Family Guy Cutaways Season 4 Part 1

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[Music] thank you [Music] I need to know how to get a girl to like me ah Chris buddy there's a million ways to do that you just gotta do something simple like Vincent van Gogh oh it's what is this it's my ear do you like it you don't you don't like it no I like it but it's just why your ear because I love you well at least this will be story to tell our kids someday oh you want kids oh yikes uh I wish you told me that before I got you this more stupid than that time you locked your keys out of the car damn it hey hey Hey sir sir sir you see those keys here sir I'll screw you so you gotta start somewhere fellas that's how you evolve like when the Tin Man found out he was gay right [Music] oh oh look what happened by accident well even Cleveland used to be an accomplished Auctioneer at 1 25 do I hear 130 130 000 for this authentic Comanche headdress I got 130 I got 130. do I hear 135 140 do I hear one foot B 135 going once this is the worst day of my life oh now there are plenty of people who have had worse days oh a parking ticket I was gone five minutes oh how could this day get any worse oh my God [Applause] so what exactly would you say qualifies you to work as a sumo wrestler oh are you kidding I'm a born athlete just like Greg Louganis hi I'm Peter Griffin you're probably asking yourself which way are they gonna go are they gonna make a diving board head injury joke are they gonna make an age joke or are they gonna make a joke about the fact that his last name sounds suspiciously like anus well we're gonna take the high road and do a no body hair joke Brian hi I'm Greg Louganis I'm totally shaven terrific terrific in Superman 2 what is the story with that cellophane s that Superman rips off his chest and throws at the bad guy prepare to be destroyed Superman foreign yeah take that you jerk that was a minor inconvenience yeah well that's the idea slowed you down I'll say ow didn't see that coming did you no yeah well you know take that I haven't been part of a team since I was with the four Peters [Laughter] hey [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I haven't felt this out of places that week I lived with Superman we must stop Lex Luthor before he irradiates the world's supply of gold uh hi uh sorry I know you got a meeting going on but um so we are officially running low on Mr Pibb and Cheez-Its so um just putting it out there if you're heading to the store later uh you know uh 800 mile drive for me like five seconds for you whatever I'm not here I'm gonna be cooler than Brian when he hangs out of the bowling alley that's what I love about high school girls I keep getting older they stay the same age yes they do yes they do this is even more fun than when I performed at the White House Mr President I present to you Peter Griffin [Laughter] [Music] hahaha I am so clever that's why they picked me to convince Congress to go to war there is no just cause for an invasion of Iraq well that may be but what we're all forgetting is anyone who doesn't want to go to war is gay I want to go to work oh yes yes I was the first one who wanted to go to war come on Brian a change of scenery is always good yes I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Nebraska so um anybody see any good movies lately no I don't really know who read any good books no no anything new with corn oh yeah corn is always interesting but our goal here is to gain a command of the English language so you can be successful writers like Ben Affleck and Matt Damon ah they're finished Goodwill Hunting by Matt Damon hey uh you think we could put both our names on that what you've done nothing but eat Briars and smoke pot for the last six months oh that's ridiculous come on I I helped oh yeah okay uh right along just just right now just pitch me a line right now okay how about that that wasn't a line you just farted is there any more pot besides I know how to deal with children unlike Mr Geppetto oh no I dropped my glasses uh by the way uh Pinocchio there was a cookie missing from the jar did you uh did you take it by any chance yes papa gibetto I'm sorry are you sure you took it because uh I believe you if you said you didn't no I took it Papa I wouldn't lie to you you could try who knows you might get away with it well I better tell Cleveland I got a neck for delivering bad news I don't know how to tell you this Mr devaney so I'll let these guys do it you have a yes you haven't I hate to tell your boy that you have AIDS you may have caught it when you're stuck that filthy needle in here or maybe all that unprotected sex puts you here it isn't clear but what we're certain of is you have AIDS yes you have a not HIV but full-blown names be sure that you see that this is not HIV I'm sorry I wish it was something less serious [Music] foreign well it wasn't as bad as the evening I spent with Glenn and his mother all right Glenn would you feed mittens mittens has food in his bowl that's old food then shut up then shut up mittens that way mittens is a member of his family mom you want this three-way to happen you're gonna have to change your tone gosh I was really starting to like this job it was nice interacting with intelligent people I usually hang out with an idiot Brian Brian check it out I made a water slide in the house ah ow I'm not going to call the hospital because you won't learn anything if I do no no you cannot tell them about this please Peter is not very discreet with private matters hey everybody Meg just had her first period Peter shut up it's three in the morning what the hell's going on out there damn it people are trying to sleep I'm just saying I'm proud of her she's a woman yay yes Peter that's very hot and I'll deal with it in the morning but right now I am exhausted I need your help Lois is out of control I mean she's acting crazier than I did that time I tried ecstasy oh Brian your fur is so soft oh your ears your ears are like doggies oh this couch Stewie your head is so smooth how is that even how you doing that how you doing that ah everything here is fantastic ah these clothes [Music] oh come on Chris everybody's done something they're not proud of like when I used to be a Wonder Twin Peter the old school house is on fire let's go one to Twin powers come on Peter yeah I'll be right behind you shape of jaina's tampon [Music] and now I play the waiting game this will be a lot more fun than last Saturday when we went to see The Vagina Monologues so uh in international news uh no luck yet finding Osama Bin Laden uh so the government is trying a new tactic they've hired Jeff gillooly gillooly uh sorry I guess that joke was uh not so fresh but you know do you accept this Rose all right but I think this whole thing is about as pointless as Peter's cow kite foreign this is never gonna work damn cow Cleveland what am I doing wrong you gotta get her running before you start running what are you watching Peter Passion of the Christ I tell you Brian I can't believe that this guy's just lying there taking it if it was me I would have done something about it hey hey hey hey hey hey hey drop it stop it okay okay okay all right I thought we were going to go all the way and die together like Hitler and Ava Braun we do everything together yeah yeah you got your poison okay one two three you you didn't do it you didn't you didn't do it either okay okay all right well this time we really have to do it okay okay okay one two you want me to kill myself and you're not going to you suck you suck you suck yeah oh no I don't volunteer for anything since I help those guys repaint the Sistine Chapel oh yeah uh listen I thought the stuff that was there was kind of lame so I put this up and I figured I'd rate a giant it'd be a little hippie you know get back some of those boys you scared away you know Chris I knew this day would come so I brought you a condom use it wisely though it wasn't easy to obtain [Music] ah hey what the hell are you doing hey give that back oh man now where were we oh this is much better Joe if you love your metal so much why don't you marry him I did something like that once and in the event of your death you'd like the insurance policy to be paid to your wife yep and your wife is this piece of pie you got it love you okay sign here you know what you can probably go ahead and cancel that Lois I just got an idea much better than that time I experimented with gene splicing uh Lois quick question do we have any Tylenol I picked up the first season of Jiminy Glick imagine being that guy for a day Colin Farrell so I was talking to my wife Dixie the other day and she was saying that you weren't a very good actor and I agreed with her now now why now why call it why would we both say that Meg you should ask him out I mean you're the only one of us who's ever had a real boyfriend I'm back I brought another picnic you're such a good listener you're not like the other boys you're so good with animals oh my God we forgot Meg don't worry about Meg she's got everything she needs in her room uh-oh Lois you look worse than that Rocky Dennis kid from Mask Rocky I don't even know what you look like can I touch your face of course Diana oh god oh oh God what is this what what is all this am I touching the outside of a house oh God you're a monster I'm beautiful on the inside yeah but Rocky there's a limit oh oh what is this now does your face have a pelvis and what an F Brian after all Chris has done for you ah yeah just kind of pull it out yeah you know if dogs aren't supposed to eat dental floss out of the garbage why do they make it mint flavored jeez this sucks worse at that time I did cocaine with Carl Malden what are you getting all bent out of shape about well you know Carl I I didn't get I got virtually nothing here you know look I don't see what the problem is no you wouldn't would you now look all I'm saying is I got the raw end of the deal you invited me over yeah well now I'm regretting it nobody took care of me when I lost my arms and legs and was struck blind deaf and dumb hey hey Meg they got a happy day spoofing here but they call it crappy days [Laughter] all right you know what if you're not gonna laugh then I'm not gonna keep you company Jeff is fun we're the best pals since the Snorks oh I'm having a really great time me too I really value our friendship you don't like those other Snorks who only want one thing oh that was clumsy hang on a second I mean it really helped Peter out when he became obsessed with that fantasy world of his [Music] yeah you're a little too heavy buddy yeah we're going down yeah yeah I have to get rid of this body a crystal go to prison and we all know what happens in those prison showers I've seen eyes Chris you can't be so impulsive people have gotten into a lot of trouble that way uh Marie yeah Donnie um we cannot tell Mom oh please tell me this is some kind of practical joke like like the kind I used to play when I was an intern at the hospital I'm afraid I have some very bad news your wife's gonna be a vegetable you'll have to bathe her feed her and care for her the rest of her life oh my God no no no I'm just kidding she's dead oh man this is even more intense in that time I forgot how to sit down Quagmire what are you doing here ah it's conjugal visit day you know I love doing a woman in the can oh who else but Quagmire you never really know s have sex I do hope nothing happens to spoil this fancy dinner party who else but Quagmire [Music] thank you
Channel: PeaTearGriffin420
Views: 18,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family guy, Family Guy, new family guy, New Family Guy, classic family guy, funny family guy clips, family guy clips, family guy compilation, best of family guy compilation, new family guy compilation, best of family guy, funny family guy video, compilation, clips, clips video, family, guy, clips of family guy, Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, Chris Griffin, Meg Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, The Griffins
Id: 8cVuqzfxeEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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