Woman Comes Back to Paternity Court For More Fraud (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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JUDGE LAKE: You may be seated. JEROME: Hello, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Hello. JEROME: This is the case of<i> Robinson v. Long.</i> JUDGE LAKE: Thank you Jerome. Good day everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Miss Robinson, you're back in court today because you say your mother Ms. Harms has continued to commit paternity fraud. She's now claiming her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Long, is your biological father. But you believe she's lying. Yes. Ms. Harms, you say your daughter's suit has no merit. And today you will prove Mr. Long is her father. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Long is here. But like you Miss Robinson has strong doubts about your paternity. We'll meet in a few moments. But first let's take a look at your previous court appearance. <i> I hope he is my daddy,</i> <i> I really do.</i> <i> Because I really need a dad. I really, really do.</i> <i> I've always told her who her dad was</i> <i> it's not Mr. Moore.</i> <i> Mr. Moore, you... Are not her father.</i> VERNON:<i> Mmm.</i> <i> Oh, my God.</i> <i> Then who is my daddy?</i> <i> I tried to tell you, he ain't your dad.</i> <i> But, no, I'm the one lying.</i> <i> Oh.</i> (SOBBING) <i> So, let's go get done with it</i> <i> and come right back here, and do this again.</i> (APPLAUSE) <i> I dare you.</i> Jerome, will you please escort Mr. Long into the court room. Sure. Mr. Long. Watch your step. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Long. Miss Robinson, I want to start with you. Why do you believe your mother has committed paternity fraud? Um, Your Honor, I feel that my mother has been committing paternity fraud my whole life. Um, I've never got a straight answer on who my father is. It was, uh, one or two guys. Two or three guys. You know, no certain name. I'm too old for this. HARMS: Excuse me Your Honor, that's a lie, I've always... Have always told her who her father was. No, you haven't. I've always, I never kept any secrets from you. Mom, you never told me who my father was. My mom kept secrets... You gave me names of... I've always told you from birth sweetheart that who your Dad was. You did not, Mom. Your Honor, she refuses to believe me. As like she did with Mr. Moore, previously. And so, Ms. Harms, you said, you told her from the beginning? Yes, yes... Who her father is. Yes Your Honor. And who is that person? Mr. Long, Your Honor. Why would she not want to believe you if she is looking for her father? I don't know why she won't believe me. Because she lies a lot. I know I have not lied. Because I'm 36 years old. Like she said... Excuse me. She wouldn't give me a name of who my father is. Your Honor, she said I lied last time. And I was proven to be right. That was just luck... No, it wasn't luck. ...That he wasn't my father. It wasn't luck. That was luck. It wasn't luck. It was luck. It wasn't luck. Yes, it was. You can't just look at a person who's got gray hair and assume that's your father. It doesn't have to do with good guys in gray hair. He always told me he was my father. He was your boyfriend. Well, I'm gonna make you happy today. Because you know why I'm here today. Good. Because guess what? To prove... If you don't make me happy today. That Mr. Long is your father. I have nothing else to say to you. Miss Robinson, I would like you to take a moment and just walk your mother through. And talk to her about how difficult it's been, not knowing who your father is and... (SIGHS) More importantly, having to go through various men and find out that they're not... Yeah, the journey has been very hard. HARMS: Excuse me... JUDGE LAKE: Let her speak Ms. Harms and then I will let you speak. Um...me in school. Doing sports, basketball, softball uh...volleyball. Never had anybody showing up to my games. Sitting there, all my friends got parents, I have nobody. I had a baby at 18. And when I hit 20, there has not been a day. That I have not been there for my children a 1000% not a 100. And I know who their father is, 'cause I wasn't promiscuous. And nobody could talk me out of my panties. Excuse me... I'm not going to sit here and let her say that about me. I'm not easy like that. Wouldn't talk me out of my panties. But you let people... Like you weren't out there doing wrong yourself. I've never did wrong. Okay. I've needed a father. When you were... Can I speak? JUDGE LAKE: No, you're listening, ma'am. You're on listening station. If me and you can have a good relationship. There wouldn't have been times where I went to my room and said, "I hate my mom. "I wish she wasn't here. I can't stand her." If I had a father to run too. I could have got over that. But instead I've always held hate and resentment against you. I mean... I'm a student with straight A's. The best athlete. Everybody knows me where I'm from. I mean, I was that deal. But I have this bad secret and I gotta be that deal out in the streets but going to the house and sit in the bathroom to cry. You know... JUDGE LAKE: So, you're the celebrated athlete. Everybody knows who you are. Yes. And you're holding this secret in. Uh-huh. That you don't know who your father is. Uh-huh. Now, Ms. Harms, I want you to respond to your daughter. I'm not sure how well you listened. She's always had a dad... I'm not sure how well you listened. Maybe not her dad at that time. Ms. Harms. Yes, Your Honor. I'm not sure how well you listened. I... Did you hear, did you hear... Yes, but I'm... Now, respond to what she said. It's difficult talking to her because everything's... She act like she's my mom have the time... I'm giving you... ...the way she talk to me. ...your moment. Maybe she choose a better choice of words. Talking to me... What? Because every time... Hold on, let her respond. Let her respond. I would just ask you... Let her respond. I would just ask you who my dad is. She's been saying, I can never get a word in. Who my dad is. Will neither one of you let the other one get a word in? And that's why we're not getting anywhere. Ladies, I know there is a lot at stake here. And I know this is emotional. I know it is. It's hard. Yeah. And you know, Ms. Harms, you stand here and say, "You know, I've told my daughter from the beginning who her father is. "She just didn't want to believe me." What's upsetting you right now at this moment, Ms. Harms? The fact that she sits there and lies. What lie is she telling? If I didn't raise her she wouldn't have or be who she is today. You didn't get me to... Exactly. Pretty much everything you have, I've given you. Because they took care of themselves. Pretty much everything she has, I've given her. Every time, any new furniture anything, I give... That's right, you've given me stuff, I didn't ask for it though. I did never ask you. Miss Robinson. I've always had her back. So, she can sit there and lie as long as she want. But today, Your Honor. The truth will be revealed. Ladies, what I see here is there's so much at stake, not just finding out who your father is. That's important. But your relationship with your mother. Yes. And like you said, you have children. That's their grandmother. We don't really have one. That's your fault though. No, she get mad at me. She won't let me see my granddaughters or my great-grandson. You never let me see my daddy though. I never saw my grandparents. You always knew who he was. You're 36 years old. Who? It's Mr. Long. I didn't hear about him until I was ten. What, you act like you couldn't have went? You always knew where your dad was. Where was I gonna go at ten years old? You knew he live next door... You see how she pulls a dog strap Ms. Harms, are you suggesting that a ten year old child was supposed to go around the corner ring the doorbell? When she was a baby, I would go and visit. I would knock on Mr. Long's door. He would have saw me there. And take her over every time we went. Every summer. JUDGE LAKE: Miss Robinson. Do you remember going to visit Mr. Long? Never. Mr. Long, do you remember Ms. Harms bringing Miss Robinson to see you and saying, "This is your father." No ma'am. Have you ever seen Miss Robinson? No, ma'am. She says that she came to see me but I don't recall it. Did you think you were her biological father? It was possible because you know, because it was said. And then she sent a picture of her mom, or... Like... You know... Your Honor, I've send gave him, Mr. Long nine photos of her. Ever since she was growing up, Your Honor. That's why Ms. Harms, I want you to allow someone to testify because his testimony was corroborating with your statement that you reached out. So see that's why we don't listen in station. Thank you ma'am. I'm listening. Mr. Long, you said, she sent you pictures? She send me a picture. Uh... When she was first born. A year after she was born. <i> So, when she was first born, she send you a picture?</i> <i> Right.</i> So, why does a woman send you a picture of the baby if she's not saying you're the father? Right, I didn't say she didn't say I wasn't the father. She said, I was the father. But I had doubt because you know, she was supposedly sleeping with someone else in my family which was a cousin. In the family. Supposedly... Supposedly, now. And then some more guys in the neighborhood. So, that's where the doubt came in. So, Mr. Long does state that what you said was true. He did receive a picture. Yes mam, but... <i> You did reach out to him. He left a whole lot of details</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> What are the parts of the detail did he leave out?</i> I sent eight pictures and you're sitting and acting like I never brought that baby over to your house every day. I don't recall... Yeah, you're nothing but a bold-face liar. You said you brought the baby over to the house. Yes, ma'am. Every time we went down, every summer. To visit my grandma and papa. I don't recall it. I know because that brain is old. JUDGE LAKE: And you would bring the baby... Hold on, hold on. One at a time. So, you would come see him? Yes, Your Honor. And his family? Yes, Your Honor. Walked right into the kitchen, they're cooking up greens and everything. Does your family know about Jennifer, Miss Robinson? They've heard of Jennifer. They've seen a picture of Jennifer. But as far as knowing Jennifer and conversing with Jennifer, no they never have. So, you knew she was pregnant? I knew she was pregnant. And then after she had the baby? After... Did she say you're the father? Right, she did say that. So then why was there no follow up? That's what she's been saying this entire day is that I said Mr. Long was the father. The fault was I can't contact her. I didn't know her last name anymore. You knew... You never tried to help me. Hold on. So, Miss Harms, I want to understand this from you. Why did you disappear? When you were taking the baby, you say you were taking the baby over there and he acknowledges that you at least sent pictures. And Your Honor... Did you feel rejected? What... why did you just disappear? I kept it like that because my dad was like me being young "Oh, who's the dad? I'm gonna kill him." And I kept it to myself. You as a young girl, you were taking the baby over to his house or you were sending these pictures, but this was all in secret? <i> Yes, ma'am.</i> <i> Because you didn't wanna tell your...</i> Oh, my God. You didn't wanna tell your parents... I told my mother. I kept it from my dad. You didn't tell your dad but you told your mother? Yes, Your Honor. Miss Robinson, you say you've been told various names. You've been given various names but never... Never... Mr. Long? I've never heard of Mr. Long. Until I was ten years old. I walked past her in the kitchen, <i> she looked at my body and she stopped me.</i> She said "Jennifer, I got to tell you something." She said, "The way you're looking, the way your body's looking, "I gotta tell you that when I was younger, I went to Marietta, Georgia, "and I slept with a boy name Anthony Long." She says, "Your body look like his. You look like his sister." Of course I blew it off 'cause I look like him, him, him and him. So from ten years old, Miss Robinson once you hear this, you said you had been told so many things that that point you just blew it off and kept moving. I blew it off 'cause I didn't have a dad anyway. Nobody, all... Everybody claimed me. Did you think about Mr. Long? Did I think about him? Yeah, I always wondered. I wondered if he does look like me. But of course, I couldn't get any contact... But you said you were caught up in a web because every other man in your life was claiming you as something. Yeah. Your Honor, she had a father. It may have not been her biological father, but my mom and dad raised her until. ROBINSON: For what, for what? I get on my feet out of the army and I came to get you when I was able to take care of you... And nobody really took care of me. Your Honor, may I present my evidence, ma'am, please? Yes. Take a breadth, Miss Harms. This evidence that you are presenting, Miss Harms is <i> a picture...</i> <i> Yes ma'am.</i> <i> Of your daughter...</i> <i> Yes ma'am.</i> <i> Miss Robinson and Mr. Long.</i> ROBINSON:<i> Looking like everybody. I look like all the men.</i> Yeah, do you? Everybody's got big eyes. No, ain't that funny? Yeah tha's it. Miss Harms, at the end of the day, when she doesn't know she's just looking for herself in every man. She's just looking for herself. But, Your Honor she consulted... The man said, the man said "I'm your father." She's gonna stop looking today, Your Honor. Because you are confident? Yes. Beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mr. Long is your daughter's biological father. Mr. Long, after today's testimony seeing the evidence presented here today, do you believe you are Miss Robinson's biological father? It's possible. It's possible? <i> When I got the first picture of her, she looked like my daddy to me, so</i> naturally I said, "Well it could be my daughter." But then I lost contact with her, with the mother... And he looks like my grandson. Until today... That's what's blowing me away. The ears, the cleft chin, the nose, the lips, the head, I mean... It's all there. I'm standing in here like... HARMS: Can I do this? But of course I can't believe it, you know because I don't deserve anything, so I can't believe that he looks like me. I'm here today, Your Honor to try to fill that void and that hole in her heart. So that she can be at peace. 'Cause I ain't and I got a lot of hate for you. Well if you didn't have so much mouth... What the hell does it got to do with you letting me know who my daddy is? Let's just stop right there, 'cause you all are just alike. You're mother and daughter all right because both of you are. (APPLAUSE) You all... You are both got mouths on you. You both gotta have the last word. So that, you all are just alike. But the only way we're really going to move forward today is to get these results. Mm-hmm. And I have them for you. Jerome? I hope they come out right. I hope so too, for you. We know that there's a lot at stake. HARMS: After that, I'm gonna keep going... I shouldn't have to keep going after Mr. Long. I hope. But I'm just gonna do whatever just to make you happy. Because I love you. (APPLAUSE) Miss Harms, you just said to your daughter if not you're gonna keep going. Do you have a question in your mind as to whether... Because you seem sure. Yes ma'am, I am. Let's get the truth. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Robinson v Long</i> when it comes to 36 year-old Jennifer Robinson, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Long, you are her father. (APPLAUSE AND CHEERING) I am so sorry. I told you, I love you so much. And okay, go hug your dad. Okay now you're... Be at home. You don't have a hole in your heart anymore. Your Honor, may I speak please? This is the second... Can your daughter talk to her daddy please? Okay wait. We already know you was right. Now Miss Robinson, Miss Robinson, there's your daddy. You been looking for him. I don't know how in the world you all still got your places across the aisle, don't you wanna hug your daughter? I got you now. Right. I can't believe it. You can go stand with her. Miss Robinson? Yes, Your Honor. This is a beautiful day for you. It is. I'm so happy. My kids are gonna be so happy. Do you have daughters? Yes. Then that means you wanna make sure that your daughters and their daughters don't repeat this. Yes. I know your mother is over the top 'cause she loves you very much. I've always been over the top. I... Oh, I can tell. She loves you very much. You're very blessed to have your mother and you father here on this earth to love you. Take full advantage of it. Experience them both. And I'm so happy for you. Thank you. We wish you all the very best of luck. Court is adjourned. Thank you so much.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,474,010
Rating: 4.6935153 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: ykCLn-dQOos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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