Fallout's Cybernetic Organisms | Fallout Lore

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throughout the Fallout series many humans ghouls super mutants and even dogs have had certain elements of their bodies replaced with cybernetic modifications the definition of a cyborg is a biological organism whose abilities have been extended Beyond normal limitations either through electronic mechanical or robotic means synths on the other hand which are synthetic in nature are the polar opposite they are synthetic organisms and while they do have human or animal flesh they are not considered cyborgs by definition as such they will not be discussed but they will receive their own dedicated video now the use of implants and Prosthetics was fairly normal before the Great War with artificial organs being used in hospitals during life-saving surgeries but also more broadly in military and police settings specifically implants that improveed the defenses and combat proficiency of cyberdogs and Robo brains however the process of turning a biological organism into a cyborg isn't as straightforward as I've made it sound and many times the procedures were detrimental to the subject's health and well-being as a result doctors would only suggest cybernetic surgeries if it was a medical emergency or in rare cases a necessity whereas the US military took things to the extreme despite the obvious benefits there was no guarantee the subject's condition would actually improve dermal implants for example require an invasive procedure where impact plates to protect against physical trauma and thermal dissipator membranes to regulate heat were directly grafted onto the subject skeleton the recovery period was long and arduous and there was always a small chance the subject would develop skeletal deformities and that was often the case for those undergoing these types of procedures yes there was a chance they would be better off but there was also a chance they would lose certain senses or abilities which has led to more radical Transformations before moving on to the various types of cyborg I want to talk about biomed gel which is something that's going to be mentioned several times so it's important that you know what it is and why it's being used used biomed gel was made before the war to enhance the Regeneration process of organic tissue it comes in a variety of colors although for what purpose we don't know it could suggest the age of the gel or is purely aesthetic either way many cyborgs wouldn't exist without it cyborgs that use organic central processing units or CPUs use biomed gel as part of their internal repair and maintenance systems essentially the brains are preserved in a pressurized container filled with biomed gel and since the brain can't be repaired mechanically the biomed gel is what repairs the damages and allows the brain to continue working for much longer than it really should the gel could last forever but the organic tissue starts to degrade after 200 years causing the cyborg to suffer from neural degeneration meaning the brain needs to be replaced if not the cyborg will forget its function before inevitably shutting down for good there's only two types of animal that have been used to create cyborgs the first are chimpanzees whose brains have been used to create certain Robo brains and the other is dogs the abilities of a cyber dog or cyberhound vary from dog to dog but as a general rule of thumb all cyberdogs are superior to their organic counterparts everything from strength to intelligence and lifespan with some cyber dogs living for over 200 years if that wasn't impressive enough some of the more advanced models have had their intelligence increased so much that they can actually speak to humans despite all cyber doogs looking more or less identical there's a myriad of modifications they can have which include but are not limited to the brain being removed and suspended in a protective Container full of biomed gel said brains can and should be replaced after a certain amount of time to avoid neural degeneration which has some unusual effects when it comes to cyberdogs as the saying goes a body has a mind of its own and that couldn't be more true when it comes to cyberdogs because even though the brain is removed the dog's personality is still in the dog so when the new brain is put in both personalities come together giving the old dog new skills with the transplant of lupa's brain Rexx gained all of the donor's experiences traveling with the legion these melded well with his own memories of the Legion and his new mind quickly adjusted to the Myriad Memories revitalized by violeta's brain Rex eventually learned to balance the memories of his old life with violeta's experiences among the brutal fiends his mind had difficulty adjusting but Rex eventually found peace with his new more vicious self after reay's brain was transplanted into Rex's cybernetic body it took Rex some time to adjust to the old scrapyard dogs memories eventually Rex's mind settled peacefully melding his own memories with that of long travels with Old Lady Gibson another modification is the replacement of most vital organs allowing cyber dogs to live indefinitely they can still be injured and more or less die but if the brain is still intact then the dog can be rebuilt from the ground up a motivator circuit can be integrated into the Cyber dog acting as a drive mechanism which can be removed to temporarily disable the dog something Dr shriber actually did to a cyberdog called canine to punish him for misbehaving other enhancements can be done to the body the limbs the tail and even the lower jaw increasing everything from movement speed to bite force unique models include canine and Gabe Kine was created by Dr shriber at Navaro based on the cyberhound mark 2 personal security model he includes all of the standard modifications mentioned above but also has the ability to speak to humans Gabe on the other hand was created by Dr Boris at Big Mountain based on the cyberhound Mark III police model he includes all of the standard modifications mentioned above but unlike K9 he can't speak however he he is much larger than your average cyberdog due to his special diet of psycho and buffout for some reason he also has an atomic core which could be used to facilitate movement due to his large size requiring more power but it could also serve as a form of euthanasia because if Gabe were to become vicious well you might have some trouble putting down a dog that size much like humans taking enhancements to the extreme the same has been done to dogs with the scientists at Big Mountain completely reshaping them into unique cyberdog weapons K9000 is a cyberdog gun created to act as a personal operated handheld weapon system instead of the standard cyberdog appearance K9000 is more akin to a heavy Weapon It's a living dog's brain combined with a machine gun that fires 357 Magnum ammunition its can9 features include two metal ears that pick up sound and a sniffer which smells the area for hostiles it's actually kind of cute alongside K9000 is Pho the upgraded version unlike K9000 Pho uses 44 Magnum rounds resulting in higher damage but also higher spread it also has a special red brain instead of the standard green which could be the color of the biomed gel or the result of something the scientists did to him before turning him into a weapon a special diet perhaps tell me what does this piece say to you now I do have a dedicated video for robo brains so I'll keep this brief Robo brains are robots that use the brains of humans prisoners of War inmates destined for the electric chair or on rare occasions the brains of chimpanzees which are again suspended in biomed gel not every Robo brain is created equal mind you prisoners war criminals and chimpanzees undergo the code conditioning protocol procedure which flushes the former sense of self from the extracted brains before implanting meaning the human or animal Consciousness is forcefully removed to create a clean slate the personality memories and mannerisms of the person or chimpanzee are deleted so to speak whereas the brains of self-centered celebrities and Wealthy billionaires are left alone at as they willingly pay for the procedure but it isn't always the wealthy getting their way and there is an instance where AI used a human brain to become a cyborg Skynet is a military artificial intelligence developed before the Great War to assist with the research projects undertaken in the Sierra Army Depo particularly the development of a cybernetic brain research that Skynet would one day finish and use to escape the confines of the Army Depot to explore the outside world due to the current state of Robo brain technology there isn't a way to reverse the procedure Robo brains are built in such a way that removing the connections between the brain and the Machine destroys the brain so once you're inside that's it you are locked in until your brain degrades and you inevitably shut down however there is another type of cyborg that is similar to Robo brains that may be able to reverse the transformation without dying sh little organs go to sleep in your tanks dollar loves you think tanks they use the same principles as Robo brains meaning the brain is stored inside a glass container and suspended in pressurized biomed gel though unlike a typical Robo brain a think tank has three monitors of varying sizes two of which serve as the eyes and the other a mouth making the appear slightly more human the chassis also serves as a mobile platform that much like ibots can levitate allowing the think tank to move around and interact with objects but you'll notice they don't have any hands robotic clamps or integrated manipulators instead think tanks use voice commands to interact with other think tanks people and computers in the event The Voice module is damaged a think tank can still communicate using radio wav [Applause] just because they're armless that doesn't make them harmless and if threatened a think tank can still defend itself although unlike Robo brains which can either pick up and use human Weaponry or fire from built-in lasers think tanks use surgical instruments an arsenal of vivisectors beams and Rays that can make an enemy's atoms do a happy dance which is something the scientists would surely do if they ever managed to leave Big Mountain if you weren't aware the scientists at Big Mountain are actually trapped behind the radar fence which prevents certain beings from passing through that is lobotomites bodies without a human brain and think tanks brains without a human body until the corer came along the possibility of leaving Big Mountain was never an option for them but the coria's brain which was damaged by Benny had certain injuries that forced the think Tank's autod do to correct its programming and for the first time the autod do actually managed to successfully remove a human brain without destroying it before this the autodoc only ever scrambled brains so the idea of putting their own brain inside a new body wasn't an option but now they could use the data of the Cora's brain to alter their own which would make it possible and Dr Mobius realized this which is why he stole the Cora's brain to stop the think tank from leaving Big Mountain which is something I'll come back to in just a moment that's far enough Warrior can you recognize me now even in my new form another type of brainbot can be found in forli tactics in 2198 the commanding officer of the midwestern Brotherhood of Steel General Simon baraki was taken prisoner by goran's Army formerly known as The Master's Army the Convoy with the captured General was then intercepted by the calculator's robots and baraki was taken to Scott City it was there after being tortured and experimented on barak's brain was extracted and put into a humanoid robotic suit and given a number of Duties again this brain is held in inside a hardened glass container and suspended in pressurized biomed gel due to using a human brain human consciousness still exists although instead of using the code conditioning protocol procedure to wipe the brain humanoid brain Bots have Superior robotic programming which seals the Consciousness away allowing the data to be stored within the brain which remains accessible the main difference between humanoid brain Bots Robo brains and think tanks comes down to the robot I Parts instead of using tracks or levitating their bodies are essentially the same as a protectron you gaze upon one of America's greatest Minds preserved through the Miracles of science now the first brain jar we can interact with is Professor Calbert Calbert is an accredited expert in the field of cognitive robotics he survived the Great War by extracting his brain and preserving it in his underground l using experimental Robo brain Technologies this allowed him to survive for over 200 years which led to him developing the ability to communicate telepathically his ultimate goal is to use his powers to achieve psychic domination however standing in the way of his goal is Desmond lockart who was the one responsible for Kit's lack of a body although what that actually means is a bit of a mystery it could mean Desmond destroyed his human body after his brain was removed or destroyed his new robotic body which is why he's just in a jar either way calit seems to have retained his Brilliance but hundreds of years of isolation have left him slightly frazzled it's been 200 years so it's getting to that time where the brain needs to be replaced although it's unlikely calit would be able to do that even with his devout followers another brain jar that I've mentioned already albeit briefly is the Cor cor's brain also known as the brain tank which was forcefully removed from the Cora's skull upon entering Big Mountain like I said the Cora's brain is unique the injuries caused by Benny led to the autod do correcting the brain removal procedure the think tank inevitably squabbled over how they should use the data which gave Dr Mobius the opportunity to steal it taking it to his lab in the forbidden zone where it enjoys the peace and quiet of its new home the thing that makes the brain a cyborg is the fact that it has its own voice module and due to the brain maintaining its original personality mannerisms and emotions it's possible to talk to yourself and if you so choose flirt with yourself too are you are you coming on to me sweet Lord I don't even have the words for how repugnantly wrong that is this next jar is completely unique for no other reason than it's not just a brain in a jar but the entire head of John Caleb bradberton the founder and CEO of the nuca cola Corporation bradberton was a chemist when he started developing nuca Cola which took him nearly 2 years to do and that was with the help of multiple organic chemists he would later call his beverage ear but in late 2042 nuca Cola became a reality within a year nuca Cola was the top selling soft drink in the United States but the company's most inspiring day was on a particular Memorial Day weekend of 2049 where Brad bitton watched as hundreds of people attending a fair enjoyed nuca Cola in awe he remarked that a day like this should be everyday which led to Brad bitton creating his very own theme park nuker World The Venture was a raging success which led to bradberton gaining the attention of of the United States military Brad bitton's beverage years were some of the top organic Chemists in the nation prompting General Braxton of the United States Army to propose a contract with Brad bitton in exchange for his beverage years redirecting their focus from new flavors of soft drink to chemical and biological weapons bradberton would receive certain privileges now bradberton knew of or at least suspected that a war was coming and he didn't like the idea of dying or losing his legacy but he also knew the US Army was working on a top secret military project called the life extension and prolongation or the leap X Program this program was dedicated to keeping humans alive indefinitely via a specialized machine so in exchange for gaining access to that machine Braxton could have his beverage ears although bradberton didn't fully understand the situation he originally thought the project involved the creation of of a living bios suit that would preserve the human body long after it would normally expire however the leex team informed him that because of how much power and how many components the project required no more than 15 lb of organic tissue could be saved this left bradberton with two choices to either not go through with it or to have his head surgically removed and save just that when the Great War struck bradberton was left in the secret vault beneath his office alive but isolated for 200 years during what he would later describe as his own personal hell finally there's the calculator to coordinate the efforts and control the functioning of Vault zero the residents were kept in cryogenic stasis their brains were extracted and Frozen for the duration of their stay after which they were all connected to one big supercomputer called the calculator which was supposed to function in collaboration with the brains to design and nurture the ideal Human Society in the post-war World however these lofty goals were compromised when the committee responsible for managing the construction of Vault zero introduced budget cuts due to the budget cuts the calculator didn't react to the war instead it silently slapped beneath shyen Mountain for over a century only after the vault's perimeter was breached by goran's forces the reconstructed REM of the Master's Army did the calculator finally wake once it had the emergency pacification protocol was activated this protocol was a contingency in the event of substantial foreign military presence on us soil dangerous mutations or a breach in the vault's defenses during The Invasion 63% of the vault's population died and a further 15% suffered from severe brain damage in essence the calculator was able to fully understand the situation so instead of releasing the robots to make the Wasteland safe for Humanity it started Exterminating all life that it could find it also expanded its operations into neighboring facilities and started making new machines like the humanoid brainbots we already know about those so it's about time we started looking at the cyborgs that are more human than machine I'm just glad to have a chance to test these on a Cooperative human subject stationed at the Citadel star Paladin cross is the second highest ranking soldier in the Brotherhood of Steel serving as The Bodyguard and adviser to Elder Owen Lions it is well known among the Brotherhood that cross is a cyborg as she no longer needs to eat or sleep scribe Rothchild was the one who carried out the procedure but the reason wasn't to increase her abilities or to extend her life beyond the normal range it was actually to save her life after she was wounded protecting Elder lions in the field the weird thing about cross is that she isn't mentioned in Fallout 4 which takes place only 10 years after Fallout 3 cross is a unique soldier that doesn't eat doesn't sleep and she also saved the life of an elder so you would think that this super soldier would be right beside Maxon continuing to protect the current Elder but for whatever reason she's just gone she's not mentioned by anyone she's not mentioned in any notes not even in a passing comment and it's not like cyborgs are all that common in the Brotherhood I can only think of four including cross if you have any theories as to what could have happened to her let me know because there's a good chance that I'll be discussing her whereabouts in a future video as for the other three cyborgs that belong to the Brotherhood of Steel the first is Proctor Ingram upon meeting Ingram we can easily see that she's missing her lower legs having lost the limbs during combat in the capital Wasteland Ingram was stationed at a power armor staging area which sat along a ridge line overlooking the battlefield during which the staging area was fired upon and a mini nuke caused the ground to become unstable the cliff and the platform she was standing on collapsed and she fell over 100 ft to what should have been certain death luckily her power armor took the brunt of the damage but her legs were crushed so the doctor had no choice but to amputate her broken limbs Ingram refused to just give up and she continued working for the Brotherhood regardless of her injury using Under Armour that allowed her to walk it's difficult to say for certain whether or not Ingram is a true cyborg it's unlikely that the power armor frame is built into a body it merely facilitates movement which could be done using the thigh muscles but there could be more to it she is after all the best engineer and prog gramar aboard the pridwin so it's possible that she's modified the frame in such a way that it now connects to her body it's a stretch but it's always good to cover too much the not enough whereas the next two Brotherhood members are definitely cyborgs the first is Dos in Fallout tactics whose right eye and both hands have been enhanced with cybernetics to improve his Marksmanship and the other is none other than Christine Roy when the circle of steel learned about Elijah deserting his chapter during operation Sunburst she was ordered to track him down and bring him to Justice her Mission led her to Big Mountain where she came close to killing him but Elijah got lucky and she lost the element of surprise Elijah fought back accusing prisoners of War wearing pre-war bomb collars which he detonated without remorse Christine on the other hand had nowhere to run and she was caught in the prevailing wind and knocked unconscious during her coma to State robotic staff investigated the noise and upon finding Christine they Mook her for a wounded prisoner and dragged her broken body to the y17 medical facility for treatment it was there she recovered but soon found herself being forcefully turned into a lobotomite the neurosurgery did significant damage to various parts of her brain the most severe of which was Alexia the inability to recognize or read written words or letters though she could still do math and calcul ations which is a lot more than what the other lobotomites can do the part that makes Christina cyborg is the same thing that makes the other lobotomites at Big Mountain also cyborgs in the process of removing the brain the spine is damaged the heart can't take the stress and the subject dies so before removing the brain both the heart and spine are replaced with advanced technology only then is the brain removed providing an empty space for Tesla coils and electrodes or at least in theory Theory the brain should be removed in one piece and then safely stored elsewhere and since it's still intact it can theoretically send signals to the new brain creating a robotic drone to help clean up big mountain however the autodoc doesn't perform the way it should and instead of removing the brain it damages it and it doesn't take out what's left either it just forces the new Hardware in damaging the brain even further it's a bit of a miracle Christine kept as many faculties as she did another cyborg arguably the most well-known in the entire series is Robert house before the Great War Robert house had prepared for the apocalypse fully intending to save Las Vegas and the surrounding area he programmed main frames with satellite links to disable Warheads in Flight he designed high-powered laser cannons and installed them on the roof of the Lucky 38 and Hoover Dam to deal with any Warheads his program missed to preserve himself his body was connected to a hibernation chamber a sophisticated life support device that took care of his physiological needs while his brain was directly wired into his information network using a cerebral interface and supercomputer house was able to control everything from the safety of the Lucky 38 and so everything was in place for the big day however the most important part of his plan was missing the Platinum chip a top secret access card and high-capacity storage device which contained a vital upgrade for both his securitrons and his laser defense network that chip was only 20 hours away from being delivered when the Great War started and Robert house was forced to use an inferior version of the OS between that and the numerous system crashes he was still able to disarm 59 Warheads with predicted disarm codes and Destroy nine more with lasers yet 11 Warheads breached his defenses and brought the city to ruin after the ashes had settled house was surprisingly still alive but the OS system had led to so many crashes the lucky 38s main reactor had to be shut down for 5 years house fought power outages and even more system crashes until he rebooted his system in an old version of the OS this fixed the issues but also put him into a decades long coma during which his body was cared for by the machine but even after waking how would never walk or do anything for himself ever again relying solely on his machines and systems all the while projecting an old image of himself to those he spoke to giving them the impression that he was much better off than he actually was unlike Conrad Kellogg whose enhancements were minor in comparison after fleeing Eastward to escape his past Kellogg became a brutal mercenary killing men women and for the right price children too after after gaining a reputation as a Man Without Limits Kellogg settled in Diamond City where he learned about the Institute it wasn't long after that that his line of work started to interfere with the institutes as such a proxy was sent to confront and kill him however Kellogg was cunning and ruthless and he dispatched his assassins like it was nothing instead of trying to kill him for the second time they offered him a job and since it paid well Kellogg accepted at some point after Kellogg's started working for the Institute he received several cybernetic enhancements it's going to be worth it right oh most definitely these implants are much more advanced than anything you've had before normally the directors are very touchy about allowing this kind of Technology Outside The Institute they must find you extremely trust worth they this next part may be exceptionally painful try your best to remain Cal ious while the holotape doesn't reveal what enhancements he has when we eventually catch up to Kellogg we learn that he's hardly aged even after 60 years so it's clear that he has some kind of life extending technology he also has a cytic brain augmentor embedded into his hippocampus perhaps to arase certain memories or to learn new skills in a fraction of the time it would normally take he also has a cybernetic limb actuator the name of which implies it moves the joints via Motors making the limbs stronger or perhaps granting more stamina and then there's the cybernetic pain inhibitor which dulls painful stimuli allowing Kellogg to continue fighting Beyond normal limits without being distracted it doesn't make him stronger it just gives him the ability to ignore the pain this next cyborg was once a member of the Rippers gang you might be familiar with them Morpheus the leader of the children of the cathedral was once a member that gang was originally going to be in Fallout 1 but they along with almost every mention of them was cut from the final version but before that happened the Rippers much like any other faction in Fallout they had a leader in this case it was a man named tangler the self-proclaimed King of the Boneyard who killed his enemies with a cybernetic hand before eating their flesh or at least that's what he would have done the only thing that remains of tangler is his mechanical hand which can be found in the game's files although it doesn't do anything other than serve as a reminder of what could have been the final human cyborg excluding the playable characters which I'll talk about before the end of the video isn't a single cyborg but a group of cyborgs called the reavers which if you squint hard enough could be a combination of the Brotherhood of Steel and the children of atom in the beginning the reavers started out like any other group of Raiders only they stumbled onto a military cash full of weapons armor and implants and they became obsessed since then they have built up a religion that involves worshipping technology using as many implants as they can get their hands on to get closer to spiritual enlightenment they have many different deities or Tech Gods based on electrical units or pre-war Tech Electric father of creation the creator of everything and St Sony the god of vision for example there's a lot more I could say about the reavers and their movement but the video is getting on and we still have a lot to cover like super mutant cyborgs what a splendid sense of humor pity I don't have one the lieutenant of the Master's Army also known as lieutenant or just Lou by the more simple mutants is the right hand of the master and my favorite mutant in the series he is the ideal Super Mutant he's strong ER and more intelligent than your average human and that's without any cybernetic enhancements which he does have the most obvious is his bionic eye but the more pressing upgrade is his armor while we never see what kind of upgrades his armor has upon death his body falls apart in such a way that suggests he was being kept Alive by some kind of life support hidden within the armor which is exactly what the next mutant cyborg also has Frank used to be the personal bodyguard of President Dick Richardson that was until his unstable mind caused him to be reassigned to Wasteland Patrol Duty during one of these excursions he went to Mariposa or what was left of it after the Vault dweller destroyed it inside the base Horgan encountered fev and started mutating which was bad news considering just how much The Enclave hated mutants however they saw his transformation as an opportunity to better better understand the virus for 2 years Horgan was the enclaves guinea pig his body and mind were constantly tested altered tortured and broken you can imagine what that might do to someone naturally there was only so much research the scientists could gather from the experiments so this is where Frank organ should have died but due to his loyalty which never faltered they allowed him to continue serving The Enclave as a very deadly field op operative due to his size he was given a custommade suit of power armor because nothing else fit the armor was powered by a back mounted supersized microfusion reactor which constantly injected him with chems and other stabilizing agents the only thing keeping him alive I imagine this was intentional so they could pull the plug if Horgan became unstable which was always a possibility he was also fitted with several cybernetic enhancements Arm Control mechanisms leg Rotator mechanisms and a bionic eye increasing his strength his sight his speed beyond that of a super mutant never mind a normal human another Super Mutant with cybernetic enhancements is Attis who looks surprisingly similar to The Lieutenant Attis is one of the few mutants to rival the lieutenant and also Marcus in terms of strength and intelligence after the death of the master Attis continued his work that is to have all humans transformed into mutants removing their differences and creating World Peace we don't know when Attis got the bionic eye or if it even does anything for all we know it could just be ais's way of making himself look like the lieutenant so the other mutants relate him with power and Leadership the final mutant cyborg in Fallout is of course the master who isn't a super mutant but an feev mutant similar to Harold although unlike Harold the master has something that makes him a cyborg born as Richard Moro later changed to Richard Gray the master previously led a small group of people to maraposa to find out where the mutant Wildlife was coming from inside things went South the other members either died left or disappeared but Richard was knocked unconscious and fell into a vat of feev when he regained Consciousness a week later he dragged himself free but the damage was already done his body and his mind had changed and continued to change for quite some time curiosity led him to starting his own experiments one of which was dipping a rat and a dog into feev at the same time soon after he dipped a human and created his first Super Mutant who was then swiftly assimilated creating a hive mind which served as his inspiration for Unity the unity will bring about the master race master master one able to survive or even thrive in the Wasteland as long as there are differences we will tear ourselves apart fighting each other we need one race race race one goal goal goal one people to move forward to our destiny destiny as for his cybernetic enhancements after injecting himself with more feev he gained the ability to neurologically link with Compu comps giving him access to the base's data banks by the time we actually see the master he's unrecognizable having moved location to the secret vault beneath the cathedral where he connected to the vault's main computer similar to house and the Lucky 38 I'm going to eat you up ghouls have only a single type A specific group of high members within the Church of the lost the Church of the Lost is a faction of psycho ghouls that kill all humans and mutants that happen to cross their Holy Ground the corporate Vault beneath the city of loss in West Texas not all members of the religion have enhancements in fact their founder and spiritual guide Blake is said to reject technology however all of the high members share the same cybernetic enhancement an electric targeting right eye beside these high members there isn't any other ghouls with cybernetic enhancements the closest can think of and this really is a stretch is set who uses an ear trumpet but that's not electronic mechanical or robotic so probably not it is now the year 2077 we stand on the brink of Total War and I am afraid the Vault dweller can buy a variety of implants from drori with the Brotherhood of Steel increasing their strength perception endurance intelligence and Agility as can The Chosen One by using the Vault City Medical computer they can download combat implant schematics with those and a suit of combat armor they can have the doctor in Reading San Francisco or vault City turn them into a cyborg however if the chosen one were to use Dr Andrew's broken autod do to complete the procedure they'll die which is a nice touch it demonstrates that the procedures aren't always simple or straightforward unlike the lone Wanderer who can become a cyborg by simply selecting the cyborg perk another way the lone Wanderer can become a cyborg is by completing the replicated man Quest and getting the wired reflexes perk which does involve connecting advanced technology from the Commonwealth to their central nervous system increasing their reaction speed and giving them a higher chance to hit Targets in Vats the corer is forced to become a cyborg after going to Big Mountain their brain heart and spine are removed during surgery after which the parts are replaced with high-tech artificial mockups which adds a few bonuses such as increased durability immunity to poison and the Torso and head can no longer be crippled the corer can also willingly become a cyborg by purchasing implants from the sink or the Followers of the Apocalypse raising special stats by one point increasing damage to certain creatures movement speed gaining more Health from food and removing radiation from from any irradiated water that they happen to drink lastly the protagonist of the cancelled Fallout game van Boran the original Fallout 3 you could have become a cyborg by obtaining Phoenix implants a series of protective augmentations developed by Poseidon energy alongside their unique Namine Naman subdermal armor so now you know just how popular cybernetic enhancements are in Fallout there's everything from a simple implant to increased movement speed all the way to armor that keeps the host alive some of these Transformations are essential while some were intentionally done to escape farther time if only for a while in the end cybernetic enhancements come in a variety of forms some are really helpful and have allowed us to have interactions and companions that otherwise would have died long before the player was born but on the other hand they have also allowed individuals to do unspeakable things some of the most evil and callous characters in Fallout exist all thanks to cybernetics these augments implants and other pieces of life extending technology have given powerful people the option to keep living either due to fearing death or because they want to continue their work which we've seen time and time again isn't always a good thing be sure to show your support by liking the video and subscribing if you haven't already for more Fallout content if there's anything you'd like to see in a later video leave a comment and I'll see what I can do with that said thank you as always for watching and I'll see you in the next [Music] adventure
Channel: Synonymous
Views: 508,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Synonymous, Fallout Lore, fallout cyborg, fallout cyborgs, cyborgs in fallout, fallout cybernetics, cybernetic enhancements, cyberdogs, robobrains, brain jars, think tanks, humanoid brain bots, professor calvert, couriers brain, brain tank, the calculator, biomed gel, k9, gabe, k9000, fido, skynet, lobotomites, star paladin cross, dos, christine royce, robert house, conrad kellogg, tangler, the reavers, the lieutenant, frank horrigan, Fallout's Cybernetic Organisms | Fallout Lore
Id: ThdYtf9umT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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