The 52nd City Wide Revival reaches day 4 with Dr Tellis Chapman

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] he saved this world with his sons suffer but he knew [Music] years ago god [Music] [Music] for years [Music] [Music] was after all of this [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] no matter how you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] miraculous prize [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] then [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you've got a problem the praises that are going on in this place right now you got a problem and the only one that can help you with your problem is the one that you've got the problem with let everything that has breath let everything [Applause] let everything that has bread if there's a praise in your hands put them together there's a breeze on your lips holla honourable president dr jackson and to this great director dr marshall reverend clergy the leadership and laity of this baptist minister's fellowship of shreveport honorable pastor the living legend himself dr jones in his absence and to my tag team partner this week the incomparable john adolf my brothers and sisters in christ and if there be any from the other crowd you too how sweet it is to be a child of god and to have this privilege to gather in this place among people of like minds and worshiping and celebrating god and choirs reminding us of of the inexhaustible propensities of the blood of christ all of this warrants our praise under god and certainly god is worth of our presence and our praise i am again humbled by this awesome privilege to stand before you and share with you in this series of revival services and thank you again dr jackson and others dr blake for thinking of what you think of me to have invited a little country boy to come and share with you here and whatever you think of me i thank you for thinking that amen and uh i trust that you are prayerful and supportive of these services if time will allow you tomorrow at noon make your way to the mount canaan baptist church and hear this rare breed of preacher in john edo and after that i wouldn't have to say anything else he is a blessing to the body of christ i don't mean to beling at the moment we've heard the greatest of singing our prayers have gone up and so has our praise i need you to do two things for me tonight good to see so many familiar faces you know i'm at home in shreveport i won't call any names i'll forget to call the right name so thank you for receiving your boy amen i need you to pray for me and with me and the next thing i need you to do is lean over and tell your neighbor how much they owe you for allowing them to sit next to you tonight you better get it while the getting is good praise his holy name god our father we bless you now for this day we thank you for this privilege to share again on your agenda thank you for this public expression of our love for you and your loyalty to us we thank you for sparing us for this moment and we thank you for sparing this moment for us we're not here for a show we're not here for name of fame we gather for kingdom calls our prayers have gone up and so has our praise we need to hit from heaven now speak lord in this place your people are listening this is our prayer we pray in the strong and saving and abiding and accessible avenging and availing powerful potent pure perfect name of jesus the people of god said amen if you have your bibles come with me to the 34th song the 34th psalm and please center your attention on verses 19 through to verse 22. and once you shall have found that passage and read it there you may see these words i will be reading from the new king james version which reads as follows many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all he guards all his bones not one of them is broken evil shall slay the wicked and those who hate the righteous shall be condemned the lord redeems the soul of his servants and none of those who trust in him shall be condemned turn to your neighbor left to right if you're not anti-social shake a hand tell them these words neighbor don't you worry about a thing give god praise for what he's getting ready to tell you not don't you worry about a thing bad things happen to good people no one is ever exempt this is not to infer this is not to imply this is not to indicate this is not to suggest that the wicked have it ever so good all right right right right right right right right but bad things negative things hurtful things tear-jerking things depressing things desponding things despairing things dejecting things heartbreaking things spirit wounding things happen to good people [Applause] it does not matter how saved or how sanctified or how holy you may be bad things find your zip code you've already been to the water you've already been baptized your soul has been converted and you're feeling all right your hands are wrapped up in the wine and chains your feet are set on the glory road you're on your way to heaven anyhow your heart is fixed your mind is made up and still bad thing find your zip code you're frequent to pew every sunday you give your offering you pay your tithe you do what the preacher said do you follow the biblical script and steal bad things come your way you cross every t you dot every eye you fill in every blank you exhaust every option you try to do the right thing you don't bother anybody you don't cuss you don't smoke you don't drink you don't gamble and steal bad things come your way all you want is peace you get up every morning you go to an honest day's work you earn your living by the sweat of your brow you pay your b by bills on time you have no creditors calling your house you do the right thing and steal bad things come your way believe it try to do the right thing do just as you must but do know that bad things do happen to good people you watch dr phil you watched reruns of oprah you read self-help books you read neymar and stressenger you've heard all of the philosophical differences of the expert opinions as of how to fare and function in this mundane domain that we call world and out of all the good you're trying to do evil still presses on every hand and i know you're holding you're wearing a halo hanging over your head right now but every time you try to do good evil is always there and bad things therefore happen to good people and it's not because we have initially or have always intentionally indulged in devilish declinations it's largely because dr adolf we live and move and exist in a sorted and spoiled and sophomorically and sinfully and satanically saturated society you don't catch the hell you catch because you raise hell it's because we live in a terrible tainted hard-hearted hellish hideous heinous and careless and calamitous and venomous and vulgar and vain and vituperate world [Applause] sinister things happen even to the saints of god but lest i be too pessimistic a picture tonight and call you to go home and seek some anti-depressant drugs let me tell you that whatever it is that happens to you whatever comes your way whatever hell it is that you catch remember that the god we serve always delivers his children from their dilemmas do you believe that tonight you better because if you don't believe it you will end up as a candidate for a jacket that will literally help you hug yourself you will lose your mind you will get on anti-depressants taking all kinds of drugs to help you sleep you'll flinch every time somebody speaks to you but for those who believe that god can and will take care of his own let's talk some [Applause] i'm encouraged by that tonight and if you can't take my word let me share with you a credible witness [Applause] the celebrated king david of israel attests to this affirms this reiterates this and wants it rehearsed in our ears and if there's ever anyone who could legitimately testify as of the delivering powers of the almighty king david could [Applause] if ever there was one who had their share of trouble david did even those dr blake that he brought upon himself you must remember now that his life was not perfect his life was not pristine his life was not evil free he had his share of trouble even those he brought upon himself are you listening to me he was an excellent king he was an awesome leader for the nation of israel but he was a dismal failure at home took a stroll on its sundeck one day and saw a soul sister's son bathing and a soul sister will make you look more than one time he saw a lady named bathsheba taking a bath in the sun and he wanted a soul for himself he had her husband put on the battlefront and killed so he could hear her for himself his own sins stared him in the face when the prophet nathan told him how guilty he was he had family issues his son absalom chased him off the tone and even while he was on the chase he also put out a bounty on his own brother's head on mine for raping their sister tama absalon is already upset with david because david hardly spent any time at home in the first place at this joker in history he's on the run from king saul who is out to take his life out of sheer jealousy and while on his run from saul he stumbles into the camp of the worst enemy of the nation of israel the philistine nation you don't know about them don't you perhaps their most famous citizen was the giant goliath was struck down by a slingshot from david's hand as a boy and david wanders into the camp of the philistine nation he is taken to king abimelech and he comes up with a plan sensing that his life was about to be taken because the king was going to execute him david appeared as though he lost all of his senses and sanity and sensibility and acted as though he was out of his mind [Applause] the plan worked and king abimelech figured that the worst case scenario for david was to let him go into the wilderness and die a slow death of hunger and the assault of the beasts and animals of the wild so david having evaded the execution of abimelech dr adolf and david having escaped the sword of saul and david having gotten away from the onslaught of his own son absalom he sees a quiet moment in his own personal life digressing his course a personal history reflecting upon how the lord preserved him and penned these words meaning all the affliction of the righteous but the lord delivers him from them all i know you thought that since you hooked up with heaven you'll always be happy i know that you thought that since you began your journey with jesus that it would be all joy and no sorrow let me help you out let me inform you let me enlighten you tonight even the righteous catch hell sometime oh i know we're going around singing the former and unfamiliar adage i'm too blessed to be stressed can i help somebody here tonight i'm blessed and i'm stressed who who who who told you that you would always be up and never be down who told you that you would get all good and never get any bad we told you there would always be right and never be any wrong who told you that it would always be smiles and never any any sorrow who told you there would always be sunshine and never any rain whoever told you that lied to you the righteous have some affliction [Applause] this is going to make you angry and upset with me but it's going to bless your heart you know something dr marshall some of our afflictions are self-inflicted wound [Applause] [Music] some of our pain we bring it upon ourselves and while we are burning buildings down and protesting the deaths of the likes of michael brown and trayvon martin and have the egregious gall to wear t-shirts in honor of eric gardner choked to death in queens new york and say i can't breathe that t-shirt is made by a white company in british columbia [Applause] sponsors motorcycle racing for yamaha kawasaki and honda not only is it not black it's not american [Applause] some of our wounds are self-inflicted are you listening to me ferguson missouri knew that they had a racist government before michael brown was ever shot down and four months after michael brown died they knew they had a racist male a racist governor and a racist prosecutor and had four marks devote all of them the hell out of office and they never did do it i can't hear too good but god delivered us are you playing with me from them all how can david come up with such egregious gall to articulate such a bold statement where dr adolf does he gets such sagacious gumption to say that god delivers us from them all all david you must not be aware of what's going on in the world oh do you not know anything about the victims of aids and ebola did you say all did you not know anything about women who married for love only to get a daily dose of domestic violence did you say all do you mean to tell me that those who've been handed pig slipped having lost their jobs and now no longer have bills with which to pay the bills that they've got to pay are y'all listening to me how can david say such a thing when you've got people struggling trying to make it drinking tears for water take two steps forward fall back forth try to reach higher the higher they reach the further they fall back down seem like every time they try to do the right thing wrong always comes their way how can you say he delivers us from them all dr blake is he right i'm glad you asked me to ask you to ask me the question because i'm itching to tell you yes he's right i was not there when david slayed a bear and a lion to protect his father's sheep i was not there to hear the reverberating sounds of a giant as he fell as a result of a stone from david's slingshot striking him in his forehead until he fell to his death i was not there to see david pass out of his clothes after recovering the ark of the covenant from the philistine nation and bringing it back to the homeland in jerusalem i was not there when david killed his thousands and his ten thousands but i was there when the lord made it away from me and the reason you see some of these people in this place tonight praising the lord the way they're praising the lord they'll tell you in a lyrical expression you don't know what the lord has done for me you don't know because you weren't there you weren't there when the lord healed them but they were there you weren't there when the lord made a way for them but they were there you weren't there when the lord picked them up dusted them off and turned their life around but they were there [Applause] and i can say like david many or the affliction of the righteous but the law you act like you don't even know it but the law delivers us that is to say in paraphrase don't you worry about a thing well then answer me good country revenue how does he deliver us i'm glad you asked me to ask you to ask me the question because i need to tell you dr adolf he delivers us by affording us a religion that repels pressure are you listening to me verse 20 says he keeps our bones from breaking let me try my left side he keeps our bones from breaking you want to know what breaks bones pressure you want to know what make people go off pressure you want to know what make people use some words while in conversation with you that they really can't use in summer school and if you push them too hard they'll use them there pressure you want to know what makes a woman leave all of the amenities of what's supposed to be a good house but never have become a happy home pleasure you want to know what would make a man leave a woman who's yet center for fine just to have some peace i can't hear too good pressure you want to know what makes people want to leap off of some bridges and say forget this [Applause] physical therapists will tell you that one of the preventive measures to broken bones is not only the ingestion of vitamin d but also the construction and rebuilding and maintenance of strong muscles because your bones are protected by muscles which are covered by skin in other words you may have a broken bone but underneath your skin and muscle you can't even tell it and some people came up in here up in here up in here tonight you've got that trust thing going on i mean your necktie your pocket square they're complimenting each other i mean after all your purse and your shoes they're matching each other but underneath the skin your bones are strained and the only thing that keeps you from breaking is that god provides you with something on the inside a religion that repels pressure anybody in the house got good religion tonight [Applause] do y'all remember the beverly hillbillies 1962 dr adolph the viewing public of america was introduced to the krampus of beverly hills but what really made series so popular was the song entitled the ballad of jed clampett written and composed by paul henning sung by j.r.s scroggins accompanied by bluegrass musicians earl flatt and lester scrubs stayed number one on the country billboard church for three weeks come and let me tell you about a story about a man named jade poor mountaineer badly kept his family fed then one day he was shooting at some food and up through the ground came a bubbling crew all that is black gold texas tea [Applause] well first thing you know jen's a millionaire can folks say jed move away from there said california is the place you ought to be so they loaded up the truck and moved to beverly hills that is swimming pools moving stuff [Applause] the story the series follows the climate from the ozark mountains of arkansas to the plush lavish and luxurious lifestyle of beverly hills they are soon met by an aggressive and interested banker named mr drysdale with his aristocratic secretary named mrs hathaway who struggles feverishly to try to civilize the clamping and to keep them from foolishly spending their newfound will but the thing about the clippers is they never did modify their mode of fashion granny still had on her boots lma still wore her long lift ankle length sketch jethro kept his pants up not by belt but with her uncle jazz tuxedo never did fit him rolled around town unapologetically in beverly hills in a 1922 flatbed buick truck held together by rope and bellwire [Applause] you miss what i said dr haydoff the intriguing thing about the krampus is they move into beverly hills but never allow beverly hills to get in them come here for a minute you want to know how the lord delivers you he may not get you out of trouble but he'll keep trouble from getting in you he may not get you out of your storm but he'll keep your storm from getting in you talk to me somebody he may not get you out of your mouth but he'll keep your mass from getting into you [Applause] lean over and tell somebody your name lean over and tell them your name and tell them i'm a member of the krampus family i'm catching hell but i won't let it get in me i've got trouble but i won't let trouble get in any clamp that's in the house any any clamp anywhere [Applause] don't you worry about a thing [Applause] because when wickedness reigns and evil avails always remember that god offers us insight on the outcome of the wicked it's in verse 21 it tells you the wicked shall be condemned are you listening to me don't you get upset dr blake don't you get uneasy don't you get perturbed or perplexed a puzzle and begin to ponder as to what's going to become of the wicked the wicked has a deadline i said they've got a deadline tell somebody they have an expiration date genesis chapter 19 verses 24 and 25 says that god rained down fire and brimstone upon sodom and gomorrah and destroyed all of its inhabitants and everything that grew on the ground can i tell you why they were wicked exodus chapter 27 verse 3 says that god will not justify the wicked job chapter 3 verse 17 says that the wicked shall cease from troubling proverbs 2 22 says that the wicked shall be cut off from the earth and the transgressor shall be uprooted out of it psalm 711 says that god is always angry with the wicked are you listening to me ecclesiastes 3 18 says that the wicked i wish i had a praying church in here tonight the wicked it will not be well with the wicked psalm 37 and one says spread not thyself because of evildoers neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity but they will soon be i'm trying to get finishing or not you don't have to worry about the wicked they've got a deadline the sinister saddam hussein reigned for 14 years over iraq killed 40 of his family members executed each and every one of them because they were fed to his own power responsible for 400 000 deaths of iraq has watched their execution and torment for his own personal entertainment but saddam hussein hung by a rope as a punishment for crime against humanity i've been the terrible desire of russia russia from the early or mid to the late 1500s used peasant girls from target practice killed anybody who did not agree with his public policy disembowel people dismembered people some he borrowed some he even fried some even buried to death but having the terrible was poisoned the dead i totally commanded dubbed as the shaw of iran killed anybody who was never a muslim beat anybody with 100 stripes of a stick just for listening to music in public cut their hands off for stealing but i told the commander was killed by god with cancer talk to your neighbor and tell them you don't have to worry about the wicked the hideous and hellish adolf hitler perhaps one of the most notorious men that has ever walked the face of the earth killed six million jews he killed three million russians killed fifteen thousand homosexuals one hundred thousand free masons one hundred thousand mentally ill but andover died from committing suicide a millionaire came in from afghanistan you know him osama bin laden had nine men demonically driven to fly aircraft into the building of this nation's economy by causing the twin powers of new york city to fall down are you listening to me but just a few days ago president barack obama gave navy seals to go ahead to take him out went to his own house found him in his house watching porno took him out killed him took his picture took his dna wrapped him up in his round and buried him at sea in less than 40 minutes shake your neighbor's hand and tell him you don't have to worry about the wicked whoever and i know i've got to quit whoever's digging digging ditches for you setting traps for you trying to make plans to defeat your destiny don't you worry about a thing listen at what a lyricist said trouble in my way i have to cry sometimes are you praying with me all night but that's all right i know jesus won't he fix it i said won't he fix it and if you won't fix it i'll tell you what he will do he'll fix me [Applause] i had some more i wanted to tell you but we won't make it tonight [Applause] i used to play ball in high school basketball doctor adam and during spring training a preseason rather we would have scrimmage games with local schools one of which was a catholic school our lady of victory went by the acronym and nothing against catholicism went by the acronym olv one saturday morning we had a full-fledged scrimmage game to play fans were there the warm-up clock had begun we came out on the court went through our warm-up session no olv last second strikes the clock the balls are sound no olv so the officials call our coast to the center of the court by that time who shows up olv they come rushing in so the official beckoned for the coach and all the teams to come to the center of the court and i heard the officials say y'all can play but you'll just be going through the motion the game has already been wrong come here you need not worry about a thing tonight because whatever it is that you're going through it's just motion the game is already wrong help me encourage the person sitting next to you and tell them the game is all ready 2 000 years ago the buzzer sounded not only he'll call calvary but in a darkened grave one sunday morning the clock ticked out satan had a chance along with death to make sure we would be defeated but that was friday that was saturday but sunday my honor came [Applause] and whatever whatever it is beloved that you encounter from that point forward sit your hook up with heaven you're just going through the motion [Applause] so if you have to just sign some divorce papers go on through the motion if you just have to go in the main office and talk to the man and come out with an envelope that's color-coded when you open it go ahead and read how you've been dismissed it's all right you just going through the motion go ahead and bear your bottom go ahead and carry your low whatever it is remember a little preacher told you the game is all ready ron you are just going through the motion the brother has already summoned the wicked has a deadline and in god's own time he will take care of the wicked he took care of pharaoh didn't he he took care of nebuchadnezzar getting here he handled the bell chaser didn't he he took care of pilot chaotis anna's herodore and caesar getting here you didn't have to worry about bull connor in birmingham alabama the lord took care of bull connor george wallace said segregation now segregation tomorrow segregation forever george wallace is in his grave and probably on his way to hell but the people he tried to stop are still progressing in the same room that he tried to stop them shake somebody's hand and tell him don't you worry about a thing the lord will handle your haters the lord will take care of the wicked so i have a win this year i gotta bid y'all good night but i need to remind you don't you worry go home tonight get in your bed say your prayers pull the cover over your head slow as loud as you can god will take care of his old heard this 22 cents you don't have to worry about a thing because of the larger impact of special effects i need to hear somebody shout special effects look at the person next to you get a good look i tell you about that person they've been through hell they've been through high water but not a person in this room look like what they've been through and they don't look like what they've been through if they called the lord to carry a way of turning things around and this phrase of special effects is indigenous to the world of freedom it praises me it is the process of taking an imagination and infiltrated into movie and theatrics by the usage of animatronics and robotics and prosthetics and puppets and they use them in the process of movement and they're so good at using puppets and directors are so good at using prosthetics and they are so good at using electronics until when you see it it tricks your eyes you see a boat shaking but it's not really a boat it's animatronics called special effects you see a person drowning in water but it's not really a person it's a puppet you see a building on fire and falling it's really not a building it's animatronics it's called special affection and they are so good until they make what's fake look like it's real shake one more hand and tell your neighbor you are looking at special effects the lord is so good and what he does it doesn't look like i ever been in trouble some of you in here have been sick enough to die but the lord was so good at healing you don't even look like you've ever been sick some of you in here have been broken couldn't make it but the lord took care of your sustenance and he did it so good you got to tell somebody how broke you were the lord is so good at delivering his people you got to tell somebody you were down and out you got to tell somebody what the lord did for you is there anybody in this house you know you're saved tonight you're praising god tonight but look at where the lord brought you from so your salvation is so good you gotta tell somebody you used to do drugs you used to hang out you used to be a hoodlum you used now shake one more hand and tell your neighbor there was a day i wouldn't praise the lord but since he can have something i've got to raise my hand said he has been so good i've got a leap on my legs since he has been so good i got a chance for joy i need to tell you don't you [Music] take care of you and meet him wings of love abide he will prepare you every day and all the way he will [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 5,798
Rating: 4.6631579 out of 5
Id: yjFsTF_RkKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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