WOF Convention 2021 | Bishop Keith Butler | 10:30a

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've got so much to thank god so for wonderful blessings [Music] that's why i praise you [Music] lord for this i give [Music] i give you praise [Music] for waking me this morning i praise you for starting me on my way thank you for letting me see the sunshine of a brand new [Music] that's why i praise you for this [Music] that's why [Music] so many times [Music] that's why i pray i praise you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] for this i need [Music] [Applause] foreign forever [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you see me [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] hi everybody my name is willie bell and i'm here to tell you about uh giving my testimony about uh being deliberate from the coronavirus i went to the doctor i went to emergency uh march 25th they determined right away they said oh you have it i said where they say you have the virus you have the virus and you have pneumonia um and it's stemming from the virus so we need to admit you i said okay uh they came back and said well we have no rooms so i um i'm like okay so you want to admit me but you're in the rooms so what are you going to do they said well we're going to find out where we can send you and they finally ended up sending me uh to uh university of michigan medical center in ann arbor nonetheless i i was positive i was optimistic i was faithful of course and that's what you have to do you have to be faithful the whole time if you believe that god has healed you um then you have to exhibit that in your in your whole ordeal as you go through every stage of the way you have to exhibit that and that's what i was doing and then so finally they told me this one particular morning they said uh mr bell you're doing good and then um we like where you are by seven o'clock that same evening it appeared like my angels angel was just just bombarded my room i mean i had seven doctors come in and flick the lights on while i'm watching tv around seven o'clock in the evening and i'm lying in bed i'm feeling great i thought i was doing great the doctors delivered the news and they said well mr bell um your oxygen is turned uh it's taking the turn for the worst we're gonna have to put you on a ventilator and i said i thought they told me this morning i was doing fine yeah well mr bill you may have been doing fine but um it's turned taking a turn for the worse so we're gonna have to send you and this is our only answer right now by the way i had my wife and my mother-in-law my father loved one um facetime and uh we're talking and telling her about what's going on and she said well 30 things will be just fine and finally this doctor leans into my phone and speaking directly to my wife without my permission and he says like a demon just came out of nowhere he says well i want you to know this may be the last time you see your husband [Music] and i look to the store and i said man make it out of here then he lays back and he says well i just want to be i just want to be transparent um you know this may be the last time you talk to your wife because you're going on a ventilator so finally got him on away from there got an elevator and went on to icu went on to icu and i'm talking to my wife and she's crying for a second here she's kind of breaking down a little bit um and i understand why because he just emotionally impacted her you know her uh her life and so we went back in the faith and we stood in faith and we uh you know stood on what we agreed on and what we prayed about the ventilator was fine i got on the ventilator and i was only on the ventilator 40 hours i wasn't even on a ventilator two days they opened up my chest uh i shouldn't say my chest my lungs it opened up my lungs and got my lungs clear um immediately i was able to to to function a lot better i started getting better the fever broke never came back and um that was a turning point for me and the next day after getting back into my regular room and i'm getting stabilized and getting stronger and breathing better and everything else uh they send a young man into my room and uh as a you know as a um a roommate and this this this man he was he was struggling he was um you know he had the virus but his body was was painting him all over he explained to me that it was from head to toe that it was continuous and so it's okay brother you're healed i just spoke the word into him right away right away right away spoke the word into him and every morning uh we would get up and i would start prayer with him every morning and um um and then i would make sure we we ate together when we ordered our breakfast together our lunch and dinner together um so one morning i i wake up and i say i say hey brother i say you ready to order your breakfast he said no man i painted so bad i i'm not gonna eat this morning i said brother remember i said this fight is twofold i say spiritual and it's flesh i said you gotta feed your body and so i said you gotta do it to stay strong he said okay okay brother all right all right i'll work so he he ordered his food and we ordered our food as normal we kept going and over the next couple of days um they were talking about sending me home and so we talked about that felt real bad that i was leaving him and so uh finally the day came and uh um i got dressed and he's standing at the door of our room as i'm getting ready to leave and this brother stood six foot five and so he had his gun on i had my regular clothes on and i gave him a hug because we bonded find it that quickly i said you're coming home man so you're coming home he said amen amen yes i am i'm coming home come on two or three days later uh he calls me he said uh brother bill i'm home oh i said oh praise god well i mentioned this brother because i believe god allowed me to be transferred from role of bulma to encourage this brother to give him hope and to pray with him uh so he'll have hope to come home so finally i'm in my home i'm in my bed i'm with my wife and my my 18 month old son and what a joy and uh we're just happy to see each other it's just a beautiful thing to be home after after going through this ordeal right and one of the things that my mother loved did she gave me a song and i've been testing my lungs the whole time trying to see if i if i could sing because i've been wanting to sing while i was in hospital you know seeing some praise and worship but my my my throat and my you know coming off that that ventilator just wouldn't let me do it and i'm still healing from that right now as you can probably hear my voice but the song is it's your breath in our lungs so i pour out my face for my praise yeah yeah so i'm able to praise god now i just want to say thank you for listening thank you for uh you know listen to my testimony god is good and as my bishop would say continue to fight the good fight of faith god bless you [Music] i've got so much too thank god for so many wonderful blessings [Music] mercy [Music] day that's why i praise you [Music] lord for this i give [Music] i give you praise [Music] for waking me this morning i praise you for starting me on my way thank you for letting me see the sunshine [Music] that's why i praise you that's why i praise you for this [Music] that's why [Music] so many times [Music] [Music] that's i [Music] [Music] for every moment [Music] for everybody [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] give you oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] know [Music] is [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to the 2021 word of faith convention [Music] [Music] convention 2021 glory to god i hope you're ready we're gonna have a life changing weekend glory to god together hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord glory to god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] higher we lift you higher glory to god hallelujah glory to god we lift you high we lift you high on our praises oh we lift you up oh god you're so worthy of glory you're so worthy of honor we come this morning to tell you we love you all to tell you we adore you to tell you we honor you we glorify you magnify your name oh the best thing that could ever happen to us is for you to welcome us into your family glory to god thank you jesus hallelujah light of the world [Music] oh beauty that made this heart adore you oh and hope for a lifetime [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh beauty that made this heart adore you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're my god oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] and here i am [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me see this [Music] here i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh here i am [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] oh but here i am to worship [Music] oh together [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to see my [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i present myself here i am to worship [Music] oh [Music] all together all together [Music] magnify your name we worship you lord oh we worship your majesties we bow before you lord we're here to worship you here to worship you oh we worship you we worship you oh we glorify you and magnify your name holy are you lord holy are you lord oh we worship you we've come to worship you we've come to worship you oh we worship you yes we do holy are you lord holy are you lord we bow to your majesty thank you lord thank you lord holy are you lord we worship you lord hallelujah hey [Music] i hear you singing unto me a new song and that's not the only thing that's about to be made new i'm doing a new thing in you says the lord today is the day of refreshing today is a day of restoration today is the day of a new beginning and i want you to expect new things i want you to expect things to be made new things that were old things that look that they're run down i want you to know that i'm turning it around and i'm making it new so today i want you to know that as you sing unto me a new song i'm doing a new thing in you continue to sing unto me continue to praise me continue to exalt me and you'll see i will make all things new says the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah nationally yeah and as you praise me and as you worship me i want you to know that i want you to go deeper into that i want you to get excited about me again i want you to have a fire about the things that i'm about to do i want you to just tap into this praise this next level and i want you to know as you do that i'm going to come up in a level as well in your life i'm going to manifest myself at a greater level in your life i'm going to let you see me like you've never seen me before in your study in your praise in your worship in your prayer i want you to know you are going to a brand new level so let your praise come to a brand new level let your prayers go to a brand new level let everything come up and i will meet you there says the lord [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] i don't know i took that literally he said take your praise to another level he said not only that but take your study this conference i'm telling you we're digging in anybody digging in this conference and i declare we're gonna get everything that the holy ghost has for us in the name of jesus glory to god well what you just heard is tongues and interpretation which is found in first corinthians 12 and 14 it is for our edification our exhortation and comfort how many all got any one of those three things going on right now praise the lord and i'm telling you he is not done yet this is going to be something awesome get your expectations out and with that i want to hear some excitement because this is the 2021 word of faith convention hallelujah glory to god it is awesome to have you all here all of our family i want to send a special welcome to all of you who are joining us online maybe you didn't make it here in person but you're here with us in spirit right there wherever you are welcome from whatever country city state you are in come on let's welcome our online audience thank you so much [Applause] god's going to meet you where you are and then for our family that's in the building i can feel the love i want to take a second and i want you to greet one another just however you're comfortable make sure you tell someone hi you're glad to see him we got a lot of family from all over the world virgin islands in kenya and grand rapids and florida and texas i see them all [Music] air high five air hook whatever is comfortable just make sure you smile at somebody let them see all three of your teeth [Music] i want y'all know this conference is a setup i sense that in the spirit the devil thought he had some of us but this conference is about to take us right on through he tried to stop you from getting him but this conference is about to take you right all through you better get your expectation up all right now first up is our pastor the founder of this church i am grateful for the spirit of god that rests on this man we want john you know the word god says that you know a a prophet with is without honor in his own home but how many y'all know that's not so true here let that not be true this morning please welcome with me our founder our bishop our pastor keith a butler [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen all glory goes to god almighty hallelujah i'm glad to see all of you today jesus is lord to the glory of god the father amen people are finding their way here from across the united states etc uh amen but those of you here the very first session amen praise god it's good you are here today as you will see praise god hallelujah see a few of you from the nations that are here praise god amen hallelujah bulgaria praise god hallelujah africa praise god all right in jesus name lift up your bible in the air and as i always do say this along with me this is my bible the bible is god speaking to me the bible is the truth and all truth is included in the bible it tells me what to believe it tells me how to speak it tells me how to walk and live and also in it is the path to eternal life and father we thank you for the word of god once again it is a lighting to our feet it is the path we have to walk once again we yield to you and we ask you father to open the eyes of our understanding grant us revelation of the word today holy spirit you are the great teacher and revealer so we yield to you and we ask you praise god once again to reveal these truths of the word of god to us deeply use this tongue as a pen of a readied writer to write upon the hearts of your people your infallible word and father for whatever is manifest today we give you and you only all the glory all the honor and praise we ask this in the holy mighty matchless and highest authority of all jesus of nazareth by his precious blood everyone in agreement with this prayer said amen you may be seated in the name of jesus and open your bibles to the book of revelations please chapter 17. praise god i'm going to be speaking each morning on the subject of the of babylon the of babylon you'll find her in revelations chapter 17 chapter 18. now let me tell you right off that this teaching that i'm about to do for the next three days is really for really for ministers it's really for pastors bible teachers ministers you're not one of those praise god you just get to listen in on it amen our bible school students amen praise god and of course many of you ministers are our graduates of our school so uh you you need a basic perfunctuary knowledge of the scripture where i'm going today in the next couple of days you need a basic understanding hallelujah but god wants these things revealed at this time there are hidden truths with daniel that are to be shut up until the latter latter times or later time times of the end amen and when god starts revealing those things at the end tells you a little bit about timing tells you where you are when you start revealing things that people didn't understand didn't see you know when uh when i i've been born again i counted for 48 years uh i actually however was born again at a when i was 11 years old i was in my mother's uh room watching television a billy graham meeting and i was 11 and billy graham was ministering and of course he always gave this altar call at the end you know and prayed with the tv audience and i prayed with tv 11 and i prayed with you all and i actually asked jesus my heart was 11 years old but i belong at the time to church organizations that there was very little bible teaching very little understanding about holiness any of that so i didn't know squat i didn't know anything so when when i really consider myself to really dedicate it to my life to the lord was when i was 17 years old okay that's when i saw pastor deborah most you all know this story when i went to that church hallelujah i'm still saying hallelujah okay and uh and all of that so-and-so so i really kind of count that as the beginning so that's the 48 years but uh but immediately after i was born again i mean immediately upon getting born again i had an immediate interest in bible prophecy i started reading people like the late great planet earth with hal lindsey and all kind of folks long time ago right in fact my father-in-law my wife's uh father uh when i first got born again i'm only born again like two months and they used to have at their home when he's living in wyoming he used to i think it was tuesday night this was a long time ago but i think it was tuesday night they used to have a little uh prophecy bible thing so they invited me to come i had immediate interest and stuff so i was sitting there you know and we're convincing about what we think the scripture says and about the old time stuff and and uh bible prophecy and all that amen and so i have from the beginning always study these issues and of course some you know i've taught honestly taught on these things etc etc and of course the more you learn about it the more you learn about it and the more you learn about it the more you learn about it okay the more you learn about it the more you learn about it and it just opens opens opens and then there are things that god hid until just the later times it's just now unveiling unveiling praise god and i can tell you that many of us who teach on this subject and haven't teach on this subject for decades got some of it wrong because it hadn't been revealed unto us yet and so we're guessing about some stuff but now all this stuff is just about coming together now just about okay amen and so praise the lord we're going to begin sharing these things uh with you in jesus mighty name now i need three hallelujahs to get started everything in the bible from genesis trap to chapter 12 owns about israel israel the jewish people are connected to it some way shape form or fashion all the way to the end now you're listening to me praise god you know god starts off with adam and eve et cetera eventually you get to genesis 6 the whole civilization's full of violence and they moved away from the way of god and god had to start all over again with the flood and starts with noah again and his this son sham him and jeff affleck shem is going to want us is going to be chosen and from shem you're going to get all the way down to a man named abram who is an urdu chaldea somewhere in a rock and the lord's going to send him west and say i'm going to send you to a land you don't know nothing about you never been there i'm not going to tell you how to get this to be today i'm going to give you instructions so you're going to do this by faith amen he's going to eventually find his way all over to the what we now call israel and the promised land praise god canaan's land all of that and the nation is going to be born from him this nation israel praise god god's intention for this nation is what to be the demonstrator for the world to show the world there is one god and if you follow him you will be blessed in every single area of your life he told this to israel multiple times we're most familiar with verse chapter 28. he said now if you're hearken and he lays out for them you know laws i want you to follow et cetera he said now if you just hearken diligently into my voice do what i tell you to do all these blessings will come on you these blessings cover you physically financially socially protection even to come into the place where you are so wealthy you lend you don't never have to borrow we can just go on praise in other words every facet of your life was blessed but he said now if you won't hearken diligently unto the voice of the lord thy god and all these curses will come on upon you and for every blessing there was you read deuteronomy 28 for example you will find there were three curses and the curses covered all the areas of the blessing you'll be cursing the body cursing your neighborhood curse with your money cursed with your children cursed with everything i mean that cursing that thing went over everything if you wouldn't hearken to the voice lord thy god well of course you're going to have events to get down to moses you can get to joshua you know what happens in egypt josh is going to take him across the red sea josh is going to have a wonderful realm he's going to have to defeat seven nations amen we know those stories praise god hallelujah eventually they get it done and joshua's reign is wonderful okay even after joshua's reign after that it is wonderful but then again israel is going to begin to wander and when she begins to wander she's going to get involved with other cultures or the gods of the languages and all the time the merciful god's going to do what he is going to warn them and warn them and warn them and warn them he's going to send them multiple prophets to warn them they're going to stone those prophets kill those prophets murder those prophets because they didn't want to hear because those prophets would tell them this is what's going to happen to you if you continue down this way you're going to lose your land you're going to lose your freedom okay you're going to have some seriously bad things happen to you turn around don't even you agree with israel when they did have judgment happen to him god's mercy would still say to him all right now i'm going to restore you back so i'm going to restore you back this time do what you're supposed to do and you've got prophets that's talking about what happens when you return all those sort of things amen well israel there is a description that god made about israel though and that he called israel a turn with me for example to ezekiel chapter 16 thank you jesus in ezekiel the 16th chapter i'm going to just read you verse 28 here thank you jesus ezekiel 16 28 reads as follows of course the prophet ezekiel and he says for thou has played the with the assyrians because thou was unsatiable yea thou has played the harlot with them and yet could not be satisfied and of course god's talking about there's israel israel is my wife you're playing the harlot you're messing around with the assyrians and others god's going to tell them i'm a jealous god stick with me right but he's a he but he is also a forgiving god he will forgive her amen but he calls her a because a will do what sleep with anybody and do it for money well and turn the book of numbers genesis exercise numbers 25 praise god in numbers uh we'll take a look at the 25th chapter in verse 1 over there and israel bold and shitten and the people began to commit them with the daughters of moab so you see what god does is that god uses this description of israel when they wander away from him and he calls them a he talks about their whoredom amen now there are two and i don't want to get ahead of myself but there's a israel of course of the old testament there is a new testament and she has a lot of the same calling and responsibility to the world as the first one and god uses her in many ways like he did the first one and she's going to do the same thing that israel did she's going to eventually move away from her foundation with god and get hooked up with other things hallelujah other peoples for the same reasons and become the of babylon of revelations and at the later times or at the end times hallelujah now let's talk about there of course that whole word babylon i mean who is babylon well babylon in the scripture in the old testament was a nation there was the nation of babylon uh and inside the nation of babylon where people called like the chaldeans and so there's the there's the nation of babylon but the scripture talks about babylon being more than just the physical nation babylon is also has demonic spirits behind this nation it's also called babylon in scripture turn to ephesians chapter 6 amen in ephesians chapter six the apostle paul lays out uh what's the kind of things that uh not only babylonians have to deal with but believers church at ephesus believers today to deal with he says in verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against and he talks about four types of demon spirits principalities lowest types powers rulers are the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places amen particularly rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places now these particularly those two are the spirits that would be most prominent in the of babylon in the woman praise god now there are seven manifestations of the spirits that you find in the old babylon and that you'll find in the new babylon they are pride arrogance worship of false gods sexual perversion worship of wealth haters of god and anything associated with him and that they attempt to murder god's people that spirit praise god it's still around today okay amen now she's called a lady turn to isaiah 47 thank you jesus you all ready for this all right amen i intend to take my time here and take it real slow and i'm i'm uh i'm trying to make this as simple as possible and not you know as i grew up with uh listening to all these bible teachers and they were throwing stuff and you'd be like what are you saying you know and you just you you lost after five minutes to just forget it you know so he he may have he may have granted granddaughter's ego with people talking about how you know brilliant so-and-so is but that's not the purpose for teaching the purpose for teaching is that the lowest common denominator of the audience can understand it if they can't understand it and thereby they can't use something they don't understand and all that i get in get a get an understanding right praise god well here in isaiah 47 we read verse 5 of course isaiah's prophecy again another one of those in fact let me back with verse 1 come down and sit in the dust o virgin daughter of babylon sit on the ground there is no throne or daughter of the chaldeans we see babylon chaldeans right get down to verse 5 sit thou silent and get thee into darkness we'll see that word sit later o daughter of the chaldeans for thou shalt no more be called the lady of kingdoms no mormon will call you that see i mean she was a lady but she didn't now she becomes no lady now she's become a but the of babylon in revelations she is the lady of kingdoms or of course now turn to daniel amen chapter 1. and let's kind of let's get into this just a little bit praise his holy name i just feel like the holy do not know this already amen if you are someone who is a really spiritual person who prays in the holy ghost you know that there has been a shift in the heavenlies in here you know that we are in a different time the bible talks about times seasons okay we are in a different time now we're in a different season now the lord's been having me minister to my congregation here and the one in ohio have me ministering to them about what to do during these times and what's coming okay amen and hopefully they have an ear to hear these things but in daniel chapter 1 praise god it says in the third year of the reign of jehoiakim king of judah remember there's a northern kingdom and a southern kingdom northern kingdom is called israel southern kingdom of judah in that southern kingdom is the city of jerusalem right jerusalem is the center of the world it is the holy city of god it is still the city today that if you go to the united nations there's a huge fight going on over this one little place i mean been to jerusalem a lot of us have right all right and besieged it babylon's going to proceed it okay so this is the nation of babylon king of judah became nebuchadnezzar king of babylon unto jerusalem and besieged it nebuchadnezzar is a very important individual and we'll get to him in in just a minute but the reason why nebuchadnezzar is going to get to overrun judah is because of israel's failure to do what god said they are going to constantly sin against god and open the door for this see the will of god is not that anything other than blessing come your way but whether or not blessing comes your way or the curse comes your way is not in god's hands entirely it's also in your hands just like he told israel he said now if you hearken diligently into the voicelord of thy god this will happen and if you don't you won't in the new testament it talks about what it says is a man so so shall he reap among many other scriptures in other words that what happens to you is in your hands thank you for all that shouting i'm getting right there okay you got something to say about what happened to you you get a vote in this stuff hallelujah amen and so uh amen was could keep reading and the lord gave jehoiakim king of judah into his hand with part of the vessels of the house of god that's that old temple praise god and so there are gold cups and many other wonderful things inside that temple and they're going to be carried away into the land of china to the house of his god that's the nebuchadnezzar or babylon and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god now notice he's going to bring him to the house of his god false idol right and the king spake that aspinas the master of his eunuchs that he should bring certain of the children of israel and of the king's seed and of his prisons and prison princes unto him children in whom was no blemish but well favored skillful all wisdom and cunning and knowledge and understanding science as such it had ability in them to stand in the king's palace in whom they might teach the learning and tongue of the chaldeans of course i said there and the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat of the wine which he drank so nourishing them three years that at the end thereof they might stand before the king now among these were of the children of judah daniel ananiah michelle and azariah unto whom the prince of the union gave these names daniel the name of belteza michelle and azariah bendigo you all familiar with these right okay daniel and those three hebrew boys glory to god a billion messages have been preached about these three guys amen just preaching about them hallelujah and one wonderful victory that they had verse 17. and as for these four children god gave them know who gave it to them god gave them knowledge and skill in our learning and wisdom and daniel in particular had understanding of in all visions and dreams now at the end of the days that the king has said he thought bring them in through the prince of eunuch brought them before nabichet neiser and of course we know that daniel is not going to again basic bible knowledge we know that daniel's a holy man of god he said i'm not going to eat this stuff they putting in front of me and they said well if you you don't you're not going to be as strong as everybody else he said you watch and you see okay amen and of course these these three hebrew boys and daniels don't and we find in verse verse 20 and all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them he found them ten times better amen this is a testimony i make with my grandchildren every morning i pray with them and i and i pray this that my grandchildren are ten times smarter than all of them hating children around them i'ma have what i say especially two of my boys hello somebody amen put the word of god on them the word of god works i said the word of god works now when you get to daniel chapter two i pray with my children too but the ten times better i do with my grandchildren right so that's what chapter two praise god verse one and the second year of the reign of nebuchadnezzar he dreamed dreams wherein his spirit was troubled and his sleep broke from him and the king commanded to call called him magicians astrologers sorcerers those chaldeans for the show the king his dreams so they came and stood in front of the king he said now i have a dream and my spirit was troubled to know the dream then the chaldeans spoke to him in the syriac which is the syrian language because part of his kingdom covered syria and i'll talk more about that in a minute amen live forever tell thy servants the dream we will show the interpretation he said tell us the dream we'll tell you what it means the king answered and said to him the thing is gone from me now if you will not make known unto me the dream with the interpretation he wants two things i want first of all you tell me the dream and then you tell me the interpretation of the dream all right amen now therefore you shall be cut in pieces if you don't in your houses i'm going to bulldoze it but if you show the dream and interpretation thereof you shall receive with me gifts and rewards and great honor therefore show me the dream and the interpretation and they answered again so now let the king tell the serpent the dream tell us the dream and we will give you the interpretation and the king answered and said now i certainly know that you would just buy time say gain the time buy time i certainly know that you will just buy time with all this he said i'm not buying it verse nine if you want to if you won't tell me the dream there isn't but one decree for you for you have prepared lying in corrupt words to speak before me before till the time be changed therefore let tell me the dream and i'll know that you can show me the interpretation so first you tell me to dream if you can tell me the dream then i know you got the spirit to give me the interpretation if you don't tell me this dream first i'm going to kill you and i'm going to cut your body up in pieces i'm going to go to your house i'm a bulldozer you understand me see you see what he's saying just keep going but the king of kell demons verse 10 they answered and said to the king is no man on earth that can do that there is no king no lord no ruler to ask such things of any position nobody asked that no king asked that of anybody it's a rare thing the king requires and there is none other that can show up before the king except the gods whose dwelling is not with flesh and for this cause the king was angry and very furious which you don't want to do and he commanded to destroy all of the wise men of babylon you're all dead all of you i don't want none of you around i'm killing every single one of you and the decree went forth that the wise men should be slain and they sought daniel and his fellows to be slain daniel's in that palace he's one of the wise men daniel answered with counsel and wisdom to ariak the captain of the king's guard which has gone forth to slay the wise men of babylon he answered and said to ariana king's captain why is the king so hasty with this decree and then ariana i told him told him about what what went down daniel went in and desired the king that he would give give me a little time and i will show the king the interpretation daniel went to his house and made the thing known to shadrach meshach bendigo right verse 18. amen that they should desire miracles of the god of heaven what are they going to do they're going to pray they're going to take the time and they're going to pray together they're going to pray before god for god to give them the dream and the interpretation so that they don't perish with the rest of these wise men of babylon then was the secret revealed unto daniel verse 19 in a night vision then daniel bless the god of heaven because god gave him that revelation he said thank you lord for giving it to me and when god bless you with something you asked him for what do you do this thank god in advance what revelation is going to give us during this meeting father we thank you in advance we give you praise and glory for it in the name of jesus thanksgiving always opens the door for more good amen praise god daniel answered and said blessed be the name of god forever and ever for whis god changes the times and the seasons and what i'm telling you now is that we have entered into a new season he removes kings and sets up kings that's why i've said to the church here so you get upset about who gets elected president and all that fight with each other and beat up people and all that god put obama in god put trump in amen and say but why people get selected it's based on a number of things that the church does well now they praise when that obeys god a lot of other things because the new to one of the new testament things you'll find is that now since jesus has come instead of it being just israel that controls things guess who controls things the church satan's been defeated i said satan's been defeated he's under our feet but we can allow him to run over us we can decide not to pray amen first timothy 2 1 what does it tell us over there amen pray over all men amen and then for what kings all that are in authority why that we may lead a quiet peaceable life in all godliness and honesty that's what's good and acceptable in the sight of god our savior and you know when it's peace like that that's the best time when all men can be saved and coming to the knowledge of the truth okay amen but when the church doesn't do what it's supposed to do and the church gets into all kind of all kinds of stuff you get all kinds of things that opens the door because under much is given much is required hallelujah and praise god not only does god deal with you as an individual god deals with you reading scripture god deals with you and your family decisions god deals with you and your city decisions your city your area god deals with you and your nation's decisions as well as the world all have a part to play all have a vote in what happens hallelujah and so whether you liked or didn't like whoever whoever whoever praise god this is a whole lot bigger than just your ballot it's a whole lot bigger than what you think what you feel who you like and who you don't amen good preaching oh that man preaching i say amen to myself ain't nobody else saying amen he told you pray for whoever's in authority i don't like so-and-so he says so what pray anyway that's for free i just tossed that in all right so glory to god so he he removed king set up kings he gives wisdom and unto the wise and knowledge to them that know understanding he gives knowledge to those that know understanding keep your finger there turn to proverbs chapter 9 hallelujah amen proverbs chapter 9 verse 10 tells us the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding amen for by me thy day shall be multiplied the years of your life shall be increased praise god and so these individuals are going to get knowledge and understanding and these other soothsayers chaldeans wise men none of them are going to get it because they don't they're not connected to the true and the living god but daniel is hallelujah he revealed in verse 22 again in daniel he be revealed the deep and secret things he know of what is in the darkness and the light dwelleth with him and i thank thee and praise you father god he's going to talk about that you've done this and therefore verse 24 daniel went into area whom the king had ordained to destroy the wise men of babylon them eria's job was to be the executioner he went and said unto him destroy not the wise men of babylon bring me in before the king and i will show unto the king the interpretation reason why i'm talking about babylon is because that woman in revelations chapter 17 18 is the of babylon so i got to give you some background on babylon so that you understand okay hello somebody and i was shown to the kingdom interpretation so he brings them in praise god and the king answered in verse 25 he says belt the shazar or daniel are you you able to make known to me the dream which i have seen and the interpretation say you're gonna give me the dream and you're gonna give me an interpretation in other words don't ask me about the dream because you asked me about the dream you just like everybody else and if you just like everybody else you about to die right here at my feet get it i keep reading daniel answering the president of the king and said the secrets the king have demanded can't the wise men your astrologers the magicians and truth says show the king but let me tell you verse 28 there's a god in heaven that reveals secrets it makes known to the king nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days the word latter means late yes and so what he is about to give this interpretation is what's going to happen in the late days latter in the days right close when all stuff gets wrapped up are you listening to me again if you don't know this by now but when i'm done you will notice by friday amen okay amen you will notice because i will prove it to you but you are living right now in the late days i'm not saying acts chapter 2 last days the last days began the day of pentecost late days is different late days it's right where you're about to have the rapture of the church the revealing of this woman the antichrist tribulation so from so on those are the late days he's talking about this vision is going to go all the way through to today you understand what i'm talking about all right that dream individuals of that thy head upon thee are these and that's with the o king the thoughts came to you while you were on your bed what should come to pass hereafter and he that reveal of secrets makes known to thee what shall come to pass and then he's going to tell him first of all what the dream was in verse 31 thou o king soft and behold a great image this great image whose brightness was excellent stood before thee and the form was terrible the image head was a fine gold put the image up there for me please amen that'd be the first one yeah thank you the image here was a fine gold his breasts and his arms of silver different something different his belly and thighs of brass also different his legs of iron his feet part of iron and part of clay now i'm going to tell you something right now about iron and clay iron is hard clay is softer okay thou saw till that a stone was cut out without hands which smoked the image upon his feet and no where this stone is going to take down the image or the feet part of the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and break those into pieces now let me tell you that there are eight kingdoms or eight civilizations where mankind is in control he's going to lay them out for you who they were and i'm going to lay them out for you are you listening to me now when you were in high school and you had a world civilizations class or your first year in college and you had a civilization world civilizations class anybody had any of those right how many of you paid attention most of us didn't pay no we sat there we we you know we just did what we had to do in order to get the grade right because we felt like i will never have a need to know all this stuff about the ottoman empire and turkey and all this i would never have a need to know any of that stuff well i ain't paying no attention to that well you were wrong because your world civilization class is there to help you understand the bible which i'm about to show you through the prophecies of danny amen if you still have some of your old high school textbooks you might want to all right verse 35 then was the iron the clay the brass the silver and the gold broken two pieces together i'd underline all that okay they're broken to pieces together became like the shaft of the summer threshing floor the wind carried them away and no place was found for them and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth well that stone that's going to break defeat okay which of course the toes are on the feet it's going to be jesus kingdom jesus is the stone that mountain praise god is going to be his kingdom of god on earth the thousand year reign this is the dream now now he's done number one so there's the dream king how about that the king going my boy now can you give me the interpretation well here's the interpretation thereof o king you are a king of kings for the god of heaven have given thee a kingdom power strength and glory and you need to underline that who gave it to him now nebuchadnezzar remember he and his people are going to be the ones who are going to take over israel they're going to be the one who enslaves them they're going to be the ones who who take what was in the temple those vessels and put them in another place and god told the scripture told us god raised him up when you read books like jeremiah okay you will see where god again after he warns and mourns and mourns and mourns because god always warns and god told them exactly what was going to happen to them and how it was going to happen and why it was going to happen right and then you're reading the old testament and said then god then going to use them for the judgment of israel by the way just as a side note while i'm at it every nation however that may be used in judgment against israel is eventually going to pay the price for still messing with israel every single one of them whoever messed with israel always got their butt kicked in the end come on somebody amen because israel is still the apple of god's eye the jewish people are still the apples of god's eye jerusalem is still god's city don't you ever forget it amen that land is never to be divided the bible said many people have lost i taught a one sunday morning a couple years ago i showed you that every single in the 20th century every single american president since israel became a nation in 1948 and every single israeli prime minister that entered into an agreement to partition off the land of israel either lost their office became sick or died up to today it's never fail you ought to read the book ezekiel and see how many times god says you don't partial my land he says it again i know from reading old testament he says stuff he never says stuff once he always says it again and again same thing exact same words he'll say it again and again and again and again and again and you want to see how many times he says what happens if you touch my land that's another side issue i believe that alone praise god hallelujah somebody amen verse 38 where and what whatsoever the children of israel dwell the beasts of the field the files of heaven have given them to thy hand have made thee ruler over them all you are the head of gold put there in your bible babylon you're the head of gold and after these shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee that's the medes and persians and another third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth that's greece and the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron for as much as iron break up in pieces and subdue of all things and as iron and break up all these shall it break into pieces and bruise that's the roman empire amen and so there are four kingdoms or four nations that will be world rulers now the bible's going to use this term over the whole world remember in biblical times they still believe the world was flat didn't even know the world was round come on in biblical times okay these people thought as far as they could their nations went that that was the end of the earth and so when i get to my next slide and i talk about the old roman empire you're going to see it doesn't cover the whole earth don't even come close to covering the whole earth they didn't know about the americas christopher columbus is going to come a whole lot later they're not going to they don't know about america they don't know about the orient they don't know about the islands of the sea they don't know about the caribbean they don't know about antarctica they don't know about all those things amen so when they write about the whole world understand they're writing the whole world from their perspective and this is a big point that i'm making unto you and just write it down because when i get there later it's going to be important hallelujah praise god and so you remember babylon remember those three hebrew boys in the fire furnace you remember the media persians that's where dying daniel's going to wind up in the lion's den the medes and persons and where daniel's going to fast for three weeks and praise and gets an answer amen the prince of persia is going to going to try and stop him daniel getting the answer trying to find out what's going on with this one the last days the angel michael is going to help him he's going to finally get the answer greece is a guy you in high school that you heard about named alexander the great okay so alexander the great's going to have a huge okay very successful reign and kingdom and he's going to spread over a very large area but there's he's not going to he's going to get defeated and they are going to get defeated the defeat is stopped somewhere he's going to get defeated in one of the places alexander the great interestingly enough where he was defeated was in afghanistan he tried to take down afghanistan failed the russians tried to take down afghanistan took ten years to try to do it failed the americans tried to take down if you understand it took 20 years failed nobody take down if you understand amen he who forgets history doom to repeat it amen you see history is important it's very important because history does several things not only does it inform you of what happened in the past the bible tells about the old testament it's for our admonition and learning so that we're supposed to be able to see what other people did and what mistakes they made and not us duplicate the same dumb mistake see and history also will point you to the future because it will tell it will show you where things are going so no you don't want to tear down statues now yes you don't want to celebrate people who were evil and did evil things but you don't tear the statue down you just put it in this proper place you understand what i'm saying okay amen you don't destroy history they're trying to destroy history now and if you destroy history then the only thing you will do is make super dumb mistakes in the future so you can look backwards to see what you should do forward anybody understand what i'm saying history is very important what do you think the bible is an awful lot of the bible is history amen so what you're going to do we should destroy you say terry you're going to tear out 70 percent of the bible you're going to then jump on everybody in in the bible who was bad you ain't going to have much bible left because god uses people he even uses bad people that may be hard for your head to understand but he does god has to use people imperfect people because if he doesn't use imperfect people there'll be no people for him to use including you and every one of us got feeder clay every one of us got problems if i follow you long enough if i follow you long enough i'm gonna find some oh i didn't know that oh if i had an ooh you how many of us have made mistakes in that life i mean he's made some bad mistakes in our life sure everybody's hands up right so i mean if we can stop throwing stones oh i'm preaching better i get amen we can stop throwing stones and and you know and all this stuff we deal with other people because everybody got feet of clay that's why the bible says you gotta exercise forgiveness and walk in love because that same thing you point to somebody else's thumb's pointing back your way let me keep on going amen praise god hallelujah then of course rome of course you know about the caesars now rome lasted over a thousand years till the fifth century to about a.d 476. amen now let me talk about the old roman empire here number four that old roman empire all right there's a lot of mistakes that's made my old prospect teachers and people i used to read and all they made a lot of mistakes okay today i know that they made lots of mistakes a lot of stuff they used to teach because and even in recent years you know they think when you talk about the old roman empire you're talking about the european union you talk about the eu right and the old roman empire was a lot larger than just the eu you know it covered a whole lot of areas the old roman empire covered the north african coast it occur egypt southern europe most of western europe covered the balkans crimea okay which is over in ukraine much of the middle east including arabia the old that that empire went as far west as france and the uk to the northwest spain to the southwest parts of iraq to the east parts of north africa to the south it didn't cover the entire globe but it did cover 20 of the world's population put that map up please amen that is a humongous area they didn't have airplanes they have satellites amen they had to conquer these places that get this far and they had to do it from italy and they're going to have to conquer all this area with an army this is a massive but it's nowhere near the whole world it's only 20 of the population of the world but i want you to notice that if you look at some of these it's way past just europe northern africa all the way to ukraine i mean it's it's it's uh it's quite an area now let's read some more what i just said there's going to be important too all right now let's let's read verse 40. and the fourth kingdom i told you is rome the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron for as much as iron breaketh in pieces and subdue of all things and as iron that break of all these things shall be breaking pieces and bruised wearing thou saw the feet and toes now i'm going to talk about that feet and toes this is your sibling world's history class right feet and toes part of potter's clay part of iron see that part of clay part of iron the kingdom shall be divided another thing to circle divide it so it's not going to be just one this big glob like greece was rome it's going to be cut up okay it's going to be a lot of stuff that's going on in there divide it but there should be in it of the strength of the iron for as much as thou soft the iron mixed with mirey clay hard and salt remember and as the toes of the feet were part of our iron part of clay the toes of the feet were part of iron part of clay so the kingdom shall be partly strong partly broken what is this this is the revised roman empire see after rome is done then there's going to be another entity that comes along in the entire area of the old roman empire not just the eu hello somebody and whereas thou saw iron mixed with my reclaim they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay they ain't going to get along they're going to fight each other okay you're gonna go to war with one another amen these eight kingdoms now what we're talking about here i told you just four the toes okay are five and six there are eight these toes are five and they are six okay let's talk about what some of the toes are from your class how about the ottoman empire muslim turks amen they're one of the longest reigning entities in history they reigned ottoman empire for 600 years remember the sultans okay from 1288 all the way to 1922. what errors did they cover they covered bulgaria egypt greece hungary jordan lebanon israel palestinian territory macedonia romania syria parts of arabia the north coast of africa the ottoman empire got ended because they were on the wrong side they were on the losing side in world war one most y'all never read anything about world war one but they were on the wrong side they lost amen now in many of these countries in the ottoman empire today then and now they persecute christians kill christians in many cases some of those countries egypt jordan lebanon okay palestinian territories syria some parts of arabia north coast of africa all that's muslim see even in israel even in israel in every one of these countries today all of them have people in there who are a muslim descent and have been and have some vestige of the ottoman empire's influence and everything from art music to you name it architecture all sorts of stuff even israel you know there is a dome of the mass sitting there in israel right when you go to you go to the western wall you notice this thing right next to it okay you know this whole fight about who was first okay and all of that okay all this all this happened during the ottoman empire during that time now praise god uh also i think real interesting about that is that of course jerusalem when i was talking about where that dominant rock is jerusalem was king david's headquarters and made the capacity of israel almost 3 500 years ago long before the empire hallelujah there's no question about it long before there was quote unquote palestinians okay david had it had jerusalem thank you jesus glory to god amen now turn to daniel chapter 5 i'm taking it real slow paint it real slow because i i you have to have this basis for i can go tomorrow okay i mean you got to have this for i can go tomorrow okay so in chapter five now of course nebuchadnezzar is going to eventually die and nebuchadnezzar is going to have a boy he's going to have a son her son's name is belshazzar right so let's read a little bit about him so belgium the king made a great feast to the thousands of his lord a thousands lord and drink wine before a thousand so he has a big orgy party with a thousand people bell shells are while he tasted the wine commanded to bring the gold and silver vessels which his father nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple that was in jerusalem and he's going to have his princes his wives and his concubines and they gonna drink out of them then they brought the golden vessels that was taken out of the temple of the house of god it was that jerusalem and the king and his princes his wives and his concubines drank and then they drank wine and they praised the gods of gold the gods of silver gods of brass iron wooden stone and in the same hour came forth the fingers of a man's hand and wrote on the plaster of the wall in that king's palace and the king saw the hand when it wrote and when he did verse six the king's face changed his thoughts began to become upset the joints of his loins were loose which means that he began to defecate in his pants his knees knocked together and the king cried aloud to the astrologers the chaldeans the sioux savers and the king spake and said to the wise men of babylon whosoever shall read this writing and show me the interpretation thereof shall he cloak with scarlet have a chain of goat about his neck he shall be the third ruler in the kingdom i'm the ruler my wife's number two who whoever gives me this interpretation gonna be number three then came in all the king's wise men but they could not read the writing nor make known to the king the interpretation thereof you notice that daniel was not called then was king belshanza greatly troubled his kindness was chained in him his lords were astonished the queen the woman by reason of the words of the king and his lords came to the banquet house and the queen talked to him he's a king don't let your thoughts trouble you don't be upset i got to answer for you thank god for the women i thought i'd get better amen than that there's a man in the kingdom of whom is the spirit of the holy gods and the days of thy father light and understanding of wisdom like the wisdom of the gods was found in this man king nebuchadnezzar your father the king i say thy father made master of musicians astrologers chaldeans and south sailors you may know daniel became danny began to run everything under nebuchadnezzar right for as much as an excellent spirit in knowledge and understanding interpretation of dreams showing of hard sentences dissolving of doubts were found in the same daniel whom the king named bear to shounds our now let daniel be called he will show the interpretation well he listened to his wife all the ladies said then was daniel brought in before the king and the king spake and said to daniel are you daniel i don't even know who you are which are the children the captivity of judah whom whom the king my father brought out of out of jewry now i heard about you and he heard it from his wife the spirit of the gods is in you the light you have understanding excellent wisdom and now my wise men they don't know what to make of this they can't read this writing they can't tell me interpretation they can't tell but i heard of you i i heard that you can make this interpretation you can dissolve doubts now if you if you can read the writing and make known to me the interpretation you shall be clothed with a scarlet robe you're gonna have a gold chain about your neck see that's nothing new you'll be the third ruler of the kingdom then now watch daniel's reply i love his reply then daniel answers to the king you can keep your stuff i don't want your scarlet i don't want your change i don't want nothing i don't want third party i don't want anything from you you can keep it and you can give your rewards to somebody else but i'm still going to tell you to write writing on the wall and i'm going to tell you the interpretation verse 18. king the most high god gave nebuchadnezzar your father a kingdom and majesty and glory and honor and for the majesty that he gave him all people nations languages trembled and feared before him whom he would he slew whom he would he kept alive whom he would he set up whom he would he put down and when his heart was lifted up underlying that right and when his heart was lifted up and his mind heart and pride he was disposed from the kingly throne they took his glory for him he was driven from the sons of men his heart was made like unto the beast and his dwelling was with the wild asses and they fed him with grass like oxen and his body was wet with dew he lost his mind became naked in the field and for seven years he's going to be in this condition till he knew that the most high god ruled the kingdom of men and that he appointed over it whomsoever he will and now his son o belt shazam you have not humbled your heart though you knew all this you knew all this you saw this you watched this you understood this because at the end of it what nebuchadnezzar did when he came back to himself at the end of the seventh year he came back to himself you know what he did he gave praise to the most high god he said there ain't no other god but this god he said um i'm bowing down there's god the lord he is god don't you know he told everybody okay amen hallelujah and don't forget about the other miracles that happened all this time and he finally came to the position like hey hey that's it belt says i mean his son knew all this right still let's keep reading but you have lifted up yourself against the lord of heaven you brought the vessels of his house before thee you your lords your wives your conquerors drunk wine in them you appraise the gods of silver brass iron gold wood stone that you don't see and you don't hear and you don't know and the god in whose hand your breath is whose are all thy ways has thou not glorified then was the part of the hand sent from him and this writing was written this the writing was written mene mene teka euphasa this is the interpretation of them and hey god have numbered your kingdom and finished it decal thou art weighed in the balance and you are found walter there is thy kingdom is divided given to the medes and persians remember them before babylon number two means and persians then commanded belshezza and they clothed daniel with scarlet put a chain of gold about his neck made a proclamation concerning him he should be the third rule of the kingdom and that very night was belshazzar the king and the chaldeans killed he didn't lasted the next day darius the median that the mede took the kingdom being 62 years old see so you have these amen till you get all the way down into rome you're gonna have babylon knees and persians greeks alexander the great and all that you're going to get to rome when you get to rome praise god turn to revelations chapter 17. now the spirits of babylon are still here very much still here more on that later anybody still with me did i lose anybody you still with me i've done a good job then all right now there you look remember 17 verse 1. and there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and and talked with me saying come hither i will show unto thee the judgment of the great that sitteth upon many waters now saul praise god i've now told you about the four five and six i've told you they're going to be like the ottoman empire in fact let me give you some more on that five and six because i only gave you just one let me back up a little bit okay amen praise god how about the spanish empire spain had an empire it lasted five centuries but it was particularly prominent in the 16th 17th and entry and 18th century it covered parts of north america south america central america places like mexico peru chile venezuela other places you had the french empire the french had an empire too 17th century particularly all the way into the 20th century all the way until 19 into the 1960s covered places like africa asia the caribbean south america north america oceania amen in fact in the 60s a number of african nations of french french-speaking african nations got their independence from france but still the french legion still does military operations there right and on who can forget britain hail britannia the one who rules the ways britain never never never will be slaves right it was the british empire the british empire started about the 1490s and when it ended was in world war ii it covers nations like united states canada australia new zealand asia africa as well as small parts of central and south america and like i said it ended world war ii i took my wife to singapore i was ministering in malaysia amen kuala lumpur i was mentioned in kuala lumpur malaysia and i said i wanted her to go on the trip with me i said would you go on the trip with me she went interning going to malaysia i said well if you go to malaysia i'll take you to singapore well she's never been to singapore i haven't been either but singapore has great shopping supposedly so i said i would take you to singapore so she went with me on the trip to malaysia right so i ministered at this big thing in malaysia amen then i kept my word and i took her to singapore the problem was when we got to singapore she was too tall at least back then because all the clothes in the balls they were too small but the reason but the reason why i mentioned in singapore is that british empire went way over there and you go to singapore and one of the things i went to museum over in singa singapore and you you saw world war ii what happened okay how singapore was overrun you know how japan came in took care of business over there see the british empire died in world war ii and when roosevelt met at malta with the russian leader with churchill amen and part of the issue was and i'm i am i am a big fan of churchill because i'm a historical historian type guy and i'm also a guy very angry with church the same reason because churchill of course did a great job in getting britain free but part of the deal they made at malta roosevelt knew it too was to give away a lot of uh eastern europe he was supposed to get the british was supposed to get greece and some other places that this in writing because he's going to try and keep the or at least revive the empire for britain again i'm gonna leave that alone i'm getting too deep in the woods all right okay amen praise god all right so when you talk about i said all that because when you're talking about the feet and the toes okay amen which the stone is going to crush and then praise god what's going to eventually come from that is that his kingdom's gonna get set up after he crushes them because there's a man named antichrist and this man named anti-anointing anti-holy spirit anti-god is going to have the shortest reign of them all his is only going to be for seven years see but five and six are these ones i'm talking about turkey ottoman empire right wrong well sorry i think the ottoman empire france spanish spring britain okay all these are like the tolls this is the world civilization class that's what they were trying to tell you in world civilization they were trying to show you the history of the world and what happened and who did what and why and all that and see today we forgot history so you got all this foolishness that happened last year okay and see africa you don't know about north africa you don't know nothing about no slavery it's about american slavery so everyone new to america the entire known world had slavery way back which about roman time they had slaves we go all the way back before that they had slaves all the way back to nebuchadnezzar you've had people discriminated against from every tribe language and people and kill from every single solitary people group on the earth not just africans just ignorant nobody taught you but you know if the young people don't yield themselves to their fathers they'll be ignorant but they'll think they're smart and they'll do dumb stuff like burn down your own stuff dumb dumb don't know history then repeat it okay i'm off that post all right now praise god let's keep reading here we were reading about this woman i got about 17 minutes left can i get to use that all right seven angels had seven vials talked with me saying unto me come hither i was showing to you the judgment of the great horde that sitteth upon many waters now the greek word siddiff kathy my often speaks of a dignitary who sits in public as a judge or queen rules or presides i'm gonna tell you right now this great is a nation who does what rule she's number seven i'm also going to tell you right now number eight is going to be a seven year reign antichrist we live right now during the rule of number seven in fact we ruled to the back end of number seven keep reading she set up upon many waters now the term you'll find is through our scriptures amen in fact you're going to see it in verse 15 verse 15 of table many waters is the waters without soft where the horse sitteth are peoples multitudes nations and tongues so this woman is going to have in her people from all over the world she's going to be a melting pot a place where people from all over the world aspire to go to a place amen that the fact that it is so diverse will be one of his strengths and one of one of the things that it talks about as being one of its strengths let's keep reading with whom the kings of the earth have commanded fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication i'm gonna break all this down tomorrow so he carried away no spirit into the wilderness and i saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast full of names and blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns now once again sitteth means that this nation is going to rule preside waters refers to peoples nations races languages amen even commerce when you talk about fornication of course fornication is sexual defense deviance amen and the reason why she's called a harlot is because she'll deal with anybody for money now it says here praise god i'm gonna keep on reading here seven heads and ten horns two of the seven heads there are seven continents of the world i always say i've been all seven actually i'm that's not true i've been to six i mean technically i've been to six not seven the seven continents of the world are asia africa nor from america south america europe australia and our and antarctica the one i haven't been to i've been everywhere else maryland's probably been all seven okay but i've been the six of the seven okay amen those 10 heads are going to be 10 nations that are going to join up with this man called antichrist turn to daniel chapter 7. i got about 13 minutes left so i'm going to start powering this down amen but you don't want to miss tomorrow because tomorrow i'm going to get deep into this of babylon but daniel chapter 7 praise god let's take a look at verse seven now daniel is going to have you know nebuchadnezzar has a dream you know and his son's gonna have his issues we've looked at but daniel's also going to have his own vision he's going to have verse 1 in the first year of baal shanzai king of babylon it's one of his very first year now understand about the bible the bible a lot of it is not in chronological order bible prophecy definitely is not it's not in chronological order necessarily there are places it is in chronological order but in many places it is not in chronological order it goes backwards and forwards so it'll give you this this would happen and then over there and then over here and they give you bits and pieces not in chronological order amen sometimes like in revelation there's a lot of symbolism in it why god wanted to keep this stuff shut up as he told daniel until the end times to the latter times right in fact since i'm in daniel i think i think that's chapter 12. just going to chapter let me see i think that's chapter 12 of daniel amen yeah in chapter 12. of course and he says in verse 4 but thou art daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased amen and so god has hidden the meaning of things you're going to hear tomorrow he's hidden these things until he's ready for them to happen and he's going to reveal it these things in advance to his church like he did israel who will always know in advance and will always be warned and we'll always have the opportunity to make adjustments hello somebody because that church has the ability to what god says is going to happen is going to happen it's going to happen it's going to happen i mean i don't care what you say it's not a bad confession anything god says something is going to happen it's not a bad confession come on somebody but what you do see is that judgment can be delayed amen it can be stretched even god himself says there in the book of james it says over there god's keeping the door open to allow more people to get in aren't you glad he kept the door open for you thank you lord hallelujah amen and so when you don't know when you close really close is when god started revealing stuff people never got until now you'll see tomorrow are you listening to me praise god tell you what time we i'm telling you we're in a whole new season it's why my church here should understand why god's been teaching for the last couple of months certain things to you you need to pay attention and those of you who are not here you need to go get my taste the last couple months and you need to listen thank you for the two amens i got right there yeah i want to hear what he got to say about it when the year had been sheltered king of babylon daniel had a dream in visions of his own he laid his head upon his bed he wrote the dream he had the sum of the matter he wrote it down daniel spake and said i saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of the heavens stood above the great sea now i can tell you that daniel to save time could only got nine minutes left daniel's vision is the same one that never it has it's just different symbolisms but it's the same thing amen the first was like a lion that was babylon verse four verse five another beast like a bear that was the meats and persians verse six a leper that was greece and then verse seven and after this i saw in the night vision and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible strong as seating it had great iron teeth it devoured now the one the great int part was rome okay and it break in pieces that's the old empire it's going to break up it's going to be diverse it's going to be divided it's going to be people like the ottoman empire the turks it's going to be like the british on people like the friends like the spaniards and others amen it shall break in pieces and stamp with residue with the feet of it residue leftover it was diverse see diverse from all the beasts that were before it because all them was just some singular nation right and it had ten horns what had ten horns the feet and toes the diverse part you still with me are y'all starting to fade on me a little bit that's why i'm about to quit because y'all starting to fade come on somebody i'm a professional teacher so i know when your students start going they started doing that it's kind of time to pull the plug in fact i'm gonna pull the plug okay amen praise the lord stand up [Applause] i want to tell you because i'm going to introduce you tomorrow after i finish because i almost finished but i didn't quite finish my setup so i'm going to finish the setup tomorrow and then i'm going to introduce you to this of babylon you're going to recognize her you're going to understand why she's called of babylon you're going to see what's going to happen to her and why and i'm going to shock you tomorrow amen are you listening to me amen because the time is short and it's why satan has turned up the heat he has turned up the heat because he knows what time it is he knows what time it is he knows his time is short and satan has always do all of why did you have all of these different empires because satan's been attempting to do something he's been attempting to gain control of the whole world somehow satan has always thought some kind of way i am going to get god's world i want to be like god i want to sit on the sides of the north i want to be worshiped i want to be honored and he is a duplicator and whatever god does satan tries to duplicate it if there's a son of god that's going to be an antichrist amen if there's going to be a holy spirit there's going to be a you overread it antichrist spirit right in other words he's going to try and duplicate whatever god does and he's never created anything of his own self he has no creative juices he can't create anything he can only destroy stuff come on okay amen but he thinks this is how smart and dumb he is he's both lucifer is very smart he understands man he's been here since man was here so he learned it took him a long time to learn how to kill him right man used to live 900 years 800 years 700 years kept going down down down down down down he eventually learned how to kill him or help him kill himself come on somebody he eventually learned how to do that not only that when you read the bible tells you about what happens because i'm not teaching the next three days on it but when it talks about the millennium the thousand-year reign of christ what's the most outstanding characteristic of the thousands of christ satan is locked up for a thousand years lion lays down with the lamb amen a child could play on play with a with a snake all that stuff satan's removed from human contact and number peace after a thousand years when satan is loosed right away what happens they come up against the company of the saints in jerusalem to go to war against christ amen because since satan is locked up the evil thoughts of man are not there no more like that the reason why satan will never be forgiven as opposed to you the reason why satan will never be forgiven because satan had no tempter nobody tempted satan satan said about himself i'm beautiful i'm fine i can sing i can play i'm the anointed chair of that cover he said and i be like god i'm god nobody tempted him his pride took him down you amen are an overcomer because you have one tempting you every single day you have forces of darkness arrayed against you hallelujah and you overcome them by the blood of the lamb and word of your testimony and you love not your life to the death that's why forgiveness is offered to you now you can say no but it's offered to us praise god because we had a tempter part of satan's name is that amen amen let's give god praise and glory for the word father we thank you for the word we give you praise and glory for the word we're grateful for the word hallelujah thank you for in the name of jesus praise god glory to the living god glory to the living god come on let's thank him some more glory to the living god glory to the living god glory to the living god glory hallelujah glory to god how many all are grateful for the teaching we receive here amen you know the word of god says in isaiah 4 6 it says that my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge and i'm grateful that our pastor our bishop is one that teaches us so that we can see victory after victory after victory we're not destroyed because of a lack of praise because of a lack of dancing because of a lack of reading a word we're destroyed because of a lack of knowledge of what his word says and i'm grateful for that can we not honor our bishop for that amen hallelujah all right you can be seated for just a moment we're going to uh move forward in our service right now if you don't mind go over to proverbs chapter 3 for me proverbs chapter 3. it's a verse we're all familiar with most of us i'm going to start at verse 9 it says honor the lord with thy substance and what the first fruits of all thine increase and that word honor is really where i want to stick with uh particularly for this service what bishop was talking about and and teaching about how many y'all checked yourself to make sure you know you were straight just did a self-reflection let me make sure i'm tight and with this honoring god is respecting him it's it's showing him that you admire him not just for uh what he's done for you but for who he is in general and right now is an opportunity for you to show where that you have god in his proper place of honor we'd never want to take advantage or or uh just uh you know blow past and offering an opportunity for us to show god that we recognize who he is and that we honor him with our gift and i want you to know too that i'm glad that he didn't just stop there he went on to say and so shall thy barns right be filled with what somebody say that again plenty and thy precious so what burst out with new wine how many y'all want some plenty and some bursting going on when it comes to you and i'm grateful that he didn't just stop and say honor me you know some some gods just say honor me those false gods that people are worshiping just about honoring me but the true and living god says honor me and i'll give it right back to you i'll bless you i'll prosper you and that's what god wants to do with us today i want you to know that it's offering time i'm going to say that again because you know we we excited in here forgiving it's offering time amen if you need an offering envelope you can grab one out of the seat back in front of you if you are online or even here in the sanctuary and you'd rather give electronically you can do so by text using two four eight two hundred fifty four ninety you can give any amount takes any amount uh to that number you can also give online at word of faith dot cc slash giving you can give online as well if you go there it'll also tell you other ways in which that you can give here at this church i want you know that we're believing that the budget of this uh conference is met anybody in agreement with me over that i i see some of y'all need a lunch i'm gonna say that again the the budget is met [Applause] some of y'all already got your lunch plan stay with me stay with me uh uh we we know that it's meant and we know and believe that it's meant because we sow seed that says it's met yes so we're not just going to say it we're going to do what's necessary to make it come to pass and that is to give our offering remember if you're right now to check you can write it out to word of faith and i believe everyone is is mostly looking at me so i think that we're all done would you stand with me i'm going to pray over these offerings in just a moment but i do want to give you just a couple more instructions make sure please that you register uh fill out that registration card let us know that you're here visit our bookstore how many you know the message bishop just preached you can't just hear it once somebody needs to say amen for that you need to continually hear that especially couple it with whatever he's preaching or teaching on tomorrow you can check out the bookstore pre-order your set for the whole conference there our alliance and pistes uh uh tables are in the bookstore as well and don't forget to come back tonight for pastor keith moore i am excited about the the gift that is on his life and the fact that he'll be here and we can partake of that children's church will be open tonight tomorrow we do start tomorrow morning with a 9 a.m session so make sure you get back here doors open at 8. are we ready to pray over our giving today why don't you raise your offering to the great high priest heavenly father we thank you and praise you for the opportunity to give we know father god that the seed that we even have in our hands is not just because of us you blessed us with it so father we give we honor you right now father god with our giving and we know as a result of it father god that many more will be blessed here in this church and abroad we know also that the budget of this ministry the budget of this conference this meeting is met as a result of it and we believe right now as your word says that our barns will be filled with plenty and our birth our our our vats or whatever that is in that scripture will burst out with new wine we believe that is so father god because it's your word and we believe in it we have faith for it and we slap an amen on this because we know it's already done somebody shout amen because of it yes that's in jesus name we prayed that so we're going to let you all go don't forget to come back tonight we're going to let you go into orderly fashion those who might be new for this conference we're going to walk with our offering before we dismiss if you're in this middle section either in the front or back please go to your right and follow the hostess she's going to bring you down to the front so that you can give if you're over to my left [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 921
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: o4Nwkl8tbpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 42sec (9042 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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