Fallout New Vegas with good mods and stuff.

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you got what you were after so pay up you're crying in the rain pally oh no guess who's waking up over here excuse me it seems my hands are tied together i can't move them time to cash out sean do this will you get it over with get one over with maybe cons kill people without looking them in the face but i ain't a fink i like that guy's mustache he's silly you've made your last delivery kid yeah it's a chip sorry you got twisted up in this scene what oh from where you're kneeling must seem like an 18 carat run of bad luck you know it's pretty powerful to me the game was rigged from the start oh damn now my head you're awake how about that i'm awake yes i am whoa easy there easy you are cold a couple of days now why don't you just relax a second get your bearings okay let's see what the damage is no damage yeah how about your name i'm completely fine you tell me your name 100 um [ __ ] what's my name is jolly it's jolly i'm jolly hi i remember name i can't say it's what i'd have picked for you but if that's your name that's your name yeah it was young i want to make a youtube channel but i had to go around there and you're not going to pull all the bits of lead out okay i take pride in my needlework but you'd better tell me if i left anything out of place yeah you probably improved it how'd i do it started out pretty messed up to begin with um no you didn't that's [ __ ] horrendous uh but we can fix this not with that preset though now i didn't install anything stupid here there's no like big titty robo girl i don't think there's big titty robo girl [Laughter] the face stayed the exact same it didn't change at all uh okay oh my god the face isn't changing at all it's just stuck like that oh god for a man or man or man or man or a man dog prides himself on his needle work um i don't think this is quite how i came in this may have been how i came out of the ground but i don't i don't think that's quite how i looked beforehand to be honest at least it looks like a normal human so uh we're just gonna you know just sort of blow through this there we go i look i sort of look like a regular very ugly human and i got the scar from where the bullet went into my head well i got most of it right anyway stuff that mattered yeah like where my eyes go no sense keeping you in bed anymore see if we can get you on your feet the rest of it [ __ ] terrible job dude good yeah i think i'll stay here and die over by that vigor tester machine there okay it's slow now it ain't a race yeah [ __ ] go go run yeah [ __ ] yeah i won good so far i'm [ __ ] best go ahead and give your tester a try we'll learn right quick if you get back all your faculties yeah i think i did by how fast i ran over here um right so so so so sorry i have justifications for most of it um because we're building me i want to be me i want to i want to be me and that is to say i am [ __ ] ripped as [ __ ] i'm so [ __ ] ripped i'm so [ __ ] strong um no i'm i'm i'm slightly above average unironically i i i lift a lot of weights it's i do it every day after stream or after working after working out yes after working out i work out never get enough of a pump going um so i am barrel chested which i'm pretty sure is a condition that you don't want but i i am barrel chested and this one this is this is where things start getting interesting because you guys are going to disagree with me on this i understand i understand i am just i am an eagle with a telescope like nine times out of ten i am an eagle with a telescope i know exactly where i'm going i know exactly what i'm doing i'm paying attention to everything that's going on and definitely not in my own little world making up my own little stories while ignoring major plot points in many video games and mods but we're going with three um very incorrect what do you want do you want me to be an eagle with a telescope i'm a squinting newt damn [ __ ] right yeah and if i can't put this any lower i would go lower i would be a def bat but you know we have to make ourselves nipped in other ways which means that we must you know have some perception um endurance now endurance is where people are probably gonna argue with me a lot i run four kilometers every second day and while that may not actually equate to a eight in endurance uh i chose eight because it says flame retardant and that kind of sounds like [ __ ] and that seems just right for me so yeah and i can endure a lot come on guys i got through jolly's hardcore mod i've gotten through some really [ __ ] stupid mods over the years so definitely i think an eight i'm also not basically dead at least not externally internally yeah but let's not get into that um charisma my job is playing video games on the internet and while some may claim that i am more like a circus freak and a sideshow attraction that they come and look at and throw peanuts at and laugh and say god i'm glad i'm not him i feel like there is some charisma involved in uh in my job and uh who i am as a person so uh eight i'm going with eight sorry um this is a contentious one and if i was to be perfectly honest i would call myself a knucklehead but you unlock stupid dialogue choices if you're three or below so we're going with three or below because me smart man um agility i'm agile i'm agile i would go with six in agility but that would make me cat-like and that has connotations to me being a furry and i can't allow chat to make fun of me for that so i'm being a knife thrower because i do like throwing knives it's fun for me at least not for the people that i'm throwing them at but let's not get into that um as for luck i'm gone with a five because it is quite literally a coin flip as to whether i am [ __ ] extremely lucky or not lucky at all your intelligence is so low i'm surprised you're allowed near anything more than a boiled egg why a boiled egg why would i be allowed near a boiled egg chicken i could hurt myself with a boiled egg i'll swallow that [ __ ] hole alternatively i'll break it open and it will be [ __ ] runny in the middle and i'll scold myself word egg isn't a good choice that's terrible so there's there's my general one down of of how how special i am and that is to say i'm really special i'm a special boy so special i guess that explains how you're still alive you're built solid as an oak oh wells are good but that don't mean them bullets didn't leave you another than the bighorn are dropping what what do you say you take a seat in my couch and we go through a couple of questions okay if your dogs are still barking okay dogs barking woof woof see they're fine i'm perfectly fine i'm fine all right i'm gonna say a word i want you to say the first thing that comes to mind right yeah dog um um's not an option so um i'm thinking about this hold on i need a i need to think about what's the first thing that comes to my mind why would it be newspaper why would it be train um kick dinner [ __ ] it we've gone with cat house house uh none of these words i was gonna go with home um these are all [ __ ] far too eloquent for me oh yes burglarized that's the first thing that came to my mind uh i guess shelter because house home shelter nate day what the [ __ ] you have dog cat house [ __ ] shelter day day that's the f i don't know i don't dream sure as [ __ ] ain't making a campfire that'll get out of hand very quickly shroud no why would i think about the twitch streamer um sleep treasure silence treasure no sleep you sleep when darkness bandit bandito um [ __ ] it i don't know cheese light night oh there we go now i'm allowed to choose dark okay dark mother [ __ ] no okay i don't mean that mom i love you it was a funny joke love you mom um cookie jar um oh [ __ ] i love you fallout new vegas uh regret no i don't regret being born my parents regret having me but not the other way around i'm [ __ ] happy to be here thank you cookie cha okay now i got a few statements i want you to tell me how much they sound like something you'd say no i'd never say that first one no conflict just ain't in my nature right oh uh strongly disagree yeah they're strongly disagree i'm sorry i ain't given to relying on others for support oh [ __ ] strongly agree [ __ ] you chat don't tell me what to do even if it is the correct solution and there is only one correct solution don't tell me what to do i'm always fixing to be the center of attention i am i'm a twitch streamer i i enjoy the spotlight actually no not really but i am a twitch streamer and people get angry at me if i don't say strongly agree i'm slow to embrace new ideas holy [ __ ] yes i charge in to deal with my problems head on oh boy do i almost done here what do you say you have a look at this tell me what you see my parents having sex and me carrying in the corner of my room trying to block out the sounds but i can't help god um i don't think that's an option angry two-headed ant ant it looks like ants those look like hands those are ants okay how about this one two laser guns i'm too embarrassed to see what it looks like i didn't go for the that doesn't look like a [ __ ] penis how does that look like a [ __ ] penis what's wrong with your penis if that reminds you of penises what is this what is this you want to go to a doctor and get that checked out it's definitely a [ __ ] gun it's two it's two ray guns uh space stage technology last one two bears high fiving oh [ __ ] i don't have that mod installed [ __ ] it's one of my favorite mods one of my favorite mods add an option for two bears high-fiving in the doc mutual [ __ ] picture test thing a bearded man no a mushroom cloud yeah i can see that head on a pillow no light in the darkness yes i can definitely see that light in the darkness well that's all she wrote she don't have nothing to compare it to so maybe you'd better just have a look at the results see if it all seems right to you yes should let the patient decide what is wait no that's doc that's so wrong is does this look about right you should diagnose yourself right um right so this is what it wants me to do but i'm sorry everybody unarmed feels like [ __ ] and fallout so we're not doing unarmed because it's the [ __ ] worst way to play this game so i'm gonna go with guns and explosives because guns and explosives are fun and i enjoy them also a sneaky uh alternatively because we are a [ __ ] idiot i kind of want to do speech because being able to be an idiot but also talk people out of things will be will be great because i want to be able to talk like an idiot and then suddenly become a suave genius done hello before i turn you loose i need one more a long line of people being shot in the head in my family but let's not get into that too busy selecting what horrible debilitating traits we have kamikaze kamikaze is what's the damage threshold i don't know what that is but i think we're gonna go with kamikaze because i should first ask questions later okay no we we're doing we're doing kamikaze trigger discipline and wild wasteland i'll turn on in a second um right well that's that done and webcam goes off now because now we're back to the game there we go all right i guess that about does it come with me i'll see you out okay um [Music] i like that book that book looked interesting i had pretty picture on the front can i take that book i can take that book he doesn't care god i'm an ugly [ __ ] right okay i'm an ugly bastard i am i am a tag from a yeah these are yours was all you had on you when you was brought in oh i hope you don't mind but i gave the note a look i thought it might help me find the next of kin but it was just something about a platinum chip if you're heading back out there you ought to have this have what they call it a pip boy pit boy i grew up in one of them vaults and made before the war got one ain't much used to be now but you might want such a thing after what you've been through oh i know what it's like having something taken from you what about having gray matter taken from you never was much my style anyway okay he's kind man he is kind you shouldn't have gone through my stuff well um thank you i don't mention it it's what i'm here for really you should talk to sonny smiles before you leave town she can help you learn to fend for yourself in the desert sunny she'll likely be at the saloon she's smiling some of the other folks at the saloon might be able to help you out too and the metal fella victor who pulled you out of your grave anyway you ever get hurt out there you come right back i'll fix you up okay but try not to get killed anymore uh i'll attempt to the rather awkward timing for the hardcore mode to pop up but uh yeah sure why not this mode is only recommended for advanced players i'm advanced i'm very special and advanced and stuff and bye doc see you dude wait i also wanted to ask you what i do now what do i do now where do i go wait you know i already know what it's doing now because he told me yeah okay he said go talk to sonny smiles and i'll go do that okay let us go out into the wasteland well bam good springs i discovered it all my monsies and old world blues not immersion breaking at all and the reunion just in case you didn't want to know about this [ __ ] that we'll be getting to in about 20 hours worth of gameplay happy trails there we go enough of that that really helped make this first scene more impactful oh no gun runners arsenal yeah here we go you can just you feel so immersed there's nothing to break your immersion you're truly in the world of new vegas of fallout new vegas was technically right the first time whatever oh man oh wow pretty bird wow feels like i'm really there don't you love it in real life when you're walking along and a new [ __ ] pop-up comes up in front of your face saying hey there's the hobo dlc quest oh another one hell yeah i literally walked out the door turned on my pit boy and got a message telling me to go to the sierra madre grand opening hell yeah what was that gag i was saying before i can't remember because the stupid [ __ ] pop-up just sort of ruined my train of thought oh whatever we're good i'm gonna go in here because this is where sunny was right prospector saloon open 24 hours it's not convenient hey howdy what can easy pete do for you easy pete damn your face is [ __ ] up i mean it makes sense you're an old man in a desolate wasteland but damn dude um why are you called easy pete was a prospector until i decided to settle here to get away from the ncr what's a prospect now we'll just take it easy and help out with the brahmin and bighorners that wasn't in character what is a prospector you're a prospector like digging for gold and silver that's what a prospector is that where you were no no means i poked through all buildings looking for working tech ah some folks just call it salvaging but never liked the term ever find anything good worlds while being a salvager also you are a [ __ ] salvager hold on wait hold on literally you are salvaging things not just because it's salvaged doesn't mean it's broken it just means that it's it's no longer being used and it's being restored to working conditions surely like an easy peak just don't like being called a [ __ ] steeler why am i being mad to easy pete he's pete's a carefree guy according to his name i shouldn't be mad at him do you find anything good had a pretty good claim once way out east by the river but got run off by raiders oh damn eventually got too old to keep going out fair enough uh what's wrong with the ncr i don't know what you said about the ncr being bad or having problems with them but uh what's wrong with the ncr the ncr's got a lot of decent fork in it it's just that they make you part of them whether you like it or not kinky towns like goodsprings and prim don't stay independent for long if you've got something the ncr wants still the ncr keeps the legion away okay join us or [ __ ] you join us at least they're honest about it i guess what use the big horn is for and why did you call them big hornets that name has implications meet and hide mostly about that point put it back on them just lay down until you take it off you can find a bunch of wild ones high up in the hills but gotta be careful around them they can put up a decent fight if cornered okay um [Music] i feel like there are a lot of easy jokes i could have made there but i didn't mostly because he was talking too quickly if i had the chance you'd all be lulling right now it'll be lulling um do you know anything about the people who attacked me the one in the fancy suit seems that's as much as i know other folks in town might know more word of advice though if you ever catch up with him watch out the man's got cold eyes like a snake can't be trusted i'd say hmm you're telling me i can't trust the man that shot me in the head ah well you might be a nice man but uh now now be wary thanks for that um goodbye keep your gun handy if you go poking around some of the abandoned places around here yeah well like the school house schoolhouse critters move in there sometimes go to the school house right okay meet critters i'll do that i think that's what he said i wasn't paying too much attention um oh he gave me a vault 20 oh doc gave me a vault 21 jumpsuit i didn't check what what doc gave me he gave me four stim packs vault 21 jumpsuit and a pistol cheers cheers doc and bobby pins and caps i think those were mine thanks doc appreciate it so what do i look like where's my face currently oh jesus oh oh doc you could've done a bad job with the facial reconstruction look at that chin look at that chin oh god no one second one second we're cracking our jaw back into place we're cracking our jaw back into place we're i'm sorry everything else can stay the same but i'm fixing that [ __ ] jaw right here right now sorry i know this is very emergent immersion breaking but uh so were the pop-up menus that just [ __ ] rampantly took over our screen at the start um there we go there we go that's good enough also um i mean as far as it goes it's not a terrible art artist's interpretation of me it could be a lot worse nose needs to be longer though it could definitely be a worse interpretation of of me after facial reconstruction and also eyes i need i need to make my eyes brown because you know i have pretty brown eyes i have pretty hazel eyes no the brown eyes there we go i mean he could look worse although i look like a 40 year old man i will admit i do look [ __ ] rough whatever go i look like a my jaw is [ __ ] ginormous [ __ ] it it's good enough he did what he could nobody's perfect hey what's up i'm back i changed my hair color found some dye in my uh satchel let's put it on my hair oh cheyenne stay cyan no i'm jelly don't worry she won't bite unless i tell her to she oh the dog right yeah uh hello woman um dr mitchell said you could help me survive in the desert yeah i guess there's a thing or two i could show you wow you're very quickly you need all the help you can get after what they've done to you excuse me meet me outside behind the saloon oh she knows my backstory right she knows my backstory i guess not a lot else goes on in good springs guy getting shot in the head and then miraculously coming back to life i think would get around town quite quickly also her name is sunny also jesus christ damn hipster lie and jesus christ she just disappeared wow okay also i shouldn't i shouldn't break immersion like that i really shouldn't break immersion like that don't point out the the glaring issues with the game buyer engine ruins the immersion hello oh you're in a combat stance should i get in that stuff now see the sarsaparilla bottles on the fence there i do i think yes yes i do okay cool i'm just gonna stand there combat ready while i do it fair enough can i pet the dog no but it can look cute that's nice um right weapons the mint raffle gotcha kablammo i don't have any ammo you can give me ammo can i can i reload uh woman i don't have ammo yes i do but 22 rounds don't go in the five millimeter vent what why is the the vermin rifle taking 5.6 millimeter oh uh let me just use my nine millimeter here that's the right idea okay i already was but neat don't mind me using my nine millimeter um i i want to test this out i'm crouching down and staying still it'll help your aim okay opposed to what i was doing before which is just can't hit it i actually i hit one scratch that i can hit it i'm just that good let me try this well that's a start nice indeed when you came to me to learn to fight sarsaparilla bottles oh yeah what i gotta go deadline it goes away from my water supply anyway darwin critters are attracted to it why don't you come along what animals wanting water no uh okay i'm in follow me it's just down to the southeast the short ways okay oh that dog that dog in a silly run animation load it yeah this is great it's running through the desert jesus christ look at my hand look at my hand look at my [ __ ] reptilian hand i know i was buried for like a couple of days but you know moisturize that [ __ ] look at it that barely looks human although i didn't i don't really look human so you know hear that up on the ridge behind me there i did we got some geckos to clear out a bunch of little monsters is what they are seems like that's not adorable more gekko bites than anything else let's see if we can get a little closer fighting if we move quietly we can get the jump on them more likely to hit something vital that way okay crouch nice i can do that i can do that usually i'd run in head first but okay you're crouching behind you give him hell oh oh oh well i'm crouching in front of you now right away i go this is all just a ploy to get me to do your [ __ ] job huh i'm the protector of this town but i'll let you be the protector of this town it's purely altruistic definitely not doing this so i don't have to you know put my life at risk okay [ __ ] you guys hell yeah oh did it do it sonny's sunny not sunny's um a gecko meat on them nice did it do i get paid for this i guess i did kind of get a gun out of it but do i get like extra money and stuff see yeah there's two more wells you couldn't be killed you're out here nobody would know it'd be worth a few caps to me uh yeah sure i'll come along with you and i will not murder you i'll come with you i'll do your job because you look at me and talk to me and give me eye contact and have a pretty little dog shouldn't take more than a couple minutes especially cool bus come with me right more ammo for a gun that i don't have because for whatever reason one of the mods i have changed the uh ammo type of the vermin rifle varmint rifle which makes no sense because it would be a 22 caliber rifle whatever what what did you just what oh no sonny's oh no sonny's why did you [ __ ] wait why did you pick up a [ __ ] shovel you found a shovel on the ground what oh she has the wrong ammo type too where is she going no come back darker running off i need to protect you you talk to me and treat me like human and have an ass that won't quit and what a [ __ ] tiny waistline jesus woman oh god i love how the [ __ ] settler is more equipped than sonny's oh i should help oh bam there's too many oh [ __ ] woman you've seen better days you okay woman here you're fine walk it off sprained ankle you'll be fine now that was some good work even got a little exciting there at the end yeah here's a little spending money for the trouble oh okay sure you don't need it i thought i might teach you about living here buy a gun maybe making useful things for yourself interested uh yeah sure couldn't all right then we'll need a couple ingredients to get started gonna want some zander root and a brock flower right okay let me think now i know i've seen brock flowers growing up at the graveyard and i seem to remember there being xander root over by the schoolhouse okay bring those on back to me and we'll get cooking okay we must cook right my name should be jesse right right get that reference to all 21st century media great show great show anything in here anything i can take derpentine duct tape did i just say turpentine [ __ ] i really should have loaded my intelligence to one um iron turpentine of course of course yes it was a funny funny goof um you sure you're safe out here alone sonny you sure you're safe out here alone you sure you don't want me to stick around i might go into town and see if i can i can buy uh some 556. oh hey dude who are you hi sir what are you doing standing around standing right you're picking your nose picking your nose not gonna eat that it's good sustenance right there go back in didn't quite get all the gold you could have um hi peace traveler peace travel uh you uh who are you just a hunter out here killing things and hoping their hides fetch more than the bullets cost to kill them oh okay anything you tried that's a dangerous question oh really ask the way a bandit might ask but since we're close to town i'll trust your good intentions yeah well i wasn't thinking about killing you but now i am um so that's good let's try it i could use some stem packs how about some nice bloat fly stakes in trade that is not a fair trade if he doesn't have any five five six why the [ __ ] is the [ __ ] caliber change that's so stupid oh i would like those please and buy some nine millimeter i'm going to sell all my 22 because right now i really don't need that that's six caps [ __ ] you that is a rip-off go [ __ ] yourself that's a good trade thank you very much for that and he's just gonna walk off because once again another man with a gun that doesn't have the right ammo for it so he's gonna punch his way through the [ __ ] wasteland oh what what oh [ __ ] who whoa you [ __ ] you eat [ __ ] [ __ ] scorpions [Music] i think they can get the drop on me i'm [ __ ] australian dude i'm [ __ ] well equipped for what can i take the hat oh i can suave gamblers wait why is this wild wasteland why is this wild wasteland what's indiana jones reference oh oh okay reference to the best indiana jones movie the one where they find [ __ ] aliens and there's bad cgi everywhere oh man i love it and indy didn't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] harrison ford just doesn't give two [ __ ] primo prim [ __ ] o and he survives a nuke yeah except he doesn't in this so i guess it's just a reference to point out how stupid you'd have to be to believe you could survive a nuke in a [ __ ] goddamn fridge but hey that's cool i got a hat out of it what i look like now do i look like a [ __ ] wearing a fedora i look like a [ __ ] wearing a fedora i really have a face only a mother could love and i think i used to be so pretty you look like a molester in a blue jumpsuit molester wearing a fancy hat and a blue jumpsuit oh hey guys all right hello big mosquito once again i'm australian i'm used to this i uh deal with oh dangerous flora and fauna on a regular basis oh my god but with that being said doesn't make these guys any less vicious uh good spring cemetery empty grave um keep out keep as in keep out of where i am currently or keep out of down there oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] yeah no keep out of that just giant [ __ ] spider chilling with the giant scorpion you know what i was gonna i was gonna disrespect authority there but you know what i think authority has reason for being an authority so instead i'm just going to desecrate some corpses and take a snow globe with me found a limited edition mojave landmark snow globe rumor has it some collectors will pay dearly for them okay rumors are always right right oh oh god what i'm not opening the grave i'm just going to take the offerings for the grave i want that pickly pear fruit i might have a quick look at what's in the grave what's in the grave you need a shovel okay i need a shovel i need to go back to sunny and get that shovel off her it might be something good in the grave you never know guys um what was i here for see if the like prickly pear or something is that my grave am i stupid that's my grave this is where the scene where benny shoots me in the head oh [ __ ] god damn it that's where i was buried damn okay just paying my respects he was a good man some would even say a great man loved by all incredibly smart and uh almost forgot to pick up his objective before heading back looks for benny's sigs around the grave jesus christ man quest distinctive cigarette butt how many [ __ ] okay he smoked a lot of cigs in a short time span that hmm i don't know how he didn't see that in the cutscene him just lighting up going i gotta kill him gotta kill him oh he knocked you out for like two hours it's going dark should i go sleep and then go meet sonny he left good springs yet no no oh ow ow ow [ __ ] don't [ __ ] attack my ankles [ __ ] oversized mantis goodbye sir i am running dangerously low on condition here do i have any melee weapons i have [ __ ] nothing naive dt minus two whatever that means which isn't good um ah this is gonna be dangerous this can be real [ __ ] dangerous okay when they said critters moved into the house i wasn't expecting literal just like slightly above average praying mantises i was expecting some real challenge he's stuck on the he's stuck on the oh figured it out figured it out clipped straight on through it he was stuck on the school table right well that works i did it i got a tin can got a hammer got a cup this isn't fallout 4 i shouldn't just pick up [ __ ] everything should i uh cybernetic surgery stand edition uh what that well not really useful in your hands this with this highly educational particularly rare book every decent doctor should be able to learn the art of cybernetic surgery okay just teach any old doctor how to implant you with highly advanced technical equipment oh program is digest it's not the book for me but it uh will probably sell for a pretty penny can i get in here oh i can't i am a hack armored it has to be crushed no it can't be crushed this is an r stupid people there's an r there's an r he's stupid stupid has to be plagued missed plagued there we go it's plagued [ __ ] um planned plans yes go team go team all according to plan disengage lock yeah [ __ ] yeah give me whatever's in here pre-more money one bottle cap super stim pack okay that was worth it mentas stealth boy and spoon [ __ ] spoon hell yeah spoon i don't know where i was going with that spoon comment i was gonna act really over the top like into it and stuff be like yeah spoon got a spoon oh yeah [ __ ] spoon but no that's that's far too much work uh oh there's is it inside or the outside what where is this oh here there it is it's underroot i got the xander root nito now i need to go to good springs and get a bed for the night because i ain't going out while it's dark as [ __ ] uh like a bed anybody here can you give me a bed nope i just brought away my gun people are probably getting antsy with me just walking around just [ __ ] holding a nine millimeter on their face is there a bed i want a bad drink hmm oh where's the bed do you know i know it's where the closest bed would be i can sleep in i'm gonna go back to doc mitchell's doc will give me a bed though will let me spoon him ew what you don't drink from the porcelain drinking fountain uh doc i'm just gonna use your bed quickly there's bad doc can i sleep here dang it [ __ ] man i think i'll be a dick like this i gotta be a dick oh i was taking your crap any belly pin any dirty water and your red x a dog's back any more dirty i need this i need this more than he needs this he's just a [ __ ] doctor i am a uh man out for revenge so uh you know it's fair game he might save lots of people but i'll kill one person my knees outweigh his oh my god why did i not pick up any of this [ __ ] before voice modular implant i don't oh this is all mine this is all mine yes yes yes like and i won't do some chemistry i can't do chemistry dang it i'm not smart enough oh broken nine millimeters started i'm not smart enough to fix that i can just steal this sarsaparilla jelly bed this is a bit oh i can sleep no i can't [ __ ] still can't sleep where would i sleep where can i sleep oh my god you were the girl that was badly hurt before hello lady how you doing maybe you wanna you wanna go see the doc it was a rather nasty fight you got into what are the chances um i can't sleep he's already there and i'm not allowed to spoon him because the game says no um [ __ ] where would i sleep in good springs victor's shack where the [ __ ] is victor's shack i should probably go talk to victor shouldn't i should probably just head back to sunny shouldn't i i'm asleep before i head back to sunny because this shit's going to be difficult also i should change to the laser rifle because that's slightly less damaged i'll take what i can get at this point easy pete can i sleep in here hello anybody here god dang why is everybody sleeping in their beds bastards imagine how [ __ ] up that would be just walking into somebody's home hey can i sleep here i wanna sleep i'm tired please let me sleep how dare they sleep in their own beds exactly sleep with him what if i could if that meant i got a nice bed to sleep in for the night i'd [ __ ] take it dude i guess i'll just go back to sunny or i'll walk over here and see victor off in the distance and have a chat with him i believe you are victor are you not looks like it howdy partner howdy might i say you're looking fit as a fiddle oh thank you thank you i have been working out lost a lot of weight from my head recently i think it makes me look much slimmer um i've never seen a robot like you before i'm a securatron robco security model if you ever see any of my brothers tell them victor says howdy okay how did you find me i was out for a stroll that night when i heard the commotion up the old bone orchard ah saw what looked like a bunch of bad eggs so i laid low ah once they'd run off i dug you up to see if you were still kicking of course as you do you were so i hauled you off to the dock right quick right that's cool thank you don't mention it i'm always ready to lend a helping hand to a stranger in need yeah uh how did you end up here i'm always in town oh 10 15 years ago before that i um i can't quite seem to recall i don't worry i don't recall much either it's a right peaceful town and i reckon it's his fine place to settle as any actually i struggled to remember anything before i was shot in the head strange that [Music] happy trails can i use your bed do you have a bed can i go on your shark i won't go in shack yeah i can sleep in his bed because he's a robot beds are for people i'm getting eight hours of sleep as you should and i'm right as rain oh i'm taking his energy cells because i'm sure he doesn't need them he's a robot and he doesn't need ammo it's a robot he doesn't eat so he doesn't need guns to hunt animals with to get food doesn't have any food because he's a robot howdy i had great sleep did you have a great sleep yeah you did see a robot you know sleep how do you survive a bullet to the head no you just do okay we're right as rain we're back home feeling good had a great sleep oh got a spring in our step and now we just head back to sunny who uh was carrying next to a bonfire with a shovel all night afraid that i may have died on my mission i'm never coming back hey sonny what's up let me see what you got yeah these will do just fine do what just oh yeah what all right something to do before we're going to be making something folks on the trail call healing powder go on over to that campfire now give it a try okay camp fire healing powder i would like to please hey yo did it um oh and i would also like a bloke fly slider hell yeah bloat fly burgers and buy it that's i mean a steak but i burped halfway through saying that dealership that's not bad see all it takes to make a recipe is the right ingredients and the right know-how yeah sometimes it won't be a campfire you need i might need to do something on your guns important thing to get is it's all the same idea you just need to find the right place to set up shop workbench or reloading bench whatever okay well i hope that's enough to get you started yeah i'm heading back now hope i didn't miss anything good on the jukebox cheyenne would never forgive me do me a favor you have been going along trudy she's the bartender up at the prospector kind of the town mom she likes to meet newcomers okay she'd be cross with me if i didn't ask you to poke your head in and say hi right is she a move no response i'll take that as a yes um doggy where'd i go jolly what she says tell mommy you don't know which type of mommy sonny could be very kinky and just you know that's just how she refers to people mommy and stuff and hey dude what's up hello can you help me maybe wow your arms are [ __ ] up uh what's wrong what's up dude other than your chest and your head having completely different textures my girl is trapped by geckos on the ridge oh [ __ ] please she's going to die oh [ __ ] oh that sounds terrible anyway see you later you're just like everyone else around here nah i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i need to help me yeah i'm gonna help out i'm sorry dude i it was a funny joke it was a funny joke you know just trying to lighten the mood a bit i help my girl is trapped by geckos on the ridge and i can't get to her please she's going to die uh where is she go up the path pass the broken radio tower and go to the right they're at the top of the trail okay okay see what i can do you will thank you for helping me please hurry no problem he's a junkie and just ate something i don't know whether i can trust him i probably can't i'm pretty sure he's just a [ __ ] addict also i can sleep in his bed that's nice uh broken radio tower to the left right is this just the way he gets ammo and [ __ ] is this like a oh those sights are cool this is just the way he gets like his ammo and [ __ ] he sends people to their certain death or to the delicious xander root feeling like they might not be a child but you get brock flower i got more stuff for the healy stuff oh a was i meant to go up and to the left right hmm let me scout hey buddy oh [ __ ] there are a lot of you jesus minor dehydration oh no the silent killer drink that dirty water although i could have just gone down there and got some fresh water um you jesus christ he hits heart he just does not die huh oh god where is he coming um he's just running into the hill for some reason there we go got him [ __ ] owned and it didn't alert the other ones because this gun's [ __ ] silent for some reason which i actually kind of like apparently laser weapons in this pretty [ __ ] good there was another sand lizard up here right here this safe horn yeah i know i know i am just going to do about it oh god what the [ __ ] savage oh jesus the dude was lying the dude was lying he was [ __ ] lying run run run oh jesus down the hill where is he where is he [ __ ] bastard although this may be what trapped his [ __ ] daughter up up to his girlfriend or his daughter up there this is his girlfriend right oh my god my girl could be his daughter help me where is the man help me dude help me bro dude help me help me don't run away i need help run away [ __ ] greetings brother bro that's a trap you don't know oh jesus oh no run dodge duck dive i'm agile [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh right oh okay um oh jesus i i don't have i can't there's no way i can take that guy out hmm i'm going to have to think up a new plan here and that that new plan i think is just to rob him if i can i want that fridge whatever's in that fridge i'm gonna stealth boy that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna stealth boy and i'm gonna steal his [ __ ] because that fight is never gonna go in my favor i'm going to sneak he'll never see me for i am stealth i'm invisible i am invisible leather armor dead man bottle caps [Music] right so far wild wastelands i haven't played with this before what is that that i'm guessing that's a reference to something i haven't haven't johnny who's johnny what is johnny johnny on the spot i don't four aces bowls i don't know what that's a reference to oh i can sleep here would be a terrible idea but i could and crispy squirrel bits right so anything else nothing nothing at all to loot okay well i'm done i took johnny's [ __ ] he was a lion [ __ ] well he didn't notice my screaming agony so um we're fine let's just get the [ __ ] out good use of my stealth boy not really but such is life new weapon jolly yeah i got a 10 millimeter pistol oh with a shit-ton ammo and a recharger rifle okay i didn't really pay attention to what i picked up they're gonna be real right well we got out of that alive and the dude was [ __ ] lying now i'm down here um right well that works and now oh now i'm the invisible knit man except for my pip boy that's that's kind of an issue hey dude what's up sorry i tricked you oh really clearing out the geckos now i can get to that stash up there after i deal with you oh really oh really well that was actually a really good plan by him [ __ ] okay uh i got [ __ ] up one more time but this time with the power of premonition know what we're doing this time right okay i want to uh give me a stim pack where is that guy really there we go see i'm a method acting right here hey look there he is hello sir sorry i tricked you but thanks for clearing out you tricked me huh now i can get to that stash up there oh yeah sure dude i deal with you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh you're running away no don't run away go [ __ ] yourself [ __ ] you i went to rescue your child at least i thought it was your child chatting for me it might have been your girlfriend but i was willing to risk my life there he's going [ __ ] me up go [ __ ] yourself okay damn it the guy who looked like a heroin junkie wasn't a trustworthy person god damn and here i was thinking it'd all be sunshine and daisies in the [ __ ] harsh post-apocalyptic wilderness but no people are mean people are mean guys people outside the town that is literally called good springs may not be good people you can't trust meth addicts who can you trust i don't know man i don't know okay anyway we're on full health we're all done there let's have a look at the weapons we got now so we've got the recharger rifle [Music] that's neat is it infinite ammo really oh that's [ __ ] sick okay cool that is that is a staple that is a must-have um and we've got the 10 millimeter which we use to kill that bastard which is a cool little gun neat right oh plasma is better than laser yeah but i also have very little ammo for these things right now i'm not why is this mf breeder what does that mean am i a breeder guys would you no no no we're not gonna say what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] what is that that's [ __ ] weird hello sir are you very dehydrated oh doggy friendly doggy dog okay i think that's wild dog you can stay while little buddy unless you want to be friends but it seems that you have a human leg there so i'm gonna take that as a no what the [ __ ] is that what are you oh god what the [ __ ] feral merc okay yeah no that's uh that needs to be erased he needs to go oh god what a great time for my gun to mail function where is he going i'm gonna change to this so i got more range where is he he has to get down off that rock face there he is gotcha [ __ ] okay feral merc yeah right okay um uh right yeah nice i that's [ __ ] up man it's probably a sign of things to come isn't it should i anger these doggies i feel like i could if i can take on the man the horrifically disfigured man i feel like i can take on the doggies are the doggies yo you're totally not friendly oh [ __ ] i'm sorry guys i'm sorry wait are you friendly you look friendly you're growling but no you're a wilson okay oh dog meat it says you're a wolf oh god dang it he was hanging out with the coyotes it's obviously was like an abandoned husky and made friends with the coyote oh oh anyway enough warning we'll head on inside good springs cave inside the ominous black pit i'm sure i'm sure there'll be nothing bad in good springs cave let's go in the cave i have to press e on the cave i'm in ah [ __ ] me right huh okay good springs is hiding a dark secret and that secret is the [ __ ] weird feral mercs just sort of chilling oh [ __ ] yes critical hit eat [ __ ] okay uh right he's gone anybody out as doggie all right i can take care of the doggy um hey yo slammer i should be using my recharge rifle sorry i just realized i just killed a family of dogs i just killed like a family of dogs but don't worry we leveled up so let's not dwell on that let's not dwell on the fact i just killed a bunch of happy little doggies that were just minding their business trying to survive in the wasteland continue welcome to level two i can be a confirmed bachelor no i'm not a confirmed bachelor i am a bachelor but you know i'm tr i'm working on it i'm working on it [ __ ] you guys i'm working on it i'm not a lady killer either i'm neither of those things well i won't become more special i am becoming more special the more i eat this terrible wasteland food the more my body shuts down um i and i become stronger or hmm i probably want to go with endurance i really want to i'll probably want to go with endurance more health will be very helpful a charisma lol hey i'm a charismatic i'm a funny guy constantly making jokes people like to be around me sometimes occasionally when they can put up with my [ __ ] intelligence lower stat so jolly oh no i'm perception don't forget perception okay right now i need to heal actually i might hold off on that if i don't have to fight anything else i can go get some stuff i can go drink a drink from that toilet that apparently has clean water in good springs oh hey talking of fresh water yes sippy sippy delicious broth the guts add flavor delicious stew are those human guts yeah don't worry about those and there we go tasty probably sucked up a few fly larvae as well mmm yes oh hey dude wastelander is for that stuff oh look hipster girl combat knife i'll take that oh and a grenade and lads life oh okay tomboy maybe identifies as a dude i don't know whatever she's dead now now she identifies as dead uh duffel bag i'll take those rounds i'll take that round i'll take the stem pack expired who cares didn't even know there are expiry dates on stim packs dirty water magazine oh [ __ ] [ __ ] just take it all [ __ ] it i can't take it all god damn it and there we go it's okay have a cookie body is still usable why do i read out these messages because i read before i actually understand what the [ __ ] the message is stop that bad bad chat i could hit you with the rolled up newspaper i would and is that buff out excuse me sir is that cat eye [ __ ] yes okay i'll take the cat eye i will need that i don't need lots of cat eye actually because the [ __ ] knights in this are so goddamn dark okay um anyway what are we doing right we need to go back to good springs but there's this guy over here we really don't need to kill him do we although he can kill him from far away and he can't get to us so we can we can get some xp i mean we can test out our skills and get better because we are peeing this game and what the [ __ ] is that what is that huh i won't go over there at some point [ __ ] the guy who shot me in the head i want to see what the big dome is and the jesus thing okay who cares i need to go back here i want to sleep in uh the friendly robots shack and heal up i already healed up uh i'll just sleep in the friendly robot shack okay can i nope that's not food i'm glad the game tells me what food is i'm not just perpetually making our main character sick main character which is me because i'm jolly and jelly is me i'm not just perpetually making myself sick but just eating random [ __ ] find out if it's editable put down the rifles so you can move quicker you're right i'm still wearing that stupid [ __ ] fedora matches my stupid [ __ ] face so you know it actually fits quite well hey victor hi excuse me dude cheers sorry sorry radio i can't get dmca claimed i mean i i don't like the radio i'm not a fan of music okay and i'm up i'm up before the crack of dawn oh minus starvation i need to eat food i would like to eat my burger my three day old burger um and i won't drink that water i'll go to the saloon and drink water out toilet jelly forgot to eat classic no i eat i eat when i'm hungry it's actually a problem i eat when i'm not even hungry i have to limit the amount of food in my house otherwise i just eat it jolly is the best i'm okay i'm so sorry i'm done being nice what if you don't hand ringo over soon i'm going to get my friends turning this towel what the hell is your problem uh i'm trying to remember the names of the beatles here's mccarthy right paul mccartney mccartney not mccarthy [ __ ] i was close enough not most of it correct what happened there [ __ ] [ __ ] uh should i go talk to that woman you're running off hey well you've been causing quite a stir friendly got to meet you welcome to the estimate well the front porch the prospectus uh that guy looked mad something going on looks like our little town got itself dragged in the middle of something we don't want anything to do with okay about a week ago this traitor ringo comes into town survivor of an attack he says bad men after him batman so we gave him a place to lie low oh no he didn't actually expect anyone to come after him oh where's ringo now he's holed up at the abandoned gas station up the hill okay uh who's cobb you didn't what oh was that did did you mention his name before i wasn't paying attention sorry what are you gonna do some of the others like sunny will probably stand up for ringo if he asks for help which he hasn't personally i hope he sneaks out of town one night and takes the powder gangers with him power gangs chain gangs really the ncr brought them in from california to work on the rail lines oh slave labor it turns out that given convicts a bunch of dynamite and blasting powder isn't the best idea oh they called the escape not too long ago it's fine some of them stuck together so they can make trouble that's what we're dealing with now okay so civilized well adjusted man um why don't i just kill him you mean murder him that's not our way even if cobb is scum he can bluster and threaten all he wants no predicts so yeah no fair enough i did suggest you kill him not me kill him i can do it if you want but no never mind i want to talk about something else all right um this is a big robot thing that saved me this is this is gonna go on forever isn't it this would be a robot thing that saved me i know that thing as much as anyone else around here it mostly keeps to itself which is just fine by me okay that thing huh [ __ ] racist against robots much he's quite obviously a cowboy i think he identifies as a cowboy what does he actually do other than rolling around once in a while it doesn't do anything useful as far as i can tell it dug me up that was useful but i'd be careful it's never helped anyone before excuse me that's at least one thing helpful it's done also i'd be careful it hasn't done anything helpful before why you just like tie some rocks to it or something get it like generating power i imagine it would probably try and hurt you if you did that actually that's probably not a good idea you don't like him it acts friendly enough but i don't trust that whole cheerful cowboy act i find it all very creepy really i i find it i like cowboys kind of neat um how long have you been in good springs it was here when i took over the saloon seven years ago oh wow okay people have said its owner lived here but no one knows who it was right been here a [ __ ] long while never mind fine by me um [Music] anything interesting going on in this [ __ ] of a post-apocalypse i imagine it's rather quiet you know i imagine there's not a lot happening out there there's always something interesting going on oh really biggest news has to be the coming dust up between the ncr and the legion over the dam oh okay what happens is a help bringer if you were able to get ringo out of this mess you'd have a decent reputation around good springs i'd even set you up with a discount oh of course helping ringo would also make the powder gangers mad and they've got a lot of friends out there i have a lot of bullets for their friends so that sounds like it would work for me that's not a question you ask her yeah what if i just [ __ ] you guys up and kill [ __ ] ringo uh well you know that would be kind of a dick move yeah but would it be a good idea you guys seem pretty easy to kill no um you know i think i'm done for now goodbye be careful out there um right yeah okay so i should help ringo even as he is the least useful member of the beatles i should help him so i can get a discount because i'm not going to steal for i am a nice person and i am proving to chat that she disappeared she's magic or she simply walked away proving the chat that i'm not just a piece of [ __ ] and that sometimes i am a good dude let's go up here uh let's have a chat with ringo let's go chat with ringo hello sir slow dramatic walk that's close enough oh really who are you what do you want with me it was close enough you know you didn't have to walk the whole way around the desk we could have just chatted from other sides of it but okay personal space is a big issue with ringo um i'm just having a look around and just seeing what's up sorry about the gun you just caught me off guard that's all wow you bought that to a bad start i mean of course you start over with a friendly game of caravan you know how to play [Music] i'm gonna be honest i don't really understand card games other than yu-gi-oh so um i'm just gonna go ask about joe cobb there's a man named joe cobb looking for you yeah he doesn't look very tough though well neither do you hear he's afraid i'll shoot him down from one of the windows when i see him and he's right okay much bigger problem once his friends show up there's no way i could handle all of them in a gunfight okay you're uh you're a bit up yourself but you're still a realist that's nice um why are the power gang is out to get you my caravan was on the return trip from california and heading back to the company branch in new vegas when we got the caravan or the game you're gonna drop your weapons and hands up before the bullets started flying oh we put up a good fight but there was too many of them i took a few of the bandits down before i ran so i figured their friends are out for revenge all right right okay what are you gonna do about the power games i'm gonna lay low for as long as i can assuming the town doesn't throw me to the wolves i've got no chance against the gang on my own um i can help we'd just end up sharing the same grave if it's just the two of us now if some of the other people in town were also on board ah yes put more lives at risk i'll see who can start with sunny smiles she's been friendlier than most around here yeah okay i can do that maybe her shovel can help us out she's [ __ ] deadly with that thing she's gonna [ __ ] die in this firefight she's totally gonna [ __ ] die she's gonna run in with a stupid [ __ ] shovel and just get wrecked oh this is gonna end badly oh this is gonna end badly
Channel: Jolly's 2nd channel
Views: 193,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jolly Wangcore, New Vegas, Fallout, so I installed...
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 45sec (4785 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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