Speedrunner VS Hunter But If You Take Damage Minecraft Gets More Realistic!

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let's get started today we're playing speedrunner versus Hunter oh that's my favorite game well the rules are pretty simple Mikey I need to break this Stone Idol to win however this Stone Idol can only be broken with a diamond pickaxe I'll need to make one first if Mikey stops me before that he wins okay today are the graphics really bad oh you noticed uh-huh so the graphics quality is bad but whenever I take damage it will become more realistic really that sounds like a lot of fun okay you ready three two one start jump I'm gonna get you and dive into the water this is really bad quality here I go I can't tell if it's water or wool I'll catch you wow the grass too are these dandelions what this horse has no face and the dandelion is a square what's this these blue things are flowers a faceless Pig the cows too and the chickens this is crazy slow down okay I need to avoid taking damage while I run away I'll catch you well I'm curious what it'll be like with better graphics but if they're too good it'll be too heavy on my computer I should be careful wait a sec did I ditch Mikey nice where'd you go hey let's get some wood while I have a second these are logs I guess shabby what are these huh I guess these are poppies crazy these flowers look so weird gathering for crafting is way harder like this let's see if I turn my wood into planks like this I can make a crafting table the first thing I'd like to make is a pickaxe this way huh these are sticks seriously okay then is this a pickaxe wow everything looks the same I can't tell it apart so confusing this is an ax here's a crafting table hold on everything looks identical it's messing me up I still don't want to take much damage right now so I'll be careful if it's too high res that would be bad so ouch no after I tried so hard to be careful I took a little fall damage thanks to my own silly mistake actually everything looks so much more real now compared to before oh these are poppies and dandelions I can see these are logs wood and the crafting table it's so much easier to see wow I'm getting a little hungry so oh the chicken looks adorable sorry bud oh I found pigs look at his funny little face just a second ago you were faceless cute but I'm hungry so I'll eat you sorry cutie time to eat wait that doesn't sound right even the sound has changed it's much more realistic wow for now I'm gonna look for a village all right I'm hoping to find items there [Music] hey there's a village oh wow this villager has little button eyes what's all of this hey it's food are these carrots yep what about these potatoes and this well I'll just Harvest everything and find out oh potatoes and seeds and this is wheat meat you know carrots are a really good food to have so let's Harvest some more all right I have plenty of carrots now that's good and now whoa an iron golem the graphics aren't great but he's cute that's water avoid taking damage let's see the Sheep now oh look at this adorable weird face and these are hay bales next up this is Stone nice with stone I can make a sword and tools then go explore caves I need to find diamonds I can head for the stone Idol afterwards I just need some diamonds now then Hmm this is so much easier to see now a pickaxe an ax and a sword then I'll craft a shovel sweet hmm I might as well make some bread it kind of looks like sausages but it's bread and now I'll make a furnace okay preparations are complete well time to search for a cave [Applause] [Music] so I found a cave oh a zombie he's so cute but I have to fight you I'm sorry little guy I'll use my sword if I take damage now the world will be too realistic so I'll be really careful yes I did it without getting hurt so onward searching for diamonds maybe further in the cave hmm oh what's this go back up back up that's a really bad monster it's a creeper if I get too close it'll explode don't explode but oh it's kind of cute too [Music] these low quality monsters are all a little cute whoa it exploded but I didn't take any damage and now an item I've been waiting a long time to get let's see if my predictions are correct yes it's cool ouch yes yes nice no hold on no [Music] wow I took damage no uh-oh the graphics got better too this is crazy different but there's a skeleton after me so I gotta run wow the graphics are way better gotta run away wow I've never seen it like this before but at least the carrots don't look very different what about my swords and tools though huh hang on what I'm able to throw my items on the ground now all of my tools look so different wow it's really jarring interesting this has been bothering me what could this be I can't tell so I'll try mining them what is this oh this is iron ore wow then what's this it's cold it looks so different now I guess I'll mine out a section here to make a little shelter I guess I'll smelt my iron here whoa look at the crafting table it's so cool I'll try putting it on its side over here the furnace oh that looks very realistic I guess I'll make some doors now now then oh that works even the doors look realistic okay time to smelt some iron I have cold so I can smelt now whoa look there's a fire on the bottom of it and on top is that the iron ore I think I'll go mine more iron [Music] let's see [Music] nope zombie hang on a sec back up whoa hang on does the zombie look any different I took damage now the world's is creepier everything looks a lot scarier no way is that a zombie no those are zombies seriously they're way scarier now this can't be happening [Music] no over there is a creeper how is it even creepier seriously it's like the entire world is darker now right I'm running away as fast as I can but I don't want to take any damage so ugh this has really got me on edge now [Applause] foreign looks so scary no yikes wow Mikey yeah there's an Enderman over there nope wait no hey Mikey's coming JJ nah what isn't it uh Mikey way down go away go I died don't know this is bad that Enderman killed Mikey they attack when you look at them I'm scared but it looks like I'm stuck in here for now all right I've decided to dig a hole in the side of the cave that way there's less of a chance I'll stumble into monsters I probably won't take damage either let's see if I keep digging like this maybe I'll find diamonds [Music] it's opened up here oh hmm there's something sparkling could it be are these diamonds I think they are whoa diamonds whoa oh I see you huh hi oh no it's Mikey hey what do you have what seriously oh is that I've got you cornered JJ wait a second that's TNT whoa hey what's what what are you doing with TNT let's fight whoa can't take damage again where did you get that TNT Mikey oh yeah I can't get close now ow now oh yes perfect I thought I had you phew I had you I don't know how I didn't take damage there I just barely survived how did he even get TNT huh at least I found diamonds now I actually need to mine them to do that I made an iron pickaxe this should work hmm I might be wrong but I think these are diamonds oh wait a sec oh amazing oh wait underneath is lava they're falling right in oh that's not good hey wow look at these diamonds I finally found some they're beautiful and now a little of this I've crafted a diamond pickaxe whoa so cool look it's sparkling all right now it's time to make a few other things like this a diamond ax next I'll make a sword too [Music] oh that sword is just so cool check out my diamond sword oh wait a sec I have an idea I just realized something hold on in here some pork I think this is gonna look incredible whoa that meat looks real yummy the meat looks so delicious wow now I've got food cooking in the furnace I have my trusty diamond pickaxe and so thank you I think it's time to smash the stone Idol I'll climb back to the surface [Music] all right I'm on my way back now so far so good oh no gravel poured down on me this is bad I took some Suffocation damage huh I guess I'll eat some meat seriously I took damage what's it like now let's find out hope there's no more gravel hey I came up under something weird looking what is this oh I'm under a Lamppost okay I made it back to the surface but uh what is this place it's like I went into the cave from one world and came up into a different one weird [Music] isn't it uncanny when I was down in the cave taking damage the world became so realistic huh sheesh this house looks amazing the stone is great incredible let's look inside whoa even the door the wood grain open up this must be the bed the blanket on it looks so soft oh even the torch is really on fire whoa it's burning that's dangerous hmm oh hold everything what is that [Music] whoa is this an iron golem something's burning in it it's running on fuel is this for real it's kind of scary like it could shoot me with lasers yikes wait [Music] hang on who are you two are they villagers I guess this is what they look like in these Graphics they look human it's creepy they're too realistic oh wow [Music] the dandelions and the poppies this flower bed is so realistic beautiful I wonder what other flowers might look like it's amazing maybe I can parkour my way across the no oh no I fell down and took damage the graphics evolved again whoa wow the grass oh what is this the fountain you can see through the water oh look at it this is so crazy it actually feels like water it's refreshing I can't believe it now what else can I see here I found a lake the Lake's down there and the water is so clear that you can see right through it I'm gonna Dive In underwater is even better it's like a painting there are even underwater plants it's so pretty I can barely believe it's Minecraft [Music] amazing oh and that's not all look at all these giant squids swimming and salmon too it's incredible those sunflowers are awesome it's just so realistic hmm actually there's a tree in this Village that looks different from the others I've never seen one like it before wow it's amazing hold on I think I'll try cutting it down with my diamond ax [Music] huh no no way that tree I cut it down whoa this is crazy look at that wow that's how realistic the game is now there's a bunch of stuff on the ground whoa but I have one problem with all of this it's just just so heavy or is overloaded with how realistic these Graphics are [Music] if this gets any higher res my game will freeze up I need to break the stone Idol without taking any more damage hey I just realized something cool seen the diamonds look incredible they're whoa you're transparent you can see through them like glass oh and my diamond sword is awesome I'm gonna destroy the stone Idol with my diamond pickaxe I can't take any more damage though my computer will freeze up with the next Evolution I need to hurry okay I made it this far without taking any damage now I just need to break the stone Idol up there I can't take any risks here we go [Music] ouch no hold on it's too much Mikey I took damage and the world became even more realistic no wow Mikey I can barely move now it's too high-res what now Nah if Mikey's affected I still have a chance ugh I can barely tell what's going on gotta turn around [Music] yeah I can see it now's my chance if Mikey can't move then I can still make it this is so hard is this it I made it to the top of the stairs I see it the stone Idol I'm gonna destroy it before Mikey stumbles up here come on come on what's Happening take this yeah and that yeah come on yes hey Mikey it's too much sheesh is that you Mikey looking good I thought I lost but it was fun I won but this is too realistic and heavy to run so goodbye for now bye bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time foreign
Channel: Maizen
Views: 2,779,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: TTa03Tz96ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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