"Faith: Transformation and Demonstration" - Michael Ensey

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I want to take you to the word of the Lord to Romans chapter 12 and we'll also go to mark chapter 16 those who are here tonight attending Northeast Christian college I want to commend you for putting yourself in position to prepare yourself for the calling and the will of God the purpose of God to be fulfilled through you I commend you tonight for making that decision for responding to the call of God in your life Romans chapter 12 beginning in verse number one I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God or as one translation set as in light of God's mercies were in view of God's mercies with his mercy in mind that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God don't live according to the standard of this world that allow the Spirit of God and the Word of God to transform you by changing your thinking believe that that's that's been happening these last couple of services that we've been a part of last night just this morning God has been trying to to change our thinking because if we can think right we can act right be transformed by the renewing of your mind why because he has something for you to do he wants you to prove or to do that good and acceptable and perfect will of God mark chapter 16 beginning in verse number 15 this is after the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ who spent 40 days with his disciples and he is about to ascend up into the heavens and Jesus says unto them go everybody say go Jesus said you can't stay here it would be nice if we could stay in youth retreat atmosphere year-round just worship pray eat go to lock-ins and repeat and it'd be awesome right your youth work you're like no Jesus said you can't stay here you have to go because if we stay here we can't fulfill the purpose that God has for us out there he said you you have to go go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned and the signs shall follow them that have a ministerial license must have a different translation than I have these signs shall follow those who have a college degree these signs shall follow those who are senior pastors these signs shall follow those who are over 40 I'm almost there couple months these signs shall follow those who are perfect these signs shall follow those who are fifth-generation Pentecostal that what it says these signs shall follow those who believe are there any believers in the house tonight is there anybody that believes [Music] is there anybody that has a little bit of faith tonight is there anybody that believes that Jesus is God is there anybody that believes that his word is true it is there anybody that believes that God loves you it is there anybody that believes that God has a purpose for you are there any believers in the house tonight these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils and there's not a demonic foursome that can stand against the name of Jesus they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they not the senior pastors not just those were the ministerial ices not just those with a college degree not just those over a certain age not those who are perfect not those those that believe they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover I'm gonna preach about faith tonight I'm gonna preach about two functions of faith transformation and demonstration I'm gonna preach tonight until somebody begins to express their faith I'm gonna preach tonight until somebody so believes what we say we believe until so somebody so believes the Word of God that you start to act them on what you already know and what you've already received and what you say you believe I'm gonna preach tonight until somebody expresses faith and transformation and demonstration begins to take place here tonight are you gonna believe with me are there any believers in the house is there anybody that believes that he can still do it and that he can do it again that he can still move mountains that he can steal heal cancer that he can still save the sinner he can still wash away sins is there any that of anybody that believes that God wants to do a work a supernatural work in this place come on lift your voice lift your hands right now and faith and expectation I want you to give God a great shout of praise come on lift your voice right now God we're expecting you to do it again [Music] [Applause] couple just magnify him for a moment [Music] in spite of how you feel in spite of what you see go ahead and worship based upon what you know tonight we know he's a good god we know he's a great dog we know he's able we know there's nothing too hard for him we know that he's omnipotent we know he's omniscient we know he's here tonight we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose go ahead and worship Him for another moment based on what you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you you may be seated faith is a journey it's not a moment it's not a single experience but faith is a journey and Jesus is the author and he is the finisher of our faith faith has a beginning and faith has an end there is the initiation of faith the journey of faith and ultimately the culmination of faith faith has a destination it's not just about the first step but faith is a journey faith hasn't a destination faith is first for salvation and then it is for manifestation faith is first for transformation and then for demonstration I believe that it's the will of God for every single person here tonight to experience a transformation in the spirit I'm glad for people believe that I believe it's the will of God whether this is your first time to ever step into a Pentecostal service or you've been living for God for for 6070 years and I believe every single one of us tonight it is the will of God to transform us in other words for us to be different and when we walk out those doors and for something to happen to us for our changing our thoughts to change for our lives to change for our focus to be altered a little bit God once to transform us Paul told the Romans him I beseech you therefore brethren I charge you he was trying to get their attention by the mercies of God in other words when you consider how merciful God has been to us him when you consider the love of God when you consider that the love of God and the mercy of God drove him to Calvary in view of the cross and I charge you that you present your bodies a living sacrifice and holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service he said it's just reasonable when you consider how good god has been to us when you consider the love of God when you consider that he paid the price for our sin on Calvary in view of God's mercy what he is asking you to do the level of discipline the lifestyle disciplines that he is calling you to the standard of living that he's calling you to the commitment that he's calling YouTube it's not too hard and it's not too much of it is just your reasonable service to offer your life a living sacrifice unto God holy and acceptable unto Him it's just reasonable it's not too much and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind one translation says don't allow this world to shape you according to its standard don't live according to the standard of this world a balloon that is inflated is able to keep that shape and because there is more internal pressure than there is external pressure you know what you need to do in order to to secure be able to to keep yourself from being shaped according to the standard of this world and allowing the world to shape you according to its standard you've got to have more internal pressure than there is external pressure I talked last night about the external pressure let me just encourage you tonight to be full of faith and of the Holy Ghost and the more time you spend in the presence of God the more time you spend worshiping God the more time you spend in the Word of God you know what you're doing you are increasing the internal pressure that will allow you to maintain who you are your identity and God and withstand the external pressure of your culture be transformed by the renewing of your mind why because there is something that God desires for you to do he desires for there to be a demonstration of his power and his glory through you that's where faith comes in because faith is our responsibility in this process of transformation and demonstration we've all been given this ability to believe to express faith in something or somebody but just because somebody believes something doesn't make it right faith itself is not a virtue there is no power in faith itself there there are some people who believe some crazy things there are some people who believe some crazy stuff and just because somebody really believes something it is very passionate about it doesn't make it right did you know that there are people who still believe that the earth is flat check it out the Flat Earth Society org there's actually a group of them there's a recording our artist Bobbi ray Simmons jr. who's on a personal crusade to convince everybody that the world is flat cleveland cavalier basketball player Kyrie Irving he now is trying to retract his statements but said on national TV that he believed that the earth was flat just because somebody believes something doesn't make it right just because the majority votes for something doesn't make it right because faith itself is not a virtue in fact it's possible to believe something that is a lie Paul said this to the Thessalonians second Thessalonians 2:11 it's possible to believe a lie did you know that your heart is deceitful mama says your heart is deceitful who can know it fact your heart is so powerful and so deceitful that it can convince your mind that what it wants is right and and convinced you to justify doing something that you know is wrong because your heart wants it so badly and it's able to to justify it again to convince your mind that what it wants is right and that's why we need the Word of God and that's why we do we need the man of God in our life to preach truth to us because the word is that the discerner of the thoughts and the intents of our hearts it knows our heart we need a preacher you ought to thank God for a pastor that'll stand in a pulpit and preach the Word of God to you he's trying to help you make it to heaven you are thank God for those times when you don't like his preachin that's the preaching we need the most you ought to thank God for those times that there's a pastor or a youth pastor or parents who will say no to you that's how you know you have a pastor you don't have a pastor just because you go to church you have a pastor because you've submitted yourself to the man of God and and you really know when you have a pastor when that pastor says no you can't do that and you still come to church with a good attitude and a good spirit and you worship and you respond and you're still involved and you're still giving and you're still worshiping that's how you know you really have a pastor when you're able to submit yourself to the man of God we need the man of God to help us because the heart is deceitful it can convince us to believe a lie faith is not powerful because of the person or the personality who expresses it or possesses it I think sometimes we have convinced ourselves that it takes a certain personality in order to express powerful faith that you got to have the right charisma the right personality the right style say the right words and be the right preacher in order to pray over somebody and express faith so that God can do something supernatural faith is not about us faith is not powerful because of the person who expresses that faith is only powerful because of where it is placed our faith is not in ourselves and our faith is not in our traditions and our faith is not in human philosophy our faith is not in the religious creed of a denomination our faith is certainly not in the opinion of others or our culture our faith is not in our own intellect or resources or abilities our faith is powerful tonight because our faith is in Jesus Christ and our faith is in the one who has all power in heaven and in earth wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name that's above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ Lord to the glory of God the Father we have powerful faith because our faith is in Jesus Christ our faith is powerful because it is founded upon the Word of God this book that is infallible this book is not just a collection of good ideas it's not just a story or a fairy tale but this is the very God breathed word it is given by inspiration and all Scripture is given by inspiration of God our faith is powerful because it is grounded upon thee forever settled Word of God the faith that I'm preaching about tonight is not just some kind of weak expression of possibility it's it's not it's not just an opinion it's not a maybe so kind of feeling the faith that I'm talking about tonight biblical faith is a declaration of fact it's a statement of certainty it is to be convinced assured to have confidence in it is to know beyond the shadow of a doubt and I believe it's the kind of faith that Paul defined in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 where he said now faith is the substance of things hoped for him and the evidence of things not seen it's the kind of faith that can reach beyond what your natural eye can see and can reach into another world that you can't see it's the kind of faith that is able to reach beyond the natural into the supernatural it's able to reach beyond this world and into another world and it's that kind of faith you begin to experience it that gives you the evidence of something you have never seen before something you've never experienced before but you've been there in prayer or in worship when all of a sudden you felt something and you connected with something in the spirit it was just started out just a little prayer just a little worship at all of a sudden you left the natural and you entered into the supernatural you started feeling God do something beyond what you could see that's why Paul would say we look not at the things which can be seen but at the things which cannot be seen because the things which can be seen are temporal but the things which cannot be seen are eternal you know what I'm preaching for tonight is somebody to reach beyond the natural into the supernatural to begin to express your faith and to reach beyond the physical and to reach into the eternal to stretch out your faith to reach with your faith beyond what you can see and to reach into that world that you cannot see I believe before we leave tonight somebody is gonna pray an impossible prayer you're gonna pray an impossible prayer you're gonna pray for some things you've never seen before you're gonna pray for some things that you've never experienced before you're gonna reach into another world beyond this world and tap into the supernatural God's trying to take us there the kind of faith that can believe for God to move that mountain to heal that sickness to deliver the addict to forgive the sinner to start a revival in your school through your p7 Club that club that you didn't think was possible but God opens the door and God begins to make a way you see biblical faith and his active faith biblical faith is obedient faith the writer of Hebrews went on to say in verse number 6 but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him biblical faith is active faith in that concept of faith must turn into a conviction that eventually produces an action look at Hebrews 11:6 it does not say that God is a rewarder of those who have great faith he's a reward of those who diligently seek Him those who pursue him those who activate their faith and when it becomes more than just a thought more than just a concept more than just an idea but you begin to activate that faith and you step out in faith and you begin to pursue his purpose and in spite of what you see in spite of what you feel he is a rewarder of those who activated their faith and and they begin to seek Him listen to what James chapter 2 verse 19 says now believe us that there is one God they'll do us well good job pat on the back bluestar the devil's also believe in tremble he would go on to say don't just be a hearer of the word but a doer of the word he said that the devil's believe it's not enough just to believe it's not enough to just have a mental concept but you have to activate your faith that concept has to turn into action it has to move you into a place and of transformation you've got to move beyond just thinking about it to doing it beyond just talking about it to doing it it must move you into a place of action to a place of transformation God is trying to transform us and because he wants to move us into a place of purpose and demonstration of the Holy Ghost John chapter 1 says he came into his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name he has given you the power to become something he's trying to move you into a place of purpose and demonstration of the Spirit but there is an enemy of your soul there is an enemy who does not want you to awaken to that potential within you there's an enemy who who desires to distract you from the potential God has placed within you there is an enemy of your faith fear is the enemy of your faith I want to talk for just a moment tonight about a particular manifestation of fear that I believe it's the will of God that we deal with first before God moves us to a place of demonstration God wants to transform some things within us before we move to that place of demonstration there is a manifestation of fear called condemnation that seeks to destroy your confidence in what God is doing in your life seeks to destroy your confidence in the love of God and the purpose of God in your life listen to what 1st John chapter 3 verse 21 says beloved if our heart condemn us not then have we confidence toward God let's let's look at the reverse of that if our heart condemns us then we have no confidence toward God that's why we have to deal with condemnation that comes against you the moment that you go to pray the moment that you start to ask God to do something impossible because listen to verse number 22 and whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight but if we allow condemnation to destroy our confidence in God then we have no confidence that what we ask of God is going to come to pass and that's why we have to deal with the spirit of condemnation that would come against your mind that would try to destroy your confidence that would try to intimidate you that spirit of insecurity that would say you're not good enough you failed too many times in your past you don't come from the right family you don't have enough experience you don't have enough education you don't have the right personality you don't have what it takes the condemnation begins to war against you you want to teach that Bible study but condemnation comes you you respond in the presence of God the condemnation comes you feel to pray for somebody the condemnation comes as no not you you are disqualified or or you are unqualified from being used of God see condemnation comes from two different sources two different sources the condemnation comes from first of all sin is a source of condemnation if you're living in sin you're gonna deal with condemnation if you're battling sin your if you have not repented of sin then you're gonna have condemnation so I've got a word for you if you're living in sin and you're sick and tired of dealing with guilt and shame and condemnation I have I have one word of instruction for you tonight stop stop sinning stop just stop that's what that's what the word repentance means it repentance means to stop to turn around and to go a different direction if you're sick and tired of going to sleep at night with tears streaming down your face because you're dealing with condemnation and guilt and shame from sin stop sinning repent of your sins and he is faithful and he is just to forgive us of our sins but the second source of condemnation it is simply a weapon of the enemy that he tries to use against you it is a lie it is the deception of the enemy that he tries to bring against you when you have already repented of your sins and your sins are under the blood of Jesus Christ and he has forgiven you of your sins and and you go to begin to express your faith you should try to step out in faith you want God to use you you just start to pray or to worship Him and that spirit of condemnation comes to distract you and to paralyze you it is a weapon of the enemy to bring up things from your past that you've already repented of it and God has already forgiven you either I've come tonight to preach against that spirit of condemnation I've come to rebuke that spirit of intimidation that spirit of insecurity there's somebody tonight I believe God in the next few moments it's about to lose somebody from that spirit of condemnation you don't have to live with that guilt anymore you don't have to live with that shame anymore God is gonna set you free from the spirit of condemnation here's what we're gonna do I'm already starting the altar service alright it's gonna it's gonna take three stages tonight first we're gonna start in the pew we're gonna bound by and we're gonna bind this spirit of condemnation right in the pew because God's trying to take us somewhere he's trying to prepare us to move us somewhere first there has to be some transformation before we can see demonstration we're gonna deal with condemnation in the pew the second stage we're gonna come to the altar and I believe that there's going to be an impartation in the spirit of apostolic anointing upon you and the third part is I'm gonna loose you to begin to minister to one another and to begin to pray in the Holy Ghost throughout this congregation and I believe that there's gonna be demonstration of the Spirit before we leave this service anybody believe that God is trying to take us there anybody believe that God wants that to happen here tonight here's what we're gonna do I want you to grab the hand of the person next to you if it's appropriate guys - guys girls - girls I want you to grab the hand of that person next to you you have no idea what they might be battling right now you have no idea what they may be dealing with in their mind and their spirits but we are going to bind the spirit of condemnation we're going to rebuke that spirit of insecurity and intimidation that is coming against your generation it is not the will of God for you to be bound by condemnation it is not the will of God for you to be dealing with guilt and with shame for sins that you've already repented of sins that God has already washed in his blood I want you to begin to pray for that person next to you right now we're gonna pray for each other we're gonna pray against that spirit of condemnation right now we're gonna bind it to by the authority of the word of God and by the power of the name of Jesus I rebuke that spirit I rebuke the spirit of intimidation that's coming against somebody right now that spirit of insecurity and condemnation we rebuke it in the name of Jesus come on somebody pray in the Holy Ghost right now I need a young person I need a young adult who knows how to pray in the Holy Ghost and I need somebody to press in the spirit with me right now come on somebody is bound by chains of condemnation that God is about to break him he is going to loose you he's gonna set you free from that condemnation in the name of Jesus there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit there is therefore no condemnation somebody claimed that with me right now in the name of Jesus and there is therefore no condemnation it's gone it's gone you've been set free you've been delivered that condemnation is gone that intimidation is gone that insecurity is gone in the name of Jesus claim it in the name of Jesus I want you to begin to rejoice right now somebody began to rejoice somebody that feels Liberty right now maybe you came to this service tonight and you were dealing with condemnation would you just begin to lift your voice and begin to rejoice in the Liberty that you feel in the Holy Ghost right now just begin to thank God for the Liberty you feel in the spirit [Applause] I want you just remain standing with me tonight faith is first for salvation and transformation but the end of faith is manifestation and demonstration he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved salvation and transformation and these signs shall follow them that believe manifestation and demonstration a man came to Jesus in mark chapter 9 his son had a need he said Jesus can you help us jesus said if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth if you can just believe anything is possible God can do anything without God there is no possibility there is no hope but with God all things are possible with God our faith and our confidence that John talked about it is not in ourselves our faith is not powerful because of anything that we have done or have not done but our faith is powerful because it is in him and our confidence is not in our flesh but our confidence is then the one who has all power in heaven and in earth our confidence is in the one who can do anything if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth you see Jesus throughout the Gospels he he had this track record of telling people to do things that were impossible hehe would walk up to a blind man and he would say see now Jesus if you ask him to do anything else he could do it why are you asking him to do the one thing he can't do it's impossible for him what is he he can see now he would go up to the lane and he would say walk now Jesus if you had asked him to preach a message he could have preached that name if you could ask him to sing a song he could sing he could testify why are you asking him to do the one thing that's impossible for him to do he can't wait a second where'd he go he's gone where is he he's won he would even Hey [Music] to come up out of the grave Jesus delights in telling people to do things that are impossible there are some of you tonight that God is talking to you right now he's talking to you about things that you think are impossible he may even be asking you to do some things that you think are impossible God why don't you ask me to do something that I could actually do why don't you ask me to do something that I've got the ability to do why are you asking me to do something that's impossible because if he asked you to do something that was possible you wouldn't need him and so he pushes us to the edge of possibility and it challenges us to take that leap into the impossible to move beyond what we can do to move beyond prayers that we feel like are within the realm of possibility to pray things that are impossible to pray things that we think there's absolutely no way that could happen but faith has made me just crazy enough to pray some impossible prayers to ask God to do some impossible things [Music] [Applause] if you are a youth Congress this year you you heard me on Wednesday night share the testimonies of some young people who took that leap of faith into the great unknown who said God I'm willing I'm ready I'm available if you want to use me to do something impossible god Here I am I'm available I'm willing God use my hands to be lay on somebody in the sick recover God use my voice to pray the prayer of faith and somebody beam a hope made whole God used me to teach that Bible study to pray that prayer God used me I shared those testimonies on Wednesday nights there was a young lady there by the name of Elizabeth right last December Elizabeth 19 years old at the time was in a car accident severed a concussion sprained her neck over the next few months she would begin to experience all kinds of devastating symptoms she had a constant migraine for months dizziness no appetite no strength began to go into depression battling all kinds of things mentally and emotionally and physically they began to try different treatments oral medication nothing was working began to give her steroids shots into the base of her neck began to discover that there was inflammation in the nerves at the base of her skull three different treatments with those injections nothing was working it was getting worse they had scheduled an appointment on August the 10th for her to go to John Hopkins Hospital to see a specialist to consider surgery at the base of her brain but before she went to the appointment she went to Youth Congress and on Wednesday night a youth service tower crowd had little vials of anointing oil and she took that anointing oil and she poured it down the back of her head they began to run down her neck and as she was praying that moment God spoke to a friend of hers and 22 year old jaelyn maka and God spoke to him and said if you'll go lay hands and on your friend Elizabeth I'm gonna heal her what he didn't know is that God had already spoken in the middle of that service and to Elizabeth's mother and said God is gonna use Jalen to lay his hands on Elizabeth tonight and she's gonna be healed and so Jalen and who made his way over to Elizabeth and laid his hands on her and began to pray the prayer of faith and the power of God began to flow through her she went to that appointment on August the 10th but it wasn't so they can schedule brain surgery it was so they could confirm the miracle that took place at Hugh's progress I'm talking about a young person who said god I want you to use me god I want your anointing to flow through me I believe tonight there are Mantle's an apostolic anointing an adverse Dalek ministry that are available for your generation the question is do you want it - do you desire it will you activate your faith will you step out and step into purpose and allow God to take you beyond the possible into the impossible once Elijah was touched by that mantle of Elijah's anointing he would refuse to be satisfied to be average ordinary or just settle for the status quo three opportunities on that final journey of Elijah's life he had opportunity to turn aside but he said no I'm going with you because I want a double portion I want a double portion of anointing I want that mantle of power and authority in the spirit of is there anybody tonight that desires that is there anybody that wants that I open these altars right now to some young person some young adult that says I desire that mantle of anointing of God I'm available God Here I am I want to pray some impossible prayers I would have laid my hands on the sick and see them recover God I want to pray the prayer of pain [Music] [Applause] come on let me into available who's hungry for 10 who desires it who sick and tired of just being average ordinary who's tired of the status quo who desire something horn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god I want that mantle if a double portion its my potential that's what I want come on I'm appealing to somebody's spiritual passion right now I'm appealing to your spiritual passion right now who wants it more than anything else who desires that anointing more than anything else who wants to see miracles and signs and wonders in your youth services it's not just reserved for general conferences or even youth Congress or Sunday service in your Wednesday night youth services and your Friday night you service your friend can receive the Holy Ghost somebody can be healed get your youth service somebody's gonna receive the Holy Ghost in your p7 club in your campus ministry somebody can be delivered on the sidewalk of your college campus [Music] somebody can be healed in the parking lot of your high school [Music] I'm talking about praying some impossible prayers believing for God to do some impossible things [Music] come on elevate your faith right now elevate your faith elevate your expectations [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 2,191
Rating: 4.7551022 out of 5
Keywords: faith, transformation, demnstration, michael, ensey, youth, president, general, division, upci, ministries, apostolic, pentecostal, united, church, international, ccc, capital, community, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada
Id: yUKwBgCUkx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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