Lamborghini Huracan TOWING BROKEN Mercedes-Benz *2,800 LBS TOWING CAPACITY*

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I just feel super nervous being this close to his car [Music] this is pretty crazy even for us but you know what we get it done this proves the Lamborghini is good for this more than just driving around and doing donuts you can actually close cars with it good morning you guys welcome back to the vlog oh hey look I got an F pace it's actually just a loaner from Land Rover unfortunately the Range Rover Sport had a few more hiccup so they've once again taking it and giving us this to drive in the mean time then we've got of course the Huracan left the Huracan outside we got to put some heat in the engine and go and save Dave Dave's Mercedes broke down I thought AMG motors were reliable all right we're good to go as you can see the cars just gotten to its temp no longer limits me with the rpm range so why don't we hit the road it takes about 8 to 10 minutes by the way to warm this Carl fully to the full rpm alright guys we gotta take a left here take a right down here onto the highway we gotta get this car out of the screen rain we need some Aventador mode see here there we go just passing Mill Bay just pulling into Duncan [Music] don't blink it is you'll miss us passing chemainus this is where I made a video doing like donuts and drifting my old Lamborghini right in this lawn here to our right [Music] hey guys is a very Canadian place called Tim Hortons we've arrived Dave's in here let's go meet up with him this is your new office oh yeah man how's it going is it good basis also room for activities and you know I thought you owned like a one of those reliable German automobile some mercedes-benz I went in Lisa brand new Mercedes Benz 27 years ago and anyway you said 27 years ago here's your car 95 it's an AMG right hand built motor oh yeah yeah I bought this car to commute in it's cheap on fuel and all that but as you know it broke down all the way at like 6:30 in the morning in the pouring rain they broke down once it shut off most driving I was driving all something like the gas pedal wasn't working because I pulled over and then I started and started against I thought that's probably nothing because why would it not start and I started driving more and then it shut down for good so we're gonna try to fix it ourselves yeah we are I asked my ideas so I figured out based on you know Google the mass airflow sensor or the camshaft position sensor called a local company here in town an auto parts store won't say who they are after two parts is $800 online ships $130 101 $134 No so it's like hey support we're not doing that how do you do that when it's like five times the price eight times the price so we're gonna go to the car and see if it has it obd2 port yeah car guys know that means and yeah we're gonna see that as a ports we can scan it all right I'm gonna talk to my house all right I'm gonna tear it apart you and I you guys hands dirty that might seem nice coffee you're all ready let's go go fix this car let's go fix an AMG where'd you park so just go I'm sorry okay where did the car fail where did the car park itself self parking Bell parking ah it's down here it's the new self-driving car it's like oh I just want to park right here yeah I'm done [Music] I feel about getting a little they get sweat out and slip reading we had 800 horsepower some weird narrative okay let's go see what we can do with this thing we're looking for an obd2 port right yeah so this cars a 95 so you car guys would know that 396 didn't have a required obd2 port however apparently AMG was awesome and an added one we didn't have to that's what I heard on the internet let's go mg 4 it must be real it must be real try to do a run over here where's where's your AMG badges leaper at the ID badge it hopefully sleeper oh yeah is er yes oh yes hold on hold on put some light on it can I see it yeah right there boys and girls oh yeah that's a lifesaver so we gotta go pick up an obd-ii reader yeah so the idea behind that is roads join parts out the car you have an educated guess that was younger oh just by parts I think it's probably this by the part no luck so now we can scan it it is old it is an AMG parts are probably really expensive yeah maybe backordered from Germany okay guys this is Canadian Tire if you're not Canadian it's like be like a home depot just a small urban building supplies it's actually quite unique yeah anyhow it's called Canadian Tire we'll show you when we go in we're gonna get what are we getting here oh you reenter and we need other goodies for the car and for that oh yeah you're not applying to get the car back planning house yeah so we're gonna use the Lamborghini to tow the AMG that's the most logical thing to do okay so we're at Rhett the station that sells towing accessory accessories be a strap what I like this one because it's got camo and you know that's important let's legit what about bright yellow it's this killer let's get one of these bright yellow okay what's a seventy-five hundred pounds AMG weighs ten thousand so you're looking for something like this it's like the second thing I'm ran into yeah but strong into a car yeah that might not work the time period yeah something this is what you're what you're talking we would just need a really quick one that could hold a strap toda seventy pounds come on our so fun fact in Canada were not allowed guns this is the closest thing you're gonna see a Canadian carry to a gun however we are allowed bows and arrows so when you're Canadian you have to from a young age learn how to arm yourself properly Dave p-please demonstrate what it's like to carry a bow and arrow set up it's really low low key but I concealed carry or open carry sorry yeah open carry here in Canada and then this is your selection from you know starter bows all the way up to more advanced real lethal stuff really lethal stuff never mess with the Canadian bracket yeah so what's happening right now I'm intervene I'm Canadian citizen I want protect my people that was zero then you'd be able to our stretches ready and then you could pretend for family ready to go these are some of the more high-end arrows if you really want to do some damage you don't even put a tip on them this is blunt-force trama right there dot it into butter supplies yeah we ready go you just try to run through and I'll be behind you at their seats if they tackle you here let me put a bit of that in I can't put too much in but I guys we got seat covers for the the lambo DIY seat covers for the lambo super thank you for blowing the winds blowing it bro just from one digicam Oh seat covers you can see it's got the lower half of the seat and then this is the back pretty simple install here like that next step let's fold this piece up and over the front that's amazing bloom okay guys we're back we got what we needed here a Lord Coe let me show you what it was safety first now it's official tow truck five tow truck driver Lamborghini we are gonna tow the AMG with the Lambo Lambo to the rescue well I think we got everything we need we got a tow hook we've got shackle yeah whatever that that's what I call the tow we hope as far as a tow hook or we're gonna have to attach it to the front bumper I we'll figure it out so Dave this side that since this car is out of commission we're gonna buy new Mercedes so we're just pulling up to the dealership you see what they have now they got a AMG GT and it's you wagon I'm so freaking wet out them a car under a cover by the car they're gonna AMG GT roaster cool you just once and all those seats look comfy this is the new ECC 3s hey Parker was matched I like this thing nuts are sure about the mustard color though when he is sang Paula seats are gorgeous dude do you Aegon yeah get off fuel for the community why you get that this is a good one for you yeah here's the thing already have an SUV Oh give it a spin by this yeah fair enough we sanded the GT really GTS yeah you're not really why not it's cool that is hello I'm sthiti are under here it's black I dare you to just pull the cover off full film it no one we didn't know I know these guys but I'm not I wouldn't do that to you I just discovered my favorite thing of this car what's up the fake carbon fiber - interior in this thing Oh hundred and thirty-six thousand dollar AMG and they put fake carbon fiber in it they put fake carbon fiber trim in this beautiful car why would you do that I don't understand this here's the question for you guys so right now I've got obviously that old Mercedes that is commuted about an m3 at home got the Escalade wife drives the Escalade I want something that's like dde it's been a hundred and seventeen thousand on the e63 I was 136 136 there's been 136 are you waiting at a AMG GT 160 tell us why don't we just went out instead of you're not gonna make a rash decision huh broke down its own car so vote people can vote in the comments below what should Dave get what 63s to be parker purgatives the GTS or spend extra 50 grand and get a super car like r8 v10 alright guys so comment below say Dave get the AMG GTS or should get an r8 or should he get a a sedan like the e63 ass before Parker ah pretty tempting and you let go Parker it's right there so we're not we're not getting a car right now oh I mean yeah we should we should wait well why don't we the last boss here with him if you guys watched two different year ago I bought the Escalade here why don't we why don't we go and get this tow out of the way then cuz the rains not letting up I think I think my work is expired yeah I think your warranty on a 95 cars expired too you want to check that server quickly you can go ask alright we're back in the Lambo we're leaving Mercedes Dave's gonna wait for you guys to comment below what should he get an AMG GTS an Audi r8 or should he just trade in the Escalade and get a G Wagon or do you want that e-class I mean II 63s like Parker's car but before him he's getting his car delivered from Europe in two weeks he had two weeks to figure it out so we'll see what the comments say tomorrow now we're going to take the Lambo and we're gonna go in tow his am g his 1995 C 220 AMG she had built and built up alright guys we're back at the Mercedes at the hazards here quickly we're gonna have to pull in front okay so I got a tow hook right away first of all I'm gonna need to back it up so we're going to tow the Mercedes with the Lambo oh yeah hold on all right loosen up guys do this well loop it up and then where's this going oh no you to hook there Oh [Applause] you're doing good there yeah you're good at this you're a professional yeah identity for about one second and I regret that oh oh yeah what's the worst that could happen nothing only good things can happen with this all right put it in a neutral yeah [Applause] [Music] that's good we'll get it down the road this is good so we're being safe I got my high-res jacket on we got the light got my hazards on hey guys cruising the Lambo into a tow truck let's do this okay you can feel from here I'm going to drive because I want to make sure that I'm doing everything right through your windshield yeah Damon's gonna tow us now Bob what is that my brakes don't work right now so no problem the lights on the roof we're safe but it's working we're moving come on you see that he's got the light on the roof guys I'd say we're good I'd say if it goes slow we'll make it home I'm probably will half an hour away from here which is a problem but yeah we'll get there now you'll notice I'm still touching the brake I just feel super nervous being this close to his car this is pretty crazy even for us well you know what we get it done and this proves the Lamborghini is good too this more than just driving around and doing donuts you can actually tow cars with it dance we're going a bit faster now I think we get more comfortable with it you'll notice I'm in neutral string won't lock is off [Music] now here's a challenge you got turn around up here so I'm gonna wait for AK littering and I think that's a cop hold on the tow truck [Music] car broke down well you oh no where's it every day oh dude yeah right Wow how's that told me for free cuz II think this is probably a little bit unsafe dude that's hilarious ladies car my camera's covered in rain please think this is hilarious all right let it let me unhook look what we did was working it would have been a slow go but because I was like we have to turn around up here so that was gonna be the challenging part thank you sir alright let's unhook this thing go back up a bit what's that that is some Bosse redneck barbra yeah I can't see the camo seat covers that's all it's amazing cut of the oh really the cops are here we're late for the game Wow Kyle thank you yeah he was like what's that what did you say city he said he drove I noticed the car not your car the Lambo and then turned around drove back down the highway because there's this barrier drove back down turn back around and pulled in front of us to help us out amazing this looks a little more appropriate bro you want my jacket haha he's used to it Wow oh he's got the official light too did you like our light we bought for the roof did you like my yellow light we bought for the roof so we could done it do it a public an hour oh yeah why would I take it longer we weren't going very fast that's data in there let's put the card out you want that yes I want that look at it that is amazing I was just watching a video about how your daughter proper boyfriend oh my daughter's boyfriend video alright guys Dave's gonna take the car and head back to Nanaimo I'm gonna go back to Victoria up about an hour and a bit drive hey thank you to Kyle subscribers to saving the day Dave stop breaking down I love you guys thanks for watching this episode smash that subscribe button I'll see you next episode so Kyle Kyle had one request as being a subscriber for helping us out he's willing to go for a ride in the Lambo for anything for a quick buck ever been in a Lambo first never never oh cool people are all in the other Lane that's awesome shout out to the outro squad we got a few options now while you're here definitely smash the subscribe button over to your laughs and turn on the notification valve so you know when we drop our latest upload check out our merchandise on our store at daily driven exotics com go and browse the other videos in the archived playlist or just click on the next suggested video right here and yes keep watching my pretty face
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 385,703
Rating: 4.9290857 out of 5
Keywords: Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini Huracan, Supercharged Lamborghini, Supercharged V10, VF Engineering, Vorsteiner, Protective Film Solutions, towing Lamborghini, Towing Mercedes, Towing capacity, Supercar, Damon Fryer, Vlogger, Youtuber, Funny, Comedy, Supercar Fails, Exotic Car Fails, Exotic Cars, Ferrari, McLaren, Porsche, Fast Cars, Bugatti, Pagani
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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