Sisters Believe Man Denies Paternity Due To Child Support (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. hello, your honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Gynild v. Hardin.</i> Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. Good-day everyone. AUDIENCE: Good-day. Ms. Gynild, you and your sister agree that the man you've known to be your father is denying paternity. Yes. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Yet you disagree about why you've come to court today. One of you is hoping the DNA test will prove he is your biological father, the other is hoping to learn he is not. Now Mr. Hardin, you argue that you've been buried in child support payments totaling more than $90,000 for two daughters you don't believe you fathered. Furthermore, you claim that while involved with their mother you caught her in several compromising situations with other men. You believe it's understandable why you've always had doubts. So Ms. Gynild, first just explain to the court when's the last time you saw this man. Mr. Hardin actually came to our house in Minnesota, and with his two sisters. And which we all just spent the day together and the last I recall I was eleven-years-old, and my sister Kiera was 10. JUDGE LAKE: 11? Uh-huh. And you're 26 now? Correct. 15 years ago was the last time you saw him? SHANEYCE: Correct. He would always say he was going to come see us, and he never did. He would just always lie and that was it. I wanted this man, so bad, in my life. I played basketball, I ran track, all my friends had both mom and dad there. I had my mom. I wanted him... I watched through my window, watched raindrops fall, and he wasn't there. He told me he was coming. I waited, and waited, and waited. He never showed. HARDIN: Your Honor, their mother didn't allow me to come around at all. There's no way that I would not want to be around my daughters, Your Honor. SHANEYCE: You're lying right there. I asked for a paternity test from day one and, Your Honor, I've always doubted because I used to catch Ms. Gynild with several different men during the course of our relationship. I would actually come in and see men running out the door I actually caught Ms. Gynild after I had to go out of town for a funeral. My first daughter was six-weeks-old. I came in from out of town for my aunt's funeral. I came home early to find Ms. Gynild gone. Another lady was in the house. She threw the baby in my arms and ran out the door, Your Honor. Specifically, though, I mean, there's specific windows of conception. Why is it you doubt that Shaneyce, your oldest daughter, is yours? What specific thing happened? They were nine-years-old before she said that I was the father. JUDGE LAKE: Well look, when you found out she was pregnant did you think the baby was yours? There was possibility, Your Honor, but I... JUDGE LAKE: You only felt there was a possibility? Yes, because she had slept with two of my friends prior to that. HARDIN: I found that out... During the time Shaneyce was conceived? HARDIN: Shaneyce had already been born six weeks. So between that time I waited, you know? I didn't want to, you know, deal with the situation so I got away from her. Then, about a month later, we got back together, and then she tells me that she was pregnant with Kiera. So, all right Mom, I want to hear from you. Ms. Gynild, please step up to the witness stand and have a seat. Thank you for being here. Now, Ms. Gynild, you've got two beautiful girls. And Mr. Hardin is saying that each time you told him you were pregnant he doubted whether or not he was their biological father because you had been unfaithful. Were you unfaithful? I was dealing with somebody prior to us getting together, and, like I said, prior to us getting together. He was also in a relationship and when I first got pregnant he was excited about it. He also, like I said, had another woman pregnant. She was pregnant a month before me. But more importantly, were you sleeping with anyone else during the time, let's first deal with Shaneyce, your oldest child, were you sleeping with anybody else during that window of conception? When we first got together, no, but prior to that I... Like I said, I was with... I was with somebody. So there is... Yes. So there is a possibility. TERI: Uh-huh. And I told him that. So she told you, point blank, that there could be someone else. She did not tell me. A friend of mine told me, Your Honor. TERI: Yes, I did. A friend of mine actually brought it to my attention. He actually told me that she had several different men that she had been engaged with over that time. JUDGE LAKE: So is that true? No. Mmm-mmm. But you do admit that there's at least one other possibility as it relates to your first child, Shaneyce? TERI: Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: There could be one more person. Yeah. Yes, could be. Okay. Shaneyce, did you know this? SHANEYCE: Yes. So you do know this? Mmm-hmm. Okay. Who's on the birth certificate for Shaneyce? TERI: Just me. JUDGE LAKE: No father listed? No. JUDGE LAKE: How about Kiera? Nothing. So you're paying child support though. HARDIN: That's correct. You say you owe almost $90,000 between the two girls? So if you're not on the birth certificate how did he end up being named father and responsible to pay the child support? I was told from the state of Minnesota that when they approached him in Indiana that they were going to give him papers to sign, or whatever. He said he felt he was the father and he didn't need to sign no papers, but he signed some document, but nobody knows where that document is. What? Mr. Hardin, did you sign any documents? Just like, I never signed any parental documents, no birth certificates, nothing. I was issued a court order because I was late for court in the initial court date. And they ruled as default. JUDGE LAKE: Explain that. They actually took my truck driver's license, Your Honor. I was a semi-truck driver. I used to drive trucks before this came about. They took my truck driver's license, my livelihood, Your Honor, saying that I'm the father of these two beautiful young ladies here, Your Honor. So because you were late to court you were named the father by default? By default. That is exactly what happened. JUDGE LAKE: Default judgment? Your Honor, I begged for a paternity test. I petitioned the court. I am 25 and 26 years old. You had all this time to do it. You should have did this way back when. There's no doubt you should have did this. I did it immediately. Why didn't you... Why are you letting us call you "Dad" when you doubted this whole time? No, you don't understand. No, I don't understand, so explain it. I'm trying to explain it right now. Last year we went to court about this. I begged the court to please give me a paternity test. You took me to court last year to modify your child support payments. It's all about the money. The money. That's all it is. When you started paying child support payments, that's when you wanted DNA tests. You didn't have none of this before. I was garnished from day one. Your Honor? JUDGE LAKE: So listen, let me ask you this, Mr. Hardin. Yes, Your Honor. So you requested a paternity test. HARDIN: Yes, Your Honor. HARDIN: Several times. You weren't granted one by the court. HARDIN: No, Your Honor. But you never just personally asked Ms. Gynild, or even asked your daughters to take one? Unavailability. I didn't have the funds, basically. I told him I'd pay for it. HARDIN: I wanted to get... I told him I'd pay for a DNA test and he did not want to take it. Never happened. Never happened, Your Honor. JUDE LAKE: So do you remember her asking? Never happened, Your Honor. So Ms. Gynild, do you remember your daughter saying that, "I'll pay for it, I want to know"? They've talked to him. We've talked about it. This is our only time that he's denied us. We're just now hearing about this. We went our whole life... He's been calling us our Dad. He's been saying he loved us, he missed us, he wants to see us. He's never, in our whole life, denied us, until now. Your Honor... Your Honor, I'm right over here, and I'm right over here. I'm right in the middle. I don't know. I've never actually denied them. I'm right in... Yes, you have. I haven't. I have never denied them. I'm right in the middle, because I don't know. You did, over their entire life, allow them to regard you as their father, their daddy. No. I told them that there's a possibility that I'm not. They knew that. SHANEYCE: That's a lie. You understand that these two young ladies thought you were their father, right? To a certain extent, yes. He's only denying us because of the back pay and child support. He wants to find a way out to not have to deal with that at all. That's the only reason. So how did you get so far behind, Mr. Hardin? I'm sorry, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: How'd you get so far behind on the support? Almost $90,000 in back child support. Because I basically wasn't aware of the law. I was naive to the law, Your Honor. I did not know that I could file motions, and... Well, you know, ignorance of the law is never an excuse. You know that? Yes, Your Honor. I found that out the hard way. And their mom... (INDISTINCT) Their mom actually told me that they weren't mine, actually. TERI: What? Also, too. No. I never did. HARDIN: She told me that. Never did. HARDIN: She came out of her mouth with... My mom, the whole time been telling you... When did she tell you? She told me that she wanted me to contact the other fellow that she used to date, that may be a possibility. No, I never did say that. HARDIN: She gave me his number and she said that, basically, she doesn't know, and they might not be mine, period. So Ms. Gynild, you said there were other men in each situation. Were any of those other men contacted as it relates to support and paternity and... No. Because I don't believe... Did you ever think of having a DNA test with those men? No, 'cause I don't... I don't believe that they are. Well belief and possibility are two different things. TERI: I understand. You can believe in a possibility, and then you cannot believe in a possibility. Right. But it doesn't change the fact that it's a possibility. You're absolutely right. And if we come to find out that he is not the father then I will take that matter into my hands, my own hands. Your Honor, this is why I'm 50-50, because after she started seeing those checks, she was more than happy. She's still more than happy. Up until last year she got money all the time. Every time I work she got paid, Your Honor. I get $100 a month in arears. All my money. Yeah, but last year you was getting over $500, $450. No, I wasn't. I had to go to court to get it modified $400 for two children. That's when I found out the law, Your Honor. You're worried about $100 here, $100 there. That doesn't matter. We don't want your money no more. My mom raised us our whole life, and she did everything to provide for us. Like you didn't do not one thing... Thank you. She got my checks every job I worked, so I don't know where that comes from. (ALL YELLING SIMULTANEOUSLY) What is that you have in your hand, Mr. Hardin? Your Honor, I have evidence showing where my driver's license was suspended. Jerome, will you hand me that please? Where the garnishments off my checks, and everything, Your Honor. JEROME: Here you go, Judge. KIERA: That's what that was. HARDIN: Garnishments off my checks, my truck driver's license. TERI: I never got any of that money. Never. HARDIN: You got it all. No, I never did! So, I do see... HARDIN: It's right there. The order for child support, evidence that his checks are being garnished. It's right there. KIERA: Garnishment going where? It's right there. So Ladies, I have to ask you this though, listening to this testimony. You know, this is... It's complex in the sense it... Mr. Hardin, the man you believe to be your father, he says, "I always had a doubt because I knew your mother had slept with someone else." Your mother is on the witness stand saying there is a possibility that he may or may not be their father, "Because I did sleep with someone else." So you then can understand what... Even though, look. After he let you believe he's your father and didn't show up. That's wrong. But you have to then acknowledge that his doubt is real because... Of course, and I do. Yeah. And I do. I do. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Your Honor, this... SHANEYCE: I acknowledge it. Your Honor, this particular situation has not only destroyed my life, it has destroyed our relationship. You're looking like the good guy right now. If you look at me, David, we look just alike. If you look at my sister, you guys walk just the same. Don't sit there... (ALL YELLING SIMULTANEOUSLY) JUDGE LAKE: That's a great point that... I look like your oldest daughter that you were tested for, with... That's a great point that Kiera said. If you look at them... KIERA: We sleep with our eyes open. All three of us do. TERI: Shaneyce walks like him. Your Honor, I'm actually hoping that they are my daughters so we can just get past this, but at this point I just don't know. JUDGE LAKE: So when you look at them you see a resemblance as well? HARDIN: There may be a resemblance. JUDGE LAKE: Just "may be"? HARDIN: There may be a resemblance. I'm not for sure. Do they look like any other man that you know she was with? Yes. Yes. I'm 25 years old now. There's been lie, after lie, after lie, after lie. I'm through with the lies. I grew up. I'm over it. So Kiera, you're hoping that he's not. Exactly. You know if I... And I will go search for a man that actually wants to be my father. There's men out there that want to be a father. He didn't want that responsibility growing up. He missed out so much on me. So much. He missed out on both of them, on everything. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Hardin, what are your hopes today? Your Honor, my hope today is, initially, just to find out if... SHANEYCE: That you're not our dad. If I am the biological father of Kiera and Shaneyce. I love them, you know? I know that they're feeling hurt and I didn't want to bring them here today with this. And I see tears in your eyes. And I'm not feeling good about it at all, you know? I've been hurt the whole entire time. TERI: No you haven't. I just want a better relationship, and I actually just would like to know. That's been the big question the whole entire time. Let's go to the results then. I think it's time. Jerome? JUDGE LAKE: These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Gynild v. Hardin,</i> when it comes to Shaneyce Gynild, Mr. Hardin, you are her father. TERI: Told you. I told you. I told you. I told you. 26 years. I told you. (SIGHING) I told you. All these years it's you and I've been told you. All these years I told you that was your kid. (SNIFFLING) Phew. TERI: Now what? Wow. Really. I'm happy. Are you really? HARDIN: I'm happy. you are her father. In the case of<i> Gynild v. Hardin,</i> when it comes to Kiera Gynild, Mr. Hardin, you are her father. TERI: I told you. TERI: I told you. I told you. HARDIN: All right. All right. I'm so sorry. I am so sorry. (STUTTERING) I... Like I say, I'm devastated. Now look, KIERA: You see him look at me in my eye? No, you listen. I will fix this. JUDGE LAKE: I'm watching you. I see tears in your eyes for your children. You're their Daddy. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Now that doubt that's kept you away from them for 20 something years, is gone now. Yes, it is. Do not wait for them to call you. You call them. I will be there. They don't even have to ask me. I will be there. And don't let me find out you left them, or your grandchildren, sitting somewhere watching the rain fall. HARDIN: It will never happen. (LAUGHING) It will never happen. JUDGE LAKE: Waiting on you to call. Judge Lake, it will never happen. JUDGE LAKE: Are we clear? Yes ma'am. Yes, Your Honor. Yes, Your Honor. Court is adjourned. (GAVEL BANGING) I want to apologize to you for basically not thinking that these beautiful young ladies that you gave me are mine. Okay? I had doubts, and I'm very sorry.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,414,013
Rating: 4.6918788 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: UfXwcLmq_bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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