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this episode we'll be collecting the most valuable item in all of Minecraft golden ingots this competition will be between myself and Mikey to see which of us can gather the biggest Supply in just one week all right then Mikey it's time for us to compete to see who can collect the most golden ingots in one week oh that sounds like fun whoever finds the most ingots is the winner that's right ready 3 2 1 start oh here I go I'm going F for this cave I'll scour around until I find some gold ore I'm going to work myself to the Bone you won't catch me slacking wao Mikey's super motivated I'm tempted to do the same but there's no guarantee I'll win by doing it the normal way so I'll try working smarter not harder and ensure my victory all right my plan is to create an automated gold production factory there are lots of trees growing nearby so I'll clear them out to make a foundation for my factory I'll use this flint and steel for a controlled burn of the [Music] forest now that's what I call a fire it looks like all those trees have mostly burned away now next up I plan to level off the foundation for my Factory [Music] all right that's taken care of I've cleared away a large patch of land now I just need to flatten out the rest of [Music] it lastly I'll fill in this section here all right I'm done clearing this up now my automated gold production factory is going to need a gold pipeline which means I need to go to the nether well I better get work on building a nether portal This is How I build my nether portal and now to activate it it's time for me to head straight through the nether portal here I go wo I'm in the nether I want to rebuild this somewhere else though the coordinates for X are 451 and Z is 706 I'll put on my elytra and head over there right away the nether is huge wa I nearly flew into a lava waterfall anyway I'm on my way and here we are X is 451 and Z is 706 six the next place I plan to visit in the nether is off limits though I'm thinking of digging my way there uh-oh pH lava started pouring down that was super dangerous I don't know where I'll find lava so I need to be extra careful where I dig ready this is the highest point in the nether y127 I'll put a ladder here since you can't destroy bedrock with a pickaxe I'll use an ender pearl to slip through and reach the other side if I throw an ender pearl while I'm on the ladder oh it worked I made it past the Bedrock check it out there are tons of piglins spawning up here that's perfect I particularly need zombified piglins to create my gold pipeline I'll take one down real quick now I have plenty of zombified piglins coming for me watch what happens when I beat this huge crowd of zombified piglins they each drop a gold nugget okay was that the last one I got them all I'll use these gold nuggets from the zombified piglins to build my automated gold production factory next I'll Place nether portals in all four directions [Music] then I'll place a turtle egg this is an extremely important item now I'll surround the nether portals with a platform made of magma [Music] blocks okay I finished building my zombified piglin spawning area zombified piglins will appear here and immediately Target the turtle egg to get there they'll have to pass through a nether portal which means they'll be teleported directly to the Overworld and taken down right away by another trap after that I'll automatically Harvest their gold nuggets however the way this is set up now some monsters that are larger than zombified piglins will spawn too but if I place blocks three blocks above the previous layer only zombified piglins will be able to spawn on top of the magma blocks I placed another layer of magma blocks to act as a ceiling I'll keep building layers like this as high as I can go [Music] [Music] all right I've built my enormous zombified piglin trap all the way to the top floor I bet GS will appear up here as well but I'll just prevent them from spawning I placed glass blocks to stop anything other than zombified piglins from spawning time to fly around on my elytra how'd it turn out wo that's a pretty huge Tower next up I'll start lighting the nether [Music] [Music] portals I finally finished my human humongous zombified piglin trap Tower I'll head back to the Overworld and create a system to take out the zombified piglins and collect their gold [Music] nuggets the zombified piglins will come out of that nether portal I just have to find a way to defeat [Music] [Music] them [Music] [Music] the zombified piglins will fall from the nether portal straight into the water then they'll end up on either side onto the Soul Sand this is where I plan to build the water elevators then the zombified piglins will ride the water elevators up to the top and fall all the way back down that should to take care of them then I can collect their gold nuggets first up I need to build the elevator shafts using glass [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blocks I've set it up for the zombified piglins to come out of the water at the very top they'll fall from up there now I'm planting kelp in the Soul Sand that should do it for the next step I have to gather all the kelp that I planted there all finished now it's time to test this water elevator out what's it like w this current is really fast next the zombified piglins will fall off the edge this is where they'll drop their gold nuggets I guess I'll build the same thing on the other [Music] side my zombified piglin harvesting system is complete I'll watch the entire process once the zombified piglins come through the Nether Portal do hey they're coming out zombified piglins are coming in through the nether portal well hang on they're really pouring out uh are they getting stuck in the Nether Portal wa they all came out at once that's amazing they're really pouring out of there a huge swarm of zombified piglins is funneling in through the nether portal and going up the water elevators W check it out the whole batch is falling out now let's go check if they're dropping the gold nuggets what a big success there are piles and piles of gold nuggets building up what about over here nice there's tons of gold nuggets over here too this is a sign that it's time to make my collection system I already collected so many gold nuggets in such a short amount of time now I want to make a system to collect future gold nuggets first I need to dig I'll place a collection chest right here next I'll set up a system of Hoppers to start collecting gold nuggets as they [Music] appear the zombified piglins will fall dropping their gold nuggets into the collection area then the gold nuggets will pass through the Hoppers which connects back to the chest my gold production factory is so ready I hope I can beat Mikey with this let's go see how he's doing I wonder what he's up to I saw Mikey go into this cave earlier oh I bet he's still digging around here let's see what's new with him how's he doing with his digging he's dug himself really deep huh wao is he Branch mining huh it looks like he's already covered a really big area with his digging that's [Music] impressive oh Mikey how's it going hey JJ it's going well you're working super hard why don't you take a snack break no way I'll lose to you if I do anything like that I can't waste time eating if I'm going to win I need to keep pushing myself like a Workhorse time to smelt my gold down that's a lot of effort so Mikey did you do all the digging by yourself down here yep just me and my own two hands and thanks to that I've gathered tons of gold how much do you have so far JJ M I only have about four stacks of gold nuggets what are you doing you can't waste time like this you'll never win how many gold ingots do you have Mike I'm not saying until the end of the challenge I'm taking this seriously so I can win no hard feelings wow you sure are motivated well I'll give it my all too see you later Mikey yep good luck JJ I can't lose this one I better start collecting gold Mikey is extremely motivated in order to beat him I need to keep up the pace now I think I'll surround my tower with a giant building I'll design it like a Castle all [Music] right okay that pretty much does it for the outer wall I'll make the front entrance super [Music] extravagant great now it's time to fill in the [Music] ceiling [Music] and I think I'll add some [Music] [Music] watchtowers [Music] all right next I want to cover up the zombie piglin trap let's do [Music] this the castle has been completely covered up with a roof now it's time to build the second [Music] floor [Music] I want to build one large last Tower at the very top to look over [Music] [Music] everything [Music] all right I finished building the highest point of the tallest tower it would look really nice if I added a flag at the very top now that's a big flag time to install a door I think I'll surround all of this with bushes I'll plant flowers too all right it's almost complete I just have one more [Music] adjustment now it's complete how did it turn out wo awesome with that I finally completed the body of my automated gold production factory now that the exterior is finished I'll work on the interior next the ground is still inside so I'll dig it up and replace it with smooth stone blocks I think I'll lay out some red carpet [Music] too I'd like to make the entrance a bit fancier if I can that's way fancier next up I'll make a vault over this [Music] way there we go the Vault space is taken care of next I better get to work on building the Vault entrance it needs to be extremely tough to break into with lots of advanced security [Music] [Music] measures okay with that I've completed the ultimate it security system entrance let's try activating it here goes nothing wao it actually works next up I'll cover the rest of [Music] it the entrance to My Vault is complete I'll fill the Vault with a bunch of chests then I'll make an automatic deposit system so they're instantly filled with all the gold nuggets I collect in the end this is where the Hoppers send the gold nuggets they've [Music] collected the gold nuggets won't get through unless I make a few adjustments that's why I'm setting up a system for the gold nuggets to travel through [Music] [Music] I think I'll give it a test run if I throw my pickaxe into the system will it be able to rise to the top whoa it worked the system delivers items straight through to the Vault now I can send gold nuggets directly to the chest over here I just have to stack some chests so that there's plenty of room in here to store the gold nuggets let's [Music] go phew I finished placing all the chests I'll leave a couple of crafting tables over here next I'll make it clear that there's gold in these chests by using item frames to mark them off here's my Vault now I can get massive amounts of gold nuggets flowing in which I'll be able to craft into gold ingots next I'll make a space to relax in the ground here is still covered in grass so we'll start by cleaning it up to make a floor [Music] there I've replaced the ground to make the floor next up I'll make the bathroom this is where I'm making the shower room this is the toilet this area is finished now I'll place the door and fill in the rest of to the wall okay that does it for the bathroom what's next I should set up a bedroom and a living [Music] room perfect that does it for my bed now it's time to put a television in my living room here we [Music] go this room is nice and spacious all that's left to do is to add windows to the walls and finally I'll make a door nice finally my factory interior is finished this place is absolutely huge I think I'll go right inside here ready open hm wa incredible there's a whole bunch of zombified piglins being released from the nether portal what about the gold nuggets H well I suppose all the gold nuggets here are pouring right in let's check out our vault how many gold nuggets are in there I'm going to try opening a chest 3 2 1 wo awesome the gold nuggets are really really piling up I'll take out a bunch of these gold nuggets then if I slap them onto a crafting table I can finally turn them into gold ingots in saying that Mikey's been working super hard I'm a bit worried I won't be able to beat him today's the day we decide who the winner is me or Mikey Mikey's been in a cave digging for gold for the past week that's where I'm headed here here it is oh I bet he's still down here somewhere I wonder how hard he's been working I hope he doesn't have more gold ingots than I do H oh Mikey how's it going huh hey JJ it's finally been an entire week I'm so tired I could pass out hold on what happened to you Mikey you're super thin I've been working like crazy this entire time mining for gold with my own two hands no stopping even for sleep it's been rough oh seems like you've got a lot more furnaces than last time I visited you plus you've got way more chests huh you even dug another layer down who hold up Mikey you dug this much incredible you did this all on your own that's right I did my best but now I can barely move I gave it all my Blood Sweat and Tears there's no way I'm losing to you JJ I didn't think you would take it this seriously good work Mikey that's right let's do this time to count how many gold ingots I have right let's count them how many did you get in here behold my gold ing collection let's see wo nice not bad you have so many gold ingots I collected 570 are you kidding me awesome right who knows maybe I broke a world record a Guinness World Record I can't believe you collected so many gold ingots by hand yep well even though I probably already won why don't you show me yours how many gold ingots do you have I haven't counted yet let's go check it out together I bet I won but we can take a [Music] peak this is it Mikey wasn't the competition to see who could gather the most gold not build the fanciest Castle I know that Mikey this isn't an ordinary building this is my automatic gold production factory automatic gold production factory what's that I'll show you let's go this way mhm open huh what's this it's so cool why are there so many zombified Pinkins in here wait where's the gold I don't see any in here it's here where inside the Vault I'll open it up wo this is incredible these chests have all the gold that I've collected can I open open them sure go right ahead huh no way it's packed full of gold nuggets I already have a few large chests in here that are chalk full of gold nuggets come on let's take them out and convert them into gold ingots over there at the crafting table sure if you place nine Slots of gold nuggets you can make a gold ingot I'll make a bunch of them they're so much who' have thought you could get this many gold nuggets phew we made our last batch of gold ingots uh-huh I'll store them here that's a crazy amount of gold ingots how many are there well inside this large chest full of gold ingots I have over 3,000 oh if we include all the chests that are already filled then I'm past 10,000 in total huh are you kidding me then I lost after I worked myself to the Bone I lost to automation there are actually still more gold nuggets over here no way I can make even more stacks of gold ingots you're seriously a genius JJ you're smart and handsome and Rich it's just not fair I'm jealous this might even be a Guinness World Record what's wrong Mikey I want an automated gold production factory too show me how to make one sure thing Mikey I'll teach you everything I know let's do it woohoo if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 6,652,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: UkFdIvWlv3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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