Plan, Prepare, Attack | A Compilation of the Best Combat Clips | The A-Team

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[Music] you think you can't speed on me I will have your stinking lies for this you cannot hide not from malav Valdez up here fat hey muchacho why you shoot at malav cuz you're a lousy piece of crud and you ought to be hung upside down from your heels in a Vada pig slop you're going to make me angry Ringo you're not smart enough to be angry you're just mean and stupid one man alone in a bell tower you are in the high position but you are alone maybe I take a grenade and blow your house down I'm not alone give this Gonzo a haircut you make the big mistake with me there is no need for us to be enemies this town is full of men with no heart you and I maybe we make a deal maybe you come down from there and we talk here's the deal you give me Al Massie turn your Jeeps around and get out of town and if I say no then I turn you into a taco dinner you got 30 seconds Mead before we start blasting no on Murdock I'm going around [Music] [Music] back [Music] now [Music] [Music] be [Music] [Music] reload [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you hear that sounds like bullets hitting the prop the Tim change slip hitting the prop we'll shoot it off oh you got to go with the flow baby hang on I'm making another run [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] well you're out a dirt road and good luck Fatso better throw your weapons [Music] down holy moly who are those guys cannibal coming up the river at you if they're unfriendlies baby you are in [Music] trouble those guys aren't the Army they're gorillas be let's go he's got about four reinforcements [Music] goodbye sweet [Music] p [Music] for you [Music] for [Music] you all right yeah yeah I'm fine face there handable they got us do you read face give us some help do you read me come out come out and see what kind of surprise I have for you wonderful sense of humor huh Bo on the right Bo on the right we are a target range of some hellacious garbage man shut up yes indeed the thing I like about the 18 you get a chance of such diversity career diversity you're garbage me food H La it's just like Mama used to [Applause] make this is garage smell this an ambrosial Delight for the AL factory system here I now was the best load yet wait wait a minute the nose nose hang all right we got another one coming up man how do you put up with yourself it's difficult at [Music] [Applause] times [Music] right [Music] gentlemen there'll be no tables available until tonight oh we would like to see her strus we fix his TVs it's the blind guy from the TV shop on Delany I wonder how he found us uh hus I I believe we have some business to attend hey Pops would you leave us Str us alone okay oh uh well my nephew and I we would like to have you have your men not coming down to Delany Street and extorting money from all of our shopkeepers I'm supposed to know what you're talking about he doesn't know what you're talking about Uncle oh well I'll explain your men they come down and they threaten to hurt and kill my friends if they don't pay DGA look uh would you do me a favor give this gentleman and his nephew you drink and put him one of those tables we did not come here to drink as brothers what did you come here for well uh altogether uh including uh money's unjustly appropriated uh interest damages incidentals on a minor fee for our collection service uh $166,200 yeah yeah uh that's rounded off to the nearest 100 yeah oh oh you think my guys and I have been taking money for some fruit Peddlers and you expect that I should pay back yeah if you would be so kind well I want to tell you I I I don't carry that kind of money with me and even if I had I would I I wouldn't be able to pay it back to you this particular moment don't take my proposal too lightly so what do you want 166,00 bucks now that I got your attention I'll lay it out for you you get one more trip downtown one and that's the payback all the money you took from those people on Delany hon and Bleecker streets just so you don't forget the figure the Lany noon tomorrow uh we'll have the soup line you bring to bread you got any idea when garbage day is around here strs a come on fella don't be like that when's trash pickup around here tomorrow well tomorrow you and I have an appointment just so you don't forget I thought we'd mark your calendar for [Music] you you're nuts man I am the one who nuts man right over here drinks are on the house That's all folks [Music] get those Tuckers the guys who get them stays alive face we got a couple uninvited guests and they brought party favors I thought you said there was only one car even when they play dirty they play dirty yeah but we play dirtier what's the matter your watch stopped you're early you got a lot of wise lip responses don't you I hope everybody on the street knows that I'm going to wipe out this neighborhood and flush it down a sewer I mean what's your wiset response to that $166,200 that will'll buy you a safe trip out of here we'll buy this you're really a jamoke okay do [Music] it on the [Music] way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] get [Music] [Music] he thr your [Applause] [Music] go [Music] bullseye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah w I guess I'm mom man I should have leaved drop it okay across the street in the cab move come on man come on come on come on next time pick on somebody your own side don't ask where are we uh going uptown do your office to look in the safe $166,200 remember annal I know you love it when a plan comes [Music] together you see anything yeah there's a large clearing about a quarter of a mile ahead all I can see are the tops of buildings and the rotor of a chopper you know we've only got 2 hours until sundown no wonder those guys are in the state department they don't know squat about timing on a rescue operation we got to hit that compound in daylight or we missed the ride out of here how we going to do this Hannibal look Bri says this is the Hut where they're holding General Lam this is Ram's headquarters that's our Target we get hold of him we control the game now the plan is your basic straight on surprise hit and run attack if anything goes sour we split up and rendevu at the drop zone got it oh wait this ain't much of a plan henal are you kidding it's a classic it's your half Piner movement inside a guarded perimeter tried and true be man he's on the Jazz and we're in trouble [Music] for [Music] what [Music] la [Applause] Hannibal this don't look like Ram's headquarters Hannibal this might be a good time to call King X drop your guns arrest them some classic half pencil movement need [Music] salt looks like the A team's a few points behind at halftime here anbal probably tried getting in by hitting him with what he'd call A Classic frontal assault with a half pincer movement is that what it was nah it's just Reckless though with Hannibal Reckless is sometimes the best thing of course every once in a while it just doesn't work what are we going to do we're going to have to freelance some kind of plan what that's usually a Hannibal's end of the stick but that Chopper has got to be the only way out of here forget about the chopper we haven't got a pilot don't matter I'll walk before I fly Hannibal look it's a bunch of gasoline drums next to an ammo dump that's what it is now that wasn't very bright was it you think we could puncture a hole in one of them and leak a little maybe come on um now we've only got an hour because rasham is putting us in front of a firing squad but I've got a planned now if it's going to work I have to get shot first get up what are you going to do what the pentagon's paying us for be creative I say get up it'll do [Music] n [Music] n here he comes you ready to confess I already gave you my answer we're Americans we've got nothing to confess then you're ready to die well nobody's ever really ready but it kind of comes with the territory let's [Music] go [Music] [Applause] how's that look be good good [Music] huh let's get those [Music] magazines you stupid fool what do you say ba you think we're looking good unless they get inside and if that happens we did it I will not stand for this I have innocent children to protect what are you planning to do with all these guns shootting the bad guys ma'am no I will not allow gunfire in the courtyard area it's too risky Reverend mother you the rest of the sisters and the children will be in the cellar colonel colonel I I can't Mount this this where we planned because of the roof what's the matter with the roof part of it is in a state of repair we're in the midst of fixing it when those fugitives took over what are you using to repair that roof tar why because I think I've got a plan stand by on the [Applause] way hey your lovely Holiness we're back you be good girls and give us what we want maybe we go away if not maybe we burn your CH to the ground send out your four friends and no harm will come to you [Music] swing [Music] help he a [Music] move [Music] [Music] l i shoot [Music] y [Music] oh you hey they've stopped them in the back too no one has gotten over the wall get the others we go through the front [Music] gate [Music] all right all the weapons out of the truck you heard him all right all right okay set out don't you okay face you got him I got him Anything could happen on a night like this or maybe nothing than tell this fool is daytime it ain't night stay make a note now they're all there if we can catch Thomas with a lung chin we bust their bubble but it's going to be a little difficult to get there especially seeing its Wide Open Spaces it would help if the guards were faced in the other direction uh you know what I mean Pace the other direction H excuse me fellas I'm uh hate to bother you but I'm looking for the uh Felicity cruises tour ship uh yeah uh Bud Pillsbury is uh yeah bud Pillsbury he's my tour director there's the fishing boat there's no bud Pillsbury around here a fishing boat you sure come on face do it I've got [Music] this let's go you okay oh I've tried to take a cruise for over six years you know kind of clean out my lungs listen to me and this is a good day at least for some of us well it better not be any cops out there because if there are I can maintain a solemn by staying right where I am you know Libyan registry covers me the L Ching will take you safely into to the city and onto your headquarters can we carry that for you this I'd like you never to touch this okay drop it up against the wall you too shorty Let's Lose a raw hide Cowboy I said let's lose it oh my face it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] yeah I eat that [Music] [Applause] [Music] sucker [Music] what is that thing it's a piece of junk but it makes a nice microfilm case microfilm of what let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Applause] [Music] freeze [Music] [Music] down [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] he I'm in the middle I think Kyle knows where I am B can you read me Kyle's got a beat on [Music] me is this douge kyl crazy old [Music] douge [Music] yeah good guys too bad guys [Music] Zoni [Music] ow [Music] a [Music] close sucker but not [Music] enough [Music] all right what did you do with Mrs Harper and Harper's kid they in the equipment shed at Harper's Place ah great idea how did you ever think of that now next time time you think you want to take somebody out pal don't get yourself a good squad get yourself a [Music] team
Channel: The A-Team
Views: 671,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The A-Team, A Team, A Team Movie, Full Episode, Classic TV, A Team TV Series, A-Team Intro, A-Team Theme Song, John Hannibal Smith, George Peppard, Hannibal, Howling Mad Murdock, Dwight Schultz, Howling Mad, B.A Baracus, Mr. T, Mr T, Templeton Faceman Peck, Dirk Benedict, Faceman, Shut Up Fool, I love It when a plan comes together, 1980s TV, TV Show, A-team Van, GMC Vandura, Amy Allen, Melinda Culea, a-team fights, a-team attacks, a-team shoot out, a-team compilation
Id: IZKgZwrnKtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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