Bishop Billy H. Cole preaching "The Power Of Speaking The Word Of Faith" 1993 Landmark Conference

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let's give that a head freeze under the [Applause] [Music] and you may be seated [Music] thanks B under God I trust that you are receiving what you need to receive the sweetie I know a lot of people have really been praying and seeking God now that you would be blessed in the off and this means praise God I personally deeply appreciate everything everything that I have heard I arrived here Tuesday and 3 p.m. for the last afternoon service and I have not missed a single service sense and I have deeply appreciated but I have heard in this praise God [Music] I've been able to fellowship some of the most precious people of God this meeting and I thank God for that and I may use too much time making compliments concerning landmark in the local church school college staff it's possible for me to use too much time but it would be impossible for me to appreciate them too much and I deeply appreciate the staff church that makes landmark possible and what they are doing and the anointing of the Lord and he certainly enjoyed the challenging remarks of brother citizen great wonderful godly man that we deeply appreciate he didn't tell you this but under his leadership our constituency has grown 300% somebody's doing something right you may not be doing everything right we're doing something right praise God are you aware every single day there is a brand new United Pentecostal church opened three new churches every got a wonderful phone call I was very distressed and my trip was overwhelming me I'm finding a trip the middle of February be leading on Monday morning the 15th of February and after many days of travel I will arrive in the rokka rokka Papa New Guinea and now the system has already mentioned to you we are expecting over 7,000 people in that meeting who needs the baptism of the Holy Ghost and brother decade called my wife the other day and she wanted to be she wants to be sure I was coming he said sister called there are thousands and top and I trust that you will be praying that God will pour out his spirit then I shall be going on to Thailand for their national conference which I do every year and then from there on to north-east india and we are expecting we're between five and seven thousand people in that meeting who does not have the Holy Ghost expecting a mighty outpouring of the Holy Ghost at that meeting and then there from there to Ethiopia for the crusade there takes days and days of travel the Crusades are only two days long but it takes days to get to them you know good fishing holes are hard to get to and brother takla Miriam called about a week ago and he said brother Cole there are so there is so much excitement because of the crusade last year that we are spec expecting upwards of 300,000 in attendance this year last year it covered six football fields touching each other just standing shoulder to shoulder touching each other we made a little count of a square meter and it was over eight people per square meter and it was 200 meters wide and 150 meters D so figure it up and behind the platform it was over ten thousand people standing in the street behind the platform and they're expecting more than twice that much this year only God in heaven knows what may happen in that meeting I was deeply troubled by all of this made a lot of plans that just didn't seem to be working out I was so distressed over this I am I am very subject I am very open I'm like I opened I have no secrets and one of my problems is I have given to depression I suffer severe depressions severe depressions and I was in such a depression and I locked the doors of my office and I was suffocated with this trip people counts tensely not going and things not working and I was suffocating with it and my wife was downstairs who was a great woman of God and she came up to the door and knocked on my door and she looked me straight in the face and she said the anointing of the Holy Ghost is upon me and I promise I do you Billy Cole you had peace God is working this all out and God it's choosing the moving will because he's going to do something on this trip like you have never seen before [Applause] [Laughter] very slow well I got the good news you know brother system said there's just not enough money I felt it was the will of God for brother system to go I felt like it was a will of God for him to speak every day in that meeting and he told me he what go available you have to be conscious about the business you can't just be fully should breakfast about business and when sister Cole walked out of that office she shut the door and the phone rang and it was brother sysem he said I've changed my mind [Laughter] so he is going and I appreciate that so very very much appreciate the wonderful power of God that he has with him there is an anointing upon his life someone said brother Kol you're talking too much about this no I'm not the cardinal sin of the United Pentecostal church it's our silent tongues toward men of God and that's the reason we are not having revival we are struggling along and in the last ten years in the United Pentecostal church here in the United States we have grown 10 percent we are 10 percent larger than we were 10 years ago and there are many of our churches that are much smaller than they were 10 years ago and you don't need to call on me if you want me to get here and do a lot of rhetoric and say a lot of stuff that's a bunch of baloney I'm not going to do it Timothy isn't doing a man and there is a reason it's not because we don't love God it's not because we don't really love each other it's our attitude toward each other you can pull the man out of the United States who is not accomplishing very much picked him up and put him in a different atmosphere in a foreign country somewhere and great things happen he doesn't love God more he doesn't preach better the difference is the people's attitude toward [Applause] we are no longer coping with satanic power so much I love to fight with the devil those are always with and it's not arrogance that is knowledge someone said brother Kol aren't you afraid to attack the devil absolutely [Applause] that is not of the works and the song service and worship was already over and the lady walked through the doors and the pastor leaned over to me and said that woman is fall of the dock I said well if she's full we can take care of her in back seconds won't even have to touch her but a pitch flash it'll take you 20 years [Applause] and there is not a nation of recapping just a little bit there's not a nation in the Western world where Satan's power has been more thoroughly broken than in the United States of America and Canada the war is not with the death is between [Applause] and we're going to have to be able to discern between flesh power and satanic power the man that came forward in the service last night as a seeker and fell on the floor he was an ambassador of the devil he was sent to hinder for the tenons message I sense it Newton for the workers came out here we have got to learn to be able to recognize satanic power and flesh top amen Satan can distract us that's his purpose that's his only power is to distract us or to interject thought into our money Satan jack destroys he can cause us to self-destruct I remember going to Bombay was and at that time the only person in that church who had the Holy Ghost was the pastor even his wife did not have the Holy Ghost and he had five men that were baptized and I went there for the purpose of helping them pray through praying through the Holy Ghost and we had the porch for tiny little apartments for teeny tiny little apartments and they had a common porch and that's what we was going to have church it was a people crammed in there when you're big as I am you get a lot of attention today so we had at least a hundred people crammed on that porch and brother Charmin I stepped into one of the apartments and they was entertaining and when I stepped out of the apartment to the pulpit there was a woman in the back that screeched and screen and those Hindu people they know how to recognize demon power they understand it and they recognize it and they're afraid of it but they recognize it and immediately two men took the whole of her they knew that she was possessed with many many devils and she rose up screechie at the top of her voice and when she did it took the hold of her and she picked both of those we had ran up off of the floor screaming and I told the interpreter I will step back into this apartment and when I do she'll climb down and when she quietens down you put her in the room and lock the door and then we're gonna have Church was to get my attention and for me to give my attention to him and forget about what I stand for he tried to get my attention off of that but when I step back she quieted right now they put her in the room and all five of those make us home the ghosts [Applause] after the service we went over there and dealt with her and her stomach started to swell her stomach just swelled up greatly and it moved up her body and came into her chest and her chest swelled to her bones cracked and then it moved into her throat and her throat swelled out much much larger than her head and when it did use the voice of the devil you see very gruff male voice and said you do not have authority over me [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the work has been left without leadership and due to the world war two missionaries had to leave some very very very precious people remain but they got into some strange things family took me there and that was a wonderful trip together we had to have two cars because and we got to the conference that was about a hundred of them the system was there a hundred about a hundred and not a chair in the house except for me and him and they all sit on the floor and I got up to speak for today and just as I started to speak it's very beautiful 70s woman fell over on the floor stiffens up 2 percent and instantly they all agreed that she was possessed to the devil now they were very courageous but they were very afraid there's only four or five preachers and they were very afraid but they were very courageous and the sages were around this woman and she just laid there on the floor stiff stiff like at 2:06 [Music] [Applause] and those days I used to be very diplomatic I attempt the assistant superintendent on the shoulder and I said did you invite me over here why'd you take this meeting away from me more I used to be very diplomatic you know for the settlement brother today all I'm working on you know we love office taluk things but we don't like apostolic methods we want everybody to do apostolic things after they have graduated from Dale Carnegie school upon win friends and influence [Applause] my results y'all like you better [Applause] and I said give me six ladies to pick this woman up over here in the room and they all followed me over there in October what was it brother's name oh he was precious Jonathan Davies dead dollars and there's great revival in Sri Lanka - under the leadership of brother Prince Mathias 2000 so we took her in the room and I told him I said now you interpret every single word did I say don't change it don't had nothing to it don't take nothing away I said this is a very beautiful woman and she knows and she's wanting our attention this is not demon possession this is flesh so this is the way we're going to handle it and he's interpreting okay this is the way we're going to handle it we're going to leave her in this room and lock the door and we're not going to let her out of here for two days and we're not going to give her nothing to eat and just as soon as he interpreted that she was [Applause] for the citizens and thank you brother Cole last year they prayed for her non-stop 36 hours in the United States of America our battle is not against Satan his back is thoroughly broken in the united states of about our battle his flesh why has the Stockton Church prevailed so do they love God more than you do I doubt it very seriously did they trade more than you do they sing more than you I doubt it very seriously do they understand people better than we do [Music] it may not sound Ganesha the devil is extremely rampant in Asia in Hinduism and Shintoism they see visible materializations of the devil there in temples I've seen you can't have a meeting an evangelistic meeting in India without someone being in the meeting that is so possessed of the devil to convulse and tear themselves it's everywhere but the devil in Asia is exceedingly weak he is just big he is big and he is unchallenged the only reason we haven't taken Asia is because we have not done it's so wicked engine but he's something and he's uncharged the very seat and Thrones you talk about powerful notes but their back is broken too because the political world always reflects what is happening in the spiritual and so what has happened over there in the political world is a reflection of what has happened in the spirit world in Europe they was able to hold that in an absolute vine for 50 years some of us will choose to continue doing what we're doing in some cases not very much they will respond they will response praise God well that is free I understand the one yesterday wants to [Applause] the difference between us and them they've learned how to do it the Word of God I want you to pray for these Kmart suspenders [Applause] we could make the front page of the newspaper [Applause] by the help of the Lord I want to pass on to you a revelation that I believe that God has given to me I believe that God has given me a revelation and an insight into the scripture of understanding of the scripture and if we can somehow grasp this revelation it's going to take away your frustration concerning the vision that the Lord has given to you I'm going to try by the help of the Lord help you to understand a little more about the ways of God and how he works praise the Lord and my subject for today is the power of speaking the word of faith the power of speaking the word of pain if you turn with me to the book of blue chapter 18 Luke chapter 18 mechanic with verse 1 and he spake a parable unto them to this end for this practice that men are always to pray but not to faint God doesn't want you to get discouraged you just want you to talk to him say there wasn't a city a judge which feared not God neither regarded man there was a window in that city a widow in that city she came up to him saying avenge me of my adversary and he would not for a while but afterward he said within himself though I fear not God nor regard man yet because this Widow troubled me I will avenge her less fiber continually coming she weary me and the Lord said hear what the unjust judge and shall not God avenge his own elect and shall not God avenge his own elect when they cry day and night unto him though he bear long with them would you say that with me now verse 8 verse 8 seems to be an absolute total contradiction to what he has just said now remember he has just said though he bear love with day and then in verse 8 that people have finished them speedily do you have any father I thank you for your very precious people and these precious man minister's creatures the bangles seats of God dedicated for God that loves you with all of their hearts have gathered into this sanctuary and I pray Lord God that you shall touch their minds to receive the word of the Lord today may there not be a single person offended by the Word of God both those things that I have already spoken and those things that I will speak today in Jesus name and I have sworn that [Music] [Applause] everyone said amen Jesus use a parable here of two characters that are totally opposite of each other first of all he uses a very high-ranking person of great status and cloud and prestige a judge furthermore he is not only a judge with great natural lawful authority but he is a ruthless man he is very very ruthless and he is not concerned about what people are worrying about he even declared that he had little or no respect for God he said I do not respect God I do not fear God or I do not respect God now here is a ruthless man with political authority he has within his power the power of life and death with just one single decision he can make a man rich or he can make him absolute poverty-stricken he has that kind of authority away from him this is a man respects and fears and though they may not love him believe me they speak to him properly and call him your honor and when he walks into the room they stand up he was a man of prestige and power he had a terrible attitude towards other men he said I don't regard and I have no regard for man there's some people in the church or that say that let me tell you something that is one stinkin attitude what the least person in the church that I pastor things I may not submit to their opinion would I get in this pulpit it's my opinion that you have invited me to bring you something from God and I'm not gonna let you intimidate me I'm going to speak what God wants me to speak but I want you to know that there's not a human being in this place that I don't regard I do regard I respect you I am concerned but your opinion and what you're talking about righteous people it's not condemning to compliment the righteous people amen but that was the attitude that this judge did on the other hand Jesus uses an example of a person that is extremely weak not weak in our current culture here in America you're not weak just because you're a widow in America widows can keep good jobs they have good jobs and they have prestige that you get as much education as any man can get and they can hold down just as good a job and do a lot of things in our current culture in fact I shook hands with a woman the other day a widowed lady who is making $80,000 a year well that's more than nothing I couldn't make that much if you stingy cuts it loosen up a little bit [Applause] but in the time of Jesus Christ women girls never even went to school girls could not read and women in that culture was totally dependent first of all on their father or their husband they couldn't go down to some store and get a sales job I worked in the factory somewhere there was just nothing for them when their husband died they were hopeless status wise they were on the bottom of the totem pole they were nothing in that society people wouldn't even speak so Jesus has taken these two characters of extreme opposites to show us a beautiful principle about the Lord and how he works a man and she prevailed she was determined she had in her heart and mind that she was going to have her situation of edge and she was not going to be deterred by it he met Jesus response he's wanting us to understand that he responds to faith and the reason we left many times is because our faith wavers Jesus give us a beautiful example in the seventh chapter of the synturion who had a sick servant and he sent messengers up to there unto Jesus he said please heal my servant and so Jesus decided to do that very thing and he was on his way to the superior the captain of the in the Roman army he was on his way to heal his servant and when the captain seen Jesus he round his house and said you're not worthy I'm not worthy to have you in my house but I do understand Authority I understand authority is understanding the principle of and before God just turned his clam upside down and feel that Gentile servant we have another example that the site Phoenician woman she came to Jesus her daughter was vexed at what would do to heal and the Bible says that Jesus didn't even answer her I wonder what had happened to one of us to her passion say something I said no didn't even answer don't try an American country and then the disciples if you please the district board the price took up the the back they said the super tenant she kept off and then jesus said now Brandis will she and then he said the bread is not for the dogs Jesus called her a dog what if somebody been standing out here in the fourth and when you come in and they say listen this is for precious people of God and we don't want none of your dogs in here I want you said you said all that's alright I know I'm a dog there's some good things going in there and I want to be a part of it and I just want to go in [Applause] not her she said to the Lord even the dog from and he said a break faith now she was she was not a Jew but God turned his whole plan upside down to respond to her [Applause] that's going to help you to get to heaven but it's not gonna move God all the thing you're doing is for missions [Music] even your prayer doesn't move [Music] and you're hoping to pray with me I just can't relate to that please I can show it freshly prayed with something you can get up at 6 a.m. and grow for an hour if you it up praise the Lord worship the Lord in the crises situation I know how to break intercessory prayer but many times what we call intercessory prayer is just intercessory prayer is when it moves deep into your soul and God takes control of your mind and spirit and facilities and the Spirit of God uses your to attack the situation is intercession [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] waste the rest of my life mission around saying a lot of stuff that I'm just supposed to say Lucas I said we're desperate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] touch a button and it's gonna happen praise the Lord hallelujah I know how to preach about the depression of zakat not like I used to pretty quick but I do have to be a look I have a very serious problem that my mind is just like a computer and I could see the negative side of everything within 10 seconds let me give you an example wah wah did a great man of God lock himself into his room for what what we without shade and then come out on Sunday morning and start seeking but gloom and sadness whispers you've sinned there's no he tells me now I have a problem with my mind that I think of the negative side instantaneous and that can become doubt and cause you to question your brother we all go to stuff and it can affect your faith it can really affect your finger and we're all gonna go through struggles I don't care if you've got the Holy Ghost to the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and run an alley you're gonna have storms to go through Jesus one time used the example of a man that built his house on the rock and one that built his house on the sand now I would assume that the interpretation of that is that the one to build his house on the sand was those that were dependent on their own ability their own understanding their own education and the one that was builded on the rock was one that was builded on the word and on Jesus truly born again but I want you to notice that in the scripture if you've probably noticed already maybe that the scripture that describes the storm of the one and the other is exactly the same word for word comma 4 comma period for pity the storm is safe so I don't care who you are or how good you live if it starts raining and you walk out of here and then there is the storm that you go through because you're attached to somebody the Apostle Paul said don't say if you do we're going to get into a terrible storm but he saw him and that somebody said site he had no choice it wasn't very long until the Apostle Paul was in a storm that was so bad that for ten days he couldn't see the moon he couldn't see the Sun and he couldn't see the stars but he was still an apostle but he was an apostle that was in one more mess and finally the storm was so bad that it broke that ship happened to and he was out in the water hanging to a chunk of wood with the sharks and nibbling at his heels to survive but he never stopped and he didn't go through that storm because of his own stupidity he went to it because he was attached to somebody somebody who's got some women down here [Music] come into my office one day good god man even bought a second car so he Church over top of his wife I don't care what time church start she's moving half-hour late second card church on time good came into my office one day just barged into my office without any appointment whatsoever I don't normally that people do that you can't pastor people that don't respect you as much as they respect their doctor or their lawyer and you don't barge into the doctor's office unless it's an emergency into my office [Music] and if you put your arms around that child and you're out of this but it's not Amaro and the devil would take advantage of your dark days when you can't see the Sun the moon and the stars Spirit is speaking and he'll talk to you it by the way that's the only real power he has is to interject thought into your mind he cannot destroy him but he could cause you to self-destruct amen and then of course there is a storm where you just get into it because you're so plastic bullet hitting stubborn the Baggies Jesus the Lord said to John just walk and then about tell about what a kill Jonah said it's so many words because I hate it too so bullheaded and stop I remember one picture I used to visit I loved him like my own flesh-and-blood brother but he was in a place that was totally how the will of God and I pleaded go somewheres and he wouldn't die he stayed with that church over 20 years and finally he left and he's been where he's at now for seven years and he's pastoring one of the largest churches in heaven 30 40 every month receive Domino's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God leave help you ain't Oh some guy told him there gentlemen you better listen this guy you should have seen how I got [Applause] I'm sorry all we believed about but I don't believe this is human being in this building that doesn't believe the Bible the volume there's not a doubt in my mind that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead there's not a doubt in my mind that Jesus is going to talk and catch his chips away so it's gonna be soon it's a matter of interpretation but that's my interpretation probably yours I believe it soon I believe that because the Bible says so well if I could believe God for what happened in the word almost 2,000 years ago and I can believe God for the future why can't I believe God for now they eat repetition though I bear with them what does that mean I'm gonna tell you what it means and I've experienced my own personal life that means that before God starts to do what he said he's going to do he waits long time before he starts but what he stops he moves [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] something without error before the Lord spoke the worlds into existence how long has God been around too big for me to figure out way beyond me forever I can't come in Fred it's a long time and so speaks the words in twin sisters after maybe mayonnaise and maybe billions of years I don't know scientists said to us suddenly that I read something in Newsweek the other day I believe is Newsweek one of the news magazines I read along but it had an article in there that there is more and more and more and more and more evidence every day that it all happened it stinks we believe that long time history was in Egypt and the Lord prophesied to the birds and after they was there for hundred years how long 6 million approximately people walk through the sea in one month symbolic of 6 million people mean baptized the church was down to 3 minutes the whole world belong to the church but God intervened [Applause] [Applause] it's gonna be Sun swiftly how can God do this it's through the act of speaking the word effect I used to preach a sermon I've now put it into many many tapes and I entitled it I used to preach this sermon and I entitled it God is restoring his church in power and I would go through the book of the Acts of the Apostles and read the marathon's not the doctrine with the miracles of the book of the Acts of the Apostles and then I would describe events that I had seen with my own eyes and I have preached that sermon I preached that sermon I don't know how many years down to 25 years I guess someone said brother Kol when you're preaching sermons over how many times you folks save yourself and Sherman's not worth preaching twice probably one one Bridget first time [Applause] seven years and I entitled it God is restoring his church in power I changed the title last year and taught it all the week long in the Louisiana camp meeting I've taught their camp meeting every other year for 12 years now they still laugh at my stories they've heard the other times and I taught this whole week that God has restored his church in power and I deliberately used the word empower and I went through the book of the Acts of the Apostles and is it that certain before I would always say when I came to that point for 3,000 received the Holy Ghost in one service I'd always say for 27 years I said and though I would fall into deep depressions of because I don't like Billy Cole happens what did you do and I would fall into depressions over there but I have never let my face where I live in the dimension to faith and I never let my face waiver not income in myself I don't have a lot of faith in myself but I have faith in gum and that faith does not waver and for 27 years in preaching that one sermon I would always say I have never seen 3,000 get the Holy Ghost in what series of meetings are one service but I would never stop them there is not one single exception I would always say but I shall see it one is people that 3,000 people for 27 years I have said I have spoken the word of faith unweighted there has never been a doubt in my mind for one tenth of one second that someday I would see it and in a to date to see on Thursday night when the invitation went forth there was dirty but when they took names and addresses there was 3034 had received the Holy Ghost [Applause] not a split second of doubt concerning that weeks of doubt of myself depression all kind of stuff but never have I doubted and then I got to calculating then it was just one year ago less two weeks that I had broke the barrier of one hundred receiving the Holy Ghost I had tried all the life preached all over the world see folks get the Holy Ghost and 38 stations right here had stopped it four times I have seen more than 50 people get the Holy Ghost in a single service I've seen 75 I preach read in Harper once and ninety-nine and there was a hundred and eleven seekers and we just said let's pray [Applause] I believe and I think it's very excellent to have at least two witnesses from each one that speaks with tops and I could not break that barrier for years and years and years and then brother today he's here somewhere I think yes invited me to go with him to the Philippines for seminar for the preachers 500 preachers a hundred of their wives was there all week long and then brother tinny asked me to preach the crusade on Sunday they had a combined to say and it was a miraculous thing God miraculously healed sent praise the law and faith was inspired and over 300 received the Holy Ghost that was the first time I had ever seen the barrier of 100 receiving the Holy Ghost in a signal service and then one year later that's two weeks I see three thousand and one year later that's two wings I see thirty dollars [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know here's our problem give me just a few more minutes here is our problem the Lord speaks to us that is going to do something and then out of our own hearts we attach a date to God since what I'm going to do so it's up and then when we speak we say don't want to do so-and-so August the 13th but God meet September the 13th or November the 13th and so August the 13th arrives and it doesn't happen and here goes our fake right and we are full of unbelief September the 13th arrived we're so full of unbelief God can't do what to do so if God had spoken to you and you sure the Lord has then speak it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that's speaking the word of fate [Applause] [Music] even Jesus he was hanging on the cross [Music] God is my father when he came to God as a young man he was already an adult man but buried on his hero and his God was Jack Dempsey he used to get down on his knees when I was six years old seven years old and if I would cry he'd whip me but his hero before he got the Holy Ghost with Jack tips and he has told me a hundred times about seeing the fight with FERPA and Firpo Hillary and that was back in the days when they almost didn't wear any gloves at all they just almost killed hey Jack if she's friends picked him [Applause] Jack Dipsy knocked over power come here to throw you guys back [Applause] [Music] and El Salvador I'm going to show you just a minute of this by the way the results of the beating took the three weeks to do it it was eighteen thousand four hundred nine baptized in water now the technical quality of this film is very poor thank God for the barrier from view is going with me this year it has a hundred thousand dollar camera he's taking it with it and we should be able to get some pictures you can see the there's no sound ask the question if you have just spoken with other Tom's please wave your hands [Applause] [Applause] that they have just [Applause] since the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] except for me now they've been standing there for five hours and when they started dancing there they - for two more solid hours without even changing a course just dance for two more in the open Sun the reason you can't see all the crowd at once is because some of them are under shelter they built a shelter for 40,000 and then it waits out because they're in the bright Sun and the camera has to change for you to be able to see that's a reason the poor technical quality amen but these videos are available and your contribution will be put right straight into a mission account I believe we need to speak the Word of Faith this morning there's a crusade coming up in a few days and Ethiopia you know where the Lord's movements where I want to be [Applause] I'm glad he's gone and this crusade is gonna cost money and brother Koch didn't ask me to do this but it's going to cost a lot of money those poor people that's probably one of the most poverty stricken nations in the world but God is doing an awesome work there and the church needs to be where the waters are trouble you believe that I feel like we need to receive an offering here this morning we need just empty our pockets this little conventions been that way but it's not for a year it's get it over there and we know at least $5,000 and it's right in here this morning let's stand to our feet let's pray I want some of you young man to take those off
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 7,789
Rating: 4.8562875 out of 5
Keywords: Pentecostal preaching, Lee Stoneking, Jeff Arnold preaching, Pentecostal Church, Pentecostal people, upci preaching, apostolic doctrine, prayer and fasting, anthony mangun, BOTT preaching, Because of the times 2015, UPCI, United Pentecostal Church, Apostolic Preaching
Id: jAIbaEBjkt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 35sec (5195 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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