Rainbow Friends - Roblox

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let's get started today we're taking a trip to an amusement park can't wait the park is called odd World sounds like fun huh hang on someone just turned the arrow the other way you're right it's supposed to point left the bus driver got tricked into going the wrong way this isn't good why would someone mess with the sign [Music] what happened to our bus someone's dragging me spiky huh what does that say welcome please I need your help what does that mean I'm not sure what is this place I'm so confused what was that sound whoa they're gone there's more text it says I've lost my blocks can you help return them to me we just have to put some blocks back it seems that way oh what's this cardboard boxes oh we can hide under them but why we can Crouch too huh this is interesting and confusing Well for now let's search for those blocks and put them back yep something about this place is extremely creepy Mikey really yeah don't know it just looks like an amusement park there's even cute mascot characters it might be fun I hope you're right about that huh Mikey look there what right over here see there are claw marks on the floor don't you think that's scary well I don't know you worry too much let's just search for those blocks I guess you're right I'll try not to worry so much maybe we should put them over there that's the spirit where should we put them all there should be a place for them somewhere this way at least there are more blocks in here we'll just gather these in oh here's another nice job JJ let's see maybe through this door oh found one cool it seems like we have a lot of blocks to collect we can do it let's keep on looking still I can't shake the feeling that this place is creepy should we follow it yeah did you hear that hear what I heard a creepy noise really I didn't hear anything scared about anyway let's put these blocks away I definitely heard footsteps we're not alone what that's crazy be careful Mikey I definitely heard something I'm sure of it [Music] what's wrong it's right behind you we have to hide now are you okay definitely not I can't get away from it hang on Mikey get in get 80. I can't believe that just happened the ice now it's chasing me that I gotta hide fast it seems to be a man-eating monster yeah Mikey did it really just eat you yeah well it looks like it's just me now you were right about this place I know Mikey what in the world was that I don't know it was some kind of blue monster what I'm scared it seems like our boxes can keep us hidden no it's back hurry Mikey hide oh like this yeah [Music] what is this whoa is it looking for us do JJ this place is a nightmare let's hurry up and find those blocks I just want to get this over with to never come back I couldn't agree more let's hurry oh more claw marks they must be from the monster let's keep moving so it can't see all our boxes yep that seems to be the only way to stay safe from the monster anyway let's hurry up and find those blocks so we can get out of here how about here I don't see any where are they not in there where could they be this room has some good find did you hear that the monster's close quick I think it's close I don't like this we're back let's drop off our blocks almost done just five blocks left great where should we look this is creepy see the Monster anywhere [Music] oh it's coming it's right behind me [Music] oh there's the door I'll hide in there [Music] that was a close one Mikey I'm in the basement I think it's right above me oh no no no no no no no no no are you okay [Music] change it you it worked it looks like it can't find us if we're hiding in our boxes I found two blocks I found three that means we have all of them right really oh yeah because there's only five left still we have to make it back way ahead of you and at the theater awesome I'm on my way there now I can't wait to be done with this the theater there it is just through here awesome yes we did it we made it he says thank you and I'm glad you weren't eaten by Blue something green oh no is that another monster huh now it says rest up for tomorrow what does that mean we can't escape yet but I wanna get out of here so do I we're still stuck here looks like it I hope we can get out of this weird place soon what now says green appears to be awake I think it must know you were there it says still you have no need to worry green is blind he has no way to catch you if he can't see you we've just escaped blue now there's a green monster yeah if it's blind maybe it won't be a problem for us let's just find a way out of here and fast that's a good idea but Mikey yeah just don't let your guard down this time it looks like we need to find 15 Food Packs you got it look there I found some sweet huh what's up I heard something I'm sure it's fine green is blind remember we'll be okay this time maybe but still be careful I will hmm I still think we'll be fine though I hope you're right anyway let's find these Food Packs that scared me just steam scared me too yeah nothing to worry about this place is making you jumpy so I guess we need to take these Food Packs back to the theater yeah yeah so far so good I wonder where green is when is it gonna show up let's go back to the here's another one there's loads here [Music] hide under your box hurry okay where are you Mikey I see you hi JJ no it's right here it's coming okay I'm hidden under my box that was close why is blue still here you're right it's not just green Mikey are you okay okay I'll start heading there now good luck Mikey okay I'm almost back at the theater where are you I dropped off my food it's coming really yes it's close let's hide hurry it's coming I was too slow are you okay so no now it's chasing me I gotta hide all right I think I'm safe although it's chasing you again watch out okay I'll go the long way around good thinking okay I should be in the clear we just need to find the rest of the Food Packs then we can leave yeah yikes you definitely saw me I'm running away hopefully I'll lose it where's Green hmm oh found one it's coming after me JJ hide who is coming is it close yeah is it there I think so I can hear blue it's on its way get under your box what's that there's another monster it's green it's coming towards us Mikey don't worry we can't see us bro why do you know it ain't me why me Oh I thought I couldn't see it can't but it still has ways to track us down it can use its long noodle arms to feel around for us oh so that's how it found me yeah I can't tell if it knows I'm here I wonder if he'll react to sound do you think it can hear us hmm I don't think so whoa maybe you're right no we do now [Music] man green is pretty scary I can't believe it just devoured Mikey right in front of me I don't know what we're supposed to do two monsters is too many how are we gonna Escape collected right now okay I have one so there's four left oh there's another nice just three to go let's keep looking oh I found another two left great job JJ oh there's one go fast one left we're almost done oh I'm being followed by Blue blue no are you okay whoa there you are hide okay that was a close one good job let's go find the last one yeah hmm we haven't checked that room yet what is it it's green it's on the other side of this door what do we do really you should back up is it still there it's gone good let's go we're clear perfect now's our chance let's find that last food pack not in here not here either let's check the top of that ladder be careful I don't see it up here either where could it be I guess we might as well drop off what we have at the theater yeah [Music] have to run for it Mikey right behind you yeah come back this way hide in your box as soon as you're through the door are we safe I think so okay that was close okay I think we're good let's go hmm one more but where is it I'll go drop off the four I have careful okay time to deposit this food just one more so close I see it really I can see where it's located down in the basement let's go hurry to the theater this way okay last one can we escape now nice is this the end I hope so whoa look oh huh what's that it's orange it's an orange hand weird is someone snacking what a surprise Orange has left his cell maybe the smell of food drew it out no way there's an orange monster another [Music] tonight is the final night if you help me repair my machine I can tell you why I brought you here I don't completely understand but if we help him fix his machine then we can escape then let's fix it for now let's fix the machine I think I found something Mikey these glowing machine parts will help us fix that guy's machine and escape from here this way okay let's find some parts JJ I wonder what this is all about I'm not sure oh you found another one let's go here's another nice they look like light bulbs yeah another nice hmm one here sweet hey they fit in the slots oh just like that yay no I hear loud footsteps oh it's right there Mikey didn't see us scary that's dangerous that made my heart jump but let's keep looking for parts like I can hear footsteps coming from all around us hey what's happening yeah what was that I got it it ain't you are those snacks Mikey I think someone needs to feed those snacks to the orange monster or it will attack really oh man this is scary oh you can go inside of these that's weird poor Mikey was eating it was scary no no where is it it was so noisy in here no way I got eaten by the Orange monster at least I respawned Green Monster is here watch out JJ green doesn't see very well so if I'm stealthy she's getting in my way no bleed just like this feeling around [Music] I made it past are you okay I'm fine for now we still need nine of these light bulb things oh here's one all right here's another where are you now I'll keep searching for now while you keep running I'm heading to the theater to insert these parts hopefully we can escape once they're plugged in what's going on now Mikey I'm being followed What look it's blue come on we only need four more here three more that's right let's go yeah no it found me even though I did that's no good Mikey was eaten are there any fuses machine parts oh it's orange it left the room right now orange is running around hungry did you feed it nope oh well I found one oh right I think there's one more nice almost that's not good it's orange be careful here it comes that's the last part but orange is so close I can't get it I see him watch out yes orange passed me by now I'm gonna find the last one you Mikey I'm close to the last one blue came out of nowhere Mikey grab the thing and go okay I got it Lou is near the theater so be careful [Music] yes run and plug that part into the machine right wow we finally did it no something is wrong with the machine [Music] did the machine break it's too dark to see what's happening it's so dark in here I'm scared I can't see anything we need to restore power huh could you turn on the backup generator then I might be able to free you from this place take these you may need them flashlights oh for now let's go grab those flashlights they're over here whoa got it I think these flashlights were here it's dark and scary very let's turn the backup power on and get out of here fast if we're gonna turn on the generator go there's somebody here watch out it's green what do we do we do well it doesn't look like it's coming this way green is blind so it uses those long arms to try and reach for us that's scarier those Moon alarms really really can we make it past let's try be careful I'm way too scared me too I wish it would leave already oh that was so close oh good it's leaving let's search for batteries for the generator something's here yo Mikey hurry hide under your box it's safe phew I thought it cornered me you're okay it looks distracted that blue monster oh no now the orange monster is coming hurry it'll be here any second what do we do let's hide oh we need safe here I don't know it's clear on my key now's our chance let's go move oh a battery nice what's that it's hiding in the vent what is it I don't know left what could it have been some kind of monster we need to be careful people looking for batteries maybe here hmm nothing here oh hang on blue and Greener here that's not good which one green green ain't you it did seriously oh Good Luck run away [Music] yeah I guess I'll insert this battery we need to find nine in total I only have one I have one too oh here's my second one nice green is in the theater watch out all right plug the batteries in here I put two in okay green is creeping me out but I'm finding batteries back here really [Music] I picked a few to plug in oh blocking the door I can't get close you're right there too you'll have to go around yeah turn this way now Mikey run uh-huh nice in we only need two more batteries Mikey let's look for them uh oh orange is coming that orange line is the route it runs watch out I can hear it what right after orange left blue showed up oh no [Music] yeah I'm in a search now while the coast is clear just need two batteries I can see one of them oh Mikey there's a battery this way really yep all right this way yes I found it the other is over that way oh there's green can't get through I can Allure it uh I don't think that's such a good idea oh Mikey I'll be the bait no you don't have to do that we should be able to get down another way it's fine let's find another way down but it looks like that was the only way do it whoa back up green is coming now Blue's here too uh-oh can you reach the battery wait how am I supposed to get past go behind that was close but I made it okay I'll plug this battery in and now I'll go oh it's the other way where leave it to me orange got me oh I got this I need to go down there this way nope all right there's the last battery wow I see it that's great I got it turn the backup generator on this way all right I plugged it in [Music] whoa whoa we did it the power has been restored thank you I appreciate it as a show of thanks I'm setting you free we can leave now however let's have a goodbye party a party first that's nice huh a goodbye party don't forget your party tickets we won't I'll let you go once the goodbye party is over I promise once we have our goodbye party Let's Escape from this place hmm well something feels weird but I guess we have to trust him just put your ticket in there oh in here we have party hats on now that's nice time for the party I'm glad I met you too I prepared Kate for the party oh cake once everyone has a piece of cake I'll open the doors then you can go home ow ow 's here whoa the cake is over there oh I see it let's eat our cake and leave oh wait [Music] blue just got up to attack when it heard the balloon pop Mikey blue is still a bad guy mm-hmm blue isn't here to celebrate the goodbye party watch out if we touch a balloon it will make a noise and blue will come after us okay be careful don't touch them okay all right nothing good will come of it I'm sure all right we made it through let's eat the cake one slice okay watch out for the balloon no no run away [Music] it's open come on hang on is this Mikey there's a ramp run oh it's blue hurry up it's coming which way well two 's fine go right Mikey don't fall off the bridge here oh no way what do I do now it's coming for me can I get through [Music] I don't want to leave you behind but Blue's breaking through Mikey it's coming to the exit whoa oh nice I managed to survive but Mikey was left behind why couldn't I oh Mikey who's that huh that's where we escaped I appear to have underestimated them huh they won't get away next time the person talking to us was a red monster red monster if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time foreign
Channel: Maizen
Views: 16,151,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: K6ndrNxzJrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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