Faith vs. Fear Part 1

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welcome to today with Marilyn and Sarah I have a very encouraging verse for you today it's actually out of Leviticus and I was praying praying about our time together and I asked God I was like what would you like to minister and he dropped this verse in my heart it's Leviticus 26 verse 6 and I don't know about you but when I think about a Leviticus I don't always think you know really encouraging verses I always think skin disease and that kind of thing but in verse 6 it says I will grant peace in the land so that you may lay down with no one making you tremble and what I felt God wanted to encourage you with today as many of you have been nervous have been frightened have been scared of stuff that's been going on and it's been disturbing your sleep and God wants to let you know that he is going to take care of that fear and that you're going to have peaceful and sweet sleep and if we can pray for you on that we would love to do that if you've been struggling with fear you've been struggling with sleep problems sleep deprivation sleep disorders we want to pray for you so pick up the phone call right now or get on the website and say yeah I pray for me I need to overcome this area fear this area of sleep problems and God's gonna do that God helps us and gives us good things he gives his beloved rest that's why the Bible says and so that's what we'll pray you know I want to encourage you that in just a moment we're going to be joining a teaching that my mom has done on fear and I hate fear I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate fear because it masquerades and so many different disguises it we know we accept it socially well it's okay it's normal you know if you're a woman you're supposed to be afraid of and all this have I hate fear and I don't want you to live a life of fear I don't want fear to control your decisions I don't want fear to control your destiny I don't want fear to shrink down who you are and so I want to encourage you right now that God is going to speak to you through this teaching about how you can live the word and unlock the miraculous overcoming fear in your life today this morning and those of you watching on television I want you to see this slide so I'm holding it so you see it well this morning I I had this sermon ready several weeks ago because I feel like the devil tries to move into your brain between your ears and really put fear in you and I want to minister to you that you don't have to rent your brain out to fear you can put up a not for rent sign Amen because fear is a terrible terrible thing and it always takes you down there's a bad news thing but faith which is the opposite of fear is a wonderful thing and we can say to God okay I want faith to have space in my brain not fear and we make those choices and we really do it in a process way because fear is a process you start out with a little fear about something and as you feed it and feed it and feed it it can become totally overwhelming faith is the same way you can start with a little faith and then in the process of your life of reading the word practicing the word your faith grows is that true so both have the power to grow but not all fear is bad not all fear is bad the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom so this is a good fear and it's not that God is gonna squish me and crush me and of course pastor Reese has been really ministering so beautifully on how much God loves us but that we fear and respect and honor God and want to follow his ways and his wisdom will bring us success everyone wants to be successful so put your hand on your heart say I know godly wisdom will make me successful and so that's very key for us to see the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and leads to faith just fear can lead me away from faith and make it go downhill and it happens in your brain really that's where it is a man as a man thinketh so is he I'm going to share a little bit about fear just kind of some silly fears when I was 19 I remember I was dating someone and I told this young man he had asked me if I we would go steady be a serious relationship and I said yes now I'm gonna tell you what I thought I thought well I probably I'll never have anybody else asked me so I better say yes that was a fear okay then I started to night school I was working in the daytime because I was going to see you at night and trying to save money to go up on the campus at Greeley and at night school I began to meet some other young men and they begin to ask me out Wow but I didn't have the guts I was afraid because the fear of man brings a snare put your hand on your heart say I will not forget the fear of man brings a snare so I was afraid to tell him I don't want to go steady with you I'm having other opportunities you're not my only opportunity and so one Sunday morning he came to take me to church he was Anglican Episcopalian and we were just going to go to church and then he was going to leave and I had another date with someone you know in the afternoon early afternoon but I didn't want him to know that so he takes me the church picks me up brings me home and then he got it in his car and his car wouldn't start and so I'm really frightened because I have a very short space of time before the other guy comes so I said to my dad I'm really in trouble what is it ice and I told him the problem he said what you told him you go steady with him and now you have another date I said please rescue me I promise you I'll never do this thing again just push him please get the card push him he said it's the only time I'll do it but you promise me you'll never do these stupid things again and I didn't he pushed him out of the way and I had the date and as you know I didn't marry either one of them but fear can get you in some stupid places because the fear of man brings a snare fear it's a very dangerous thing I can't help but think of fear and faith with dr. Jung each oh you know he has the largest church in the world he's retired but the church is still growing I am guessing and he's kind of less some of the churches go more independent I'm guessing easy they have over 800,000 people but any place you go in the world when I go to Sudan you meet Koreans because there are Korean churches you go to Pakistan you'll meet Koreans you shake a tree anyplace ten Koreans will fall out because I'm telling you he is such a man of faith but I see how he started in the process and I want you to get hold of this this morning that fears a process and faith is a process and you make the choice to tell fear hey that it's not for rent in my head but faith I want faith absolutely between my ears resting in my ears because the process of faith will grow and get bigger and bigger I heard dr. Cho tell this personally he said that you know after the Korean War oh my South Korea was terribly poor a lot of starvation everything very downhill and he decided to start a church and he was about 20 years old and went into this area and he got an old army tent and put it up had about 30 people and the Buddhists came and said you can't do this this is Buddhist territory you can't put a Christian Church here he said we can put a Christian Church anyplace they said well you can't put it here and they said if you leave that tent up they said we'll burn it down and about that time a woman was walking across the street just barely walking crippled everybody knew her in the village this area of Seoul and twisted you know limbs and dr. Cho said if God heals that woman will you believe we need to be here they said yeah but in 30 days so he said I'm telling you at my little church 30 people we began to pray we went to the little place she lived in we cleaned her up we cleaned up the place she was in he said we prayed over her we prayed over her she didn't get any better she didn't get any better and the days were ticking by and he said the 29th night he said I had a dream and he said I saw this image of a woman half woman and half animal hanging at the bottom of my bed and had long nails and long teeth and the woman said very seducing Lee why can't we live together in peace and he jumped out of bed and said devil there'll never be peace with you and he pulled the thing down and stomped on it and you know was asleep knew it was a dream but the next day this is the thirtieth day he's walking toward his church his tenth church and here the Buddhist coming literally with fire things in their hands and a woman across the street yells at him she said Oh dr. Cho isn't it wonderful what God did and he looks at her and it's the crippled woman only she's walking perfectly he thought this must be her sister he said to her oh where is your sister she said oh you know dr. Cho you came and prayed for me in the night last night and God healed me he said what an opportunity that was for faith in my life but that was the beginning everybody say the beginning so faith is not just one shot it's process and I want you to open your Bibles to first Kings 17 because I want to look at process faith in four arenas of your life I want to look at Elijah Elijah just kind of pops up out of the blue and you think where did he come from and he just speaks very bold words to the king at that time a hat and he tells a hat if you know anything about the bible at all any heaven Jezebel were the pits you could say yuck once yuck and I mean they were leading the whole nation into the worship of bail killing people bad bad bad news and so God had said to them that if they did not follow him and they followed idolatry he would close the heavens and it wouldn't rain that's said in Deuteronomy 11 he told them that so Elijah in great boldness great faith goes to King Ahab and says it's not going to rain for three and a half years I'm coming from the presence of God and he said it is not going to rain according to my word now when I look at Elijah I think how how could you do that because you could be killed in a minute I mean Jezebel she could kill you and never look back and they have could do it again so that was a tremendous place of faith that he took so I think well but you know that's Elijah and that's kind of what you think but when we start reading this account we find out that in this chapter 17 the word word is used seven times how did it alai to do that he had faith I know this about Elijah he's a man of like passions as we are you know all of us do stupid things but God loves us is that true and if we'll get into faith he will absolutely use us in bold and wonderful ways so I said he's a man of like passions as we are he's a man of Prayer all of us here can pray everybody say pray point to yourself say I pray and I really believe you do and all of us here can be people of the word everybody say the word because if you will pray the word the word won't return boy so when he spoke to a was he speaking he was speaking the word you need to go to Johannesburg South Africa with Sara and me for the most blessed time of your life to minister it will be so awesome and you can get your brochure today is that right that's right call or get on the web site for the information and we have an additional opportunity lives for an excursion to Cape Town to see a safari as well as Robbins Island where Nelson Mandela was absolutely amazing things that are in Cape Town that's an additional excursion but the primary thing we want to encourage you with here is our ministry opportunities in Johannesburg we're going to be ministering at night time as well as a saving Moses opportunity this is a life-changing trip and you don't want to miss out mom how can they come they can come and get the brochure but you could also scholarship someone to go and a group of you could get together and scholarship your pastor and totally bless him and change his life we want to hear from you today fear is perhaps the oldest emotion known to mankind however fear is not always a bad thing fear is a natural response to real or perceived danger fear becomes unhealthy when it controls our behavior and keeps us from doing positive things fear is the root of anxiety and phobias and if we don't deal with it early it can get a strong hold on our lives Deborah Smith Begay is a best-selling author Bible teachers speaker and a certified behavioral consultant specializing in understanding personality temperaments Deborah's writings have the unique ability to address readers across all social racial and economic stratum for your gift of $20 or more you will receive Deborah's book 30 days to taming your fears and Marilyn's powerful teaching CD fear not we will also send you a scripture confessions card with 12 powerful scriptures that are promises against the spirit of fear conquer fear and reverse its damaging effects today call or click to receive this very special offer and so when you're in a circumstance that is really ugly really bad what do you need to do speak the word look at someone say honey you need to speak the word more to your problems so he spoke the word it is not going to rain and then he goes off the man of like passions the man of Prayer the man absolutely of the word who knew the word for it and the word comes to him and the Lord tells him I want you to go to Cherith so he goes to this little place called Cherith and you can look here in 17 and he God says I have a brook there and it flows from the Jordan and it will be the usual drink from the brook and I have commanded the Ravens to feed you there so he went and did according to the one word of the Lord for he win and stayed by the brook cherith which flows into the Jordan the Ravens brought him bread and meat that's not shabby is it when you get both in the morning and bread and meat in the evening and he drank from the brook so God took care of him when he had to take him to Cherith when he had to go to Cherith now I want to talk about Cherith cagri th because Cherith means the cutting place I'm telling you Elisha was totally cut off from family from friends from everybody he had to do a disappearing act because you know his name his face was ever placed to kill so God led him to a cutting place a cut-off place and you know this morning you may be feeling like that god I don't have anybody I don't know what I'm gonna do my finances are cut off you know Here I am in that kind of a place but folks if you read out to the devil at this time and say what am I going to do and fall apart you're going to miss what God could do in bringing you a miracle you need to put up the sign and say what now for it I may be at a cutting place but God is going to take care of me because God has Brooks he didn't send him a river and God has Ravens Amen when we started our church when we were into about the third year of it and we didn't have a lot of people we certainly didn't have a lot of money but you know we were getting by wiling I didn't take a secular job we felt we could trust God but I mean it was slim slim and a woman from Texas sent me some vitamins minerals and she said Maryland these are very very good I think they would be good for you so I took them and I liked them they were a great help and she came to Denver and she said I sell them and she said I think this could be a good income for you and so I prayed about it and I and God spoke to me really spoke to me about it and said I'm going to lead you in and when I tell you to come out I want you to come out he said I'm going to prosper you in this timing so I signed up I got into it and I told them very boldly the company was in California they would come in and out of Denver in various cities I said now if you have a meeting on Sundays I won't be there if you have a meeting on Wednesday night I won't be there because you know I'm gonna do what God wants me to do first God first then the vitamin business will come after that so they said okay well I really prospered in one month I made $36,000 now you think 36 but that's in the 60s so I don't know would that be ten times that and the house that we lived in for 31 years we bought from that $36,000 that is not shabby could you get low excited and so I thought wow we are really prospering and doing well and got to lead a lot of the people in the business to Christ so is a good opportunity and then the Lord said to me after about six years come out come out you're making me rich and you want me to come out because the brook began to dry up and the Ravens began to stop because God doesn't just have one way blessing you and faith is a process please don't forget this put your head on your hearts I won't forget faith is a process and so he blessed me with that but then the word of the Lord came to Elijah and he lived by the word and this is where we must live we have cutting places but God has opportunities for Ravens and Brooks and whatever they take us through vitamin business but he's not always going to use the same thing because we go from faith to faith amen so now God says to him I want you to go to Zarephath Zarephath that doesn't sound like a good idea at all so let me tell you about Zarephath because Zarephath I feel led to stop right here some of you are in a real cutting process you're right by cherith would you please stand up God wants to encourage you I want to pray for you this morning and I want to give you a scripture you say I'm at that cutting place it's really hard it is hard it's hard for me let me tell you God has not given you a spirit of fear but power and love and a sound mind and he is going to send provision to you in this time in this situation in this circumstance in ways you never guessed in fact you're going to look back at Cherith and say that's one of the best things that ever happened to me now everyone extend your hand toward one person who's standing say father I thank you today for unusual provision coming in to everyone standing here in the balcony downstairs in Jesus name Amen amen that cutting place put up the sign to the devil not for rent I'm not getting in fear not for rent but faith there's a place for faith in my heart in my mind and my spirit in my mouth now the word comes to Elijah go to Zarephath I would not have wanted to go to so let me tell you Zarafa means the place of refining or it also means like a threshing floor Zarephath of all things is the hometown of Jezebel now see you can say yuck twice yuck yuck and on top of that it's the head of all of the baile worship all of baile worship came out of Zarephath and God tells him to go there why so he's going from the cutting place to the refining place but you see we go from what tell me tell me faith - faith absolutely we go from faith to faith so he goes and it's 75 miles away God says to him I have a widow for you you know you think wow he had Ravens and Brooks and now he's got widows and but if God tells you to do it if this is the Word of God is God gonna provide for you is he come on is he he is going to provide for you he's gonna bring the miraculous so he goes travels 275 miles gets there and when he gets there this woman I mean she's not a rich widow you're hoping for a rich widow but she's not and she's out gathering some sticks and he says pray please bring me a little water and a cup that I may drink and as she was going to get it he called her and said please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand so she said as the Lord your God liveth I do not have bread only a handful of flour and a bin and little oil in the jar and see I'm gathering a couple of sticks that I may go and prepare for myself and my son that we may eat it and die who is renting her brain who's renting her brain is there a spirit of fear yes there is but there's also a spirit of faith do you know that it's in 2nd Corinthians 4:13 says since we all have the same spirit of faith as it is written I believed and I spoke therefore we also believe in speak I want to tell you this morning you can absolutely resist the spirit of fear and you can invite into your heart a spirit of faith you can that is very very key for us fear is perhaps the oldest emotion known to mankind however fear is not always a bad thing fear is a natural response to real or perceived danger fear becomes unhealthy when it controls our behavior and keeps us from doing positive things fear is the root of anxiety and phobias and if we don't deal with it early it can get a strong hold on our lives Deborah Smith Begay is a best-selling author Bible teacher speaker and a certified behavioral consultant specializing in understanding personality temperaments Deborah's writings have the unique ability to address readers across all social racial and economic stratum for your gift of $20 or more you will receive Deborah's book 30 days to taming your fears and Marilyn's powerful teaching CD fear not we will also send you a scripture confessions card with 12 powerful scriptures that are promises against the spirit of fear conquer fear and reverse its damaging effects today call or click to receive this very special offer did you know that one prayer can change your life forever you say one prayer yes one prayer when I was 16 years old I prayed one prayer that is still changing my life I'm in my 70s and not only is it changing my life daily it has for all these years but I have eternal life because of that one prayer that prayer transforms everything you say well what is the prayer and I'll tell you what it is I invited Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord of my life I repented of my sins and he came into my heart and he's never left me and he will never leave you either because the Bible says Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake you I will give you eternal life are you ready to pray that prayer maybe you've never prayed it maybe you've prayed it but your life is out of sync hey you can pray and recommit your life to Him pray with me right now mean this with your heart say father I believe you love me you have a wonderful plan for my life I am sorry for my sins and the wrong things I have done please forgive me cleanse me with the blood of Jesus Christ I have faith in his blood Jesus come into my heart be Lord of my life thank you for saving me amen did you pray that prayer your life has changed and transformed you will never be the same did you recommit your life expect transformation and above all know that your name is written in heaven and not in hell you you
Channel: Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Views: 11,385
Rating: 4.8144331 out of 5
Keywords: today with marilyn and sarah, today with marilyn & sarah, marilyn hickey, sarah bowling, faith vs fear, fear, faith, gods hand, fear rule your life, have faith
Id: jVxGl2dIjdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2012
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