would you say if your fifth time was for the first time in a supercar would that be cool I'm gonna take you all for driving lessons in the McLaren and you will get to go drive the f12 is that sound like a fun day or what say hi to uncle Davey for one before we do anything we gonna put some heat means we should show the girls what super cars are really made out mostly carbon fiber and aluminum now today it's gonna be mostly gas to the floor and watch them scream well let you take tile all take me and we'll show them what's up with these cars you're gonna be my co-pilot for the first part we're gonna show you guys how fast these cars really are comms check hold on you got a co-pilot right I have a co-pilot correct we're gonna have the copilot copilot she's related to actually it's her daughter that's still you talking on that's who you're talking about standby I'm going to sanitize the radio then pass on my co-pilot I'm gonna warm up the car that's what I was joking you guys clear prop you usually do so much I get my fingerprints off things they say hey say say warning this car is very loud when it starts close about I closed the valve on them by that that come our valves in there cos I closed for it I protected us yeah we have an absolutely beautiful day today to go for a drive are you excited to go from the first date [Music] let's go ahead like he's under 800 horsepower just a lot so eight Honda Civics the log Valley the one what do you think nothing's nuts so this is a priority f12 this is one of the flagship colors for Ferrari while front-engine rear-wheel-drive is to be able to take you guys for your first drive in a Ferrari you've never driven a fern so this would be the very first time and Tyla has only driven any car four times in her life the wind behind us the air brakes this mug basically built by an f1 team to beat a road car so a race car firsts all the guys have built they built this car build race cars and then they made a road car levena this is a race are basically a race car driver car that has kept my body crawl situations this is a homemade Benjamin I made features pair salary spirited routes asparagus kale leaves expired for the grocery stores is cheaper listen get ready for this verse oh we need gas how was that ride are you ready to tame the beast you gonna drive just like that just like that no excuses you're my daughter no pressure but you're a friar so we gotta fry the tires that's that's been my online nickname lately people are like tire fryer tired for hire that's actually pretty good actually pretty good I wonder how Tyler did what do you think you think she's freaking out yeah definitely she's not as much of a speed demon but she does get the giggles when she does get to go fast snacks in here what do we got for snacks so we brought our own snacks so that we don't have to go into any stores or touch anything we got got all sorts of like watery dreams oh yeah we got apple sauce with apples what else we got smart pop we got all week we've got the the fake chips again I thought that was your car for a second it looks like game Scott and exhaust manifold Lee what do you have in you have an apple sauce yeah you even old enough to drive - that's a new title the new title is my baby drives a super car in all seriousness how does Dave as a driver bring it come on better than your dad the ass one I thought hey when do you guys want to drive the cars you think now is a good time Kyle has only driven a car four times you guys so I really want to be with her when she drives for the fifth time and this car is a lot easier to drive than this car now this car is a little different and me has had some practice so I'm gonna get you to take me in this okay my first time driving was like a 94 Jeep Cherokee I was scared of that thing don't worry it's like three hundred thousand dollars my first driving was driving my mom's Honda Prelude special edition for the SH it was an SP and it was way before all that it was like 80s okay preview tab all right what do you think are you excited hold on we gotta get a quick pre-dry interview so what do you think yeah I'm ready I was born she get that from I don't know this is close to 800 horsepower naturally aspirated engines in the front wheels are in the back wheel drive is what I meant to say nervous what do you think are you so what have you driven before what what are you an actor what yes an MDX so as an SUV so it'd be a little different than that what is the driving experience of an MDX life is it easy to drive it feels widened big Dave Dave's driven a lot of things that feel wide and big what are your driving experience has been like what are the vehicles how would you describe them what have you driven [Music] the paratime that's right you've been buying I did Donuts doesn't really like drive it I just like I wasn't driving normally it be good to her this is my babies right behind when you're a baby your daddy's come to my house sometimes chop off our parts and you'd always take your diaper your used diaper on my door handle side come on we got a door handle view a diaper oh we got the billionaire doors you want oil changes I'll do the oil change myself you know that's a good deal okay you're ready sweetie oh yeah I like the confidence we're gonna need it do you know what I like to put your dad oh I was hoping you would know cuz I have no idea okay you've never driven this car before which are very comfortable with it what's running the fryer bloodline now there's buttons on the steering wheel what they do turn see that you're from figure it out tough love here in Dave's driving school figure out sink or swim my grandma and I was a kid well then I'll swim in the pool of six months old oh okay now I won't do anything hey I press engine start oh let's go number one are you all ready oh yeah you have everything where you want it you're comfortable okay Dave doesn't take care of his cars hence all the garbage that's in here how do you expect a vlog of a windshield that dirt I didn't clean the windshield I can see through garbage why I'm your friend [Music] I can't give you money I'm sorry money sir debit only money debit or credit money no cash this PS button you know that stands for no power steering so it controls if you have power steering or not actually launch control how the dad alright let's hit that uh no listen to her purr all right I only have two rules actually one rule rule number one yeah I'm number one Oh all your dad's money miss fancy cars in blah blah blah blah and as generic bubbly bubbly strawberry bubbly Simon Perrier diamond brand name where else do happen the hell you doing this thing you're hit drive and you can just go start going this will just automatically turn off in this car which is really a nice feature highway I love that there's an L on the back of the car because it produced Columbia when you have a new learner's permit you have to display on the back let everybody know that you know what you're doing your daddy needs one of those promote we're gonna take it right out of here so turn your indicator on keep going and we're going straight down here now you gotta remember this is the fifth time Tala has ever driven a car you guys fifth time only you're doing great so what we want to do is just follow the speed limit nice and smooth what a beautiful day to be out here driving Willy event gorgeous gorgeous just a gorgeous day out to go for a drive I don't know why I got this exit all of a sudden one of my driving schools all me focus on what you're doing wrong never what you're doing right I focus on the what you're not doing and never really know what that is I give you a thumbs up or a thumbs down so far no nose brake brake brake brake brake no me already has a license so much I wouldn't do this with my luggage to be actually just scary no yes yes no stop it what are you doing what are you doing oh boy Tyler's going in for the big corner already big laughter and we're doing 50 kilometers an hour I was to convert that into miles it would you guys are shocked I think it's like 31 or something miles an hour it's not that fast but it's exhilarating when it's the fifth time you've ever driven how you feeling what do you think of this car hard to drive easy to drive yes how is it different from the MDX your mumbles it is faster feel a little more low to the ground very low head yeah I feel like it's got a little more response when you get the gas yeah right you wish we're both very offended right now baby you're doing so good we are all let's say we're Talladega Nights going into a hard left all right we'll slow it down and let you guys catch up oh look who it is Hey no racing YouTube Speed Racer Wow this is crazy I got two of my teenage daughter driving our supercars whoo that's a lot this is like this car about 150,000 dollars current value and that car is about 250,000 current value USD sure good-looking cars though aren't they do you have a favorite based on looks this one or that one time this was [Music] that thing do the same question a half pile up what do you like better that far this month faster because it's like the credit if you had to look at the two cars which car do you like better just for visual perspective ah they both picked the McLaren you have the audience via I said enough I said my piece I made them laugh made them cry made them love their lives before it's your turn me a box on the channel I know I'm here going this favorite I read the comments here in the comment account that you created we are called non Mia somebody does not me on an active arrow mode with the big tires is kind of math not only do the doors go up the wing goes up in the back and when you go fast and then hammer on the brakes the weight goes up and underneath the wing it says subscribe guys now's a good time to smash a subscribe button enjoy the DVD BAM and yeah we do lots of fun epic videos so I'll let you know this but you know didi was my idea back in 2013 I learned email marketing and always liked supercars and I wanted like you know crazy crazy stuff so I did this video off-roading and a Lamborghini WRC a blue [Music] me driving and the humble one - on camera what are we doing here doughnuts Kyla don't know how happy she is alright Tyler we're gonna do a reverse stall parking job so you're gonna go down to the end of the parking lot and come back around this spot is eight feet wide the cars are foods six feet wide there should be 12 inches on either side and a perfect distraint back in parking job [Music] pretty good it really comes down to Damon's coaching abilities to teach her the tools mirrors angle the stream wheel the line a day with himself as British or human you're doing great this is better than your dad we can park this car the very first time never backing your car up let me look at this you're almost 12 inches on this side pretty close there you're super close went back a bit more it's perfect that's not bad Lyla has only driven four times before today ever so she's in that complete Lerner's period and yes she has to do this for the next year take some lessons which I'm gonna pay for settle water taking on her dad's bad habits and you know I got a thrust beautiful day man thanks man for me hey you're welcome back into my Ferrari I don't care what my daughter's say I love my Ferrari bad Melvin the Ferrari you grounded [Music] you're grounded too all right we have to stretch the legs a little pit stop top of the malahat girls how is your driving experience today so much fun thank you what do you guys think you want Ferrari and McLaren for your first cars I'll take anything at this point oh don't even don't even tell me what is it guys gang up against the Ferrari you don't like the Ferrari now she's all give me the Ferrari Dave I got my car dirty thank you for coming down dirty what hila tylo guys smashed the subscribe button join the daily driven exotics family thank you for watching today's video we're having a lot of fun here in our home country of oh can and ok that's enough of that we'll see you in the next video I'm gonna leave you with this beautiful beautiful view up a Vancouver Island thank you guys I know is it being full view of you until you cut me off I wasn't actually having strawberry it bubbly blood period I expect luxury your dad change me we see a nice person it mixes our dads is like do Schubert on all the time driven in me randomly reporting
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 1,247,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Surprising my daughter, Daughter drives Ferrari, Daughter Drives McLaren, Daughter new car, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: pYlYndqwrus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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