Family Home For 7 Vampires 🦇 || The Sims 4 Speed Build

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[Music] hi again everyone welcome back to my channel and welcome back to another speed build video in the sims 4. happy sunday i hope you're all having the most amazing day ever so far and thank you so much for joining me here today we are building in forgotten hollow and we are building a house for a family of vampires specifically for seven vampires is what i sort of base this house around and i know that sounds like a really random number but once we get onto the interiors and we start talking a little bit more about the actual bedrooms then you'll sort of see and understand why we went for seven sims and didn't push it to the eight sims but we are currently working on the exterior here i did not use a reference image for this build which i'm super proud of because normally like 99 of the time i'll use a reference image for the exterior of my builds and this one i just decided i wanted to build something spooky in forgotten hollow so i was like okay let's just see what we can come up with and see if we can come up with something really cool so i really hope you like this build i very much enjoyed designing this house so i hope you have some sort of use for it it seems like it's been a really long time since i've built and forgotten hollow i don't believe i have built here for around two years now because i know last autumn i was in the middle of moving house so i don't believe i actually built a house like this last year but i know the year before when we got the paranormal stuff pack i know that i did a build on this specific lot actually so i was wanting to sort of see what i could come up with given that i've been building for a few years now and just sort of see what what i was capable of coming up with and i'm really proud of this so please let me know what you think what excuse me what you think in the comments down below it's been a long weekend it's been a long weekend i'm a little bit tired but we will get through it sorry so yes i am proud of this so let me know what you think in the comments down below but i'm just okay so at the minute the exterior of the house is white now that obviously as you can see from the thumbnail and the intro at the start you can see that we did end up changing the color scheme and that is simply because i was looking at screenshots of this i posted a work in progress shot of this house on my community tab on youtube and also on my twitter so if you're not subscribed to me on youtube and if you're not following me on twitter please consider doing so because i actually post a lot of work in progress shots and behind the scenes things on both of those platforms and i was looking at it and i'm thinking i'm not convinced by this i love the shape of the house and everything but the color scheme just seems a bit off so i decided to go for a warmer like reddish-brown brick which i just think works a lot better and i kept the roof trim white and the roof black and it just helped everything pop at least in my opinion anyway if you're more keen on the white then this um wallpaper here the siding is from the werewolves pack and it's the white siding with like the brown sort of detailing in between so that's what this is if you prefer the look of this then feel free to change it if you do decide to download this house but me being me i just decided to go for like more of a warmer sort of tone i'm definitely more into the warmer tones at the moment and i i don't know why that is i tend to go through different sort of phases i suppose you could say with my builds and my color schemes and things like that but i mean i don't hate this like i'm looking at it now on the playback and i don't hate it at all i actually really like it it's just that it just wasn't doing it for me for this particular house and so maybe i can do something with this color scheme for halloween i don't know let me know in the comments down below if you want to see another spooky build i can absolutely do that not a problem at all i can do something a little bit bigger a little bit more grand but as i was saying this is a three bedroom two bathroom house so it's very deceptive i think from the outside you're probably thinking okay it looks kind of it's not small it's not large it's kind of in between so medium so you're probably thinking hmm how did i manage to fit that many bedrooms in but we actually we did okay on the upstairs i it's a very simple floor plan most of the rooms are decorated quite simply as well i definitely struggled a little bit with the interior design just because i was sort of thinking that it was a house for a family of vampires and i definitely struggle with that a little bit but we will talk about we will talk more about that once we get onto the inside but the outside is pretty much taking shape it didn't take me long at all to sort of sort this out and get it to where i wanted it to be so we will in just a moment here we go so this is where i go in with the brownish red brick and you can just see it transforms the entire build it just looks in my opinion a lot better you'll have to let me know what you think did you prefer it white or did you do you prefer this sort of brick um design i obviously prefer the brick because that's what we landed on but um and then i just sort of go in and make some slight adjustments here and there and yeah i am really really pleased with this build i really really am i'm not really one for playing with occults in complete honesty as much as i love them i love the idea of playing with occults but i don't tend to gravitate towards playing with them in my own gameplay does that make sense probably not i'm not the best days lighting things but this house is kind of making me want a bit want to sort of create a family of vampires and play out their life and just see sort of where it takes us but i always go through these phases of saying oh i'm going to create a family and i'm going to do this and i just never find the time life is so busy and i just think do i have the time probably not so we're probably not going to do that but the fact is is that the house sort of makes me want to do that so hopefully it does the same thing for you if it sort of inspires you to create a family of vampires then this is just perfect for them obviously it's built for a family of vampires so it would work really really well and i did actually end up using a couple of items from the werewolf's pack which i know sounds really crazy but i will point them out as i use them on the interior but we are currently working on the landscaping i do end up adding this bit on the left hand side here which i think just gives the house a little bit more depth a little bit more dimension and it also gives us a bit more space on the ground floor as well which which is really important when we get onto the floor plan and i'll talk about exactly what i mean there but the the landscaping is relatively simple i have no idea what this landscaping looks like outside of autumn i'm currently building on i think it's day four in autumn in forgotten hollow and so i didn't actually check this build out in the spring all the summer so please don't judge the landscaping because i'm taking it as what it looks like now rather than what it potentially looks like in the summer it might not make much sense or it might be completely fine i have no idea you'll have to let me know if you do play with this house and you play through the seasons then let me know does it hold up during the summer i really hope it does and you don't have to make too many many many many amendments anyway this is the interior of the build it's very deceptive and the floor plan again i go back it's very simple and i wanted to keep it simple because i wanted the rooms to be quite big and there's a method to my madness with that because i'm trying to keep my houses a little bit more gameplay friendly i have spoken about this in my previous speed builds over the past few weeks and i'm trying to keep things a little bit more gameplay friendly now the living room is definitely the most cluttered out of any of the rooms in the house so we're starting with the living room so i know i'm saying oh it's not that cluttered and you're probably looking and thinking like when we start to wrap up the living room we were thinking you're lying like what are you talking about but you will see what i'm talking about as we progress through the build but the living room took me a little while to work out this is actually my third attempt at the living room because i just couldn't i couldn't work out the color schemes i could not work out which items i wanted to use and from which packs it was very overwhelming to me so i had to step away for a day or two and just think okay what can i actually do with the interior of this house bearing in mind that i'm building it for a family of vampires so the living room and the rest of the of the house really doesn't make much sense and it's a bit higgledy-piggledy it's a bit mismatchy it's a little bit all over the place but it's full of character and that's definitely what i wanted to sort of portray with the interior design i i think the outside is quite grand looking it's a little bit run down looking as well like but it's it's definitely a beautiful looking victorian house and i wanted to replicate that with the interior as well so again let me know your thoughts in the comments down below what do you think of the interior i wouldn't say it's my strongest interior but it's a style that i'm not necessarily comfortable with so i just tried to make the best of the situation i wanted to try and push the boundaries a little bit test myself and just see what i could come up with so i am overall very pleased with this but there's the old room that i'm thinking oh the the main bedroom for me is just it's probably the worst room in the house but we'll talk a little bit more about that when we got to the top floor but the living room is coming together quite nicely i do just as well say i clutter it up because i do to a certain extent however it's quite tame compared to some of my other builds so you'll have to let me know if you agree or disagree i'm obviously going to agree with what i'm saying because i'm actually saying it but yeah you'll have to let me know and i do end up using these curtains from the vampires pack because i thought they worked quite well they're very grand looking they're very victorian sort of gothic looking and that's what i wanted to sort of portray with the interior and you'll have to let me know what you think but we use a lot of items from the vampires pack the odd item from the werewolves pack a lot of base game items are actually quite i don't know what the what sort of time period they're from because i'm not too up to date with time periods but they're very oldy worldy looking and they work really really well in my opinion in these victorian houses so you'll see here these surfers are from the base game and the other surfer i don't know where that's from is that from the base games what like the one on the right here is from vampires but i'm like the main living area around the fireplace i know the two on the left and the right are from the base game i can't remember where the other one's from and i don't actually know why i changed it i think that's from the base game as well i'm not entirely sure i'm trying to have a good look at it i'm sure someone will let me know if i'm wrong but anyway this is the kitchen it's a it's a really good size and when i started the floor plan for this house i was sort of umming and ironing as to which room i wanted to be what that doesn't make any sense but what i'm trying to say is i didn't know which room i wanted the living room to be which room i wanted the kitchen to be and then which room i wanted the dining room to be it was very important to me to sort of have a separate dining room in this house because i think for an older house like this that would be quite common and i feel like vampires i love how i'm saying it like they're real but maybe they host a lot of parties they're very family oriented and they love to have these big sit-down meals so it was really important for me to have that separate dining space the kitchen it's okay i think my favorite room is definitely the living room out of all of them but the kitchen's alright i also realized i use these counters from the the what's it called i can't remember the pack i can't remember the pack for the life of me i want to see a realm of magic but i don't think that's the name of the pack they're the they're the counters that we used but then i also realized that these counters did not come with any matching cabinets which i found very strange and i can't believe i've never actually picked up on that before so that was incredibly frustrating so obviously the cabinets and the counters don't match and because i had to use these cabinets from the base game pack because in my opinion or from what i saw they were the closest ones that i could find that kind of half matched but i didn't think it was too big a deal again because the house is full of character it's a little bit quirky and mismatchy so i thought it kind of actually goes with the vibe of the house so it didn't bother me that much so hopefully it doesn't bother any of you that much either and this little bay window here there is a chair there currently but we do end up putting a dining room table with i think just two chairs there and obviously then we've got the island with the two barstools as well so there's plenty of room for sims to sit and then obviously we've got the dining space just the right hand side here which we'll start working on in just a moment so there's plenty of space for all seven sims to sit down and have a meal of course if you do not have a family of seven sims then you can just i don't know change some of the rooms up or your family can just grow into the house it's it's entirely up to you although i'm just going to have a look and see how much the house is actually worth because i took a picture of it on the gallery and i'm just having a look now okay so the house is worth 121 000 somalians so it's not exactly cheap so i apologize for that however i think a lot of the items from the vampires pack are very pricey and i know why the sims team have done that is because obviously the items are quite grand and sort of i don't know luxurious i would probably say and i do use a lot of items from the vampires pack so i think that would kind of explain it so this is the dining space there is a fireplace here which unfortunately sims can't light because as you can see the dining table is in the way now looking back i could have maybe rotated the dining table the other way i think i tried that initially like at the start of doing this room but for some reason i decided against it and i don't really know why because i feel like that would have made more sense i don't know what i was thinking when i was doing this house i was making i was making some very odd decisions clearly but it kind of works um just because you can't access the fireplace doesn't mean say that it's not you know it doesn't make sense because there's plenty of houses that i know of where people have a fireplace and they can't actually light it or access it so whatever it is what it is it's a decision that i made and i'm sticking by that decision okay so anyway we're just cluttering up this room again i didn't want to go too overboard the room itself is a slightly awkward shape so i couldn't actually put the dining table in the center of the room because you sums won't be able to access all of the dining chairs so this is the best i could come up with for this room shape if you think that there's a different way to style it then please go ahead you know that you can make any adjustments that you need to to my builds to fit in the families that you want to so please go ahead if you if you need that so this is the i'm rambling on this is the upstairs and as you can see the floor plan came together so quickly and i even ended up managing to fit two bathrooms up here so i did this off camera just because i didn't know if it was gonna work but you will see here not here not necessarily here but at some point you'll see the extra bathroom now i do decorate the bathrooms off-camera just because they're very plainly decorated and i didn't really feel the need to include them in the footage i hope you don't mind it just made more sense in my head this is the main bedroom and this is my least favorite room in the house because of the size of it and the shape of it it threw me off again because of the style of the build as well and what i was trying to come up with for the family that lived here with them being vampires i think it threw me off completely and so that's definitely shown in the decor i think some rooms are really really awesome and then other rooms you're like um okay that's that's all right but i think you could have done better and i will totally take that on board and i totally accept that as well because i can't be good at every style of build however i wanted to give this a go because i was feeling very spooky and very halloweeny when i built this house because it is the middle of september let's face it and my head and my heart is already in halloween mode because halloween is my favorite time of year and i just wanted to do a spooky build i will do another spooky build probably to release on halloween and then we'll have this one and then that one i will still go on with the autumnal builds but if there's any builds that you want to see in between then please drop me a comment down below leave me a message whatever you want to do because i'm trying to come up with not necessarily new ideas for the channel but i want to be building what you guys want me to build because you use my builds at the end of the day so drop anyway yeah drop me a comment if you if you've got a build idea that you want to see me do if you've got a build challenge you want to see me do on camera like anything like that just let me know anyway this is one of the three bedrooms i envisioned two maybe twin girls in this room um it's very neutral but then we do end up popping back in and adding some pops of pink and turquoise and soft oranges because i did the other kid's room and i kind of decorated it a little bit more so i was like pulling items from there and then popping them in this room as well but that was what i envisioned in here and then in the other room i was thinking maybe there was like two older boys um i don't really know there's there's if you've got a different family dynamic again make any adjustments that you need to and just roll with it because i can't sort of tick every box because i have no idea who you guys are going to move in here so it's really difficult for me to tick all the boxes when i'm not entirely sure what family's gonna be moving into the house so i was just trying to sort of cover all bases if that makes sense so i really like this room again because of the bay windows in probably eighty percent of the rooms it does make it a little bit more challenging when it comes to decorating the rooms themselves so this is the the room that i was referring to with the two older boys and initially i was thinking it could be like a teen room and then i was thinking well let's just try and fit as many sims as we can in here so i make it another twin room and we go with this red and blue theme which i think works quite nicely and the kids rooms do have carpet in them and that was a that was a choice that i made on purpose because i was thinking that like the house is a little bit older but the family that's moved in here they've probably replaced the floorboards with carpet just to make it a little bit more child friendly because like let's face it the house itself isn't child friendly it's a very spooky it's very ominous and i was thinking it's maybe not the best place for kids to be so i'm thinking like maybe their bedrooms are where they spent the majority of their time so i was trying to get their sort of personalities across as much as i could within the bedrooms and i i think we achieved it i did again struggle because of the decor style i i don't know my head wasn't in it for some reason and i could not get my head in it so this is what we ended up coming up with and i thought it worked quite well but me being me and me being a little bit of a perfectionist i'll always look back on things that i've done and go well i could have done that and i didn't do that and that looks bad rather than looking at it and thinking oh i actually really like that because i did x y and z so i'm my own worst enemy but anyway as i'm having another ramble we have [Music] added some more decor to this room and you can just see it looks a little bit more lived in and like two teenage boys potentially living here but again if you want to make any adjustments please feel free to do so maybe you've got a family with two kids and so you could move to you could just delete two of the beds like do whatever you need to do i hope you guys have a vampire family for this house that would be really exciting if you do drop me a message and send me some screenshots but we are almost finished with the build so i will start wrapping up now you can breathe a sigh of relief but you can get this house from the gallery right now my origin id is rachel ped tray files as always are linked down in the description box below you can get them for free from sim file share but thank you so much everyone for joining me here today you all take care and i will see you next time i post a video bye [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: RachelPedd
Views: 5,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, the sims, sims 4, sims 4 vampires, sims 4 vampire house, the sims 4 vampires, vampire, sims 4 vampire home, sims 4 vampire, sims 4 vampire mansion, sims, vampires, sims vampires, sims 4 speed build, vampire home, sims 4 vampire family home, the sims 4 speed build, sims 4 vampire build, sims 4 vampires house, vampire house, the sims 4 vampire house, the sims 4 vampire, sims 4 vampires game pack, the sims 4 vampire cas, vampire vlad the sims 4, rachelpedd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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