"Your Miracle is in the Bag" - Michael Ensey

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if you've come today with a particular need in your life I believe that it is the will of God to give instruction from his word today to encourage you that he is in control that you are not alone that he understands the feelings of our infirmities he knows what we feel he knows what we're facing he understands today but he not only understands he is willing and he is able to provide everything that you have to need of today John chapter 6 beginning in verse number one after this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee which is the sea of Tiberias and a large crowd was following them because they saw the signs that he was doing on the sick Jesus went up on the mountain and there he sat down with his disciples now the Passover the feast of the Jews was at hand lifting up his eyes then and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him Jesus said to Philip where are we to buy bread so that these people may eat he said this to test him for he himself knew what he would do Philip answered him two hundred denarii worth of bread would not be enough for each of them to get the little one of his disciples Andrew simon Peters brother said to him there is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish but what are they for so many jesus said have the people sit down now there was much grass in the place so the men sat down about five thousand in number Jesus then took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed them to those who were seated so also the fish as much as they will and when they had eaten their feel he told his disciples gather up the leftover fragments that nothing may be lost so they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves left by those who had eaten when they saw the sign that he had done they said this is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world there were a few of you today when you saw that the preacher brought a sack lunch that you were a little bit worried how long is he planning on preaching don't worry I won't preach that long but I want to preach to you from the subject today that your miracle is in the bag your pericle is in the bag come to encourage somebody today God knows your name he's got your number he knows exactly what you have need of today and I believe that the King of Kings the Lord of lords has stepped into this sanctuary this morning understanding where we are today and he has all power in his hands he has the ability to reach into your life and to absolutely transform every situation to put broken things back together would you lift your hands and lift your hearts and your voices to heaven right now and this can fight hillman not just into this room or into this building today would you invite healing into your life right now into your situation what you should say Jesus I want you to step in right now into my life my spirit we're asking that your will would be accomplished in this place today God that you administered our lives that you had touched hearts today that you would transform situations God that are beyond our ability and beyond our control we put our trust and our confidence in you Jesus oh you are able God we know that you're good we know that you're great we know that you're willing today and we give you praise in advance of we give you thanks and through faith today not based upon what we feel but what we know because we know that you're in control and we thank you for it jesus and would you just lift your voice and Thanksgiving in together right now in the hill we magnify you Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus god bless you you may be seated look at your neighbor and say your miracle is in the back this figure of speech too for something to be in the bag means that a particular outcome is certain whether it's in the political arena or the sports world or a business transaction when something is said to be in the bag it is considered to be a done deal victory is assured the outcome is certain I have a good news for somebody today your miracle is in the bag the outcome is certain God has already determined the end result he knows the end from the beginning of your miracle is in the bagging so the writer of Hebrews would tell us this in chapter 10 verse 35 M do not throw away and your confidence don't get rid of your confidence too early because it has great reward for you have need of endurance or the King James says a little patience and so that when you have done the will of God and you may receive what is promised and don't throw away your confidence this morning don't get rid of your confidence and because I believe if you will endure just a little bit longer there is an assurance from the Word of God and that you are going to receive what is promised your miracle is in the bag and it's not too late to knock one more time it's not too late to pray one more time you might be one prayer-meeting away and from receiving that miracle you might be one altar service owain from receiving your answer your promise is in the bag what an interesting story in John chapter 6 there are so many elements of this passage that are just fascinating to me I I I had some some hyper slow-mo HD video footage of the fish and the bread being broken I would love to know what was happening on the molecular level some of you probably I've never thought about that I would just like to know what was happening as those disciples were were breaking that bread and tearing that fish and beginning to distribute that as it expanded and multiplied and grew back I just I would love to see what was happening as that miracle took place the people began to look on in amazement I mean huh how much do you do you think we could get for that that meal in an auction today I mean how incredible would that be for a fundraiser brother Matt to auction off that kind of meal I mean I'm imagine the people lined up to take that magic food home with them that day imagine their disappointment the next day when it didn't happen all over again as they they're like tearing it wait a second this worked yesterday what's going on what an amazing just unique miracle that took place the hero of this story is the unlikeliest of characters it's just a young boy just a lad we don't know a whole lot about him we don't know exactly how old he was we just know that he was young we don't know where he was from we don't know who his parents were or even where his parents were I want to ask that question where were his parents who just sent their child off on this journey ends up in a crowd of thousands of people what were they thinking there's two key characteristics that I want to draw from this story today that I believe made this miracle provision possible there are two characteristics about this young man that I believe would speak to us today and would communicate the possibility for us today of what God could do in your situation are you ready to hear what these two key characteristics are I'm not sure you're ready are you really ready to hear but the two very important key characteristics you probably want to get something out so you can write this down and remember this later two very important characteristics that made the miracle possible are you ready are you really ready today I I need more I need more people ready are you really ready today okay I feel like we're getting there you're you're starting to get ready number one he was there I'm just gonna let that settle in for a moment I know some of you are amazed by the deep revelation that you're receiving right now the the the I'm just gonna let that settle for a second longer here he he was there he was present the disciples said there is a young lad who is here there is a little boy who is here the the first pre-wet prerequisite and characteristic that we find out about this young boy is that he was simply present and his miracle opportunity had one very important condition have you ever been somewhere where they're giving away prizes and they say you must be present to win this miracle opportunity had one very important requirement and you must be present for a miracle he wasn't very old but he's here he's not very talented but he's here he doesn't have very much to offer just a little luncheon but he's here he doesn't have very much and but he has something you see sometimes and the greatest ability is simply availability the faithful are full of faith because there's something about faithfulness and that inspires faith that creates the foundation for miraculous provision he was simply present he was simply on location when there was an opportunity for a miracle I have a feeling that there might just be somebody here today that you probably shouldn't be here there's probably some reason you shouldn't have made it to church today you could look back over the landscape of your life you could look far back into your past maybe a troubled childhood maybe certain circumstances that you went through that you should not have survived you should not have made it you should not be here today but on this Sunday morning at Capital Community Church you are here anyway maybe you made up your mind on this Sunday morning in spite of the diagnosis that I just received them in spite of how I'm feeling in spite of the challenges and the troubles and the circumstances that I'm dealing with I made up my mind I'm going to church on this Sunday morning I got good news for you you're halfway to a miracle because you showed up on Sunday morning you're halfway to miracle provision because you decided I'm gonna be there in the house of God your miracle is in the bag so that's the first very important characteristic he was just present the second very critical characteristic are you ready do you have your notes back out you ready for number two okay nobody's ready your ply still writing on the first one he was there he he was there he was present he's here okay are you ready for number two all right is everybody else ready for number two so he was there he was present in the second important characteristic about this young boy is he remembered lunch now I don't know about you never had that problem for getting lunch that's there's some of you right now you're thinking about lunch right now you're thinking where are we gonna go to eat after church well well what's our what's our favorite spot I shouldn't talk about that too long I'm gonna lose everybody you remembered lunch the second key characteristic is he simply remembered to bring his lunch I don't know what everybody else was thinking but this young boy remembered his lunch he at least had a good mama who was looking out for him you said you're going on a journey today you need to take something with you you need to take lunch with you I don't know why they weren't prepared I don't know what they were thinking but there was a young boy who simply remembered lunch the bottom line is this and that while everybody else is trying to figure out what to do there was a young boy who had something to give he had something in his hands he had something that was available that he was able to place into the hands of Jesus and John says that it was barley loaves that he was giving to Jesus and that was the most inferior bread that was even available that day so not only did he not have enough bread to feed the massive multitude that was gathered together that day it wasn't even very good bread but as it turns out he was the only one who had any bread or at least he was the only one who was willing to surrender what he brought so guess what bad bread is better than no bread bad bread is better than no bread you you don't have to have everything you don't have to have it all together in fact God is just looking for somebody this morning who has something you don't have to have everything and you just have to have something and be willing to place it into the hands of God say God I'm not I'm not sure I have everything that I need but I'm gonna give you what I have and in fact when I look at what I have I feel like it's pretty inferior I don't feel like I have very much to offer but God I'm gonna take what I do have and I'm gonna place it in to your hands you may be looking at what you have today and saying all I have is pain that's alright just take what you have and put it in your hands and you may be looking at life right now and saying all I've got is disappointment them that's alright just go ahead and take it what you have and put it in his hands you may look at yourself and say I don't have any great ability there's nothing really special about me that's all right just go ahead and give what you have God is looking for somebody today who is willing to take what they have and give it all to him what do you have in that bag young man aren't you curious about what's in here you'll find out a little bit later it's probably not anything you want for lunch what do you have what do you what do you have in that bag well let's see I've got one two three four there's there's five loaves and it looks like there's there's two sardines in there I've got the makings of a sardine sandwich now that just took care everybody there's one lunch just you just lost your appetite so I got everybody back no no no that's that's that's not that's not lunch that's that's the ingredients for a miracle that's that's not that's not just five loaves and two fish that's that's the makings of a miracle in that bag I I don't just see a little lunch in there I I see something much more amazing and miraculous than that you see the the good news today is that your miracle is in the bag that's the good news the bad news today is that your miracle is in the bag and as long as it stays in the bag it'll never be anything more than what it is the miracle will never become a reality I wonder what what you're holding on to today that has within it the seeds of the supernatural I I wonder what you're you're holding on to today and in your little lunch bag that that has within it the makings of a miracle what-what are you clinging to right now that has resident within a deep the ingredients of an increase in the ingredients of abundance and the ingredients of God doing something supernatural and miraculous you see that that little boy had just enough lunch in that bag to feed himself if he had consumed the ingredients of that bag it would have done nothing more than to satisfy his personal hunger nothing else but when he surrendered and that little insignificant lunch into the hands of the master 5 inferior loaves of bread and two stinking fish and it was more than enough to feed 5000 men plus women and children and have twelve basketfuls that were left over you see your miracle is in the bag but you got to get it out of the bag you got to get it out of your hands you got to place it into the hands of the one who has all power and all ability today the challenge of the Spirit the call of sacrifice and is to place all of yourself into the hands of the master for he is the Potter and we are the clay and the clay doesn't get to say to the Potter what he's gonna do with us and we are the gift and he is the giver the gift doesn't say to the giver how much of the gift is gonna be given it he wants all of you today and he wants to take everything in your bag whatever it is the good the bad and the ugly and he wants you to surrender it into his hands all of your time your focus and attention all of your worship and devotion he wants your talents and abilities and he wants your finances and he wants your past failures your present circumstances and your future uncertainties and you see he wants all of you whatever you have today it's enough whatever you have available today they are the ingredients of the supernatural they're the makings of a miracle you see it really it really just comes down to trust and control it's hard for us to trust and we like control I say that one more time it's hard for us to trust it's just not a natural response it's hard for us to trust and we like control we we like to hold on to things we like to know I got this I've got it in control but you see all all of life is an investment and the Bible talks to us about how we invest our life in fact jesus said in Luke chapter 9 verse 23 if anybody will come after me let him deny self and take up his cross and follow me for whosoever would save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it him for what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself you see all of life and is an investment and either way you lose the question is how will you lose your life you spend an hour of praying or an hour playing you can't get that hour back it is gone it is spent but oh what a difference in how you spend it because in one way we waste it but in another we invested and there is an investment there's a return on that investment into the eternal you see all life and is an investment you will invest into something either the temporal or the eternal so the challenge of the Spirit today is what are you going to sew into are you going to sew into your flesh or sew into the spirit tube are you going to sew into the temporal or sew into the eternal are you going to sew into your faith that are you gonna sew into your fear you're going to invest in something today what are you going to invest in see there are some things that only come Bible says through prayer and fasting but I have discovered something that not everything comes through prayer and fasting some things only come through prayer and fasting but not everything comes through prayer and fasting I mean I wish I I don't know what got into me but here recently I decided to go to graduate school go back to college after 20 years and I wish pastor Jack I could just pray and fast and get a hundred on that test I mean that would be awesome that would be wonderful I I wish I could just pray and fast all day and my job would still send me a paycheck that would be great I I wish I could just pray and fast all day and people would just flock to me and ask me to teach him a Bible study some things come by prayer and fasting but not everything comes by prayer and fasting you see there are some things that require work there are some things that require study there are some things that that require preparation there are some things that only come through faithfulness there are some things that only come through obedience and then there are some things that only come through sowing it's just the law of the harvest there are some things that only come through giving there are some things that only come through sacrifice I wonder if the little boy that day had calculated how much of his lunch it would take to quench his hunger and said you know what Jesus I I think let's see I'll give you a tithe of my lunch today ten percent let's see I got in five loaves to fish is that okay point seven I'm gonna give you well I'll write I'm gonna give you a whole barley loaf I'll just round it up we'll call the extra offering and just call it even what if he had pre-calculated that day what he felt like he needed to take care of his own needs and just put the rest just just the leftovers into the hands of Jesus and I wonder if just point seven of the crowd would have received lunch that day and experienced a miracle you see there are some things that only come through sacrifice and through giving of ourselves and sacrifices not giving out of our abundance and sacrifice and is giving beyond our ability in fact sacrifice is giving our all when Pastor was talking to his church about giving the sacrificial offering and he said please don't give until it hurts give until it helps because some of you have a very low pain threshold sacrifice is about giving all of ourselves and that Jesus looks and at giving so much differently than we do in Mark chapter 12 verse 41 the Bible says Jesus is sitting against the Treasury he's watching people putting their finance into the offering box and some were coming that were very rich and putting in large sums but a poor widow comes and and she puts in two small copper coins and which equaled one penny and he called his disciples to him and said I want you to look at this poor Widow I want you to consider what she's done today she hasn't contributed more than all of those who gave in to the offering them for they gave out of their abundance and they gave out of their leftovers and but she out of her poverty has put in everything that she had and she's given everything that she had to live on and you see we look at giving differently than God does and we look at the amount that is given but God looks at the amount that is left over after we have given him he's looking for somebody today who will say god I don't have much and but I'm willing to give everything there's not a lot when I look at who I am and what I am and what I have to give when I look at my situation God all I have is pain and frustration and disappointment but God I'm gonna put that in your hands today Luke chapter 6 verse 38 Jesus is speaking about forgiveness and but there is a spiritual principle that has at work in this passage and it's a law of the kingdom he said give and it'll be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together running over will be put into your lap for with the measure that you use it will be measured back to you there is something about sacrifice about us giving of ourselves that God responds to every time that there was a sacrifice put upon the altar of God the fire fell God responds to sacrifice it was Gandhi who once said the roots of our problems are wealth without work pleasure without conscience knowledge without character politics without principles commerce without morality science without humanity and worship without sacrifice worship without sacrifice you see there are some things that only come through sacrifice sacrificial investment it opens the door to supernatural demonstration and miraculous provision God would say in Malachi chapter three he was talking about his people giving but again it's a spiritual principle here he said in verse 10 bring the tithe the full tithe into the storehouse and but there may be food in my house and put me to the tests as the Lord if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing until there is no more need Wow God said test me test me with your sacrifice it's all about trust and control sacrificial investment opens the door to supernatural demonstration and miraculous provision now unto Hillman now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that worketh within us and or in other words according to the proportion how we allow his spirit how we allow his power to work in us and to the degree in which we surrender ourselves to him God is then able to do proportionately above that but it's all about surrender it's all about trust and it's all about control it's about sacrifice and it is that offering that sacrifice of our lips offering the fruit of our lips to him giving thanks unto God when abraham and isaac began to make that fateful journey to the top of Mount Moriah Abraham says to a servants you stay here me in the lad we're going to worship not we're going to sacrifice my son no we're going to worship we're going to surrender that which is most important to me we're going to give that to God and on top of the mountain that day scholars believe that Isaac was a full-grown adult he was well able within his physical ability to probably overpower his father and to resist and say no dad I don't know what's going on here but I'm not climbing up on that altar but on top of that mountain we see a beautiful picture of worship if we as we have the obedience of Abraham and we have the submission of Isaac to the plan of God but the most beautiful part of the story to me is that while Isaac climbs up on that altar of sacrifice and here is Abraham getting ready to sacrifice his son and we have obedience and we have submission there caught in the thicket is a years earlier there was a ram that was born down in the valley no doubt there were days that its life was in danger wild beasts were in the area that would love to have consumed that realm but God protected it too and God preserved it and on the backside of Mount Moriah for maybe weeks or maybe months making its way up the back side of the mountain was around it was miracle provision that God had already made available years before and was preparing for that day and on that particular morning as the RAM is caught in the thicket and he hears some voices coming up and he tries to escape but he's caught there he struggles there God had already provided what what Abraham would need to fulfill his plan God had already provided the miracle before they ever got to the top of the mountain I'm talking about trust and control every miracle that I have ever seen take place I've seen blinded eyes open but I've never seen it happen where somebody wasn't offering a sacrifice of worship to God in spite of their need here they are praising and worshiping God I've seen a lot of people receive the baptism of the holy ghost I've seen him kneeling I've seen I'm standing I've seen him sitting but I've never seen him receive the Holy Ghost when they were not worshiping and praising God and offering a sacrifice of praise and in spite of their past in spite of what they were feeling and in spite of their life may have been a wreck but here they were offering a sacrifice of praise to God I've seen it over and over again where somebody has given financially they've sacrificed and God always blesses and provides this last year I felt challenged by the Holy Ghost to give sacrificially in an offering several thousand dollars it was all of our vacation fund for god why been saving for this for a long time for months and months but I thought the Holy Ghost challenged me I gave in that offering sacrificially everything that we had saved for that vacation the very next day somebody called me who to my knowledge does not even attend church anywhere but we had done business with him through the youth division they called me on that Monday and just said I I feel like I need to do something this particular individual said I I like to bless people I think it creates positive into energy in the universe I said me too let's create some positive energy said I'm gonna send you a check it was a thousand dollars more than what I'd given in the offering the day before God responds to sacrifice and it doesn't matter how much how little when you give everything that you have and you surrender into the hands of God God says I can work with that I just need something to work with it may not be much it may be inferior but if you'll just take that step of faith and put it in my hands I just need something to work with what a musician's to come second Corinthians chapter 9 verse 6 says the point is this whoever so sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully you see you will so you're sowing right now you're sowing right now the question is unto what will you sow the seeds of potential into what will you place into what will you give into what will you invest that which God has placed with you you see faith and fear are both an emotion they are an expectation of something that has not yet become a reality into what will you so today faith or fear we are in a season of abundance but I believe in this unique spiritual atmosphere that we are a part of it could be an abundance of fear or an abundance of faith you see the soil is ripe for harvest we better be careful what we sow into because the soil is ripe for harvest and so if we sow into fear will have an abundance of fear but if we sow into faith there's going to be an abundance of miracle provision [Music] [Applause] your miracles in the bag and want you to stand with me today your miracles in the bag [Music] it's a what are you gonna so today [Music] but what do you have in your hand today what do you have in your control today that you would release into the soil of faith what is it what what's in your bag today John chapter 12 verse 24 says truly truly I say to you unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies it remains alone but if it dies it bears much fruit just a single seed somebody said you can count how many seeds are in an apple you can't count how many apples are in a seed only God knows that and as long as you hold on to that seed it'll never be anything more than what it is it can never be anything more than just a seed but the moment you release it unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it abides alone is just nothing more than a seal at the moment you release that seed of potential into the soil of faith there is absolutely no limit to what God can do as long as we hold on to that seed it can never be anything more than my ability can can make it but the moment I put it into the hands of God into the one who has all power and all ability it is absolutely limitless and what God can do with that potential that we place and into his hands comes down to trust and control are you willing to trust him and are you willing to relinquish control today are you willing to put that situation into his hands are you willing to put that doctor's diagnosis and you as handsome are you willing to put that lost son or daughter into his hands are you willing to put that relationship into his hands and are you willing to put that emotional need into his hands are you willing to put that financed financial challenge into his hands and you see through a sacrifice of praise you can praise your way through any circumstance you you can give your way out of debt you can sacrifice your way out of a problem you can worship your way out of a circumstance and it comes down to trust and control what are you willing to put into his hands today Paul would tell the Galatians do not be deceived God is not mocked for whatever one sews that will he also reap for the one who sews to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption but the one who sews to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life so don't grow weary in doing good for in due season we will reap if we do not give up I've come to declare this morning and capital Community Church of its harvest time it's reaping time for somebody one more time are you willing to sow them into the soil of faith one more time are you willing to relinquish control and place your trust in God say okay God here it goes I'm willing to put it in your hands I'm willing it to invest it in the kingdom I'm willing to give it to you I'm hoping these altars right now to anybody that just wants to take a moment to show into the soil of faith to offer a sacrifice of praise god I've done everything that I could do with it and it hasn't amounted to much I've invested all of my ability I've done all the work that I could do I've given everything that I could do god I can't do anything else with it so here it is I'm putting it in your hands and god I'm gonna trust you I'm gonna relinquish control and what the Holy Ghost is talking to somebody today you need to release it in the hands of God you've held on to it long enough come on what part of your life have you not surrendered to him what part of your devotion have you not given to him [Applause] [Music] come on don't just give till it hurts he's looking for all today but I don't have very much that's alright just give what you have I don't have any great ability that's okay just give what you have all I have today is the pain of past decisions all I have today is the hurt of somebody who abandoned me all I have today is that is the brokenness of past relationship that's all right um just bring that brokenness and just bring that hurt go ahead and take that pain and lay it down at an altar and place it in the hands of God just see what God will do with it today [Applause] well your miracles in the bag your miracles in the bag [Music] place it all and you take care if you need a miracle this morning I believe we have the ingredients they're available today you're here you have something to give and most importantly the master is here right now the one who can take the bread and the fishes and multiply and provide the need if you need a miracle today I want you to stretch your hands toward heaven right now and we're gonna pray in the name of Jesus if you need the baptism of the Holy Ghost if you need healing if you need miracle provision we're gonna pray together right now by the authority of the word of God by the power of the name of Jesus we are confident that the makings of a miracle are readily available today come on stretch your hands toward heaven right now I want you to open your heart your life your spirit to God I want you to give all to him right now come on surrender it all to him right now lift up your voice and begin to claim that miracle by the authority of your word but the power of the name of Jesus and we claim that miracle right now in the name of Jesus and it's done in the name of Jesus that miracle provision then beginning right now in the spirit I declare your healing I declare provision I declare salvation I declare deliverance in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus let it be done pack plane not miracle oh yeah [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 2,883
Rating: 4.8933334 out of 5
Keywords: your, miracle, is, in, the, bag, micheal, ensey, general, youth, president, upci, united, pentecostal, church, iinternational, division, ministries, ccc, capital, community, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, apostolic, pentecost, christian
Id: B7PxMWpL_zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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