Faith Takes It and Patience Keeps It | Gloria Copeland

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Oh [Applause] [Music] what a good group excited about the word they just look great after Peleliu father we love you we love your word we gather together in the name of Jesus to hear from heaven we set ourselves to hear to obey to walk out what you teach us today and we give you all the praise we thank you for blessing us with insight with faith revelation and we give you praise and all the glory in Jesus name Amen amen hallelujah you may be seated [Applause] well we're going to have faith school today and tomorrow we're going to have healing school so how can we beat that faith and healing I'm telling you it's important that you grow in faith I remember when we thank you when we got started and we were we didn't know very much we were born-again spirit filled but we didn't know much about the word and we were in debt and we didn't know any better than to be sick and stuff like that that you don't have to live with hallelujah so when we began to hear about faith we we knew that was the answer we knew that's what we've been looking for and and it has held true for over 50 years in our lives glory to God we prospered we've been blessed the Lord's blessed us with whatever we ask him for and sometimes it took a while but you can't be quitters how long does it take the pale at the house forty years so what if it took two or three to pay cash for one that's not bad no more payments glory to God hallelujah and she say the thing is that the Lord is willing he wants to bless us that's why he's given us all these things to work with like faith he's prospered us the under the curse if you would study if you've never studied the blessing and the curse you should do it because the blessing part belongs to you and none of the curse belongs to you so you can you can take the scriptures and that tell you that and stand on it and be blessed in all the things of your life hallelujah and Ken and I've enjoyed that blessing for many many years and it's all the Word of God always works when you take it in faith and you say it and you do it it'll work for you so we're going to talk about faith today first faith is a key to whatever the promises say the to receiving the promises so let's look at Hebrews 12:1 and 2 first today and we will just go until you get tired and then we'll quit well maybe we'll quit Hebrews 12:1 and 2 this is the amplified bible it says therefore then since you are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who have borne testimony to the truth let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance unnecessary weight and that sin which so easily and readily and cleverly clings to us and entangles us and let us run the race the the with patience and endurance let us run the what race with patience and endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course run the appointed course with active persistence the race that set before us well when we first started out we didn't have anything really we had just old furniture and you know early goodwill stuff and we had that ken was in debt when I married him I was so young I never said do you owe anybody anything no I never said that never even thought about so he was in debt I had a little debt and that's the way we came into this world of marriage and then shortly after we found out about receiving the Holy Spirit we found out Ken's mother and dad I had none in my background there was no connection to the spiritual life are the people you know there were good people but they just didn't know how to live them by faith or living the word and Ken's mother and dad were very serious Christians and his mother was a prayer and she wasn't praying for me and she didn't really like it when I came into the family but she got used to me and I appreciate her very much because she did pray I'm telling you ken was an only child and she smothered him with her prayers and it worked then look at him today he's great she she prayed me had a perfect night hallelujah even though she didn't notice for me she was praying so so we learned how to walk by faith we we you know it takes a little while to get switched over from natural thinking the spiritual thinking and the Lord was maneuvering us we went to Tulsa ken winched Tulsa to work with brother Roberts flies airplane and that put him in all the great evangelistic meetings that were still being held at that time he saw all kind of healings and the right and miraculous thing he got to go to all the meetings while I was at home with the children and I was studying my Bible too and so we we just began to grow and we begin to learn from brother Hagin who was in Tulsa too at that time when we went to all of his seminars he had for 10 days seminars one every quarter the year we were there and I don't know if he ever did that in that many again or not I don't much think he did but we got our training Kim got brother Roberts and brother Hagin and I got brother Hagin and I'm telling you we didn't we found out the word about the word and we just got a little glimpse and then those 10 days seminars he'd have two meetings a day brother Hagin would and we would not miss I don't care if it was iced over what it what was happening outside we'd get in the old car and we'd head over there we never had an accident or in trouble and we didn't miss any meetings hallelujah unless Ken was somewhere to preach and I don't I don't think we missed very many I don't think we missed we were in town and we fed ourselves with the Word of God we learned how to live by faith now here's the deal this might be an encouragement to you if you can learn how to put food on the table pay the rent you can grow up and be strong in faith to believe anything that you desire that agrees with the Word of God I mean there's no part harder than the beginning when you don't have anything and say like we were we we didn't have any you know worldly goods we had old everything okaro furniture over in house but but we begin to believe God one thing at a time you know we begin to believe God for whatever it was we needed even if from starting from like - zero and so it doesn't matter where you start with faith in the Word of God it matters that you do start and you can catch up quick and even though say it took us I believe it took us ten months 10 or 11 months to get out of that well where would we have been if we hadn't have done that we'd have been staying in debt so it's worth the effort faith is worth the effort hallelujah believe in God is worth the effort so let's look at first of all we're going to look at some things in faith the name of this his faith takes it and patience keeps it brother Hagin taught us that faith and patience are the power twins how many of you in here were were really seriously under brother hate Kenneth Hagins ministry quite a lot of you well it had absolutely totally changed our lives we were serious after the Word of God so let's just look at some scriptures on faith Hebrews 11 or no Hebrews 12:1 and 2 I'm going to read from the Amplified Bible therefore then since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses and it had just said said of course in in Hebrews 11 the Hall of Fame faith Enoch and all of the and Rahab and all of the great people of faith that had gone before therefore then since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who have borne testimony to the truth let us and here's what we learn to do let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance unnecessary weight and that sin which does so easily and deathly and cleverly cling to and entangle us and let us run the we're running the race let us run with patient endurance and steady active persistent the ax persistence the appointed course and I think that is so accurate in describing how you learn to walk by faith and how it describes how what what our life was it was not easy but it wasn't easy to be in debt either and so at the end of our our begin we began and at the end of the time where we got out of debt and we began to receive the things we needed by faith that that is when we said in brother Hagins ministry and we we didn't miss those meetings we we you know and I said v.i.c I didn't matter what the roads were doing we were not gonna miss the word so hunger for the word is a great thing and if you're not very interested in the word you most likely will not ever arrive at the place that the Lord really has for you which is a good place everything good everybody ought to have a good home everybody ought to have good vehicles everybody ought to have good things in their lives that belong to the Lord Jesus Christ because after all he paid the price of the curse of poverty sickness and disease all kind of lack the everything bad it's a good thing to look at the curse because you can find that and then you can go to Galatians which we may do today sometimes 3:13 and you can find out that if you're in Christ Jesus you've been redeemed he redeemed us from the curse and that curses man it is treacherous it is everything it says every sickness and disease whether it's written down there or not is under the curse so as you learn to walk by faith you learn to walk free of the curse if you do it right now what is right well right is you know like a proverbs 4 says pay a tenth it says attend to my word you you we have to pay attention to the word we have to attend to it like a nurse attends to a patient we have to take it in our eyes if we want to be strong we have taken in our eyes in her ears let it get down in our heart and then we have to say it out our mouth that's the way faith is released that's a short lesson on faith but that's how it works so if you don't take it in your eyes and your ears you're not going to have it in your heart if you don't have it in your heart it's not going to be in your mouth because the Bible says out of the the mouth the heart speaks out of the mouth how the heart comes words whatever is in unit if unbelief sinew and abundance that's what you speak in abundance if faith is in you in abundance that's what you speak you say well I don't think I could ever get to where every word is a faith word well why not why not get to where you don't say anything that'll work against you but only those things that work for you I tell you you can train yourself you can get so much word in your heart that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and you quit talking unbelief and doubt and on occasion if you do say something that you know is not right you say I rebuke that and I commend those words to fall to the ground not what I say and then you say something different don't you know the devil hates that that you could just say something so unbelieving and then repent and say something so strong and faithful he couldn't get over it there's nothing he can do about it though you know why because he's a defeated foe Jesus took care of him here's what he's God he has got a big mouth he's a liar and he's a thief the Bible tells us he's a liar and a thief so all he can do is kill steal and destroy and he cannot kill or steal or destroy from a faith person if you'll stand in faith if you'll believe God you'll come out glory to God spirit soul body financially in your job we have so much advantage in life living out life if we know what the Bible says and if we don't know what the Bible says we don't have faith but if we know what it says we stand on it we put it continually and our eyes and our ears we get that word in the midst of our heart and it's just there I'm telling you just comes out you don't you don't have to really once you get accustom and walk to walk in it you don't have to think about now let's see what is that a positive thing to say or is that against faith or is that for faith no you get the way you speak out of your heart and your hearts full of the word which means it's full of faith glory to God so we've really got it made so Hebrews 12:1 and 2 says that we take we strip off from ourselves every encumbrance and the sin which so readily and cleverly clings to us we don't have anything to do with sin we endeavor all of us we that are serious about God we endeavor not to sin we endeavor to walk in love because we don't walk in love we just sin and we can do that if we'll stay in contact with God I mean you don't need to be mad and get angry at people and fuss with people you know the worst thing you can do to somebody who's mad at you is love them that just irritates the SAP out of somebody that they can't make you mad be sweet be kind if you can do that at home you can do it anywhere I'll say no more about that but that's where it really counts and we we learned to walk in love and we learn to not be touchy or fretful or resentful pay no attention to a suffered wrong think of just the blessing that could come up on everybody's home in lives if they weren't touching our fretful if they didn't get their feelings hurt if they just rolled all the world suffered wrong and said well that's okay I forgive me I bless them what happened well you just went free but what happens if somebody does you wrong and you take it up as a cause they did me wrong I don't like them I despise them they did me wrong well they're still doing you wrong because you're you're letting the wrong make you wrong and you know what that leads to it leads to not being healthy it it leads to affecting your finances it leads to affecting everything in your life the best thing we can do for our children is racing with in love and a love home with love parents who speak well of each other who treat each other well so that our children and our grandchildren go and on down the line we'll learn how to live in harmony and how to live in the love of God it's an awesome thing to be able to look walk in love and we've been born again with that love of God shed abroad in our heart hallelujah so it's not something that we have to seek it's something we have to yield to so Hebrews 12 says we we strip off every we we strip off and throw us out every encumbrance every unnecessary weight and that sin which so readily and deftly and cleverly clinks to us so walking out of love is a sin for us that's our commandment and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course run the race that is set before us run it in law run it in faith looking away from all that will distract to Jesus who is the source of our faith the author and the finisher of our faith he for the sent joy that of obtaining the prize that was set before him endured the cross hallelujah and we can live a life of peace here swears that should be a description of our life this is the fruit of the Spirit if you're walking in the spirit love joy peace patience goodness kindness faithfulness and self-control how does that sound doesn't that sound good well that's God's will for us that's the fruit of our reborn spirit we've been born again in Christ Jesus with that fruit on the inside of us that's Galatians 5:22 where the fruit of the Spirit is listed so that's in us now we need to yield to it act on it what would be the opposite of all those things being selfish just caring about yourself and not your family or not your loved ones not each other but love is not touching think about how many marriages would have survived just on that one thing love is not touching if you're touchy you're missing it you're out of love you're not keeping the commandment our commandment is to love one another even as Christ loved us so if we're not walking in love if we're touching fretful or resentful which is opposite of walking in love it's not we're not going to have the blessing of peace and all that comes with it so you know if you realize and people have been raped people have been raised in homes of strife and and they've learned that and you know from the time they were children maybe you were raised in that from the time you were a child but that doesn't mean you have to stay that way now you can fill your eyes and your ears for the word of God and you can get so strong that you can walk out this love walk under any circumstances it's a powerful thing but here's how powerful is somebody can do you wrong really do you're wrong and you have the power to forgive glory to God that's what Jesus said 1 forgive if you have aught against any that covers a lot of territory so we should never have unforgiveness so well why are you starting with that because that's one of the most important things you're gonna have to get hold of if you're going to walk in the blessing of God if you want to walk in the supernatural and that's where I think it's the best place to walk I love walking in a supernatural it's worth any Christ you have to pay to walk in the supernatural so then faith so let's talk about faith Romans 10:17 faith comes faith here's faith believes a word mark let's go to mark 11 that's the the famous faith scripture this is how you learn if you're in faith this is how you see what it takes to be in faith glory to God I'm glad you came today thank you very much I'd be so sad to be over here nobody here all right let's look at this faith in Mark 11 this is the faith thing this is what you learned what faith really is in mark 11:22 it says Jesus this is Jesus message on it so we know it's very accurate jesus answered them answered and said they saw it remember Jesus went by the fig tree he went over to get some figs there were no figs there was no fruit yet it was time for fruit and he said this he said to that victory you can talk to trees you talked to cars you can doctor people you can talk to anything houses house come in Jesus right you can talk to cars cars come whatever car you call for so jesus said this to them when the fig tree he passed by the fig tree and he said to the tree no man eat fruit of you again forever that's what he said just a few words so when they came back by the he and his disciples came back by they were astonished at what they saw that it was just a few days later if I recall right and that fig tree had dried up the Bible says from the roots now that's important to us in our faith because when we want to change something to really change it we need to go to the root of the problem and not just the leaves around and what seems to be obvious so here's what Jesus said they said to him when even was come they went out of the city and in the sir in the morning they passed by and they saw the fig tree that Jesus spoke to in the same chapter that he spoke to they saw the fig tree dried up the roots its overnight that sucker dried up why because jesus said no man eat fruit again forever of you those roots begin to drop and by the next day they were dried up the fig tree was dried up and Peter calling to remembrance said unto Him master behold the fig tree look look Jesus which you cursed is withered away see that's what happens with our problems but how that's what happens with dead it's a debt is a curse if you don't believe it you're not in debt you know it's a curse if you if you are so when you begin to operate by faith in the Word of God and you do what it says money wise and financial wise and you sow and you tithe and you're faithful and you believe God you begin to prosper and I remember days of our prosperity being dried up from the roots anybody in here can identify with that dried up from the roots as somebody said we were so poor we couldn't pay attention but finally we did pay attention first meeting can't ever preached out of in full-time ministry just about was in Tulsa and he had enrolled his thirty year old freshman I was at home with the children and we had to know we have gone to he'd gone to the carb lot in Little Rock that's where we lived before he moved to Tulsa and he had just so much money which wasn't very much I don't know maybe $400 I don't like so he he told the guy he knew the guy he told him what he needed a car for this amount of money and which was an old car you know so he got this old Oldsmobile and the guy said it's got the end I believe if I'm right the engine had just been redone in it and it was a good running car it was just old but you know we paid cash for it it didn't it didn't take months and we paid cash for it and off we went to Tulsa in our car in our old car and we had a little old house with paint peeling off the walls and it was so bad that can painted a room in it I'm telling you that's serious maybe two rooms don't remember how much you painted but you have never seen him with a paintbrush again in your lifetime our mind but it was so bad I guess he felt sorry for me and he painted he painted this little room you know and then some more of the house it was poverty did you know that poverty is a curse if you have if you don't know that you've never been poor if you've been poor you know it's occurs and it's a curse that Jesus redeemed us from so here's how faith worked he said Jesus said have faith in God when they were astonished that the fig tree had dried up for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things that's important I've got that word circle things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said I think you can take that two ways you have to believe that whatever thing you say comes to pass and you you need to have faith that whatever you say the things that you say the things that come out your mouth come to pass now we learn that early in those days of after we moved to Tulsa brother Hagin was having seminars we went to every one if it was icy snow it didn't we went day and night when Kim could go in the you know he was enrolled in school and so we went over there we began to learn about faith faith the same kind of things I'm sharing with you right now we got out of debt in 11 months we we began to pay cash for the things we needed and as you know it didn't take us long to get moving week we got we paid all those bills off glory to God and now we're we're going to operate without credit we're gonna pay for things well it took us a while to get you know a new car it took us a while to get a good a decent house but how long does it take to pay one off I mean didn't take us 40 years to get it glory to God so it's paid something maybe it might be difficult for a little while but if you'll get your faith on it you can get out of debt and stay there and still have abundance of everything why because now you're knowing how to believe God you can believe God for the car to pay it off you can believe God for the right job you can believe God for the house so I don't know how you'd ever believe God for a house well you just do it same way you did a car or anything else you just lay hold of it and do it it took me a little while to think in a little while to pay cash for the home we wanted to live in permanently you know for the rest of our lives but man is it ever worth it no payments think about it glory to God no payments nice house big house what if just what we wanted no payments now we didn't do that for a few years some years but all the time in those years we were endeavoring to do things and pay cash and evering not to owe anybody anything is it a sin I don't think it's just saying I think it's not as good though as paint cash how many of you would agree that it's not as good as paying cash making one say well I just don't see how we you couldn't be worse off than we were but you know if faith works that's just the bottom line so Jesus is telling them about the fig tree he says this whatsoever he Jesus that I'm saying this to you I say this to you whatsoever whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea or whatever it is you're believing for and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe now here's what here's what we have to do we still do this this is what you need to do if you want to live my faith believe that those things I have a circle gone around things which he saith shall come to pass so we have to get into the word until we can believe that those things that we say come to pass now when we believe that those things that we say come to pass we have to get a grip on our words your words are working for you whether you believe it or not but once you make a stand and you want good things in your life then you're going to have to speak good things if I were believing for a house I couldn't say you know I couldn't say well it looks like we're never gonna get a house our few were believing for a car let's you could say well it looks like we're just never gonna have a good car well that's exactly what's gonna happen you're never gonna have a good car you're never going to have that house you're believing for you you know and that's just a way to you say well I don't think it's fair I think when you get accustomed to it it's pretty good because here's what brother Hagin had a tape called you can have what you say and that's exactly right and then then I think he said this you're saying what you have and that right have me I'm not going to ask for a show of hands but just think about if a lot of those of you who are in debt you've got debts that you haven't been able to pay how often do you say we're never going to get out of there we just never going to get out of debt how will we ever get these debts pay well if you can get them paid but you have to do it by faith and if you do things but faith you have to say right words you can't say I'm sick I'm sick I'm sick pray for me that I'll be healed we pray for you the you be healed your husband your wife pray for each other that you'll be healed and then you'll say I am so sick the next morning you wake up you know I just feel lousy I'm so sick I think I'd have a fever you're gonna have to get on or get off you can't ride both horses you can't say curse and get blessing that's about the shortest way I know to say it you have to say a blessing to enjoy blessing you have to say curse to be saddled with the curse because Jesus said it right here I say that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass so if you want to walk by faith that's what you got to do you got to come to grips with what thing soever comes out of my mouth that's what's coming to pass and that helps you to get control of your words if you're believing to get out of debt don't say we're never going to get out of debt say I believe we receive our debt freedom and every time you write a payment to that situation that you owe money far you say thank you lord I call this paid in full in Jesus name what are you doing you're calling now for the thing you want to come to pass you're not saying we'll never get out of debt you're saying I called this paid I call this car paid off I called this house paid off I call this bill paid off in Jesus name and that's the truth of the matter we're faced concerned whatever you call it's what's going to be manifested good or bad that's just the way it is say well you know I I come from a long line of negative people we'll check them all out how they're doing say if that's the way you want to be or do you want to make a change and quickly and negative and pull it down and start saying what you want to come to pass based on the Word of God believe you receive it jesus said when you pray now what does that mean well let me finish this and I'll get to that believe that those things he shall not doubt in his heart here's what you do you speak to it you don't doubt in your heart you believe that those things plural which you say shall come to pass Ken and I right there in that little place in Tulsa we got a we got a revelation of brother Hagin had a tape called you can have what you say and I'm telling you we got a revelation that our words had power and authority and we started saying what we want to come to pass we started calling ourselves out of death and at the same time not incurring more debt if you call yourself out of that and you keep borrowing money you're not serious about it you call you you you stop borrowing money you call yourself debt free and you begin to do what kids you do well whatever little part you could pay off extra do it pay it off get it out the Lord will help you you'll be surprised in 11 months we were out of debt no I've told this before and I think it's a possibility that Ken barred money on his tricycle because he was in debt when I married him but I was so young I never thought about things like that you know I was in love but I tell you God had mercy on us and he got us the word almost immediately after we he got us the Word of Faith almost immediately after we were born again and we begin to learn things and we begin to say what we want to come to pass ask for it believe you receive it say it how simple can you get ask for it based on Scripture base don't script you ask for it you believe you receive it and what I want you to get today is that that word received means take that's what it means in Greek so you take it when you pray you receive it when you pray you take it when you pray I believe I receive it I take it and I have it and then from then on you begin to call the bodies your body healed you begin to call the debts paid you quit telling people I'm so sick I think I'm gonna die I just don't feel good today quit giving bad reports start saying by His stripes I was healed that's what I believe I'm saying what I believe by His stripes I was healed say I believe we receive debt freedom debt be gone in the name of Jesus we rebuke you you can't come in our lives anymore we tell you to get out and then take action start paying off whatever you can pay off start paying off quit buying new cars and stuff till you get out of debt then you can believe God for your new car glory to God get out of debt your money will go so much further that you have when you're not paying interest if you figured it up and be astounding to you what a difference that makes believe you don't do you say it you say I I speak to this thing to get out of my life or I speak to this thing to come into my life it works both ways good comes bad goes and you don't doubt in your heart but you believe here's the key now you believe Jesus said he shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass so when we come to the place that we believe what we say our mouth is coming to pass now we're getting somewhere so we quit talking doubt unbelief failure and we begin to talk faith we begin to talk results we begin to talk what we believe we receive instead of I don't have because was the Bible say how abundance of the heart your mouth speaks so get the word in you and abundance that you're blessed that these things work for you that you're born again spirit filled and you have power in your mouth to say what you want to come to pass and get busy didn't work for you God's no respecter of persons that's why it's designed so believe that these things everything you say is important those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith that's what Jesus said he said you could have whatever you say therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire this is Jesus therefore I say unto you he's saying it unto you in the word what thing soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them when you pray believe that you receive them or believe that you take them that's what the word means and you shall have them what is it we could misunderstand about that our words are important and here's another part that's important and when you stand praying forgive if you have aught against anything now our commandment is love if we don't walk in love we're not keeping the commandment if we're not keeping the word and doing the word spiritual things aren't going to work well for us so we keep the commandment of love we forgive if we have aught against any that covers a lot of territory doesn't it that's the thing about the Bible that can say so much in just a few words if you have alt against any you forgive if you want your faith to work if you want to live in the supernatural if you want to live the abundant life the blessed life the heal life the peace life you're going to have to forgive if you have aught against any because if you don't forgive then you're not walking in love and love is our commandment glory to God hallelujah that's simple isn't it but it works and that's just the way it is you say well I just I just people have done things for me I just can't let go of yeah you could if you would it's your will if you will to forgive you can get in that forgiveness scriptures and you can forgive anybody of anything think about it say somebody has mistreated you for years and done you're right maybe you were raised in a home where you were severely mistreated and you have ought against the people and and they just you know they didn't do you right and they were bad but you can still forgive them you know what happens when you forgive them you go free of them as long as you have unforgiveness they're still hanging over you they're still causing you harm they're still making you you do without and be hurt and not things not work out for you but if you forgive if you have art against any you go free and we have the power to do that we're told to do it that's the Word of God let's no there's no question about it what everybody did to you you can forgive I think about what's been in the news lately these girls that were kept in a place and mistreated for years and years and years they were kidnapped now now to get their life on track they're gonna have to forgive and horrible things they have horrible things to forgive but they can't hold that unforgiveness and come back to life the way they should and that's the way it is in our lives no matter what anybody's done forgive them turn away and walk away from it say lord I forgive that I pray for them I pray for their salvation and deliverance give Jesus life we have the power to forgive and what's more that's our job hallelu it's what we're told to do so don't hold anything against anybody let it go and then jesus said when you stand praying forgive if you have aught against any that includes everything that's been done wrong or could be done wrong that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses verse 26 but if we do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses well you can't get any stronger than that you don't want to be having anything in your heart against anybody if you can't forgive you won't be forgiven glory to God besides that you're going to enjoy being free of that hurt and resentfulness and whatever else could be holding you back so that's just that is where your faith works now jesus said I think I'm going to read some of the notes I've gotten the margin of this Bible it's a large margin Bible but it is covered up right here but I'm just going to read some things about faith that I've said believe and say and you shall have you are working on the image in your heart to develop it see like you're saying I believe I receive a house you're working on the heart I believe I receive a house how many might do this myself I had pictures I drew see I drew floor plans I had pictures I had it in me this is what I want this is what I believe for so you believe you receive did I get it yes you are working on the image in your heart if it's healing you're working on the image believe you receive your healing I your healing I see myself field I see myself walking I see myself hearing I see myself with plenty of energy I see myself pain-free I called myself pain-free that's kind of praying that gets results see yourself with it you are developing league you believe and say you shall have it I have it I have it you're working on the image in your heart to develop it glory to God the we treat the word is seed Jesus was teaching us to treat the word is seed planted in your heart so it out your mouth you can look that up and study it further in Luke 17 and Mark 4 so it in your heart so it in your eye put it in your eyes in your ears proverbs says get them in your heart and when it gets down in your heart it's ready to be used what are you doing how do you bring it forth how do you bring healing forth if you're believing you received your he don't you say it I take and you begin to take the healing scriptures Jesus himself bore my sickness in them carried by diseases and by His stripes I was healed I taped my healing I take my car I take my house I take for salvation of my children or my husband our family glory to God hallelujah it's ours for the taking what's ours whatever agrees with the will of God and whatever is good is good with God hallelujah amen so we can't say opposite what we want to come to pass jesus said so i say therefore i say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them or take them and you shall have them then he put this in there and when you stand praying forgive if you have aught against any now your prayer you're not gonna have strong prayer life if you're going to have resentment and unforgiveness because our law the law of the body of Christ is to walk in love and we may get - we may read some things about that but to walk in love to love one another not to hold against each other but to love one another if we don't do that then we're we're not walking in the we're not obeying God we're not gonna have a strong faith and also the Bible says that faith works by love in Galatians faith works by love so if you're a person who's tends to be selfish and you're mad and you you don't love people and you think everybody's doing you wrong but you're not doing anything wrong you need to get a grip and check it out and when you stand praying forgive if you have ought against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses verse 26 of Mark 11 says but if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive you your trespasses so it whatever was done whatever egregious thing was done to you forgive them if you don't forgive they're still doing bad things to you but you could stop it by forgiving amen so that's part of love walking in love here's some things about faith believe and say and you shall have you are working on the image in your heart to develop it second chronicles 28:9 29 9 Genesis 11 3 your imagination is prerequisite to receiving words create the image glory to God and Matthew 15:11 says what comes out of the mouth defiles you so our words are so important all the time we should be speaking love words get in the habit and focus in on your words of saint words only words that you want to come to pass and speaking love words about one another hallelujah glory to God otherwise we're not being obedient treat the word as seed plant this is what Jesus taught us treat the word to seed plant it in your heart and sew it out your mouth so whatever word you see whatever scripture you're standing on you put it in your you put it you say it you put it in your ears it gets down in your heart and Jesus also told us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so you get that word in your heart and it begins to come out your mouth and now it's got faith and now it's got power and it goes against the circumstances or the situation or whatever you're believing for towards something good stopping something bad glory to God negative words proverbs 6 2 says negative words are a snare your words count all the time not just when you're in church not just when you're studying the Bible or you're thinking spiritual things what you continually say out your mouth is what you have in your life today the words are your negative words are a snare look at well let me just look this one up for you this is 139 you look it up later if you want to in Psalm 139 it's a very enlightening scripture onwards it is 139 verses 4 and the amplified says well I'm gonna start with 1 Lord you have searched me thoroughly and have known me and you can be a speaking you can be assured God really knows what's there you know my down sitting in my uprising in other words you know my failure and my successes you understand my thought afar off you sift and search out my path and my lying down you're acquainted with all my ways now here's this four is the word when I want you to synonym for there is not a word in my tongue but behold O Lord you know it altogether there's not a word in my mouth there's not a word that I've said that the Lord doesn't know it altogether so does it matter what you say yeah and when you talk doubt and unbelief you're not speaking good things about the Lord especially if you've prayed and that's for it you're saying as good as saying well I asked but he didn't do anything for me people say that all time warden it the Lord never does anything for me what what are you doing for him get in faith get moving get your mouth moving get your eyes and your ears full of the Word of God there is not a word in my tongue but that you know it all together so the Lord knows every word that we say you think well that's just that's just impossible no it's not impossible Psalm says it that's what it is Amen so when you start thinking about getting your words in order and I tell you I know when when you're in trouble it's so hard not to talk trouble but if you want to come out supernaturally you're going to have to learn to speak supernaturally and speak my bills are paid speak my bills are currently speak I'm out of debt speak I am healed even when you're paying what do you do you believe you you've prayed you've asked God for your healing you should have believed you received it which means to take it you should have taken it when you pray and now you have it sometimes it takes a while I don't know why I don't know I imagined it has a lot to do with us we're not we're not up for the count or something but regardless you believe you receive it and you'll get it it might not be this moment but you'll get it so what do you do you stay with it you stay with it you stay with it stay with it you're believing for something in the material realm a house of car stay with it I have it I believed I receive it thank you Lord for my new house thank you Lord for my car oh I appreciate a car thank you lord I believe I have the best job I've ever had tell me where my job is next day you say thank you Lord for my new job show me where it is I'll go I'll go there reveal it to me bring it across my path bring me across their path I believed I've received it so what you're doing you're staying on the god side of things you're staying on the positive side of things with your words Satan doesn't get our words we don't let him have our words did you know that's that's really the big ticket right there your words if you give the devil your words he's got you because you said it whatever you say mark 11 says you can have you say you say wrong you say negative you set yourself up for failure so when you say word you say what God says you set yourself up for success amen glory to God it's not as hard as it sounds but it does take it does take a determination takes a self-control you have to become aware of it of wood of your words if you get in there and you meditate on that scripture that says believe you receive it when you pray take it when you pray if you'll stay with that and say it if you'll have faith in God and do what Jesus said for verily I say unto you whosoever shall say to this mountain to this debt to this sickness to this trouble be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart now after you take action on something with the word of God and doubt tries to come to you that doesn't mean you didn't get it that means you need to deal with doubt shut up devil I remember when Courtney and I see Courtney and I believe it was Courtney and Hurd little brother John John John's children and they were little and Courtney was in the back seat she said shut up devil shut up well of course we won't know what John and John John and Courtney were in about to see we won't know what she was doing what cook what is it Courtney she said the devil told me to break John John's legs I said shut up shut up devil that's the way you got to do you got time to shut up when he tells you to do dumb things so you speak to the mountain you tell it to get into the sea and you don't doubt in your heart but you believe here it is now that those things things the things what thing everything you say those things which you say shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said therefore I say this is Jesus message on faith therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them it would be good I think if you would take this verse out these verses out right here 20 mark 11:22 through 24 or 25 even go down there when you pray just watch your words when you're believing for something keep those words at the forefront of your thinking because that right there is how faith works how faith works that is the vit that's what I mean that was how Jesus taught it and it is the best way to do it now let me just read some of the things I have written down here treat the word is seed planted in your head this is just in the margin of a Bible plant it in your heart and sew it out your mouth you can study mark mark for we pro only have time to do it today Luke 17 mark 4 so or shows the word the devil comes to take the word out that was sown don't let him have it treat the word is seed plant it in your heart so it out your mouth study Luke 17 in mark 4 negative words are a snare proverbs 6 2 and and the scripture says again every word Jesus the Lord knows every word that Psalm 139 for in the amplified God knows every word isn't that amazing if that we think computers are great think about knowing every word of everything anybody in this just this little place has said your words are important heaven knows every word so when you speak words of faith in words of receiving in words of prosperity and healing in health and positive words heaven hears that and goes to work but when you speak words of doubt your fear and lack heaven hears that can't go to work so your words are everything if you are applying here's what Charles Capps says about faith if you are applying the principle of faith it is working fewer if you're saying right words if you're putting words in your eyes and in your ears God's words and you're bringing those words out your mouth and applying it to your situation that's applying that principles and it is working if you can talk about the whole heartedly believe this is true if you can turn it around in your heart and in your mouth so what the scripture says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and the way you get things in abundance in your heart is what you put in your eyes and in your ears and it gets down in your heart when you get the word in your eyes and your ears and it's in your heart and abundance you can say and things will turn around if you can turn it around in your heart and in your mouth you can turn around the situation it takes word diligence his words and your words his words and your words I know when you're in trouble you want to talk your problems people everybody that's just natural thing don't talk to trouble talk the word talk the answer I'm even unit you say you're in debt you know you owe these bills you can't pay and you and your major in bed at night and you can't sleep for thinking about the bills don't top the problem if you have to get up out of bed and go get your Bible and read the answers that you're standing on if you're believing God for something you should have scriptures that you have prayed over and stood on and receive faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God we turn faith loose by the Word of God we make our stand on the word his words and your words that's what it takes his words and your words saying is our responsibility that's our part we are to believe we receive it and we are to say it we have it we have we don't say I hope so we say we believe we received it when we pray that's our part do I have to do this no you can do without if you want to his words and your words saying is your responsibility the Holy Spirit will manifest himself according to what he hears how can you get it in plain in that I heard normal hey say that the Holy Spirit will manifest himself according to what he hears if you don't give him anything to act on any faith words you know he's not gonna do anything faith is is in your mouth faith in your mouth is the instrument to implement what you want to come to pass so I tell you if you want to know if you're a faith person listen to what you say change what you say ken I had to change what we said we could not talk the problem we couldn't talk the dead let you know and negatively we could call it pay but we could say we're never going to get out of debt you create spiritual atmosphere with your words either good or evil and you give the Angels place you give the devil's place and the same thing is true with your healing you don't get supernatural healing saying I'm sick you get supernatural healing from God when you say by His stripes I was healed yeah but you still have the symptoms I'm not looking at the symptoms I'm looking at the word it says by His stripes I was healed this says Jesus was made a curse for me so that I could be healed and blessed and every sickness and every disease the Bible says is under the curse so I've been redeemed from the curse I'm redeemed from the curse yeah but the doctor said you were going to die I've been redeemed from the curse who are we gonna stand with I think God for good doctors but in this case I have to stay with the Lord he said by His stripes I was healed and so I'm gonna say that I'm not gonna call everybody I know and tell him I I got a bad report I haven't got a bad report but if I were in that position I wouldn't do it I just say everything is fine with me I believed I've received my healing I believed I've received by healing that's if they press you for something you can say I believe I received my healing and stay in faith well what'd the doctor say well here's what I say about it I believe I've received my healing well what did what did the x-ray say well here's what I say by His stripes I was healed glory to God you say well I think that's just extreme I think so too and it's just great I'm telling you it's great to be I'm 71 years old now and I am in good health I have no problems I have plenty of energy no sickness or no diseases glory to God I don't have rheumatism I don't have anything bad why because I believed I've received my healing and I'm strong I don't I rarely ever even get tired sometimes I do so then I rest I'll leave but that's not sickness and disease so you have to get a grip met you have to go it get in the scriptures get these scriptures written down get get books maybe where they've already written them down and just go after them and put them in your eyes in your ears and say what you want to come to pass and don't say anything else believing for the salvation of your children what do you do you believe you receive the salvation of your children you said you put say Lord send laborers across their path but they'll listen to I believe I break the power of the devil over so-and-so I believe I received his salvation and deliverance I'll never get off of it I'll stay on it I'm asking to put labourers across this path that he'll listen to and then you get a call or you get a bad report and you say Lord I'm not moved by that I'm not moved by I believed I've received his deliverance I believe you'll put somebody across his path that he'll listen to you just stay right on it you stay right on it whatever it is if you're believing for something than the natural if you're believing for salvation if you're believing for certain things in your life peace stay with it go to the scripture act on it stay with it Jesus name my men and you can just can't be a wimp and and get anywhere because pressure the pressures on you're taking territory away from the devil and he doesn't like it but you got more power than he does in Jesus name hallelujah glory to God you create spit for the spiritual atmosphere in in your life with your words either good or evil evil you give either the angels or Devils place faith from verse 24 that said Jesus that said believe you receive when you pray faith I'm reading you I'm just reading notes right now to you in my Bible here faith is believing you receive because God said well what how can you say you're healed because God said I'm healed how can you say you're going to get a new house because God said I could have whatsoever I say and that's within the will of God hallelujah let's see what else so this is the way God created the earth in the beginning didn't he he said let there be light let there be signs let other stars let there be in things in the firmament hello you let there be well that's what we're doing in our life we're saying let there be healing let there be peace glory to God in our family let our loved ones be saved and break the power of the devil over them believe you receive their salvation and deliverance and every day thank the Lord thank you lord I believe for I have believed I've received so and so salvation I thank you for it put the right people across his path put laborers across his path talk to him see that's how you do things and God you give God a place to move hallelujah words spring the door open to the supernatural your words opens the door to the supernatural your Mountain Jesus had been saying whosoever says to the mountain the mountain be removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done your words your mountain glory to God hallelujah glory to God what else do I see here the difference between hope and faith hope is a good waiter but it's a poor receiver brother Hagin told us that hope is a good waiter but it's a poor receiver hope is good hope is a fine thing hope expects but faith believes it receives hope is expectant faith puts things in action to cause it to come to pass so faith in hope we have both of those glory to God hallelujah and they both are good and they both help us it's sad when people have no hope but we want hope and we won't faith released amen thank you Jesus then another thing about praying and believing you receive is that you forgive if you have aught against any you can't unforgiveness stops your faith if a thought comes back to you cast after you've forgiven somebody cast it down and and say I have forgiven them so you know you hear the devil says to you didn't forgive them and you just think you just say I have forgiven I have forgiven are if it tries to come back and resent my trust to rise up again you say i forgiven them I don't take that I don't receive that we don't have to take every thought that comes to us we shouldn't take every thought we ought to rebuke things that are bad and from the devil and receive the thoughts of God we all dread nuke things like hearing words that say you're going to die young you're gonna be just like so and so in your family and you're gonna die young you tell the devil to jump off the ship in Jesus name you're not dying young I'll not die young I'll live long you start giving long live scriptures I don't have time to do the long life scriptures today but there's a lot of them and it's in my long life book I've go list of them so I believe from Luke studying the Word of God and about healing long life about peace about abundance I believe all that belongs to us and it's just up to us to take it how do you take it you believe you receive it you take it when you pray remember that word now remember this in mark 11 that word believe you receive that word receive is to take that will help you so much in your prayer life if when you pray out over something you you realize you just prayed but you didn't take it you haven't released your faith so when we take it it's when we release our faith like I believe I receive that word means take receive so that word in mark is one of the key things that you use to stand on when you pray I take it I take it I believe I receive it I take my healing I take the salvation of my children I take it it's mine I take it I believe I receive it Lord put laborers across their path get somebody across from it that they'll listen to they men and you know one of the main things about all of this is that we get rid of the timidity and we we begin to be strong in our words say well I don't know if I could ever say that or not well I don't know if you could ever receive that or not either if you don't say it because the Bible says for us to say it it says for us to take it Jesus himself said this have faith in God for verily I say Jesus says I say unto you and to me whosoever shall say to the mountain well if if whosoever doesn't say to the mountain according to Jesus what's going to happen nothing but if whosoever says to the mountain to the problem to the sickness to the Lac to the family situation be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea get out of my life in other words and shall not down and is hard well you know doubt in your head and doubt in your heart two different things you cure doubt in your heart and you affect your head by the Word of God you have the words going in there and your eyes and your ears you get it down in your heart where it talks to you you don't have to be a doubter every time something of unbelief comes up in you or to you you need to take the Word of God to it say no I don't take that if but if you you know you're believing for somebody you get this off a picture that this is going to happen this is going to happen you're not you're not getting results you just say I don't take that in Jesus name I've already believed I received it when I prayed I've taken it and I have it if you get this right here when you pray take it don't leave it laying on the table when you pray take it whatever it is if it's healing if it's deliverance for somebody else take it when you pray and from then on you have it I've have it okay let's say I have a I need healing I pray over that I lift it up to the Lord I take it when I pray I thank you Lord that I am healed of so and so I believe I receive my healing right now and I take it now a few hours later you might have a pain or you might have a thought that you didn't get it trying to tell you didn't get it to like I've already taken it and then it maybe a little bit it'll come back try again too late I've already taken it I've taken my healing and I have it see what are you doing you're taking territory and then you're keeping it don't let the devil take from you what God has given you glory to God that means that works for material things natural things cars houses it works for healing it works for anything that's in the will of God and everything good is in the will of God hallelujah but you got to get forceful about it Jesus said the forceful take it by force didn't he say that the forceful take it by force well that's you and me we're the forceful we take it we got it hallelujah amen and you have to keep a steady diet of you can't keep your faith strong without staying in the word and keeping your eyes on the word every day take time just spend in the Word of God start reading parts or through it or wherever the Lord tells you to start but keep it in your eyes and your ears because that's where faith comes faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that's what makes faith stay you can't live on last year's word last week's word you got to take the word everyday on then say well I don't have time well do you have time to go to the hospital or do you have time to go to the doctor's office or do you have time to go with a lawsuit coming on you because you did something stupid no you don't have time to do those things so take time in this and it'll save you time glory to God hallelujah it'll save you time [Music] amen glory to God stand up let's pray believe God father we love your word we all of us together set ourselves to be quicker to go to the word to spend more time in your word to say your word and we're asking you to help us and we look to the Spirit of God to help us talk to us remind us help us to do the things that we know we should do strengthen us we set ourselves to be Word people we set ourselves to spend time in your word to put it in our eyes and in her ears and bring it out our mouths and keep it in our hearts we walk by faith and not by sight we walk by faith and not by sight when trouble comes we remember who we are we're word people we're faith people we walk by faith and not by sight in the name of Jesus glory to God [Applause] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 33,954
Rating: 4.7513323 out of 5
Keywords: 2372436919001, kenneth copeland ministries, Faith Takes It and Patience Keeps It
Id: 4ApCO_4Z5KU
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Length: 78min 56sec (4736 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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