Handle the Challenge - Pt. 1 | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is Bishop Dale Bronner thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today if this is a blessing to you I want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro Atlanta area on a Sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. or 6 o'clock p.m. well if you're what turn in your Bibles Exodus chapter 14 and verse 10 through 16 reading from the New Living Translation of Scripture there you'll find these words as Pharaoh approached the people of Israel looked up and panicked when they saw the Egyptians overtaking them and they cried out to the Lord in and they said to Moses why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness weren't there enough graves for us in Egypt what have you done to us why don't you make us leave Egypt didn't we tell you this what happened while we were still in Egypt we said leave us alone let us be slaves to the Egyptians it is better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness when Moses told the people don't be afraid just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today the Egyptians you see today will never you will never see again the Lord Himself will fight for you just stay calm escape through the Red Sea and then the Lord said to Moses why are you crying out to me tell the people to get moving pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground I want to talk today simply from the subject handle the challenge handle the challenge handle the challenge it would be wonderful if life were just like a fairytale that you get married and lived happily ever after but what they don't tell you is in between getting married and living happily ever after there are challenges that you deal with it's not that when you get saved that it's the end of trouble sometimes it's the beginning of trouble and you can't run from trouble if you're going to do anything worth doing there going to be challenges associated with it if you at the moment that a woman gets pregnant and she's going to be a mother and and the dad is going to be a father at the moment that that experience happens there going to be challenges with being a parent there going to be challenges with being a child there are challenges in this world Jesus told us in this world you will have tribulation you're gonna deal with tests temptations trials you're going to experience trouble in this world my admonition to you is handle the challenge handle it handle it just handle it you can't be excused from it because let me tell you this if you are spending your life giving people excuses as to why you're not handling the challenge you know people don't want to hear your excuses I mean just talk to your friends and just give them excuses every day about why you can't perform they'll get tired of you really quick because nobody wants to hear anybody's excuses just handle the challenge now sometimes people to come to me with different issues and I've looked at some people in the face and you just have to slap them I mean figuratively speaking just about telling them this deal with it because if you don't deal with it who else is gonna deal with it you can't just put your head in the sand as though it's all gonna blow over and and everything will be alright in the morning no no deal with it deal deal with it so there are challenges that we're going to have and God told the children of Israel that's what I'm going to take you out of out of bundage I'm gonna get you out of here I got a promised land prepared for you but the the issue is that in front of every promised land there is always a problem there's always an obstacle in front of every dream there is something that is there is an adversity in front of every vision every desire of your heart every aspiration there's going to be something that's going to challenge you but there is generally a problem in front of every promise freedom is the promise the promised land is the promise but there's always a problem in front of every promise promises are easy to profess but challenging to possess it's just the way that it works it's so easy to profess it but it's challenging to possess it that's going to be a challenge that's going to be a challenge so don't expect a sudden breakthrough of the promises without your having to do some things don't expect a sudden breakthrough to happen in your life this year without your obedience don't expect a certain sudden breakthrough in your life this year without your discipline don't expect a sudden breakthrough in your life this year without your consistency that there are certain things that you have to have you have to have obedience you have to have discipline you have to have consistency if you want a breakthrough you see a breakthrough is preceded by a build-up it is a build up of your obedience of doing what God told you to do of being disciplined to resist the temptations to go a different direction and being consistent in your ways this is why the Bible says men are always to pray and not to faint and this is not speaking to the male gender mankind should always pray and not faint or give up there has to be a consistency a diligence a discipline if you're not disciplined then you will quit the moment that you have trouble have you ever been on a job and people begin to challenge you and then use something on the inside of you says you know what they don't pay me enough to deal with this have you have you ever worked you know if anybody work in customer service and you know you deal with the public and folks are coming in and calling in and all of this and and you sometimes you'll say to yourself they don't pay me enough to deal with this see there's always a temptation to quit and that's why you have to resist that urge so there has to be obedient there has to be disciplined there has to be consistency you're not going to just all of a sudden just have your vision just because you said it you're gonna deal with challenges I mean yeah everybody wants the honey in life but in order to get to the honey you got to deal with the bees and that's gonna be you got a risk being stung and let me just tell you you're gonna get stung sometimes and you can't just start whining and crying and stung me in the math me handle the challenge handle the challenge handle the challenge I'm telling you I'm gonna have honey on my finger even if my hand is swollen I'll deal with it I will deal with it it may be a little different thing if I'm allergic to bees and if it's gonna close up my windpipe I'm gonna use somebody else's and I'm gonna get me along a mitten I'm gonna find a way handle the challenge handle the challenge handle the challenge tell somebody next to your handle the challenge let me just say this to you every person who becomes great does so because he or she addresses a problem every person who becomes great in life does so because they handle a problem they find a problem and solve a problem Moses became great because he handled the problem of slavery whenever you find a problem you're gonna become great it's because you address a real problem that was plaguing people in the health industry I mean if you're a doctor if you solve problems whether it was a Charles drew that developed blood plasma if you solve a problem if you handle a problem you're gonna be esteemed great because you addressed a problem nobody is ever considered great who didn't solve a problem you've got to address a problem so if you want greatness in your life you gotta deal with problems David did not become great until he dealt with the problem of a giant called Goliath so God uses problems to expose greatness you don't become great nothing becomes great until it overcomes opposition nothing becomes great until it overcomes opposition nothing becomes green now here are at least five ways that God uses problems in your life in just five ways at least that God uses problems in your life now I know most people assume you don't want no problem ain't no blessing I ain't praying for no problem I'm praying for an answer well you don't get answers unless you have problems here's the first one God uses problems to direct you God uses problems to direct you problems can actually point you in a new direction problems can point you in a new direction they can point you in a new direction you know I was in China and I accessed my Facebook account they shut my account down I had nearly 700,000 followers then they shut my account knocking I still can't access it and and but not because I had that problem I opened up an account on LinkedIn I posted a picture there of me and my wife I just checked yesterday I had 1.3 million views I never would have gone to LinkedIn had Facebook not shut me down in the are you understanding what I'm saying sometimes God can use problems to die direct you heal close one door so that you find another path to be able to get there there are there's always another way Chuck somebody said there's always another way there's always another way there's always another way I don't know who needs to hear this but there is always another way there is always another way there's always another way there's always another way so it's God trying to get your attention for you to change some of your ways there's always another way maybe he uses a problem to direct you you when you've been stupid long enough you know and God will send a problem you're waiting I mean problems become an antidote to stupidity they have a a harsh way of becoming ammonia when you are completely oblivious to issues in life they will they will sober you problems will sober you you get real serious you get you get problems you're gonna have problems serious enough you get a money problem serious enough problems have a way of sobering you and directing you to the proper things here's the second thing God uses problems to inspect you to expose force on the inside of you because you don't know who people aren't do they have a problem then some people are so nice and sweet until you challenge them until you said oh no no you can't do that here you don't know who people are until you tell them no and then oh oh then now you then here comes dr. Jekyll he's coming out yet because you told him no you don't even know who people as long as you're agreeing and giving people everything that they want problems inspect you they there is the problems become like a tea bag you don't know what you got until you get in hot water but it is the hot water that exposes what's inside of the tea bag you don't know what's inside of the tea bag until you get it in hot water then it flavors the water and so sometimes God will use problems in your life to show you your insecurities God will use problems to show you areas of where you have been prejudiced against this or that or the other thing God will use problems to inspect you he uses problems to direct you God uses problems to inspect you thirdly God uses problems to correct you because there are some lessons that are only learned through pain and failure and so children sometimes they have to touch something hot in order to learn don't touch that and they've got to be burned sometimes it's just to correct them it's just to correct them it's not to harm them it's just to correct them you a child get burned by something and you tell them baby don't touch these don't touch this baby and then the child will out of their curiosity they just want to touch it and then once they get burned when they come near it again they ha ha mama mama ha they'll tell you but they won't tell you that until they first been burned so sometimes God uses problems to correct you God uses problems to direct you he uses problems to inspect you he uses problems to correct you fourthly God uses problems to protect you to protect you a problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from being harmed by something that is much more serious now that was one man that that I talked to that worked in the World Trade Center on 9/11 and he overslept that morning and then when he jumped up and ran out to his car his car wouldn't start he had a problem with his car and it prevented him from being there in the building when the airplanes hit his life was saved because of a problem because God can use a problem to protect you he can use a problem to protect you he can use a problem to protect you and it can stop you from going into dangerous situation so you don't ever know what what God is doing sometimes you can have an issue in your home and you can't get ready on time you can't find got a problem finding your keys finding your glasses finding your shoes and it could delay you from being at an intersection for somebody was trying to get to work on time and has run through the light and it can be preventing a crash so sometimes God will give you a problem because that problem is actually protecting you see God is God and God knows things about your life he knows about the circumstances that you can't even see but he can see somebody and God can create a problem to say I need to delay this person to prevent an accident in their life so sometimes problems can be used to actually protect you protect you and then fifthly God uses problems to perfect you because problems responded to correctly our great character builders problems can help us to learn to be patient and patience develops strength of character on the inside of us so God can use the problems in your life to actually perfect you some sometimes the people that have gone through some of the worst problems have some of the best character I mean look at Nelson Mandela sitting in jail for 27 years and you would have thought that when he got out that he would have had ritual hatred for everybody and he was so loving and forgiving toward people it was amazing he counted it a blessing God uses problems even a David wrote about it in Psalm 4 and verse 1 he says hear me O God and when I called he says O God of my righteousness thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress God that's when you grew me when I was under pressure you yeah I was having problems in my life he says that's when you stretched me that's when you grew me that's when you expanded me is when I was having challenges because you don't grow in an atmosphere of comfort the comfort zone is a place of mediocrity and so if you're gonna grow you have to always be an outside of your comfort zone you can either choose to be comfortable or you can choose to grow but growth and comfort do not coexist when a child's foot is growing and you just bought them shoes three months ago and they tell my momma needs shoes too tight and that's why you know the momma's back in the day when you went to get shoes there was so much room in that shoe that it literally felt like a flip-flop because they they wanted to give you room to grow and do it because I'm not gonna be buying you another pair of shoes in 3 months so they'd leave some space at the end of the shoe so you wouldn't be telling them that it's amazing but david says you enlarged me you grew me you stretched me you you enlarged my capacity when I was under stress impression dealing with problems in my life because your problems help you to grow up your problems help you to grow up and that's why one of the worst thing that you can do to your children is to solve all of their problems for them that's how you create spoiled brats because you solve all of their problems if they don't learn to solve problems while they are with you why in the world what you think that they can solve them once they get out of your house give them some problems and then answer what do you think about this how do you think you're gonna deal with this let's see how you let's see some ideas that you can get to earn some money to be able to do this because you see it doesn't work that whenever you get a problem in life that you just said you know oh you know what I I need another twenty five hundred dollars up hey pops can you cash at me [Applause] no no you want them to learn how to handle the challenge and if they don't learn how to handle the challenge while they are with you don't expect them to be able to handle it well when they are without you so this is why you have to have problems because it helps us to grow up I'm really inclined to agree with the words of Dewey Smith that said that we only think when we are confronted with a problem in that interesting just think about that he said we only think when we are confronted with a problem I mean if you don't have a problem there's no reason to think but the moment you have a problem you have to start thinking through the process problems challenge you to think that's why people hate problems because they challenge you to think they challenge you to think that's the thing that I have such great disdain for in social media because everybody loves the pleasure and the convenience of an opinion without the pain of fault because nobody wants to think but a problem challenges you to think if you have a problem in your relationship you don't have to think I need to do something differently you got a problem in school you're gonna have to think through that if you got a problem on your job a problem in your neighborhood a problem with your health you are going to have to think through this god uses problems to grow us up to mature us and to develop our thinking capacity the people that are the greatest thinkers are the ones that have dealt with challenges instead of running from them and so they realize that their problems in my life and I need to deal with this I'm gonna handle the challenge just tell somebody next to you handle the challenge I love something that Allen supporter said that is profound and yet so true that the best way to escape from a problem is to solve it the best way to escape from a problem is to solve it you want to get out of it solve it so not run from it not try to pray it away solve it solve it solve it solve it I love the brilliance of Albert Einstein who said that the problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them so God uses problems to stretch you and to develop your life because once you have gone through a problem and solved that problem it leaves you at a higher level of knowledge a higher level of authority and a higher level of responsibility because you cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that that created it the problem will challenge you to grow it will challenge you to grow and here's one thing never assumed that you're too old to handle a challenge never assume that you're too old to handle a challenge I mean this refused to die refused to die just because you got a problem I mean death is an escape but don't don't assume that you're too old to handle a challenge do you realize that the Bible says in Psalm 92 that they that be planted in the house of the Lord shall still bring forth fruit in old age and and and I don't know whether this is prophetic but it says they shall be fat and flourishing now you know that that means it's not talking about obese now he's it's a sign of prosperity it's the sign of you know of course you know the older you get the harder it is to keep it off in there can I tell you some individuals that I am so glad that because they got older that they didn't let challenges intimidate them that's what I said don't ever get too old and think that you know what that's that's for the young folk that's the truck now young is a state of mind so don't leave all of the innovation to young people the Millennials and Generation Z they they don't own innovation and disruption they don't own it because you see every older person was a young person and they used to think new ideas and you can still think new ideas on your web that Benjamin Franklin didn't invent bifocals until he was 78 years old 78 years old Winston Churchill was 78 years old when he wrote a book that won his first Nobel Prize for Literature he was 78 Nelson Mandela was 75 when he was inaugurated as the president of South Africa for the first time after spending 27 years in prison he was 75 Grandma Moses it was a exceptional artists didn't sell her first piece of artwork until she was 90 years old she sold her first piece at 90 what a great start what a great start for us great security to her retirement Michelangelo didn't begin the awesome work on st. Peter's Basilica until he was 72 years old he didn't begin until he was 72 until he was 72 years old you know just September of 2019 an Indian woman by the name of manga Yama Yara mati gave birth at 74 years old to twins and she and her old husband would just tickle penis 74 years old can you imagine that trying to breastfeed twins getting up mama 78 years old going to elementary school trying to get her child registered for kindergarten she's took her pink she just had these babies last September the oldest mother in the world old his mother in the world a Japanese man 80 years old in 2013 you cheer Oh Mira became the oldest man at 80 to climb Mount Everest 80 years old and he climbed Mount Everest some of y'all scared to go to Stone Mountain [Applause] don't ever let somebody else think make you think that you're too old to accept a new challenge in 2007 a woman by the name of NOLA ox Oh CHS she became the oldest woman in the world to graduate with a bachelor's degree she was 95 years old and after she graduated at 95 with her bachelor's she still kept on taking classes until she was a hundred she just died you know just 2016 at 105 it's amazing but she that's what I call being a lifelong learner a lifelong learner she got her bachelor's at 95 and kept on taking classes until she was a hundred years old a lifelong learner and just recently few years back a 92 year old woman became a first-time homebuyer because she applied for a special program and qualify for a 30-year loan [Laughter] 92 first-time homebuyer 92 go grandma go grandma I love it first-time homebuyer got a low interest rate too and I want to encourage you with this that whenever you're faced with the challenge you have options just know that whenever you are faced with a challenge you have options you always have options you always have options say that with me you always have options it's the truth you always have options and so my advice to you is explore them explore them no matter how old you are no matter how young you are you always have have options you always have options you always have options so when we talk about handle the challenge when facing a challenge the first thing that you must fix is your perspective you've got to fix your perspective you cannot fix your problem until you fix your perspective about the problem you cannot fix your problem until you fix your perspective about the problem I'll take a screenshot of that if I were you but you honestly cannot fix your problem until you fix your perspective about your problem because problems are not permanent they're temporary no problem lasts forever no problem lasts forever because you know by definition a problem is that which can be solved it is that which can be solved and if it cannot be solved it's not a problem it's a fact of life so you don't worry about it you know that I'm a black man in America that's not a problem that's a fact of life that's a fact of life so don't don't make a fact of life a problem for you and I want you to think of some of your challenges or problems I want you to think of some of your challenges or problems just just think with me for just a moment of some of your challenges the problem people will say I don't have enough money no I don't ever look for education I don't have enough experience somebody else well I don't know enough people somebody else I'm not strong enough I'm not good enough no no listen I want to give you a shift in perspective just a shift in perspective because the problem is not the problem it's your perspective about the problem I want to show you in just a moment put that put the screen back up just a moment because I want to show you just put put the screen back up that we've just shown but the list there now I want to show you how to just shift perspective here for just a moment you see that I don't have enough money yet I don't have enough education yet I don't have enough experience yet I don't know enough people yet I'm not strong enough yeah just a three-letter word can pivot your whole perspective up are you seeing what I'm saying it is saying that I've got faith that I can do this if you just give me time if you just give me time if you just give me time you know for the longest I just because I'm an academic I just felt that I wasn't good with my hands and couldn't put things together that that was not the case but issue was I didn't want to take the time to read the instruction that lay all of the stuff out is so tedious and I mean I know some people are just naturally gifted some people just put stuff together without the instruction but I realized that if I took my time if I took my time if you give it time you'll be surprised you can develop nobody becomes a virtuoso without giving it time nobody becomes a doctor without giving it time nobody becomes a professor without giving it time nobody is able to bail out you know glorious fall shadow without giving it you got to have practice over time in order to make you a master of whatever it is that you do so don't say that I can't do it I can't do it yet when you say yet yet said that I have the faith that if I'm faithful if I'm consistent if I am diligent if I'm obedient to practice practice practice over time I am going to get there does that make sense to you I hope you see that you can shift a perspective by just saying I don't have the money yet I can't afford that trip yet I don't know this person yet I'm not marriage material yet but if you work on something if you start working today that one little three-letter word yet can shift your perspective the way you can do it that's all it takes is a three-letter word to shift your perspective and what if the things that you thought that we're holding you back were actually your superpower can you imagine young David disadvantaged he's a teenager fighting a skill warrior Goliath he's fighting a big man can you imagine how that kid felt this man has a sword and a shield and armor David has no armor but he's got a slingshot he's got an advantage David doesn't have a reputation to live up to that's the advantage of the underdog that's why you can have a little a little upstart coming and fighting the person who's the champion because the champion is already on top they don't have as much fight in them because they're not as hungry because they've already got there but the one who's coming out to get over and he needs the money and Big Momma needs the money and junebug need the money and peanut need the money your whole family's and you don't have anything to lose cuz you don't have anything but you got everything to gain can you imagine the tenacity that's what I call an underdog advantage because she he was a little boy compared to this giant that was nine feet tall but 9 9 to the size of Goliath and he could have been intimidated in his perspectives and this man is too big to defeat but instead David took the attitude to say this man is too big to miss [Applause] and I just want you to see I want you to just chef see that if you shift your mindset if you shift your mindset because David David is a little is a little boy Goliath operates for the sword that means that he's used to reel up clothes come back but David operates for the sling when you're little and they're big you need distance he's got an advantage because you don't throw a sling right up on the do you need distance because if they ever get their hands on you they just grab you and beat you to death then cut your head off David knew with his disadvantage that that's my superpower cuz I got to get a weapon that matches my handicap and he says you're being over there and I got this thing and I I can win from a distance but you've got to win up close and personal I got to be within arm's reach of you for you to cut my head off what your show it you will never kill me unless I'm within range of you I got to be within four or five feet of you but David could from 50 yards away he was masterful he knew how to work that slingshot and he put he had he had five rocks one for Goliath and Goliath had four other brothers and he says if I need to knock their brothers out that's what I call being prepared as a teenager he realizes I gotta have some extra shots in case I need backup and so she had that it gave him advantage and sometimes what you might think as a weakness can be an advantage if you use your head when you got a problem that problem will force you to think that problem will force you to think tell somebody handle the challenge I just want to tell you that the giant in front of you is never bigger than the God within you the giant in front of you is never bigger than the golf that is within you the giant in front of you is never bigger than the God that is within you you know while the 10/10 of those 12 spas that visited Canaan had their own perspective Joshua and Caleb had the right perspective about possessing the Promised Land gideon had our own perspective about conquering the Midianite so god had to convince him through miracles but here's how what i want you to see that when you're faced with the challenge it's the first thing that you can do is you can fight when you're faced with a challenge fight fight fight use your strength to resist use your strength to conquer the challenge use your strength use your wisdom use your strategy fight when you are faced with the challenge fight when you fight something it means that you have to face it because you will never conquer what you're unwilling to confront and when you face it God can help you fix it when you face it God can help you to fix it so I want to say this to you though don't don't fight while you're angry because when you're angry you can't think and you cannot focus that the person that loses the match is the one that loses a temper listen the one who loses the fight is the one who loses as his or her temper they're the one that loses the temper it Brits your focus and it breaks your thinking capacity whenever you find people that get really anger anger is really always based on fear anger is based on fear it's based on fear fear of what fear of losing what you've got fear of losing the status quo fear of being embarrassed fear of being exposed fear of being rejected whenever you see an angry mob they don't like the fact that you're gonna change you're upsetting the status quo that's why there's an anger they're angry because of something that you're changing there is a fear of losing something of coming into another so whenever you find a person that's angry you have to say what is this person really afraid of anger is a SAN of a fear a fear if a husband gets angry he's afraid that his authority is being undermined that he's being disrespected he's afraid of something he's afraid he's afraid as a it always exposes fear anger exposes a certain fear it's amazing that I want to just tell you don't don't just fight for the sake of fighting don't just fight for the sake of fighting because what but when you're faced with a challenge fight fight but don't just fight for the sake of fighting fight out a purpose fight out of purpose because you got a purpose don't just fight cause your man fight out a purpose fight out of clarity clarity clarity I know what I'm fighting about don't let me fine just or somebody else's fine good you see views fighting if you mob violence and somebody else's throw on a chair no model and you join in and you don't even know what the issue is about find out of clarity find out of your godly convictions a godly conviction don't just fight to fight fight out of a godly conviction fight for what you love fight for your family fight for your destiny fight for your friends fight for your future fight for your faith fight for your freedom fight for your health fight for your prosperity do you realize that when you try to do something you got to fight for it you gotta fight to stay well if you if you got a sickness you gotta fight to try to live it's a fight you gotta fight with everything you've got you gotta fight with your diet you gotta fight with exercise you gotta fight with with rest you got a fight with Scripture you gotta fight with prayer you got a fight with your doctors you gotta fight with everything that you've got and when you're challenged with poverty you got to find ways out of that poverty you have to and here are some ways out of the challenge of poverty but when you're dealing with poverty you got to fight with everything you've got don't succumb to it fight with everything you've got here's some ways out of pumping anybody interested in knowing number one is pain pain pain we changed when we heard enough that we have to change when you get to the degree that when the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than your pain of changing bin you'll change pain motivate some people who are poor to get out of that is because it hurts long enough and it hurts too much that now they're motivated to do something about it when you heard enough that you have to change your change pain forces us to change some people come out of their poverty because the pain of it was so intense secondly the other folks who get out of poverty is through a specific talent they talent it could be athletics and that's their ticket out it could be music that's that ticket out it could be acting that's their ticket out it could be comedy that's their ticket out you got to find some special talent find the uniqueness of whatever God has put in you and you can get out you can get out you can get out look for specific talent there's some people they've got a specific talent and it helps them to get out the third way is that somebody sponsors you it's through sponsorship sponsorship somebody who takes interest in you somebody that sees potential in you and they decide to mentor you you gotta find a sponsor a sponsor that can help you to show that show you the ropes out of there they can mentor you and help you to understand the mentality that is not the same mentality under which you've grown that you're trying to leave you got to find people that don't have your problem but fine folks has got your answer and that's why you have to have poke that sponsored you somebody takes interest in you my pediatrician growing up he said to me one day he said you know I was I grew up in poverty but he says a woman paid for my education for me to go to med school she sponsored him she sponsored him a black doctor a little black boy from from the country and a woman the woman that that wrote the book Gone with the Wind sponsored his med school education sponsored him out of that sponsored him and and not only was he my pediatrician he became the pediatrician for my children because I see what's going to him and I was a grown man I went to college you know I'm the oldest one in the pediatricians office sitting and here's the fourth thing help you get out the challenge of poverty is a goal or vision to be better there's some folks that have a goal they get our visions they just catch a vision from somewhere in their poverty to be able to get out you got to see something in order to be something somebody inspires you something inspires you because exposure changes you and you start asking questions start asking questions you know why because problems are closed rooms problems are closed rooms but questions are doors they give you access that open that room a problem is a closed room but a question is a door that allows you to be able to get out or get in whatever it is that you're trying to do it's amazing what God can do if you just let God be God in your life if you're just let go don't let the problems of where you are hold your back don't let those problems hold you back you're designed to handle the challenge and I promise you this just when you thought that you had it really hard somebody else has a challenge that's worse than you I want you to take a look at this video from my friend take a look see and it's not oxymoronic for me to say third grade and drop out that third grade dropout the wisest person I ever met in my life who taught me to combine knowledge and wisdom to make an impact was my father a simple cook why is this man I've ever met in my life just a simple cook left school in the third grade to help out on the family farm but just because he left school doesn't mean a jessyca education stop Mark Twain once said I've never allowed my schooling to get in the way of my education my father taught himself how to read taught himself how to write decided in the midst of Jim Crow ISM as America was breathing the last gasp for the Civil War my father decided he was going to stand and be a man not a black man not a brown man not a white man but a man he literally challenged himself to be the best that he could all the days of his life I have four degrees my brother is a judge we're not the smartest ones in our family it's a third grade dropout daddy a third grade dropout daddy who was quoting Michelangelo saying us boys I won't have a problem if you aim high and miss but I'm gonna have a real issue if you aim low and hit a country mother quoting Henry Ford say if you think you can or if you think you can't you're right I've learned that from a third grade drop simple lessons lessons like these son you'd rather be an hour early than a minute late we never knew what time it was in my house because the clocks were always ahead my mother said for nearly 30 years my father left the house at 3:45 in the morning one day she asked him why daddy he said maybe one of my boys will catch me in the act of excellence I want to share two things with you Aristotle said you are what you repeatedly do there for excellent talk being a habit not an act don't ever forget that I know you're tough but always remember to be kind always don't ever forget that never embarrass mama he yeah if I made happy ain't nobody happy the daddy ain't happy don't nobody care but you know next listen listen from a cook over there in the galley son make sure your servants towel is bigger than your ego ego is the anesthesia that devan's the pain of stupidity y'all might have a relative in mind you want to send that to let me say it again ego is the anesthesia that didn't is the pain of stupidity pride is the burden of a foolish person John Wooden coach basketball in NC LA for a living but it's calling us the impact people and with all those national championships guess what he was found doing in the middle of the week going into the cupboard grabbing the broom and sweep me it's a gym floor you want to make an impact find your broom everything of your life you find your broom there grow your influence step way that way you're attracting people so that you can impact them final lesson son you're gonna do a job do it right always been told how average I can be always been criticized about being average but I want to tell you something I stand here before you before all of these people not listening to those words but telling myself every single day to shoot for the stars to be the best that I can be good enough isn't good enough that they can be better and better isn't good enough if it can be best let me close with a very personal story that I think will bring all this into focus wisdom will come to you and the unlikeliest resources a lot of times in failure when you hit rock bottom remember this while you're struggling rock bottom can also be a great foundation on which to build and on which to grow I'm worried that you'll be successful I'm worried that you won't fail from time to time person that gets up off the canvas and keeps growing that's the person that will continue to grow their influence back in the 70s they helped me make this point let me introduce you to someone I'm at the finest woman I've ever met in my life mm-hmm back in my day way to call her a brick house this woman was the finest woman I'd ever seen in my life there's just one little problem back then ladies didn't like big ol line and The Blind Side hadn't come out and they like quarterbacks and running backs breathless dance and I find out her name is Trina Williams from Lompoc California and we were all dancing and we're just just excited and I decide in the middle of dancing with her that I would ask her for a phone number she Trina was the first one Trina was the only woman in college who gave me of a real telephone number the next day we walked to baskin-robbins ice cream parlor my friends couldn't believe it this has been 40 years ago and my friend still can't believe it we go on a second date and a third day and a fourth day mm-hmm we drive from Chico to Vallejo so that she could meet my parents my father meets her my daddy my hero he meets her pulls me to the side and says is she psycho but anyway we go together for a year two years three years four years by now Trina's a senior in college I'm still a freshman but I'm working some things out I'm so glad I graduated in four times Nixon Ford Carter Reagan so now it's time to propose so I talked to her girlfriends and it's California it's in the 70s so it has to be outside have to have a candle and yep yeah you know it's in chocolate listen I'm from the hood and a bottle of Boone's Farm wine that's what I had she said yes that was the key I married the most beautiful woman I've ever seen him up y'all never been to a wedding and even before the wedding starts you hear this we get married we have a few children our lives are greats one day Trina finds a lump in her left breast breast cancer six years after that diagnosis me and my two little boys walked up to mommy's casket and for two years my heart didn't beat but wasn't for my faith in God I wouldn't be standing here today if it wasn't for those two little boys there have been no reason for which to go on I was completely lost that was rock bottom you know what sustained me the wisdom of a third grade dropout the wisdom of a simple cook wet the casket I'd never seen my dad cry but this time I saw my dad cry that was his daughter Trina was his daughter not his daughter-in-law and I'm right behind my father about to see her for the last time on this earth and my father shared three words with me that changed my life right there at the casket it would be the last lesson he would ever teach me he said son just stand you keep standing you keep spitting no matter how rough the sea you keep standing and I'm not talking about just water you keep standing no matter what you don't give up [Music] sometimes life will throw your curveball it'll give your tragedies sadness and death sickness that you didn't see coming and sometimes the only way for you to be able to get up the next day yes to fight sometimes you got to fight to get out the bed have you ever been in that place when you said gone I don't understand why this has happened but Jesus I need you I need you I need you I need you to help me god I can't do this I can't go another day I say to you just as dr. Ritter is big father told him just Stan son just stand daughter just stand sometimes you got to fight your weight just to be able to stand and after you've done all that you can do stand in hell don't give up you don't have permission to quit God doesn't accept resignations you can only stand stand through it stand through it God will see you through God will see you through God will see you through whatever challenge that you're dealing with whether it's a health challenge a financial challenge or a relationship challenge a skill challenge in your own life and addiction challenge if you don't give up that of your stand and hold God's hand and look up toward him I'm just telling you you'd be just like Moses was when God said Moses quit talking to me and move the people forward it's time for you to move forward handle the challenge handle the challenge you don't get a pass out of this you've got to just handle the challenge and I don't know about you but even when we've gone this far on the journey we've gone to that place where I feel in my own heart the Lord I don't feel no ways tired I've come too far from where I started for we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to Like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give Now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 55,987
Rating: 4.8848796 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: Wj_tPLxV9AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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