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I don't like saying deep philosophical question b23r or rk5 what do you pick oh I'm all day I'm all day be to see our tech that's the cringe site over there okay five more than the b23r I do are you full of poo it doesn't sound as nearly as cool but it's just better our k5 sounds like a little peashooter it does just like the it's just like the m r6 m r6 is poo poo hey under when they brought back to cult good hey no it was no it was bad you can say it hey yes you can say the newsprint can you just jump around this wall I tried ya know I you think the beta testers would have tried speaking again I'm never speaking oh this is cringe I can't might as well from the backside you have to do it JC this is cringe the door take the beta tester try that out you'll stand up there on the wall casually just a casual stamina not not a business casual but it's just a casual stamina question for you if you ever get married what will be the attire at your wedding will be business casual everybody will it does that mean will your wedding be heck or cringe this krusty-krab right now these boys are too much for me today not the Cowboys either not little boys but these boys Xena yes right here the word Tech wait okay did you break the wall by either yeah hey cares what kr0 movie saying KFC he's saying case he had an abbreviation for the phrase clutch or we can stand in this corner right here this might not be a stand in this corn yeah this is actually a random story my my aunt play my entire life has made fun of me because the very first time she clicked like when I just started doing YouTube it was black up to transit had just come out she watched my videos and the very first thing she heard me say she like skipped in the very first thing she heard me say was so you're gonna want to take a left at the cornfield and that is like literally the only video find she's ever watched is my train late you make videos about corn but is my transit Eastern guides so every single time she sees me she's like hey you know I've made a left it into cornfields recently and that's basically our relationship so you know what I want to say to that right I'd be a fiver revived was it was their quick revive at the bottom that's cringe honestly jug is pretty crummy we've ever had a video hundred percent this is this at least for fueling JC with the merge ideas like it's a positive I'm making a profit oh no oh no say cringe I say profit oh no it's chopped mind just see oh my god wow did it this man just pulled off the Michael Jordan's of Wow bro that was limping medalist play right there Wow there's no way there's no way their attitude is just no way [Music] and then the main problem is that it's round ten and we have poopoo gun it's fine just go sorry I didn't get the max okay and I want to cry yeah I'm gonna say it real quick for jug I'm buying the dorm room Oh double tap DoubleTap everyone double tap is literally better than jug right now yeah okay we said one person covering the bonneville you trying to buy that five times fast cringe cringe [Laughter] just like dog you know Kumi yo profit profit sharing I'll share my propagated existing wire points so hard to come by night let me hit you up with something you already know shoot your way out you're not gonna be able to shoot let's summon our Byakugan the Ministry of Magic has been abolished they are coming the mechanism must be repaired fine we're fine no Jesse yeah I come come come get come get come get papa you have time goodbye sir alright goodbye papa hahaha yes no I just pull off some parkour maneuvers you do know them no I actually played well right there played well but stop restarting and we can't we cannot beat the comedy that was hey just let you guys all know everybody who's watching Noah's YouTube video he cuts out like two hours of us playing beforehand riot riot I will I will literally let you do make a video of whatever you want on my channel you can you can make it a voice game of whatever I'll be 100% 5 because in order to do it you have to beat cheese cube b4 by yourself and then no give it over to me and I'll try it that's honestly you know you know what I want to say - that goes without saying but I'm gonna say it anyway that's pretty cringe you don't think I could beat cheese cube you can then choose your own for you have that's like sleep not a single chance yes I beat it who else has beat it I don't know every day [Laughter] it's really unlike separate days I have to do it in order that we recorded because otherwise people are just gonna be so confused and how we arrived at this nation thank you I need a better guy yeah if we get to the we didn't get to dope dude we need to get to double tap yeah double tap should be the first thing we did - oh my god can anyone afford 3.5 K Lex don't buy that Lex [Music] [Applause] hey hey God you know though you know no no no no top now Oh what that's right [Laughter] nobody buy jug we are not buying jug we're going straight to double tap and then also if no matter what no matter what kind of I can't tell this I best or worst I've ever I think this one's gonna have to be a multi-part oh right here yeah it's really hard to figure out which one it is very honestly if we if we just skip the guns and go straight to jug or straight to double tap yeah yeah the b23r double tap you can be probably better that's a game plan I've ever heard one shut up dude no you you know what I want to say to that doing the Cowboys one you gotta love them boys I love them three years old uninstalling black ops three don't worry about it all right Charlie all right we can here we go dude he's almost there by the door we can get double tap and we can wait have enough enough cake for the double tap oh I'm gonna mow those so we need to get better all right I'm buying it okay that was her that'll be it all right good double tap good stuff oh no dude what just happened it's all good don't don't even worry about it do my voice we God all right night-night insta-kill nice nice nice yeah yeah yeah you all that's good it's good only now if I have a Bowie speed Cole's the next one speed : to the next one okay before we before we bite that jug let's get food : you imagine anyone who's never seen zombies before watching splat we got to double points we got to double points also the SMG flaps a beginning seconds trade market I say this you put it on take tart all right nice nice I can't I can't get out of this circle of zombies okay my ammo all right I'm buying door doors open widow's why is next oh my gosh were actually saying oh that's such a God's name we're actually saved I think I think what does wine is like two three most Opie perks I've ever put in the game all right Walter a baby where you at we're looking for your pulse rate it's still back there and buried man and doesn't hear you it does not hear you job spongebob why does it work when you say not when I said shut up all right 4.5 K okay can't afford a all right Lex Lex you me give you a throwback and a half you ready I'm tagging ready well F&E you I mean like please stop falling off of the mouth thank you did my whole chat is writing the fringe guys I did not mean what I said no it's not my intent that was not my intent that is not what I was trying to say but the failure anything different lies squarely on my shoulder to say that I'm sorry is an understatement guys are we gonna survive this one of those jammers are 4,500 points and go ahead and open that there door oh hey hey here's me like it go brother sighs you guys an oatmeal kick is right there already why do you why do you sound like my boy [Music] in the bunny rabbit you guys know the Krusty Krab is 13 stories tall come on now Christie towers well this is gonna be very difficult now no hesitate a lot of racks again the Krusty Krab [Music] we at the Krusty cockamamie there's there's the mystery box up here it's not like you for that out three-box than any game then we'll spawn the in the Krusty Krab oh crap I got the scenes God's here oh yeah we're not the power on wait where's the power Mona says we have to turn the power first what's that at the very bottom maybe no so much on someone someone take the long rap no oh no we need power oh that's cringe i'm dude that is chris it's on it's on voice powers on yeah i sec oh thank god can you move moving is cringe hey JC cover Manny to kick you again thank you so much dude it's terrifying outside just look outside JC may wear look behind you it's actually creepy that's so creepy wait where is ponding at the very bottom I need assistance Runyan as fast as you this creepy yeah it's it's actually just really weird and unfortunate someone had to place all these here I've got no ami you won't this is a safety spot I got the RPD haven't yet will update whatever figure it out literally all of Lex oh my comment you died right you're much better at pw's and chair this is a this was a bad idea are you what are you still up wait your blood out follow follow he likes I got business proposition for you let's go ahead and break away I almost fell you see yet here's what we do we make it pickpocket count all of us because I will agree with this business proposition we may get drunk let's let's see the well I have sold seven podcast t-shirts if that doesn't tell you anything [Laughter] 30k now that one was actually not looks like up there like damn bro you got the whole squad laugh my krusty krab sick looking blue gun that's me baby hey that's a pretty thick looking blue got a kick in it I just crawling honestly I'd like to take this opportunity to tell everyone please don't watch any more of our videos but this is this is the peak of our content it's never gonna get any better it's true hey man there's okay dad - eh you got the whole side lexical I see yeah checker quartz that was the craziest Drive say things save it for another day bro you know what he's not that he's not that into it okay my chat goes reviving it's great do you really do have to upload these in order yeah hundred percent and with that being said I have exactly 30 thousand points sorry get me out of here for the love of everything if you didn't know if you wouldn't have done that I would have actually died again dang bro you got no whole squad in the whole squad kekkon right they're ending the game is actually cringed that's actually pretty crazy
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 393,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorod krovi, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight, shadows of evil, christmas zombies, zetsubou no shima, revelations, spongebob zombies
Id: cJ0YyTT8gN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 27sec (2067 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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