Fallout's Mysterious Great Game: Who Are The Other Players? | Fallout Lore

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off the irradiated coast of Point Lookout in a secret lab beneath a lighthouse a rivalry more than 200 years in the making reaches its Bitter End slippery bastard at last let's end this here and now Desmond lockart a pre-war British GM former spy ah yes Mr lockart at last we meet face to jar versus Professor Calbert a brilliant government scientist reduced to a power hungry brain in a jar AS is so from the case it's up to the lone wander to decide who wins but this rivalry wasn't just born out of a mutual dislike as both characters are players in a much larger game a kill or be killed conflict between the last vestages of the old world's pre-war Elites who all managed to find ways to cheat death and continue playing in today's video we revisit the conflict between the two players we know the factions involved the events which take place and all of the potential endings before finishing with some theories over who the other players may be as many other pre-war characters in the setting found ways to survive too with many more seeming like they would relish such a contest a contest we could see continue in the future as the ending and Point Lookout teases I'll be heading north to pursue my next rival there are only a few of us left now a great game goes on today's video has chapters if you want to navigate to a particular section and I'm also using the Fallout 4 Point Lookout mod as well an incredibly accurate Recreation of the original DLC from Fallout 3 for some amazing updated visuals a link for that is in the description but up first we start at the very beginning with the backdrop for This Bitter pre-roll rivalry and the chess board where their game will be played the radiated swamp plans of Point Lookout you look like a man who's been around the waste so I'll cut right to it in Point Lookout you'll find fresh grown food mysterious locals and treasures as of yet unlooted see the Glorious Boardwalk fabled Pleasure Town of the sunny past and Beyond it lies the haunted swamplands who knows what's hidden in them now I'm not normally one to discourage an adventurous Spirit but certain events have convinced me of the value of four warning because you'll find more than a few exotic Critters and inhospitable locals so stay here if you're not man enough seeped in history this swampland was once Maryland's Point lout State Park before the Great War started but Rich history also helped shape much of the land we see the land which would later be called Maryland was first discovered in 1612 by English explorers who later built the arandu cathedral namely after the ships were brought them to the new world the small Seaside Town became a tourist attraction particularly the boardwalk that pce homage to the original English settlers called pilgrims Landing but several Wars would also leave their mark on the region events of the American Civil War took place in Point Lookout the natural bio gas releasing from the ground in the current setting a direct resolve of the Civil War era Mass Braves and much later on the outskirts of the Marshland the turtle dove detention Camp was constructed during the Sino American war a prison and final resting place for many Chinese spies in the current setting the local inhabitants are almost universally hostile a mysterious Cult of tribals live in the cathedral overlooking the boardwalk who are obsessed with the punga fruit a type of Flora unique to Point Lookout which scrubs radiation from the system and heals the player at the same time ghouls stalk the forests and graveyards deadly swamp lurks infest the many bogs and Beach fronts but it's the swamp fol themselves were perhaps the greatest threat these locals were hostile long before radiation polluted the water intensely isolationist and distrusting of the federal government his inhabitants were ill equipped to deal with the outbreak of the new play a deadly infectious disease in the Fallout Universe for ravaged pre-war America in the 2050s despite needing help and disaster relief volunteers setting up camps on the beaches to do just that any hopes of reconciliation were quickly ended after several attacks from the msh dwelling locals years of been breeding and radiation have taken their toll making the swamp fog today just as feral as the ghouls but two very powerful families would also call Point Lookout home their ancestral dwellings looming over the marshes the black Hall family were highly influential in the intense commercialization of the region resulting in the one's thriving pilgrims Landing tourist Boardwalk all the front to fund their obsession with the occult and more pertinent to today's story The Calbert once one of the most powerful families in America their imist believed to be now abandoned but upon our arrival [ __ ] The Duchess Gambit and with a little bit of a nudge from Tobar the Fairman I know I said Point look was perfect for Treasure Hunters but it is a rare day when you get a beacon like that the lone wander is encouraged to check out calber Mansion first it's now time to begin today's story heading up towards the mansion and arriving at the front gate we discover it is in fact occupied yeah you're no tribal get in here and help me fight these bastards off God damn it yes you I see you out there stop [ __ ] around and help me or else these [ __ ] suckers will be coming after to you next meeting Desmond for the first time proper introductions will have to wait as the source of the smoke is revealed to be ways of attacking tribals from the arkand do Cathedral like the great game itself the goal is simple kill or be killed I don't know who you are but you need to help me if you want to stay alive they've been at it all night I think they're just about to breach the inner walls follow me it looks like they're coming in from somewhere upstairs hurry follow me find where they're coming in and stop them I'll be keeping an eye on the cameras down here here find where they're coming from and stop them just like before I'll be keeping an eye out that's one less way for them to get in follow me I think we're about to get hit hard here they come second floor on the right more of them on the right first floor the door on the left first floor they're at the front door get ready clearing up the Mansion floor by floor we'll earn the superior Defender perk can't let you think I'm not a gracious host can I so tell you what I'll do I'll share a few tips for the next time you're making a dramatic final then and finally give the lone wander a chance to talk to Desmond properly for the first time so my hero huh think you came in and rescued me right in the nick of time not hardly what's the difference between you and me kid what makes a gifted killer like yourself into a rock hard bastard like me the answer is true training you ignorant [ __ ] I've got a 100 years of experience on you and don't you forget it stick by me and you'll get a master's class in doing what has to be done once an international intelligence agent he became a ghoul through controls exposure the doses of radiation that would be lethal under normal circumstances Desmond isn't the only character to have cheated deaf in this manner in Boston experimental radiation treatments were less than successful for researcher assistant Peters but Eddie winter did manage to go himself this way outlasting the war in a secure hidden bunker at this early stage Desma is lesson forthcoming about his reasons for being in point clout boat my story tell you what kid my story is a lot like a death claw tongue it's Long messy and you don't want to get too personal with it understand suffice to say I have business in Port Lookout claiming his business is beyond our understanding you wouldn't understand it even if I tried to explain it to you I don't know why anyone would bother with this [ __ ] hole it's filled with a bunch of disgusting ineds and half crazed loons I'm going to do what I came to do and then get the [ __ ] out of here he's also clueless about the tribals hostility what a [ __ ] clue it'll be easy to chalk it up to their crazy religion but correctly surmises that there's more to these random attacks that meets the eye but if I'm right and I always am there's something else going on us the third attack in a month somebody's got a grudge with me whether it's a man or a God I intend to set them straight preparing to leave Desmond has other plans I'll hold on there not so [ __ ] fast you can be useful to me I need someone willing to get their hands dirty so here's the deal I help you get in with those tribals you help me get what I want and I'll make you [ __ ] rich just try not to sprain a low while you're thinking about it my time is short and so it's up to the L Wonder again to infiltrate the tribals at the arkand dove Cathedral and figure out who's really behind these attacks before we can learn more about Desmond unfortunately entry isn't so simple a ceremony must be completed first and that means you can't get in unless you've gone through the ritual don't worry it's nothing big but it really does make a difference so it's off to the sacred bulk to fight through hordes of swamp lurks before inhaling pollen from the enormous mother Punk while collecting its seeds key one of Fall's biggest trips featuring hallucinations of familiar characters exploding nuca Cola quantums Schultz Tech bubbleheads and an enormous red translucent bone saw appearing to randomly saw the ground waking up outside the player now has a giant scar on their head as someone decided to remove part of our brain while we were under heading back to the cathedral admission is now granted and the lone wander finds naen a girl who had gone missing after traveling on board The Duchess Gambit I've only been here a week or so but I'm about ready to ditch this bunch of dummies I already stole all the punga I could ever need she reveals with the Cults leader Jackson relay's orders from a sacred Spirit which was actually responsible for ordering the tribals to attack Desmond at the Mansion hey if you still want to know where Jackson's hiding I can help you out no reason for me to give a damn about this place you know his Cave's under the cathedral but it's hard to find use this key to get in through a wrecked ship down at the Sea Cliffs to the east fixing our Scar and giving us the key to investig gate nine Parts ways with the player to hunt down the person responsible for our involuntary lobotomies I'm going to go do some snooping see what I can figure out meet me by the riverbat in a day or so and maybe I'll have something for you spoiler it's toar the fair murder really what would your father say are dating Desman before visiting the cave will just result in another ear for so why haven't you tracked down their leader and grilled him for in info don't waste your time reporting back go find him and figure out what he wants with this place you [ __ ] so heading to the sea cave location and entering by a Rec sea tub we locate Jackson inside an enormous cave at the end speaking to what appears to be a hologram no not astral knowledge you simpleton psychic domination and that and that still won't be possible until you destroy Desmond's jamming device you could choose to kill Jackson this moment shooting him in the back while he's talking and the Brain although initially surprised will actually be quite satisfied with this outcome this mysterious entity clearly has no real love for the tribals honestly those fools aren't worth the meat they're made of a minion that can't follow directions is no use at all simply using them as a means to an end the first clue to this brain's identity is the mention of dismond is trespassing and the reveal that the ghl is actually responsible for this being's body being destroyed Desmond that bag of bones and bio will pay dearly foolish trespasses were it not for his interference I would still have a body still its absence has only held my Brilliance so perhaps I owe him my thanks but the only pressing matter at the moment is a device in his possession he has a Jammer that limits my projection range to this pathetic cave remove that and I can extend my reach so much further killing Desmond would be a nice plus but I'm sure we can get around to that later despite Desmond's gruffness the brain is equally dismissive with the lone Wanderer yes away with you tasking us with destroying Desmond's dramming device it's time to report back to the mansion for the big reveal I knew it I knew that little bastard was behind all this after all these years he stuck his head out and this is my chance to cut it off figuratively speaking of course monologuing for longer than usual Desmond reveals the identity as none other than Professor Calbert going into great detail about their shared history so close to his family home only he would be so stupid it was once a man Professor Calvert the Calvert's own half of Maryland back when there was a Maryland to own members of the Calver family were influential all over the world the practically owned a deed to the US government in their best days there were no less than three calvard family Senators seven members of the house and two Governors they even had a top candidate for president until that scandal with a dog forced him to drop out of the race I was particularly proud of that one if I know professor calber and I do he's using a high frequency COG itive sign broadcast I have the perfect device to jam up his little talk box all you need to do is take you to the highest point on the shore and install it I knew he was here and it is my intent to find him and call down a righteous [ __ ] hammer on his head figurative I mean his head it's now time for the first choice in the quest lion thought control to pick aide although neither option is final Desmond wants to install the jamming device on the ferris wheel in the board walk thus limiting Cal's psychic range on approaching the boardwalk though Calbert will make his counter offer it is I Professor calet don't bother looking around I'm in your mind but aren't you Desmond's Faithful Little employee coming to G up my work are we well I have a better idea how about instead of playing his game you destroy that nasty little device deposited in a nearby trash contactor and we will never have to worry about it again I assure you you that the Gratitude of Professor Calbert is worth a great deal more than that of a washed up old liby destroy Desmond's jamming device to allow the brain to expand its range of psychic influence beyond the sea cave and across all of Maryland this is actually the most interesting reveal so far about the professor we will learn later on in his secret lab about the precise process through which he survived the war interred by his brother Senator Calbert his brain was extracted and preserved using experimental Robo brain Technologies this technology has allowed him to survive for over 200 years but in addition his brain has actually developed the ability to telepathically communicate and control other people over long range and it's this part which sets him apart from the other disembodied brains at the Fallout series like the think tank and standard Robo brain enemies and it's all thanks to a unique and experimental biogel that's actually given him these unique telepathic Powers calber is far from Koi about his evil Ambitions instead enticing the lone wander with the promise of a reward choosing toci side with Desmond and install the device we'll see multiple tribals that Ambush the player and the Brain will lose its ability to communicate what have you done you will pay for this pay no one betrays me do you and you will suffer you and that cool fol pay coming for siding with Calver at this stage is the quicker option destroying the Jammer in the trash compactor but what comes next is the same regardless of your choice instructing us to return to the mansion upon completion for an explosive finale return to calber Mansion I have something there that I'd like you to see what Bast what bastard they kill my pups nether kill me it's apparently pretty tough to kill this old ghoul as he can be found in a panic room in the ruins of the Mansion I know where he is he overplayed his hand this time you and me are going to walk in there and end this he's in the lighthouse the little [ __ ] right under my nose the whole time hiding behind robots and machines for a miserable life pathetic he dies now it's time to finish this V heading to the lighthouse to end this 200-year feud in the now accessible secret laboratory the sent Orbin medical facility this final mission BR in slightly differently if you chose to destroy the jam of the calber though Desmond will already be in the ex occasion waiting for you with a final offl Alliance what you betrayed me because I wasn't polite you out of your [ __ ] mind fine then would it make your little feel bads all better if I said please then pretty please [ __ ] help me rid the world of Professor Calver you could choose to finish him here and now loting his unique spectacles before an audience with Calvert for your reward but it's probably worth keeping him around for now to see how this plays out as he will be quite helpful against the robots inside and there will be a final opportunity to pick aide later on fighting your way through the robo brain security looting key cards for each sector eventually leads to the final showdown very are you slippery bastard at last let's end this here and now ah yes Mr lockart at last we meet face to jar but I'm afraid that at the end of this it is you me his end no Cal I brought someone with me someone very special this stranger tricked you into letting you find where you are hiding yes Desmond but who side is he on do you know can you be sure you are always so bad at choosing your allies well we shall see sh we destroy him no no destroy him Desmond's offer of riches still stands expecting you to side with him but calvat software is a bit more enigmatic one beyond your imagination Beyond Reckoning the most amazing gift a living creature can be granted so who should you side with but simply Desmond if you take up Cav on his offer this is actually your reward well I would have expected nothing less from you and now I have a very special gift death I KN be forced to destroy the brain of the robots anyway irrespective of Who You sided with your rewards are a healthy amount of XP any loot from the location and the unique microwave emitter but the benefit of siding with Desmond is we get to have one final chat with him about the future where he reveals the scale of this great game to us for the first time you're free to take whatever you find in this disgusting place what I came for is of no interest to you enjoy your spoils I don't think our paths will ever cross again and I think we can both thank Christ and say hallelujah for that hi good more questions guess we're best [ __ ] friends now I'm pulling all the data that I can from Calvin's computers everything the little bastard gathered is here and then when I'm done I'll leave this place to sink into the sea now that we're rid of Calvert I'll be heading north to pursue my next rival there are only a few of us left now the great game goes on sort of a what the word you'd understand microcosm yeah it's a microcosm for the whole world so as Desmond heads North to face his next rival it's time for some theories who else is playing fart's great game we're going to be approaching this with two different categories first a roster of other influential pre-war figures from the Fallout series who like Desmond live on in the post-war world explor in whether they once were could be again or still players in the great game second a selection of characters that are mentioned only some big factions who could have members playing the game and some characters who already have a bit of a mystery about them with some pretty wild conspiracy theories in this last category beginning with the first category we have one of the most important figures in fornut law Dr Stannis La brw once a brilliant scientist working for voltech he served as the head of its future Tech division was responsible for creating the Garden of Eden creation kit and was also the director of the infamous societal preservation program which meant he was not only privy to the vault's true purpose but was also responsible for creating many of the Insidious experiments that would be conducted inside he was also no stranger to underhand dealings similar to the cits using his influence to obtain Tranquility lounges from General Constantine Chase powerful simulation technology that could create a near-perfect virtual world katate to its Creator's wishes his personal ticket to survive the apocalypse installing the them in Vault 112 and unfortunately for the other residents Rong was in complete control of the simulated Utopias inside and this is where we find him in Fallout 3 currently posing as Betty in the latest simulation Tranquility Lane I had the distinct impression you enjoyed yourself he could have made WS giving everyone a perfect life instead Bron has treated his neighbors like play thingss statistically killing them over time before wiping their memories resurrecting them and restarting new simulations for almost two centuries a narcissistic arrogant psychopath with an inflated sense of intelligence and a short temper he is more than Professor Cal's match in that regard but unlike calber or Desmond his only wish in the post world is to live on torturing the fellow dwellers of Vault 112 for all of eternity in new simulated worlds so while I think given his Rich history underhand dealings and influence pre-war could have made him a player of the great game once he is no longer interested making it doubtful Desmond will ever come knocking at his door just like Brawn and another pre-war Titan John Caleb bradberton the inventor and and CEO of the ncac cola Corporation had all the Hallmarks of a player in this game but postwar he's in a bit of a pickle perhaps second only to voltech in the contest of for worst company in Fallout law nuca Cola was the single largest beverage Corporation in the US but also had Global popularity but behind the familyfriendly facade it was a Cutthroat entity that perfected corporate espod and its creator Brad burton encapsulated all of its worst qualities just like the Calbert and Brawn Brad Burton was no strangers using his position and influence to get what he wanted he owned half of Massachusetts used shadowy nuola agents to dig up dirt and competition even open the attacking rivals in the case of the Bim Corporation and most importantly made a devil's bargain though I didn't know it at the time this was General Braxton's plan all along damn the man he called it project Cobalt in exchange for my weapon design he would give me access to life extending Tech technology and this bargain was his method of surviving the Great War which came at a huge personal cost leasing his experienced team of beverages to the US military to Aid in biochemical research for the war efforts Brad Burton tells us himself what he really wants now I want you to shut off the power to this machine that's keeping me alive I want to die what no thus rolling him out of the running as a current player in the great game however unlike Brawn who got exactly what he wanted retiring to a twisted virtual reality Brad Burton originally wanted a living bios suit that would preserve his body allowing him to continue on as normal so assuming that he had got his wish and wasn't just a frozen head in the jar I think it's very plausible that he would have been a player in the great game if given the choice up next we have a very interesting selection of characters the think tank of big mountain in the years before the Great War Big Mountain had been the home to the bright latest minds of the 21st century scientists of vision were drawn to the facility to tackle the greatest technological challenges of the era they sought to create a new world fueled by technology for the benefit of all mankind using very similar technology to Professor Calbert to preserve their brains the F tank Bots were originally the six human Executives of the big mountain research facility whose original names are lost to time pre-war they were credited as some of the greatest minds of the 21st century and were given access to their unlimited Resources by the US military for the war effort not only that but as we learned from Dr Boris they were given free reign to do much much more the true test was science on unsuspecting Americans whether it was Holograms new autodocs toxins vending machines we wound them up let them go into tiny isolated towns then we observed they were even aware of the true purpose of vaults something that was very privileged information we could use that city as a controlled experiment vault tech was much better at it of course we had to make do get permission sometimes despite their best efforts though the great ball began and ended the executives going under the knife to extract their brains transferring them to think tanks one notable side effect being the complete loss of personality and their own names due to a recursion Loop in their new perception programming they have all forgotten themselves and not only themselves but the world with nobody to stand in their way their research continued becoming more Sinister and deed as the years went by until one member finally had enough Dr Mobius disillusioned with their methods and tired of endless and horrible experimentation grew deeply afraid of the damage they would cause upon the fragile post apocalyptic world and the world isn't ready for for that kind of too far thing taking that's my professional opinion anyway Mike stalkers and cazadors had already escaped so he decides to act first erecting a radar fence around the perimeter of the Big MT to prevent the brains from escaping into the Wast now trap is a rather harsh word and second hacking the data banks of his former friends it was a merciful labotomy really thinking back they were my friends but sometimes they would take things too far settling into a role as the villain he has spent the years distracting the think tank from his Fortress called to the forbidden zone perpetuating fear of leaving thanks to his Robo scorpions fostering the belief that they can consume intelligence from the brains and propping up the lie that nothing exists outside no Beyond is death despite mounting evidence to the contrary locked in a stalemate M's plan to keep them contained as working until the arrival of something very unique inadvertently gifted the think tank a method to escape the Courier's brain after being shot by Benny in the opening cut scene of Fallout New Vegas the player character's brain was changed and because of this unique change after being abducted and the bomiz at the beginning of the DLC by the think tank we managed to survive and by acquiring the right technology from the Big MT we could actually reverse the process successfully placing our brain back inside a physical body bullets in the head are usually much more fatal and yours was a light case of bullet head itis but it was enough for the autod do in the sink to change its programming to fix the problem and the Brain extraction technology for once worked a process which the think tank could actually copy that gave the think tank the knowledge its brains shouldn't couldn't she couldn't possess with that knowledge the procedure can be reversed if they obtain that procedural data they can use it to Mush and modify their cranial s into hosts to slip past the radar fence I'm sure of it recognizing the danger mobia stole our discarded brain and enacted a scheme to encourage the think tank to task the player with retrieving those Technologies engineering a final showdown with a courier in the forbidden zone we are left them with two questions in relation to today's video were the think tank wants potential players of the Great game and could they be again and I think the answers are yes and no while they were still human each was a recognized leader in various fields of science Robotics and Medicine the best of the best who like Desmond and Calbert had some pretty serious personal rivalries of their own simply speaking to Dr zero his intense hatred for Robert house his PL to see how dare you bring Rob kotek in here what are you showing off how great Robert house and his big company are oh we make secure a trans better than any robot those Geniuses a big mountain can make and they'll last a thousand years you're lucky I don't have hands to Cher that dip boy off your arm or feet to stomp on it stupid metal guts damn robco Mobius would also mention that the think Tank's personalities aren't just a result of their transference either well you could try and appeal to their Humanity that's a tired cliche and really when they were humans they weren't very good humans they were almost certainly in the same circles as characters like Dr Brawn calus and Desmond 2o as we can summize from their knowledge about very privileged information like what volte were really up to and they also had access to near unlimited resources from the government and they even had free reign to experiment on unsuspecting American cities and citizens as well the technology that enabled them to become the think tank queenc and out live the war is also very similar to Calas of course as well but because of mob's tampering and their recursion Loops they never be the same six human Executives they could have been pre-war players like Desmond and Calbert their original names lost a Time much of the DLC is simply spent trying to remind them but they were once human at all helping Boris understand his experimentation on his loyal pet Gabe was both inhumane and sadistic this sensation is unpleasant I don't care for it I don't care for this place either and I feel as if we've forgotten something Dara remember what it was like to feel m thank you lomite please you must come back for further study when I've had a rest I'm a little sensitive right now and Dr zero solved the issues with his name being mistaken for o oh who am I deceiving I never would have figured that out I can't figure anything out I'm I'm useless but even by doing all of this and hypothetically imagining what could happen if they were to use physical host to escape and we have so many questions to ask your brain first about this mve place a fertile testing ground for our experiments it definitely seems that canonically the think tank cannot become players of the great game again unless one scenario was to occur as the two Cannon endings of this DLC will see the think tank either contained or destroyed never to leave Big Mountain that's no deal at all there's a whole world beyond the crator filled with ideas and possibilities we could have escaped seen it all for ourselves tested it Fred at it made it squirm but perhaps it's possible that Desmond might have known about the big mt's existence and he could one day potentially come knocking on their door eager to acquire their knowledge and research but the think tank who would greet him would have absolutely no idea who he was even if they were once aware of each other's existence moving onone to the final candidate we have a character already mentioned in this section last last but definitely not least we have the only powerful pre-war character who I believe was currently isn't but depending on player choices could be again a player in the great game Mr house I am Robert Edwin house president CEO and sole proprietor of the New Vegas strip I oversaw the city's Renovations starting from 2274 onward the three families are my employees before the Great War of 2077 I was the founder president and CEO of robco Industries a vast computer and Robotics Corporation the man who had one day become the enigmatic ruler of New Vegas Robert Edwin house was a pre-war corporate Titan founder of rco Industries and the nation's most infamously eccentric businessman it's pretty handy we can actually speak to another pre-war character the ghoul R about his memory of house where he will tell the courier about a scandal I remember there were some weird stories about him especially near the at the end there was a tail all in Elo de lasas by Starlet house dated she said they never uh you don't make me spell it out boss anyway she said all he wanted to do was scan her brain and make her dress up in different outfits as we covered earlier Desmond was very familiar with using scandals to hamper his political rivals in the case of one calber presidential candidates could he have had something to do with this as well ultimately though what makes me believe that Miss as a player in the great game is his belief that Humanity needed to be saved by himself entering his physical body itself already enhanced within a life support device the Mortal man seemingly becoming a digly Immortal one has brain wired directly into a vast information network via an enormous supercomputer but the final step in his great plan failed and is the sole reason why I believe house isn't currently a player in the Great Game Central to The Narrative of fall up New Vegas the Platinum chip contains a vital OS upgrade for his secure Tri behold for the first time securitrons running the mark 2 OS the m235 missile launcher gives the secur Tron the ability to engage ground and air targets at significantly longer ranges a side note I always found interesting is that the engrave description for the meat of champion special perk mentions that you'll gain Caesar's intelligence and Mr House's luck the cannibalizing these characters but house doesn't actually strike me as someone who's been particularly lucky even after the clerical mishap pre-war our character ker 6 fails to deliver the Platinum ship with then forced to chase down Benny House's trusted Protege who actually plans to betray him and there's no guarantee we will even choose to help him once we reach the Lucky 38 assuming The House Always Wins though and the game ends in his favor he has this to say about his future plans New Vegas is more than a city it's the remedy to Mankind's derailment the city's economy is a blast furnace in which can be forged the steel of a new rail line running straight to a New Horizon what is the NCR a society of people desperate to experience Comfort ease luxury a society of customers with all that money pouring in give me 20 years and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors 50 years and I'll have people in orbit 100 years and my colony ships will be heading for the stars to search for planets unpolluted by the Wrath and Folly of a bygone generation I prefer the term autocrats I would rule as a chief executive I would not answer to a board of directors or any other entity nothing to impede progress if you want to see the fate of democracies look out the windows my judgment I have no interest in abusing others just as I have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time nor have I any interest in being worshiped as some kind of machine God Messiah I am impervious to such corrupting Ambitions but autocracy firm control in the hands of a technological and economic Visionary yes that Vegas shall have lofty goals indeed and if Desmond lockart one day arrived at his door eager to acquire his research house would do anything to ensure nothing come between his ambition again including I think eliminating Desmond before he even gets a chance to knock finishing up with the first section I think we can also rule out the Cabots and the two a cult worshipping families of Fallout the Dum wish company and the black calls the latter being paced in Point Lookout already they have nothing Desmond wants but moving on to the second section we have mentioned only characters and factions and I think a perfect starting point point is the other Calbert Senator Calbert was responsible for organizing his brother's transfer to the St Auburn medical facility and could be the same presidential candidate that Desmond had previously sabotaged if Desmond was to return in a later game this seems like an easy opponent for him to battle of all the factions in Fallout though one group arguably has more potential Rivals than any other long before the Great War the pre-war Enclave were a shadowy group of individuals from across the United States with close ties to VTech Poseidon oil and other corporate en ities it was The Enclave who Dred up the true purpose of the vaults convinced that the Earth would be rendered uninhabitable by nuclear war they wanted to gather data from the nefarious Vault experiments to one day create a multigenerational Starship to set on other planets and roughly 6 months before the Great War actually began the president left the White House alongside many of its other members relocating to the safety of control station Enclave so of a solid 6 months to prepare it's definitely plausible that the members of that group including Personnel from voltech and Poseidon energy could have ened their own personal Poes to survive outside of the vault's overseers and former professors of voltech University there aren't too many named senior members of voltech currently in the setting Giles Walston coft is perhaps the most senior as the assistant chief executive officer but he was abductor sometime between 2064 and 2069 after being abducted by the zans his fate didn't sound too promising and that only really leaves Brawn who of course did use his position to leverage a means to survive I so I could definitely see other very high ranking members potentially doing the same although there is a character in the setting who could also be an agent of bolttech or could just as easily be something else entirely wearing an identical outfit to the one worn by the voltech rep in Fallout 4 this figure has appeared throughout the continental United States over the course of at least 120 years committing seemingly random acts of violence to assist people who have the most direct sway over how events will unfold the mysterious stranger and one of the most popular theories is that this man is in fact a time traveler which would undoubtedly be be the most unique method of outliving the W but it's also one that is currently impossible to categorically prove what do you think though is the mysterious stranger a time traveler playing the great game or something else entirely with that though we've reached the end of today's video as the dust settles on Desmond's Battle of Calbert the tantalizing Prospect of a new matchup remains up in the air Fallout 5 is still a long way off but the possibility of return does seem at the very least possible I think the most likely Rivals for dismond in a future game would probably be another Calbert or perhaps most realistically a completely original character but what do you think would you like to see this Gruff gal appear in a future title with the great game entering its next phase let me know your thoughts down in the comments if you enjoyed this particular video please consider subscribing to help the channel grow with that said though I'm off thank you for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Uranium Fever
Views: 278,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, Fallout Lore, Fallout Facts, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, Fallout Secrets, Fallout Tips, Fallout DLC, Point Lookout, Lore, Fallout 76
Id: CRPd2m95DHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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