Family Feud - The MOST Hilarious Answer EVER!! | BUZZR

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You did it once you going to do it again, aren't ya? Gonna try. Fifteen seconds, please. During what months of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant? September. Something- Oh. Luckily, the clock doesn't start until I finish the... September, of course. It's so obvious, isn't it? It's kind of embarrassing. I have to reset the clock because I just laughed at her. Larrisa. Tell me when you've reset to fifteen. I'm gonna allow her to, well. Should I continue now? OK. Thank you. Well, obviously you'll take September. Such a good month. Ready? Name something that people wear that needs tying. A tie. A noisy bird. Canary. A food associated with Christmas. Cookies. Something kids fill with water. Balloons. Good girl. I think this is our 18th show dear. You cannot give me lines like September because I don't think I'm going to be able to finish the next show coming up. What month of pregnancy does a woman look pregnant. September, you said. That's right. You notice that all women look pregnant in September. I don't know what it is. Anyway, our survey said. Name something people wear that needs tying. You said a tie. Okay. Survey said. Noisy bird, you said? Canary. Survey said. Four. Food associated with Christmas. You said cookies, survey said. Five. Something kids fill with water? Balloon, you said. Survey said. Are you ready? I think so. Good girl. Just to remind everybody every time I talk, I'll be gone. Here we go. OK. Good luck. All this for luck. Oh, thank you. During what month of pre- Hold the clock. I'm fine, I'm fine, we're doing it. Here we go. I'm sorry darling, this is important as money is involved here, but a second, I will. OK. OK. I'm trying to concentrate. All right. OK. Got the 20 up there? Here we go. You're good. Good. Good luck. I told you good luck. Here we go. Sure. First question coming up. Oh, God. Here we go, darling. Oh, I'm sorry darling. When you were away, they sang a Walter Huston's recording of "September Song" and it's very emotional for me. I would always cry when he went "autumn leaf." Here we go. Yes, I'm fine. No we're fine. Here we go. Good Luck. Good luck. Thank you. During what months of pregnancy- well, here we go. I'm dying to hear it. Maybe I shouldn't hear it. During what month of pregnancy, does a woman begin to look pregnant? Third month. Name something people wear that needs tying. Necktie. Try again. A bow tie. Oh uh. I pass A noisy bird. A Cuckoo. Cuckoo. How the hell did you people get on this show? I got a good answer to that. A food associated with Christmas? A food associated with Christmas? A food associated with Christmas? Ham. Very good. And something kids fill with water? Balloons. Try again. A ball. A ball. Turn around. All the time that I have ever been on, I have never done that. But do you see her answer? See, we said what month of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant... she said... Oh, shut up. You said the what month did you say? Third I think. Third month. Survey said. Fifty. Fourth month. Oh, fourth month. Something people wear that needs tying you passed on. Well, that's hard, shoelaces. Oh, okay. Well, it's hard. You can just get good questions. No, I can't. Noisy bird you gave me, of course, that thing. No, I really, I really hate these the cuckoo, you know, and when CUCKOO. Survey said, zero. A parrot. Yeah. Parrot number one. Food associated with Christmas or you'd say I've no idea. Ham you said. Survey said. Nine. Turkey. Turkey. Yeah. Something kids fill with water. You said ball. Balloon is the number one answer. We're gonna go. If this is worth eighty-four, I'm retiring. Survey said. Zero. 116. Five dollars for every point. Well, the ambulance is here? I'm off to the restroom, buh-bye.
Channel: BUZZR
Views: 532,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funniest answers, funniest game show answers, family feud, richard dawson, family feud funny answers, answers, best, biggest, Buzzer, Buzzr, classic, craziest, crazy, fails, first, funniest, funny, game, gameshow, guess, hilarious, host, laugh, match, money, most, prize, prizes, questions, shocking, show, speechless, tv, videos, vintage, win, winnings, september, Richard Dawson Loses It, Richard Dawson Laughs, Richard Dawson Crying, Richard Dawson hilarious answer, crazy family feud answer
Id: EuhwWMO02xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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