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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome everybody to quite literally the hardest zombies map ever created in the history of literally forever this is snake way now if you guys aren't familiar with this map essentially what it is is it's a Dragonball Z map where you must ascend and descend and and just a sin to madness with trying to collect all of the kanji on the map now these Ponzi's are these little red these little symbols with the red lines in the sky you have to collect all of them and enable to in order to actually beat the map you have a mystery box in your back pocket so you can literally just buy a weapon at any point in time like I did right there which is really really nice so we're an action ok we'll take that look what makes this map so incredibly hard is the fact that I don't know how to describe this it sucks it literally is it just takes you to madness because there's a dude who follows you around the entire time he's an Android by the way his name is not Luke whom he's an Android and I'm gonna call him Android 66 because you know he's not he's not another Android that he kind of you know looks like but he has an Android nonetheless cool that's a frequent speaker : nice okay I need jugg really bad and then we're looking pretty good already on person anyway yes he is a Android and Ruby spawn here any perks no perks but there is a kanji over here basically the beginning of this game is just gonna be me collecting various freakin not Riku if you guys watch the live last episode I called that guy Rick whom the entire time and I thought my chat was gonna kill me in the comment section he is decidedly not you know what it's early on to the game um I'm gonna try this I really need to hit this kanji that's behind them like I really need to hit it so I'm just gonna Folsom this oh my gosh we actually made it past them wait and watch how did we actually make it past them that is so unbelievably hard to do chat wait it's all up here yeah this this map literally combines everything man freaking parkour if I make this jump over here we're just gonna try for it nope I failed miserably okay that's fine where do we spawn where did we spawn where did we spawn good lure for a second without the undead or these cell minions trying to kill us uh shoot where do we want to go from here [Applause] shoot where do we want to go from here ensue without bullets that's the zombie points kind of wish I would have gotten that okay [Applause] is that I want that I don't know what it is but I'll own it oh it's a it's a blast attack I really need to get some more perks dude okay we want to go this way wait crap I'm messing up right now I need to jump to the next platform I gotta reload on that I need some better weapons as well I need some jug as well I need a lot of things oh crap time to fill them with one man hunting party not good Oh pack-a-punch go baby all right we got a packed punch on the kN pretty good gun to get packed a punched here and a purge all good let's go is this the god run it might be the gun [Music] for now the Hades will have to do okay that's not exactly what I wanted to do there but that's alright the mate so so I forgot to mention this hi I'm kind of acting like you guys have seen me the first the first attempt at this basically if you fall off you lose all your points you do get teleported you have to be careful not to jump from a super high height obviously because you will you know Daiya tragic death but if you if you fall off it's fine you get teleported somewhere else I think it's kind of like preset around the map but you do actually lose all your points as well so you you definitely don't want to do ace like whenever you want you have to do it as as education as possible yep that's that's what I decided to go with with that in that situation as education despots you have to be smart about how you do it cuz if you if you jump up at the wrong time you're just screwing yourself over because these points are really hard to come by especially later on when the when the money is running low okay that's all of this it goes all the way down there I don't see any con G's over there okay so we're good to jump off to the next area I'm gonna fill up some points here we need to fill that one up or we need to open that one rather so I have two that I can do okay so whenever I whenever I have enough whenever I feel like I have enough point favorites I'm gonna jump off here go that way get that one and then jump cross and get that one and then jump back come back the other way alright we hit we haven't yet we have a game plan in mind part of what makes this map so hard is you have such little control over where you teleport to and sometimes there's literally no other choice but to teleport because he's in the way oh that better not be a packed lunch drop or else I'm gonna be big sad [Music] I I do need to stop doing that though I don't really want that sword it only gives me 50 points per kill that it gets it is the only way that we can kill the big boy but we tweet we we have a pretty uh it's pretty good distance between us and big boy right now this way or actually wait I'm dropping up right here that's right that's right hey how much five about 6k I should be good I think all right it goes this way now the other the other bad part is when we jump to a new snake he teleports into a random spot on it the the big pooper that's that's where we're gonna call him Android 66 aka the boot bot because his entire life's goal is just to Boop you as hard as he can okay I think we actually go down the snake a little bit please don't fail this job free bags that's dad go okay that means he's teleporting and we want to go all the way down here I don't know if there's more to hit to the side I do see I do see stuff I don't know if there's a parkour path to it though rap well it doesn't matter anyway we got to go back big the great booper is in the way yeah the thing is he does no damage the problem is he sends you flying up in there oh yeah even a death machine can't kill off this even the death machine does nothing to him dude it's great wonderful okay we're gonna go this way this time oh there's a perk right here Oh dead shot good oh goodie oh goodie chat we got dead shot we're saved if you spawn behind us was that that is fun I thought that was his spawn knows now okay I think I think I know what I need to do I think I know what I need to do I need to get this other kanji sorry this is so hard I'm trying to like memorize the snake paths as I'm on them I should have packed my other weapon I did I mean I guess I got fireworks that's kind of nice right Bree Upton ready where's my other weapon right now Hades not bad it's gonna have a lot of ammo all right if I get another pack of my stuff I'm gonna get the Hades I need to get past four oh my gosh fireworks just okay well this is officially the worst thing ever fireworks is lagging out my game whenever it goes off I need to get past this spawn point here 10k points we've got enough for beautiful we're not gonna waste time shooting any of these bad boys for the ones directly in front of us um shoot did I mess up by coming this way either way I think I was gonna have to commit to something I think it's okay crap please tell me there's a no there's not a jump over here there's this that's super risky though oh no man dang it it never comes there okay I'm gonna have to go for the jump I have no PhD so I won't survive the fall if he boobs me in a bad way [Music] no dude there goes all of my points standing up at least oh all right there we go we begin the new grind if we'd begin the new grind right here a thousand points what dang it man that was a really tough spot to be in I I tried try the lucky man but there's no way I could have known there's gonna be nothing that way um okay that goes all the way to down here which I don't think I can jump across that you see if I can see a better angle here yeah that looks like a very tough jump so does that one though okay I'm going this way bro this is so hard this is so hard I think I think the map would be actually pretty easy if if it weren't for either raccoon spawning in front of you constantly or or the fact that you lose the points when you jump Bob if one of those two things was in the case giant I'll keep shooting this map would be so much easier can I make that jump and you have to like constantly be looking oh yeah I think I think instead of making the jump I fall off over here this gets a little height height I don't think I'm gonna take a good stuff good stuff and we wanna go this way boy wait did I just get a perk bottle was that just a perk slot monka monka monka got another kanji this thing has a little bit too long a reload for my liking I'm gonna be honest I'm gonna buy a new thing fresh source and part parts pretty good yeah well stick with the rampart and it has a really fast reload okay my just on an infinite loop right here I think I am look if there's a way to jump off I might just have to jump off and lose all these points though yeah I am I'm on an infinite loop right here dude this this game man can I jump off over there I think that might be my only out and that's perfect because there's already a kanji over there my this is my only out right here I'm pretty sure let's go baby perfect [Applause] who's that zombie blood I don't think we can make that jump over there so we want to make this one hardcore parkour okay good okay where does this go this goes all the way over there leads to that kanji so we just need to jump off here yeah okay let's get this one done these guys are all gonna be spawning hardcore in front of me now okay um that's that's a free perk I don't want to waste it though I'm pretty sure right perk capacity which actually sucks that they don't have any more perks to help you out this is all you get no electric cherry no widows wine this is a true challenge map dude like I always is what you always say Dempsey hey let's keep on route moving we have so much so much currency to work with here I want to drop the max ammo up there and I was gonna lose it I think I want to drop onto this yeah whoo yo yo yo all right perfect here we go we just need to buy as many of these con G's as possible at these points before we're forced into a situation where we have to jump off we're at ten collected that's doing really really really really really really well I think this entire quadrant of the map is now done oh my gosh okay we can jump over there I don't know where it goes but we need to avoid at all costs having to jump off with 14 K points cuz I can afford so many of the conjures right now I just need to get to them without having to teleport away little burst a little kamehameha guy I wonder if that kills Android 66 - thanks here we go make your way up I think I am I think we do have this entire quadrant done they are they are flying at me dude okay well now we are we're in a good position like in a lot of ways but we're also in a bad position because we're not near by any Ponzi's at all I don't know how to get up to more without teleporting and I don't want to keep killing zombies boyo oh my gosh this is a weapon I can work with okay so we go around here combustor there that goes up okay I think we think we go this way oh my gosh I cannot I cannot fault you're doing this in front of me dude he just had to spawn there huh he had one job we don't want to go down there that's the infinite Lou are you go down here yes we can okay running out of ammo I really need another pack a punch drop as well [Applause] that's pretty insane they're their pet they are faster than me to zombies [Music] okay all right beautiful we're closer to some con geez now me a little slap on the butt as I jump off okay I think we're actually gonna get one here and less ruku actually screws me over here [Applause] hi there so many spawning bear no of course you did I'm doing something risky here I'm doing something risky here I'm gonna try to slip past them let's go baby oh that's the most scary thing to do in this entire playthrough man we just pulled it off oh my gosh you literally have to be frame perfect on that to get past them without him launching you oh my gosh there's so many zombies funny mind okay we're buying we're buying a lot right now we have still oh my gosh you'll see why this map is so hard right now so much map knowledge is required to beat this I might have to jump off here I don't know if I can get all the way back up I might have to jump off here should I just bite the bullet in a reposition I'm so far away and I don't even know if I can get back [Applause] hey that was that was risky because of my slow decision-making but we did it [Applause] here we go we got a link between the right and the left side right here and we're gonna take it and use it to its full potential I really debated jumping off right there but 32k points especially when I'm this late on ammo man ammo is always the problem let's chair this place a new one okay nice alright I see I see that's the path I need to take right there solo that's all me nuts me it nuts me dude [Applause] [Music] I'm so anima bullets yeah you got that right ammo man I need ammo hey I have another one here where she get stuck there I was gonna I was gonna lose it I was gonna lose it if that zombie killed me okay we're at 18 can I get a I need a max there's no other way around it no way I have to send it this is a dead end isn't it f me dude I have to go I have to reset my points okay well I'm at a new thing I'm gonna be pissed if I die from lack of bullets what a terrible way to go out man what a terrible way to go out if I can get a thousand points I can at least buy a new gun here someone's got to have a maxi it's been a while since my last maxi [Applause] [Applause] I literally just need to get max ammo or something how many rounds have been since the max ammo dude how many rounds have been since the max ammo or any useful drops come on sword doesn't help oh my gosh finally okay salvation actual salvation oh my gosh hey 7500 points alright let's go baby this is the bit this is this just gotta be the run this is literally gotta be it the entire right side of the map is clear of Khan jeez I don't know how many there are in total but I think we're very very close that was a perk drop I already have full parts I'm just really hoping this isn't a dead end at the very end I think it is me dude all right we're just gonna revisit we have to just keep teleporting just ASAP until we reposition how do that how do I spawn over here from that I just have to keep teleporting until I get into a position where I can get kanji no why why am i coming over here I want to be on literally the opposite side of the map from here oh my gosh I'm at the start let's go okay we're at one rat - rat - okay it's possible let's just this one 3k oh my gosh okay there's one here I don't know if there's any more I can get to over there there's no way I'm out of ammo again and I still haven't gotten the max ammo literally how is that possible how is that possible [Applause] you're making me mad one all the way over there got a run again this is so stressful there's one down there I think I can get to that one if I jump down here now I need points but I only have about 200 bullets left total gosh I'm so glad I'm not breaking my legs on these I need 3k boys I'm at 3k [Music] is that it's over there I think that's the last one that's the last one that's the last one over there how do I get there literally how do I get there I just have to keep on living I have like a hundred bullets in my life laughs I'm not even close to it right now oh that's a far jump okay I thought that was it oh we're close we're close for close I've jumped mmm take me closer right here big long one and it ends right there gosh come on dude this is so stressful even when I get there I have to have 3k points just to just to be able to afford it please teleport me right here where is it where is it where is it we're not even close again come on teleport system work with me here hmm wait now right surely not no not Oh super far away I need to keep just repositioning as fast as I can and then once I get there I don't know man just have to pray that I can get enough points to buy it this sucks so bad and we're all the way back at the start old baby okay yes we got the job the start is the most dangerous place to be because that has the highest chance to teleporting me like literally right back to where I where I was sitting well that was clue all right come on baby give me the same couple teleport spots this is where I need to go to okay no one needed Elaine on that I needed Elaine on that one no no bad very bad very bad actually okay let's try this little front left spot see where that takes me not even close come on okay let's try front right question mark no bad bad bad man then okay front no better than that thank goodness oh my gosh this sucks this actually sucks I hate this situation so much I need to try a different area to teleport from oh my gosh I'm literally as far away as I could be right now this is a good one this is the good one right here this is the one where it's actually doable máximos if I get a max ammo my life I literally win I'm pretty sure okay let's go mmm okay I think we're gonna hit it I think we're gonna hit it yep yep yep almost running on empty commiting [Applause] oh no one less meat bag no dude see what I had to do there I had to pop a new weapon as I was jumping off so that I have a chance to win still so I have it aunt I have ammo but this is what I've been resorted to chat this is what I've been resorted to I just have to individually kill as many zombies as possible hoping that I get a drop if I get an ammo drop it's literally over I win I just I have to get ammo that's that's just what it comes down to dude there's no two ways about it I have to get ammo or I lose okay I have to make my stand here I have to buy my next gun with this thousand points or I lose come on dude never okay we have what we need we have what we need to win okay now we need to get that stamina up spawn a shoe oh shoot I'm really high up you know oh my gosh how my life that was like max height that was literally max height okay where's the let's just let's just go down all right I don't care what there's the there's the speed cola okay you need to make her way down here hey here we go here we go here we go I'm gonna shoot this I don't know what just me a hundred points lit okay that's fine got a bone to pick or something we're on the one we're on we're on the snake we just need to make sure we have three to four K points we have four K points I don't know what happens when we hit the fifth line I've been the last one I don't know if we just win or what elves work hi ready what does that mean okay I'm just gonna teleport I'm just gonna teleport until I figure out what that means the elder Kai is ready what does that mean I mean we have to get to the end what kind of spawn is that that's the end over there Oh nope nope nope nope [Applause] do I have to get to the end the end I saw the end of it it was like over here sure hmm there it is there it is let's go make it no I went the opposite way wait I thought that was eight wait there he is there he is there he is the older cry let's go baby please don't be a Bible ending come on [Applause] Napa into Oh F oh there's I didn't realize there's gonna be a boss fight fine we're fine we're fine we're fine over signs I'm fine we're fine we're fine [Applause] there's an extra perk up there if we need it do I have to kill these saving my ammo as much as possible did letting fireworks do all the work for me I only have this gun I have to shoot the perk and to have a game Napa incoming ok alright this isn't too bad this isn't too bad dude if Napa comes and then just Yeats me off the side of the map I'm gonna cry and I like if I if I just get to eat it and die it survived oh my gosh he's huge [Applause] he keeps helping his teleport he does take damage oh my gosh no mo dude no mo at all holy he's back I beat his face one I'm sorry Napa I didn't know this was going to be how we had to fight with the gun okay that's another face down I'm getting these perk drops but this is literally the opposite of what I want a stir is a taste of my real power my training skills are remarkable Napa you act just like the zombies can teleport and attack that probably does like the same as a Brutus so I can only take like two of those before I die another perk okay [Music] still alive dude the top three for the hill this has to be for the kill [Applause] [Applause] my god is there even a point is there even a point to be using this pistol matter oh no I just got this since typical inch my sensitivity just went so far down now another perk how many faces does this dude have [Applause] dude how much tell it's gotta be the fact that he's got to have like a lot of faces but he's face is really weeks Billy this is taking me a while because I don't have any freaking pack-a-punch to weapons I do but I can't really use just keeps teleporting back I'm not really scared of the zombies I'm more scared of him than anything dying please give it to me baby oh my gosh bro this is insane how is he not dead he says didn't want to get it tasted my real power and spawns back in again I'm gonna freak out [Applause] he's getting bastard and head out harder-hitting [Applause] she's actually so much faster now okay he wasn't kidding about the taste of his real power [Applause] ow [Applause] ow his zoom in now twice how much does one man take to kill oh [Music] okay now things are seeking stop watch what reload okay that's got to be it right that's got to be it [Applause] my girl heights is it glitched how much like okay listen listen I I don't know this is glitch that was actually really close to being in depth there teleporting a lot more often that's it maybe it's not glitch this is just literally how long the spike makes without pact rush weapons [Applause] I can't even likes her around us to them dude hi can I give myself a max ammo now you're gonna get a taste of my real power [Music] okay this might be mm maybe not I don't know like like is it cheating if I give myself one max ammo in this entire boss fight of this boss that has 10 billion health and takes like 30 faces to kill just want to do it for the sake of time like how long am I supposed to do this boss fight for just gonna take longer than the actual map itself oh my gosh I'm losing it oh he said something different you said impossible that time so maybe he's actually getting weak now [Applause] won't pick her something why Hanna ropey man I did not mean to I meant to slide there didn't work like that it's literally got to be the end right oh I have is on blood to just burn them next time he spawns okay here's what I do yours on my deal more than just cosmetic this is what I'm gonna do just to speed this up I'm gonna give myself a pack pus-y hater cuz I'm I honestly don't know if it's bliss or not hold on one more one more of these wait do that did I get it so I was like I don't know I don't know what's going on how many how many times could I possibly have to kill him right hold on one more okay that didn't work at all I think it's glitched I literally think it's glitch [Applause] [Music] alright I'm gonna kill him three more times I'm just gonna use mods to kill him three more times he's gotta be glitch actually here's what I should do I should do the world much better look at him coming for me um well [Applause] that's one dude this would be such a lame ending to this cuz I feel like I fought really really hard to beat this map maybe there's no way it's actually zombies alright you think there's a possibility that it's zombie kills oh my gosh maybe I messed it up literally literally Android 66 is here now I'm 38 I think it's just straight-up glitch whoa you're new wait so so what is what is causing it zombie kills at this point I just want it to be over dude all right one more I'm gonna get myself one more one more time warp we have new stuff spawning in now one time supplies coming in there we go all right I guess this is play legit now I don't I don't know dude oh my gosh I'm so done with this yet I'm done with this man can we can we just can we just oh my gosh hold on I'm just I just want to know if why not if it actually can be beat you know what fine I lose I didn't want to beat it anyway dude I didn't want to see anything cool happen at the end I didn't want to know what happened I just wanted to sit there and shoot the same zombies forever you're right dude you're right game you know what we're gonna go ahead and call it there you win game you win today what can I say it is what it is that being said I hope you guys enjoyed if you did please leave a like in the video subscribe tell me in the comments that I actually won that so that I can be happy and I will see you guys in the next one alright peace out everyone bye bye McGregor day many smooches
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 508,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorod krovi, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight, shadows of evil, christmas zombies, zetsubou no shima, revelations, spongebob zombies
Id: cCCh9q5AtOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 57sec (3957 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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