Faith Stops at the Question - Bishop Paul S. Morton [February 16, 2020]

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I set ratings records for NBC I said revenue records for my company when you start talking about Paula Madison I have never walked into a major business room they see what said man we really did run our family like a corporation but was always for us about entrepreneurship and and doing things together this woman is amazing whether you're talking about entertainment whether you're talking about buying a sports team I'm not the first person to do whatever I've done I'm just the person standing in front of you talking about it you can do this I want to techniques and concepts that would help ordinary people to believe the unbelievable negotiating your way through life yeah absolutely has to be a faith in a belief in a connection with God together we can make our dreams come true I am looking forward to seeing you in Charlotte North Carolina at ILs 2020 with bishop TD jakes i'ma look for you [Music] we'll come on POTUS House skip got some fries in this place come on he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy to be praised you may be seated it is good to be here today and we greet you in divine love to let you know that Jesus is still the answer for the world today supplying needs making ways and I love him with all of my heart I do I do I do thank you dr. Cynthia James doing such an awesome job we appreciate you what a gift what a gift no need of me standing up here today telling you that every time I stand behind this podium I'm nervous because I know who stands here on a weekly basis the best of the best bishop t deeds shakes the set man of this house woo and ladies Serita Jake's where can you find a greater power team and so I am just honored to be here to share and of course I love the Potters house and what you are doing the amazing things that you are doing for the Lord you got so much to be thankful for because you're leading the world as it relates to how church is supposed to be and I appreciate you I thank God for you listen we have come today to allow God to use us for these few moments and I pray that something that we say will help somebody that's all I want to do so that my living will not be in vain I've been blessed already since I've been here I need the Lord I don't know about you anybody need him I need it I recorded a song some times ago some time ago many many years ago many years ago I can't hear you [Applause] [Music] and it just says I need you Lord I just need you like the ocean needs the water or it will run dry I need you like the stars above need the setting of the sky I need you like tomorrow ditch the hours of the day cheap-ass fine lord I need you so here my boku I need you like the ocean needs the water or it will run - ah I need you I need you like the stars above need the setting for the sky eat you like to burrow you see hours of the day [Music] lord I need you more than ever so here my humble cool Lord take my mother home in 1970 and I could hear my mother say son I don't know that song I don't know that song sing something I know it I'd have to say I need [Music] I [Music] yeah [Music] I need [Music] Oh bless Oh bless me Oh bless me Oh bless me me all right now [Music] I come [Music] I just see somebody to lift their head [Music] yeah yeah [Music] I feel it my feeling my feeling I got a breach but I gotta think of before please kill [Music] thank you lord Hey how Thank You Lord the Lord today just food for these next few moments I feel your presence please they did research you notice you have no authority [Music] deliverance I speak healing i sweet blessings it's all the way it's on the way it's on the way and it's all the way you talk the way in Jesus name [Music] hey man whoa [Music] you have your Bibles we are going to go my my my my my my my my my my my my my glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory oh by your spirit we're gonna go we're gonna go to Hebrews the eleventh chapter today I will focus in on verse 11 Hebrews the eleventh chapter verse three you'll find these words through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear I just want to talk for a few moments today on the subject faith stops at the question before you take your seat look at somebody and tell them faith stops at the question you may be seated this year of 2020 2020 physical vision is clear physical sight 20/20 physical vision but 20/20 spiritual vision is totally opposite we walk by faith and not by sight by faith by faith by believing God the Bible tells us here that the world and the stars in fact all things were made at God's command and they were made for things that could not be seen so I'm here to tell somebody today releasing the abilities of God is the result of faith you're not gonna always see it you're not gonna always see it but if you understand this if you believe it it's going to happen in your life but listen if faith is going to be done the process must be right people want to trust God by faith but you got to know the process and a lot of people don't like to deal with the process so the first thing for you to understand if you really want faith to work you got to know and you've got to understand if it's going to work faith stops that's the question I want faith I believe God but my faith is wavering there's there's there's a question there can he do it will he do it I mean Lord what I'm experiencing this is a big thing Lord on me can you really can you really make this way out of no way can you really put a door where there is no door faith stops at the question if you miss any part of the process in God's Word you really miss what faith is all about so I just want to deal just for a few moments I want to deal in three areas as a relates to faith so you can get this today so that you can understand this today so you can walk out of here by faith and trusting God and claiming everything that God has for your life three things faith must be conceived faith must be convinced faith must be confessed convinced rather conceived convinced confessed now faith conceived faith conception is clear in the Word of God it's clear in the Word of God the conception of faith is clear in the Word of God they simply took God at His Word look look look look at people of faith in the Word of God they simply took God and His Word I think they certainly did not see it through their senses they couldn't see it they couldn't hear it they couldn't touch it they did not figure it out in their reasoning because what they were dealing with was too much they had no understanding as a related to how it was going to work so they simply took God and His Word God told them something and through faith they believed it do I need to ask you this morning are you there yet they took God and His Word look at Abraham in Romans the fourth chapter verses 17 and 18 and I'm gonna read from the New King James Version it says as it is written talking to Abraham now I have made you a father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did you ain't even there but I'm calling it like it is there because because I'm conceiving something in my heart verse 18 says who contrary to a hope in hope believe so that he became the father of many nations according to what was spoken so shall your descendants be listen these people were so believing what God had for them and they conceived it in their heart they believed not only would they be blessed but their children and their children's children were people conceived conceived notice here now it was against hope that abraham believed in hope you hope against hope you see Abraham had a problem y'all he had a problem you must remember now he was about a hundred years old Sarah was about 90 years old and God is saying you're gonna have a baby Abraham had a problem y'all what no blue peel out at this time [Applause] this was this was hope against hope but Abraham saw with his eyes of faith and he acted on but he saw he had hope when it seemed hopeless you see the devil wants to place in your mind where you become hopeless and you feel like it's over and you feel like that there is no way out but I'm here to tell you you gotta trust God and you gotta be convinced when it looks like the situation is hopeless I still believe that you are going to do it I conceived it in my spirit what did he see he saw his son he was convinced because God said you're gonna be the father of many nations and you're gonna have this son he saw the beginning of a great nation he saw reality before it became reality it's easy to shout when you see reality when it is reality but can you shout when you cannot see it but you have to believe it and you have to understand that I trust you any half faith conceived faith faith conceived Oh women women of God women of God do you believe you going to have the baby when you see the baby or do you believe you going to have the baby when you conceive and get pregnant I stopped by to tell somebody that's the way it is in the spiritual realm do you believe that you're going to have what God says you're gonna have when you see it or when you conceive it I believe it right in you right now you are about to bring forth it does not matter who can see it it does not matter I have conceived what God says is mine if you can't see it that's alright I see it I know it I understand it Oh God don't you stop that the question did I conceive ah why don't you just high-five somebody tell him I conceived I conceived I can see this word today that God's going to do exactly what he says he's going to do I'm not concerned about my situation I know that the God whom I say he is able to do what he says he's going to do not a conceived you you've got a conceived you got to conceive it you got to conceive it get this word inside of you can conceive it but then secondly Abraham was convinced you can see what God told him he conceived the Word of God but then secondly he was convinced because Romans the fourth chapter beginning at verse 19 says and not being weak in faith that's first thing you can't be weak and your faith because if you're weak in your faith you get nothing if you waver in your faith you get nothing and not being weak in faith look at the Word of God it lets us know right here not being weak in faith he did not consider his own body already dead since he was about a hundred years oh I know people around him saying it for him you need to stop man you're a hundred years oh you ain't getting ready to have no baby now I don't know what God told you years ago but man it's too late now but look he considered not his own body and the deadness of Sarah's womb who was walking around at ninety years old getting pregnant ah but he did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief but was strengthened in faith how do you know he was strengthened in his faith because he gave God the glory don't tell me you've got faith and you can't give him the glory when you're going through you can usually tell people who stopped at the question because they don't know how to give God the glory they stopped everybody before they get out of church you know when everything is going well they the first one out just hear everything going great ah but when they're going through they gotta stop everybody in to pay from you think of me pay for you pay for me thankful be pretty ah but I need you to praise and when you can't you have to be able to praise him in in half I am convinced because I'm giving him the glory I may not have what I've been waiting on ha ha but he's home away and verse 21 verse 21 says in being fully convinced this ain't no halfway stop and being fully convinced that what he had promised what God had promised he was also able to perform how many of you know today God can do it I'm really convinced don't don't play with me today do you know that you know that you know you know you know that you know that you know you know that you know I am so convinced JEP are you better get up much I'm about to get what God says is mine just high-five somebody tell him I'm convinced I am convinced him was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt he not only saw his son through 2020 spiritual vision through eyes of faith but I believe he went beyond that I believe what he saw he got ready for negative folk was around him negative poke was around him negative folk was around him but I could see him looking at the negative folk say I'm going to I'm going to buy the crib for my new baby I could see negative folk around himself getting ready to paint my baby's room because God's already said it's mine I'm convinced oh when you convince you ought to do something about what you are convinced about they used to sing an old song it's not what you look like when you're doing what you're doing but it's when you're doing what you're doing what you look like you're doing it's fresh yourself I'm convinced hey I am convinced what about the problem Abraham what about the problem that worried about the problem but you - oh I'm not worried about the problem your wife is - oh I'm not worried about the problem all I know is God said it and if God said it it's got to happen in my life listen listen you got to you got to see this today Abraham knew Sarah was going to have the baby but what proof did he have did he have a doctor's report no he had the proof of his faith and that is all the proof you need Oh God we walk by faith and not faith is the substance of things hoped for it's the evidence of things I can't see you didn't say you was going to see it but it is the evidence of things not see that's why I'm shouting right now cuz I feel like that's a miracle in this house I feel like I'm not here by accident but this word is for somebody you're getting ready to leave here so convinced you thought it was over but devil questions are out of my way now I'm shouting because I'm already ready got it so do you want to be free from your negative feelings do you want to be free from your frustrations then refuse to believe them and choose to believe God um calling those things that are not as though they were if I have a dog and I'm getting ready to feed the dog but the dog is not there but I'm saying well I ain't gonna call him I ain't go to calm cuz he's not here so ain't no needing me calling and so you sitting there complaining and crying my dog isn't that here my dog isn't that here my dog is not here and somebody across the street hears you're talking about your dog is not here your dog is not here somebody would come and what's what's wrong with you well my dog is not here and I'm just an honest person I'm not gonna call something that's not here I'm not gonna call something is not here but that person would probably probably tell you are you crazy call your dog here doggie call those things that are not and so they were hit on the other hand if the donkey is there right by you and you talk about here doggie here doggie here doggie somebody would look at you are you crazy the dog is there why are you calling something that's already there I stopped by to tell somebody those of you who are broke why you keep calling broke and brokers already say it's time for you to call prosperity you gotta speak some things in your life somebody asks you how you doing child I'm so sick I don't know what to do stop calling what's already there stop calling your healing because the healing is about convinced I am convinced I am convinced that it's going to happen but finally finally finally faith never ever rises above its confession you can thank faith all day long but until that faith takes on the form of confession nothing will final scripture Romans the eighth chapter at the tenth chapter beginning at the eighth verse but what does it say if you own the slow bus this is for you what does if say the word is near you in your mouth your mouth same way over here your mouth is near you and in your heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach look at verse 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you shall be safe not just your so being saved but save from your trouble save from your depression see from your poverty saved you shall ki sake go hungry until going to the next verse it says for with the heart but with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation in other words I'm getting ready to get what God says is mine so the scripture says here it is here it is whoever believes on him will not be put to shame that's why you've got to open up your mouth and confession yell I don't want to confess it with it what if it don't happen look if you confess it you will not be a shame I remember in 2006 I was diagnosed with colon cancer coulda kept it to myself in my people worried you know Oh Lord my pastor's sick he's going through but I stood up and consistent I got a report that I got cancer but I'm here to tell you today I'm healed in the name that was 2006 I'm still cancer-free thank you to touch somebody tell them confess it man don't be ashamed to confess it because Jesus said I got your back I won't let you look like a fool I won't let you be out here all by yourself breathing in this place God is about to do it in a special way today no more questions and I ain't gonna lose stopping at the question so today I'm speaking to somebody to let you know conceive it can see this word let's say conceive this world that you are the head and not that they could see that you will be Plus coming here let's talk get it in your heart get it in your mouth speak it in the name receive it I'm about to Flint for what the devil said I couldn't hurt I am dead look at me like I'm crazy crowded it don't matter somebody said you don't look like you pregnant going around saying you bring your business get away change that change is about to happen I feel a break soon cuz somebody you are convinced the day now open up your mouth and come come that's what you want come that's what you want no I needed I can have it and I may have some witnesses won't he come in and fix it for you I know that you will not go away [Applause] [Applause] I'm sick of the questions when God sends it to my sick of the questions they're trying to hold me back my questions because I'm about to do it about to lose their home but you forgetting about that today I gave you the phrasing and I believe you got a report from the doctor just stop worrying about it if you start praising him contessa time heal it's happening if the father's house [Applause] I know anyway he's turning it around he's turning it around he's turning it around don't sue queue up please don't give up please don't give in to is awful [Applause] promise [Applause] deliver it to second place deliberate is taking place deliverance is taking place thank you for healing thank you for the deliverance Thank You proper power thank you for what you're doing right now I'm gonna send another song but I just feel like because somebody you you gonna stop asking a question I don't care how dry your ground is I don't care what you've been dealing with we getting ready to prophesy so we gonna cook this so high situation that we're coming out I need you just to repeat after me just say I smell [Applause] Oh [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] right [Music] oh the floodgates [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Applause] do [Music] without the booze [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo I feel the rain I feel the rain I feel the rain I feel through anything in here can you feel the [Music] a few break to look at somebody between [Music] Katrina [Music] Quinn and Brennan waiters wear the ring is ready when it rained it went away in [Music] reynad bringing [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the upside [Music] and the sabbatical season I need you to say it and just somebody is convinced of it I need you to say it after somebody confesses [Music] I need you but the anointing it's destroying every you I mean cuz the powers in this place to break everything [Music] [Music] tell somebody it's raining help somebody it's raining [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Lord forgive me for not trusting you when I should have I was asking questions when I should have been praising you but ever you not gonna mess with my mind no more I can see you may take a little while for it to come forth but it's on the way it's on the way it's on the way it's on the way it's on the way I need you to take your seats for a moment Oh God [Applause] Oh God Olga Olga [Music] don't let go don't let go oh my don't you ever let go [Music] don't let go don't let go don't let go don't let go so let go don't you ever let go my favorite woman that won't loose moment is when Sarah introduced her father at the conference I could tell about the millions of lives had changed with his sermons I decided instead to tell about the night that he changed the life of his little girl she had never shared her testimony about being pregnant at 13 I remember after coming back to church my dad made now can I stand up and he welcomed us back into the service and I remember in that moment feeling like he he had my back i sat there and thought about how courageous she was he loosed me from the shame of my past but blessed me and blessed the whole room and it certainly blessed her that it's time to come home [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 136,669
Rating: 4.8567019 out of 5
Keywords: paul morton, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, paul morton sermons, bishop paul morton, inspiration, paul morton motivation, motivation, sermons, paul morton ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, paul morton sunday, paul morton 2020, paul morton sermons 2020, paul morton 2020 motivation
Id: L70S-s2_R6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 21sec (3201 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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