Fallout Series Fun Facts - Volume 1

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in fallout new vegas when visiting the strip we can find the ultra luxe casino considered one of the fanciest establishments in the entire wasteland however very few people noticed the note camouflage by the sidewalk texture just outside the venue the letter entitled find dining reads as follows these past few years the very idea of fine dining has seemed beyond our grasp indeed where does one even begin to look for something artfully prepared and beautifully presented by a world-class chef well fellow epicurus i have found the one place left on this godforsaken earth with real food i present to you the ultralux ignore the rabble on the street the petty farmers and the everyman types rubbing their pitiful few caps together in an attempt to elevate themselves to some resemblance of class ignore the filthy disease-written prostitutes of the gomorrah whoring themselves to anyone with coin walk briskly to the fabulous ultraluxe the only building in new vegas worth your attention you'll know it when you see it enter the doors of their restaurant the gourmand and speak with the lovely margaery she'll arrange for your care dally not for reservations must be made as early as possible a sumptuous feast awaits you dear friends knowing what we do about the white glove society this note actually gives a great introduction to their faction before we even step through the door the story of fallout new vegas follows the courier after they get shot in the head by benny gekko while in rote to deliver the platinum chip to mr house if the player chooses to be female and sleeps with benny they will be given a love note that may imply a hidden foot fetish that benny has the note called thanks baby reads as follows pussycat thanks for showing this cat the best hey hey he's ever ever talk about platinum in the sack toots where'd you learn that 18 carat trick with the heels of your feet you didn't just make my toes curl they popped off and rolled under the bed i wish i could stay for another round but this gent's got places to be things to do you showing up has forced my hand baby the time to act is now i won't be around for a while but if everything works out right you and me are a date got it wouldn't miss it for all the caps in vegas now don't get clingy and try following me ciao benny in fallout new vegas inside sloan we can meet snuffles the mole rat with the busted leg but we will be focusing on a fun fact about a different part of his body in this video it has always been a fun little factoid that snuffles actually has a higher intelligence stat than caesar with snuffles the mole rat maintaining a solid 5 intelligence and the infamous leader of caesar's legion holding firm at 4 for the stat some would argue this is because caesar has a brain tumor i think it's just because snuffles is a genius while playing fallout brotherhood of steel if you idle on the pip-boy menus for around 15 minutes an animation of falling atom bombs will start to play in fallout brotherhood of steel we can meet a familiar character this wasteland stranger found in the bar in carbon texas is none other than the vault dweller from the original fallout it's proven he is the dweller from vault 13 when he gives you a quest to retrieve his trusty vault 13 canteen he is apparently between the age of 63 and 82 in the game while i like this insert for a bit of fan service in my opinion they completely ruin whatever nuance the player character from fallout had by giving him the personality of a shallow action movie star i'm a stranger girl didn't your folks teach you not to talk to strangers no you never knew your folks you're a child of the bomb raised by rats adopted by the noble knights of the brotherhood if you said that to me 30 years ago i'd have shot you and sold your gear for drinking money and i'm too old for that stuff now let me buy you a drink just got into town myself i haven't seen anyone from the brotherhood except yourself i used to be in the brotherhood too that was a long time ago raiders i've killed hundreds of them and more keep popping up as long as there are humans there'll be raiders around to cause trouble that hole don't know much about it and i'm not interested in poking around down there there's been enough of my life underground the mayor either he's as stupid as he looks or he's lying to you there's no vaults around here kid believe me i'd know in fallout new vegas we meet ringo in one of the first quests that we receive in game we are tasked with helping either goodsprings or the powder gangers in a dispute over ringo it seems the powder gangers from the ncrcf were charging tolls for caravans along the i-15 when they approached ringo instead of paying the fee he tried to shoot his way out of the robbery he even managed to take down a powder ganger or two on his way out he made his escape to goodsprings and held out for about a week before we meet him biting his time before the inevitable shit storm coming his way as joe cobb seeks revenge for his fallen faction mates one small detail that gets overlooked is the fact that we can find ringo's caravan just down the road from good springs right outside jean skydiving and the ncrcf these crimson caravan remains are all that is left of ringo's group after the attack while the site is nearly picked clean there is still some good stuff to find here one of the first things people with even a passing knowledge of the fallout series will pick up on is that bottle caps have become the main currency of the wasteland but why is that in the original fallout game bottle caps made much more sense also known as hub bucks due to the hub being their point of origin the hub merchants picked these caps as a currency due to the overall scarcity and the lack of material required to counterfeit them believably in this first fallout game these bottle caps are backed by water merchants in the hub giving them a central value as everyone wants purified water this means that everywhere you go they will accept the caps for a reason by the time we hit fallout 2 the ncr has introduced minted coinage making bottle caps utterly obsolete as a currency you can find a bag of 10 000 caps in a well at broken hills as part of typhon's treasure quest these are worth nothing in fallout 3 we see a return to caps as a currency unlike the original fallout these caps seem to be backed by no one and do not really make any sense as a form of money though overall i understand and like this decision it's nice to have a recognizable currency in the fallout series and bottle caps work well following the trend from fallout 3 no doubt new vegas also has the return of bottle caps as a primary form of cash in the mojave but we also have ncr and legion money being available too this continues in fallout 4 as there is no real explanation on what these caps are backed by but at this point the caps had engrained themselves into the identity of the fallout series the same goes for the online prequel fallout 76 at this point you can just assume that the caps have just become the de facto currency of the fallout series and no explanation is needed or given while there is some background lore that talks about the justification of these caps i'm speaking in this video more on a broad spectrum a rundown more or less in fallout 2 we can find a special encounter called a tin woodsman inside this encounter we can find an enclave soldier who seems to have rusted armor to the point where he can't move anymore all he can do is cry out for the oil can that is merely feet away from him if the chosen one picks up the oil can and uses it on the enclave soldier it will lubricate the armor and open up dialogue after expressing his gratitude the enclave soldier will give the chosen 150 microfusion cells and then run off into the wasteland never to be seen again because he probably fucking killed himself we can find two unique map objects when it comes to this encounter as well including the cola fridge and the circular stove this special encounter as a whole of course is a reference to the tin woodman from the wonderful wizard of oz who had a similar problem with rust where he would lock up and become immobile when exposed to moisture such as tears or rain in fallout 2 you can get the special encounter the unwashed villagers hunting a spammer upon first observation it may just look like a big group of people shooting at one guy in the middle of a parking lot all while shouting some pretty unique text about unwashed vengeance this whole encounter is just one big reference to a real-life flame war that happened in the fallout community back in the day this stemmed from a spammer and general nerduel named grim reaper who hit the forums at the time grim is represented here by an npc with the same name the rest of the npcs that are shooting at him they represent the real-life members of the unwashed village one of if not the oldest fallout community online a fallout community that is still online and active to this day the developers of fallout 2 put this special encounter in the game to show support for the members of the community as well as reference the flame war as if you let this fight play out the unwashed villagers will destroy the spammer and then run off into the wasteland it is possible to engage in combat and have grim stay alive for the entire fight if he lives through it and nobody else does he'll just continue wandering around spamming his combat quotes inside of the warehouse we can find six dimpaks and a fruit located in a locker if you hold shift and click on the credits in the original fallout game you will be treated to some spicy quotes and memes from the dev team which i'm showing to you sped up a bit here this would also be carried over to fallout 2 by doing the same thing holding shift and clicking on the credits button we can see some more spicy memes when testing fallout new vegas obsidian used a test cell npc named testicles the debug centurion we can spawn him using console commands and when speaking to him we can change many things with the save file like quest outcomes reputation levels and even spawn rex as a companion interestingly the same model is used for ron the narrator who can also be seen using console commands by spawning him in or turning on player controls during the ending slideshow ron the narrator acts as an npc in-game in place of ron perlman's va lines a lot of fans of fallout including myself at one point may have believed the rumor that there is some bad blood between obsidian and bethesda this stems from the time obsidian was put to work on making fallout new vegas this was done because of a lot of the original fallout team was out obsidian at the time and i imagine people wanted to see what would come of it the rumor took off due to an issue with the proposed bonus if the game was to receive an 85 plus on metacritic the team would receive a financial reward on top of their flat rate new vegas would receive an 84 and the team would not get the bonus leading fans to believe that obsidian was somehow cheated by bethesda and that there must be bad blood because of the classic fallout fans reception of new vegas this isn't the case as multiple tweets from chris avalon show yep bethesda offered the bonus in the contract we never asked for it i don't feel bethesda ever mistreated us and there was a number of instances where they went above and beyond the reward for completing the operation anchorage dlc for fallout 3 is access to a pre-war sealed bunker that holds relics from the period of the resource wars the centerpiece is a pristine set of winterized t-51b power armor due to the dlc also rewarding the player with the power armor training perk required to wear the gear this is a great way to start any playthrough especially since the armor is indestructible or at least it would appear that way this is actually a misconception and a bug on bethesda's part leading many who played the dlc at the time of the release to think that perhaps the label of winterized was a way of saying unbreakable when in fact that is just referring to the snowy texture citing the wiki we can see the truth behind the mishap the version given after completing the anchorage reclamation simulation is the sim version rather than the intended wasteland version among other issues the sim version has abnormally high health close to 10 million hit points and as a result will likely never become noticeably damaged the armor can only be repaired by merchants every fan of the fallout series has seen this vault boy pose arm extended winking with a joyful thumbs up many people are under the impression that this is a reference to an old wives tale that says if you see a mushroom cloud and hold your thumb up and your thumb is larger than the cloud you are out of the radiation zone not only is this not true as you would still feel the effects of a nuclear blast from more than three miles from ground zero but vault boy is not doing this during this pose one of the fallout series creators and wasteland series lead brian fargo has confirmed this in a tweet saying the vault boy simply has a positive attitude i had an interesting bug or glitch happen in fallout 3 after i completed the main quest and went to start broken steel president eden just kind of showed up at the citadel and though i couldn't talk to him it was nice to see him again i'm not quite sure how common this glitch or bug is but if you've had it in your game let me know and if you have any other glitches or bugs from fallout games tell me in the comments at the top's casino in new vegas we can talk to tommy torini inside the aces theater he will ask the courier to recruit axe for the casino the quest will lead us to the comedians billy knight and hadrian and the musicians bruce isaac and the lonesome drifter while recruiting the boys we can see that the marquee for the tops is starting to fill up with these names excellent small detail but it also offers a hint at a bigger reward for completing the quest we can watch these acts once they've settled at the aces theater i told my wife she's good looking for a ghoul it's just too bad she's not a ghoul the most interesting of which is the lonesome drifter who will play reimagined folk songs that will fit into the fallout universe such as singing streets of new reno based on streets of loreto which was first published in 1910 in john lomix's cowboy songs and other frontier ballads but was made famous by marty robbins these songs were recorded by fallout new vegas lead joshua sawyer [Music] as i walked out in the streets of new reno as i walked out in new reno one day i spied a young cowboy oh wrapped in white linen wrapped in white linen and cold as the clay in fallout 4 we can find many birds throughout the commonwealth one fact to note is that some of them are synthetic and they are watching these watchers as the institute calls them are synth animals in this case primarily ravens that act as security cameras throughout the commonwealth which the railroad and minutemen are well aware of you can find display screens in the institute that will eerily line up with some of the locations we can find birds in the wasteland this allows the synth retention bureau to monitor the outside with most people being none the wiser this is a tremendous small detail in fallout 4 and it might make you do a double take the next time you see some birds out in your travels in fallout new vegas you will likely acquire the quest come fly with me in this side quest we have to help jason brighton as followers get their rockets to working order to travel to the far beyond they wish to leave the mojave due to the ghoul bigotry in the area most pharaohs being shot on site makes the group uneasy due to the use of rockets and the vague name of the far beyond location many people just assumed that the bright brotherhood was headed to outer space in search of another planet altogether but this is not true this is proven by the fact that in some endings parts of the religious group make their way back to the mojave to rebuild and help settlers after the second battle of hoover dam shown in slides walking across the wasteland the more likely destination for jason and his bunch is dayglo a town known for its large population and acceptance of ghouls as well as its high residual radiation levels the small flies that you can find swarming around various corpses in fallout new vegas are actually low poly tiny bloat flies this is just another small detail that i think makes the fallout series even better when you look at it as a whole northwest of the 188 trading post lies the followers outpost which as the name would imply is an outpost for the followers of the apocalypse in fallout new vegas on the outside this looks like any standard quaint railway tower but on the inside we can see that the followers really made use of their space the ceiling is much higher than the outside would lead you to believe the overall room available is far more than what is represented by the tower itself this is probably more common than we think so if you know of any more buildings like this hit the comments and let everyone know since fallout 3 we have been hearing bits and pieces that would eventually lead us to fallout 76 mainly in the mentioning of vault 76 in the a-ring of the citadel in fallout 3 we can find this terminal entry about the vault it covers the various equipment that was issued to the vault and gives this description vault 76 is one of our 17 control vaults it will operate exactly according to the plan dictated in the marketing material produced by vault-tec and precisely to resident expectations this vault will open automatically after a period of 20 years and the residents will be pushed back into the open world for study in comparison to the other experiments in the dlc for fallout 3 mothership zeta we can hear an audio log from an assistant ceo of vault-tec corporation named guiles wolstencroft he is abducted while inspecting the vault 76 site hey now no reason to get yourselves worked up whatever you need i'm going to tell it to you well i'm pretty sure you want me to talk into this thing so here goes my name is guiles walston croft i'm the current assistant chief executive officer of the vault-tec corporation i was inspecting the construction site of vault 76 when i was captured what i can only assume are alien beings from another world i'm not sure what they want from me or what they will do to me but whatever they need i will readily provide perhaps if i can bridge our communication gap and establish a rapport with them we can enter into an exclusive trade agreement in fact instead of talking to this damn machine i'm going to attempt to address them directly on behalf of the vault-tec corporation i'd like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you wait you don't need that wait in fallout 4 the newscaster at the beginning of the game who's voiced by ron perlman will mention the opening of vault 76 before the bombs drop volt tech stock continues to rise as tensions with china reach an all-time high with the world poised on the brink of war baltec is reporting a record number of reservations and vaults around the country baltec announced a continuation of their popular welcome home promotion they report openings are still available in area vaults 81 11 and 114. since debuting vault 76 last year in honor of america's terse centenary vault tech continues to expand with plans for well over 100 vaults around the country in fallout 2 the chosen one can get a quest to rescue smiley the trapper from the toxic caves after finding him one might notice the generator and elevator nearby this is pretty much impossible to get into in the early game as you need good repair or vic as a companion to do the repairs for you and you need to be skilled at lock picking well the skill won't get you far here as you also need an electronic lock pick which can be found in places like san francisco and navarro a prepared chosen one could manage to get through the elevator still they will be met with a security bot also known as a sentry bot on the lower level which will of course be hostile this is not the only sentry bot in the game but it comes out of nowhere to stop you from going any further more of these guys can be found at the sierra army depot or the oil rig implying the enclave likes to use them if we manage to win this fight the reward is arguably one of the best weapons in the game the bozart rifle which can blow away deathclaws in one burst in fallout 3 we can find the anchorage war memorial this is a statue celebrating the u.s soldiers who fought in the battle of anchorage alaska in the add-on operation anchorage we can see a photographer line up a group of troopers and tell them to strike a heroic pose and he will make them famous this picture would be the inspiration behind the statue we see back in the capital wasteland this is a great small detail that bethesda added to the dlc anyone who has paid a visit to freeside in new vegas has noticed the various street criers advertising the local businesses one crier that stands out quite a bit is the atomic wrangler crier who has some very straightforward dialogue when promoting the bar hungry thirsty horny the atomic wrangler has you covered while not all that shocking by itself it's when you learn that the voice actress ashley mccollum was 13 at the time of the recording that it begins to seem a bit off this means that in some capacity an adult in an authoritative professional position directed this 13 year old child to say these things instead of opting for the many of numerous adult women extras that appear throughout the game i asked fallout new vegas game director joshua sawyer about this choice on twitter and he offered this response alright here you go i don't know i was only involved in the casting of a relatively small number of characters mostly ones i wrote and a few others when fnv was made it held the record for the largest number of recorded lines in any video game about 65 000. all lines were recorded within a few months by four studios recording concurrently every workday which is unreal i attended a total of maybe five or six voice sessions out of hundreds i can't speak for the casting director the writer of those lines or anyone else i don't know but if you're looking at a game that obviously had a bunch of errors in casting and recording errors that are well documented within various wikis characters changing ethnicity lines being split between different actors a great con inexplicably having a native kiwi accent you can either deduce that this minor character was cast this way due to the presumably extremely perverse and wild taste of everyone involved or that it was a screw-up slash oversight like the dozens of other ones that players have noted in the last 10 years in fallout 2 you can come across my favorite encounter in the entire series the guardian of forever when first arriving at the special encounter it may just look like some ruins but if you're to walk through the ark you will take a trip through space and time on the other side the chosen one will find themselves inside vault 13 but not the vault 13 that appears in fallout 2. this is vault 13 from before the events of the original fallout you're able to explore this level of the vault but there's no npcs to interact with the chosen one can loot a bunch of vault 13 water flasks and even some weapons they may find in the locker and also don't forget about the solar scorcher that lies on the floor here there's one terminal inside the main frame of the vault that seems to be making noise and if you interact with it that's when the fun really starts it seems the chosen one pressed too many buttons or didn't exactly know what they were doing because upon messing with the computer it breaks the water chip for vault 13 putting into effect the events of fallout 1 which in the logs says gives you some kind of strange comfort the core of this encounter is a reference to the city on the edge of forever which is a star trek episode that saw kirk and spock take a similar portal named the guardian of forever to new york in the 1920s the most likely special encounter you're going to get in fallout 2 is a man guarding a bridge in this encounter the chosen one will break the fourth wall by telling the player in floating text to save the game in a new slot and their concern is well placed because this encounter can lead to quite a horrible death the exit grid and the highwayman if you have it with you are on the other side of the bridge the only way you're going to get across it is if you talk to the bridge keeper this npc actually uses an unobtainable sprite with a brown robe because if you are to receive the bridge keeper's robes it will be a tone of purple much like the children of the cathedral the man will require you to answer the questions 3 in order to get across the bridge and this is where things can go a few ways the chosen one can engage in combat with the bridge keeper but it is a pretty hefty fight it will reward 7500 combat xp and of course you'll get the bridge keepers rips but you'll also lose a bit of karma if you engage with the man's questions and answer them incorrectly the chosen one will explode into a million pieces if you were to answer the questions 3 accurately then the bridge keeper will walk back across the bridge allowing you passage into the exit grid or your car and finally if you answered the last question with another question like the strong back listing that is in the dialogue options the bridge keeper will explode much like the chosen one did before with like a bloody mess incident for those of you unfamiliar with the fallout 2 armor system or the armors found inside the game bridge keeper robes is some of the best armor you can get i know it doesn't sound like it is but it has very high resistance to things that you wouldn't expect it to this special encounter is of course one of the many references to monty python inside fallout 2 this one being from the holy grail where an old man guarding the bridge of death will only allow passage if you answer his questions 3. just outside the border of new vegas and freeside in front of camp mccarron we can find the fabulous new vegas sign adorned in lights the sign welcomes or warns worry travelers that they are entering new vegas proper it would seem someone left a tiny bit of positivity in the message as we can find a small smiley face drawn inside the o of welcome a terrific greeting to a beautiful city if you manage to get the sheriff's duster and fall out in vegas you'll notice that it's the same sheriff's duster that lucas sims had in fallout 3 down to the sheriff's star which even says megaton now this could be a fallout 3 reference but that's highly unlikely odds are it's just an oversight and a reused asset boy i really hope somebody got fired for that bond in the original fallout game you could come across an alien ship that seems to have crashed in the middle of the wasteland you can find the alien blaster at this encounter but you can also find an item called fuzzy painting this is a portrait of music legend elvis presley and is modeled after an actual painting of the star likely the picture can be found at an alien ship because of the various conspiracy theories that elvis was alive some people even thought he could have been abducted and living with aliens many of these paintings can be found in fallout 2 with the most interesting one coming from dr jubilee in ncr after helping salt beef bob get a drink the chosen one has the opportunity to purchase a velvet elvis that just happens to have a map of vault 13 on it in the fallout 3 add-on broken steel we can find what i would call the worst hidden weapon though this launcher was never supposed to be obtained anyways after heading to the rocklin tunnel and clashing with the enclave you can find this fence between two stone posts this is where you can get this weapon legitimately by using five millimeter ammo boxes to build a set of stairs on pc we can simply no clip through and head to the location of the tesla cannon beta this tesla cannon uses the same model as the missile launcher and also takes missiles as ammo this means it can be repaired with missile launchers while it may look like a standard missile launcher it will fire the standard tesla cannon shot i call this the worst hidden weapon almost as a meme as it does less damage than its in-game counterpart and uses more ap in the fallout 3 dlc operation anchorage you can hear sibley haze olin about the person that came before you knock knockolin got a new best friend for you what yep let's hope you treat this one better than the last guy huh go to hell sibley you know that wasn't my fault sure whatever just make some progress okay we're all looking to get out of here and behind this locked door we can find a gary from vault 108 gary 23 to be precise looks like his arm is removed as well so probably this clone of gary couldn't comprehend what was going on and just kept saying his own name so they removed his arm to try to get into the simulation which didn't seem to work or try to get into the armory and that did not seem to unlock it the way they wanted it to which is probably what sibley is hazing olin about there is a hidden diner above diamond city just outside the stadium while this room is hard to get to it's not impossible with the easiest way to get up to the diner being a jet pack once you are in the hidden room you will see that it used to be occupied but the settler is no longer with us along with a great view you can find some minor loot up here as well as a mini nuke i wouldn't mind camping here if i was in the commonwealth while in new vegas if you visit vault 22 and you go inside sarah's room you will be able to see a portrait of james and catherine from fallout 3 the lone wanderer's parents now this is either a fallout 3 easter egg for some reason because of the vault tech connection or this is just a photo reuse asset situation either way it is an interesting discussion piece fallout 2 you can come across a special encounter called a crash shuttle with the world map circle calling it federation shuttle and laying outside the craft we can find a bunch of dead red shirts of course this special encounter is a big reference to the star trek franchise with the design of the shuttle being pretty much identical to those we see on the uss enterprise from the original series the red shirts that we see here are also modeled after the ones that we see in star trek of course these are the people who have the most unfortunate luck in the entire series and always end up dying in some horrible way this encounter also holds a reference that's more personal to the development of fallout 2. with the name of the craft and the starship that it originated from being a reference to adani taurus who was an intern artist that worked on fallout 2. we can find futuristic looking hypodermic needles on the red shirts these in-game can heal 75 to 100 hp they're pretty good the chosen one was supposed to be able to find a phaser here at this encounter but that was unfortunately cut it would have acted as a high power energy pistol in fallout new vegas just southeast of horowitz farm lies a house that kind of breaks the norm this house is open meaning that there is no load screen required when going in and out i have played a lot of fallout new vegas and this is the only house fully built inside that seems to be this way of course if you found others please let me know in the comments guarded by two fiends the house is a nice resting area for anyone who can clear them out while there are ruins throughout the mojave that have a similar feel i haven't found a complete house that is just open in the wasteland like this in fallout 3 you're supposed to assume that colonel autumn dies during the project purity incident when he confronts james of course he shows that he has survived after the player finds the gek many people have asked how colonel autumn could have survived such an event and i myself didn't really know until a couple of years ago turns out that colonel autumn pulls out a syringe and injects himself with some kind of mystery agent according to the wiki it is probably a more effective version of radaway or radx you're listening to galaxy news radio and i'm your host three dog lord and master of all i survey most everyone familiar with the fallout series knows of the iconic dj from galaxy news radio three dog but many may not know why he is named that eric todd dellums the incredible voice actor for three dog actually had a bit of an influence over his character he was even the one to add the signature how to the golden voice of the good fight did you know that the character three dog is actually named in reference to a role that delems played back in 1986 the actor would briefly appear in the spike lee film she's gotta have it where he would play dog number three joining a list of other men the female lead had less than favorable interactions with so they decided to name the character three dog after dog number three in my experiences i found two types of men the decent ones and the dogs it seems that men are taught not to be in touch with themselves with their true feelings but the things that they do say weak you so fine baby i drank a tub of your bath water congress has just approved me to give you my heat and moisture seeking a mex i just want rocky world in fallout 2 you can encounter aliens out in the wasteland during your travels they are intense and brutal but they are not extraterrestrial outside of redding you will only see them as aliens still when exploring the underground mines of the town you will see they have changed to their proper name wanomingo fallout 2 does this because most everyone in the game world knows these creatures as aliens so the chosen one would only have that as a reference making them appear as aliens in the logs but in the minds of redding people know them for what they are so does change to represent that monomingos were made using fev for fighting wars against other countries i received a question from a viewer that i hadn't really thought about before and that was do the boomers at nellis fire on every npc that enters their territory or is it just janet and the courier that are victims to their artillery shots well the answer is they absolutely do but they seem to show mercy to ncr veteran rangers [Music] there's an unmarked quest in fallout 2 called become a porn star in this quest the chosen one can approach the golden globes porn studio in new reno and ask the corsican brothers about starring in the film suppose your character has charisma set to at least 9 with agility and endurance at 8 or higher in that case you can pass the audition and become the biggest star in neurino having things like the kama sutra master perk or the trait sex appeal will help with this after passing the audition the chosen one can pick through a plethora of porn names such as arnold swollen member jenna jamison or corvega sally it also comes with a pretty dicey vault boy representation in the pip-boy this was considered a negative title in-game with the prize fighter being the positive opposite though having the prize fighter title does help with getting the job due to the trimetric viewpoint of fallout 2 some people may have just assumed the caves found in the wasteland were just for decoration and sometimes they are still you can find some caves that have exit grids inside them and lead to interior cells these caves are often packed with varying enemies and can hold some great treasure in fallout new vegas we can meet daisy whitman and novak she is an old pilot that isn't too open about her past though we can get her to open up about a crash she had over klamath vertibird pilot 71 missions and only lost one chopper rotor malfunction over klamus hard landing but i walked away you can find this crash in fallout 2 as it features klamath if you can make it past the robot we can see that daisy is lucky to be alive as a couple of her faction mates weren't so fortunate everyone who has played fallout new vegas knows that gambling is a fun feature to be found at the casinos on the strip in fact there is even an achievement for reaching the max winnings at all three of the major casinos in new vegas proper from what i have seen many people seem to be unaware that you can gamble and get banned from lesser venues while most people know that the atomic wrangler hosts games it's when we come to the vicky advanced casino and prim that most players seem to be in the dark this is likely because of how long of a process it is for the vicki and vance to open this feature to the courier first one would have to clear prim of the convicts then finishing the quest my kind of town would be a great next step after a few days in game a gang of ncr deserters will show up as an encounter in the casino after dispatching them you would still have to pass another few days in game before vicky and van start to take your business due to this long process of revisiting prim most players never see that you can gamble here as usually people stop going back to prim after my kind of town is complete so get out there make that bread in the town of modoc and fallout 2 you can come across grisham and his two adult offspring mira and daven regardless of player gender if the chosen one sleeps with one of the npcs through dialogue it will lead to a cutscene of a shotgun wedding between that character and the chosen one this can happen regardless of your party limit and is permanent unless they die in some way save for the obvious choices as you can sell either character to slavery or request a divorce in norino for a bottle of liquor most people will be looking to do this because mira and davin are just about the worst companions you can get in fallout 2. at least the pariah dog has the redeemable quality of being a dog in fallout 2 right outside the main gates of vault city you can find a bartender john cassidy that can be recruited as a companion this is the father of popular new vegas companion rose of sharon cassidy he would meet a tribal woman after the events of fallout 2 and conceived the foul-mouthed care veneer john left the scene and cass grew up with his name and attributes as well as a pendant that belonged to him if your sneak skill in fallout new vegas is over 60 you will be able to sneak up on ghost and get this unique bit of dialogue didn't even hear you come up the ramp you don't broadcast your movements i like that you a courier if so this might be your lucky day if you don't mind walking a bit and your eyes are good in fallout 4 you can encounter a guy named parker quinn and he is selling something called a charge card similar to a credit card in the pre-war these cards would issue debts to the users with late fees if the cards were not paid off monthly the charge card that's what i said judge god it's super simple you give me 110 caps right now and i give you this charge card accepted at any store in the commonwealth up to 100 caps the 10 extra caps is my service fee so what do you say want one sounds good i'll take one awesome i'll take your money and you get the charge cod great doing business with you tell your friends paca quinn same kana every day retard this is not the only way to get one of these cards though one can be found in an open dumpster at fort strong deb at bunker hill has a chance to have one and level 4 trading stands have a chance to sell them still merchants in the commonwealth want nothing to do with it do you take this charge card charge card i'm sorry but i'm programmed to only accept what you humans call caps can i use this charge card here is this something since used to pay for things we don't take filthy scent money here you take this charge card trying to pull a fast one on me no caps only can i pay with my charge card you're kitty right caps only friend do you take this charge card uh caps only i'm afraid can i put this on my charge card hey i know money's kind of an imaginary thing anyway but that card is like way more imaginary than i'm comfortable with can i pay with my charge card whatever that is we don't take it but on the island of far harbor one merchant brooks actually will accept the card hey this is a long shot but um do you accept this charge card huh oh yeah that thing sure do it'll be easier if i just cash you out looks like what 100 caps here you go a stunning reference to the famous painting boulevard of broken dreams exists in fallout 2 as a special encounter the cafe of broken dreams is a copy of the maltese falcon from the original fallout but that isn't the only callback we find here there are player models from the first fallout that were not playable here like the red haired female in black male set and tandy who appeared in the first game are here as well young tandy that is as president tandy resides at ncr and is much older by this time in the main event of this encounter is the fact that we can find the original dog meat here if the chosen one is in the vault 13 jumpsuit dog meat can join the party through the beginning of fallout 3 we are led to believe that we were born in vault 101 of course this comes out pretty early that we weren't but you can visit the place that you were born in fallout 3. it is inside project purity the jefferson memorial and you can see here that it's changed just a little bit but this is definitely the room that you were born in because soon after you were born james would leave project purity in search of vault 101 after catherine's demise if you head to the junkyard in the nuka world dlc for fallout 4 you can find this porter diner your past experiences might cause you to walk by every port of diner you see because you never feel like you're going to get the pie but this one is different it has a 100 chance of giving you the perfectly preserved pie now you can find some laying around the wasteland but this one is guaranteed fresh so whenever you have that itch for a little pre-war snack now you know where to find it [Music] get fucked yes guess who's on third lupe [Music] before you say another word i'm back on the block like i'm laying on the street i'm trying to stop lying like a mum but i'm not lying when i'm laying on the beat on god
Channel: TKs-Mantis
Views: 948,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tks mantis, Fallout Series Fun Facts - Volume 1, Fallout Series Fun Facts, fallout 4, fallout, fallout facts, fallout 4 facts, fallout 3, fallout 76, facts about fallout, fallout new vegas, fallout fun facts, fallout lore fun facts, fallout 4 secrets, fallout 2, fallout lore, fallout new vegas facts, fallout 4 lore, fallout 3 facts, fun facts, lore fun facts, fallout 4 easter eggs, top fallout facts, fallout (video game series), top 10 fallout facts, fallout 1
Id: LD5SxYwqsYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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