FAKE GIRLS That Got EXPOSED What Happens Will Shock You | Dhar Mann

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here's where i got the front page again that's okay didn't you say you were working in a new big story well i was until showed it to my boss and she hated it i gotta find something new to write about or to be honest i might get fired yikes i'm sorry oh my god look at that poor lady she can't even stand up straight yeah i've seen her a few times i always give her money seems like a lot of people do i'm so sad we should do something hey yeah here hopefully this helps i can't imagine how difficult things must be for you i don't have any cash uh maybe you've got some change at the bottom of your purse or something uh no i don't besides it looks like her cup is already quite full thanks for putting me on the spot i'm sorry okay i just felt bad look another person has already given her money i wonder how much money she makes in an hour probably a lot more than i do you know what i have a 20. give it to her that's too much you already gave her a 10. and didn't you just say that you might get fired you should probably be saving your money but i'm sure whatever she's going through is much worse okay let me see if i can break it um excuse me yes hey um do you have change for a 20 it's not for that lady is it it is why she's been getting money from people hand over fist since she started coming around here i don't think she needs any more help agreed well a good deed is a good deed and i've always believed it somehow finds a way of coming back to you so i'm gonna help her all right thanks i feel like something's off about her you don't need to do this i know but i want to okay i think she went this way did you just see that yeah i told you something myself about her maybe she has some mobility but can't walk much without those credits don't be so naive she's scamming people for money okay who would do something like that a really bad person now let's go see where she went there she is oh don't tell me that's her porish she were before her for what looks to me you may have just found your big music oh you're a genius that woman was just begging people for money and making it seem like she was disabled but clearly she can stand up fine without any support and it looks like she even drives a porsche this is unbelievable what she's had that outfit on underneath the racks this entire time i've never seen anything like this before look at all that cash she probably made that in the last few hours alone and she has a louis bouton back too okay this just keeps getting better and better oh she's coming she's coming but don't worry i'm going to follow her and get to the bottom of this this is gary sanders reporting from the all york times can't believe this is happening it's sure going to be one heck of a story hello everyone this is gary sanders reporting from the west center plaza where we're doing a follow-up on a story that ran today as you can see that nice lady just donated money to a disabled woman excuse me ma'am if you don't mind me asking why did you decide to help her well i just feel bad she looks like she could use some help you're so kind what do you have to say about that i don't think she can speak oh i see well what if i were to tell you this woman wasn't actually handicapped you offended her of course she is why else would she need crutches hey that's a great question why don't we ask her excuse me ma'am why do you use scratches that's right my bad you can't talk can you rose mcdowell you know her name yeah i've come to learn a lot about her including the fact that she can walk otherwise she would have never been able to get into her porsche wait that's her yep and i bet if you see underneath those racks you can probably even find out that they were just shoot looks like we lost her get off of me or maybe not yeah yeah save it for the judge there you have it folks justice has been served this is gary sanders signing off and cut great job congrats on you from page story thanks my boss ended up liking the story so much she gave me the promotion good and i've got you to thank for it that's not true if you hadn't tried to give rose the money you wouldn't have gotten your story so i guess you can say your actions always have a way of coming back to you i couldn't agree more [Music] look bella's boyfriend got her another handbag wow what does her boyfriend do again i don't know she never posts about him man i wish i had a handbag like that don't worry baby one day i'll be able to buy you gifts like that i know i love you i love you too now ready to go to the mall yeah don't forget about our arrangement now let's go oh my god look at this her boyfriend owns a rolls-royce oh that's like a 350 000 car i wish i could ride around in a car like that i know but i promise you babe one day i'll be able to get a car like that and i'll take you wherever you want to go i know you're the best after this it's your turn to take care of my needs hey a deal's a deal we had an arrangement seriously she got another bag again yeah look her boyfriend got it for her wait it looks like she's at the same mold we're at oh wow yeah you're right we should try to find her yeah maybe i'll get to meet the boyfriend too oh she's so in love come on let's go now that i bought you your bag give me some sugar i don't feel comfortable we had a deal i take care of your needs you take care of mine no i don't feel comfortable you don't feel comfortable you sure seem very comfortable taking my credit cards and buying all those purses for yourself you also seem very comfortable sitting in my rolls royce taking pictures now unless you want me to take all of that away you will do as i ask [Music] oh my god i was not expecting that does that mean she has to shoot her daddy well i mean it looks like it but how creepy wow she seems so happy and full of love on social media right i wouldn't trade what we have for any handbag or car i'm just happy being with you what if it's a louis vuitton bag oh wow [Music] okay i'm joking i wouldn't trade this for even the entire store check it out i just broke 5 000 followers that's awesome yeah but still a long way from a million yeah there's one more content like this hey watch it man i'm so sorry let's try that again if you like the content you see then make sure to follow who the heck is that what's wrong with him that's tommy he just started going to school here i think he has struts what's that oh it's when someone can't always control their movements or noises i didn't know a lot either till i saw a stick talk the proper term is ticking he's on tick-tock oh that makes sense because he puts the tick and talk get it grow up okay i was joking but i don't understand who would want to follow him actually he's pretty popular check him out his account is ticking tommy popular you're right i bet he doesn't even have a thousand followers whoa we won't believe this he has over a million look what but how i think a lot of people like following someone that's different that's it i just figured out how to gain a bunch of new followers how i'll tell you at home come on let's go hey guys i just got back from the doctor and found out i uh i have tourette's i can't control it and people have no idea how hard it is for me so please follow me i can't believe you're really doing this what about everyone's school they're gonna know you're faking it relax i looked it up and tourettes can come and go i'll just act like they came out of nowhere and faking tourettes for the rest of your life no once i hit a million followers and become way more popular then i'll say it's gone genius right i'm telling you this is a really bad idea and poppy loyalty isn't always a good thing whatever thank you guys so much for 10k followers now let's get to 25k hey mikey we heard what happened yeah we just want you to know that we support you thanks i really appreciate it everything's going exactly as planned hey i just wanted to say sorry again about yesterday i didn't know you also had tourette's oh sorry i can't control it i know what it's like do you know if your tick is mostly motor or vocal huh he's asking the effects the way that you move or how you talk um [Music] both whatever that falls into do you know if yours is simple or complex look i don't understand all this stuff i was just diagnosed last week give me a break all right yeah i'm sure sorry do you have any co-conditions like adhd i don't know and if i'm being totally honest [Music] i don't even have trains all right the whole ah is just an act i'm doing it so i can get a million followers on tick tock then i'll pretend like it just went away does that answer your question you shouldn't fake a disability just to get more followers i try to tell him hey quiet jaden and just so you know popularity isn't always a good thing i try to tell them not to whose are you on here i don't know why i'm wasting any of my time talking to you let's go nike doesn't listen to tommy and continues on with his plan over the next few weeks he keeps making new videos and keeps faking all of his tics he uploads those videos onto tick tock and starts to gain a lot of followers as mikey continues making videos he starts to get more and more popular so popular that one day he even hits his goal is this mic working hello we can hear you oh okay great i'm going live on tick-tock one sec there we go hey guys i'm live at my school for my party everyone say hi hi wow guys i'm so close to hitting a million followers thank you so much jaden what are we at 999 000 995. wow just look five followers away from hitting a million thank you guys so much hey guys i'm gonna be right back hey jaden come take my phone uh what'd i say i don't know say something okay hey guys my teacher said 999 996 he's only four followers away now everyone say hi again hi what are you doing here i didn't invite you i came to tell you to stop whatever i'm just jealous because i'm about to have more followers than you if you don't tell everyone the truth then i will yeah right have everyone wrapped around my finger thinking i really have tourette's that whole fake tick thing the ah everyone's completely body no one's ever a microphone um sorry guys i'll uh be right back okay i can explain you ah save it we heard your entire conversation mikey yeah you're such a fraud did you really fake a disability to get followers that's pathetic let's go guys no wait don't leave i have a really good explanation come on i can't believe this well the good news is you just had one man followers [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] so did you hit a million followers yeah i did why aren't you excited because all i'm getting are mean comments people calling me a fraudster i should delete my tick tock i don't understand why would they call you that never mind doesn't matter just be up in my room well you know what they say popularity isn't always a good thing i try to tell [Music] [Applause] all right him probably giving it a little gas i hate this car okay look don't worry i called my girlfriend already and she's bringing jumper cables so i don't need jumper cables what i need is a new car wait didn't you just get a raise use some of that money to upgrade oh that's a good idea i'll buy a new car with extra 25 cents i make an hour i can't even buy tank of gas with that yeah i'm so sorry man i wish there was something i could hey guys hey babe oh max i'm so glad your procedure went well today buddy wait i thought you guys couldn't afford the surgery oh forgot to tell you denise here had the bright idea of setting up a go helped me people ended up donating the 10 grand we needed well it wasn't all my idea randall did take the pictures but we're just glad you made it through maxi poo we wouldn't want to lose you did i hear that right so you guys got 10 grand and it was donated like you don't have to pay that back nope this site is for helping people cover things like unexpected surgeries and funeral expenses and upgrading to a new car that'd be nice but it's supposed to be for a real emergency like life or death situation you know ted huh sorry i was just thinking do you guys still need a jump yeah that'd be great thanks i'll get the cables [Music] hey i got your message you okay no i need some help my god what happened to you come in oh that was a pretty bad accident uh everything happened so fast a truck came out of nowhere wait a truck that's crazy thankfully you're still breathing my doctor's saying i'm gonna need surgery though it's not gonna be cheap man i'm so sorry is there anything i can do to help actually there is do you mind taking some pictures from me no whatever you need [Music] okay [Music] got it one more for safety there what are these for again my go help me page you know to help pay for the cost of the surgery yeah hey are you sure you should be taking that off oh my next fine i just needed pictures with it on for the accident to look convincing wait so you're saying you weren't really in an accident no everything i told you is the story for my go help me page so i can buy a new car check it out bmw 3 series sweet right no this isn't sweet this is fraud don't act like you guys didn't keep a little cash for yourself for max of surgery absolutely not look i did not handle the money denise did but i'm sure every single penny went to max i'll tell you what i'll give you 10 of whatever you make just help me out no you're gonna get caught i fooled you didn't i come on no look i've always believed your actions have a way of coming back to you so i don't want any part in this hold on fine i don't need you sharing to facebook helps raise three times more that sounds good to me [Applause] hey guys i'm at the hospital again it's my fifth time this week as you can see i'm in a wheelchair i can barely move oh i'm in so much pain all that's keeping me going is all the love every one of you guys have shown me i can't believe we've surpassed our goal of 40 000 i mean now i can buy i mean pay for the surgery i need thank you i'll post the video after i'm out please pray for me [Music] excuse me are you here for surgery oh no i'm on my way out ted you doing okay dr gupta hey oh yes i'm fine i was just leaving i heard about the accident on facebook i'm so sorry it sounded terrible ah yeah thanks it was pretty bad anyway i'll see you around hold on a second your brace seems a little off did you have this put on here uh no i mean yes sorry i really have to go i know what you're doing you do i should have figured it out sooner but wow i i can't believe you look please don't tell anyone i really didn't have a choice you see i you're seeing another doctor aren't you oh yes that's it sorry i couldn't find the right words to tell you just please tell me it's not dr singh that's the one you know ever since he scored higher than me on the mcats he's had this chip on his shoulder almost like he's better than me sorry well now you know have a nice day i'll ask him for a copy of your x-rays just to make sure he hasn't missed anything no harm in having a second look right sure all right you take care okay oh so urgent that you needed to see me right now you're not gonna believe this look at my new ride huh isn't you pretty i thought you were getting a bmw oh that was before this happened eighty thousand dollars more than twice my original goal amount so i figured why not upgrade even more so you called me here to show me a car you get from scamming people no not just that [Music] for helping me take the pictures you deserve it what's this keys to my old car it's all yours now small token my appreciation you gotta be kidding me dude look i want no part in this at all okay just keep that denise just got home does she know no no she's straighter than an arrow if she knew what you did she never let me talk to you again okay so just hi babe hey um i see you got a new bag oh this whole thing i've had it for years how you doing ted i heard about what happened i'm so sorry that you're going through all this it looks a lot more painful than it is thank you oh you're so strong wait aren't you supposed to be in surgery today yeah i thought that's what your last video post said yeah uh i was just leaving great seeing you call you later randall wait you're not going to surgery by yourself are you it's not a big deal i'll be fine no we can't let you go alone right randall [Music] i'm not too worried uh he'll be okay randall he's your best friend come on we'll take you no really i'll be fine don't be bashful i'll drive it's fine come on this is all your fault my fault if you did not like you wouldn't be in the situation in the first place okay if i get caught you'll be in trouble too you know you took the pigs what okay i should be set now you guys can go don't be silly we'll at least wait with you until the doctor comes no that's not necessary you know how hospitals can be can take a long time before ted you're back hey doctor give me one sec all right i should be set from here you guys can go are you sure you don't want to no i'll be fine just please okay guess we'll just go good luck with everything i hope your surgery goes well surgery what's surgery um please don't tell me dr singh is operating on you today yes yes he is the nerve of that man you know he never even sent me your x-rays when i see him i'm gonna dr gupta how are you dr singh wow your ears must be ringing you know i can't help but wonder why you never sent me ted's x-rays i mean what do you somehow think you're smarter than me what no it's because i don't have a patient named ted i was gonna tell you but oh shoot i'm so sorry i gotta get this but i'll talk to you later but i don't understand i thought you said hey guys three fbi agents just walked in what excuse me can i help you i'm agent smith we're doing an investigation into the crowdfunding scam okay look before anything i just want to say i try to stop don't worry we know you aren't behind any of this there's only one person responsible listen i just want to say i'm really sorry i rehearsed you under arrest no no you got the wrong person this is the niece she hasn't done anything wrong patty denise giovanna kimberly megan lauren she's gone by dozens of names she's broken laws in a lot of different states she's even won in three different countries her latest scam was faking a 10k surgery for her dog no that wasn't fake that was real our dog had to get surgeries how about this one 12k for scout 17k for prince 22k oreo she's been pulling these scamps for years acts like her dog is sick but instead buys herself new designer bags what is all of this true come on it's not like you would have gotten me louis vuitton take her away sorry to be the one to break the news to you take care can't believe that just happened tell me about it so sad how many scammers are out there this thing's itchy can you hold this for me doc please what where are you going what about your surgery sorry again about your girlfriend that's all right i had a feeling something was off about her and i got max true and i still got my porsche i guess you can say it all worked out wait isn't that yours see i don't usually like to be the guy that says i told you so but is there something you want to say yeah i really think that you should look at your no i was thinking more like you were wrong ted i'm serious you really want to see this your actions always have a way of coming back to you blah blah blah dad just isn't that proportional what how did this happen hey man if this is your car you should call the cops because someone just crashed into it and just took off are you serious don't stress i'm sure insurance will cover it i don't have insurance yet oh wow look i usually don't like to be the guy who says i told you but i don't want to hear it yeah okay let's give him some time maxie okay you better get ready for school i'm not going to school i'm i'm pretending so i don't have to do our english texts you'll be better before the big exam tomorrow mom's going to find out are you doing all right sweetheart you sound really sick we should take you to the doctors
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 805,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: Oe2Bx8QfRh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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