My favorite coin shop. Interview with a coin shop dealer.

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hello everybody it's spectacular the silver statue I'm here at coin guy's shop in Spring Hill Florida so now I have no reason to come to the coin shop today realistically but I like coming to coin shops the reason I like coming to coin shops is I have a little extra money I want to spend it and you come to the shop and you don't know what you want you don't know if you want coins you you want precious metals of some sort maybe you just want to get some cash or talk to an old friend you know this is a great place to do it I'm gonna go in here and talk to coin guy and maybe I'll buy some stuff we'll see [Music] so once again we're here with mr. guy I hate you everyone doing good hope everybody's healthy and safe here we are again you're not gonna wear a mask right now because I'm one the two up two want to be heard clearly but one of my fans sent us a bunch of these a shout out of thank you to them American flag face covers that's really cool really cool it's important right now a my goodness you gotta keep it safe absolutely just keep our social distance how about there we got that well after all the months have been open I mean if I didn't get it now I'm probably a symptomatic but hopefully we'll sit we hope so for you for your sake you we need to be healthy we need those coins so what's new what's going on store Oh business has been steady as soon as the gold comes in it goes out it's silver eagles in silver out I had a person in yesterday I've had a few people recently who have been trading in silver for gold I think it's I guess they realized what it takes to carry it you know with the times you see now the crazy times you see now beside the pandemic you've got people worried about being able to grab their valuables and run I mentioned once before I had a woman once called me and wanted to buy 300 thousand dollars worth of silver and I told it was like 700 pounds just to give you an idea an ammunition box like this will hold about $600 constitutional silver you know like 600 and halves which is about 1200 half dollars now how much gold will is carry well I'll bet you I did some quick math I think about a million and a quarter and gold really yeah I mean you know you can get you can get 600 gold coins in here if you can get 1200 half dollars the one ounces are a little bit bigger than a half but you know at the same time thickness I think you can get well over a million dollars in gold in here but you can only get you know $600 is what something like 10,000 dollars worth of silver $9,000 worth of so if you've got a lot of assets you transfer that's what they did they transferred from silver to gold and we did a little wheeling and dealing and I made it work and I've got some so vehicles some more so vehicles to move let me ask you a question real quick about playing the ratio because I do get this question asked quite a bit they say hey should I sell silver for gold should I sell gold for silver what do you think well you know we think about that it depends on what you need so and it depends on what your mindset is I mean if you have a lot of assets tied up in gold and silver and you really think there's going to come a time when you're going to have to take the money and run then you have to take that into consideration how much asset do you want to take with you I think silver can double before gold because the ratio today is like 99 to 1 but silver and gold volatile at this time still silver more so than gold there's all kinds of things when industry starts getting up again they're gonna suck up a lot more silver a lot of the mines and shutting faroush that 40% of their silver mines there's so many intertwining things in the silver and gold that you know it's hard to keep up with it and that's that's affecting the price production and need that's what it is and then people are buying a ton of silver and gold as I said before you know people found out that that was those ETFs they had the paper paper wasn't worth anything and there's no physical gold and everybody wants I have some physical gold and I'm a little favor to that all in favor well every every you know smart investment paper or anything you read about investing says you should own a percentage of precious metals in your portfolio five to ten percent i I've read 8 to 12 I think those ratios have gotten higher I think they're gonna go higher I think more people I've run into a lot of people have never owned silver and gold we'll find it alright guys so this has been in like the corner of my video and I keep looking at it as you're talking I'm sorry I'm yeah what is this thing well I'd seen a colleague of mine showing you some big silver the other day and that was a thousand ounce bar this is a hundred ounce 30 millimeter tank show it's huge not a real shell but I bought this eight nine years ago it has a high premium right after I bought it the price of silver dropped this is a hundred ounces of 999 silver hundred ounces yep Can I grab it sure yep you don't expect it to be as heavy as it is I mean those 100 ounces yes it is sleeveless dense gold is denser and platinum is the densest of them all Wow yeah so platinum is denser than than gold yes all right a higher melting point by a few hundred degrees actually like them does fascinating I never understood why platinum is like not even half the price of gold anymore I remember when platinum was 2400 an ounce and gold was at 19 and for most of the last 30 years platen was always more money I don't know why I got out of favor but this isn't for sale until I can get about 2,400 for 2,400 yeah okay 2380 I tell you what as cool as it is if this doesn't sell I might have to go ahead and take this from you because of course it's you know higher price then well then silver money get them and you need the actually it's not just a square block they that's that's exactly it is shaped and it's a whole thing and all that bullet stuff is so big right now yeah people love that stuff that's cool yeah thanks for showing that to me saying we were talking about the prices of South silver gold and people should all own some of it I think either as I've said before I think everybody ought to own some silver and gold cos you don't know what's gonna happen in the future in the world I wrote an article I mailed it over today actually for the senior voice and I'm talking in there about how the whole new Han virus has affected the unite States and how it's affected the the prices of silver and gold and in that article I also mentioned how how plagues that have come out of China have actually changed the course of history in the second century of the Roman Empire a plague partially came out of China the plague of Justinian very famous king of Constantinople the Eastern Empire after Rome fell these an empire rose which was Constantinople Constantine degrade established it he amassed an army of 250,000 to take Rome back from the barbarians to the goals and the Germanic tribes and then the Justinian plague head came out of the east we know what's the east of of Constantinople and killed half his army and he never he never went back to take back Rome from the barbarians and it was beginning of the Dark Ages in the last 20 years we've had for viruses and plagues come out of China and I don't know how many during the Dark Ages we just I just never watched them all it is just I'm sure there's plenty so it's not the first time that China's giving us a little something huh no and then you know a my article I go into you know insult to injury about knowing that they had it and not tell in the world and allowing travel didn't go to travel to Beijing but you allowed to travel to Europe in the United States and spread it all over the world and then you cornered the market in surgical gloves and masks and everything else I think they ought to go to the World Court his crimes against humanity absolutely that's what I believe absolutely it's not political it's just history current events but I think that what you see now is the how fragile society is in a way when you see how you have you almost have what we have now in some cities is a breakdown of law and something you know something needs to be done and when people see things like this it's when they buy they buy gold they buy silver they're in fear it's almost a cave mentality but then silver and gold have always been a store of wealth for 5000 years I've said that before I know continue to say it it's always been popular but when this uncertainty and chaos kind of happens people run to it oh absolutely you know it's the shelter it's a protection against the paper it's just a protection against paper because it's it's just something attracting and I've said this before something attracting about gold the Mayans the Aztecs the Chinese the Egyptians all of these countries that had no communication 5,000 3,000 years ago and they all turned to gold there's got to be something more than just the yellow medal I bought some gold off to some people just a shout-out to to Don Ben and Jennifer for being so honest I bought some gold ore for them last week and sometimes I don't do my bath well and I get a phone call a few hours later that I gave them hundreds of dollars too much hundreds of dollars too much and sometimes I shake my head but they were good enough to call me and and mailed me a check for the difference really yeah they did that's good and really good people and I'm gonna mail them a gift I got some gifts for for the three of them and I'm gonna mail it to him I think good acts need to be rewarded and I'm gonna send them a thank-you and some gifts to them because it was so honest about it and I wouldn't have caught it I think that's cool I really think that's cool so good people are still in this world yes I mean I've caught many a person give me an extra 20 because you know the way to make money so much now hundreds stick together 50s 20s and I've caught many a time of corn actually twenty and a fifty but not a few hundred dollars you don't usually make that kind of mistake right but I think I gave them hundreds instead of fifty that's the reason I screwed up that's what it is thank you again thank you again for being so honest good people in this world absolutely let's go back for a second and talk about history because you you know you're a book reader right you love history history is where we came from mm-hmm this is gonna be a subject it's gonna drive you crazy right here for a second maybe removing monuments um things like that part of the history you know sometimes history is bad you know it's it's it's not something that's always you know great and you know makes us look good sometimes history is evil there's evil in history you know Hitler things like that is it good to erase our history like that I always believed that you learn from history that's what I always believe I believe history is to be learned from and at the time when you were in a world when certain things were accepted worldwide you didn't see it as evil it was evil but it's just the way of the world I mean you look at Spain I mean you know I see things and I don't want to get political but you hear them carry on about the 16:19 project well in the mid 1500s Spain had colonies in the Carolinas and they had a hundred African slaves in the mid 1500s the British were sent the Irish here in Chains as indentured servants in a 16 and 1700s I read that book Gotham that I had mentioned once before if you read that book well if you read a book like this indentured servants and all of those things three to five hundred thousand died on the plant tobacco and plantations of the Carolinas terrible things it was wrong it was always wrong absolutely wrong but you learn from it you know we learned from it and we we have to move on I mean it was history at the time I'm worried that if we don't pay attention to history that we'll make the same mistakes over and over again if we just erase history well you see it now you look at the Roman Empire collapsed from within the French Revolution the Russian Revolution you overthrow everything and you start all over again but meanwhile you have starvation and you have depravity all through the world look what you know what did the Russian Revolution bring in at Berlin Stalin and he was probably the biggest homicidal maniac the world has ever seen thirty to fifty million he killed I mean you know he just starved all the serfs this is history you know it's it's a terrible thing but there's been all over the world you've had subjugation you know the colonies were here the Dutch the Portuguese I mean I've seen the coins that the Dutch were paid in when they were slaves over big big coins with lions on them I mean it was just terrible it was very terrible but you you have to move on that's what I believe let's talk about coins let's go back to corn so what's new in the shop anything new oh really so a couple 333 pieces here those are kind of cool yeah you know I've gotten a number of phone calls about constitutional gold and constitutional silver you know I've gotten those phone calls and people are interested in buying them more so than they used to I get a number of people really want constitutional gold and silver that's a pretty Morgan right there right there I love the history this reason everything makes my day give these in pretty oftener ya get them in all the time I mean molding dollars pouring I mean I don't think I've ever bought a collection didn't have 100 Morgans for $2,000 20 bucks apiece it's good deal I mean you know like I said everybody I I never believed the numbers that came from you know I never believed the numbers that came out of the mint because I'm just one little store and I have probably seen a hundred thousand silver dollars or more and it supposed to have made somewhere like a billion silver dollars but they melted 300 million at one time when they started remaking the peace dollars and stuff and how many have been destroyed and lost throughout history but everybody has something right and I still see more and you know the tragedy for everyone I boarded other people have captain because they wanted to pass the law you know I got to wonder about that the mintage numbers even coins today you see like okay these have 50,000 Mendte these have a hundred thousand minted do they really make exactly a hundred thousand do they really make exactly fifty thousand you have to wonder really about that and same thing with these you know so many were were melted during the the Pittman act right but it's like you see them at every single coin show you got every single table has and they have a bunch of them and every collector has them you just have to wonder what's really out there well that's you know when you really want to see something that humbles you go to a major coin show now you know the the fun show has been canceled has been canceled it's been canceled it was usually around July July nine ten eleven somewhere in there Western and the coin Club is going to have its coin show at Joan of Arc Church eleven guaranteed yeah well guaranteed so long as the governor doesn't say hey you can't have it well the bishop says we can't have it but we're scheduled to have it on Saturday the 11th of July and I will be there come and see me and I believe you'll be there too Jesse I'm gonna try my best okay all right cool no we should be there they should be a greater there and but you know when you go to a really big coin show like the fun show you'll walk in there and you'll see tables with piles of ancient coins and piles of gold u.s. $10 gold pieces or gold Indians or $20 gold pieces and I remember going to I remember going to the the aana convention in Colorado with in Denver in 96 and they had these buckets Tupperware buckets half-full with $20 gold pieces $10 gold pieces $5 Indians $5 Liberty's it was just incredible this is a time of gold at 350 or 400 dollars but they had buckets buckets of u.s. gold constitutional gold nuts just incredible yeah just incredible must be nice you know it's you know this a lot of it out there and a lot of it has been coming back from Europe because Europe has so many problems right now but hundreds millions of ounces have come back and that's what stopped the price of he used to be a higher premium on saints and $20 lives now you know when you buy one of them you got to realize it's about 3% back the amount of gold in them in 96.7 five gold so you know it's it's that kind of thing but speaking of coins I pulled out a couple of interesting pieces that I wanted to show you oh yeah they put this back I don't want them to walk away my happy that's some foreign stuff not too long ago but they have some interesting pieces we take something I didn't know this but my fans on YouTube they absolutely adore foreign coinage and when we showed foreign coins off here before you pretty much got your door knocked down by people wanting this not a person who's approached me who has 400 pounds of foreign he has been buying foreign coins off of me for a dozen years and he's at that point now where he's looking to possibly sell it and we've talked about a number and it's in the tens of thousands but he's got I don't know you know some of it is hard to move he's got about 30 pounds of foreign silver which is not hard to move but there's a lot of this like 400 pounds of foreign stuff so I gotta say but what it did pull out of some interesting money this is Chinese knife money nice this is knowing the 9th century BC and it looks like a knife I've seen much nicer ones but this is pretty brittle if you try to bend it it will break this is Chinese knife money top it's made out of a mixture of items primarily copper but there wasn't as pure in those days and this would have had a full loop so that they could wear it on a string and carry it underneath his shirt you know a lot of Chinese money has holes in it yes for this correct mm-hmm and you know didn't have pockets in their outfits but you have Chinese knife money you have axe money that looks like an axe you have shovel money they used to make it in all different forms and it's worth different denominations yeah it's pretty cool I've don't ever know about that now you've seen you know people talk about susan b anthony dollars and the reason it wasn't popular is because too heavy who wants to carry that okay you don't want to carry six of them in your pocket how would you like to carry this this is two pence this is a british - sent these it's gigantic 1797 but two cents I mean this thing weighs what is this way you're looking at almost 2 ounces - troy ounces that's about three standard ounces me put a Morgan next to it which is a whole dollar yeah well you can put two Morgan's next to it because this is awful fantastic this is just about the same thickness this is bigger and heavier than two Morgan's that's even further than two Morgan's in it yeah well fraction Wow but it's bigger because it's you know you can see it's it's so you can see it over yeah past the other ones yeah that's crazy look once again now this is two pennies they made I have a 1 cent which would have been half the thickness but it was a big coin but it shows you what things could have bought now now they made a half penny american-made half pennies they made a fogging which is a quarter penny in England they had quarter pennies and here I had sold this and I got it back from customers just so I could show it this is a third of a quarter of a penny Wow and it had buying power a third of a quarter of a penny yeah so it's a third of the father and the father in support of citizen this is 1/12 of a penny so where does our half cents are today this is a little bit weirder yeah this would be six of these as I have for penny I try to get a good look at this thing can I flip it over sure let's go this way on it that's wild huh how would you like to carry a pocket full of these things well I wouldn't and then try to do the math on this kind of stuff the Chinese piece this is cool an eternity wing I'm not sure if it hadn't but you know food was Moore's jewelry but I'm sure everything there had a had a value that you could trade in and there we go talking about the actual hole in there yeah yeah now I would be held on a string and it could be worn around you extra arm these are just some odds and ends that I have I have all kinds of stuff I'd put away over the years it's incredibly light what do think that's made out of it's Jade oh it's actually Jade yeah yeah it's Jade Wow very cool thank you what happened to the money it's separated come apart yeah really I think it's really cool looks is real so it's not real they just made a mess at the mint and forgot to print one side no I think that this goes on top of this is this way too thin I think that this belongs on top of this and a bill separated it didn't bind huh actually had to pee that was like a one side job' that's very interesting huh until I gave the guy a few bucks but I thought what say that just to show you I think it's worth to talk about the curiosity somebody out there tell me what you think Oh what about one of the viewers knows something about it yeah maybe it's belongs in the Smithsonian I think that you might belong in the Smithsonian what you think I don't know world famous coin guy watching on YouTube and it would there was I was watching thing on TV when you got these young people who have 25 million views they get yeah 25 million views a week crazy so maybe I gotta stop dancing and singing and doing little it is try it yeah a little of that another million views because like my son called me the other day he's got a shop over there and st. Augustine it's called a vault and he had a 65 year old fan in his store who knew me and he wanted to talk to me oh and he he called me I was here and and I and I talked to him on the phone and I was talking to him and I said I gotta bust out into some dance so that maybe I can get some some more views that way see what we do I meant like I did the math this morning I'm at like 1.1 million views but this is a much more specialized all the people more cerebral kind of thing it isn't dance and it's not glamorous it's cool to me but you know you got like this gross if I ever want to go to college you should make the five hundred thousand a month and she's 17 years old fifty thousand a month and she's seven and she's 17 years old it's wild I think it's just I just think I think the world is upside down yeah I think the world is upside down and what we think is important and what is really valuable it's just crazy it is definitely upside down let's talk about that just for a second though let's let's go ahead and make your head a little bit a little bit larger so YouTube brought you kind of you know to light I'll say that also but you made yourself world famous by just your personality and stuff I mean do you think of yourself that way do you think like no you know I'm humbled by the phone calls my wife is annoyed I get some guy called me at at 12:30 Sunday morning from Nigeria I don't know where was Central Africa and then he calls me again at 3:00 in the afternoon but I compromise blended the guy I don't know anybody in central Africa deals and Penny know connections he thinks he's got an American penny he can do something with this but I do I get phone calls from all over the world my son had always told me that getting on YouTube or you know he's he's young he's your generation and they they see this and I'm I'm at a dinosaur when it comes to that kind of stuff I mean Nathan takes care of all of the all of computer stuff in the web and by the way we're putting more stuff on the web we just put a line of commemoratives up yesterday the Columbian Exposition of the 1890 to 1893 and maybe I'm afraid to say this but I got about a dozen coins from Stone Mountain that I put up I don't know but I got a bunch of those once again history pretty coin so you're actively working on your website some people have mentioned that it came down for a second that's because you're working on that on the world yeah and now but we're working on it we've got the proof sets the mint sets we've got the commands up our next movement is going to be in semi keep an ease we have a lot of size each of the semi keys the 10s 11 12 s 1314 all the way up 24 de 22 D I have a lot of lead ease in rolls like rolls of 1950 5s I had a guy call me and on one of the previous youtubes we talked about the 1968 s uncirculated Perry had an ammunition box a guy called about that and we shipped the whole thing - the whole ammunition box like three thousand pennies that's awesome but we've got other dates where I've got not as many as that but I do have rolls of of other dates we DS not as many some wheat pennies are very expensive people don't realize I think we have sold a roll in 1940 1942 s sweet penny a roll of 50 youngster like $350 well I mean some of them having a tremendous value it's amazing ah it really is amazing the whole YouTube experience and I'm glad I've touched a lot of people and I like talking about history good and bad and and just though all awful country is built on history I think you learned from history and that's what it's there for you know it's very easy to be you know to be an armchair quarterback and judge judge things that happened a hundred years ago and 200 years ago and just fifty years ago in the time you react and do things that you may regret later but they're part of history and you learn from those things right it's life's - learning experience it's always been and you have to be able to have freedom of speech with it I remember years ago I may not have agreed with everybody where I worked and but I always told them I always will stand up for your right to have an opinion I may not agree with you and you're usually wrong if you don't agree with me but I you know I give you the right I believe you have the right to speak yes and you know not bust people's windows doing it right on one thing that kind of drives me crazy a little bit and sometimes in the comments and I'm sure you've even got this secure store they'll see something or hear you say something about your views your your your beliefs or something and they go like oh I'm out I'll never do business with somebody like that they say it to me I'll never watch your YouTube videos again because you believe this or that you know let's let's have beliefs and let's let's be different but let's you know agree to be different and what you do is you have you have a discussion and you talk about some things people read or they read and it's not true to begin with it's crazy stuff uh it has you need to talk it out you need to have a viewpoint and that's what it really is about I don't think there's anything with this you've the right to disagree yeah and that's that's just my point I think there's a right to disagree so the website it's a it's a work in progress just keep checking on it I think Nathan probably is back there right now working on it maybe but mavin what's gone this website man Oh slow progress but hopefully soon putting up some stuff so if you ever want anything that you don't see on there let me know I can put stuff up or just give us a call but uh next thing I'm gonna work on like some key paintings Lincoln cents things like that sorry cents other items like that okay so work in progress you're working on it all the time probably every single day you're in here you're doing a little website stuff perfecting it tweaking it so also if you've seen the a it looks like a mistake let me know to please I'm only human and I've made a few mistakes already I've gone back and corrected so and you guys are great at helping me out with that so I really appreciate that information too from people but hopefully soon yes I will I'm adding things every day to another great thanks a lot I want to say something too I had a customer call me three four weeks ago he ordered five Morgan Dollars and he goes I want to just make sure that did just what I ordered from you I said when did you order this he said today he ordered from somebody named well I won't say but it wasn't coin guy in spring he'll the beginning of his name was coin guy in a number of numbers and he said he was led to believe that that was made and it was like three Morgan dollars for three hundred and twenty five dollars I sell Morgan dollars for twenty bucks apiece yeah so this person led on its coin guy in Spring Hill the whole night yeah this is who we are some people are trying you a serpent I don't know you know just like you say people get to see you then you get Oakland I can see you're talking about comments i somebody's talking about a comment about my weight on my belly you know the camera puts 50 pounds on you let me see this thing 50 pounds is what I think you look strong I am strong well used to be strong guy I got old I seen you pick up this 100 ounce bullet like it was nothing watch this look at that I used to be able to pick this up with you sitting no we go right up my coin guy but anyway yeah I mean you know I get these things I've talked about this to the coin club about you know it's a humbling experience and I want to share knowledge and misunderstandings and just show people what coins are about and and things like that and I've talked to that at my club and you know just like just sharing the wealth like I said real quick list can I talk about these right here this caught my eye this this particular blue section right here oh this just for look this is a combination of a couple of sets I bought recently costume cities so these are all Carson City Morgan Dollars will cause new cities this is the cool stuff right here yeah everybody's gonna have at least one Carson sitting up there Morgan collector right this is a combination like three different collections these are awesome and you go prices that are all over the place there so if somebody wants a higher-end one they got it prices for that I don't want to get to be absolutely insane in some prices it's just sometimes they get to be absolutely breathtaking you take a date like this I guess somebody is looking to buy that he's waiting to the first of the month he's ex-military at X law enforcement so he's got a couple of pensions but he's got a way to the first of the month but this coin in AU is 1700 this is XF 45 some might even consider to say you it does have a little luster to it that's a pretty one it's 79 CC this point gets really up there it's what they called a capped it's where the CC almost looks as though it's doubled over it almost looks counterfeit but it's the real deal and I flip it over try to look at that let's see if I can catch that maybe I can get a hold of that so you said the CC looks ridiculous a little devil and over there it is we have like a higher like that's a $900 one or at least you know and then you have like a $75 one $80 yeah I mean if I can afford that stuff yeah you see Seahawk cover the Yahoo the hole where I had a guy come in here one time he had a whole box of ms-64 he had a 79 in there in an oak 64 and I think it gray shaded like it $8,000 he's in Spring Hill and he had a whole box full of 64 I mean you know he wanted $50,000 for this stuff Oh $50,000 I said well that might be what it's worth let's talk about one coin I said and the 79 CC was a 64 and I believe he gray she did at something like $8,000 so I had said to well if I offered you 6500 for this I wouldn't take it I wouldn't take it he wanted like 7700 or something like that but I mean you're looking at gray sheet or you're looking at you to our eBay or something I said and then okay maybe $3,000 on eBay but you're gonna pay them 15 to 20% of that yeah I said where is the meat on the bone for me I mean I need some room to move the coin and a 7,000 and when you're looking at the whole thing I think reasonably what he had was about 20,000 in coins which didn't scare me but when you starting to 50,000 it isn't worth the discussion because you want top dollar I had a woman sell me some gold the other day and she's telling me how the Gold Eagle is two thousand dollars on eBay I said yeah but after you paid him 20 percent and you've got a you know got to insure it and if you don't have an eBay store you're paying thirteen fourteen percent 3.3 percent to PayPal you can easily add a torn out of two thousand maybe you get 1,700 yeah and and I'm paying you I mean gold was like seventeen thirty and I was giving her 1750 time I'm paying your 20 over for it and you still got to leave it to me now and then gold dropped all the way back down to what 1705 yesterday I bought the stuff last week and I still have some coins I mean went between the buying and the selling you're handling if you buy two coins for 3,500 and you sell these two coins and you get 3,600 yes you're handling $7,100 and you're making a hundred bucks I don't think that that's unreasonable no I mean when you look at you know it's it's risk and reward too and as if any person many people have been in this business will tell you it's volatile yeah it's volatile all right now you've been burned before oh of course he of course I have been you know it just happens sometimes you wake up in the morning and some event worldwide happened and the price of silver has dropped as I've said before I've seen two dollars silver drop in a day certainly to drop two dollars in a week at these times I don't know so much it can fluctuate 50 60 cents as I said I don't think you're gonna see Silver's 14 dollars an ounce anymore I think because the fears and the things going on I think that this this country and a lot of the world is closer to a gold standard than it's been since nineteen yells since 1933 I just see it happening again possibly and maybe maybe this is a good thing I don't know your collection to me here the other day this woman brought in big satchels of coins okay now when I see satchels like this when you see a sack to a pair a thing like this okay I me asking two dollars and fifty cents you get a little bit of a history you get the whole thing since you've already got dollar the dollar in quarter okay two bucks okay okay just came up for something else that's it what a great deal but she probably paid the person or the relative will the husband got this probably pay $20 for this okay once again this is when you see these here through a visa I can't even imagine how much something like this wants to win for I mean this is the ball the coinage I mean this might have been $300 I mean when you buy it from one of those companies that frame it like this and they put it up and you know somebody's going to get some big money on this stuff this coin has a touch of polish I can see that but you still buy in the silver in the coin yeah this $13 here maybe it is 20 something dollars just some silver Frank we're in the free mean and they're putting it together and a breakdown on the bass really cool I mean it's packaged nicely yeah this plastic framings probably worth five bucks but somebody probably paid 300 to this I would love to have this that's really name it is in its history I mean they wanted to I brought home because one of these days when my grandkids get to be a little bigger I can explain what pop-pop does don't look at that I don't want you to look at don't look at that okay but see this stuff like this too and it'll come with stamps now there's nothing a value here there's a steel penny in Nice grade but this is all basically face value that's cool stuff once again here you have something that has $2.00 and this is a real $2.00 bill somebody just put artwork out there yeah they laminated something on to it these were probably 20 these were probably $29 apiece so this will come in a loose-leaf yeah this is the stuff you have to avoid you know I I've had many a collection where the the older relative who sits home he's in pain he's in a wheelchair and he's watching TV at 2:00 in the morning and these grifters are killing these people I thought I'd seen it all but I they still keep coming in trying whatever they can to move stuff and then you know sad because people gonna buy these I mean obviously they have and then they're gonna bring them to you they're gonna be like hey it's not worth what you think it is and then they get a bad rap on coins gonna be like yeah coins aren't valuable after all I've been to houses where the person has spent thirty to forty dollars thirty to forty thousand dollars on coins Wow and I load 300 pounds of coins into my truck and I take four thousand dollars because they're framing second you know presidential dollars in a frame there's six coins and a frame and that was two hundred and ten dollars two hundred and ten dollars Wow for six golden dollars in the frame and then he had 20 of them he's a tree story they had 20 of them this was an estate up in Weeki Wachee that's just one example there was there was a stack of frames on the ground this that was probably close to four feet high of all different gimmicks all just incredible gimmicks all right this is what I've seen uh lights kind of the way I've seen these ladies cheerio oh yeah show me these things tell me about these this was back in 2000 when Cheerios put these pennies in their cereal they put something like that was 10 million of these and everybody had these so it's actually in the box of cereal so second about cereal you got a penny but the money one is the one that everybody thinks they have it's the Sacagawea dollar with the enhanced feathers let me show you that that I know okay well how cool to be if the mint was working with like the cereal companies and did something like this again here you go you see this is a normal tail's flat here's this cereal one ah they made 5,000 of them and they were basically almost a patent because he only made those 5,000 in were highly detailed and a lot of them got because he came in this with a penny and they only made I believe I believe it was 5000 of them yeah I think it was 5,000 and you want to mean the penny with this I'm waiting for one to come in with that that'd be cool and then people send him in get certified in there thousands of dollars this is what is this this is the red book mega mega red actually I got to get a couple more in the store I forgot to tell my wholesale I needed some more these but this is great you know it's a great book has a lot of resource and it tells you the mintages how many were actually actually how many are certified in each grade that's got good pitches like this and you know a game I'm not a computer person I want to be able to move from this page to this page and I can't do that now the red book does have pricing in there you notice notorious for being kind of bad with the pricing now so accurate the 2021 red book comes out in April of 2004 2021 sure so you know it's a year behind and what's happened in the price of silver and gold in just the last three months is not going to be reflected in the price as you see there and it begin what probably is because to begin with their numbers are very inflated and as I tell people when you look in this you using this as a guide if you look at a penny and it says 10 cents it's a wheat penny it's maybe worth three cents but if the penny above it says ten dollars just know that the 13s is a better penny than your average wheat penny and that's what that's how it's good as a guide John it's not it's not written in stone it just gives you an idea of what is has a little value above others it's great information but this comes out of a whole bunch of collections I mean yeah tons of these it I think that's only for three bucks a piece or something like that okay he only made 10 million of them that's like almost rare can I take a look at your foreign coins here sure there's some really cool pieces I've seen one that I think it was last time I was in here you had and it was like a 400 $500 for in peace looks like it's gone now some of us I kept doing I kept some of those I had I'm sending a handful because I want to get them certified alright because we get those really more expensive ones cool ones you know this is what I found the other day was a strong this is Japan and somebody there is it on the back they wrote their initials it's like CJ is written on the back yeah and that's the reason I cut it down from $125 to like you know maybe 60 bucks it's a high grade and it's 1871 and Japan in those days was more or less a closed society these are all pretty cool you know you like owls on coins and stuff I love boats on coins when I see a boat on a coin to me that's just so cool ain't kind of boat or ship this guy not so much right here I mean I guess he's cool-looking he's got cool hair he looks like one of those guys from the 300 movie yeah does a Laurinaitis yeah we're not a spider corner yet see the initials you got it let me see which would corn I do see it yep I guess him right in on that you know JC that could have been Jesus Christ yeah well I would but it wouldn't have been too bad if it was more like a like a hallmark from an assayer you know where it's something like that and this is so you know stamp then you probably would have get a more credibility that maybe it circulated around Hong Kong and stuff like you'll see those those chop marks on the old Spanish point this is a pretty pointy right here yeah that's like all these are head for a while what is Rocky Balboa yeah that's uh that's Panama isn't it yeah yeah that's one of those conquistadors let's not go there about that we talked about the Spanish earlier that's a beautiful coin now yeah I love that artwork it's been you have me never saw that huh I probably have forward those that's just the last one I had left I got a bunch of coins the other day from someone they turned out to be from Afghanistan and I had never had these they're gigantic there were twice the size of this they were like 40 40 grams of piece they were like one and a third ounces of silver they were just outrageous and the person who wants to sell me his collection of foreign bought them he's a collectors almost 80 he just loved it I appreciate it I understand that but like I told him I said you're like the only person who buys my farm but biocollection is gonna make it a cell until listen if you do get that collection of coins they get it back if you get it can you call me so we can like look at it and not not for me personally but like I can show people well I would come probably this table that would be a great video let's just hope we don't have the pandemic come back because if they ever shut us down again I might go after this because there's about two months worth of work day I don't know man they're saying it's coming back strong now yeah well we're gonna have to fight our way through it we're just gonna we can't close down society again this is this is insane yeah I mean I I watch people getting together and doing all kinds of crazy things and they're right on top of each other and they're not wearing masks I mean we're just gonna have to get it just tough it out use that herd mentality or whatever the whatever the system come out go into Chinese to the vaccine that's what I think you ought to do yeah they probably have it they said that they were over it already yeah well how's that possible well I hear these outbreaks you know they were saying as well outbreaks again in be shame but being never got it the first time because knowing the Chinese aware the things they do the way they do things heavy handedly I'm sure they had machine guns and tanks in the roads leading in that's how they do quarantine and if you cross the road nobody makes it the other side let's not kid ourselves I when I first saw that on TV and this was you know when they first announced it in the middle of January that they were gonna quarantine 11 cities and seventy million people I was like a Stephen King movie and I said there's no way that you're gonna there's no way that you're going to have that happened when you're talking about eleven people died I said there's no possible way you quarantine seventy million people eleven people died in China I think that many people died on bicycles every day there let's not kid ourselves they had tremendous numbers they hid it from the world to say this you better start teaching your great-grandchildren Mandarin Chinese this is where it's headed yep well you know here's me being a conspiracy theorist but if we fight amongst ourselves as much as we're doing right now and we divide people as much I mean China or some big strong country India they get their act together start going really militarized they'd have no problem just walking in on us as we're fighting ourselves well you gotta believe that the Chinese North Koreans and the Iranians are running videos of what's happening in major cities in this country in the last two weeks terrible thing happened but much worse is happening since and they're going to be running videos of that in Hong Kong and China and Shanghai and North Korea and all our enemies are using that against us that's just you know it's just the way it is I just can't I don't want to get too political about it but it's sad it's it's very sadly very saddening never in my lifetime did I thought I'd say that yeah well I knew it was coming because if you read enough history wasn't a Thomas Jefferson who said that this type of government that we have has about a 200 year life life expectancy 200 years yeah and it's been about 240 years now before corruption sets in and everything else and here we are here we are you have some of these on the on the site maybe here's all of your you're looking at 1890 to 1893 we just put these up on our website beautiful there's a whole row with Stone Mountain which is a beautifully beautifully put out coin I do now we basically put up more like extra-fine au hunk but we have high use we have middle grades too but these I have about a dozen of and and the the Columbian Exposition would probably have more like 30 total what are these here these are various ones this is a pilgrim one I believe dis to pull them all so this is a non pretty coin yeah somebody's get to be incredible here's another one with a boat not to be confused with this one this is Long Island my old hometown very similar in the graphics of it here's an interesting one San Francisco I used to be because before you had all the tents in the streets your city of chas one huh yeah I don't have city of chairs that's kind of what the new name is good if it seems to it seems to go through a progression of names in the last week let me show you my cool toy I got here yesterday's life what are these you plug this in it's got to control for 15 30 minutes this fire is ultraviolet right like you can't be in the room with it it's a blue light it covers 400 square feet which is only about half the size of this showroom because this is about 800 square feet but it gets the high-traffic area all around here where people are and out over there and we move it around from place to place you know maybe tomorrow tonight we'll put it on that table over there on a table over there and we just we go home we turn it off 15 minutes and it purifies I guess is the right word okay supposedly purifying so this is one more awesome all in a battle against the Wu Han virus that's kind of neat huh high-tech looking to $90 don't be around it's actually dead Bob all right mr. guy so once again a pleasure to come into your shop can you verbally just tell people like where you are on your address I am at 2154 Mariner Boulevard right in the middle of Spring Hill by what they call the four corners I'm in Florida in Hernando County and this is where we are we're here six days a week I've cut my hours back a little bit I go home four o'clock now instead of five but we have from 9:30 to 4:00 Monday to Friday and on Saturdays we hear from 3:00 to 11:00 and come in say hello to me I'm always looking to share knowledge all right well thanks a lot mr. guy for you know linens come into the shop once again hopefully next time the world has calmed down a little bit man I'm hoping so and then we can just talk about nothing but coins and history [Music]
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 72,570
Rating: 4.8799677 out of 5
Keywords: Coin shop interview, coin collectors shop, coin guy youtube, coin guy Spring Hill, coin guy florida, best coin shop, favorite coin shop, famous coin shop, coin dealer, precious metals investing, buying old coins, selling old coins, historical coins, foreign coin seller, foreign coin dealer, United States coins, local coin shop, Florida coin shop, Spegtacular coins, rare coin dealer, rare coins for sale, rarest coins, collecting old coins, silver coin collecting, gold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 4sec (3424 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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