Family Guy Cutaways Season 4 Part 4

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[Music] thank you [Music] it seems it's our destiny to be a team after all in 2005 a group of local Misfits won a costume contest at an 80s TV convention these men promptly returned home and drank some beer today they survive as Soldiers of Fortune if you have a problem if no one else can help and if you can find them maybe you can hire The A-Team [Music] thank you [Music] ah well I suppose it's not the first time someone's made a miscalculation [Music] to us in the future Doc it's your kids Marty Something's Gotta be done about your kids what do you mean your daughter marries a black man that's actually not a big deal for me yeah me neither what what you really yeah I mean what's what's wrong with that oh no no nothing nothing it's nothing I guess I think I think it's great congratulations I don't think I'm comfortable around you anymore did you know peanut butter was invented by a black man too late doc well I wish I'll talk to him tomorrow if this works out I could make more money than when I had that rat Farm in the basement Armando do you have the rent we're trying senior Griffin but the land she gives us nothing there is no sunlight it's been two months Armando you're putting me in a real awkward position here oh please in your Griffin just one more week I will pay you double perhaps we can work out another Arrangement oh please Senor not my beloved Armando Armando it is for the children this is gonna kick more ass than that magical ride I took [Music] fast and free with new friends and new things [Music] well we are officially lost on The Great Space shut up Ricky just shut up right now unless the next words out of your mouth are directions how to get back to the fish skeleton I'm gonna punch you right in his stomach I promise you'll love it here even more than Julia Roberts loves herself hi I'm Julia Roberts you know a lot of people died in the tsunami but don't worry I didn't and I'll be here to entertain you and love my life for many many years to come me me me me I haven't been this scared since I was mugged by Gene Charlotte Don't Panic Room I'm not going to William hurt you I only want your Tango in cash so just pay it forward and we'll all be Happy Gilmore what you know you really shouldn't lie on that bed spread I saw this report on TV about how filthy hotel rooms are in a moment we will use the special lights to see just how filthy this seemingly clean hotel room really is God you're as transparent as your father was when he pretended to be a Hasidic Jew to get off work good morning Hebrews and shebrews what a glorious Jewish Day hey how about all those coupons in the Sunday paper huh some good deals there hey you know I went into a store last week and they wanted 800 bucks for a TV but I ushed them down to 500. listen when I trusted Brian to pack my parachute that as embarrassed as I was when I got that job entertaining prison inmates do it again Griffin oh come on I just did it like five times My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and yeah like it's better than yours damn right it's better than yours I can teach you but I have to charge look this idiot will fit in with our family as badly as Peter fit in with The Proclaimers miles [Music] if he dies I'm gonna have to start hanging out with the rock again one's a baby and the others black I think at least part Black Or Hispanic I think you know possibly there's some Filipino in there yeah possibly some Filipino I mean if he if he's black it's definitely deluded I mean one of his parents must be white what the hell is Jessica Alba for that matter if I were 40 years younger I would plow that till next July throw that away I don't want to go besides Sunday's my internet porn night oh yeah yeah you're my Chinese Lois Chris I know when you're lying to me just like Santa Claus knows when you're sleeping what was that hey what the hell oh hey get out of here okay okay oh God I feel more Delirious than my cousin Stewie Cruz I'm in love with Katie Holmes I'm in love with Katie Holmes I'm not gay go see my new movie I'm in love with Katie Holmes I'm not gay like that baseball team that Peter coached well kids just what I thought we'd never find an assistant coach I ran into this Drifter hanging out near the elementary school playground he's got a clown costume in his trunk so we know he's good with kids and pictures of boys in her underwear so uh he's probably had some medical training well I'm gonna take off while he fits you for cups in that windowless Supply shed see ya what this probably happened that night we tried role-playing oh I need a spanking I'm a bad bad girl I'm a paladin with 18 Charisma and 97 hit points I can use my Helm of disintegration and do 1d4 damage as my half elf Mage wields his plus five holy Avenger paladins can't use the Helm of disintegration oh okay then I'm a black guy you guys were so baked you didn't sound anywhere near as good as you thought you did I was in the audience yeah [Music] wait a second show that's a great idea boy imagine what it would be like to be a big [ __ ] [Music] Diego sweaty then I'm starting to get worried I think all this success might be going to his head do you know he spent thirty thousand dollars on a wax sculpture of Harriet Tubman doing Gwyneth Paltrow yeah yeah that is happening for real yeah I'll enjoy that more tomorrow and I had no arguments Brian I already went through the trouble of borrowing this ramp from Joe I'll see you honey I'll be back in a while Joe are you all right don't help me up I need to retain My independence you need anything from the market power Barn well I suppose it's not the strangest thing I've seen on a game show like when Adam West was on Jeopardy all right players the answer once again is it was the first spacecraft to land on the surface of Mars Adam what was your response kebbert Zella only saying his name backwards can send him back to The Fifth Dimension where he belongs you can freeze some of your sperm at the sperm bank just in case I don't know Cleveland it didn't work out so great that time I froze my nuts no no bad squirrel those are my nuts my nuts ah you're just a hungry little fella aren't you but those are my nuts no I know my nuts my nuts yeah and I need something that pays more to my last job at Sandy Duncan's glass eye hey hey Sandy Sandy uh what what are you buying ugh some breakfast cereal no I don't get that that's a bad cereal get some of the blueberry nah nah I know Quagmire and I'm telling you this has got to be some kind of prank you know like that prank I pulled on Ashton Kutcher Ashton come here you've just been tomahawked that's my show Tomahawk story and when it hits it'll be bigger than Uncle Sam's nipples what the hell uh they're called nipples guys they're freaking huge you know what maybe we can just all relax and enjoy the sauna the new Yorker yeah I did it Woodstock uh excuse me it's been brought to my attention that a few bad apples out there are smoking marijuana uh I've got news for you my friend marijuana's illegal not cool all right then establishment establishment you always know what's best you're sure learn the rules wow that set him off like a Paul Shaffer fire alarm [Music] hey come on we can't give up on our goals what if Jesus had done that why is the ironing board still out you know Todd was 15 when he died the dog we had before you hey Peter did you call me yeah I thought we'd go to the park Todd oh you're not taking me to the vet are you no no just a nice day at the prac I'm a little worried that you're gonna have me put down I know there's been some concern about my sphincter's low shutter speed no no we're just going to the park tide oh okay well I'll enjoy the ride then now I know how Alec Baldwin feels when he feeds his brothers there you go there you go eat up Stephen you're the weakest hey do you have any other friends you want to invite to your party uh no most of my friends are out of town oh this is gonna be great we'll stay up late trade stories let's watch the video of my ballet recital here it is [Music] you know Chris a little hard work can do wonders just look at how they built the pyramids they say all peoples must go through some hard times where we Jews are getting Oz out of the way early from here on out it's gonna be nothing but smooth sailing as that's right cry cry like Sauron when he lost his contact lens nobody move nobody move just does anybody see it it might be stuck to a tree or a rock anyone oh I am so grounded I bet the founding fathers had an easier time writing the Bill of Rights all right we're done you think the language in the Second Amendment is clear enough you know about the right to bear arms of course it's clear every American has the right to hang a pair of bear arms on their wall how could that possibly be misconstrued all right fantastic then wait you know what before we send this to the printer let's take that abortion thing out and like when I worked in that lab with Dr Bunch and honeydew me me me me me me agreed Peter God this is even weirder than when Bob Costas insisted on getting into the tub with me every time I took a bath this will be relaxing hello again Peter and this is gonna be great we can talk sports and we can play with your tub toys yeah listen Bob this is this is kind of my time uh a mini hits your boat and if I'm not mistaken it's a replica of a Gretel 2 which lost the America's Cup to Intrepid in 1973. yeah uh I'm gonna try off now Peter now that you're getting out of the tub what will you miss most we're gonna be the biggest thing since Edison harnessed electricity look at Edison over there with his damn electricity medicine how about sharing some of those light bulbs huh [Music] you have to look at my great house I can look at that dark thing huh what is that a candle over there oh that's pretty yeah it's okay we're freezing over here we have none of one of my families taking a bath in a month we stink it stinks over here you jerk I can't hear you over my central hey what do you go to hell Edison hey bite me man hey you guys seen the office oh no oh I guess you haven't because you don't have a TV hey how about I come over there and kick your ass oh yeah come on over [Music] now don't worry Joe I'm good with tight situations like when I save Luke Skywalker's life okay Luke this will keep you warm until I get the shelter built you sure this is okay yeah you're just cutting into the fat like when we were cartoon sketches on the Tracy Ullman Show well that's the end of puss he was the best cat anyone ever had hey Lois what do you say we go downtown and buy a dog hey wait a minute you already have a dog so long plus we'll miss you it's gonna be quite a different place with him gone that's for true control you mean the way the way you can't control that messed up way that you laugh when when you think something's really really funny well hope I don't understand why these cookies are giving us all the fits well no wonder Faith that's not baking powder it's sneezing powder but I already brought a whole batch to the church bake sale no wonder that priest kept saying bless you remember Lois remember our band handful hello Peter hi there I'm Peter and this is Lois we want to talk to you about a friend of ours he's not here tonight although you know he's kind of here Lois you know you're right he kinda is yeah because he's in our hearts uh this is a song about that man and his world that was taken from him [Music] bring us back your ways Indians were so awesome in all so many ways they all loved each other [Music] the only cause of death was drifting off to sleep I left this piece of wisdom that we hope you all will keep and they said [Music] back on now how could this have happened my God this is a bigger rip-off than Peter's sounds of the rainforest CD this shall help us fall asleep Lois [Music] all right let's get rid of all these trees once they're gone this will be a great place to raise cheap beef up your sting yeah yeah hey what's that song he does that I hate uh desert rose yeah yeah that song sucks except for that time Moby Dick stayed with us do you have any Raisin Bran uh oh no sorry can you go get me some uh boy it's kind of a pain in there we do have uh we got total and we got some raisins I mean you could like mix those together it'd be kind of like Raisin Bran yeah but not it'd be like Raisin Bran but it's not Raisin Bran it'd be like total with raisins in it it's not really doing it for me what time did you show your flight wise I still kick myself for missing that topless cheerleader parade with 100 foot chocolate teddy bear in the f-16s doing aerial acrobatics choreographed to the music of Queen oh I remember that day huh should have gone to that thing well let's just hope it looks better than that balcony you built boy that was a great episode of lost wasn't it fellas well at least the show's got the right name yeah I couldn't follow any of it they don't care for most things you know you've been laying around the house a lot lately why don't you get a part-time job like Peter used to have King president King fries are done thing president I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run I work at Burger King making flamboy Whoppers I wear paper hats would you like an apple pie with Dad would you like an apple pie with that dang fries again I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run I gotta run don't touch the fries and hard fat it really hurts bad and so do skin grafts Oh I do like an apple pirate dad would you like an apple pie with Dad wait for the belt can't hit a bell where is the Bell wait for the bill Ding fries are done two this is the best idea I've had since I slayed that dragon Sybil Shepherd yes [Applause] thank you [Applause] people you are free [Music] you know some people would be very happy to have this food like John Goodman's family please Daddy I told you when I'm finished you can have what's left there won't be any left there's never any left oh Happy Thanksgiving I didn't think the fat man still had that kind of Marksmanship but that's what they said about Lee Harvey Oswald hey Mr President Mr President up here I voted for you wait a minute that guy on the grassy knoll's got a gun he's gonna shoot the president holy smokes I've got to do something all right Lee time to become an American Hero on Saturdays I mean I do have a life hey what time is it we're gonna miss the Moon movie yeah let's go everyone hey hey okay try to think of a happy place to be happy place um okay okay I'm on MTV's jackass hey I'm Stewie Griffin and I'm gonna be kicking my dad's ass all day today come on come on Stewie you're acting crazy out there man the bond between a father and son is sacred I'm sorry Jesus but my house my rules stop yours Joseph you're not my real dad [Music] hello hey Dad um it's me listen things here aren't working out anymore and I was just I was wondering can can I come live with you and Janet for a while oh wow kiddo uh you know I'd love that but I don't know if now is the best time uh maybe next year okay I'll see you Friday night I'll tell your mother I sent the check so where were we right about here ah come on baby it's my birthday no it was a really tough interview but I totally nailed it all right Meg we're gonna start with a little word association I'll say a word and you say whatever comes into your head okay mosquito bite bite mosquito oh yes good one a mosquito bite mosquito bite mosquito bite bite mosquito very good you are a worthy opponent indeed congratulations you're hired your first job is to go down to the corner until that hobo I admire his Spirit I'm too self-conscious to do it like the time Peter pretended to be racist to get out of jury duty awful lot of honkies in here well when I'm done with you you're going to hate me more than the other vowels hate why if you'll turn to page 34 of your blue books you'll see our projections for next quarter okay okay all right okay you know what I'm in a meeting I'll call you back well well well look who decided to show up so what are we talking about here well before you oh I'm sorry F what's up no no I can talk you're more clueless than Popeye sir I think you should know these growths on your forearms they're giant tumors yeah I'm surprised you haven't realized this is not how a human being is supposed to look and the speech thing and what you're doing with your eye uh you had a stroke about seven years ago that you've managed to be walking around all this time is nothing short of a miracle I'd say about two months ah that's more disgusting than when Peter went through that Daisy Dukes phase oh there you are come here you biscuit bro it's like a walrus flossing this Shadow Wheels is even better than those talking cars on that commercial hey how you doing there listen uh couldn't help but uh notice you across the parking lot and uh you know you're you're very attractive and uh you want to go behind the Applebee's and do it huh you want to just go have some dirty stupid insane parking lot sex Chuck it's me Morty yeah cause we could what yeah they had me painted oh oh my God I'm so embarrassed hey I don't think I feel no no that too but it's not all about you yeah oh my God I think I was like a birthday present for the kid or something like that I don't know God look at you you're you're you're hot I know I would have taken you know what I would have done you back there why didn't you say something earlier I said all that stuff let's not rule anything out oh my God that was even cooler than playing with a speech function on my Macintosh so computer what are you thinking about right now Stewie is cool yay yep Mr pewter Schmidt gave me five dollars for these xeroxes and I haven't looked back [Music] except for that time we went to see Phantom of the Opera music is the gift I give to you let's see the gross hair for your face amen let's see the gross half of your face so I can get out of here that knows better be piggy shut up you shut up man this place has everything I bet you could even get one of those gay mailboxes hello hello right here yeah just right here just go ahead and put that right in here dope just kidding I've been this excited since I learned how to speak Braille hey bump bump no bump bump three vertical bumps four bumps in a square yeah I've heard they all look alike I'll tell you what's not safe going hunting with Dick Cheney so you all set to go hunting sorry I thought you were a deer no that's uh pretty much just me you're grabbing that's how my old scout master shakes hands boy this is more Awkward than that threesome when the girl didn't show up so uh you definitely left her a voicemail yeah two home and sell oh good you got to sell too okay I was gonna say well then we'll just have to pay this Carrot Top a vision he's funny except for that one show he did in Ohio after the airline lost his luggage ladies and gentlemen Carrot Top all right you guys look like a good crowd I hope it goes well because I don't have my prop trunk I normally have like a case with all my little props and gadgets and whatnot but it's okay you can use your imagination like maybe a piece of luggage that shoots dog biscuits so like if you had like weed in your bag and he went to the airport you could shoot the dog biscuits out and then the drug dog would be would go away from your bags kind of if you can imagine the dog ruining the dog man it's a lot funny if I had my prop I haven't seen this much denial since John Travolta married Kelly Preston John do you take Kelly to be your wife I totally do I mean yeah yes absolutely and I'm gonna do stuff to it too like touch her yeah touch her and uh kiss her and touch her penis I mean no not that not that man this is gonna be a fun day much better than that day I tried tag body spray for sick cats oh oh God oh God oh oh no oh I'm sorry I'm sorry oh oh no no you're cute you're cute I I don't want to pet you though yeah all right what are you gonna do uh what are you gonna do what are you gonna do oh oh no okay no yeah no this this spray is not for me evening I tell you I feel more exhilarated than Peter did when he swam with the bulls [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah that's fair no that's totally a fair score makes it that much more special when we finally get inside and see Renee Zellweger doing her whole scrunch face routine coming this March Jude Law and Renee Zellweger in the picnic oh no these ants are ruining our picnic you mean this picnic is ruining our aunts this is the best idea I've had since I invented that soda gentlemen I give you Crystal Pepsi all the Great Taste of regular Pepsi but without that Troublesome opacity well what if you're drinking a regular Pepsi and somebody's coming at you with a knife huh you won't be able to see him past your Pepsi and and then and then who's dead huh you you you're dead stabbed Crystal Pepsi this is more exciting than that time me and my friends did mushrooms this is gonna be awesome you said it and man you guys feeling anything yet I feel kind of funny I got a belly ache we shouldn't have did this man crap Chris the Bible also says a senior citizen built an ark and rounded up two of every animal hey yeah what the hell is this oh you didn't really give any specific guidelines about mating did you name it what did you name it uh yeah he's Paul yeah well it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder for you now because he's going the [ __ ] overboard yes he's even more imaginative than the people who invented singing um [Music] whoa goodbye to me tonight I know it was amazing much better than that night you pretended your penis was Danny Aiello oh that is so interesting Danny Aiello you've got the best Spike Lee stories what's yet you want to meet my wife Peter stop it well let's just say hello you're embarrassing me in front of Danny Aiello yeah it's good to have you back Quagmire it's good to be back Peter hey uh death can you leave that body here for another five minutes that's Quagmire [Music] and I did a few things in West Quahog I'm not proud of [Music] so it's a show about three hookers and their mom yeah you've gotten out of commitment before wow that was great here was see ya but you said we were gonna get married now I only said that so you'd go kitty magish Morgan [Laughter] besides it gives me time to try new things like that time I tried wearing adult diapers hey Lois hey kids oh boy that smells delicious you know I'd love to stay and eat with you but I gotta go meet Cleveland Joe and Quagmire down it the boss so uh just put my dinner in the fridge and I'll heat it up later love ya oh my god I've made a terrible mistake I've been brainwashed like Elizabeth Smart it's so wonderful having her home again she's brought music back into the house playing songs on the harp of course most of them are about rape but it's still nice God running an Empire that's harder than finding diversity in the Abercrombie and Fitch catalog oh there he is very [Music] very picky one so be it I'll do to you what BC does to Comedy on a daily basis hey why is Juan so happy I think he finally figured himself out huh I guess it takes one to No One this will be a bigger disaster than when Peter did Tara Reid's boob job oop drop some pepperoni on there you know what that works show it up [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: PeaTearGriffin420
Views: 19,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family guy, Family Guy, new family guy, New Family Guy, classic family guy, funny family guy clips, family guy clips, family guy compilation, best of family guy compilation, new family guy compilation, best of family guy, funny family guy video, compilation, clips, clips video, family, guy, clips of family guy, Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, Chris Griffin, Meg Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, The Griffins
Id: Oklxgqnsv6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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