"Fear And Love"

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we are so thankful that you are here these are awesome people of God and I have been blessed to be yoked up with them my first and only time that I preached General Conference brother Eli was right before me so we were kind of we shared that moment together and it seems like we've been in the stream together ever since come and testify praise the Lord everybody my whole life I've heard a lot of great things about this church because my parents were married here they were youth pastors here and I've heard so many stories about the power of God that flowed in this church and the anointing that was in this church because of the prayer and the things that happen in this church and coming here today I can feel it I can feel the roots of the prayer I can feel the deepness of the Spirit I can feel a shift in the atmosphere when you all tapped into the spiritual flow that's here in this house right now I can feel the power of God that resides in each and every single one of you and I want to tell you coming here for the first time it's powerful it's powerful you can feel it God's moving in this house Oh hallelujah wow I can feel it right now thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus we worship You God thank you Lord for the power Lord that you have put inside of this place because of the leadership and the people and the prayers that have been made and the roots of prayer that are in this altar right now we worship You God moving this house and we thank you Lord thank you for having us thank you for allowing me to come and I'm excited to see what God's gonna do today god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you pass Jesus Jesus is in this room [Music] God wants to get close don't shut your doors Bible says draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you [Music] doesn't say draw nigh unto God and he'll show up he shows up to see if you'll draw nigh he showed up to see if you would your own eye if you draw nigh it says I'll take another step but this step will be different it won't be my presence coming so you can feel me it'll be me showing up so I can change some things that you cannot change if you'll just make everybody say one action one action you realize one action can remove a legion of Devils one action the guy at Ghaderi comes falling down one action God says that's enough was 6000 Devils or however you want to calculate that some say - some say eight let's learn some who cares after that many who's counting you may be seated Lord told me to tell somebody this before I really get to go in here that he's not going to explain himself to you because he wants to reveal himself to you because if all he does is explain himself to you then he's only facilitated the question mark you have in your spirit but if he can reveal himself you'll get more than an explanation you'll get a lifetime resolve God's not in the business of explaining himself because that is circumstantially orientated that is based on what you went through what you're troubling what's trialing you what's pressuring you what's trying to squeeze on God says I could take care of that without a question mark but what I'm trying to do is reveal myself to you what you can't get answered just let me get close enough to loose a revelation I know it's strange that you can feel the presence of God here so easily but I can feel fear here too I'm not giving anybody else might one's enough per week praise the Lord brother Matt the Lord told me two words he spoke to me fear love one cancels out the other because it doesn't allow to work but the other cancels out the other where everything works and fear is a torment according to John fear causes now why is fear so powerful well here's the preliminary concept of fear from the enemy's camp and that is why did he choose fear he could have chosen a lot of things but he chose fear as his main product line because he doesn't have faith right because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so the devil doesn't have the word it's not in him so he can't have faith he operates by fear one day I was reading in the scripture and the Psalms and proverbs and I realize it's the introductory structure of God and that is the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom well wisdom was with God on the days of creation that's why the Bible says I was there when the foundations of the world warframe I was there when the Fountains of the deep came forth why because wisdom was the counterpart if you will of God's creative voice and that's when it struck me hell uses fear to remove a dimension of the fear of God because of the dimension of a fear of God is God he just erased your creative access to the miraculous and God doesn't just want to do miracles in this room he wants to do creative miracles in this room God I just want to heal your lungs he has the ability to replace your lungs God just doesn't wanna heal your blood disease and your diabetes that's got the ability to change the entire component of your DNA why do you think we're baptized in the name of Jesus taketh away the sin of the world the blood base DNA the moment you come into this church you just made a covenant with a brand [Music] you know everybody that gets baptized ought to get healed too I believe when you get baptized in Jesus name that's where miracles ought to start he can do him before I know that but they tell me that a bunch of habitual patterns are attached to DNA thought I wonder if anybody's ever done a test before they got baptized of their DNA structure and the things that are test hood and after they got baptized I would be shocked I mean I've actually had the blood of Jesus Christ fall on my arm I don't see that everywhere I go cuz there well I go they wouldn't believe that but I know who your pastors and I know the bishop is and I was in deep prayer and a blood drop fell on my arm and I thought did I get bit I look and I look for a bump to see if something bit me and I started I mean I'm logical I'm not an idiot okay some of you didn't even respond but regardless I'm not an idiot and I'm in prayer in the church we've been praying for hours blood drop falls on my arm and I thought wow that's kind of weird I thought maybe those are hydraulic pipes you know so help you eliminate some of those things that happen to you when you hear about miraculous stuff you want to use the logic to try to parallel a miracle well if you can explain it it's not a miracle they're out moment you're not explanation what happened you just stepped into the fear of the Lord why cause of fear the Lord God can say let there be light and there was light with the fear of the Lord God can say let there be a firmament all of a sudden stop move celestial II to rest early this stuff comes into order just by a word why the foundation you just opened the door to the creative dimension of pop no wonder hell keeps trying to attack our minds with fear that a lot of it off and on is come try to mess with your mind and come to put seed in there and then you you think on it you wake up thinking and all of a sudden you start a cycle and you think that's what you're supposed to live with it's leaving today the cycle process of your mind is leaving today God is restoring the fear of the Lord upon your world so the nervous condition that you've been having for a season will be replaced with a peace there is no nervousness so God can restore what's been bro fear of God you can study it out on time to preach it the entire series by itself of the four feet of the Lord dimensions of the book of Acts church that started in Acts chapter two and went through several chapters over several multiple of decades in God established the fear of the Lord after he came upon the [Music] introduction the creative son so I pipes are leaking read I don't have a bite I better call the pastor just to double-check so when I tell the story I have enough information that somebody can't weasel their way out of it good some may have to explain the miraculous I'll think about it yeah you never think about going to the doctor you just go and then you bring his report and ask us to pray that's interesting approach why don't you bring his report and you pray and then see what God says about the report and then bring that verdict for the church to pray you know I'm of the belief system not opinion belief system that if I'm gonna invest three hours at the doctor that I should invest three hours at the altar to see who comes up with a better result hey come on if you're gonna spend three hours with the Texans to watch them barely win then don't be afraid Texans have done but I know what my Jesus has done and there's nobody else so I called the pastor said pastor borders us in you have any uh you have to understand he had had anybody get the Holy Ghost for three years three years Murad going nuts you kidding he said brother Hernandez I've been struggling with so many issues here I got so people here that stayed after I took the church in they still think they're in control and so I called him and I said well borders I said yeah hydraulics in those pipes into the church he said no I said that's those are water lines I said okay say yeah I mosquitoes right nice and it's a winner we're in Wyoming so we don't have mosquitoes in the winter in Wyoming I know that's hard for you to imagine you go to work on mosquitoes you try them they're so big in Texas you said everything's big in Texas so the mosquito said hey come on let's go over there no mosquitoes I said okay he said well I asked and I said well I just wanted to check all the parameters because I said tonight it's breaking I said in tonight's services the entire church is going to shift once and for all he said oh that's great news thank you brother Hernandez I said you're welcome goodbye that night mrs. busybody sat up on the organ she was going to control the service her sister sat on the piano she was the other controller hey I'm not here to make anything move I'm just here to follow him and watch him move some vir had that church locked up but the border started singing congregation started singing Spirit of God started moving he looked over at master keep singing say keep singing it's on its way I can feel it already he said okay he kept singing the piano player didn't like the move of the Spirit for some reason that's kind of weird innit how can you call yourself Pentecostal and not like a move of the Spirit that's like being brown and saying I don't like Mexicans I am a Mexican sudden thaw the AUSA other Macky she got up and stomped out and walked out and the spirit got more intense I thought brothers came into this house in the world he kept saying the organ player got mad she stomped on the organ and left out he looked a mess a keepsake Susy walked out the place started mushrooming people are gonna start getting the holy ghost right now over the next I don't remember several minutes one gets it to get it three get it understand there's only 40 people there forget it forget it six get it in one night in one place when God said nothing will stand in the way of hunger and guess what there's hunger in this house the Lord blood of the lamb God God said Let there be let there be let everybody let there be it just says God said and then he said and there was but he gets done with the days of creation and chapter 2 of the book of Genesis verse 7 says and the Lord God it doesn't just say God it adds Lord for man of the dust of the ground why because the word Lord there means mercy God said if I'm about to create a human being in this one I'm gonna have to add mercy listen when God took us in our original formation of the best of the crown he actually put mercy in the mix I don't care what you're going through today I don't understand perhaps what you're going through but I can tell you this every single one of us have a mixture of Mercy that God wants to tap in this service today and the Lord formed Adam out of the dust of the ground breathed into his nostrils the breath of life man became everybody say became see it doesn't say you become a sister he became why that's the process to where you're at to her God wants you to be aware I'm at where God wants me to be it's the becoming it's not the initial provision it's not the initial miraculous wolf DJ no miracles weren't designed for you to shout miracles were designed for his glory let me tell you what they're also designed for Jesus proved this point in Capernaum when he went back to Capernaum he said you know the miracles I did here if I'd have done these vehicles in Sidon if you go back and reach side and that's a pretty horrific read that's the same chapter that aligns itself with the description of Lucifer's fall and he says if tyre and sidon would have seen these miracles they would have what repented a long time ago he said what I was hoping after I did a miracle in your life is that you were to repent why because a miracle doesn't open the heavens repentance does so but I can't get you to repentance until I do a miracle but after I've done a miracle it supported most it's supposed to motivate you to repent why because once you repent heavens on your side once you start saying god I'm sorry well because it's leading you to a particular position what is that that where the blood of the Lamb can take away the sin says sin interesting it's not plural why there's a root system there what's the root system it's the word it's the literal word in the Greek offense thought isn't that powerful the day you get baptized in Jesus name he removes the offense root out of your life the only way to get offended after that is you got to swim back just that's the Israelites he opened the Red Sea for it to cross for them to cross but if they want to go back to Egypt guess what it's hard work you got a swim back he said I'm gonna remove the offense root system when you make covenant with me that's why according to science I've got several books I can refer in relation to this that 70 to 80% of all sickness and disease is associated with unforgiveness and the first guy I ever heard peach that used to live in Houston he was a doctor I was on an airplane this how far back this goes I was on Continental Airlines that's a little bit ago I looked up and it said forgiveness clinic listen this cat this what he said he said I practiced trying to help diabetic patients blood patients issues with blood and systems for over 20 years he said I never had more success than what I've had over the last year he said over the last year he said now he's not referring to the Bible he's no firm to the spirit world he's not referring to God he's just referring to science it pulled my mind I thought he said I have asked my patients if there's a cause that happened when that particular sickness started in their bodies would they be willing to go back to that place and just release those people from what they did to their lives and I tried it with a woman she said okay nothing else was working I guess I'll try it's gonna be kind of hard he said I understand say if you don't want to do it that's why she said no I want to try it because I'm pretty sick and so she tried it came back a month later he tested her he said you know what your numbers are improving she says you know what I'm doing what you said and she came back the next month he said this is amazing he said your numbers are better than last month he said would you keep this she said if it's working I'm doing it she did it for six months at the end of six months all her numbers were back to normal this is what he said in that I was about to jump out of that plane but I didn't have a parachute I so excited I could harvest and myself I thought are you kidding me this guy's talking about science he doesn't even know what a move of the Spirit is he doesn't even feel what you're feeling in this house literally allow us to come close what could he do in a matter of days that doctor said I've practiced for over 20 years in this he said but I must admit I have had more complete success with this one thing than every other thing that's ever been tried in my medical field it blew my mind is sort of me on a journey God quickened me at that moment to start studying this whole business why because wherever there's offence love can't work in offenses like the germination paint for fear to operate and then fear starts this whole torment process until it gets you to get used to it once you get used to it you consider it a part of you and you start living that way what are you trying to show me you said tell my people what you found out so I started studying you ever wondered why by His stripes are healed I mean that's kind of a weird assimilation of that scripture to healing as I looked in the law looked in in the prophets I looked when I tried to figure out how why is it that by His stripes we would be healed I made no sense to me until one day it dawned on me Oh hit him that cat and ninetails with glass in it rips the skin blood starts squirting out but here's what doesn't happen he doesn't get offended what's the first thing that happens when somebody strikes you why you want to strike back all right come on give me a good old Baptist not if you can't do a Pentecostal amen I'll take it just don't give me a Catholic Cross that on it okay no offense my wife was Catholic okay so you can do this okay praise the Lord she don't want to say it I say it don't worry we'll make you a Catholic austell don't worry we'll let you keep part of your name don't worry about it just calm down you'll be all right you're in a house of healing right now God's gonna heal stuff you thought was impossible I said God's got a heal stuff you thought was absolutely impossible my god you feel that you know what that was that was the whole moving of angels that's what you just felt right now you know I they've come here not to look at us the moment they touch you there's feeling in their wings upon your body your mind your soul your spirit o clap your hands all ye people somebody give a voice under guard in the house he's come to love he's come to love you they beat him again bishop they beat him again they beat him 39 times with stripes he never retaliates he does not get offended and nothing can attach itself to him and the Bible says and with the stripes no attachable point with histories you were healed all manner of healing was released after those 39 stripes that's why Jesus could say that Satan had nothing in him why because heaven operates by love hell operates by offense I guess I'd be offended too if I got fried and somebody throw me out and I saw this root system this was a vision it had a healing in it and as the root system begun to produce upward fruit came forth I just found this prophecy this morning Wow these fits Wow thanks God it was already there I didn't write it God gave this to me some months ago he said one roots are healed the fruit that comes forth heals everybody that eats of it he said tell my church this youth this morning he said tell this church when I produce the healing I've been talking to you about inside your personal lives everybody that touches you will get healed i stir and you're about to produce fruit that when people just touch it healing comes off it and comes into their bodies they won't even need to make it to the house of the lord while they're standing there in your influential environment so Adam and Eve they're covered in glory that's the first naked before sin then they're covered in shame that's the covering after sin naked do different dispositions from a different viewpoint one is from the effects of heaven one is from the effects of hell and you'll always go for cover cuz nobody really likes to walk around naked can I get a witness thank you so glad you responded we call those people lunatics right so you have to choose your covering based on your influence or the coverings either gonna be glory or it's going to be shame so if you look at Adam and Eve's life before they sinned they were covered in glory well hell hates anybody that's covered in glory because he understands if you speak from a glory dimension the things that will happen will he'll deliver set free and I feel a witness of the spirits so strong my legs are all wobbly when I first came up here they wobbly right now why because God is getting closer when God gets close it's not to kill us it's to cover us think about this for a second we had the same mom my brother he's a couple of years older than me yeah and we lived in the same house had the same mom got the same food okay didn't wear the same clothes I wore everybody else's clothes because that was the youngest hand-me-downs are always cheaper but mom come down the hallway and you could hear her footsteps now Adam and Eve hear God the Bible says in Genesis 3 and 8 that they heard God walking the quando to appear innocent signore since when did God have legs God is a spirit if he's a spirit how did late show up and feet cuz they could hear him walking wait a minute that's after they sinned because before you did something wrong in your house and mom came down the hallway with food it sounded so sweet it sounded so loving you could smell those tortillas he frijoles Rossi and black-eyed peas and boyo loco for people that don't know what restaurant to go to when they want Spanish food and you can hear it coming down the hallway by its smell but after we did something wrong brother mother got Itoh and here comes mom you know what her footsteps sound like then the man why'd the sound change same mom same food same atmosphere same smell it's my perception I'm no longer perceiving through glory I'm now perceiving through shame and god's visitation sounds different I want you to study that chapter when you get some time okay and notice the whole dialogue that's taking place here after Adam and Eve sinned they think Oh God there it comes hide why they got shame when you have God shows up the tendency is to pick up put up blockage why fear has a hold of your mind your perception of what God is about to do has changed and instead of thinking he's coming to love you you think he's coming to judge how the sun-god comes in the garden they're hiding behind twigs and figs and treason Adam it sounds like it's the same God speaking here and change this voice they've changed their perception sounds like Darth Vader it's got a Tweety Bird get the comparison okay young people I'm sorry that has nothing to do with you you didn't even know what I'm talking about God calls out of me since where are you I heard I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid since when did the voice of God make you afraid last time we talked you weren't a friend last time you heard my voice you weren't afraid what changed he said well did you eat of that tree watch what Adam does still on it turbo God says okay I'll ride your path she looks a TV says what have you done it's the sorry sis fault you know what I noticed when you're covered with shame the more shame you have the more you blame others I'm trying to get you to Vulcan is what I'm about to - doesn't have to do with your mistake toward me it has to do with my love toward you so he gives them both commands women you'll scream while you have babies man you'll sweat when you work what do you think God did that for think about it for a moment you know when you're having a baby they're trying to push that child out you think God did that so you could remember every time you made a mistake the time you're at work and you're sweating doing hard labor and sweats coming down like I'm sweating right now you think I'm remembering ah I failed you that time what you think God gave them commands for commands were not designed so you could be reminded what you did wrong commands were designed to bring you back to love that's why John said the command of God and the glory of God the command is the pathway not a judgment how do you know that read verse 21 verse 21 chapter 3 book of Genesis in our Holy Bible watch this you get to verse 21 the Bible says that God made coats well I would have loved to seen that skin job you think you can skin a deer fast mr. church lease yeah since I left you I've been hunting a few times I got converted here I've reaped about 25 deer in the last nine years that's some good meat oh don't get all environmentalist on me or in Texas for God's sakes God those animals watch this verse 21 says he covered him wait what a shock three they thought judgment was coming in all of a sudden they feel coats coming over God says you misread my footsteps Oh clap your hands give a voice give a praise no honey glory you get back to glory stuff God healed you thought was impossible to get healed the only thing he cursed was the ground and the serpent you never cursed at him and either he gave them Commandments that's why Commandments are so important why because they lead you back to the love of God he said but I just want his love you can't comprehend his love without the journey of command that's impossible there's people that have lived in the church for years they still don't understand the love of God there's one thing for God to love on you but it's another thing to understand that he actually does really love me personally yeah I meet people all the time in the church baptized filled with the spirit and they have not yet learned how to gravitate to the love of God and so God's trying to get rid of fear why so the replacement can be the fear of the Lord why so God can start doing stuff creatively you ever watch God work when you're asleep no unless you're having a dream but when you wake up you look back you go how'd that happen oh my lord you fixed why because when you went to bed you let go you shut down your frontal lobe and your conscious will dimension and God said good now that they're asleep I'm gonna get to work what would happen if love would teach us how to do that while we're awake one time I was driving down the road this thing had not turned I couldn't get this thing to turn it off it was contractual based on a certain thing we were trying to get processed I pray I got declared i I tried bunch of stuff you know what this isn't working forget it just I'm just here I don't know what to do this is great I'll just leave it with you you're God anyway hello preacher was telling him that so I'm driving down the road I'm just rejoicing in the Lord I'm singing to myself you wouldn't want to hurt it and I'm just having a good old type of the phone rings and the other voice on the other line says taken care of I said huh who's this Kevin I see like Kevin so-and-so yeah like Kevin's also say it's taken care of I said like everything he said yeah like everything I said you tell me the truth he said would I lie to you I said I'm not sure I said are you lying to me no I'm not lying to you he said it's taken care of check is headed that direction I wanna hang on while I have an accident I'm driving I said bro I gotta get off this phone I'm driving I'm about to scream my head on these city okay yeah I'm really good she said you're excited over that he said that was one thing do you know how many other things I've already got lined up that I want to take care of but your fear has you attached to them lift your hands right now you can feel it it's all over this room just worship the Lord say Jesus I let go I let go nothing is worth trying to hold on and manage myself when nothing is turning on this particular situation or that particular situation so god I let go a cannibal erotica Abba hiya I let go and I'm gonna let you have your will your way and I'm not gonna suggest what I think God happened next god I just release it into your hands into your will into your order and into your timing in the name of the Lord Jesus if you did it say I did it here that God said against I did it it's yours God which means you won't be talking about it at the table why now worried about it shale to pressure relief right now take place lift your hands again God's just removing pressure right now by reason of his presence like we talked about the other night Honda called oho seaport I had Pacala Bora ha there go your nerves in alignment there goes your disks that are gonna come in to order now here comes your stress level that's gonna be reduced because the holy ghost is coming to minister on you right now by the love of God this shuttle ah bhai I said abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost it's in this room love has come to cleanse you and cover you love has come to cleanse you and cover you for God so loved the world that he notice it didn't say God is in love with the world he said for God so loved the world right no I cuz he's not in love until there's a covenant why that's an engagement I mean I love you all but I'm in love with her why we got Covenant baby and we got a baby by covenant I Stefan why because when I'm in love with someone now I'm jealous if somebody tries to take him away God doesn't become a jealous God until you make oven it with why he's not in love with you you haven't made a love covenant but honey as they say in the south since I'm here let me tell you something you got baptized in Jesus name God grace you of this spirit and how you think you're gonna walk away they tell you what to start praying over people that aren't coming to the house of God faithfully and they have a covenant with God just ask God God would you get jealous on them for me it's hard to run it's hard and it's hard to wrestle with you in this house over the years Oprah Winfrey walked out of the Baptist Church because she said I don't like the fact that God's a jealous God that's because she didn't understand covenant once you understand covenant why do you think God's so patient with us why do you think you could get baptized get filled with the Holy Ghost start living for God trip all over yourself make a big message you feel so shameful you don't want to come back and God keeps loving you that's not God condoning what you did that's God saying we got a love contract we got a love contract and I'm gonna go through I'm gonna go through all kinds of things to get you back cuz your money nobody thank you scars lover and God will make sure some of you're stunned right now don't be stunned he said Nicodemus says hey how'd you do that what John chapter 2 how'd you do that how'd you do all their miracles in the temple nobody threw you out I was standing right there during those feast days and I watched you heal people that didn't have a right in the temple they came in you healed them you left them how'd you do that oh oh well let's see you want to learn how this works okay you have to be born again water and of spirit you can see it can enter without being born again why I'm gonna introduce you to glory glory Nicodemus I know you're a little scared you got friends that don't quite agree with you and you came by night and you're a little hesitant why cuz fears got you trapped that's what religion does you know why religion doesn't work because it starts from Earth trying to get to heaven you know why this works because it started from heaven and came down to earth this is not a religion this is for God so loved the world and Nicodemus is trying to comprehend the love of God by the laws ever by the laws that didn't lead them to love they led them to physical disciplines laws designed to lead you to love not good habits it will include some good habits that's not it's gone he said alright bye we know you come from God okay okay okay let me help you Nicodemus this is a spiritual thing because what lost glory in the first place was a spiritual attack so what will restore glory is a spiritual embracing let me embrace you spiritually so you'll know you're covered and we can lose the whole fear trap okay you know what people say well I don't have to do all that stuff I just have to believe on the Lord no people do that that's the same context why they don't want to expose themselves why they're afraid who wouldn't be I mean you hear God in a different fashion and you know the concept of sacrifice is far removed from the mentality of Christendom it's been replaced with the concept of blessing I guarantee if that guy would a title title that book live the sacrificial life nobody but about it why cuz we get intoxicated with blessing why cuz you can get blessed at a distance you don't have to get close but you let God get close and your perception starts changing while you're looking at your failure not your destiny God's coming to you God's coming to me based on my destiny not my failures and nobody knows it better than me because when God told me to come back to Houston and sit under this man of God and God spoke that to me very clearly and I didn't want to do it I said God I do not want to go back to Houston that is the city where I failed you God said I didn't ask I said that's true but I still don't want to go but I'll go why he said I want to bring you back to the place where he'll said I have him so I can show everybody that he doesn't I do no God would love to do right now that for hell's sake I mean there's a lot of reactionary speech that talks like that you know Devils Devils gonna be shown by God no no no God just wants to live on why well he's loving onion there's so much prophecy here I'd spend the next hour at least in prophecy if I got into that but I'm not going to because it's like scripts all over the building he knows what that looks like they just start popping up everywhere and it's like everywhere you just look at somebody's like oh goodness sakes I got a turn now then I look over here it's like you gotta be kidding me and and it just keeps going that's been happening the whole time I've been preaching but here's what I hear God saying wouldn't it be so much better if you just came close drew nigh unto me and let me skin another animal if it will but this was not an animal this one's on a cross Bloods coming down from his head to his toe and he's sane but come to cover you one more time and this time when I cover you I'm gonna make covenant you want to make covenant I'm gonna love you to health love you to wholeness love you to completeness and thus John writes in the book of John when you look and the love writer of the book called the Bible begins to describe this great God in first John chapter 4 verse 18 there is no fear in perfect casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love why do you think the greatest by word over the last couple of years has been perfect substitute I mean how you how you go to come on seriously go to restaurants like can I take your order you order simple things like perfect perfect perfect be right out perfect how's your milk oh it's pretty good perfect by law we live in such a mess the perfect world I mean come on seriously you go to the convenience store and it's perfect and I thought you know if everything's perfect nobody needs anything what a great word to put into the subconscious of man that way there's no room for change but God said no he that feareth is not made perfect in love why for this is the love of God what that we keep his Commandments why the keeping of the commandments keeps us on a path where he continues to love us to wholeness in Constance I'm making you whole that move of God right there I'm making you home I'm fixing this little part right here I'm making you home keep drawing I keep getting close why I'm making you whole I'm creating something that hell's not gonna recognize when I get done and when it looks at you it's gonna wonder how that happen because everything I'm doing I'm doing under the blood of the Lamb and when you're under the blood of the Lamb it's hard for hell to see you just tell the Lord I'm gonna be healed tell them tell them I'm gonna be healed now think about something say it again I'm gonna be healed that's right think about whatever area of your life you want to think about say I'm gonna be healed just thank him for that right now god I'm gonna be healed thank you maybe you didn't think it was possible maybe you're starting to get close to that compartment or that doorway or whatever it is and just I'm gonna be you thank you it's gonna happen it's gonna happen not just happen it's gonna happen to me it's one thing for it to happen it's another thing for it to happen to me all right why cuz the most difficult faith to have is the one for yourself I can believe God for anything in your life Michael anything why I don't live with your details you live with your details I don't know the details even though you're my nephew I don't know the details of your life but you know them inside out right here and God is trying to tell you Michael take it upon yourself you tell yourself yes God it's true I can feel it for me I know the details and I'm saying it in my world I can feel oh you don't know what I've gone through you forgot who he was but if you live my life you don't understand maybe you forgot he understood he say well if so-and-so wouldn't have done something you know then I could believe God we're not talking about so and so don't ever measure God's love based on somebody else's errors god is now looking for your justification he's looking for access give me some access let's stand give me some access excess just draw nigh everybody that's willing to give God some access maybe not all but just some come to the altar everyone that's willing to give God some access maybe not all just some come to the altar everybody who's not that's okay Stan you're beautiful it's your choice but if you can bring yourself to believe yeah I think he might be able to take care this love showed up in this house quite a while ago in this service love started working so fear started reacting why cuz love shows up fear jumps up and fear says no you can't do that why happened too many times this could go right back to it you're not gonna make it God says oh no I'm gonna put an ingredient inside you that's gonna cause the turn that ingredient is called love that ingredient is going to get stronger and stronger and stronger one Dirigo love is in its place I've got a love covering glory has come into place of where there used to be shaming I'm not living with shame I'm done with shame I'm done with the torture of fear and shame it's [Music] then the eloquent a bolding attorney I here closed the case when he said here's how to get there vulnerability open yourself up I didn't know they had that discipline cycle God said here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna love you step by step until you're completely whole look at somebody with a big smile say I'm on my way to being completely whole [Music] what you're looking at is not who they are what you're looking at is somebody that's headed in a direction that can be accomplished by themselves in cars just showed up to wrap his arms right around you and say come here come here I'm gonna help you no I'm taking this away I'm taking this away I'm putting this in its place god never takes something out without replacing it hear me god never takes something out every time I watch God took out a kidney the other day when I was in Chicago last March I was standing in a pulpit a woman had a dead kidney two dead kidneys in her body and I looked down and I man told me says she needs a miracle no goodness I didn't know how bad I didn't know the kidneys had been dead for seven years they won't work as she was like 22 years old and she was just trembling and crying I said okay let's pray say God you know I'm asking you to restore these kidneys and replace them do whatever is easier I mean I don't know what's easier to give Malka sinned you here to bend down and take the energy to pick up there that God chopped off and put it back on I don't know ask God it's like Bill Gates what takes more time to waste the time to stop pick up a hundred-dollar bill or just keep walking they said it would cost him more to bend down pick up a hundred-dollar bill because he had so much money I'm thinking okay well Bill Gates ain't nothing I got Jesus it probably cost him more energy to bend down pick up there just create another one now proof either way here's what I do know God walked in he's a new convert she's trembling tears running down her face I said do you feel heat she got done crying he said you need to let her tell you actually what actually huh I said what happens to sit these kidneys I had were dead she said the doctor said there's no way they can work she said and I felt something moving my back then I felt heat then I felt them work she said it's like I have brand new kidneys I said you do [Music] this may not be kidneys but here comes a brand-new set here comes a brand new set I've worn out this part of my life God says don't worry I'll just take that one out put another one I got plenty of spare parts [Music] I'm gonna just replace it for your trying to work on trying to get them better let me just replace him that's called spiritual surgery that's what's about to happen to you right now the spiritual surgery is in this house would you raise your hands would you lift your voice and just worship Him don't ask him don't plead with him don't say help me just worship just worship Him worship Him worship him while you're worshiping him God make over at all there's the ages of the Lord there they go there they go they're starting to touch they're starting to turn they're starting to change something that's happening in your spirit body mind soul beat by the authority of your word Jesus by the power of your name Jesus by the anointing that is coming upon us now Jesus by what's flowing into the body mind soul and spirit and beam of humanity in this house Jesus local a Baha that God but God come close let God come close let him cover you [Music] healing is on you let it begin to trickle down your body parts let it begin to trickle down your spirit chamber let it become a trickle down yourself [Music] that's a cry out cry out cry out cry out until you're speaking in a heavenly language while heaven works on our souls [Music] to I want you to become like the cup start taking it in healings coming to you right now be like the sponge absorbing it healings coming to you I don't hear me not just physically not just emotionally not just merely but entirely over your head [Music] yes [Music] fill it with your spirit now turn to somebody that's not from your house to somebody but the connect let the body [Music] house [Music] fine [Music] [Music] a trustee [Music] and freedom [Music] you need [Music] [Music] my a trustee [Music] I preach [Music] to [Music] lift bye [Music] look [Music] trusted [Music] any longer your perfect love is casting now fear [Music] it is your will that [Music] [Music] minister to somebody we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're is casting you [Music] you
Channel: The Church Triumphant Pasadena Texas
Views: 4,251
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Id: 8GL4zsZS-5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 55sec (4735 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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