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[Applause] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls [Music] today is a day unlike any day you have ever seen where do we go the day has arrived where we undertake one of the darkest [Music] most how do gut-wrenching soul-tearing maps that we have ever played on this channel i need every single person watching right now to hit the like button because ladies and gentlemen boys and girls the build-up is coming the time has finally arrived [Music] the map ladies and gentlemen boys and girls small guys zombies [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls today is the day fall guys zombies has arrived the custom map from the god himself ice grenade has come down from the heavens and he has dropped all guys zombies upon us and boys and girls it's gonna be a very very very good day happy birthday thank you everyone you know what for today why not it's my birthday thanks everyone i appreciate it um we have a couple surprises here today all right we got a couple surprises first of which [Music] second of which the second surprise for today a man returns from the grave [Music] and you may be wondering noah what does that mean a man returns from what are you even saying a man returns from the grave i want you to think i should be here with me all right think who disappeared from existence in the zombies community mr ruffle waffles for the first time in over a year we'll be playing zombies with us here today oh it's gonna be a big day it's gonna be a big day ladies and gentlemen boys and girls look at this lobby it's me it's flex it's milo jc was supposed to be here jc didn't wake up it is 2 26 in the afternoon and jc is asleep but that doesn't matter because today i'm excited i'm happy we're all here leave a like if you can hear the sound of my voice right now subscribe if you haven't already let's say hello to the boys gentlemen reporting software gentle mental men gentlemen gentlemen many men milo hey hottie i i can't i can't describe to you how important this is this moment right now is this moment really important are we gonna kiss hey listen i always kiss my homies goodnight this is uh this is this is a big moment because you're finally here i am you're finally here time it's been a while walking around up on those mountains between but i'm back baby and the final countdown begins hell yeah can i get an l o l for jc just uh just that small lol just one all lower case lol this is a very tiny one i'm really excited for this man so so we uh if if either of y'all are down i i want to do kind of a blind playthrough here and then i want to do a play through with ice grenade where we where we speed run this map a little bit later on on another day if you all are down okay oh my bro this i loaded up just to make sure it launched everything oh my gosh bro it literally is fall guys this is the only area i've seen i don't know how many errors he added in but it's so sick we can like go somewhere yeah there's multiple areas bro remaining kills left for this level 219. oh that's how you go i'm going with you brother that's cool bro that is so sick [Music] [Laughter] wait it's actually getting harder the top game is going now was that going before uh that was that was stuck on the thing oh my gosh oh my dude the death machine is insane bro that looks [Laughter] [Music] it's okay oh my god okay wait this is gonna be the hardest res dude oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] dude fall football just doesn't have the same ring to it you know what i mean yeah you'd be right you're right i think that's why they named it paul ball they're like okay we can't do soccer what is this it is a circular object sometimes the football the ball has lost all meaning it is just ball now i'm gonna grab a new weapon oh the sx yep mm-hmm what does the button do wait you have to check yo we need to we need to get some good weapons out of the box and all that we need to like make the most of this time because we might not be able to get perks when we get taken out of here that is very guys um this is oh no no no i just can't escape this time this is so fun it's just riding this around see this is the kind of weird stuff that zombies needs more of like honestly wacky stuff like this yeah like imagine ascension but instead of it killing you you just ride it you [Music] dude there's some good stuff in the box reagan mark they have like glowy guns too grandpa nice what about the rest of the maps apparently we have to get no oh no i i have quick revive i've got a quick revive okay here let me ride with you yes brother the golter rez right there yeah so falling off doesn't kill you but it does like a hit of damage and also you get like stunned when you when you land so it's not pretty common music pretty bad yeah oh this is gonna get so hard oh okay no i got you i got you ready no i'm writing it oh oh no no i fell off yes okay where's the pole where's the pole okay uh i'm falling off goodbye boy okay hold up hold up hold up okay i'm gonna yeah we're both gonna be here the double rest the god double res i'm trying to keep it on you yeah okay i got one okay uh you get that oh wait you don't quit right anymore i'll no i fell off no okay okay relax okay i'm gonna i'm gonna jump over here you got it got it okay got him oh my lord no man left behind let's go i guess no let me jump it yeah i know right like stop it so stunned on there yep okay let me grab jug oh my don't let me lose my box weapon please uh you guys get something good uh it's okay not good it's probably better than a spitfire oh maybe not i'm actually really gonna try to like hurdle this thing every time now i'm gonna try to stop riding it because it's not working out very well for me it's really really tricky to get over it with pain i mean nice nice nice nice zombies relax like you're muted by the way i can't hear you is it me or have you not heard lex in a while i'm dead gosh i just realized i was muted hold up hold on hold on let me try and get away from these zombies real quick it's when you fall off you just yeah when you fall off you just die can't win okay okay is this map actually the hardest nap i've ever played eliminated literally i'll just eliminate it that was so different wait i should have put i should have done a little elimination stream it's just it's just like not as as straightforward yeah i didn't even take it to the second stage yeah that was a bad dude yeah first stage game guys stage one gamer stage one i'm crying right now we're staging i respect noah for streaming on his birthday that's crazy dude that's crazy one of us should get quicker vibe just off the hall um i think whoever gets 1500 first i think widow's wine would actually be huge for this as well yeah that's actually a show yeah i think my four perks i'm gonna get a jug widows and then double taps there might not yeah there might not be a what's it called uh perk limit but bro just riding this around and knifing is so fun [Music] oh you got a real yeah a real gamer weapon here oh dude that's all i got a new yeah i'm bad not bad i'm gonna grab a new gun i'm buying a mic quick i'll buy it quick huh quick i dude what are my guns right now i've got a pistol and a sniper what if i can't jump over the pole that easily with it though i'm just gonna ride it the whole game like i am yeah this is my seat now yeah just don't fall off yeah i'm gonna try oh okay i got over it bro i if this if this is this one and it's this hard i'm i'm interested to see how the uh how the hell do i fall i think i might have hit you in the head yeah it's like do a wheel oh my god oh and then the normal death machine is in the box that's so weird yeah yeah yeah that's what i want from the box this thing is insane bkm i'll take it yeah you get 200 points from from laying down in front of perks in this oh sick that's huge can't go prone to the death machine no that was a minus 500 dude oh was that for everyone i i think it was just for me it was a blue drop i didn't have any points anyway that is like one of the last like new things i learned about zombies like mechanics blue drops are only for you green drops are for everybody that's how you tell i'm dead i hit the box revive milo all right [Laughter] oh [Music] oh no the grenades are coming bro i can't get over it i i literally can't make a knife i can't make enough oh here here here nice wait does that work when i'm out yeah yeah yeah yeah it refills your clip too if you have like two two out oh do the the top part stop me all right i'm gonna fall while we have infinite ammo get out of the cycle if you need help on a zombie just let me know and i can spray the hell out of that oh php would be really this is so fun so dude when you revive players on this it's like you know who who just donated three hundo bombs who did that oh i have fast feet yep who did the 300 bucks i can't read them because they were using the using super chat who did those thank you dude yeah i screamed the person who made this chat he just donated yo zombies with milo this is awesome let's go i know dude this is wild oh my god dude no he fell there's so much i'm going to point i i'm going to the middle i'm going to the middle oh my god this map is so okay okay okay okay uh yeah i'm on the far side of the bar i'm on the far side of the bar i fell off okay oh my gosh this is so hard pain pain dude dude maybe we just gotta get jugg and then go with like that is so hard yeah i think getting jugg before getting quick might be a better idea tron is the name of the donator bro you are absolutely insane tron we just got out thank you so much dude guys i don't know what you're talking about with the cold war stuff i i literally have no idea we're talking about it but we should we we should talk about different things with italian not losing the fault we're not losing a jump we are not listen we are not stage one gamers we're not stage we had a few we had a few rounds but we are not stage one gamers we will see oh no no no um i shot one here before it was over oh i've got [Music] yeah dude we're well on our way yeah nearly that nearly that dude i think you just gotta keep moving on this you gotta run towards the danger that's my rule i'm going to see yeah i like that i like that actually run towards the danger my guy's just going to run off the map repeatedly nice we're in a really good spot right now pointswise [Music] you only really die whenever you get stuck on it and then get fall damage that's really the only time you get here and fall guys custom maps who would have known we actually have to play ball guys in order to beat the fall guys map i'd be right i'm just not i'm not applying my fall guys knowledge that's that's the that's the issue dude yeah all the zombies move slowly i got the moz oh god actually that might not be bad if i can get the uh no be so careful with that thing okay the only problem is now i'm stuck with an explosive only and no gun yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna keep buying guns before i can get a jug just because i think that will be yeah try tron try i'm doing if you if you've taken your parents credit card please please please stop donating dude oh no i don't know i don't know if you have or not that rockefeller i don't have it yet now i'm trying to get it if you have used your parent's credit card please stop there's no way i can even refund your parents because it's through super chat i'm serious like that's huge please like please please don't please don't i'm serious man okay i'm fine thank you but tron you are oh how'd y'all die we collided did you get put inside each other's bodies so you like bro that was that's so unfortunate yeah wow and i just bought phd as soon as that happened oh no i'm okay we're setting now oh good reset good reset [Music] [Music] no no no no okay let's finish the run just finish the round don't worry about it don't worry about it just finish the round nice let's go time more time morph and then rest time and then rest okay okay hold on hold on okay let's see good stuff bro come on come on [Music] [Applause] get him this is so bad it's so hard get him get him get him did it i just can't do it it's too fast okay let me try i'm trying to try i'm falling i'm following my one word donating i really really appreciate the support but if it is not your money please stop donating dude hold it like bro i like i really appreciate it but i'm just gonna kill myself like dude don't think they're real donations i think it's someone who's taking their parent's credit card because it's something i've never i've never heard from before we've never seen industries before and we're just kidding i don't know i don't know chat i don't know one of us getting explosive just playing revelations for the first time ever uh that's insane dude that was really that was a little strange no are you good get off the board okay in store at least we can just get some early knife points around once i say relax dude like yo i i just feel like we were doing well and then out of nowhere we start doing so badly well yeah i think it's because me and likes instantly both went down yeah yeah part of the problem is we're getting really bad box luck too oh my gosh okay now there we go there we go i got an actual gun this time all right good i did not yeah okay okay let's say let's say screw quick revive just get get stuff that kills me oh i was gonna say can i can i get the um the parts from this oh yeah sorry there's literally only one left that i haven't gotten okay i think it's dead shot can't pronounce that yeah it's it's like tricky bro i thought this was just gonna be like a really fun like first attempt completion yeah go big yeah little did we know dude little did we know i'm kind of i'm kind of having good luck with like holding down one single spot oh oh there's a oh i'm gonna yeah huge huge all right this is the run boys no i'm dead oh my god i get forced off the map by a bad spawn point this is done yeah yeah yeah this is the run dude i'm rezzing i'm trying i'm falling i'm falling oh no i'm trying to crawl back oh hold up no there's a dinosaur on me reverend round one is possible with good gobble gum luck then you waited for five minutes just let me know like shout out oh you researches that okay really i didn't know that i didn't know that super speed dude it's so hard to get ready to leave the parasites oh yeah someone should just uh here i'm gonna fall off just rest me wherever dude i almost think phd is more important than jug it might be it might be like just going ham with two definitions also silent while he's doing it he speaks with this bullets i keep forgetting i'm muted oh no dude oh my gosh all right i need to i need to the box again although i need perks [Music] why is the layers running out and this is not good oh what's that okay we're doing a good job on the zombie killing someone throwing at all the perks yeah they're all taken they're all taken oh i got one i'm gonna follow the thing around that's gonna be my strat that might honestly might be really smart but might be real until i lose sight of it and then i'm gonna turn around and run at it until i jump over it yeah yeah yeah okay if you i'm gonna run towards it when you see me don't run into me yeah yeah yeah don't don't don't get too close to each other yeah yeah that's a good that's a good call oh my gosh we should try to write okay you're jumping i'm writing it i'm right yeah if you get phd it's a little less risky to ride it yeah oh my goodness big points for the boys right there nice phd i feel much better oh we're almost out of here let's go let's go we're actually nearly done yeah do you think there's gonna be a box in the next location my guess is yes yes no it's 100 of my money and for everyone in the stream i'm just donating to a long time streamer that i love tron bro bro tron what are you doing i'm serious man what are you doing brother brother you tron i'm so serio dude tron even if it is yours stop that is too much that is literally too much money i'm not kidding that is far too much you have you have got no i'm serious man that is literally far too much you are oh my god dude bro that is literally like tied for the second biggest donation i've ever gotten and like bro and front like did you li i don't understand how how that that is yours like that is way too much bro okay hold on hold on oh okay it's flying okay we're literally in a new area hey okay they're all here [Music] yeah i like that i like that oh it's coming out wait no it's a slime okay we gotta go we gotta go oh oh my gosh how much 2k debris here oh there's a nuke let's save that but there's no zombies so we get the extra point bonus if we can uh it's coming it's coming we should okay slime is taking its time but it's wrong i'm just coming yeah move on to the next area okay let's go yep good stuff parkour be careful not to push each other here okay oh this one's 4k okay can we can we lie down on them again yeah we can get your extra two hundreds guys i see you guys i think we made no cut i think i shot one foot oh good call ice cream thank you ice cream literally just saved us here as well if you need to you need to buy it nice yeah i got five perks right now it should be okay i just need i might need another gun suit okay let's not spin anymore whoever has 2k with me for 1300 i might have to buy it yeah i'm almost out of ammo wait it's another location don't mind can we get the one with this careful these do push you oh i was muted okay we're good right there he muted what's that down there insta kill oh no oh i only have 15 bullets left are there any more wall buys there's a wall buy at the perks you can still get it it's the slime is coming though what's the next point how much make sure you're looking for footballs we missed one in the spawn oh no i'm buying it i'm buying it i have no ammo but i'm buying it okay no you need to you should probably stay at the back and shoes on me i have no ammo left i'm out i'm completely out oh you're zero yeah i i i i have that i have ammo okay uh guys this is gonna be so scary there's a soccer ball right there oh lord look at this oh you made it okay okay soccer ball right here got it 4 out of 20. dude that was actually so close oh my gosh 174 okay so we're gonna run out let me let me let me throw this let me throw this hit number okay yeah cool oh and a bowie knife it's around 11. we could could potentially bowie knife yeah i have zero pie i shouldn't have bought that 5k wall dude that power up is gone oh okay can we get this i'm gonna go for it let me shoot let me shoot okay oh we'll cover me cover me cover me there we go okay okay let me shoot just so i can get a wall bite get the tight thing oh no it's gone there's a new thing not to because then we'll get we'll get faster spawns that way yeah we because we have to get a hundred eleven kills before the slime fully right yeah um no i wouldn't i would say yeah yeah yeah get a k in if you have some extra dough i don't understand man i really don't um dude that's i i don't know if we're gonna make it am i in heaven yes you are you are cyber oh wait what yo yeah intentional dude like gamers dude wait ice cream just sent me a message let me see okay okay uh wait i got it i got it i got it dude the slime is soaked oh i think we got it oh yeah yeah you just shot the one he sent me an image of we're good we're good okay perfect oh my god uh yeah yeah check how many we got twenty eight twelve nice we're fine we're fine bro dude ice cream did such a good job with this this is so [Music] your napes okay yeah i'm cool i'm throwing that might have been too early i i think i called that too early oh there we go there's a few kills no oh no you can't claw [Music] all the way up back all the way up okay we're good oh it's door dash okay it's going okay guess this door for one thousand i got a football nice i'm lucky this is a fake door oh big boy three fake doors in a row i just hit three fake doors you did you did the first three right i get the first three on the left side yep strategy for walking around in this area yeah uh try buying oh they're 2k now they get exponentially more right-hand side or right right and right i think i randomly just shot some items yeah yeah there were two there were two here we can get more from these machines i'm trying this one say dude i only get fake noises i only get big nice do we have any like aside from dying because it's kind of a hard area uh do we have any like pressing like is there any there's not any slime behind us i'm gonna i'm gonna pack a punch first real quick just so we have a pack gun i think i think we have five i think we have time here it's not the k n it's isis defender what's that i have no idea there's a bunch of the kids back here okay yeah yeah it's right where i'm saying there it is all right i can buy next door nice double points huge wait sorry where were you lex uh back back there oh i should buy the defense stop killing the glitzy's i can't stop killing him chad i can't hear you yeah y'all trying to stop trying to pressure tron for real okay i'm hitting three one okay i got it i got one i got one hey nice one as well as well five k doors oh my god are you kidding 5k doors bro no okay i'm gonna uh i'm gonna just oh i got death machine okay perfect yeah there we go all right i i am saving up for next door right now yep i've got a fair bit of money so i can buy it i'm just gonna i'm just gonna hook my names everywhere secretly [Music] i got you i'm covering yeah just yuck your nades everywhere if you have a free second just so we can hopefully not miss any uh yeah that's true actually that'll hopefully splash damage the number one tip for suitable easter eggs just always throw it always be chucking abc oh we got double points as well sick dude i've got 11k right now that's probably nice all right i'll hit the first one i'll i'll hit the first one no no no not this one um oh god ice cream just messaged me do you want to play a game okay i got it i got it i got it yes wait still got mine okay we're going to need to go in different areas because the areas are getting smaller here yeah yeah i'll spread out we're going to need to spread out yeah that instead is beautiful we have we have a two-thirds chance of losing 10k right now dude don't tell me the odds still get my lakers and six your rockets are going down absolutely not dude after last night ooh rockets baby rockets baby shot left middle i'm gonna buy whatever my chat tells me chat what what are we what are we thinking do we want to slow down time uh might as well had as well oh okay okay no then we don't need it yeah we don't need it left middle or right chat i'll buy whichever one i'm gonna see if there's a perk limit there's not there's not right now i'm on five yeah i have i have eight there's no i have eight perks there's no perk limit okay i can buy a i i'm thinking it's less i'm thinking it's left there's a new kid right now yeah it really literally is exactly like that dude uh they're okay there are four footballs in this area how many have we gotten yeah i'm just gonna i'm gonna go back to spawn and look around a bit i think i think when we spawned in there was one right here like where i'm standing right yeah yeah i think in the next area there were two that we shot i think like like i think there was one over there and one there and then there was one we got randomly right so i think we've got all of them but could be wrong i'm not sure you have to buy this bulk oh my god yeah i finally got widows until around 70 points huge oh i forgot about windows yeah definitely a good perk to have on this second amount everybody's still saying middle we have tried middle already [Music] it was how you say a waste of 10k um oh yeah super speed yeah sorry okay [Music] in a while all the ammo i'm getting is from vulturing right now that's him oh i'm on my polio oh no okay let's let's let's get the time thing just to make his life easier yeah i i'm completely out of ammo right now as well yeah oh i can i can i can buy more i can buy more now yeah just buy ammo don't don't buy the door like [Music] it's like so well implemented for zombies right yeah and the fact that it's like it really looks like four guys as well everything's really true to that game is is fantastic it literally looks like it was ripped from fall guys yeah if you think this level is difficult i think the characters a little bigger than i thought they were but yeah dude no they're six foot they actually are what yeah like the full guy is actually six foot tall oh god i just got a message if you think this level is difficult just wait for what's to come no oh bro all right all right boys i hit 10k i had most people sink left so i'm going to go left it was it was left okay make sure you have phd before you jump i'm gonna jump i don't i don't i don't have uh i'm gonna need to fight back i'm i'm with you i'm with you oh max man nice i'm the winner wait there's the woman oh no he's teleporting us it's teleporting us oh we got it i know he got it out here how do you grab it it's f it's f to steal the tail oh i got it wait i think i got it do i have it i did genuinely got a note you don't have it where where are you no you don't have it wait i don't have it i thought i grabbed it wait maybe that's invisible someone come try to grab it from me maybe i have it but it's invisible no that sounds like a ploy today um what's the like is there's no timer right now what's the objective in this area oh there's a bunch of zero kills i think zero kills to continue um hold on a second um for me it doesn't even show that you have the tail it doesn't like do i have the tail i don't think i know i don't think so wait the legs try and steal the tail from me i see you what are oh those are the perks over there no no i was just thinking through the wall oh okay no you don't have it either i was trying to i was trying to steal it off of you i don't think you have it let me try and steal from you lex yeah i didn't i didn't have anything come up just then um where did the tail go oh there's a soccer ball right here yeah nice wait do we drop the tail maybe um rip it rip if the tail is broken no no dude no no teleporter not active wait ice cream could i could i know clip us to the next area well would that break the map if i know clip us [Music] give me a hug real quick give me a hug can you grab the tail at all survive three minutes for this level next yeah wait wait let's all get together right here let's all get together we should move hog and see if we can oh big infinite there it is nice nice group boys don't think there's a way to progress you'll find it about five minutes it has a five-minute timer okay so we just need to live for now we just chill we just okay cool save the baby chase where you grabbed it might have gotten stuck there so try grabbing it from that spot oh okay um do you know where you drop it it was on one of these ramps i'm pretty sure yeah i'll i'll look for them i'll look for it yeah look for it was it was a little pop-up indicator saying i could like grab the tail the press f to grab tail was like blinking on my screen even though i still had the tail so like yeah i mean maybe we like grabbed it and tossed it back and forth like a few times i wasn't pressing f so i i like i didn't do anything there like i didn't take it back so it might just be on the like invisibly on the ground or something maybe i don't know man i'm almost out of ammo here oh that's not what you like to hear uh there's a vapor on the wall oh god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die okay somehow protecting i'm protecting you all so attacking [Music] is that any like hidden footballs in the middle maybe we i i shot one already in the middle okay good stuff after this awaited oh no this was a mistake we'll find out oh this is a mistake wait can i get up here bro i have so many points 37k we all have a lot oh my gosh oh dang yeah we've been grinding [Music] dude i'm doing the tail tank nice well we don't need it but still nice we probably will need it inevitably yeah for the inevitable bible yeah it's gonna be like 150k or something oh insert and max all right huge macbook yeah okay i'm glad i keep i kept my pack a punch done that was that was a good idea on the ramp next to the yellow sign okay my chat said i you took it on the ramp next to the yellow sign yellow sign yeah it would have been it would have been this side like it would be here i guess then if it was next to the other side i feel like i'm looking for rocks and revelations right now guys still dude don't don't insult isis map like that dude like come on now under the bones okay so i'm assuming we gotta get to a certain round i guess and then it'll teleport it was five minute timer so whenever that whenever that goes up i feel like we've definitely been in here yeah have we been here five minutes yet like it's been a while right yeah here's the round yeah need no kills to continue we gotta find this tail yeah man i guess just run around holding f maybe that'll do it hey that's what i'm good at zombie players zombies our f keys are the most used keys in the entire world i've been training for this since 2010 dude okay i'm i'm grabbing more ammo dude i can't wait to just like look in the sky shoot down a plane and there'll be a little pilot zombie with the tail running around that would have that would have been great dude origins you got me looking in the sky after you said [Music] you can scroll back on youtube and see how long we've been in here oh good shout out yeah uh no it doesn't no it doesn't work thank you super speed i appreciate it yeah i wish i wish gifted memberships were a thing ammo is getting a little uh it's been scattered it's been seven apparently all right is there any way so would teleporting work or no or is that like a like a command we can put in oh that's good that's good no clip under the ramp let me see oh hello please don't mind me the total twitch moment oh my goodness moments wait you're losing points crazy oh i'm losing points apparently because i have the tail oh yeah yeah yeah don't shoot you guys lose it as i gain it so i have the tail takio is gaining right now yeah i have yeah yeah wait how did lex get it yeah well maybe maybe he found the invisible like thing dude like he said to holding f go hold up on the teleporter or something lex maybe you can do it no try this one over here yeah i'll go over here i've i wonder if i have to down yeah that might be a good shot what happened what happens if he dies with the tail yeah like let's go down [Music] just in case that's like a permadeath fail state type thing should see what i'm going to try dying too okay oh wait hold on hold on stop stop stop just still chill press up yeah yeah grab it grab it oh let's go yes [Music] [Applause] survive for three minutes on block parties ready guys watch for the walls watching the walls dude there's gonna be zombies right like this is gonna be so hard yeah i'm gonna get the rampage actually yeah i just got rampage as well they're coming they're coming you see them okay we got to stick together uh lex i am following you okay i'm sticking with you i'm standing behind you and i'm protecting you and following you zombies fell right right right they really are dude okay it's mid there's a hop here we're gonna have to jump this yeah yeah yeah try to follow the leader here that's the we have to stick together for shooting yeah we're gonna have to probably swing right after yeah yeah 120 seconds remaining we got a really nice round switch there and then switch again to right here yep yep yep and then crowd lie down light down light on for this one yep uh yeah jump jump jump jump yep yep oh i'm out of bounds by the ramp the rampage is is this big big play right here it's good when that close where that far is yeah that's fine my god jump scare 90 seconds [Music] okay right side looks good here right side yeah yeah stay on right stay on right i'm unlocked i'll just stay here left left left left left left yep yep oh god okay i'm going right oh yeah right hard right yeah yeah yeah yeah 60 seconds one minute one minute boys i got to buy more apps yeah i'm getting ammo i'm literally just wasting so many points on ammo because i have so much it might have repeated i think this is our first jump again so so like uh oh god remember there's gonna be the one where you have to lie down coming up they're hiding inside of these things [Music] okay are you good we're good we're good okay stay in the same area stay in the same area they're in it okay two jump jumps there you go nice [Music] uh i'm looking i don't oh oh i'm dying i'm oh oh oh in the middle and get in there oh oh okay okay no no no no no let's get out of there get out of their legs get get out there it kills you it kills you soccer ball no it's right there it's right there dodge dodge the cars it's like frogger it's like frogger don't shoot it yet don't shoot it yet i need to get the res i need to take the rest okay okay okay uh yeah run run straight run straight run straight am i clear behind him uh yeah yeah you're good you're good you're good super good no no no no no no what happened to supergirl [Music] the last soccer ball was on the street like i just couldn't shoot it i died no dude oh my gosh that was the last oh my god that was bro yeah that was the hardest thing i've ever seen that was so nuts that was an incredible map wow that that was that was just action-packed from start to finish right holy holy boy we gotta go again right we now that we know what to do oh my god speed running dude speed give me give me five seconds give me five seconds i gotta take a big gulp of water after that one dude oh my god inhale the water yeah dude i the last one was there i just couldn't shoot it it was so sad that was some papaya aim right there bro absolute donkey level plays right there he said update is out but but if we just don't steal the the tail from each other we should be fine right because because i don't want to have to all have all of this redownloaded again all right yeah yeah whoever gets the tail just keep it the whole time we just won't steal it yeah okay that'll work oh my god eliminated zero qualified true you can't be saying it like that oh okay all right here we go we're taking the crown we just got a dm i just woke up [Laughter] nice dude nice nice 9 p.m in the uk by the way nice i forgot the time change we have between us now oh no jc it is 1 30 your time there is nothing to do with the time change that's a tired boy right there that is a tired tired boy okay all right all right we got that we got the strats now this is the easy cl i wonder if the uh the order's the same every time too for the uh oh that's true what if it randomizes that'll be sick i got one one ball nice keep your eye out for the footballs so we need to save that last uh that last perka um like the last soccer ball until one of us goes down on that last area wait why because but by that point we should all have workaholic you know like or close enough to it and then and then we get it as like a panic like someone goes down like get it when they're down so i think for that so i ice cream sent me a message uh red hash marks equals big hurt white hash marks equals tiny damage on that last area so if you stand on the sides you get hurt a little bit over time if you stand uh if you get pushed to the back by a car you get clapped [Music] yeah also was this the only box named bro big pog yes noah holy we take this we take this gun the size of me dude we we should try to get the uh what's called little arnie's in this first area oh they in the box yeah i just saw him okay yeah i think like if we can let's try and actually not get perks here and just get it like guns instead yeah because i think we we're gonna end up we need to get one sick gun and then start getting perks okay i got vkm that's gonna be decent yeah that's pretty good yeah not bad at all a longbow which is less decent if you can hear us if you download the map you can still join oh true there's time to join and be like a deceased man yeah yeah there's no no shot but i just figured they're out there hell yeah thank you oh oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah i need to get rid of this gun asap this things [Music] how many times have you heard that song in your lifetime dude it's not in my lifetime like the past the week like literally the whole there's probably not been an hour where i haven't heard oh my god on average even when oh my god can i jump thank you have we got all the footballs in this area boys uh i believe there's only two right there's only one or two yeah oh there's also a shield in the box [Music] yeah like that would be super useful i got i got one football so if you guys i don't see anything else i think we got it all right oh scorpion that's a pretty good gun that's probably better yeah that that it's really fast yeah i'll be back for point building as well i like how we're actually experts at this part now adapt to overcome oh i oh i need that max actually dude any points oh jesus christ i'm off i'm off i'm rotating to you i'm gonna go closer to the middle yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay let me try it do i want to let me get it okay there we go i've got to aim at your feet no you're no i reset no annoying i'm going to fall off fall off face that flex wait wait wait wait wait oh easy i'm out here buying quick revive for no reason how many kills are left uh oh i got a teddy bear i moved it to the next area so we can get it in the next area yes okay okay it's so good oh if it's even there yeah i don't know which one it is that's true that might be real bad oh no no no well at least we can like we know we can focus on buying first now yeah yeah okay i just bought jug again is there like a okay wall weapon here the mx-9 is here right yeah i might fire them i'm just gonna reload for about half an hour of the vkm real quick let's see man here this time oh oh really well we've only got like 17 zombies left so we're gonna be going real soon come on machine wave let's go oh instantly holy smokes all right okay let's go i just bought it this is so scarf as much as possible here yeah yeah that was true isis defender um yeah i don't know what that was i saw that later on as well it doesn't have an outline i don't know what it is i'm gonna buy this i i don't think we risk it we're really low on points and whatnot right now yeah i'm super low on like empty spitfire in a vkm no perks yeah that's bad i might have to buy a wall yeah hundred percent i'm gonna have to isis defender though no why why would you have done this you've been defending with the wrong weapon i can't believe you've done this i can't believe it it's not it's not normally single fire where did i just get you crawl crawl oh my gosh you got a ton from both directions right now and the and the goo the glizzies keep calling keep crawling oh there it is nice [Music] oh it's already climbing up where we are i have to get double tap here i literally have to dude i wish i had enough for it we have to go by the way it's it's already climbing where's the squawks so i got to tap wait it's up here is the box here i i think it's up here we need to wait hold on let me get the kills here we need 4k okay good luck buddy oh dude bro i'll cover you i'll cover you for that no no this line is already there oh dude my game is plugging out right now i'm like jumping around oh here we go uh make sure you look on top of these little spinny things uh but the one behind you where you're walking right now milo is uh there was a soccer ball i might have already shot it but i'm not sure i don't i don't see it okay i think i think you got it yeah i'm gonna do this just uh uh oh my god i'm going for it plush i'm yeah yeah yeah you might need to down yourself now and let lex steal points from you yeah i don't think we're in that dire situation aren't we but the slime is so he actually might be here i gotta i got a science right here yeah he's he's gonna use more time reviving me than he is shooting zombies oh god this is we're dead this might not be it yeah this is this is a big spook right here hold on hold on oh no goodbye gamers this prime got me by gamers no [Music] dude this is such a hard map wow wow boys jc is ready to play though okay okay we need a fourth let's go we got this we would just not get it we would just walk warm enough bro just warming up that's all that was i can't wait to see jc die 900 times on jump club baby let's go relax [Music] i like that's gotta be the one of the hardest maps ever that is hard like is he online so difficult oh my god oh yeah here we go invite to lobby the goodbye it doesn't feel like it's just like glitchy cheese that's that's making it difficult it's actually like we need to strategize and like yeah optimize our points and stuff really well yeah it's really cool and if you play poorly in the beginning it means you really have to pop off at the end yeah yeah yeah or you can just no clip into the sky but dude you're looking for the tail you're just like crouching just zooming through the walls yeah oh man all right chat here we go this is the run right here jc just jc if you're watching just join the discord you big donut oh gosh yeah guys i'm gonna be honest i haven't been watching the postcards and stuff i i i've been busy with other stuff and whatnot so jc i tried to join in session it didn't work okay join now we're in the lobby now so maybe it'll work now oh wait no he's gonna have the new version oh yeah yeah we need to restart okay here we go so i'm gonna download it on the fly yeah okay uh also i apologize to chat and the gamers here um i may have fell asleep to put it lightly yeah exactly uh lex exit game we have to download the update because jc has the new update and we don't i think if you fully fully exit steam and then open it again it downloads right mine's just downloading now i think oh i just turned off i like i got a 90 megabyte update fall mountain um how do you know if you got the update or not oh should i okay i'm not gonna re-download the whole thing no no i think you i think you literally just exit steve you just quit the game yeah and then boot it back up i think i might have to quit too it's i'm going to come on now i'm loading forever now come on come on now wait wait how big is your how big is your download jc i i don't know it's just loading i don't know what's happening i'm exiting the game yeah you have to i never enjoyed it yeah yeah so so if you joined oh well make sure you have the map how do i check if i have the map um go go to your so go to your workshop yeah i went to my items there's nothing there [Music] did ice invite him yeah he did i saw him on the list um oh that's a different person yeah you should have two in there because that's the other map we were going to play today but i didn't add this other i think mine updated another person um so so so click click your workshop files on the right go to workshop and your workshop files you should see fall guys jc it's uh like the guy in the chat oh you didn't add you didn't add ice grenade yeah you didn't add you have to add ice grenade okay ice grenade can you can you add him to the map real quick that's right because you were asleep yeah link's in the chat okay because he has to download it i'm gonna i'm gonna read that i just i just had him i might as well i fully thought lex was gonna say because he's got to re-download it i'm going to go to around 100 or not yo i'm just going to do it real quick that's it that's it i'm going back to doctor and told indeed [Music] all right now i see it in my workshop items okay yeah now you should be able to download it yeah yeah ice your legend shout out to ice yeah i thought it was uh the thing we were looking at yesterday yeah we're yeah we're gonna do that another time so why because i have to go in 20 minutes i thought we were doing it earlier i woke up at 9pm dude i'm not used to these early streams [Applause] [Laughter] you say that like guys it's only 1 p.m in the afternoon when i woke up for the first time today dude it's so funny because like every day i've actually been waking up early but one day i don't did we get it dude being employed is more important than being a zombies youtuber dude okay uh milo i'm gonna invite you and it should tell me if i have a different version than you i think [Music] mine's still downloading so i will be i will brb i'll be unlocked dude see you in a bit me my homies love knocked yeah um oh boy where is it now yep i think i'm in i think it's it's fine it seems fine i haven't i haven't loaded the map yet uh are you sure it says mod loaded in the top right that that's my mod menu uh so how many crowns that's noah hacking how many crowns do you have on this map so we have zero we made it to the last level and got slapped on the last level you know what i feel like i'm a rejuvenated man yeah i'm i'm a god i don't do i don't see the map fall guys i mean god at zombies now milo nothing will stop me he's all the way up all the way up crap where is the map oh no no no no no no can't get a crown if the crown doesn't exist dude okay let me make sure let me let me just re-download the map guys i'm gonna i'm gonna leave the lobby and see if it's in my mod list i'm sorry yeah i have it wait mine says 1.2 oh now mine's downloading okay i had to i had to launch so what you do to force the update you close steam open steam launch the game quit the game everybody put a thumbs up for that i think mine downloaded the first time i just quit the game like i'm not getting a download yeah it was 92.1 mega megabytes yeah yeah that's that's what i got before huge huge huge eric harry mr potter can you download the update calmly he asked calmly harry calmly update it please did you get the update on the steam workshop joey joey did you get your update joey all right mine's mine's done downloading joey did you get the update joey why is my 92 megabytes taking longer than the initial 2.7 gigabytes that the map did because fiber fiber joey joey chat how y'all doing how y'all feel oh we're ready to go baby ch how y'all doing how y'all feeling talk to me right now pawn takes pawn new video oh look i i guys i literally just looks i literally just looked pawn takes pawn new video i'm looking we are all pawns guys this is the same thing that you trolled me back like four days ago we are all pawns is an old video wait let me make sure yeah this is an old video chat it's old we know it's not a new video holy oh gosh chat i love you but i um i love you but also harry harry potter or is it no it is it's an old video let's all calm down and wish noah happy birthday stop stop it right now stop it cut it all out here we go i'm enjoying no one's no all right i am i i am loaded locked and loaded loaded game [Music] [Music] there's a new there's a new voice actor now it's more like you see that lock what happens when the enemy secures the keys that literally is like that's like if you watch sherlock and instead of benedict it's like my dad but it's still benedict's acting dad's voice the dub doesn't line up at all all right wait now lex let me let me check on lex lex's uh 2.7 gigabytes out of 2.8 gigabytes we love that no one ever asks god what happened when the anime such a bad accident when the enemy secured the cave this life secures the keys steals the chaos steal the keys okay i'm back what happened what happened what happened what you asked did you steal the keys i like orange juice as well you sound like it sounds like you're like on like caillou or something just [Laughter] zombies characters in the next game player drop the chip said can i have some ammo and a juice box please for the glory of the emperor drop them fish and chips you shall be my [Laughter] we're ready um get me some ammo partner a partner partner all right all right here we go motivational speech i would watch the show like i watch a show like that it's like the show but there's a random southern draw at the end of it it's like combined ford truck the ford raptor dude all right well now that i hate british people let's let's we'll start the game here why why do you hate oh shut up harry wow that was juicy juice dude oh dude the back of my head hurts from laughing goddamn it's okay [Music] no wait i want to see how it'll look oh there he goes no what i'm not into oh now man you can just face it look look look what are you doing oh guys there's a great ghost jc he just phased through the jump club bar like the bottom oh boy a max ammo two seconds into the game go smoke no smoke [Music] jc number number one rule of this map don't get hit by the little spinny thing because you get stuck and you get very much fall damage when you spawn back on the stage like this don't even worry dude like this no not like happening oh my gosh i got a sniper too dude what is that guy's gaming right there that's that's what that's right you muppets dude oh my god it's round two [Music] [Applause] give me the gum yeah it's actually over riding it around again yeah oh yeah we should try to move the box as well dude i got the s6 what is going on spin spin spins been spinning someone heard all the prints already give me the gun vapor okay that's good [Music] i'm gonna die no don't say that oh yeah oh yeah did you get the death machine this is sick yes okay that's really good that you got that um this is actually gonna be harder because with four people we have to kill more zombies than we did before but it might be easier to point builds potential true we just have to play good actually dude i haven't even gone yet this is weird yeah same here yeah yeah maybe it is going to be much harder oh how many zombies do we have to kill uh i feel like this is more than round eight here yeah we might be in here for a life we're gonna be here for a minute making this map this quickly was actually pretty quick work dude this is yeah no very very insanely quick work and it's really well done it's like good yeah i like how much he was gonna be actual zombies but no it's actually [Music] [Music] so that's why we need to keep keep going and you sound so quiet oh so jc there's footballs soccer balls i forget where i am wait no am i quiet for you too you're okay you're okay oh god there's so many mr backfire please shoot the soccer balls thank you oh big big big big fire perks boys get uh also get a phd get phd yeah i don't think phd is that useful on this we're going to be stuck here a while no one yeah that this is not a serious song i don't like i feel like falling off isn't actually that bad though like like i just doug we died on the stage like eight times what are you talking about i'm good i'm just gonna keep lying down in front of mule kick and get my 200 points lex you have to turn me up dog because i have you at 200 and you are the quietest man you are quite lad why you are a soft soft voiced soul right now why is my mic why why he's because you're talking calmly oh my gosh i'm running i'm running up here i need help oh i was shooting for the wrong person dude buy yourself an mx9 dude that's that's a good gun for sure we love that uh double tip like have to focus this much on treyarch maps this is literally harder fire fire let me guess let me guess you didn't buy phd i i didn't have enough voice [Music] yeah shoot the balls okay i am literally i have a star uh make sure make sure we don't buy perks we don't buy perks on this level nice that's huge did you guys see 700 kills by the way because at the end if we're left with like 200 zombies we're not gonna have enough time in the slimes that's why we need to speed speed run yeah always be abc always be always be killing them always be killing but with a c abc's remember your abc's voice i'm i'm confused oh my god always be killing you you want to kill but you got to do it calmly dude nice quick calmly wait quick is with the cube my bad quick nice let's get up okay don't waste points on perks until we have the doors open i just what what is this i can see what you mean where it can like teleport you oh yeah yeah that's why we need to get away we need to keep going keep going come on boys come on come on come on come on come on come on use point guns point i might buy double tap noah yeah yeah double tap that's fine get get like essential perks only double tap jug that's about it bro this is so spooky [Music] luke do we want it i don't know if we do no no no no no we need the kills we need the kills yeah all right all right i'm opening next door is there a gun down here was there a good gun oh it's the item we need to go up we need to go up some good jeeps the mud mud uh milo come by the store yeah i'm coming i'm coming coming i've only got uh five minutes excuse me magic origins just said pink gave it the revelations treatment just made it colorful there we go i'm up i'm not talking about we have a friend let's go i think i think we should all try and stick together because we'll i mean will we get faster sports that way actually i don't know i i honestly they're still spawning from the bottom so i don't i don't know uh i think i think we just hold this area right here yeah like help me help me help me help me how can you help me you're getting hammered the hammer helps do it i'm going for that oh that was so big okay the perks are now out of reach no more perks for us goodbye perks okay okay i need to go back up live laugh love dude live laughs can y'all cover my back here cover my back while i'm death machining yep yes sir yes sir all right there we go can we go check how many zombies we have left yeah i'm going i'm going i'm going i'll check these are so scary one at a time boys one at a time i think that's okay i think that's pretty good oh oh you crazy oh yeah yeah you guys get up here get up here get it i i think we i think we should hold right here until the the what's it called gets a little farther up oh okay yeah no no yeah if y'all if you all shoot the spawn oh there's a fire sale is there a box spawn oh there is a box spot you guys uh no oh yes yes there is uh i think it's too risky yeah it's it's no no it's covered it's covered it's covered it's covered it's covered yeah do not go please do not go oh my god shoot relax please don't grab that hourglass don't grab the allergies don't grab that time yeah i was gonna go for it i was gonna risk it all i know you i could tell all right kills easy easy easy clap oh double points yeah yeah yeah i'm going for that cover me cover me i can't sprint yep you're good you're good you're good you're fine behind you you're clear don't worry we gotta find [Music] [Laughter] all right all right chuck your names check your names deep i'm only saying that because he's the one for me i killed y'all we have to hurry um 456 and the five [Music] there we go okay all right all right which one was it which one was it for the first one i am not buying a singular door you guys can buy all the doors okay i think i think it looked like this one wow nice nice nice okay which one was the next one i think this might have been this one yes [Music] we got the strats boom okay this one i don't remember this side no that okay furthest right is a fake door okay okay i think it's on the right hand side though i could i could be totally wrong on that oh yeah i'm going to shoot shooting shooting punches you gotta have the trigger finger of the literal god to use that one all right i have officially yoinked all the points here okay there's next round oh perk uh we should get uh what's it called right here uh everyone get your porks from the uh perca cola no what am i saying this thing the wonderful percocet yeah yeah yes i'm about to buy the fizz in about a second here i wasted so many points i could have saved i'm sad well so this area has no like lose condition as long as we don't go down so this is a good area we should all we should all have perka but before leaving here yeah i think sorry can you can you get more and more yeah yes yeah just keep buying wonder fizz every chance you get yeah that's a good call i do think it might be a good idea well actually no maybe we shouldn't open the next area till we've got our perks because then we might have spawns coming from that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whoa guys the real the real lebron james is in my the real lebron james is in my chat chat that's crazy also we should get it we should get at least one double path weapon everybody for the last area really good idea oh that's a big bleed underwater jesus hmm mr backfire come back here right now mr backfire jordan [Laughter] so much don't i'm just literally walking around shooting here there we go it's gone i wonder if this is on the other location it moves oh that's sad oh yo yo let me hit let me hit let me [Music] jc what are your thoughts on black ops 5 zombies oh i got the shield oh that's big you just got a shield out of the box wait you got the shield yeah that's gonna be so good for the last area yeah jc we need to be wonderful we need to be ultimate set up for the last area nice okay we we also just need to not walk into the well oh yeah well we didn't even really know what happened like i was just getting killed i have no idea what happened you just died bro we'll explain it before we go there yeah head wire we'll take dead wire uh is it back here no there we go good stuff come back wonderfully so we've shot three balls here is that correct i believe so i think there's one more at the end okay cool mini chuckling bowls yeah something wrong with my balls partner partner okay uh what's the next uh oh god what's the next door do y'all remember i need to buy i need to buy ammo and the points nice the volk is in there the volca is after the next door we need to get to the next door to get to it though don't have instincts weapons don't have any instincts [Laughter] [Music] do we remember do we remember which door this is anybody 101 though all i know is the last door is left and if it's not left i'm crying do you think that yoshi gets embarrassed okay i'm gonna try i'm gonna try middle okay it's not middle it's never middle it's always the size i'm down to my knife can someone try to buy the next door uh how much is it three thousand i need one more person who has thirteen thousand yeah that's that's me i've got no ammo but i'm coming over yeah i'm trying why am i trying uh either this one right here try no no try try right try it immediate right i think it's i think it's far right have we tried fall left no no no no fake doors big door fake door this is yeah this is the last one and it's this one did you just buy all of them no that was milo oh uh which one was this one far right twice wait right then left wait does it change it might change no the first ones were the same like i remembered the first ones wait so which which one is this one chat was four i think i remember it being far right i think we're we're trying left on the last one right now it's not far right no just tried it okay next call chat thanks chat i'm broke now by the way i'm being evicted from my home i can't feed my family chat thanks cheers oh that's a that's a glitzy uh yeah make sure we don't buy the last door until we're all ready to go though because you get forced out of this area true we should have two crew two pack of punched weapons yeah i haven't packed a tool yet yeah do that i'm just uh point building with my kn right now uh so you tried far right on this one uh yes yeah i tried oh my god okay i'm gonna try middle left not middle left unlucky this is a fake door unlucky brother maybe nice nice nice nice nice huge pack of punching about time baby are you all prone that the machines are left okay we're going far yeah i did i did i got all of that of course of course progress baby oh gosh more like progress no no no no no that's a pog in the chat if i've ever heard one ladies and gentlemen dude that that's the it's the year of positivity right here let's go you heard it here first help me the user's card the positivity must be repaired the [Laughter] draw some pain for that one i would like one hit for my third weapon slot yeah me too okay you can go you can go take a hit dude take a hit oh i got wonder walk oh i'm taking one more i'm taking one more yo [Music] okay i'm trying far left on the doors it worked okay don't buy the last one yeah yeah don't buy the last one why aren't the bo4 guns single this is a mistake the hitchcock is a single fighter gun this is such a mistake oh no not the hitchcock i'm trying to get i'm trying to get the muller out of the box because it's named after me in this map man i'm trying to get them all but i can't build it i got rid of the fork oh no [Music] oh also mule cake tells you which mule kick gun you have and like glows on the best of updates to ever exist hell yeah oh there's an item yo if you want a good gun there's an icr right here there's an icr okay boys left side on this last door pack your guns for uh grandma sir well i was i was point building so i wanted the yeah damage because it's the bo3 point system which is so good it's such a good point system it's almost like it was the point system in every game drake where's the avatar drake wait what did you just say you have not seen that twitter meme like someone edited it and it's like jake where's the avatar lex is in another meme dimension to the rest of us dude i'm like the fourth one yeah exactly it's across the dimensions of the memes oh my god dude this escargot is the worst gun ever but it's so good for points snails what you want that is what i want i want i ain't double packer punching nothing no not one bloody thing no nothing not one okay yeah just with me jason i hope you've enjoyed this really calm and uh yeah i'm actually having a great time look i have a decent amount of kills for once oh yeah does good stuff and no downs love that hey what'd you say am i the only one huh okay i thought i was alone in the damn department this game no livelihood i got you now thank you thank you you're loving them wait try the middle one wait no is it the same or not i can't tell i don't know did i don't no middle that's that's a that's the truth why left if anything left his help no we know it was left last game do you even have to reload in this um he might have i don't know i'm not sure let's check it out dude imagine check it out imagine the memory game was in this i'm gonna try it out no dude we'd all die we would literally all die of perfect man [Music] i think i'm gonna get a good thing here let's see last furnace again man yeah i'm going to go double pap now double i'm pretty much good to go though i'm good whenever you are i i am ready as well i am ready as well do you see milo uh he thinks i mean like are we buying all our parks here are we waiting for the parker uh no no the perka is if someone goes down in the last area we're going to get the perka for him so they can get first again okay so buy all your purses now yeah okay oh my god this glizzy is attacking my ass get off me i love when the glizzy just glitches out and extends [Laughter] [Music] it's my thumbnail from afk [Music] the longest hot dog in the world [Music] i'm trying to get them all out of the box because apparently it's named after me all right i'll try and copy if you want to keep spinning yeah i'll spin for it again yes sir okay i'm good to go now yeah i'm good how are you guys doing i'm ready i just need to get them all oh fireworks that's what i wanted for the last area fireworks gonna be so good for the last area i just gotta say like this is the first custom app that i've played in genuinely about a year and sliding in black ops three zombies is so good it's so fun dude it's so fun i love it okay two of us have enough for uh outdoor purchase no i tried left uh it's not me i ain't wasting my money i have 1000 i trust chat all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh we got him we got him we gotta okay don't grab don't grab each other don't don't grab it who has the tail who has the tail okay okay he changed it wait combined 3k kills oh my god wait bro was that a mis-type [Music] i don't think it is hold on i'm gonna check 3k kills is more than is double what we've got in this entire game so far oh 580 okay okay have been knocked i was supposed to throw on the god mode and 10 times speed right there i'm not gonna lie 500 kills though that's a that's yeah it's probably like five minutes of killing oh including the ones you already have oh so it is 3k kills but it includes what you have so far all right okay okay cool cool okay so so staying in that last area was actually a huge benefit then we got more stuff and there's yeah because we can't get our points out there for our pups oh there's the box here the box bro who need who needs the box okay box i already need it but i actually oh we got the footballs here uh there's one in the middle did somebody get that oh i got it i got it nice there might be one at the bottom like under like over here uh no are there were there any ones outside the map here oh yeah yeah yeah nice good finds yeah let's go i think i think that might be it dude yes sir i'm falling i fell immediately did you all know that on this level you can leg grab like on these things where i'm standing wait really [Music] the christian yo chips get him get him bro imagine oh i'm just wait fall guys is on steam right bro imagine they open up a fall guys workshop and you can download custom fall guys maps honestly like yeah apparent apparently i've heard for season two they're making uh they're making private matches so well yeah they're on their way so you can just get your chat yeah i think that's what they're trying to do yeah yeah good luck with stream snipers on that one that would be like you know yeah me versus 59 hackers that would be such a funny video you invite 50 hackers to one single game dude dude that was actually an incredible video 60 hackers versus each other it'll be the fastest game in the in the west bro can you imagine tiptoe with 60 hackers yeah if you if you did that but then it was also a custom map so you had like a course built for hackers yeah actually navigate it with like some crazy crazy design that'd be really cool like they're forced to go slow which they can't do they can only go up 100 miles per hour like they've got to like stand on a very very small thing to get to the next next stage or something and to get there is like the precision they need is really definitely zooming around oh yeah 100 super yeah we're very close yeah nice and it's good as well because ammo has been pretty wait is that i'm a refill no it's infinite oh no yeah i'm stupid okay oh you just got the thunder gun and then and then the mauler and then that dude that is very much not for fun to go yeah we should also spin this box out of here yeah i'll spin it once yeah thundergun would be huge for last area oh wait oh wait is that the is that it i don't think that's it that's not it's not that good yeah yeah you're right uh as well i don't know there were some here yeah i got i got i've got i've shot two of them three that makes three more in the last area that sounds about right or four more spooky spooky oh yeah we actually have guns this time with ammo my turn zombie's just gonna run around down there that's perfect dude look at that nuke at the bottom um i feel like there might be one more soccer ball here potentially okay jc so the next part the next part after this it's imagine frogger except there are no safe areas the safe areas do damage to you over time and the cars will hit you push you all the way back and then you'll get into like a high damage death barrier so essentially you have to stay in the road that's the key stay in the road okay like the road is safe and look look forward toward the cars because i think you need to dodge them they call me both directions i i think it i think it's like left side does they come from one one side left a right road they come from the other way oh god that's a chips hey player put down the chips and give me some ammo but do we have we've been talking about playing among us do we have enough people for that at some point i messaged and the first reply i got back was yeah i can't do it for four days sorry yeah we should be able to get a group if we're like if you guys are around tomorrow how many people do you actually need to play among us yeah what's what's a good what's a good amount yeah like not like entertainment like where it'll be fun not trash yeah eight people are saying eight yeah i figured eight would be a good amount yeah a lot of people are saying 10 in mind is it like how much worse is it if you have eight instead of ten chat the oh they said the minimum is eight you can't play without eight oh okay yeah i guess there's not enough it's it's unbalanced instead okay minimum is eight maximum is ten so if we get up to ten then that would be a full game hard right here it's fine if we have eight everybody's saying yeah it's it's just on it's not as balanced experience okay it's good to know so we should definitely try to get to aim for ten if we get eight or nine then it's okay oh minimum is four with one imposter but you know that would probably be bad yeah that would be less good you need someone to be in confused with yup all right boys here we go get ready for the little cause if you're taking damage because you're standing in a bad spot big w dude nice little w yes i'm actually almost out of ammo yes dude the cards are going in the ground i think yeah if you uh uh uh football's football's footballs okay don't shoot the last one do do not shoot the last one i literally need a max extender busy watch out yeah 384 kills oh god oh god oh god oh there's the lmg on the wall near where i am i'm dead no no lad dude i didn't even know when i was getting hit by there dude you you can't go to the end yeah you can't go to the end no no no i know i wasn't i was just getting hit by nothing uh lex can you crawl all right do you have the do you have the slope do you have slow coral right now yeah i'm pretty slow boys i run out of ammo oh god lex crawled at me crawling me alex i'm falling i'm crawling i'm crying dude i'm crying dude oh it's this back this back oh i did not hear you hold on [Music] okay shoot soccer balls no dude i'm getting rocked right now it's just because i have no ammo uh should i be looking for soccer balls no uh yeah we need to get resus can you protect can you protect uh ammo here i'm gonna get that i can protect you got it okay here we go [Music] pop off another one you got another one no no that's the same one same one same one this is literally ridiculous yeah so okay one of the soccer balls is on the street like but i can't shoot it oh there okay we have one more i'm i'm zero ammo like literally zero i need help shooting if you guys can ah dude is impossible okay get the rest get the rest come here come here come here come here i i can't do nothing bro okay i'm gonna try to jump in we need a max he's so bad we need a maxi so bad can we can we pick up the the bulls yeah it can can we yeah if you see it by me it's literally next to me i don't know i have zero yeah okay there's the poker for y'all but they didn't give it to me wait what oh no no it's two cars at once on each side oh boy oh okay i'm starting to understand how you play this one watch out for the car i'm completely out of ammo and everything yeah you're gonna need to buy it we did it we did it we did it we did this oh just live those kills okay i gotta i gotta time this off i got a timestamp just dodge cars ending now unlocked ending now unlocked ending now unlocked all teleporters now active try to teleport out of here i'm teleporting [Music] look for them on the sides of the walls at the the far ends of the mountain oh yeah yeah i see it get out of here after the entire game is over i'm getting out of here i don't want to be here oh no wait [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude i can't believe it this whole time i haven't been recording i've been streaming to a no stream oh my god i made the dough era at least i got my juice the pain [Music] wants to play with us so we'll we'll pl let's play again we'll do it we'll do a speed run again i'm down [Music] no no listen i'm gonna back out and do knock then you guys can fill no i i gotta go i was supposed to go 30 minutes ago oh okay yeah okay that's it for me but that's it for me we'll get them in dude i i just streamed to a brick wall oh pain existence is pain yeah i recorded the two failed attack obs god [Music] i'm kicked up i am not kw right now dude i'm full kicked of oh my god all right boys it's been a pleasure uh let's play let's play the other map again soon and uh among us as well i'm down if no if you're going and uh if you're going in lex's nothing jc do you want to record something or what what are you doing okay all right boys i am going to wrap it up there hope everybody had a blast uh watching i definitely had a blast playing that was super fun map crazy good stream thank you thank you thank you i'm glad you all enjoyed it it was a it was a it was a great time boys it was a great great great time i gotta go though um hope everybody is uh everybody's having a good one everybody had a good one and uh make sure you guys leave a like if you did enjoy i will see y'all all in the next stream if we get enough people it'll be among us tomorrow if we don't it won't be among us tomorrow we'll see you tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 824,815
Rating: 4.9183841 out of 5
Keywords: noahj456, noah, noahj, gaming, gorod krovi, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight, shadows of evil, zetsubou no shima, revelations, black ops, black ops cold war, black ops cold war zombies, call of duty zombies, call of duty 2020, cod 2020, treyarch, reveal, trailer
Id: w0GcGGd63EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 38sec (7778 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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