02/21/2021 | At Just the Right Time | Evg. Chris Green

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i'm excited what god will do but i'm excited right now i had a prayer walk around the high school football stadium where we will see people receive the gift of the holy ghost in just a few short weeks and i've been sharing the news with friends and ministers alike who are just so uh amazed of what god is doing here in palm bay i was on a zoom chat a few days ago and had a zoom meeting um with bethel pentecostal church from long island new york pastor doug davis and it was day 40 of their 40 days of prayer and fasting and i got to join in on day 40. kind of rude of me to just jump in the water that's already been flowing and enjoy their sacrifice on day 40 and i got to speak to them and minister to them at six am on that zoom chat and they had over 250 people from their church logged in at six in the morning on day forty of fasting and praying and at the end they said what can we help you pray about brother green i said i want you to pray for the outpouring of the holy ghost partner with us i said because here in palm bay we're about to have a crusade at a high school football stadium and you could hear the response of excitement on that zoom chat i've been getting since then i've been getting text messages phone calls emails and facebook messages from that church people saying we are partnering with east wind in prayer and fasting for an outpouring of the holy ghost on march the 19th i'm telling you there is an excitement that is spreading throughout our nation about what is taking place right here in palm bay can somebody say amen in second corinthians chapter six and verse two where the lord says that he saith that's god god saith i have heard thee somebody say he heard me i have heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of salvation i have secured or helped thee behold now everybody say now now is the accepted time now is the day of salvation i have heard thee in an accepted time a modern translation says it like this at just the right time at just the right time i heard you so i want to take from that my title at just the right time somebody say that at just the right time oh amen you may be seated at just the right time scripture says his ways are above our ways thoughts above our thoughts even as heaven is above the earth so are his ways above our ways it's not often that i think god you you answered me at just the right time sometimes i thank god you've answered me a day too late but this scripture says that god spoke and said at just the right time i heard you at just the right time this time thing is very difficult for us human beings to grapple with especially when faced with a situation that we can't get ourselves out of faced with a storm that we can't get through walking through a valley of the shadow of death that we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and we think where is god i've prayed i have fasted i've gone to church i've continued i'm marching i'm fighting i'm doing everything i know to do why has he not heard me and god says well it's at the right time that i hear you at just the right time i have heard you sometimes i feel like david when he wrote in psalm 102 and two he said god don't hide your face from me in the day of my trouble incline your ear to me in the day that i call answer me speedily you ever feel like that because after living for god long enough you kind of get to know his ways a little bit even though his ways are still beyond us we kind of get to know his pattern a little bit and we know man i'm right in the middle of trouble and i know that he's going to answer but i want him to answer now i know that i'm going to be thankful when he does answer but i don't want to go through this one more moment i want him to answer now david said don't hide your face from me in the day of my trouble i know how you are god you'll make me feel like i'm all alone in this i know i'm not alone but you'll hide and make me feel like i'm alone you might be right next to me but you'll hide making me feel like i've got to get through this by myself don't hide your face from me in the middle of my trouble incline your ear man what audacious faith for david to say position yourself where you can hear me i know you've got universes to worry about i know you've got other nations and continents to listen to but listen to me incline your ear to me watch this in the day that i call answer me speedily don't answer me tomorrow answer me when i call i don't want to look back and say well hindsight is 20 20. i don't want to look back and realize and say oh that's why you did that i want you to answer now you ever feel like that oh boy it's funny because that same psalmist david wrote in psalm 46 that god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble sometimes he seems like a future help in present trouble jesus when he gave his parables in his life he gave parables and his parables were always a reflection of his kingdom of heaven and one of his parables found in luke 18 jesus says that there was a widow that came to an unjust judge and in that city she came to him saying get justice for me from my adversary she had been mistreated misaligned unfairly treated and she comes to the judge and says you've got to get justice from me from my adversary and scripture speaks concerning the judge's response and says he would not for a while he would not respond to her for a while but afterward he said within himself though i do not fear god nor regard man yet because this widow troubles me i will avenge her lest by her continual coming she wears me out now notice he's telling you about an unjust judge and saying if this unjudged unjust judge would eventually respond to this lady because of her persistence and consistency how much more would god respond to his children this unjust judge would not respond to her immediately in her time of trouble but eventually he would respond and in verse 7 it says that the lord says and shall god not avenge his own elect or his own children who cry out day and night to him though he bears long with them notice what jesus is teaching he says will not god also responded his own children who pray and cry day and night even though he bears long with them even though he's enduring a long while with them why would he not just answer the first day though god bears long with you through day and night of toiling and crying and praying and fasting and seeking and pushing and fighting and struggling says though god bears long with you if you continue to the next verse it says i tell you that he will avenge them speedily everybody say speedily he says though god would bear along with his children i don't know about you but when my son starts crying my god i either want to give him what he wants or give him what he don't want you know what i mean i can't stand the crying i can't stand the whining sometimes i say baby this is your turn you gotta take care of this i gotta go i gotta go hide out i can't stand the crying and the whining and the complaining somebody say amen but it says god will bear long through your cry god will wait with you he will wait while you wait he will endure while you endure he will stand still while you stand still he may not answer when you when you call he may not answer when you cry he may not answer when you plead but he's waiting with you and when the fullness of time comes for him to answer you it says he will avenge them speedily he'll wait a long while with you but when it's time to open up the floodgates of heaven and pour you out a blessing get ready baby the blessing's on the way it amazing that in jesus last sermon if you will his last discourse with his disciples after he has been killed persecuted crucified resurrected and the moment i mean the minute before he ascends into heaven he gives him one final sermon and in acts chapter 1 verse 4 it says and being assembled together with them he commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait count it that's a four-letter word right there w-a-i-t that is a four-letter word in fact that that four-letter word is a lot worse than some other four-letter words that we don't say i don't like that word weight i hate that word weight in fact i'd rather put on weight than to wait i'd rather have w-e-i-g-h-t than w-a-i-t come on somebody i just don't like waiting don't tell me to wait don't tell me to be patient don't tell me it's on its way i'm impatient [Applause] and he has the audacity after they've been waiting for hundreds of years for the promise his last words to them keep waiting just keep waiting we've been waiting jesus in fact we've been waiting so long my great great great great great great grandparents have died waiting then my great-great-great-grandparents and my great-great-grandparents and my great-grandparents and my grandparents and my parents they've all died they're dead they died waiting for what we're waiting for and you've got the audacity to prophesy and promise and tell us wait hey we've been waiting somebody said we've been waiting john just keep on waiting and don't leave jerusalem see that's the problem is that people don't know how to wait and not depart he said don't depart in the weight don't backslide in the weight oh don't lose your faith in the process of waiting don't lose your joy while you're waiting don't lose your worship while you're waiting do not depart but wait that's why most people depart because they've been waiting they don't know how to keep waiting he says don't depart stay here don't leave don't lose your faith but just keep waiting we've been waiting i grew up in sunday school hearing about the promise hearing about the revival hearing about the harvest i remember when rabbi so and so he taught me that one day we wouldn't have to live vicariously through the high priest who could go into the shekinah glory one day a year and then come out and tell us what it's like i remember rabbi sister so-and-so and rabbi brothers so-and-so when we were in jewish sunday school and they'd say man one day it's gonna be awesome one day we're not just gonna have to live through the high priest and his experience with the holy ghost one day we're all going through the veil one day we're all going through the veil one day we're all going to be like high priest one day we're all going to experience the shekinah glory one day we're all going to be filled with the holy ghost and it's not just going to be on the day of atonement it's not just going to be one day a year but every day we can we're going to get to go through the veil every day we're going to get to go to him every day we're going to get to step into the holiest of holies i remember year after year lesson after lesson bible study after bible study just keep waiting just keep believing just keep praying i feel like we've lost so much time i feel like we've lost so much ground just waiting that's why through the penmanship of the prophet joel god inspired him to begin to prophesy about this harvest of the spirit this outpouring of the spirit and before he said in the last days i'll pour out my spirit the prophet joel began to write i see a people who are going to rend their hearts and not their garments and sorrow but their hearts in repentance and they're going to turn to god with all of themselves with weeping with fasting with prayer with mourning people are going to repent to god he continues on and then says this and i see a great work of restoration he said for god we'll restore to you the years you have lost sometimes it feels like we've lost a lot of time waiting i've lost a lot of time waiting god if you had done this back then what more could i have done now come on somebody god if you had saved if you had saved my children back then what could they have done over the last 10 years why did you wait until their deathbed to save them why did you wait until the later in my life to fulfill this promise god if you had done this for me when i was young i wouldn't have lost all that time but the joel the prophet joel says god's going to restore to you the time the years that you have lost meaning with the time that you've got left god's going to do more through that time than the time you've lost i remember i remember an elderly man i was asked to go pray for him in hospice he was on his death bed his name was pierre 75 years old and i went to his death bed i went to his bedside and i said pierre let's talk buddy we got to have a bible study he had just been baptized in jesus name his body was eaten up with cancer he couldn't hardly see because of the cancer anymore he couldn't hardly talk they gave him hours maybe a few days to live and i sat on his bedside i said did you just get baptized in jesus name he said yes i did i said what caused you to do that you know at this stage of your life he said well when i was a young boy i was sprinkled in the titles father son holy ghost and the priest said you're saved you're always saved and he said well praise god i don't have to go to this boring church anymore he said i didn't go to church the rest of my life because the priest said i'm saved i don't ever have to do anything i always be saved he said but here i am years later after traveling the world and the navy and he said i've committed every sin in the book is exactly what his words were he said now here i am full of cancer my son walks in and says dad we need to have a bible study about baptism he said there is only salvation in the name of jesus and he showed me the scriptures about baptism in jesus name and he said i was convinced he said well you've got to get me to a baptist tree i've got to be baptized he said we got a release from the hospice and they let me leave the hospice for a few hours we went to the church this was just outside of houston texas he said they baptized me in jesus name i said well what do you know about being baptized with the holy ghost the spirit of god he said i don't know much about it i said let me tell you about it i gave him a 10 minute bible study on the holy ghost he was excited i said are you ready he said man i'm ready but the only problem is god ain't going to give it to me i said why not he said remember i've committed just about every sin in the book he said man i've been a terrible person i've committed to have just about every sin there is god can't give me the holy ghost i said well the lord said i've come to seek and save those who are lost i said if you're lost he didn't say how lost you could be or how lost you couldn't be he didn't define the capacity of your lost he didn't define the capacity of your darkness that he would reach into he didn't define the capacity of your sin and of your state of confusion if you're lost he's looking for you pierre got convinced and i saw tears streaming down his cheeks i went over and stood by his bedside laid my hand on his head and in a whisper he couldn't speak as loud as i am right now but in a whisper i heard another language coming out of his mouth and i put my ear up real close and he was speaking in tongues and next thing you know this this almost dead man was shaking like this and i thought dear god he's going out i thought i don't want them to come in and see my hand on him while he breathes his last breath i stepped back and this man supposed to be full of faith chris green i said pierre are you okay he looked up i remember he just opened his left eye like this he said oh bubba i'm great keep on praying i paid i put my hand right back on his head he started speaking in tongues again when he finished i said pierre tell me what happened to you he said i don't know how to explain it he said but i felt like i was just one on one with god i was standing with jesus he said i couldn't see him i couldn't see the clarity of who he was but i was standing with him he said and he touched me and when he touched me he said i started speaking words that are not in my vocabulary he said what is that i said that's the holy ghost you've just received the holy ghost two days later i got the phone call that pierre had passed on here's what's so amazing about that pierre could not bribe god with the years he had left he couldn't say oh god if you'll save me now i'll give you the next 25 years he couldn't say that but god doesn't need your bribery your negotiation god doesn't need your time while pierre could not say i'll give you my next 25 years god said i'll give you all of eternity you don't have to have 25 years if you just have oh david said let everything that has breath if you've got breath that means you've got a second and you've got enough time to cry out to god and say god this might be my last breath but with my last i give you all that i've got don't you think that it's too late for you it's not too late for a god who exists outside of time he's the beginning and the end he's the first and the last it's not too late for you god said at just the right time you thought it was too late but i said it's just the right time it's funny because even in the ministry of jesus he proved to us that he can do more in an instant than we can do in a lifetime his first miracle of turning water into wine i don't have time to go into all the details but i'll tell you what i i'm not a wine partaker myself but i know they say that wine gets better with age and with time but yet jesus said fill up the water pots even though he had told his mom my hour my time has not come a good mother she did what she's supposed to do she didn't listen to her son he said woman what does this have to do with me my time ain't yet it was like it went in one ear out the other she didn't even respond to him she told the servants do what he says to do anything in a his time but i'm his mama he might be the king but i'm the mom mom trump's king [Laughter] she said oh he thinks it ain't his time but i'ma declare it's his time right now he she said do what he says to do he's fine fine fine i fill up the water pots pour it out into the cups now they say it takes time to make wine got to go through the process they say if you want to find wine you got to wait some long time you got to wait some months some years some wines i guess are sold centuries later after aging for a while but jesus gave them the best wine in an instant the master of the feast even said you have saved the best line the best wine not until last like we preached he said you saved the best wine until now see jesus proved in his first miracle what you can't do in a lifetime i can do in an instant later in his ministry he had some friends they called him up a couple of sisters mary and martha she said my brother's sick you're only two miles away man we heard that you were just in bethany two miles away can you get over here real quick get on that donkey right over here hover over here fly whatever you gotta do get over here now our brother is sick nearly to death jesus stayed there in bethany just two miles away in fact if you read it in john chapter 11 it says in verse 6 that when he heard that he was sick his friend lazarus jesus stayed two more days in the place where he was the present help in time of trouble delaying his arrival see what jesus realizes that we don't realize is sometimes repaired problems bring more revelation than prevented problems that was okay i'm sorry it's it's early should have saved that one for sunday night after you got your nap i said sometimes repaired problems bring more revelation than prevented problems what revelation is there in a prevented problem you didn't know there was a problem if he prevented it okay okay you're starting to get it but watch this how many times have you got home and started running the aisles of your house and said he prevented me from getting in a wreck what wreck he prevented it you didn't know what was going to happen until he prevented it and so you don't see the revelation of who he is unless he lets you go through the problem get in the wreck nearly die and then he repairs it then when he repairs the problem you say my god we nearly died i was on my last leg i was about to go out but jesus he stayed two more days where he was verse seven then after that afterwards almost a four letter word after he said to the disciples all right let's go it's time now the disciples said to him rabbi lately the jews sought to stone you and you want to go there again in verse 14 jesus said plainly to him lazarus is dead verse 15 and i'm glad present help in the time of trouble i wasn't there when you called me i didn't show up when you prayed and i'm glad i'm glad i didn't answer you when you called i'm glad i hid my face when you were in the valley i'm glad watch this for your sakes that i was not there that you may believe i'm about to repair this problem to give you a revelation if i had prevented the problem if i had sent an angel to lazarus and kept that sickness from him you wouldn't have known i had anything to do with it but now that he's dead let's go to him and martha shows up with her past and future faith and forgets about the present martha says jesus if you had oh don't shake your head and resentment towards martha we've all been there if you had been here if you had answered me yesterday if you had answered my prayer last year if you had kept us out of this mess my children wouldn't have backslid if they hadn't seen the marriage falling apart if they hadn't seen the situations we faced our children wouldn't be dead right now our children wouldn't be lost right now if you had been here she had yesterday faith and jesus prophesies and said he's going to rise again and she shows him her future faith and says i know he'll rise again on the day of resurrection in the future when everybody's resurrected she could believe him for yesterday and believe him for tomorrow but couldn't believe him for right now can i get a head nodder in the house to say that's me oh that's me pastor because i can say my god we used to have revival you should have seen the services we used to have you should have seen the outpouring we used to have and then i believe in future tense oh god's going to do it one day you just watch one day it's coming it's around the corner just keep believing but i want to have right now faith that says god it's just the right time and you said now is the day of salvation i believe for now when she presents her past faith and her future faith jesus looks her square in the face and says martha i am the resurrection right now not just i was and not just i will be but right now i am the resurrection and the life and though he were dead yet shall he live we're going to stop and pray right now lift up your hands in this place i believe now i believe now i know you were and i know you will be but i believe right now if you keep reading the story you find in verse 33 where jesus was weeping and groaning troubled in his spirit you think he doesn't care because he didn't show up when it happened he said no i'm groaning with you i'm weeping with you i have pain like you have pain i feel what you feel verse 35 jesus wept verse 37 even the people looking at him said or in verse 36 they said see how this man loved lazarus verse 37 watch notice what they said couldn't this man who opened the eyes of the blind also have kept the man from dying yeah i could have prevented it but i'm about to resurrect it i could have prevented your trouble but i'm about to resurrect your anointing in the midst of trouble i could have kept you from making those mistakes but i'm about to resurrect your promise in the face of your demise i could have kept you from walking away but i'm about to bring you back greater than you ever imagined jesus gets up to the tomb and says take away the stone and martha said jesus by this time there's a stench he stinks it's too late it stinks it's too far gone it's been gone too long it's been lost too long you should have been here earlier and jesus said didn't i say to you that if you believe you would see the glory of god you don't have to see how it's going to work out you have to believe it's going to work out and then see the glory of god and they took away the stone from that place where the dead man was lying and jesus lifted up his eyes watch what he said this is a revelation to me he said father i thank you that you have heard me he heard you the urge he heard every prayer you prayed he heard every sorrow of groaning he heard every weeping every tear every sleepless night he heard it but watch what he says and now and he says i know that you always hear me but because of the people who are standing by i said this that they may believe that you sent me i know you heard me but you didn't answer me yet because i'm about to reveal who i am to these people when he said these things he cried with a loud voice laser has come forth jesus didn't have to give the dead man a 12-step program of how to come alive again [Laughter] jesus didn't say you got a terry there a long time before my anointing saturates you enough jesus didn't say we've got to call for the elders of all the upc and pray for you and if you're lucky god's going to bring you out no no no no no god delayed his arrival god delayed his deliverance god delayed his miraculous but when god showed up he said get him out of the tomb get out of the grave and the next verse says when he said these things he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes and his face wrapped with a cloth and jesus said to them loose him and let him go he's free he's delivered he's healed he's restored he is resurrected lift up your hands in this place right now i feel the holy ghost ministering to somebody in this place had just the right time at just the right time i didn't prevent it but i'm about to resurrect it i didn't stop it from happening but i'm about to turn it around i'm about to bring you out i feel the gift of faith in this place right now though he bear along with you you see it may take a long time to get an answer but when he answers it's immediate at just the right time stand your feet all over this house jesus said disciples i want you to do one last thing don't depart from jerusalem and wait they waited for hundreds of years for this promise jesus said just wait a little bit longer they had no idea when it would happen jesus said in fact when they asked when he said it's not for you to know the times or the seasons it's not for you to understand the timing my provision stop worrying about the time next verse says but you shall receive power after that my spirit has come upon you that's all you got to know that's all you got to know don't worry about how long you've been praying and how far your family may be walking away in the midst of your waiting all you got to know is that when i answer you're going to have power and the next chapter says that when the day of pentecost was fully come they did not wake up that morning saying this is it this is acts chapter 2 verse 1 guys this is the day they woke up that day just like any other day is it today is it tomorrow they might have believed a little bit for today maybe they had more belief for tomorrow than they had for today but the scripture says when the day of pentecost was fully come they were in one place and one mind in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a what a as of a what come on somebody shouted as of a rushing it took hundreds of years for him to answer but when he did he said i'm rushing i'm in a rush to get to you are you in a hurry to leave because i'm in a hurry to get to you i told this in the morning service i want to share it here that right at about the time the covet shut down all this stuff happened i was in ohio preached a youth rally stayed over on sunday to preach at brother keller's church i was done we had prayed for people we had several get the holy ghost and i was leaving he got my attention he said can you pray for these two teenage girls they're first-time visitors i hadn't even noticed them i said of course he said they're first-time visitors that's all i knew when i went to pray for them found out later that their foster sisters they had just been moved into the same foster home that week and here they were crying teenage girls 16 17 years old i went and prayed for them i'm telling you in an instant they received the holy ghost and were baptized in jesus name and when they came after being baptized i was waiting for them and when they came out i said i want to hear your testimony and they said what testimony i said you know the story that got you here that you were embarrassed and ashamed of the story the story of your past it's now a testimony i said i want to hear that how'd you get here the first girl started and said two weeks ago i committed suicide i overdosed on some pills taking my own life i was tired of living my mother found me in my room no heartbeat no no breathing the ambulance got there in time and resuscitated my body i was in the hospital for 10 days when they called my mom to pick me up my mom said she's not my daughter anymore i don't want anything to do with her she said the sheriff of the county came and picked me up took me to this foster home and i can't get a hold of my mom the other girl she said in the last 18 months i've been moved throughout the state of ohio to seven or eight different foster homes she said 18 months ago my dad was placed in prison for life on a life sentence due to a murder that he had committed she said that day my mother abandoned me and my brother she left home drove away she said a week later i walked into my brother who her brother was younger than her 14 or 15. she said i walked in to my brother's room and found him dead he had committed suicide [Music] he said they've moved me all over the state she said we've never been to church before neither has our foster mom but this morning our mom our foster mom walked in and said girls get up and get dressed we're going to go find jesus today she said find jesus we got dressed and got in the car and we said where are we going what church are we going to she said i don't know but the lord will lead us to the right place she said this is the first church that the lord led us to and when we came in here and we all started singing she said it felt like someone was just giving us a hug she said we felt this love that we've never felt before they didn't know the scriptures they didn't know the doctrines they didn't know acts 2 38 they didn't know any of this stuff but they were feeling something they had never felt before and could not resist a response to what they were feeling they came to the front and i'm telling you god's honest truth i don't even know if i was able to lay hands upon them before in an instant god filled both of them with the holy ghost and we baptized him in jesus name at just the right time i heard you at just the right time i heard you at just the right time i heard your prayer he said behold today behold now is that time now is your day of salvation i want everybody to hear this word of faith from this preacher that jesus told them to wait before he poured out his spirit but now that his spirit has been poured out the wait is over his spirit is available for you right now his deliverance is available for you right now would you lift up your hands in this house as your hands are lifted would you begin to stretch out your voice of faith as a response to god come on lift up your voice above those hands right now under the heavens come on lift up your voice of faith lift up your voice of surrender to god come on just another moment i'll give instruction here in a second but right now just lift up your voice just lift up your voice there's people right now receiving the gift of the holy ghost there's people right now receiving the gift of the holy ghost speaking with other tongues lift up your voice church god is filling people with his spirit even now even now even now even now at just the right time [Music] in the name of jesus i want you to come to this altar everybody under the sound of my voice i want to open this place right here i want you to come with faith surrender yourself respond to the presence of god right now i want you to step out of your pew out of your seat and i want you to come out if you're comfortable coming today i want you to come with faith i want you to come believing and when you get down to this place i want you to press in and lift up your hands to god lift up your hands under the heavens i want you to open your heart unto the word of the lord that has been spoken to you today come on from the front to the back from the front to the back i want you to come hallelujah jesus we're getting ready to sing and worship but we're also getting ready to receive an outpouring of god's love of god's spirit today oh yes oh yes [Music] just take a moment and thank god for hearing you at just the right time [Music] come on what do you got to give to god today what do you have to give the lord today why don't you give them your praise and your worship [Music] oh yes [Music] let's sing that for a moment i'm gonna give instruction here in a second but i just feel the seeing in worship right now let's sing this song come on let's worship the lord for a moment i see you man i see a move oh yes come on all over this house lift up your hands all over this house lift up your voice [Music] [Music] the power of the holy ghost [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is stepping [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah jesus i feel such a faith in this house right now we would normally ask people to come up who have never received the gift of god's spirit the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues we had at least three people in the first service receive this gift with the evidence of speaking in other tongues i i spoke to one young lady i said god's spirit is invisible how would we know if we received it unless he gave us a sign a tangible sign of evidence and i didn't choose the tongue god chose the tongue but what an instrument that god chose to reveal his work of salvation his love his mercy his grace the thing that we use to cut people down the bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue the bible says that our tongue is full of deadly poison that nobody can control and god said i will use the tongue as evidence of my salvation my hope my deliverance and so as i say we would normally just move everybody out and say come up but i feel there's a faith that we're going to have people receive it all over this room right now if you have never received the spirit of god the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues like the bible says would you just lift a hand or lift both hands there's a lady right here not you you not you she's got it would you lift a hand lift a hand keep your hand up if you can if it gets tired raise the other hand this lady in the pink dress had her hand up anybody right here this young man right here i'm pointing them out because we have prayer warriors all over this church and i want you to position yourself with somebody who's got their hand raised anybody over here you've never received the baptism of the holy ghost speaking in other tongues if your hand is down that says i have received it i have spoken in other tongues if you haven't received that gift would you raise a hand you want to experience the love of god like you've never experienced just raise a hand right over here anybody in this section this is the saved section right here anybody over here if you've got your hand raised somebody's going to come and pray with you right now amen amen amen raise your hand if you've never received the baptism of god's spirit there's one here there was a lady back there and a pink dress if anybody wants to go stand with her anybody else anybody else maybe you're not sure maybe you're thinking i might have received it but i don't know if i've ever spoken in tongues before would you raise a hand right now amen amen hallelujah jesus we got to get more people in here that haven't received the holy ghost let's do it what do you say church let's do it amen we've got people stationed with those that are about to receive the holy ghost and before we pray i want to invite those who have never been baptized in the waters of the name of jesus christ we have a baptistry right behind this screen we have robes you can change into changing rooms towels i mean it is like the ritz carlton back there huh it is amazing it's all set up ready for you to be baptized having all of your sins washed away if you have never been baptized in jesus name we're ready for you and this is the right time for you to be baptized you find somebody that looks like they're a part of this church and you just go to them and say hey i want to be baptized right now in jesus name and we will make it happen for you today one more time all over the sanctuary we've not even been in this altar for 10 minutes yet isn't that crazy we've not even been praying for 10 minutes yet we've had an hour and a half or whatever of church we need to have just a little bit of prayer you're dismissed when you want to go but we got some people that have some needs and want to pray and press into the power of the holy ghost if you want to press into his spirit why don't you lift up your hands right now and we're going to pray for those to receive the holy ghost and pray for you for you to know by faith that god has answered you we're going home different than we came why don't you lift up your voice right now by the power of the name of jesus by the authority of the word of god be filled with the holy ghost in jesus name hallelujah come on let there be a shout in this place let there be a shout in this place [Music] [Music] i believe [Applause] i've seen [Music] see [Music] your away always making away [Music] always
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 3,186
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: sTTLbBHsef4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 20sec (3200 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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