Fall Off The Bone Ribs In Under A Hour!?!?!? Instant Pot to the Rescue!!!

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oh Bigfoot cooking hey everybody and welcome back to Bigfoot cooking where today we're making smoked ribs now the plan was to actually do them outside on the smoker but the weather today for lack of better word sucks we got nothing but rain fog mist and honestly I don't want to deal with being out there getting my smoker rained on so we're gonna cheat we're actually gonna make these ribs in about an hour using the instant pot or in stuff pot however you want to say it but literally within about an hour we can take these pork ribs from raw just sitting there to fall off the bone tender and absolutely awesomely delicious now of course for sides we're going to throw in some baked beans and we're going to doctor up some suddenly salad oh yeah we're throwing the whole meal deal at you so let's get started by well let's prep the ribs first since that's got to go in the in the in the instant pot so we got our whole rack of pork ribs out ready to go what are they heck no they're not they need some seasonings they need some flavor they need a little taste in the in the mouth you know what I mean so we're gonna start out I've already dried this off got rid of all the extra moisture that's on it we're gonna take mustard I know it sounds kind of weird right mustard barbecue but oh it's the way to go we're gonna take mustard we're gonna coat this thing all the way from one end to the other front and back top and bottom left and right that will then give the Apple rub a little something to bite onto so that way we can add the flavor and we can we can get it going now we're going to make half of this a hot hot and the other half just a very plain smoke flavor because while I like my food a little bit spicy not everyone in the household wants to just oh be on fire for the good food so we're gonna prep this in a very simple flavorful way but later on you're gonna see how to bake it hot for half the full now that we've got all the flavor you could want on this thing we're going to let this sit to the side and get the instant pot ready we're going to go ahead and put the liquids in it let this marinate for a moment let's do a little swap around so let's get our instant pot ready for our rainy day smoke now we're going to start out we're going to use about a teaspoon of instant smoke Hot Smoke what do you call it oh Liquid Smoke my bad I'm gonna use about a teaspoon of liquid smoke you don't want to use too too much of it because it while that doesn't really look like a lot it actually has a very powerful flavor to it especially when you combine it with a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar those two things together oh this is going to be awesome now from here the question is what kind of liquid do you want to put in there you could put you could use apple juice if you wanted or some other thing but in this case I'm going to use bone broth now you could use chicken broth as well but in this case the bone broth I got I actually have a recipe if you'll check out this little link here when you're done watching this one where I make bone broth from scratch and we're using ostrich bones with that yeah not something you find everywhere but the ostrich bones actually have a really good flavor and nothing like chicken so don't go oh does it taste like chicken nope doesn't taste like chicken tastes like ostrich that's why you should try ostrich it's stuff so we're gonna add ourselves about a what's that about a cup or so of uh or a pint yeah pint of uh bone broth here we'll set that in there and now for the tricky part getting your hands dirty and getting the meat in there personally for my preference I like to set everything where the bones stick to the bottom of it and the meat sticks to the top and then roll it out in such a way so that when you put it in you've got your vent valves right here on the instant pot and you want to make sure that your vents don't have a big piece of meat up against it otherwise it can mess up the pressure release in the cooking and what have you so let's wrap some meat and stick it in there again like I say where all the bones are we're going to stick that down in the bottom because you know when you've got that nice fall off the bone cooking the meat usually pulls back from that part and so we're going to set it in there in that away we're gonna have to fight it a little bit because these bones are a little bit big and as usual let me wash my hands before we get the second part going [Music] [Music] okay got the hands clean now again let's talk about positioning of the meat because like I said you want the vents back here to be like where the Gap is that way nothing gets in the way you can just set this guy down and listen to the song of its people lock it in you've always got audible confirmation of what's going on see [Music] it sings It's Happy song so let's go ahead and set this guy now we're going to cook this for 30 minutes that's a little bit longer than what you really need about 25 to 27 usually will get you right where you want but 30 minutes this stuff is literally going to be fall off the bone I'm hoping I can actually pull it back out of here for the broiling part so let's get this started now that this thing is starting to heat up the other thing because how what good is a pressure cooker without putting it under pressure back here is the valve where you just flip it and that changes it from venting to sealing very important otherwise you're just kind of you're boiling water and making hot meat no no no we want these things tender so the ceiling the pressure cooking that's what we're after it'll do the uh the count up and then once it's done with its count up it'll do the countdown and then after 10 minutes we'll actually flip this back open and watch it Steam now while our ribs are kind of working on their magic we're going to go ahead and whip out some suddenly salad but we're actually going to strip quite we're gonna do some changing to it we're gonna make it at least in my opinion we're gonna make it better now when you open it up instead of getting just the flavor pack and the pasta we're not going to use the flavor pack we're just sticking with the pasta I kind of want those peas and carrots in there just it gives it a little something more and who knows maybe there's some flavor in the pasta I don't know we've got a bunch of it around here so we're going to use it and we're going to supercharge it so let's get this started we're going to start out we're going to light our pot because you know well water doesn't boil unless you got it under heat once it's boiling we're going to add two packs of the pasta to it cook that up and then time for some custom flavors all right got us some good boiling water and just for like side information I took the box and dumped it out of everything you know because I'm making two into one and I found out something kind of neat if you dump both packs two packs will actually fit into one box as far as the uh the shells quantity I thought that was kind of neat as you're purchasing things on the Shelf the fact that this right here that's two boxes now we stir make sure things don't stick to the bottom when you put it in because they do have a tendency to do that and also make sure you put yourself a good healthy pinch of salt in your water it'll help with some of the flavoring so just just trust me on this it works out really well we'll let this go for a few minutes till it gets the old Al Dente as they say in other words where it's uh it's the flavor and texture that you like not mushy not hard but just right and then we'll put in the rest of the ingredients all right noodles are done everything's looking good let's go ahead get these guys out of the pot put them into a drain and get with some of the add-in flavors foreign [Music] ER drained out of here now time to add some of the flavor we're going to start out again instead of the the seasoning packet that came with it because we're going to use that for chicken later on we're adding a cup of Italian dressing we're going to use this instead of mayonnaise but also I've got a few more things to kick it up a notch we're adding bacon oh yes went ahead and made up a little bit of bacon and we're actually taking some pepperonis now you can get those I don't know if you've seen them they're little bitty pepperonis I mean they're like a three quarters of an inch oh they're so good but what we did here we actually just sliced up the pepperonis into smaller pieces believe it or not they taste the same we're gonna go ahead and mix this in and once we get a good mix on this I'm actually going to add about a teaspoon of ranch powder that way between the Italian seasoning the ranch powder and a couple of pieces of meat oh this makes a great side for ribs we'll get this stirred up set it off to the side let it cool down a little bit now that our semi homemade suddenly salad has been situated sir it is time to pay attention to the ribs that we have been waiting on now we've got it it's done cooking it's done all its magic there and what you see on the counter is the holdover time so once it reaches the peak and holds it there for in our case 30 minutes it it's done with that and so now what we're going to do we're going to do partially natural release I guess you'd say we've let it sit here for 10 minutes and kind of that's taking the the super edge off of it to where it's cooled down a little bit if we sat here and let it go and go eventually it would let it would cool down enough to let all the pressure out of it but that's not what we're after we've given it 10 minutes of cool down time now it's time to go from natural release to what is it called forced release I don't know we're going to open the valve we're going to make all kinds of steam come out it's pretty cool all you got to do is take this guy here flip it over [Music] don't stick your face here you might take a little bit of skin off [Music] yeah I know the steam smells good but don't sniff it directly you will burn the hair right out your nostrils now what you're looking for before you can even open this thing you got this little guy right here it's kind of the safety valve it's staying up to prevent you from turning it so once we have enough pressure let off of it we can then open the pot and get into it but if there was a way to open it right now oh it'd be like a little mini explosion you don't want that in your kitchen you don't want that to mess up your food so just a few more minutes the thing will pop down and we'll be ready to see what's inside there you go the Waterman nut has fell into the thingamabuzzle but even though you can open it right now I'm still going to give it just maybe 30 seconds or so I'm not in a big rush and I would rather let this thing get Calm before we before we mess up its happy home all right we got enough time let's see what's inside sing to me oh love that sound look at that steaming bunch of goodness now from here it's time to transfer it out and for that we're going to need to help with some tongs because this baby she hot let's see we'll grab it from each side of it try to ease this guy out of here lay it down gently tell it to take a little nap oh yes yes yes Perfection indeed now let's add a little barbecue sauce actually before we put the sauce on it let me show it let me show y'all a magic trick we're gonna grab this guy right here and just bloop oh no meat no nothing that's what you wanted right fall off the bone you couldn't pick this thing up with a single bone here now for the barbecue sauce we're going to use oh yeah sweet baby rays I mean I guess there's another company out there that sells barbecue sauce but I don't know what it is we're going to put a nice little lathering of it on here now one of the little things you run into with the instapot as you see we got a little bit of curl up right here because well you're wrapping it in a circle to put it in the pot we're just gonna have to deal with it I hate to say I mean you could take a knife cut it and lay it down but is it going to change anything in the way it tastes nah not a bit now you see we've got the barbecue sauce on here what we're going to do now we're going to spread this over here real nice because while everything is tender and delicious and everything it doesn't have that that little bit of glaze that you want that little Crispy Crunchy bit per se you know the caramelization so let's get this thing nice and coated up with some sugar a sweet barbecue sauce we will put it in the oven for oh just a few minutes and put it on um put it on broil so that way the flame the flame kisses it makes it oh delicious and then we'll see what we got also at this point because like I said we have different different flavor palettes in this house I think I'm gonna go with the thicker side which is another reason why I pulled that rib out of it not because I'm Adam but because I want a clear definition on which side it's going to be the hot side and which side is going to be the flavor side so now from the rib over I'm just going to drizzle some of Nate's hot honey on here not too much yet just a little bit because the rest of it will come on our second coating of barbecue sauce and we're going to put some of this Sriracha powder on here now I may pay the piper for this one because this is a a new product I hadn't seen it before so for for those of uh those of you who are the hot connoisseur forgive me if I tread lightly here because I don't want to blow my taste buds back to Tennessee so we're gonna put just a just enough to barely see it well I want to put a little more than that come on now there we go all right just a little something now let's set this big old delicious thing in the oven under broil shall we started the broiler got it going for a couple minutes so now the oven is kind of warmed up and ready to go oh it's time to slide this bad boy in here we'll just ease it right on in for home plate doesn't fit that way dude call it Justin on the Fly we'll see you in we'll just say roughly five minutes honestly take a look at it because every oven is going to do a little bit different you don't want to burn it but you do want to have a nice little you just want the the sugars to set so I'm gonna say five minutes but your oven may vary in that time though let's work on the beans now for this one we're starting out simple we're using canned beans but we're going to do something y'all may not have seen we're gonna use a old school manual can opener that's right for some of you folks this may be a teaching class now we're going to start out by putting the sharp part right here on the top Edge taking the bottom part squeeze it together you should hear that satisfying sound oh yeah and then turn the handle and it's going to bring it round and round now when you get almost all the way around it's going to start chipping that front edge up you can put your finger right there and catch it be careful though you might cut yourself if you uh if you get stupid and there you have it an open can of beans now from here that's why we just pour it into the pot add a little Heat and then once it starts to warm up oh we enhance the flavor beans [Music] we're just going to add us a little squirt of the good stuff not too much like I said you got Barbecue on the ribs this is just to give you a little extra something something and of course everything everything is better with bacon so we're going to get us a a little crumble handful here so we're just going to stir this in oh [Music] we're gonna keep this on low because it ain't been five minutes yet our ribs are still in there but we got it right delicious looking we'll let that let them flavors get a little happy with each other check on the ribs shall we now don't do this in the microwave I know it's tempting I know it's tempting but you cannot do proper beans in a microwave you must apply heat gas is preferred but if you have to go electric it's totally acceptable beans are there's a Heritage with beans there's a history there's a whole lot of people eating beans matter of fact there's a bean scene and some favorite movie that well it's just amazing they're funny y'all ought to check it out ribs are ready oh take a look at that oh hungry you are now let's get them out oh yeah look at that caramelization everything is set up nicely I think we're good with a broil sir you can stop now let's get it on the other side and put a little more sauce and a little more heat on it huh look at that oh this just says eat me but I want to put a little more barbecue sauce on it do you have to oh no it's ready right now I'm not ready I want a little bit more we got a few spots here that are just a touch thin and you know you know how it is you gotta have flavor with everything now again because we have different taste palettes in this house I have to do things a certain way so we're going to start by laying this out on the the the calmer side because I don't want to mix my sriracha sauce up with my hot hot so we got them boys looking good there all right let's smooth this in some right over here that way we gotta got messy fingers that's that's really all you're gonna get out of this right here is some messy fingers but oh you're gonna be happy with your messy fingers now here's where I'm gonna put a little more of that hot honey because not only do you get the sweet you get the heat see different Heats have different ways they react with you this this is like a front heat so as soon as you bite into it you got that flame now the Sriracha right here that's back heat that right there affects the back of your mouth a little more that's the heat you carry with you for a few minutes to say whoo I ate something so we're gonna let this now rest for about five minutes get itself where it's oh so happy and then we gonna eat and there you have it dinner for a king mind you now like I say over here we got the not so spicy I had to separate them with plates so that way you know people didn't get confused don't want to burn the taste buds of those who just ain't got the pallet for it and over here oh the sweet the heat on the meat oh yeah plus a little at home custom suddenly salad and our upgraded beans nothing like bacon to make one happy right now let's see what we got because again I know about Nate's hot honey the Sriracha it's got my curiosity up let's see what we got with this here this this one rib that just decided to jump off the plate and say yep me first there you go I can't even make the bones stay on it to finish the bite hmm you know this is good this is really good I do know next time I'm gonna put a little more Sriracha on it than this like I said the first time you try something you never know if it's Gonna Bake your noodle or if it's just gonna add the flavor and in this case it added the flavor I think even the light weight might handle it or I could be on the edge we're going to find out as we eat this whole rack so until it's gone remember this is the way to do it when you got cloudy rainy days no smoke ring but smoke flavor and two big food is real and he gonna really eat this thing stand by oh yeah upgraded the Sriracha level a little put a little powder coating on it man that is going to be one of my one of my kitchen Staples here you miss them all foreign
Channel: Bigfoot Cooking
Views: 10,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j2mI6MQAUxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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