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[Music] he [Music] for [Music] he [Music] e [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh hey Grandpa Let's Play Come [Music] On woohoo yeah ouch okay one more time yay I did it this is so fune Grandpa hey Grandpa I want to eat I'm so hungry [Music] please good night grandpa I love you so much see you in the morning let's play again today hey are you okay Grandpa hey talk to [Music] me what you're saying I'm not your real grandchild oh and if I want to know the truth then I need to find the hidden room Grandpa this is crazy talk feel better soon huh what oh this is for me it's really pretty grandpa grandpa oh grandpa you tried to tell me something but oh I'm [Music] [Music] [Music] hungry oh stiff [Music] nice it's beautiful I miss him this is terrible I miss you [Music] Grandpa didn't grandpa say something about a secret room I wonder what's inside it's been a while hasn't [Music] it huh there's a lever what's it for huh wow this was here all along what's inside here oh it's Grandpa's diary let's see I found a baby turtle being attacked by monsters so I saved it I've decided to raise him as my own grandchild he must have been separated from his family and wandered into the [Music] forest my Mikey has grown so much when should I tell him that he's not my real grandchild my illness is getting worse by the day I fear that I'm not long for this world oh dear Mikey if you are reading this then it means that I have passed on to the next life you are not a human you are a creature known as a turtle you must have been born near the zeni lighthouse if you want to learn the truth please go there oh grandpa then it's all true I'm not is real grandchild I'm a turtle but what is a turtle what am [Music] i ph what a lighthouse look like I'm so hungry now huh huh what's that you say you'll trade this for some bread awesome Grandpa told me to use this if I ever needed to and this is the perfect time let's trade thank you hey there hang on a sec huh that guy just totally scammed you I'll give you some of my bread put what you're holding away for now huh you'll give me bread mhm sure take some here thank you so much yum yum that's odd you're a turtle that can talk and you walk on two legs I've never seen that before ever am I that unusual I've only ever known my grandpa so I don't know all that much this bread is delicious thank you sure um could should I have another if you have any more H you're really hungry aren't you okay have another thank you you're so [Music] kind what's your name I'm JJ my name is Mikey call me Mikey please nice to meet you you too that was good bread but maybe could I have one more I'm very hungry you want another you really are hungry poor guy sorry though Mikey I don't have any more on me right now if you'd like you can come back with me to my house I have some more there are you sure yeah thank you so much this is my house wow W I've built my house with plenty of security measures so be careful security what's that Treasure Chest I wonder what's inside huh it's empty h Huh I just told you to be careful Mikey security is something that you set up to protect you from bad people oh I don't get it but this is fun this is security yes I'll get you out just wait thank you again sure I'm not going back in there it's security let's go inside my house Mikey yeah I want to see it just don't touch anything okay sorry for intruding wow what a fabulous house wow awesome this is where I play on the computer double wow nice house why thank you it's not safe to touch anything in here got it don't touch anything I'll get some bread so wait right there Mikey and remember no touching anything no problem this all looks fun but I won't touch anything I promise [Music] oh huh wo oh W huh emergency self-destructive ice grandpa's house had one of these if I flip this the secret room should open up exciting huh hold up Mikey don't touch that it's off limits stay back huh I flipped it what were you thinking we got to get out of here come on hurry why hurry don't talk move but the secret room what happened your house is very dangerous JJ it's because you pulled the lever Mikey I can't believe you huh I did that I'm so sorry what can I do uh you could have this I want you to have it it's my only treasure in the entire world I'll give it to you so please forgive me it's a very pretty Diamond that's oh my grandpa's Keepsake Keepsake yeah Grandpa raised me and he gave me that but he said I wasn't really his grandchild now I want to meet my real mom and I know that Turtles are living things but I don't really know what a turtle is H so that's how it is yep you want to meet your turtle mother what kind of Life have you had so far Grandpa and I lived in the forest for a very long time but Grandpa died and I've been alone since then this is the first time I've left the forest huh so that's your story you just didn't know any better did you Mikey I'll forgive you sorry for getting so angry at you I apologize thank you it's my fault your house got ruined H well I don't have a house anymore so I can help you search for your mom I've spent too much time indoors lately lately anyway really yeah thank you thank you so much now do you have any leads I found this in Grandpa's house H what's this Zen My Lighthouse so there should be a hint at Zen My Lighthouse well that's nearby let's go I don't know what a lighthouse is you lead sure oh and Mikey H this is yours really thank you let's get started what's a lighthouse oh that's a lighthouse that that's the Zen My Lighthouse Mikey what a big house H uh right listen up Mikey you see other turtles will see this Lighthouse yeah and gather here then they lay their eggs in the sand so this place is like a research lab for turtles do you get it wow a lighthouse what a big house yep yep yep uh hold on there's something here oh wow a map and some kind of book huh it's a turtle observation newsletter oh read it all the latest in Turtle news sea turtles Gather in the Ruby sea this time of year in one week they'll migrate to the Sea of Darkness what's that interesting right now your mother and siblings appear to be in a place called the Ruby sea oh you can meet them there really but in just a week they'll leave for somewhere called The Sea of Darkness what does that mean the Ruby sea is quite close to here it shouldn't take us long to reach it but the Sea of Darkness well no human has ever been there it's extremely dangerous if the turtles go there there probably won't be any way to meet them that sounds difficult but that means I just need to reach the Ruby SE in under a week right yep not bad let's go JJ sure thank you we don't have much time so let's move the Ruby SE isn't far getting there in a week is definitely possible woohoo first I'll make a boat what's a boat uh well wait here and I'll bring one sure okay this is a boat huh riding in this will make it easy to zip across the water see wow smooth sailing amazing you're a turtle though so you probably don't need one you could just swim but I'd like to try a boat thing don't you have one for me oh well then I'll go make one for you too H thank you okay here's yours Mikey thank you very much there you go w woohoo can I try riding it sure oh wo convenient yeah right hard to steer but useful well Mikey shall we go let's go I'll hang on to the map H the Ruby SE appears to be this way let's go woohoo follow me [Music] exciting I'll check the map let's see H we should reach the Ruby sea in about an hour you'll be with your mother sooner than you thought Mikey really great I wonder what she's like I hope I see her soon the weather's getting bad let's hurry let's go let's go this feels great huh huh hang on what hey hang on it's huh it's a water spout Don't Panic JJ my grandpa always said it's best to keep a cool [Music] head huh huh where where am I huh I think I remember the wind picking us up uh where did Mikey end up oh no where's Mikey huh where am I wait what there's a pain of glass here keeping me from leaving I don't see JJ anywhere and I only have one week to reach the Ruby sea oh I'm in serious [Music] trouble where did Mikey go I see his boat so he must have landed nearby if that water spout took me all the way to this beach maybe it sent him here too it's a water out I'd better start looking for [Music] him oh a village let's find out if anyone's seen Mikey there's a villager uh excuse me have you seen a talking Turtle recently he's about this tall and he dances kind of like this what's that you spotted one in a pet shop of course he is an exotic animal after all huh you think he's already been sold everyone was talking about how rare he was I need to go Mikey might have been sold that's terrible point me to the pet shop that way all right [Music] thanks W that looks rare hey turn turtle look at me who are you your new owner my owner what do you mean you're going to be my pet no thanks we can be friends though you expect me to be friends with a turtle ridiculous don't you know how rich my papa is no I don't tell me very I'm going to go tell him that we're buying you stay put what's that guy's deal he seems so angry quick I got to get to the pet shop before somebody buys Mikey it should be straight ahead looking both ways okay the coast is clear I must be getting close oh this is it the Villager said it had green flags hi there you wouldn't happen to have a talking Turtle would you H you do really thank you he's already been sold come on this way get in there that's it good this is such a big house it's amazing and I love that I get my own room I'm glad my diamond is safe H what what are you doing with such a precious gem give it to me no don't take it it was my grandpa's stup it lizard you're going to regret talking back to me what do you [Music] mean my diamond oh who are you a pig uhhuh well I'm Mikey nice to meet you I'm looking for my mom I really hope I find her what you're going to die tomorrow why do you say that you're being fed to an alligator what is that oh we can see it from here okay huh that's it and we're it's food [Music] ah Ally you're so cute since tomorrow's your birthday you're getting a treat live food Papa bought you a talking Turtle he also got you a scrumptious looking Pig you're going to have yourself a feast be sure to savor those useless beasts and until then have some meat good boy I don't want to be food for that scary thing we have to get out of here fast I'll find a way Mr Pig leave it to me these bars are solid that door there could be the only way out I might be able to open it watch [Music] this so close maybe with a running start it's open let's go Mr Pig come on I've got to find my mom hurry we don't want to become pet food I have to get to the Ruby sea before my Mom leaves keep running that's [Music] it huh how dare you try to escape you are pet food know your place hey stop it that's so mean quiet you I'm sorry but please don't shush think about what you've done I'm feeding you to my pet tomorrow so don't you try to break out again that guy's awful I'm sorry he hurt you it's my fault for making you escape with me please forgive me let's just accept Our Fate Mr Pig we have one more day to [Music] live wake up Mikey huh wake up JJ yep how I found out you were sold to the owner of this house house what's life like in there have you been suffering thanks for coming JJ it's been horrible at this rate Mr Pig and I are going to be fed to that alligator alligator oh wait why are you going to be fed to it the person who lives here is terrible he's going to feed us to it today I tried to escape yesterday yeah but we were caught and beaten know your place hey stop it that's so mean quiet you he really did that he's so cruel I came to check on you Mikey but this seems really bad Come On Let's Escape From Here quickly yeah Let's Escape uh but Mikey you said you escaped once already how did you do it well yeah there's there's actually a lever inside I got in and pulled it but now it's blocked off before I could jump up and reach over to pull it so that part was open before H this house looks like it's loaded with security systems not sure why though well look what I brought Mikey I brought a diamond pickaxe with me yeah I can dig a tunnel but if I dig a tunnel in the wrong place I might activate data security system I'm not sure what to do oh man I've searched every square inch of this cell the only way out is this door it's hopeless I checked every corner H nothing hm nothing at all Mikey is that huh a toilet it is oh then there must be a sewer if I tunnel along the sewer hm yeah I can get past the security system cuz who would install security there wow you're so smart all right just a moment H the sewer should be around here let's see be careful oh wait did you find it I think this might be it I'm going to Tunnel along it wait by the to toet good idea got to be careful stay focused it leads further in hang on this might be it oh I made it get above the toilet okay ready 3 2 1 there woohoo you did it JJ Mr Pig we're going to be free now it worked let's move come on Mr Pig let's go yeah follow me we did it Freedom thank you so much JJ I'm glad Mr Pig's glad too Let's Escape hurry come on uh hurry wait Mikey stop don't move why not Mikey right there yeah I can see a trip wire I think that might be a trap I knew it let's smash it oh okay I broke it it's safe now H I remember now this is where we got caught yesterday keep running that's it you got caught here yesterday you can't let let yourself get caught twice by the same trap oh actually I just remembered something else what you see now that I think about it that guy took my grandpa's Diamond what no don't take it it was my grandpa's FP it lizard your most precious possession your grandpa's diamond yeah yesh this guy's a real jerk it's okay JJ I can't put you in any more danger I'll give it up yeah I give up huh it's precious to you right uh-huh I'll help you get it really sure I'm so happy thank you so much still the owner of this place is really scary his name is Boo Boo yeah I have an idea let's hold a strategy meeting okay I've come up with a strategy are you ready it's the Mikey and I are going to search that house for Mikey's Grandpa's diamond and run plan sure what do you think great yeah what do we do if boo catches on to us that's a good point Mikey that's why I have a plan B if we're spotted we come back here this is where we'll meet where here back here yep here but what if he follows Us in that case we'll use this area around here to build a pitfall trap boo will have no idea he'll be so surprised oh right when he thinks he's cornered us we'll simply drop him into the Trap wow you're so smart okay we'll meet here let's build a pitfall [Music] trap okay Mikey we're done pH our preparations are complete we're definitely getting Grandpa's diamond back oh right huh if we have to use Plan B your job is to pull this lever to activate the pitfall trap it's a very very very important job an important job Yep this one yeah I'll do my best okay let's find the diamond okay let's be quiet I'll look downstairs h h nothing here [Music] [Music] nope not here or here we've looked all over where could it be well there's one place we haven't looked yet where Boo's bedroom his bedroom that that'll be dangerous that's right this room I'm too scared I can't take another step I'm scared [Music] JJ whoo's asleep he is I need to be quiet or I'll wake boo he must be really mean to make you this scared I'm sorry I can't do it it's okay there's no way leave it to me Mikey I'll do it be careful okay here I go [Music] slowly no mama I was a good boy he's sleeping oh the diamond it's too close be careful slowly I got a perfect score on my test so [Music] close it's just Out Of Reach I'll build a staircase out of dirt [Music] okay yes I got it be careful slowly don't wake him yes okay I made it I found the diamond yes here Mikey woohoo thanks JJ Mikey he's going to wake up oh sorry maybe it's okay let's see huh who are you YY that stupid turtle is trying to run away don't move you think you can get away Plan B let's go run away hurry run let's go Plan B yep okay get into position here [Music] yeah got you trying to run again you stupid turtle and who are you supposed to be red hoodie guy an intruder I'm calling the police don't you know how rich and important my father is I'm going to beat the snot out of you what do we do JJ calm down Mikey I'm counting on you I'm scared there's no Escape now Mikey I can't I'm too scared I'm going to beat you I can't move it's okay Mikey I've got this yeah hey that's not fair let's go Mikey jump over go stay where you are I'm not done with you are we safe it's fine I couldn't do anything don't worry about it now Mikey let's go in there this way Mikey you okay I'm okay just stick with me for now this is our Escape Route all right W okay let's go I guess we're not coming back no way thanks JJ sure let's go I was useless if we leave now we should have plenty of time to get there uh JJ what is it I uh mhm I'm Giving Up on meeting my mom huh how come I keep messing up and other people pay the price I blew up your house come on hurry why hurry don't talk move but the secret room and Mr Pig he got punished because of me know your place hey stop it Mikey don't beat yourself up if it weren't for you he would have been eaten by the alligator I guess but I wouldn't even pull the lever for the pitball Trap and I don't understand anything about how the world works I'm so clueless and scared don't be silly buddy I think you're extremely Brave and if you want to want to know more about the world you can learn guess what my hometown is super close to here we can head over there and get some rest don't worry we have plenty of time sound good oh come on Mikey this way my hometown is kind of isolated but we're almost there okay it's not easy to get to stay close and be careful not to bump into anything got it stick to the left copy that here goes [Music] Yeehaw I'm coming good luck you can do it Mikey wee that was fun right the waterfall is the entrance to my hom toown we're here now stay close there's so much nature mhm follow me we should eat you hungry uhhuh there are lots of mushrooms do you want to look for some yeah let's go I'm starving me too oh oh oh look mushrooms let's pick them only what we need okay so that's enough brown ones I say we get some red on ones too sounds great to the other River Bank the water's so clear yay red mushrooms all right that's it I've got my five me too let's head [Music] back H the sun's set we should light a bonfire a bonfire what is that you've never had one before well let me show you yay here oh it's so warm isn't it beautiful yeah and cozy it's nice having a little fire when it gets dark would you like some mushroom stew sure here you go woohoo thanks so much much JJ don't worry about it I appreciate it dig in buddy can do yum yum yum yum yum yum that's a funny way to eat it is good though seriously thanks again delish this place is so nice JJ but why aren't there any people around it reminds me of where I grew up back then it was just me and Grandpa Were You Raised on your own too oh no not at all there used to be tons of people here but something happened and now everybody's gone oh I see that's sad hey Mikey yeah I'd like to take you somewhere fun tomorrow oh somewhere fun I like the sound of that great but you'll have to wait until morning to check it out it's getting late I say we call it a night good idea where should we sleep the ground right here will do good night good night time to get going he's still sleeping Mikey wake up huh come on buddy it's still dark let me sleep I know it is but we still have to hit the road trust me now get up oh fine good morning good morning to you let's have some mushroom stew there's a bit left over from last night did you finish yep all done fantastic the path ahead of us is full of obstacles oh that's exciting let's get going this way how are you with Heights I mean they don't really bother me really yeah think you can cross this bridge then sure watch me it's quite dangerous [Music] you okay I think so where are you oh there you are good thing there was water below you it saved you still you need to be more careful JJ I was trying not to show it but I was really scared take your time and stay alert cuz there's a lot more than just one hole in this bridge that last one caught me by surprise but it won't happen [Music] again you're tapping every block in front of you you don't have to be that careful you know what they say about knocking on wood it Wards off bad luck all right there's a hole there Mikey you're so slow come on relax better safe than sorry come on hurry up you're really going to check every single block huh almost there careful that's it yes you made it thanks for waiting for me you know what though there's another Bridge coming up huh follow me we're getting pretty high once we cross this Ultra Long Bridge we'll be at our destination let's get to it it's dangerous up [Music] here be careful I'll be okay we're halfway there I'm only a fifth of the way there come on H wao you're fast watch out there's a hole there just keep knocking on wood you really don't have to do that okay all right here I come good work watch out for this hole though there's more we're halfway across don't fall now the drop from this high and it's all over there's no need to knock but play it safe pH hurry up chill out better safe than [Music] sorry oh close one hey you made it finally what a trip this [Music] way that was something check out the sunrise isn't it pretty it's beautiful I've never seen it from this high up before really yeah follow me buddy what a nice place I know now try not to slip over [Music] here wo look Mountain crabs what they're an extremely rare species that only lives on this island wow and they stay this high up yeah normally crabs live near an ocean or a river but these ones are [Music] special poachers have long tried to catch them they still come to the island to try from time to time the crabs must sell for a lot they're expensive huh I wonder why well they're very cautious look at them Scurry oh right Mikey what there's a reason I brought you up here okay this is where people from my Village come to get over their fear really yep how does that work does the sunrise melt it away it does make me feel warm and tingly inside uh not exactly come take a look at this w stand on the edge let all your worries flow out of your heart and dive into the lake below then whenever you get scared you can think back to this moment and remember how it felt to be free of fear but isn't it dangerous to jump from this high up I'll show you how to do it safely you'll need a running start stop see I'm all right wow it's only dangerous if you slow down give into your fear and you're a goner you need to fully let go o that just made me even more scared I'm so high up what do I [Music] do I don't know you coming down we're burning daylight here oh I can't do this it's impossible wait I used to jump into the water from high up with Grandpa woohoo yeah yay I did it this is so [Music] fune all right I'm going to be brave it's what Grandpa wanted me to be you can do it okay wo Mikey you did it that wasn't so bad I kind of want to do it again really let's do it I love jumping down from there hang on what is it you know I've actually had my f for the day we'll do it again next time oh okay that's fine I suppose hey JJ yeah I'm not going to give up Grandpa left me a task and I need to follow through so I'm going to keep looking for my mom all right H shall we yeah let's go find my mother you know Mikey it's going to take a few days by boat we'll need food I say we gather up a whole bunch of mushrooms good idea let's do it I'll look over here okay I'll go this way then H meet me back by the boats when you're done sure [Music] thing it's been a few hours now and there's still no sign of Mikey he said he'd come back here I wonder where he went I better go look for him Mikey Mikey he probably went this way H oh Mountain crab Mikey where are you Mikey huh there's a trap and these must be Mikey's mushrooms no did Mikey get nabbed by poachers did Mikey get nabbed by poachers that would be terrible if I don't find him soon he'll get sold off again I need to go to the mountain crab Black Market as soon as possible H it must be around here somewhere I think the landmark's supposed to be a deformed tree I bought my computer on the black market a very long time ago how nostalgic is that it got to hurry I think I'm close oh there it is I'm heading [Music] in it's been a while just how I remember [Music] it a Komodo dragon they sell stuff like this I need to find information on Mikey maybe I should find the people selling Mountain [Music] crabs hm the computer store and a potion shop wow they even sell Lions I'd better not get too close oh the mountain crab seller they're a poacher this jerk someone I'd rather not interact with still he may have information about Mikey I guess I'll be polite and careful excuse me there's something I would like to ask you did you catch a talking Turtle recently you did that turtle's name is Mikey he's my friend please give him back what you already sold him how could you who bought him the zenite company that's terrible they're infamously bad they destroy the environment performing scientific experiments I need to hurt her Mikey will be experimented on I got to hurry now that I think about it of course they'd be interested in a talking Turtle I need to hurry to the zenai company I need to find some Clues first no time to [Music] waste all right I'm at the library I need to research the zenite company for Clues H where are the books about the zenite company maybe up above uh oh here's one what's it say the zenite company an organization that uses scientific research for World Peace however they became too enthusiastic and ignored the damage their research was doing to the environment huh that's interesting but what's the this the founder president zenai attempted to put a stop to it but his plan was foiled and his position was taken over by the second president Mr boty who would do anything to make money now despite the organization's Origins it has become infamous for its evil ways huh so that's what happened I'm starting to see the whole picture well for now I need to find find Mikey so I'll need to sneak into the Zen Mike company's research lab let's [Music] go oh what is this place there's a lot of animals here huh there's an alligator and Mountain crabs what is this Papa got the turtle that ran away huh you're the guy from before why are you here my papa owns this place you can't escape from me I haven't forgotten how you left me in that trap I paid good money to have my Revenge Revenge oh no you see that alligator what do you think happens if I pull this lever what this [Music] happens stop it relax I'm saving that for later I'll torture you slowly all right I need to close off the entrances to make sure no one disturbs us wait there don't even think about escaping but why okay this should be the place oh I'm in this place is full of animals wow this facility is where the Zen Mike company is attempting to fuse various animals together I hope Mike's okay these animals are all locked up in tiny spaces all to be experimented on how horrible is that a fusion of zombies and pigs huh hold on further in is that Mikey it is Mikey's in that cell over there I'm going to try and reach him I have to close off all the entrances close it off then break the lever there the first entrance should be sealed off now okay next I'll seal this one now all the entrances are sealed off and no one can bother me all right oh I should get some potato chips and cola so I can stack when my alligator fights that stupid Turtle H how do I reach where Mikey's being [Music] held that's boo why would he be in a place like this where's mik key oh I can go through here [Music] Mountain crabs oh Mikey huh Mikey up here JJ you came for me yeah so this is where they locked you up I just saw boo but I don't know why that's right Boo's father owns this facility right now he's going around locking all the doors and breaking the locks what Boo's father must be president bu t so that's it we need to get out of here but how I need to break that door down before boo gets back H oh but how JJ what I have an idea but you have to hide so buo doesn't see you he could be back anytime are you sure Mikey no but I'm not running anymore trust me okay but if it gets dangerous I'll fight with you thanks now [Music] hide what's Mikey up to what's he doing H where's my turtle where did he go he must be hiding behind that tree I'm not stupid [Music] huh he's not here he's gone stop don't shut that hurry Mikey There's No Escape now Mikey I can't I'm too scared I was useless I'm not going to give up Grandpa left me a task and I need to follow through I'm going to keep looking for my mom I'm not like that anymore I'm not afraid of you hey let me out I did it JJ let me out you did it Mikey Thanks for believing in me way to go you too I won't forget this you're just food I've blocked up all the entrances when Papa's goons come they deal with the two of you so then I might as well pull this not that please don't I'm sorry for trying to make you into pet food right I know you want money I'll pay you as much as you want just please don't pull that lever let's go JJ don't you dare run away there's absolutely no way [Music] out good job Mikey we can't be like him not even to a jerk like boo yeah still there's no way out H that's a problem any idea how we can escape hey H I found this what's that huh it was on the ground when they brought me here here oh this is a USB stick let's see what's on it okay I'm sure they are Compu computer's here somewhere oh plug it in huh turn it on we might be able to learn their secrets here let's see oh there's a floor plan and there's a secret emergency exit meant for serious emergencies Mikey really yeah woohoo follow me okay the floor plan said it was this way Mikey this way let's go the button opens the secret emergency exit ready sure 3 2 1 go come on wow I'd never have noticed that here we go yay we escaped all right let's go okay Mikey you were amazing back then thanks we really made it out of there thanks for coming to get me JJ Mikey yeah at this rate your mother is going to leave the Ruby sea for the Sea of Darkness we're running out of time and fast what we won't make it like this how are we going to get to the Ruby sea oh wait I know huh there's a poner here once a day a high highp speeded ship leaves from there if we can board it we might make it in time we're not giving up yet really yeah will we really make it in time yeah hurry I want to meet my mother okay let's start heading towards the port go excuse me two tickets for the high-speed ship please we're in a real hurry thank you all right I bought our tickets for the ship Mikey thank you JJ here's yours it's for today's ship it only leaves once a day so if we miss it we won't make it in time we need to get to the Ruby sea before my mother leaves for the Sea of Darkness let's hurry yeah let's run quick go if we get lost we won't make it right I think we go this way turn right oh there it is it hasn't left yet we made it just in time it looks cool let's go [Applause] hurry Yes we made it I'll show him my ticket now your turn Mikey huh what why not huh I'm begging you uh what's wrong Mikey he won't let me on board because I'm a talking Turtle that's so mean what Mikey it's leaving he won't let me on even with a ticket it's moving the ship I can't do this without [Music] you oh JJ the ship left it's gone we don't have a choice we're not giving up yet come over here I can't believe this I don't know whose boat this is but we're borrowing it is that [Music] okay we'll bring it back it's important for you to meet your mother yeah let's follow that ship let's set sail here we go come on hurry I can't see it anymore [Music] though it's no good this little boat can't catch up at all we've lost sight of it it's no good we can't catch up if we can't even see it but I'm not giving up yet we can do this I understand how you feel but I'm not so sure we won't know if we don't try right I can't just give up on this JJ H hm I just realized there's a chest here huh wao wait a sec Mikey I think this boat was transporting TNT that's amazing there's a bunch in here huh this gives me an idea uh hold on Mikey don't move the boat okay all right I won't let's see if this works H H ow they really were out here I ordered everyone to tell me if they saw a talking Turtle they tried to get aboard the highspeed ship but they didn't know it belongs to my dad's company mom told me to capture them so here I come watch out it's boo what do we do almost done Mikey stand here what do you think you're doing it's pointless I've already called in for reinforcements come on almost done come over here and pull the lever okay off we go wa there wasn't enough Firepower what's happening what is this Mikey we're going higher and higher this feels [Music] surreal what is this we're flying this is amazing there's the ship oh let's get on board land on it good idea we're on [Music] uh-huh uh-huh oh huh uh I think I'm going to go with my mother and live with her in the ocean so this is goodbye JJ yeah I'll miss you Mikey our time was short but but it was fun I'm glad I met you JJ hey there hang on a sec H that guy just totally scammed you I'll give you some of my bread put what you're holding away for now your house is very dangerous JJ it's because you pulled the lever Mikey I can't believe you huh I did that I'm so sorry now Mikey I can't I'm too scared isn't it beautiful yeah yeah and cozy but I'm not running anymore trust me okay but if it gets dangerous I'll fight with you yeah that's what I was going to say Mikey take care you too JJ [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 3,959,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 8LScCarn9vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 47sec (4487 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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