Fall Off the Bone Babyback Ribs? Here's how Ribs Should Be

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welcome to a view to a grill i'm johnny today we're gonna do some fall off the bone baby back ribs on the weber kettle i'm gonna start everything off with a little bit of baby back rib prep today i'm gonna try to keep a timeline of everything i do and we started at 8 30 in the morning we'll just cut the baby back rib packaging open i like to start off by patting the meat side dry with the paper towel just for easy clean cleanup next we'll get them out of the package and just inspect our ribs there's a little bit of cleanup that we're going to have to do once we have them out we'll pat the bone side dry as well and i also want to say that if you're going to invest six seven eight hours into smoking these baby back ribs take 34 seconds and get that silver skin off the bones these baby back ribs don't need a lot of trimming all we're going to do is clean up some of this loose flesh and just a little bit of the fat also take a look at this when you set these on the grill you don't want them to be all stretched out like this you want some nice meaty bites and to get that all you have to do is compress those ribs just to make them all perky now let's season those ribs i like to season the bone side first because i'm going to cook these meat side up i'm going to use my own sweet rub mixture for these ribs and i'll have all the ratios down below in the description so i'll get all of the edges seasoned then i'll season all the way down the bone side of the ribs now i'll just flip these over meat side up on a baker's grid and remember everything you see in the video i'll have a link to that product in the description once i have them on that baker's grid i'll get the meat side seasoned and there we have it all set up on our rack the meat is nice and perky everything is well seasoned now i just let these hang out on the counter and let that seasoning sweat in while i get the weber kettle set up now it's 9 a.m and i will get my fire starters started now take a look in my chimney starter it's only about a quarter full with all the coals stacked to one side now once that is going that's going to give me enough time to finish setting up the weber kettle today i'll be using a slow and sear with the water trough i'll be packing the slow and sear up with as much lump charcoal as i can and three or four oak wood chunks at the top of the slow and sear i'll leave just a little bit of space for my lit charcoal well now what i found that has worked for me lately is that some of the larger lump charcoal i'll just move that out of the side i want the smaller pieces of lump because i find that works better in my slow and sear and now at 9 15 our lump charcoal is ready to go i'll get that lit charcoal into the space that we reserved earlier and now i'll fill in the water trough with some tap hot water now i'll just close my grate and look at that it is heaping with lump charcoal because i really don't want to have to add fuel later also at this time i'll set up my thermal work signals ambient temperature probe it is now 9 30 and i'm gonna close the lid and bring the weber kettle up to temp and our target temperature range is going to be between 270 degrees and 290 degrees we're starting off with both the bottom vent and the top vent wide open we'll get the thermal work signals turned on and then once we reach an ambient temperature of 220 degrees it's time for our first vent adjustment i'll just close the bottom vent to the third oval from the left and the top vent we're going to leave that wide open then at 250 degrees i'll make my second vent adjustment i'll move the bottom vent over to the second oval from the left and the top vent we're going to leave that one wide open and then at around 260 degrees i'll make my third vent adjustment and all that's going to be is we're going to close the top vent by half and now we're in our target range it is now 10 a.m and it's time to get the ribs on now to get the ribs on i'm gonna have to move my ambient temperature probe so i'll get that out of the way and now that that's out of the way i can put my baby back ribs on the indirect side of the grill and now i can put my ambient temperature probe back on the grill now we can just get the lid closed and let them go for about two hours now i'm just going to take a few seconds to show you why you need the ambient temperature probe for this setup if you take a look at the thermoworks signals thermometer it says that the great level temperature is 278 degrees but the lid thermometer a little over 400 degrees that's a huge difference and if you want to know what the temperature is where you're actually cooking your protein that's why you need an after-market thermometer and now it is time to spritz our ribs it is now 12 o'clock noon and our ribs have been in the weber kettle undisturbed for two hours today i'm going to be using my favorite for now spritzing liquid and all that is is dill pickle juice first we're going to take a look at our ribs the color is nice and the bark is set now we'll just spritz making sure we get even coverage over the entire baby back rib surface we'll also check for doneness and at this point i'm specifically looking for bone pull back and there is none on either side of the ribs so we get that put back on our baker's grid and close the lid and take a look at this that took a grand total of two minutes you want to be in and out as fast as you can because the longer that lid stays open the more your fire is going to go out of control and now an hour later it is 1 p.m three hours of cooking time so far we'll get the lid open and we're going to look for some more visual cues that can tell us how far along we are with this rib cook and right on top you can see some cracks starting to form in the meat of the baby back ribs when i lift it up from the middle you can see that those cracks or crevices are spreading out just a little bit and then when i pick it up from the end you can see a little tear starting to form on the top of the ribs now when we take a look from the side of the ribs you can see about a 30 33 bend which is also a good indication you know by my estimation 60 65 done maybe so now we'll go ahead and get these ribs spritzed and close the lid because we're going to let these go for another hour now i had the lid open longer this time than i did the first time that really fed the fire a lot of oxygen so the temperature jumped up i'm going to go ahead and make some vent adjustments to get the temperature back down i'll just close the top vent just a little bit and then close the bottom vent just a little bit as well now while those ribs are going on in the weber kettle we're going to set up our wrapping station and go over our glazing ingredients now for the glaze or maybe it's better to say all the ingredients that we need for the wrapped portion of the cook maybe that's better nonetheless here's what you're going to need we're going to need some of that rub that we made earlier some brown sugar a sweet barbecue sauce one stick of butter and i also like to use some honey and now an hour later it's two o'clock and it's time to wrap the ribs i'm also going to close the lid because i don't want my fire to get out of control now in no particular order the first thing i'm going to do is put down all of those paths of butter next i'll get some of that dry rub and just spread it out evenly on top after that i'll just take a couple of handfuls of the brown sugar and spread that out evenly as well after that comes a generous layer of honey and last i'll get some of that sweet barbecue sauce and just pour that right down the center now we have our foil seasoned and all we have to do is get the ribs and place those on top of all that seasoning meat side down and then i'll go through that entire process again on the bone side because the bone side needs love too now that i have the ribs seasoned it's time to wrap the ribs and we want to do this in such a way so that we can easily unwrap it when it's time now we'll get the wrapped baby back ribs on for about an hour after an hour it's time to boat your baby back ribs it's now 3 p.m and i'm taking the ribs off and just setting them on my weber kettle table we're going to expose these ribs and then take a look as to how far along we are with the cook because at this time it's decision time right either these ribs are close enough to be boated now or they need to be re-wrapped and put back on the grill so let's take a look at the ribs and check out these bones there's so much bone pull back that honestly that alone has told me that these ribs are far enough along let me show you another way if you just want to double check yourself grab a hold of one of those exposed bones and kind of twist it if it feels like it's about to tear loose then you know your ribs have been wrapped long enough if it doesn't feel like it's about to tear loose and it still feels extremely tight and there's no movement then that means you're gonna have to wrap them get them back on the grill today one hour was long enough and it's time to boat these ribs all i'm going to do is roll in the foil all the way around the ribs until the sides of the foil is high enough to keep the juices in but low enough to expose the top of the ribs now i'll get the lid closed and we're going to let these go for about 30 minutes the whole purpose of this part of the cook is to dry off some of that moisture on the top side of the ribs and then about 30 minutes later it's time to sauce the ribs and we're going to sauce these ribs three times every 15 minutes it's now 3 30. now let's get the lid off we'll get our sweet barbecue sauce and pour some on all the way across the ribs and then we're just going to take our brush and brush it out make it a nice even coating once you're done close the lid let that sauce set up and then at 3 45 15 minutes later it's time to sauce our ribs again we're going to go through that whole process again we'll pour on some of that sweet barbecue sauce brush it out for an even layer of sweet barbecue sauce then we're going to close the lid and let it go for another 15 minutes now it is 4 p.m 15 minutes later and we're going to go through the whole routine again we're going to get our sauce on we're going to brush that sauce out for even coverage and we're going to put the lid on only difference is for that last time i'm giving it 30 minutes because i want that sauce to set up as well as possible it's now 4 30 and you can see we have a lot of time invested in these ribs and it's gonna be well worth it these are not whatever that is three two one ribs don't believe the hype on three two one ribs you wanna cook your ribs for as long as they need to but you don't wanna over cook them these ribs are gonna be fall off the bone but they're still gonna have a little bit of texture they're not going to be mushy overcooked ribs now let's get these ribs off and i'm using my favorite barbecue accessories 45 degree pliers link in the description once you have them off get them over to your cutting board we're going to let these rest for about 30 minutes i'm going to set up a foil tint over the ribs and i'm going to try not to lay the foil on the barbecue sauce because we really worked hard to get that glaze to look perfect and you want it to look perfect when you decide to serve these to your guests so be proud of your cook and make it look good it's now five o'clock we let everything cool down the sauce is set and let's taste these ribs we get these on the board just look at that bend right before i put them down now i get that center one cut off and since we made these ribs all perky when we set them on the grill look at that meat cap the perfect meat cap to take a bite out of now you know your ribs are fall off the bone when you can just grab a piece and tear it right off now i will say that these ribs are totally delicious every once in a while i like a sticky fall off the bone baby back rib now when i hold these baby back ribs upside down you can see that the sauce has set so well there is no drippage and that's because we let them set up for 30 minutes and then even just as important we let them rest for 30 minutes and today i just couldn't stop eating these ribs that's how good they were i think i ate three of them just standing there now if you haven't subscribed to my channel go ahead take a second or two and do that now thank you for watching a view to a grill i'll see you guys next time take care y'all
Channel: View to a Grill
Views: 40,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ribs, bbq ribs, babyback ribs, fall off the bone ribs
Id: D9lKmoeyoas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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