3 Children, 2 Mothers, 1 Man (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, your Honor. Hello. This is a case of<i> Herrin, Medley, Johnson v. Medley.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Three different adults with two different mothers brought the same defendant to court today in an effort to prove paternity. Mr. Herrin and Mr. Medley, you are here to prove to Mr. Medley Sr. that you are indeed his sons. BOTH: Yes, your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And say, "Results of today's DNA tests will force him "to stop denying you." BOTH: Yes, your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Johnson? You grew up without a father for 26 years and claim that when you finally found the defendant, he claimed he didn't know you existed. Yes, your Honor. (AUDIENCE GASPING) JUDGE LAKE: Now you've petitioned the court for a paternity test to prove he's your father. Yes, your Honor. Mr. Medley Sr., you say the results of today's paternity test will confirm you had every reason to doubt all three. Yes, your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: All right, I'm gonna hear these cases separately, starting with Mr. Herrin, and Mr. Medley Jr. Please explain to the court how difficult your life has been without having a father. It affected me in life. I wanna know why he wasn't in my life, why would you give me your full name as a junior, why would you sign my birth certificate, if you deny me as your child. It hurts me like all get out. JUDGE LAKE: So, Mr. Medley Sr., you submitted a whole list of doubts. Yes, your Honor. Explain. When I met her, I met her when I was playing in a band, which was about maybe three blocks from where she lived. She would come, she would be there, you know... <i> And after about four weeks, she came up</i> <i> and introduced herself to me.</i> <i> But as time went on, I started hearing rumors</i> that she was having sex with other men. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. That's a lie. JUDGE LAKE: So, in your statement to the court, you claim you went to your pastor once you learned she was pregnant. MEDLEY SR: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And what did your pastor tell you? Do the right thing, make her an honorable woman. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: So, basically, you married her even though you had doubts. MEDLEY SR: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And then, you also claim you heard from another band member. Yes. I went to, uh, audition for a band. JUDGE LAKE: Yes. MEDLEY SR: The trumpet player was acting kind of strange, like he didn't want me and I knew everything went well. And as I was leaving, packing the kits up, he came to me, and he said, uh, "I know this guy is tripping and everything, but "I think the reason he's tripping "is 'cause he thinks you're here to start some trouble." I'm like, "Why would I wanna start trouble? I'm a drummer, "I'm not here to start trouble." He said, "Well, she has been with him, "but he didn't know that she was married." (AUDIENCE GASPS) JUDGE LAKE: Oh. So... You two men are here... Why do you even think he's denying you? What... What is the reason? The reason why I think he's denying me is because, when his mother die in 2007, he was nowhere in our lives before then. His mom came down for Christmases, birthdays, everything. Gave us everything. And she treated us like we was her grandkids. And she told us, "No matter what... "No matter what your daddy say, "you guys are always gonna be my grandkids." And that hurts me so much to hear this man sit here in this courtroom and lie to you like that. Look at me. Do I or do I not look like you? Honestly. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Spitting image. 100%. And you're gonna sit up here and say that I'm not your son? I don't know. How you not know, man? You looking at yourself right here. Not the way I see me. MEDLEY JR: Can I say... What would you like to add, Mr. Medley? Why were you never there for us? That's what I wanna know. Me and my brothers and sister wanna know why were you never there for us. Let me ask you a question. If you had a child with a woman you didn't believe it was yours, would you be there? MEDLEY JR: Personally, if you ask me that, I would. I would be the man and I would take a DNA test and I would not wait 30 years to do it. Right. While they grown. Now... You wait till we're grown to do all this. HERRIN: You could've done it when we was young. This was in the 80s, and in the 80s, we did not have DNA, we had blood tests. I tried to get blood tests. Grandmother kept saying, "It's painful, they've been through enough." She would not allow me to do it. But now, it's just a swab of the mouth, so there's no pain in that. JUDGE LAKE: Well, there is a lot of pain here. I have to say, I see it. In these young men's... Their faces. And whether you are or you aren't their biological father, you have to recognize that they've been through a lot. MEDLEY SR: I've been through a lot also. JUDGE LAKE: And so, well... MEDLEY SR: Yes, I have. JUDGE LAKE: Respectfully sir, I have to say, as the older gentleman in this situation... Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: I need to defer to the children. Can I Say something, your Honor? JUDGE LAKE: Yes you may, sweetie. You messed my life up, I'm sure of that now. Because... I... (SNIFFLING) It's all right. JUDGE LAKE: Take your time. (CRYING) I died three times in the hospital because of you, man. And I hate you for that, I wanted to let you know that. MEDLEY JR: And on top of that, what he just said, I remember when I was about one, and I remember his mom being at the hospital, my family was there, and I remember somebody picking me up showing me him in an incubator, not even one yet and with tubes and stuff all over him because somebody burned him, and we still don't know who did it. He said it was a babysitter that we don't even know about, we never seen this babysitter. And then on top of that, he didn't even come to the hospital until way later. (CRYING) My grandmother took me in, making sure that me and my brothers wouldn't get split up. That's how they got divorced, was after that. Because of me, after I got burned. After he got burned, that's when they got divorced. Oh, my goodness. There is so much hurt. The only way to move forward is to get the truth. MEDLEY SR: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And I want that for you all. I have the results. In the case of<i> Herrin, Medley v. Medley,</i> pertaining to whether Victor Medley Sr. is the biological father of Maurice Herrin, it has been determined by this court you are the father. Knew it. JUDGE LAKE: Moving on, to the results for Victor Medley Jr. In the case of<i> Herrin, Medley, v. Medley</i> pertaining to whether Victor Medley Sr. is the biological father of Victor Medley Jr., it has been determined by this court that you are the father. So now you know. Yes, I do. JUDGE LAKE: Do you have anything to say to your sons? I'm glad that the truth has come out. And I'm glad that they are. If, um... Your mother hadn't led such a promiscuous lifestyle, we wouldn't even be here. First of all, my mom is not promiscuous. Second of all, my mom loved you. That's why she had kids with you. MEDLEY JR: You need to rethink your morals and values, how you think, sir. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Medley Sr., it's taking all of my energy right now to not come off this bench and just hug 'em up. But what I do see in these young men is that if you would just take an honorable step in their direction, they would receive you. Yes. Yes. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I love you, son. I'm sorry that it come to this. (SNIFFLES) JUDGE LAKE: Yes. Love you, man. Miss Johnson? I know you've been waiting patient... Oh. Honey, I'm sorry, you're overcome with emotion (CRYING) and you've been waiting so patiently. Can you stand? Are you okay? JOHNSON: Yes, your Honor. All right. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Johnson, in your statement to the court, you indicated you grew up not knowing who your father truly was. Yes, your Honor. Tell me about that. (JOHNSON SIGHS) JOHNSON: Um, I grew up in and out of foster care but... I had asked my mom... One day I was looking into my mirror when I was a teenager and I didn't look like her anymore. And I'm like, "I don't know who I'm looking at. "This stranger that I'm looking at "in the mirror, I need to know." So I was like, "Mom, this is... "This is enough, I just need to know "what's the name of my dad." So she told me, "His name was Victor Medley. "But you are not to contact him while you are in my house." I'm like, "Okay, well, "I can't contact him while..." JUDGE LAKE: Did you ask her why? JOHNSON: Yes, I did. She told me that... JUDGE LAKE: It was a bad relationship? Whatever was... No, there was no relationship. It was just a bad thing that happened between them two. Okay. JOHNSON: So, when I was 26, I finally found him. I set up a Facebook page and I finally found Victor Sr. on Facebook. I sent him a message, I said, "This may seem strange "but, you know, I had a conversation with my mom, "and my mom told me that "you are my dad." He said, "Oh, really?" At first I told him my mom's name, and I asked him, did he know her, he said, "Yes." When I told him that he was my dad, he was like, "Oh, really? Oh, my daughter. "Can you please send me your number "and I'll give you a call." He was happy. So this was the first time I've ever heard about him denying me 'cause to me, he never denied me. He denied my brothers, but he never denied me. JUDGE LAKE: So, Mr. Medley Sr., up until this point, had you heard anything about you having a daughter? No. But I did not deny her. We didn't get into this DNA test until... On Mother's Day, when I had her over for Mother's Day. JOHNSON: Mmm-hmm She... Kept talking about, "I need a DNA test." No. Yes. JOHNSON: That's not true. I never asked you for a DNA test. MEDLEY SR: No, you told my friend that you wanted a DNA test. No, I didn't. I've even got a picture of you crying afterwards when she's hugging you. JOHNSON: Yeah, and I got pictures, too. What is that evidence you're holding up, ma'am? Right here, um, when he was talking about Mother's Day, there's one picture. He made me this card and he took a picture of me, and he took a picture of him and Photoshopped it and put it in the frame. And he also took, you know, once I got him as friends on my Facebook, he was taking pictures that he seen of me and me and him looking similar, he was putting together, side-by-side, there it is. JUDGE LAKE: <i> And so, Mr. Medley Sr.,</i> you claim that it was her asking for a DNA test? JOHNSON: That's not true. So you had accepted her... Yes. JUDGE LAKE: But you claim she wanted the DNA test. Yes. JOHNSON: That's not true. MEDLEY SR: She got upset... Well, this is what happened. She was having problems with her van. And I had said, that I would help her. Because at my job, they was gonna give us a retro pay. But... JOHNSON: Get to the point. Get to the point. Child support... Child support took the check, I didn't have the money. So... I didn't have it. And I'm not rich, and then, then she told me that... That she had been lied to before, everybody lies, take her off, uh... Lose her number, take her off my Facebook... Your Honor. MEDLEY SR: Take the kids off the Facebook. That's not how I remember it. JOHNSON: That's not how I remember it. That's how I remember it. How do you remember it, ma'am? JOHNSON: I'm gonna tell you how it went. It went like this. I asked you, "Could you help me with my van, 'cause my van broke down." Right. You know I got a special needs daughter. Right. You send me a picture of you on your bus. "Oh, I drive a special needs bus, this is such a coincidence. "Oh, I'm so happy." You go to send me a picture. I asked you, would you help me? I text you, you didn't text back. I called you, you didn't answer the phone. I left you a message, you didn't leave me a message back. I sent you a message on Facebook and I waited for at least a week, and you did not answer me. So then I told you, "Delete them pictures off of Facebook, "take my kids off Facebook. "We don't want none to do with you." Because when I found out about my brothers and they told... And you denied my brothers to me, and when I found out about my brothers and you told me they weren't your kids... <i> I can look at Maurice right now</i> <i> and see me and Maurice look alike.</i> So, Mr. Medley, what happened? Why didn't you come through? Why did you answer her calls, her texts, her messages? I did. Why leave her hanging? MEDLEY SR: Before we got the check, she had already said all these things, and I didn't have it. I couldn't give her what I didn't have and I didn't get it anyway. Well, then, why didn't you say, "I don't have the money "right now. Can you just wait?" I... I told you to wait. I could've waited! I already waited a year before my van got fixed! And it's broke down again! Can you help me now? (AUDIENCE LAUGHING AND APPLAUDING) My baby gotta get to the doctor. She need... She need to go to therapy. Can you just buy me a new van? With a lift on it, so I don't have to carry her? I wish I could, but I can't. JOHNSON: Okay. I wish I would've got an answer like that the first time. Ms. Johnson, why are these results so important to you? Um, because it'll give me a closure. I mean, I... I... I know. I... I look like him. Look at the picture. I look like Maurice. I look like Victor. I'm the oldest, and he's talking about people being promiscuous. I'm 30, Maurice is 30. I'm five months older than him. (AUDIENCE GROANS) MEDLEY JR: She's not lying. Well, on that note, Jerome, I think it's time for the results. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics, and they read as follows. No. In the case of <i> Johnson v. Medley,</i> pertaining to whether Victor Medley Sr. is the biological father of Christian Johnson, it has been determined by this court Mr. Medley Sr., you... Are not her father. (AUDIENCE GASPS) JOHNSON: Okay. Mr. Medley, what are you feeling now? You... I don't know. I... I thought she was my daughter. (SNIFFLING) Ms. Johnson, if you didn't know before, somewhere underneath all of that tough exterior, he really cared. I see. JUDGE LAKE: And at this point, when I asked him to take one step towards you despite everything that happened, he did. And in this moment, I just wondered if you all could take one step towards him in this moment. (SNIFFLING) I'm sorry, it's... MEDLEY SR: I'm here for you, baby. I'll be your dad if you want me to. It's you choice, no pressure. I love all of y'all. Love y'all. Well, family, y'all done broke me down now. I tried to hold the tears back. I'm proud of this moment. Because it was as if Mr. Medley came in here today as almost the villain. That's true. JUDGE LAKE: He was wrong. But the power of love and forgiveness, can overtake any wrong. And that was a moment that I witnessed today. And you all created that moment. I wish you all the very best of luck. The court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,346,522
Rating: 4.7775569 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: NmOY_IzkVrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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