Dumb Family Feud Family

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Name an animal with three letters in its name. Frog. [Dawson]: Something found in a refrigerator. Milk. [Dawson]: A brand of gasoline. Regular. [Dawson]: Something that comes with a summer storm. Snow. [Dawson]: A sport with an All-Star Game. [buzzer] Turn around. You may never be up here again. Let's take a look. [Bob]: I don't believe it! Name an animal with three letters in its name. You said frog. Our survey said...zero. Two people would have to say that. Something found in a refrigerator. You said milk. Our survey said...twenty-eight. A brand of gasoline, we wanted. You said regular. That's a good brand. Our survey said...[buzzer] [Bob]: That's the brand I use. Something that comes with a summer storm. You gave me THE answer. Snow. Our survey said...[buzzer] [Dawson]: I've got good news and bad news. Give me the bad news first. The bad news is you need a hundred and seventy-two points to win the money. The good news is you're the man to do it. I'm going to ask you the same questions I asked the other Bob... ...you cannot and you do not want to duplicate his answers. If you do you hear this. [buzz buzz] What noise do we hear? [buzz buzz] Thank you. I will then say "try again" and you'll give me another answer, all right? Remind everyone, to Bob's shame, the answers he gave us and give me twenty seconds on the clock., please. [Dawson]: Name an animal with three letters in its name. Alligator. [Dawson]: Something found in a refrigerator. Milk. [buzz buzz] [Dawson]: Try again. Uhh, ice. [Dawson]: A brand of gasoline. Ethyl. [Dawson]: Something that comes with a summer storm. Umm, rain. [Dawson]: A sport with an All-Star Game. [buzzer] Football. [Dawson]: Football! You've got to give him that! Any man that says "Alligator", you've got to... Name an animal with three letters in its name, you said ALLIGATOR! Our survey said... You don't use narcotics, do you, Bob? [Bob]: No, but I will. I mean, I thought "frog" was bad. I thought "frog" was a disastrous answer until you came up with "alligator." It was a real tough one, you know? "Dog" was the number one answer. [Bob]: I'm sure it was. Three letters in its name. Dog. D-O-G. [Bob]: Three of the same letter, you said. No, I said with three letters. Then we wanted something found in a refrigerator. You both had this nailed down very well. Unfortunately you repeated his answer, which was milk, but you said ice. That's the place to find it. Our survey said...seventeen. Milk was the number one answer, it was the only good thing that Bob did. A brand of gasoline we asked, you said Ethyl. [Bob]: A brand. [Dawson]: Right, which I think you've been drinking. Our survey said...zippo! The number one answer was Shell. Something that comes with a summer storm, at least you were reasonable... ...see his answer? Snow! At least you said, I believe, "rain", is that correct? Well, that's good! Our survey said...nine. And then, a sport with an All-Star Game. You said football. It was about two minutes late but I insisted you get it. Our survey said... [buzzer] twenty-nine. Something, by the way that comes with a summer storm is lightning... ...and baseball was the number one answer to our last question. Now, you have amassed, to my amazement, eighty-three points. [Bob]: That IS amazing. We'll give you five dollars for every point, a total of...four hundred and fifteen dollars! Please watch us tomorrow and see if he has the nerve to show up again, will you? We love you, we'll see you here on "The Family Feud".
Channel: Nick Rogers
Views: 4,632,772
Rating: 4.8324289 out of 5
Keywords: family, feud, richard, dawson, funny, dumb, stupid, alligator
Id: zdVuEpD9_IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2006
Reddit Comments

Technically, there are three letters in “alligator”.

There are also four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine letters in “alligator”.

If I said “name an animal with the letter ‘o’ in its name”, it would hardly be fair to disqualify “owl” for also having the letter “w” and the letter “l”.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/BrowsOfSteel 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2012 🗫︎ replies

The better question would have been, "Name an animal with a 3 letter name."

From where I'm sitting, Alligator is a valid answer to the question, since it does have three letters.

I don't think that's what Bob was going for however, since later on he says, "I thought you want an animal with 3 of the same letter" which is a slighty harder question that he still got wrong.

tl;dr: Aardvark.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/faintdeception 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2012 🗫︎ replies

"You don't use narcotics, do you Bob?"

Marvellous. Very family-friendly.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/peppermintsuperfrog 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2012 🗫︎ replies

And yet he still got 83 points.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ABBAholic95 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2012 🗫︎ replies

I think the coolest option for this answer would be llama, not that it would likely score.

An alternative history he could have tried for this gaffe would be having met an alligator named Ike

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/phineasQ 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2012 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/andyjonesx 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2012 🗫︎ replies
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